method to one’s madness 表面看似疯狂的举止,其实有它隐含的目的_派派后花园

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[Vocabulary] method to one’s madness 表面看似疯狂的举止,其实有它隐含的目的

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举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2019-05-23 0
在中文里,method是方式方法;madness是疯狂。我们说method to one’s madness,意思是“表面看似疯狂的举止,其实有它隐含的目的”。

There was a method to her madness.

When I was a kid, my dad used to take long drives around the state I grew up in. I thought he wanted to go sightseeing. Then I realized he was looking around for the service station offering the cheapest price on gas. I should have known there was a reasonable explanation for those odd road trips. Yes, there was a method to his madness.


I saw a method to one’s madness.

My colleagues assumed I’d gone crazy when I threatened to resign my position as assistant sales manager. What none of them suspected was that I wanted the boss to give me a promotion. And it worked. Within a week I was running the department. See, there was a method to one’s madness!

有时候,大家也会听到有人说,method in one’s madness,特别是在英式英语里面。method in one’s madness跟method to one’s madness两种说法的意思是一样的。莎氏比亚的名著《哈姆雷特》里面就曾出现过这个习惯用语。
本帖最近评分记录: 1 条评分 派派币 +3
  • 、醉眠

    派派币 +3 2019-05-24

    Thanks for sharing!

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