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[English Note] 我们学校的题,完成句子。

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等级: 牙牙学语
michael  michael . 
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2011-04-24 0

1.In the past, only in country areas ____(人们倾向)to believe that boys were smarter than girls,which was great prejudice against girls.( tend )

2.Officials answered questions about Japan's recent nuclear leak, saying that it was not____(如此严重的一个问题)as people expected ( so )

3.____(放弃原则), according to some experts, is often the cause of damage or destruction of both personal and professional relationships.( abandon )

4.Word came from the earthquake-hit area in Yunnan ____(人们已安定下来)in new houses. But they face diffcult challenges associated whit the need to find work.( settle )

5.When he came back home he sensed something unusual
the room seemed____(有人进来过). ( break )

6.You ____(没必要拿)all these parcels yourself. The shop would have delivered them if you had asked them.( carry )

7.According to the diary he kept in his Blog, they have reached the point ____(他们只得分手)with other.(separte )

8.Jane just loves skiing. She____(一直在练习)it since she was six years old so it comes pretty naturally to her now.( practise)

9.____(到底为什么)his work was still as bad as it had been?( it;be )

10.Before the sales start, I make a list of____(我孩子们所需要的)for the coming season. ( need )

1. did people tend倒装句.无倒装零分; 时态错误扣0.5分。
2. so serious a problem比较级.结构错零分;拼写错误扣0.5分。
3. Abandoning principlesTo abandon principles. v.ing或 to do…作主语,结构不对零分, principles未用复数的扣0.5分。
4. that people had settled (down)同位语从句.没有that的得零分; 时态错误扣0.5分。
5. to have been broken into 结构错零分,短语错扣0.5。
6. 虚拟语气needn’t have carried。未用完成式零分,其它错扣半分。
7. where / at which/when they have to separate / get separated。把point当成观点用that 引导同位语从句也行。
8. 时态语态has been practicing (doing)。未用完成进行时态零分。
9. Why was it that考查强调句型,时态错扣0.5分。
10. 主语从句what my kids/children will need or things (that) my kids will need

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Your smile. Very Paris.
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