辨析:age, years, old, etc._派派后花园

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[Vocabulary] 辨析:age, years, old, etc.

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等级: 热心会员
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2019-06-27 0
(1) 问某人年龄多大,通常说“How old are you?”除了在正式英语中,“What is your age?”不是很常用。

(2) 表示年龄,可以只说数字,或者数字+“years old”。

He's thirty-five (years old).他35岁了。

At the time she was but a girl of not more than ten/a girl ten years old/a ten-year-old girl/a girl half your age.


(3) 此外,表示年龄还有一些说法。

He's a boy aged ten.他是一个10岁的男孩。

He's a gentleman of about sixty years. 他是一个大约60岁的绅士。

He's twenty years of age.(of age 是书面语,口语用old) 他20岁了。

Their ages are 4, 7 and 9. 他们的年龄分别是4岁、7岁和9岁。

Fred died peacefully in his sleep at age 81.


At what age do children start school in your country?


Children usually begin school at the age of seven/at seven years of age.


When I was (of) your age, I began earning money to help support the family. 当我像你这么大时,就开始挣钱养家糊口了。

I have a son (of) your age/a son the same age as you.


They two are (of) the same age./They two are (of) an age.他们两个同岁。

She ought to be earning her own living at her age.


He died in the sixty-seventh year of his age. 他67岁时去世。

【注意】此处,of one's age 是某人活到的年龄,前面有一个说明年龄的序数词。这是非常正式的用法(如在纪念碑、讣告中),平常只说“in his sixty-seventh year”。

He won't be called up for military service; he is over age/he's passed a certain age or age limit.他不会被征服兵役,他已超龄/他已超出一定年龄或年龄界限。

He found he couldn't enter for the scholarship, as he was over age.


He's very healthy for (a man of) his age/his years.


I'm your junior in years, but very much your senior in service.


I'm junior/senior to him (by two years). 我比他年龄小/大 (两岁)。

I'm his junior/senior by two years./I'm two years junior/senior to him./I'm two years his junior/senior. 我比他年龄小/大两岁。

I'm your senior in years, but academically, you are senior to me.


Three days before Christmas 1983, she moved into an apartment she could barely afford, where she and her sons, then three and four, could start over. 就在1983年圣诞节前三天,她搬进了一所几乎住不起的公寓,在那里她和两个儿子,一个三岁,一个四岁,可以一切从头开始。

She leads the normal life of a child about to turn 10. 她过着一个快到10岁的孩子所过的正常生活。

(4) 此外,还有一些说法。

be of (full) age 成年                

come of age 成年

a person of (full) age 成年人attain full age 到达成年

be over age 超龄

under/over the age of ten 不到/超过10岁

under age 低于规定的最小年龄或未成年

a person who is getting on in years/who is advanced in years 上年纪的人

be in the prime of life/be in one's prime/be at life's flowering 风华正茂,年富力强

He won't be called up for military service this year, for he is under age.

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