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[Spoken English] 托福口语满分回答——工作篇

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等级: 派派文编
配偶: 叶暮晞
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2018-08-02 0
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► 托福口语小段子 ◄

Do you agree with the following statement? A person needs talent to be an artist.

1.Personally, I disagree.

First, if you looked at the childhood drawings of 100 professional artists, I'd bet you'd find that 99 of them made the same type of scribbles and stick figures that you did as a kid. The difference is that they never quit making scribbles, and at some point, they learned to draw, whether from books, videos, teachers, or just on their own with lots of practice.

Also, even creativity can be learned. Those who have no natural inclination toward creativity may develop it through experiences, travels, reading and learning. I know of artists who never had any urge to create in their life until they went through certain experiences. These experiences inspired them to pick up a brush and learn to paint, something they did not ever think of doing before. Every artist has his own journey and reasons for becoming an artist.

2.I believe hard work and passion plays a much more important role rather than talent.
A lazy person with talent is no use to anyone. A hard-working and passionate person without talent can still be great.
Many of my friends draw and paint. A few of them have true-blue natural talent but I can point to one specifically who, as long as I have known him, has always had a passion for drawing even though he wasn't very good at it at all in the beginning. Now, five years later, he is excellent and wants to work on graphic novels or illustrate for a living.
Things that talent provides can be learned with time and hard work, there's no doubt about it.

3.I would say that we are born as creative, daring creatures. All of us. Each of us possesses all the natural gifts that we tend to assume are the province of only a talented few. We are born as artists. Your challenge is always the same: it is to risk being you. This means that the task of the teacher is to teach you a method that enables you to become more of who you already are. It is in effect to release your gift by teaching you how to know your gift.
If, on the other hand, you believe that only a few can make art and this requires talent, you will always be trying to paint like, to meet some external standard outside of you in an effort to gain validation from someone else -- the gallery, the sale, the award. You will always be correcting yourself, instead of being yourself.

本帖最近评分记录: 1 条评分 派派币 +10
  • 、醉眠

    派派币 +10 2018-08-02

    Thanks for sharing!



等级: 派派文编
配偶: 叶暮晞
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2018-08-02 0
Do you agree with the statement: employees should be allowed to listen to music at work?

It's hard to learn a new skill needed at work when we listen to music.

When you’re presented with new information that’s complicated, it takes more focus and mental energy for you to grasp and apply that knowledge. For instance, if you’re learning how to drive a stick shift car or writing your first lines of programming code, it’s best to turn the music off. Also, listening to music at work will decrease our efficiency. Listening to music takes up some of your attentional capacity, meaning that if you listen to it while working, you have fewer resources left for the task at hand.

What's more, lyrics are often distracting. For intensive work, lyrics are especially destructive for focus. Trying to engage in language related tasks such as writing while listening to lyrics is akin to holding a conversation while another person talks over you while also strumming a guitar. Lyrics are often a nogo.


1. Outline:
Should not listen to music at work 工作时不应该听音乐
R1: takes away attentional capacity and efficiency减少多工作的注意力及效率
R2: too distracting 歌词使人分心

2. Vocabulary
complicated adj. 难懂的,复杂的
eg: Mental illness is a very complicated subject.
grasp n. 抓住 理解 vt. 抓住;领会
短语: grasp the idea; grasp the content
也可以说:cling onto sth.
stick shift car 手动挡车 也可以说 drive a stick
attentional capacity 注意力容量
akin adj. 类似的
phrase: akin to sth 与某物相似类似的
nogo 不通过 (口语化的表达)


等级: 派派文编
配偶: 叶暮晞
举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2018-08-02 0
A boss or a manager should not form a close relationship with their employees.

I don't think that a close relationship between managers and employees is possible.

Managers are inherently on unequal footing with employees. A manager's job is to judge the employees' work and make decisions that could influence their livelihoods. Managers thus need to be objective enough to honestly evaluate the employees' work and give direct feedback. If they are friends, their ability to judge things fairly will be impaired.

What's more, this kind of friendship is unhealthy. Unlike friendship, the relationship between managers and employees is not a relationship between equals. The employee's job is at least partially to satisfy the manager's expectations, anticipate what the manager wants from them, and at times suppress what they want in favor of what the manager wants. And who wants to receive critical work-related feedback from someone they were having drinks with last night and dishing about their relationship troubles? So, in my own view, developing a close relationship between managers and employees is not recommended.

1. Outline
经理和员工不应该保持紧密关系 R1: relationship will affect manager’s ability and judgement
会影响经理的能力和判断力 R2: this relationship is unhealthy 关系不健康
2. Vocabulary
on unequal footing with 立于不平等地位…
suppress 推翻 颠覆
critical 批判性的
dishing about 八卦

I agree with the viewpoint that the bosses and employees should not be friends. First, perceptions of favoritism may emerge among the co-workers of the employee who is friends with the boss, leading to resentment. Second, lines between a business relationship and friendship can blur at review time. Unless the manager is very generous, the employee may feel short-changed following a salary review. Even if the boss grants a raise, not even the employee will be sure it was performance-related.
Besides, if managers have employees who double as their friends, or have a few friends working on their team, they may take negative feedback in surveys or reviews personally, resulting in personal morale and productivity issues.

perceptions of favoritism:指其他的员工对于这种偏爱可以察觉
line between……and……can blur:意为……之间的界限会很模糊



等级: 派派文编
配偶: 叶暮晞
举报 只看该作者 地板   发表于: 2018-08-02 0
Which of the following professions should be paid the highest salary: nurse, policeman, or teacher? Choose one and explain why.

I think nurses should receive higher salaries for the following reasons.

First of all, when you visit a doctor, hospital or emergency room, you may notice how responsible your nurse is. They assist in many aspects of patient care from dispensing medicine to drawing blood, or just simply talking with patients and making them feel more comfortable. It is clear to me that the poor salaries of nurses do not accurately reflect their heavy workloads.

Secondly, nurses also have extensive educational requirements. They may need to achieve an education level ranging from a specialty diploma to a specialized graduate education. Sometimes a nurse practitioner has responsibilities similar to those of a doctor. So her schooling may involve between six to eight years of post-secondary education.

Evidently, nursing is a job that may just deserve higher pay.

Assist in many aspects of : 在很多方面协助
dispense medicine: 配药
draw blood: 抽血
a nurse practitioner : 护理从业人员
her schooling :护士的教育经历 此处忽略男护士


I think teacher should be paid a higher salary. As everybody knows, education is of great importance, and teachers are the people who impart knowledge and skills, without whom there won’t be education. The knowledge passed on by teachers makes our world better, without teacher, our science and technology can’t develop, and people’s conscience can’t be advocated. Nurse and policeman are important jobs too, but they are not as important as teacher. Let’s imagine such a world, where science and technology is advanced enough that there are robots serve as nurses and policemen, besides, the patients will be fewer and the crime rate is lower thanks to the development of productive forces. People won’t achieve such things without teachers. That’s why I think teacher should be paid a higher salary.

The 8 Most Overpaid & Underpaid Jobs

The reasons for paying teachers more include the potential increase in teacher satisfaction, the attraction of higher-quality candidates to teaching positions, incentives for teachers to pursue continued higher education and the elimination of the need for teachers to obtain secondary jobs.

When teachers earn more money, their job satisfaction increases and they are more likely to give their best efforts in the classroom. Higher salaries also attract teachers with better credentials, experience and education, which increases the quality of education. Teachers are also more likely to pursue graduate degrees when they know they will be rewarded with higher pay. Low salaries often discourage young professionals from pursuing teaching careers because they can earn considerably higher salaries in other industries.

Additionally, more than 60 percent of teachers hold secondary jobs to support themselves and their families, according to the New York Times. They might tutor students on the side, teach at night schools at the college level or hold jobs in restaurants.

What are some reasons why teachers shoul.


等级: 派派文编
配偶: 叶暮晞
举报 只看该作者 4楼  发表于: 2018-08-02 0
Do you prefer jobs which require you to travel a lot, or jobs that allow you to work at a fixed location?

Personally speaking, I prefer work which requires plenty of travel.

This type of work enables you to experience the appealing benefits that are often associated with taking trips away from home. Careers with travel opportunities frequently allow people to make new friends and check out interesting restaurants they've read about or seen on TV. They also offer ample opportunity to network with potential future employers, clients, or work partners.

Get ready to feel inspired by some examples of careers that involve travel. Some of the highest paying travel jobs are at the top of the list, which is ranked by average yearly wages.

Prefer job that travels 喜欢有旅行机会的工作
R1: experience the benefits of travelling while on the job 工作时体验到经常离家外出旅行的的好处
R2: can be inspired and wage is high 可以收到启发并且薪酬很高

personally speaking 就个人来说,就自己而言
appealing 吸引人的;动人的
associated with 与…有关系
ample 丰富的


等级: 派派文编
配偶: 叶暮晞
举报 只看该作者 5楼  发表于: 2018-08-02 0
Which of the following jobs do you consider the most challenging? 1) Doctor. 2) Policeman. 3) Governmental officer

Almost everybody enjoys a challenge, and there are few career fields more challenging than law enforcement. Police work is brimming with all sorts of challenges, both mental and physical.

First, it is no secret that policemen most often encounter people when they're at their worst. Drug addicts, gang members, thieves, domestic abusers and people who drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs are just a few examples of the kinds of people they meet.

Second, a policeman's job is never routine. They must always be ready for the unknown. In law enforcement, your entire work day can change in an instant, at any time. This may involve pulling a victim out of a burning car or giving someone the Heimlich maneuver on your lunch break.

Third, officer involved shootings appear to be on the rise, and there is no shortage of video footage on television or online showing shootouts between officers and criminals.

Police is the most challenging job. 警察是最具挑战的工作。
R1: They encounter the worst people 警察总是遇见非常不好的人
R2: police work is full of change and difficulties 警察的工作随时发生变化,非常困难
R3: very dangerous since it involves gun shooting. 非常危险,总是能涉及到熗

law enforcement 执法 执法机关
brim with 洋溢着 充满着
at someone’s worst 在谁。。最糟糕的时候
under the influence of sth. 在。。。的影响下
routine 日常工作 例行公事
Heimlich maneuver 海姆利克氏急救法
on the rise 在增加 在上涨


等级: 派派文编
配偶: 叶暮晞
举报 只看该作者 6楼  发表于: 2018-08-04 0
What is the best way for you to find a job?

Browsing the Internet is undoubtedly the best way for people to find a proper job.

This is primarily a result of the convenience of the Internet. The Internet provides you with many options and tools for a comprehensive job search. You can identify job openings anywhere on earth, download documents and files of employers, exchange messages with professionals in your field, share ideas and information with specialty user groups, and find advice on résumé writing, interviewing, etc.

In addition, the Internet provides you with more opportunities. The Internet can be a great way to network with professionals in different fields and organizations. Therefore, you can find all the information you need, without major limitations.

job openings:职位空缺,即工作机会的意思,写作中常用到的固定搭配
specialty user groups:专业的用户组,这里指比较有经验的人群
to network with professionals:和专业人士建立联系



等级: 派派文编
配偶: 叶暮晞
举报 只看该作者 7楼  发表于: 2018-08-04 0
Describe a job or career that you are not suited to but still admire.

For me, doctors fit the bill. I feel this way for the following reasons.

Admittedly, it is an honor to be trusted with another human being's health and well-being. Patients trust their physicians with their most personal and intimate matters. In hearing people's stories and helping people at their most vulnerable, doctors have a unique window into the human experience.

However, the cost of becoming a doctor has soared, while average salaries are declining. The financial incentive is simply no longer there. Moreover, most doctors enter the field thinking they'll be able to spend most of their time healing the sick, yet the burden on doctors has become crushing and complicated. In this case, even though I admire the job, I don’t want to take it.

personal and intimate matters:个人的私密的问题,可以理解为个人隐私
at their most vulnerable:在他们最脆弱的时候,是一个固定搭配
has soared:soar表示大幅度上涨



等级: 派派文编
配偶: 叶暮晞
举报 只看该作者 8楼  发表于: 2018-08-04 0
What is your dream job? Why?

Building a Better Teacher
Why I want to be a teacher?

Teaching, though incredibly hard work, is the most rewarding job imaginable.

Teaching is not just a job, it is a vocation. To students, teachers are not any kind of employees. They are mentors, friends and guardians. Nothing gives a teacher more joy than seeing his or her students gain new insights and learn more about the world.

Moreover, I am attracted by the fact that as a teacher you are in charge; you enjoy a very high level of autonomy. You have the chance to decide how you want the class to be and the tempo you expect in your class. You can decide to teach any topic depending on your beliefs, likes and personality.

The predominant reason is, though, that it is just so much fun. Young people can be very funny and easily amused at the same time. Working with them gives you the chance to enjoy some good laughs every day. Sometimes a bout of laughter can erupt from your jokes and at other times from your students’.

R1: it is very rewarding 非常有成就感
R2: high level of autonomy 非常自主的一个职业
R3: it is just so much fun 教学生非常有

2. Vocabulary
vocation 有使命感的事业职业 老师并不是一个普通的job,而是一个天职的感觉
high level of autonomy 自治 这里指老师这个职业有很多自治权利, 可以自己把握tempo(节奏)
tempo 节奏 速度 拍子
amused 愉快的 顽皮的 被逗乐的
bout 一阵 发作。这里指短时间内,突如其来的笑声。
erupt 爆发 喷出

I want to be a programmer.

First, you can practice perseverance. Programmers have to be okay with constantly failing - your code is oftentimes not going to work on your first try. Programming teaches you how to hold on and solve the problem - how to move forward and try a different approach each time you fail.

Second, programming contributes to communication. Programmers get a bad rap for being unsociable and awkward, but an effective programmer is actually a great communicator. Explaining complex issues to a coworker so that you can work on a solution together is commonplace. Explaining complex issues to a coworker so that you can work on a solution together is commonplace.

The challenges, constant learning, and satisfaction that come from programming make me love my job.



等级: 派派文编
配偶: 叶暮晞
举报 只看该作者 9楼  发表于: 2018-08-04 0
Which of the following is most important for working? Friendly co-workers, flexible hours or a helpful boss?

Flexible hours tops the three options.

Employees, especially young and college-educated men, want to design their own careers. For instance, I want work that will cater my own lifestyle, which is largely in flux. I want to be free from the fixed job, as devoting myself to a job for a long period of time will bore me.

Moreover, inflexible hours place demands on employees, leaving them starved for time. This can negatively impact the lifestyle of the employee and their family. Giving people space and time away from the office allows them to catch up on truly necessary activities, such as getting enough sleep. When employees feel refreshed, they're much happier to come to work.

Outline 弹性工时最好
R1: freedom 自由选择时间和工作
R2: help employee to feel refreshed 帮助员工提起精神

in flux:变化多样的
devoting myself to:意为全神贯注的从事某项工作
starved of:十分渴望

Flexible time is the best 弹性工时最好
R1: freedom 自由选择时间和工作
R2: help employee to feel refreshed 帮助员工提起精神

in flux:变化多样的
devoting myself to:意为全神贯注的从事某项工作
starved of:十分渴望


等级: 派派文编
配偶: 叶暮晞
举报 只看该作者 10楼  发表于: 2018-08-04 0
What advice would you give to a friend who’s preparing for an interview?

Firstly, it is important to practice responses to typical job interview questions and answers most employers ask. Think of concrete examples you can use to highlight your skills. The easiest way to do this is to make a list of the job requirements and match them to your experiences. Providing evidence of your previous accomplishments is a great way to promote your candidacy.

Second, be on time for the interview. In this case, “on time” means five to ten minutes early. If need be, take some time to drive to the interview location ahead of time so you know exactly where you are going and how long it will take to get there. Give yourself a few extra minutes to visit the restroom, check your outfit, and calm your nerves.

Thirdly, during the job interview, try to relax and stay as calm as possible. Remember that your body language says as much about you as your answers to the questions. Proper preparation will allow you to exude confidence. Take a moment to regroup if you need it. Maintain eye contact with the interviewer. Listen to the entire question before you answer, and pay attention – you will be embarrassed if you forget the question.


1. Outline
3 suggestions
R1: practice typical interview questions and answers 准备面试常见问题及答案
R2: be on time for the interview 按时到达
R3: stay calm and relax 保持冷静及放松

2. Vocabulary
concrete examples:确凿的例子,concrete evidence是写作常用短语
candidacy n. 候选资格 promote candidacy 支持候选资格 这里的意思是相当于推荐自己使自己成功
If need be:常用短语,表示如果需要
says as much about you as:意为在展示自己方面,肢体语言可以发挥和语言一样的作用
exude confidence:表示充分展示出自信



等级: 派派文编
配偶: 叶暮晞
举报 只看该作者 11楼  发表于: 2018-10-03 0
Of the following three professions, which do you think makes the most important contribution to society: primary school teacher, nurse or artist?

Nurses are the most valued jobs in my society, as they make a truly indispensable contribution.

First, while doctors are notorious for working long, grueling shifts, they’re not the only ones in the healthcare industry logging backbreaking work hours. Most nurses work 12 to 13-hour shifts several times a week, and that workload doesn’t even include “being on call” for emergency situations. During the ceaseless shifts, nurse practitioners also shoulder an enormous share of patient responsibility; they often have to see at least three patients every hour.

Moreover, though many might believe that whether or not a patient recovers is dependent solely on the skill and resolve of the doctor, this view fails to paint the whole picture. Actually, positive health outcomes for patients are closely linked to the intervention of nurses. Observant and vigilant nurses offer care, assist in rehabilitation and provide ongoing health assessments. Many lives have been saved because an attentive nurse picked up on early warning signs of an upcoming crisis like cardiac arrest or respiratory failure.

  • 际遇之神

    惩罚 2018-10-03




等级: 热心会员
举报 只看该作者 12楼  发表于: 2018-11-29 0
  • 际遇之神

    惩罚 2018-11-29

    邻居的大姨妈的女儿中了五千万大乐透 不过与你无关 得派派币4

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