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[Exam] 托福口语满分回答——文化篇

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等级: 派派文编
配偶: 叶暮晞
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2018-10-03 0
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► 托福口语小段子 ◄

Talk about the country or culture that you want to learn more about. Explain why you want to learn about it.

American Culture
Six Aspects of U.S. Culture International Students Need to Know

As an international student, and later on as a professional working in the US, I think we all should learn more about American culture. I feel this way for the following reasons.

First, you will spend a significant portion of your time hanging out with Americans. If you would like to enjoy a healthy social life, you have to become assimilated in American society. In all honesty, it’s nigh on impossible for a foreign individual to have long-lasting relationships with their American friends without learning a good deal about American culture.

Second, if you wish to work for an American corporation, you must educate yourself about American culture. Some folks believe that the only skill that matters in determining their professional prospects is technical capability. This could scarcely be further from the truth. Social skills matter big time. If you want to network with influential individuals in your field and improve your career prospects, you must show an interest in their culture.

1 Outline
R1: need to understand culture in order to become assimilated in American society. 了解美国文化才能融入当地社会
R2: understanding of American culture helps individual to have better prospects in their career. 了解美国文化才能在事业上越走越远

2. Vocabulary
hanging out 玩 hanging out with friends 与朋友一起玩
assimilated 吸收;使同化 这里指融入美国社会
folks 人们
prospects n. 前景;预期

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等级: 热心会员
举报 只看该作者 12楼  发表于: 2018-11-29 0


等级: 派派文编
举报 只看该作者 11楼  发表于: 2018-10-04 0



等级: 派派文编
配偶: 叶暮晞
举报 只看该作者 10楼  发表于: 2018-10-03 0
Someone is coming to visit your city, but they know little about the place. What advice would you give them?

When a friend visits my city, I first show them the local museum. Here are some reasons why visiting a museum is the best way to get to know a city.

Firstly, it enables you to get to grip with the city’s past. Museums exhibit many important artefacts; these are excellent tools of education, especially when visitors can touch and interact with them. Also, artefacts tell multi-layered histories. A Roman goblet shows us how people drank and socialized, as well as encouraging us to think about the influence of class and status on feasting and socializing.

Second, museum-going is not weather dependent. It’s something we choose to do outside of work all year round. These are the reasons why I think museums are the best choice for those who visit my city.

take them to the local museum
R1: help to understand the history 帮助理解历史
R2: museum going is not weather depended 不取决于天气

local 当地的
grip 掌握
artefact 文物
multi-layered 多层次
class 阶级
feasting 盛宴
the best way to…最佳方式
the influence of sth on sth…sth对sth的影响


等级: 派派文编
配偶: 叶暮晞
举报 只看该作者 9楼  发表于: 2018-10-03 0
Do you believe that current celebrities (like musicians, actors, athletes, etc.) act as good role models for young people?

Generally, celebrities do set a good example for the younger generation. Kobe Bryant, for example, represents willpower and perseverance and thus inspires millions of young people to follow his path. He teaches them that hard work is the only way to succeed.

Other celebrities also encourage young people to live a better life. When headlines were filled with the tragic suicides of youths being bullied for being gay, talk show host Ellen DeGeneres made an emotional plea for LGBT kids to hang in there and stay strong, because the world needed them.


等级: 派派文编
配偶: 叶暮晞
举报 只看该作者 8楼  发表于: 2018-10-03 0
Describe one thing about your country that is different from other countries.

One thing that is remarkably different about my country compared to the western world is its deeply rooted civilization.

China is an ancient civilization, more than 5,000 years old. Chinese culture features an abundance of material and spiritual values, which haven't changed over millennia. In spite of external influence and numerous invasions, Chinese culture has managed to preserve its individuality and unique identity.

In addition, many human achievements date back to Chinese civilization. China is the birthplace of gunpowder and paper. The great Silk Road sprang from here, becoming a unique linking bridge between the East and the West. Starting from Xian, the former capital of ancient China, the Silk Road ended at the Mediterranean seashore. By this road, China exported paper, silk, gunpowder, precious stones and oriental spices to Europe.

1. Outline
The one thing that is different is its deeply rooted civilization.
R1: unchanged over the course of history 历史文化5000年依旧保留完好
R2: human achievements originate in China 人类文明起源追溯于中国

2. Vocabulary
features v. 特写;展示
spiritual values 精神价值
例句:Money is not as important as health and spiritual values.
date back to 可以追溯到,写作和口语常用词
sprang from 起源于 原形 spring from


等级: 派派文编
配偶: 叶暮晞
举报 只看该作者 7楼  发表于: 2018-10-03 0
Which musician, painter or artist's work do you not like? Why does their work not appeal to you?

Picasso is one of the most important artists of all time, but his works just aren’t my cup of tea. Here is why the Master of Cubism doesn’t float my boat.

Firstly, I don’t get any aesthetic frisson looking at his paintings. It’s not because I’m not into art; I am fascinated by Renaissance oil paintings, for instance. But when I look at some of Picasso’s works — the Guernica, for example — it really takes time for me to figure out what it is that he was trying to express.

Second, I dislike the way he portrayed women. To illustrate how bloody the war was in the 1940s, he distorted women’s bodies, bending them this way and that. I am particularly haunted by their staring eyes, which are used to depict how women suffered not only physical destruction but also mental injury.

1. Outline
R1: don’t have aesthetic frisson 看毕加索的作品不会因为画作而兴奋
R2: don’t appreciate the way he portrayed women in his work 不喜欢他在画作中描绘女人的方式

2. Vocabulary
my cup of tea:即不是我的菜,我并不欣赏
Master of Cubism:立体主义大师
float sb’s boat 使某人感兴趣
aesthetic frisson:因欣赏到美而兴奋
Guernica 格尔尼卡 毕加索名画之一


等级: 派派文编
配偶: 叶暮晞
举报 只看该作者 6楼  发表于: 2018-10-03 0
Are artists and musicians important to society?

They certainly are, and in more ways than one.

Their artistic products help to define us as more than just instinct-driven animals. We have emotions that are linked to these pieces. A painting with soft blue lines can soothe us, or music with a strong beat can make us feel energetic. Not only that, but we also attach memories to these things. We'll remember the song we listened to on our first date, for instance. These deep emotions offer us a sense of purpose and worth.

Artists are also important because they reflect the society we live in. Every culture has its own art and music, each unique and appreciated in different ways. The type of art and music a culture produces can tell us all we need to know about them. Artwork from the renaissance period, for instance, showed society as it changed from simply existing, to progressing. Protest songs from the 60s reflect the attitudes that many held toward the war and current events of the day. In our times, with mass media giving us so much exposure, art continues to change society. It can change the way people view an issue, and it can push ideas forward faster than anything else.

1. Outline
R1: define people more than just instinct drive animals. 他们的作品品有助于将我们定义为不仅仅是有本能的动物
R2: reflect the society we live in. 反映了我们所生活的社会现状

2. Vocabulary
attach memories to:将记忆和……链接起来,寄托
renaissance period:文艺复兴时期
mass media:大众媒体


等级: 派派文编
配偶: 叶暮晞
举报 只看该作者 5楼  发表于: 2018-10-03 0
Describe an interesting item of clothing in your country and explain why it is interesting.

(1)Oriental chipao (more commonly known as cheongsam), a traditional dress, tops the list of interesting clothing in China.

The first interesting part of cheongsam lies in its purpose. It is designed to show off the natural female contour in a way that is practical yet sexy. Cheongsam shows the beauty, modesty and softness of a woman. Just like the temperament of a Chinese woman, this dress has a gentle and elegant appearance. And, of course, the longstanding elegance enhances the beauty and allure of the person who wears it.

The second interesting part of cheongsam is its versatile functions. In ancient times, cheongsams were worn as uniforms for everyday functions. Today, the dress is also worn to business meetings and even formal gatherings. This Chinese traditional dress is becoming international. Recently, a Hollywood actress wore a colorful, stylish and sleek cheongsam to a movie premiere.

1. Outline
R1: shows off natural female beauty and accentuates elegance. 展现女人的自然美及强调古典气质
R2: versatile function 适合各种场合穿着

2. Vocabulary
cheongsam 旗袍
contour 体型线条
lies in:体现在,在于
temperament of a Chinese woman:中国女人的性情
longstanding 长存的
versatile function:多功能
stylish and sleek:新潮的而且造型优美

(2)A vital part of Chinese civilization, traditional clothing plays an important role in the country's history and culture. The Chinese form of traditional dress: "Tangzhuang" or the "Tang suit" is one of the most interesting styles among them.

It is a combination of the Manchu male jacket of the Qing Dynasty and the western style suit. It is usually straight collared, with coiled buttons down the front. Its colour and design are in traditional Chinese style but the tailoring is western.

Four characteristics are distinctive for the Tangzhuang. The Mandarin collar with a front opening is a traditional style of Chinese clothing. The opening is symmetrical and the collar stands straight up. The Chinese knots, being handmade, are used as buttons as well as decorations. Another characteristic is the fabric, which usually is a traditional cloth such as brocaded silk. Adding the western solid cutting method and shoulder pads makes the clothing fit better.

1. Outline
R1: it is a combination of Qing dynasty clothing and western clothing 中西方服饰的结合
R2: it has very distinctive characteristics. 有非常独特的特点

2. Vocabulary
Manchu 满族的
collared 有领圈的;成卷的
coiled button 盘绕扣子
tailoring 剪裁
distinctive 有特色的,与众不同的
knots 结
brocaded silk 浮花丝绸
shoulder pads 垫肩



等级: 派派文编
配偶: 叶暮晞
举报 只看该作者 4楼  发表于: 2018-10-03 0
Among the following types of books, which do you dislike the most? Romance, science fiction, or biography?

I rarely talk about my disdain for sci-fi because I know how much people love the genre.

I prefer fiction that portrays a more realistic world but sci-fi pulls the reader the furthest away from reality. Living in the world of cars, computers, and iPhones, I can’t relate to the horse and carriage world. Nor can I imagine zapping enemies. I am a realist, while science fiction is for dreamers who like the stark contrast that most sci-fi novels pose to reality.

I don’t like reading very many books. When I look at some of the major epic sci-fi series, they span thousands of pages. "The Sword of Truth" totals eleven books. "The ThreeBody Problem," with a meager three books, is positively svelte by comparison. Still, it's a big commitment. Some marriages don’t last as long as the time it takes to read one sci-fi series.

Dislike sci-fi the most 最不喜欢科幻小说
R1: cannot relate sci-fi to reality. Too far apart
R2: sci-fi books usually too long. Hard to read

disdain n. 蔑视 vt. 鄙弃
例句:She watched me with disdain. 她鄙视地看着我。
genre n. 类型;种类
例句: R&B is a particular genre of music that I like
zapping 原形 zap 用电流快速攻击 这里指用电流把东西注入生命 类似于destroy
meager adj. 贫乏的;瘦的 svelte adj. 苗条的;和蔼的 这里指即使短篇科幻小说《三体》也要3本书 太长了。



等级: 派派文编
配偶: 叶暮晞
举报 只看该作者 地板   发表于: 2018-10-03 0
Your university will sponsor one of the following activities for students: an outdoor camping night, a music festival for students to experience the local culture, or a computer game competition in the dormitory. Which one do you think would best establish new friendships and solidarity among students? Why?

I have to say that an outdoor camping night is the best activity, as it would help students enhance their personal relationships and make friends.

An outdoor camping night teaches students to be cooperative and united. Sometimes camping and its associated activities present students with challenges. Often these are challenges that they don’t deal with on a daily basis – where and how to set up a tent, or how to deal with scenarios when they aren’t armed with all their modern conveniences and items of familiarity. Only with help and collective efforts can they overcome such challenges.

Also, an outdoor camping night shortens the emotional distance between the students. During a camping trip, students live in small groups where they have to work together and rely on each other. Typical camping activities like cooking together, hiking and sitting around the campfire chatting until late into the night build and improve friendships. In a nutshell, an outdoor camping night will perform a significant role in promoting relationships between students.

outdoor camping is the best activity 野外露营是最好的活动
R1: teaches students to be cooperative and united 教会学生合作和团结
R2: shortens emotional distance between students 缩短了学生之间的情感距离

enhance 提高;加强
cooperative 合作的
united 一致的 团结的
deal with 处理
scenario 情节 情境
in a nutshell 极其简括地说 简单地说


等级: 派派文编
配偶: 叶暮晞
举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2018-10-03 0
Talk about an important news event that happened recently in your country. Describe the event and explain why it was important.

In fall 2016, our country hosted the G20 summit in Hangzhou.

It was a really big event for China. It was the very first time China held this kind of significant international meeting. China’s hosting of the G20 signaled a new phase in the nation’s global economic confidence and leadership. It offered a platform for promoting the Beijing economic model, including the “One Belt, One Road” initiative and the Asian Infrastructure and Investment Bank (AIIB) on the world stage.

Also, during the G20 Leaders' Summit in Hangzhou, an evening gala titled "Hangzhou is Most Memorable" was performed. It demonstrated the unique beauty and positive vibe of China.

1. Outline
the news event is the G20 summit in Hangzhou
R1: a first time and significant event for China 对中国来说第一次并且十分有意义
R2: a great evening gala demonstrating China’s uniqueness 晚会非常代表中国特色

2. Vocabulary
signaled a new phase:象征一个新的时期,写作口语常用短语
“One Belt, One Road” & the "Asian Infrastructure and Investment Bank":一带一路和亚投行,都是比较不错的口语和写作素材
initiative n. 法案 倡议
evening gala:晚会,聚会
positive vibe:积极的氛围



等级: 派派文编
配偶: 叶暮晞
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2018-10-03 0
Describe your favorite movie.

Coco is one of the most culturally-diverse human family drama which has already impressed all with its heartfelt trailer. Here are the reasons.

First, I laugh and cry with Coco. The scenes in which living families reunite with loved ones who have died will conjure quite a many emotional memories for viewers. In true Pixar tradition, there is amazingly goofy humor to lighten the mood, too.

Second, the uplifting and foot tapping music. The film scenes have been beautifully complemented with a mesmerizing soundtrack. If you’ve seen “Coco”, you might have left the theater with the song “Remember Me” stuck in your head. Will the Oscars be humming that same tune next year?

You know what?! People also say Pixar's Coco Is a “Love Letter to Mexico” in the Age of Trump. well, I don't know what to say about that.

  • 际遇之神

    奖励 2018-10-03


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