spring festival_派派后花园

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[Free Talk] spring festival

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等级: 略知一二
如果这样我们会错过,那么,就这样错过好了。我会难过,但是我知道,抬头往前看,向上看,视野更 ..
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2011-06-21 0

Spring Festival to Chinese is what Christmas to your people and you. It is not only a tradition celebration but also a gathering for family.

The history of Spring Festival can date from the ancient time. Long time ago, it was said to be a scary monster called Nian, who was only afraid of red things, fire and big noise. Intelligent Chinese people, in order to drive Nian away, came up with an idea that they tried to light up fireworks to make noise and hung "good luck" wishes on red paper on the door. That did work well. Thus, the Chinese people turned this into a tradition, which finally become the Spring Festival.

During the Spring Festival, the Chinese gather together and share big delicious meals almost everyday, in which you can have a glimpse of different traditional meals of China. The happiest people during this festival must be kids, who can eat a lot of tasty food as well as receiving Red Pocket given by the older. Although all the Chinese celebrate it, different people celebrate the Spring Festival diversely in different areas.

Now, with development of this traditional festival, not only families but friends and even lovebirds can get together to spend these days. If you are interested in it after my introduction, you may come with my family this Spring Festival. Chinese will never refuse friends’ kind visit, especially during festival like that.
[ 此帖被左。微希在2011-08-25 20:18重新编辑 ]
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