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[Exam] 托福口语满分回答——地点篇

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等级: 派派文编
配偶: 叶暮晞
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2018-10-09 0
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► 托福口语小段子 ◄

Some people relish the challenge of moving to a new city. Others prefer to live close to their family. Which do you think is better?

Moving to a new city is something that I can thoroughly recommend. Here’s why.

First, moving provides a fresh start, a chance to rebuild your own persona. Being surrounded by the same people and surroundings made me feel stuck in a certain role. Through exploring an all-new environment, I have been able to become the person I want to be and recreate myself.

Second, seeking out different experiences and cultures will allow you to gather a broader knowledge of the world. Learning new things and hearing new ideas will make you a more rounded person and place you in a better position to succeed. With all these benefits, why not try moving to a new city?

1. Outline:
Move to new city > closer to home
R1: new environment can rebuild and recreate oneself
R2: gain knowledge and experiences become well-rounded person
获取知识经历 提升自我 全面发展

2. Vocabulary
fresh start 全新开始
例句: But experiencing failure can be a learning experience and an opportunity for a fresh start. 但经历失败也可以是一次学习的经历和一次重新开始的机会
stuck in 陷入
例句: Hamlet is stuck in a dilemma, “to be or not to be?”
: 生命中的这个节点
broader knowledge 知识面较广
rounded adj. 丰满的,全面的 字面意思是全面的 这里最好意译为一个更丰富的人
例句: Successful managers need to be well rounded people.
recreate [,rikrɪ’et] v. 重建 娱乐
例句: Once love is broken, you can never recreate it alive.

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  • 、醉眠

    派派币 +12 2018-10-12

    Thanks for sharing!



等级: 派派文编
配偶: 叶暮晞
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2018-10-09 0
Many people nowadays move to big cities for work and study. What are the advantages of moving to big cities for work or school? Explain why.

CNN:Turns out cities are safest places to live
7 Benefits of Going to School in a Big City

Working or studying in a big city can be great if you enjoy the hustle and bustle and crave access to new possibilities.

First, a big city equipped with modern infrastructure makes people’s lives convenient and efficient. With thriving public transportation, from buses to the subway, you can get around a lot faster, even if you don't have a car. It's also incredibly cost-effective because some schools and companies provide a pass to use public transport for free or at a discounted rate.

Also, when you go to school or work in a big city, it's a rare occasion that you'll be stuck in your apartment. Not only are there plenty of campus or company events, but you have an entire city at your hands. You can spend your days exploring the city and attend local concerts and comedy clubs at night. You'll never run out of something to do when you move to a big city.


1. Outline
R1: big cities make people’s lives convenient and efficient 大城市使人们的生活方便高效。
R2: big cities opens up endless possibilities 大城市有无限可能永远不会无聊

2. Vocabulary
hustle and bustle:熙熙攘攘,忙碌的生活
thriving public transportation:越来越发达的公共交通
modern infrastructure:现代化的基础设施
rare occasion:小概率事件
run out of something to do:无事可做


等级: 派派文编
配偶: 叶暮晞
举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2018-10-09 0
Some people believe that it is better for small children to grow up in a small town. Others think that it’s better for them to grow up in a big city. Which do you think is better?

Based on my own experience, I believe that it’s better for a kid to grow up in a big city. The following reasons should elucidate why I’m that way inclined.

First is the exposure to a more diverse group of people. People in big cities tend to meet and get to know people of different races, religions and social classes. This is less true in a small town. Thus, living in a city prepares children for life in a diverse society.

In addition, children growing up in the city typically have more opportunities when it comes to education. Most cities offer a variety of magnet, charter, private and public schools, which have to be competitive with one another (in price and quality) to keep their doors open.

Lastly, cities offer better social support services, such as libraries and recreation centers. Although these services typically exist in small towns, city facilities tend to be better equipped.

1. Outline
R1:exposure to diverse group of people 接触更多多样化的人
R2: more education resources 更多教育资源
R3: offer better social support services 提供更好的社会支持服务

2. Vocabulary
diverse 多样化的
magnet magnet school 精英中学 特别才艺学校
charter 特许公立学校 美国的一种在州政府帮助下由家长、公司等办的学校


等级: 派派文编
配偶: 叶暮晞
举报 只看该作者 地板   发表于: 2018-10-09 0
What's your favorite place to study?

My favorite place to study is the campus library. I am at my most focused and efficient there for the following reasons.

First, libraries provide us with an almost unlimited source of papers and articles. If you need to find materials for your research paper, the staff are willing to help you find related scholarly articles through an online research tool. Moreover, it goes without saying that the library houses a decent selection of books.

Second, the second floor of my school's library is a great atmosphere for relaxing and writing. There are large windows with a nice view of the woods behind campus, and the comfy chairs and quiet atmosphere always make studying a lot more fun! With tons of resources at one’s fingertips and all the warm-hearted librarians, the library has already become my second home.

decent selection:相当好的,恰到好处的
at fingertips:或者是at one's fingertips,表示在手边,唾手可得


等级: 派派文编
配偶: 叶暮晞
举报 只看该作者 4楼  发表于: 2018-10-09 0
Which of the following occupations do you consider the most important for a city, a policeman, a public transportation worker, or a building designer?

A policeman, as it is not only a hugely important occupation for a city, but also is highly respected in our wider society.

Policemen try their best to save lives every day. In our minds, policemen are always pulling victims out of burning cars or providing first aid and basic life support to shooting victims. There are other duties of policemen that influence our lives. For example, speeding tickets improve traffic safety.

Furthermore, policemen can sometimes act as life mentors to people who are on the wrong path. Drug addicts, gang members and thieves, people who do harm to the city, are timid when they encounter policemen. Policing is an opportunity to show these people a better way, which may play a huge role in their future lives.

Finally, policemen have abilities to deal with varied problems. Police work is some of the most varied out there; one day you could be doing paperwork and filing, the next you are out on the street. A wide range of different accidents happen in the city every day, and no one can solve such troublesome problems as quickly and efficiently as policemen.

1. Outline
R1: save lives 拯救生命
R2: become life mentor for people who are on the wrong path 成为走上歧路的人的
R3: have varied abilities to deal with different problems 有很多能力解决不同问题

2. Vocabulary
first aid: 紧急救助
wrong path 这里指走上歧路的人
Drug addict: 吸毒成瘾的人
gang members: 帮会成员



等级: 派派文编
配偶: 叶暮晞
举报 只看该作者 5楼  发表于: 2018-10-09 0
Some people prefer to spend their vacation in the countryside, while others prefer large cities. Which do you prefer and why?

I prefer to spend my vacation in the countryside, for many reasons.

First of all, when in the countryside, I am able to smell the fragrance of grass and flowers, hear the birds sing and feel the gentle breeze caressing my face. All of these things are impossible to experience in big cities nowadays. The countryside is an ideal place for both relaxing and exercising.

Secondly, spending one’s vacation in the countryside can be quite economical, which is an important consideration for students like me who are not financially independent. You don't need to be able to afford expensive transportation and room costs in the countryside. Instead, only a small car equipped with a practical GPS, carrying a group of good friends is required in a rural setting.

Outline 更喜欢郊外度假
R1:better environment and atmosphere 环境好氛围好
R2: more affordable and economical 更加的经济实惠

breeze 微风
caressing 爱抚 这里相当于把微风拟人了
rural 农村的,乡下的



等级: 派派文编
配偶: 叶暮晞
举报 只看该作者 6楼  发表于: 2018-10-09 0
Describe a time when you tried to do something that you had never done before. Explain what you did and why.

“If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done.” – Thomas Jefferson.

For the past weeks, I have been immersed in a building project that I have been dreaming about since last summer; I am building a playhouse for my two boys on my apartment’s balcony. I have no previous building experience, but slowly and steadily the small building is getting closer to completion. I must admit that it has its faults — just a glance will reveal that it wasn’t built by a professional. But I have created something, and that can be the start of a great new passion and a lifelong adventure.

One of the best things about this project is the fact that it has opened up an array of new opportunities. Doing what I have done many times before leads to predictable results. To make room for new possibilities, I need to do something different.

The project has also got my creative juices flowing. Working with completely different tools than I normally do has opened my eyes to many different and exciting ideas for future projects.


等级: 派派文编
配偶: 叶暮晞
举报 只看该作者 7楼  发表于: 2018-10-09 0
Would you prefer to live near your workplace/university or far from it?

As commute times have gotten longer and longer, many of us find ourselves spending long hours behind the wheels of our cars. Here are some important benefits of living close to where you work.

First of all, living near your workplace can make you a more reliable employee. When bad weather strikes, those who live farther away are more likely to experience difficulty getting to the office. If you live nearby, your commute is likely to be less problematic. In this way, your boss will be inclined to rely on you. This reputation for reliability will serve you well in your career.

Secondly, choosing to live close to your workplace can even improve your health. If you live close enough to walk or bike to work, you can be reaping the benefits of exercise while you make your way to the office each day. Even a small amount of exercise every day can be beneficial, and incorporating that exercise into your daily routine amplifies those health benefits.

1. Outline
R1:can make you a more reliable employee 可以使你成为一个更可靠的员工。
R2: can improve your health 可以让你变得更健康

2. Vocabulary
commute 通勤
behind the wheels:掌舵,文中意为开车
bad weather strikes:坏天气来袭,strike经常和earthquake等词连用
daily routine:日常安排


等级: 派派文编
配偶: 叶暮晞
举报 只看该作者 8楼  发表于: 2018-10-09 0
Do you agree with the preservation of old buildings?

I agree with preserving old buildings. It's an environmentally responsible practice.

The most crucial element of building preservation is the fact that it’s environmentally friendly. An immediate advantage of old buildings is that the building already exists. Therefore, the energy required to demolish and rebuild can be used elsewhere.

Also, there are some sentimental and intangible benefits of historic preservation. For example, people can commemorate the past and appreciate the inherent aesthetics of the building's texture, craftsmanship and style thanks to the retention of history and authenticity.

But the foremost benefit of building preservation is the fact that its alternative — demolishment — is a one-way street. We can never be certain what will be valued in the future, and there's no chance to renovate or save a historic site once it's gone.


1. Outline
R1:environmentally friendly 保护环境不产生建筑废弃材料
R2: intangible benefits such as commemoration purpose 无形的好处例如纪念意义

2. Vocabulary
environmentally responsible practice 环保的做法
immediate advantage 这里可以理解为显而易见的好处
intangible 无形的 触摸不到的
commemorate 庆祝 纪念
inherent aesthetics 自身所内含的美 内在美
texture, craftsmanship and style 质地,工艺和风格
retention 保留 扣留
authenticity 真实性 确实性
a one-way street 一条单行道 means no coming back 无法回头
renovate 更新 修复


等级: 派派文编
配偶: 叶暮晞
举报 只看该作者 9楼  发表于: 2018-10-09 0
Should your government build a library or a park in your community? Why?

I support the assertion that the government should build a park because good facilities contribute to the general quality of life in the community. A community with good parks and other facilities is a more pleasant and sociable place to live, with a lively outdoor and cultural life. Residents spend more time in the community, and therefore are more familiar with one another. This contributes to an amplified sense of community.

What's more, good parks can make the community more attractive, physically. Well-designed parks, especially when they're part of a comprehensive community plan, can add greatly to the pleasant atmosphere of a community. Parks can include flowerbeds, grassy lawns, benches, playgrounds, picnic areas, and sports fields, as in Central Park in New York or Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. Parks are the lungs of a city, offering green space and fresh air to people who otherwise may seldom experience anything but concrete and exhaust fumes.

sociable place:友善的,好社交的
grassy lawns:茵茵草坪
otherwise:否则…… ,一般与might/would等词合用表示如果不然,就会如何如何,是常用的写作句式
concrete and exhaust fumes:混凝土和废气,与绿色对比,代表了社区里不健康的元素


等级: 派派文编
配偶: 叶暮晞
举报 只看该作者 10楼  发表于: 2018-10-09 0
Do you prefer to study in the classroom or outside the classroom?

Personally speaking, I prefer to study outside the classroom. I feel this way for the following reasons.

First of all, outside learning exposes students to new opportunities. Museums, galleries, zoos and farms can be of great interest to students, acting as places in which we can find out how things are made and maybe even engage in some interactive learning. Through creating a memorable experience, knowledge is more likely to take root.

Moreover, learning outside the classroom fosters the use of “systems thinking.” As a mini-ecosystem, the outdoor classroom emphasizes the interconnectedness of all things. Through exposure to the intricate web of life, we come to understand that complex natural and societal systems often require holistic rather than linear solutions.

Third, it blurs the boundaries between academic learning and creative play. When a teacher asks who wants to go outside, every hand raises. By preserving a person’s innate sense of curiosity and wonder, outside learning promotes active engagement. Through showing that learning can be fun, members of the class become lifelong learners.



等级: 派派文编
配偶: 叶暮晞
举报 只看该作者 11楼  发表于: 2018-10-09 0
If given the chance to travel to the Moon, what would you bring with you?

The first thing and most valued thing in my suitcase would be the feather of a falcon. The Moon has no air, and hence no air resistance. It’s thus a great place to demonstrate Galileo’s principle with a falcon feather and another heavy thing.

My second choice would be a really powerful telescope with a great camera and tripod. This would enable me to watch the overall landscape of the earth. The Great Wall, the Himalayas and the Pacific Ocean would be there for me to explore. Moreover, with the telescope and the camera, I could witness the smog diffuse across the globe and record it for people on the earth. I would also take a piece of rock from earth to the Moon. Since we take rocks from the Moon, I feel like we need to leave something for aliens on the Moon.



等级: 派派文编
配偶: 叶暮晞
举报 只看该作者 12楼  发表于: 2018-10-09 0
When choosing a restaurant or café, what are some important features you look out for? Why?

Well, one of the most important features I care about when choosing a restaurant is its service. Nothing irks me more than sitting down at a nice restaurant, excited to begin the meal, and then waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting for someone to come over and take my order.

I also don’t like it when servers take away one person’s plate while someone else is still eating. That makes the person who’s still eating feel bad. The clearing of plates, and how that’s handled, is a good way to judge a restaurant.


等级: 派派文编
配偶: 叶暮晞
举报 只看该作者 13楼  发表于: 2018-10-09 0
Your university plans to open a cafe inside the campus library. Do you think this is a good idea? Explain your answer.

Personally, I agree with the university’s proposal. A café inside the campus library is a good idea for the following reasons.

First, cafés give stressed students an opportunity to relax. They are bright, vibrant spaces with something for everyone. Students will be encouraged to come along, relax and have a coffee on our huge curvy sofas. Dine at the funky tables and chairs or even continue working at one of the many flat screen PCs.

Second, if there is a wide variety of food on offer, all fresh and made to order, students will flock to the library and they will thus learn more. If you fancy something a little naughty, the library should serve Danish pastries, muffins, cookies and large slices of cake. They could also serve great coffee, delicious smoothies and some chilled frappés to keep you cool.



等级: 派派文编
配偶: 叶暮晞
举报 只看该作者 14楼  发表于: 2018-10-09 0
Some people like to live in traditional buildings, while others prefer to live in modern ones. Which do you prefer and why?

For the following reasons, I prefer living in modern buildings.

First, the design of a modern building is usually unique. Some of these modern designs may be boxy and flat roofed, but they certainly manage to be anything but boring. Would you rather live in a one-of-a-kind, state-of-the-art home, or one with a traditional design that mimics the one next door? Modern architecture is anything but cookie cutter.

Second, modern buildings are warmer. A large number of modern designs feature elements that are naturally warm and inviting, such as wood and stone. With floor-to-ceiling fireplaces, vaulted posts, beam ceilings and large windows letting in light, who would ever choose to live in an older house?



等级: 派派文编
配偶: 叶暮晞
举报 只看该作者 15楼  发表于: 2018-10-09 0
Choose a destination that you like to visit with your friends and explain why it appeals to you.

The reasons for visiting coffee shops extend beyond the quenching of thirst. Coffee shops are popular because they serve as ideal places to spend time with friends or read books. “Coffee shop culture” can be explained in the following ways.

It dates back to the Middle East several centuries ago. People first gathered in coffee shops to exchange views about political events and scientific problems. In fact, many scientific discoveries can be traced directly to coffee shop conversations.

Most coffee shops have a cozy atmosphere. They are places where you can sit for hours as you sip your coffee. People go with friends and family to chat and relax after going shopping, or meet up just for a gossip. For me and my friends, one of the highlights of hitting the coffee shop is enjoying gourmet coffees and a muffin. When smelling freshly roasted beans and sipping a beautifully crafted espresso macchiato, I sit wondering what life would be like without coffee.

  • 际遇之神

    奖励 2018-10-09




等级: 派派文编
配偶: 叶暮晞
举报 只看该作者 16楼  发表于: 2018-10-09 0
Some students like to sit at the front of the classroom. Others prefer to sit at the back. Which do you prefer?

Students in the front row tend to be more eager, like a particularly chatty person at a bar. Their seating choice says: “I want to be part of the conversation.” It also says: “I’m smarter and I’m getting an A in this class.” Can’t a teacher spot this strategy? Of course. However, the teacher has seventy-five minutes to kill and it’s a lot easier when people participate. They are consequently unlikely to discriminate against the eager.

The students who sit at back do so because it allows them to goof off without getting caught. Some kids may also dislike sitting close to their teacher.


等级: 派派文编
配偶: 叶暮晞
举报 只看该作者 17楼  发表于: 2018-10-09 0
If given an empty piece of land, would you rather use it to build a garden or a playground for children?

Compared to building a playground for children, growing a garden in empty land has many more advantages.

Improving your health is one good reason to grow a garden. Eating fruits and vegetables is a proven way to stay healthy. Many studies have found that people who eat more fruits and vegetables suffer less from cancer and chronic diseases. It’s a lot easier to get more vegetables into your diet when they are growing affordably right in your backyard!

Besides, this isn’t the only heath benefit gardening offers. It’s also an easy and enjoyable way to spend time in the fresh air and sunshine, getting healthy, moderate exercise. Most people agree that gardening is pleasant and relaxing, and it has actually been clinically proven to alleviate stress.


等级: 派派文编
配偶: 叶暮晞
举报 只看该作者 18楼  发表于: 2018-10-09 0
Would you rather live in the city or the countryside?

Most people find it comfortable to live in quiet places. They crave tranquillity and safety. But I prefer cities and busy places. Here’s why.

First, you will be exposed to constant conversation, which can be fascinating to overhear. How does a person turn a phrase? What kind of voices do the speakers have? Gravelly, sweet, annoying? This simply can’t be experienced if you live in the middle of nowhere.

Second, when you want to do some creative work at home such as writing or drawing, noise may inform your work. The sound around you might lead you to a new creative idea. Life happens in the noise, so I choose to live in real life.


等级: 派派文编
配偶: 叶暮晞
举报 只看该作者 19楼  发表于: 2018-10-09 0
Do you prefer outdoor or indoor games?

It is better for all of us, especially children, to play games outdoors.

Many studies tell us why indoor play is detrimental to children’s growth. Outdoors, a child learns on multiple levels with each new adventure. Through creating imaginary castles, lands and creatures, the brain develops at a much faster rate than it does if you’re stuck indoors.

There are numerous other positive effects of outdoor play. When children play outdoors, not only do they perform better academically, but they are also more fun to be around. Everyone wants to play with the kid with an active imagination! Consequently, children will be much happier because, if they play outdoors, they’re more likely to be smart and have lots of friends. All of this comes from just playing outside; you can bake many loaves in the same oven. There are even more physical advantages of outdoor play than mental ones.

Obviously, if a child is playing outside he/she will be way more active than the child that stays indoors. The great thing about this is that it can have long-lasting effects. Years down the road, the child will still be more active and less likely to be overweight.
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