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[English Note] 经济学人:是时候担心了(泛读+精读)(4.4至10L连载完成)

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举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2020-04-03 0
Germany’s economy
Time to worry
An economic golden age in Germany could be coming to an end

The world is used to a thriving German economy. A decade ago, during the financial crisis, it shed relatively few jobs, as unemployment soared elsewhere. Since then it has been an anchor of fiscal stability while much of the euro zone has struggled with debt and deficits. Its public debt is below the target of 60% of gdp set by eu treaties—and falling. Thanks to labour-market reforms introduced during the 2000s, Germans enjoy levels of employment that beat job-friendly Britain, even as inequality is barely higher than in France. Its geographically dispersed manufacturing industries, made up of about 200,000 small and medium-sized firms, have mitigated the regional disparities that have fuelled populism across the West.
全世界已经习惯了德国经济的兴旺发达。十年前的金融危机期间,其他地方失业率飙升,德国减少的岗位相对较少。自那以后,欧元区多数地区都受困于债务和赤字,而德国一直是财政稳定的主心骨。其政府债务占GDP比重低于欧盟条约设定的60%的目标,而且还在下降。得益于在本世纪头十年开展的劳动力市场改革,德国的就业水平更胜失业率不高的英国,同时不平等情况也不比法国高多少。地区发展不平衡助长了西方的民粹主义,而德国的制造业(由约20 万家中小型企业组成)分散于全国各地,有助于缓解地域差距。

Yet the German economy suddenly looks vulnerable. In the short term it faces a slowdown. It only narrowly avoided a recession at the end of 2018. Temporary factors, such as tighter emissions standards for cars, explain some of the weakness, but there is little sign of a bounceback. Manufacturing output probably fell in January. Businesses are losing confidence. Both the imf and the finance ministry have slashed growth forecasts for 2019. In the longer term, changing patterns of trade and technology are moving against Germany’s world-beating manufacturers. In response, on February 5th Peter Altmaier, the economy minister, laid out plans to block unwanted foreign takeovers and to promote national and European champions.
但现在,德国经济突然显得脆弱起来。短期来看,德国将面临经济放缓。2018年年底它险些出现衰退。当前的疲弱一定程度是由于更严格的汽车排放标准等暂时性因素,但几乎看不出有反弹的迹象。1月份的制造业产出可能下滑。企业信心渐失。国际货币基金组织和德国财政部都调低了对2019 年增长的预测。长远来看,贸易和技术模式正在改变,不利于德国那些世界一流的制造企业。作为应对,2 月5 日,德国经济部长彼得·阿尔特迈尔(Peter Altmaier)制定计划,阻止不合心意的外国收购案,并扶持国内和欧洲领军企业的发展。

Germany is getting both the short and the long term wrong. Start with the business cycle. Many policymakers think the economy is close to overheating, pointing to accelerating wages and forecasts of higher inflation. In their view, slower growth was expected, necessary even. That is complacent. Even before the slowdown, the imf predicted that in 2023 core inflation will be only 2.5%—hardly a sign of runaway prices. In any case, higher German inflation would be welcome, as a way to resolve imbalances in competitiveness within the euro zone that would elsewhere adjust through exchange rates. The risk is not of overheating but of Europe slipping into a low-growth trap as countries that need to gain competitiveness face an inflation ceiling set too low by Germany.
许多政策制定者认为德国经济接近过热,凭据是工资上涨加速和预计通胀上升。在他们看来,增长放缓是意料之中的,甚至是必要的。但这是自满的看法。即使在经济放缓前,国际货币基金组织预测到2023 年核心通胀率仅为2.5%,根本谈不上是价格失控的迹象。在任何情况下,德国通胀上升都是好事,是解决欧元区内竞争力失衡的一种方式——在世界其他地区可以通过汇率来调整这种失衡。风险不是经济过热,而是德国把通胀上限设定过低,令欧元区内需要提升竞争力的国家受限,导致欧洲陷入低增长困局。

The slowdown also portends deeper problems for Germany’s globalised economic model. Weakness in part reflects the fallout from the trade war between China and America, two of Germany’s biggest trading partners. Both are increasingly keen on bringing supply chains home. America is due soon to decide whether to raise tariffs on European cars. Trade is already becoming more regionalised as uncertainty grows. If global commerce splits into separate trading and regulatory blocs, Germany will find it harder to sell its goods to customers around the world.

Reform has made Germany’s labour market strong, but it will soon face new challenges. Industrial jobs look particularly vulnerable to automation, yet lifelong learning and retraining are relatively rare in Germany. The workforce is ageing. Neither the government nor business is much digitised and neither invests enough. If technological change demands that its economy embraces digital services, Germany will struggle.

The government is not blind to these problems, but Mr Altmaier’s protectionism is the wrong medicine. The left, meanwhile, wants to roll back labour-market reforms. Better to expand a recent boost to infrastructure spending and press ahead, at scale, with tax incentives for private investment. Both should help growth today and boost the economy’s long-term prospects. Significantly lower taxes on households would encourage a rebalancing away from exports and towards consumption. A dose of competition could invigorate coddled service industries. The German economy has had an impressive run, but cracks are appearing. It is time to worry.


[ 此帖被九春怿在2020-04-04 09:48重新编辑 ]
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举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2020-04-03 0

The world is used to a thriving German economy. A decade ago, during the financial crisis, it shed relatively few jobs, as unemployment soared elsewhere. Since then it has been an anchor of fiscal stability while much of the euro zone has struggled with debt and deficits. Its public debt is below the target of 60% of gdp set by eu treaties—and falling.

第一句:The world is used to a thriving German economy.
主句是主系表结构(The world is used)。to a thriving German economy是介宾短语作对象状语。
写作表达:be/get used to (doing) somethingto have experienced something so that it no longer seems surprising, difficult, strange etc,习惯于做某事,例:I do the dishes every day, so I’m used to it. 我每天洗盘子,所以习惯了。
单词:Thrivinga thriving company, business etc is very successful,欣欣向荣的、兴旺发达的,同义词为flourishing,例:a thriving tourist industry 欣欣向荣的旅游业

第二句:A decade ago, during the financial crisis, it shed relatively few jobs, as unemployment soared elsewhere.
主句是主谓结构(it shed jobs)。A decade ago是名词词组作时间状语;during the financial crisis是介宾短语作时间状语;as unemployment soared elsewhere是时间状语从句。
单词:Relatively /ˈrelətɪvli/something that is relatively small, easy etc is fairly small, easy etc compared to other things,比较而言、相对地,例:The system is relatively easy to use. 这个系统使用起来相对容易。
熟词僻义:Shed:作动词,还可表示to get rid of something that you no longer need or want,去除、摆脱(不需要或者不想要的东西),例:The company is planning to shed about a quarter of its workforce. 这家公司正计划裁减约四分之一的人员。
单词:soar /sɔː $ sɔːr/to increase quickly to a high level,猛增、骤升,其反义词为plummet,例:Her temperature soared. 她的提问骤然升高。

第三句:Since then it has been an anchor of fiscal stability while much of the euro zone has struggled with debt and deficits.
主句是主系表结构(it has been an anchor)。Since then是介词短语作时间状语;while在句中作并列连词,表示转折关系,其后的核心句子结构是主谓结构,with debt and deficits是介宾短语作对象状语。
熟词僻义:Anchor:作名词,还可表示someone or something that provides a feeling of support and safety,支柱、靠山,例:Dad was the anchor of the family. 爸爸是家里的顶梁柱。
单词Fiscal /ˈfɪskəl/:做形容词,表示relating to money, taxes, debts etc that are owned and managed by the government,(政府)财政的,例:a fiscal crisis 财政危机
单词:Deficit /ˈdefɪsɪt/the difference between the amount of something that you have and the higher amount that you need,逆差、亏岁、赤字、不足额,例:the country’s widening budget deficit 这个国家日益严重的预算赤字。其反义词就是盈余,英文是surplus

第四句:Its public debt is below the target of 60% of GDP set by EU treaties—and falling.
主句是主系表结构(Its public debt is below the target)。set by EU treaties是过去分词作后置定语;破折号后面的and falling本质上是对谓语部分的并列(从而构成主谓结构)。



举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2020-04-03 0
Thanks to labour-market reforms introduced during the 2000s, Germans enjoy levels of employment that beat job-friendly Britain, even as inequality is barely higher than in France. Its geographically dispersed manufacturing industries, made up of about 200,000 small and medium-sized firms, have mitigated the regional disparities that have fuelled populism across the West.
官方译文:得益于在本世纪头十年开展的劳动力市场改革,德国的就业水平更胜失业率不高的英国,同时不平等情况也不比法国高多少。地区发展不平衡助长了西方的民粹主义,而德国的制造业(由约20 万家中小型企业组成)分散于全国各地,有助于缓解地域差距。
第一句:Thanks to labour-market reforms introduced during the 2000s, Germans enjoy levels of employment that beat job-friendly Britain, even as inequality is barely higher than in France.
长难句:主句是主谓宾结构(Germans enjoy levels of employment)。Thanks to labour-market reforms是介词短语作原因状语;introduced during the 2000s是过去分词短语作后置定语;that beat job-friendly Britain是定语从句;as这里引导时间状语从句(从句内含比较结构,其核心句子结构是主系表结构),even作副词对其进行修饰。
写作表达:thanks to somebody/something:because of someone or something,归功于某人/某事物、多亏某人/某事物,例:We’ve reached our goal of $50,000, thanks to the generosity of the public. 我们完成了募集50000美元的目标,这主要归功于公众的慷慨大方。
词汇辨析:-friendly:通常有两个含义。其一,例如user-friendly/customer-friendly etc,表示not difficult for particular people to understand or use,用户/客户友好的、方便用户/客户的。其二,例如environmentally-friendly/ozone-friendly/eco-friendly etc,表示not harmful to the environment, ozone layer etc,对环境无害的/不破坏臭氧层的/环保的等。这里带有第二个含义,表示就业未受损的。
熟词僻义:Enjoy:说过多次了。作动词,可表示to have a particular ability or advantage,拥有、享有,例:These workers enjoy a high level of job security. 这些工人的工作非常稳定。

第二句:Its geographically dispersed manufacturing industries, made up of about 200,000 small and medium-sized firms, have mitigated the regional disparities that have fuelled populism across the West.
主句是主谓宾结构(Its manufacturing industries have mitigated the regional disparities)。made up of about 200,000 small and medium-sized firms是过去分词作非限定性定语;that have fuelled populism across the West是定语从句(其中across the West是介宾短语作地点状语)。
单词:Disperse:作动词,可表示if a group of people disperse or are dispersed, they go away in different directions,分散、驱散,例:Police used tear gas to disperse the crowd. 警察用催泪瓦斯驱散人群。
写作表达:make up something:to combine together to form something,形成、组成、构成,同义词为constitute,例:Women make up only a small proportion of the prison population. 女性只占囚犯人数的一小部分。其被动态就是be made up of something。
单词:Mitigate:to make a situation or the effects of something less unpleasant, harmful, or serious,减轻、缓解、缓和,同义词为alleviate,例:Measures need to be taken to mitigate the environmental effects of burning more coal. 需要采取措施来减轻燃煤增加对环境造成的影响。
熟词僻义:Fuel:作动词,可表示to make something, especially something bad, increase or become stronger,使恶化、使更强烈,同义词为provoke,例:His words fuelled her anger still more. 他的话火上浇油,使她更愤怒了。
单词:Disparity  /dɪˈspærəti/:a difference between two or more things, especially an unfair one,(指不公正的)不同、差异,例:disparity in/between,a disparity between the rates of pay for men and women 男性与女性在工资水平上的差异。
译文:地区发展不平衡助长了西方的民粹主义,而德国的制造业(由约20 万家中小型企业组成)分散于全国各地,有助于缓解地域差距。



举报 只看该作者 地板   发表于: 2020-04-03 0
Yet the German economy suddenly looks vulnerable. In the short term it faces a slowdown. It only narrowly avoided a recession at the end of 2018. Temporary factors, such as tighter emissions standards for cars, explain some of the weakness, but there is little sign of a bounceback. Manufacturing output probably fell in January. Businesses are losing confidence.

第一句:Yet the German economy suddenly looks vulnerable.
主句是主系表结构(the German economy looks vulnerable)。
单词:Vulnerable /ˈvʌlnərəbəl/:做形容词,可表示someone who is vulnerable can be easily harmed or hurt,感情脆弱的、易受伤的,例:He took advantage of me when I was at my most vulnerable. 他在我最脆弱的时候利用了我。也可表示a place, thing, or idea that is vulnerable is easy to attack or criticize,易受攻击的、易受责难的,例:The fort was vulnerable to attack from the north. 这个堡垒的北面易受攻击。

第二句:In the short term it faces a slowdown.
主句是主谓宾结构(it faces a slowdown);In the short term是介宾短语作时间状语。
写作表达:in the long/short/medium term:used to say what will happen or what happens generally over a long, short, or medium period of time,长期、中期、短期,例:The cost of living will go up in the short term. 生活费用会在短期内上涨。
单词:Slowdown /ˈsləʊdaʊn $ ˈsloʊ-/:a reduction in activity or speed,活动减少、减速,例:slowdown in,a slowdown in the US economy 美国经济的放缓

第三句:It only narrowly avoided a recession at the end of 2018.
主句是主谓宾结构(It avoided a recession)。at the end of 2018是介宾短语作时间状语。
熟词僻义:Narrowly:作副词,可表示by only a small amount,勉强地、差一点,例:He was narrowly defeated in the election. 他在选举中以微弱差距落败。

第四句:Temporary factors, such as tighter emissions standards for cars, explain some of the weakness, but there is little sign of a bounceback.
主句是主谓宾结构(Temporary factors explain some of the weakness)。such as tighter emissions standards for cars是介词短语作举例状语。but是并列连词,引导带有转折性质的并列句,其为there be(倒装的主系表结构)。
熟词僻义:Explain:作动词,可表示to give a reason for something or to be a reason for something,说明是……的原因,例:That still doesn’t explain how he was able to hide the body. 那还是没有说明他怎么能够藏尸的。
动词短语:bounce back:动词短语,可表示to feel better quickly after being ill, or to become successful again after failing or having been defeated,恢复健康、元气,重整旗鼓,例:The company’s had a lot of problems in the past, but it’s always managed to bounce back. 过去这家公司经历过不少困难,但每次总能重整旗鼓。这里将其连在一起使其名词化。

第五句:Manufacturing output probably fell in January.
主句是主谓结构(Manufacturing output fell)。in January是介宾短语作时间状语。
译文:1 月份的制造业产出可能下滑。

第六句:Businesses are losing confidence.
主句是主谓宾结构(Businesses are losing confidence)。
写作表达:Lose confidence:表示失去信心。除此之外,类似的用法还有shake somebody’s confidence (=make them have less confidence,动摇信心)、undermine/damage/weaken somebody’s confidence (=make someone have less confidence,损害信心)、destroy/shatter confidence in somebody/something(摧毁信心)等。



举报 只看该作者 4楼  发表于: 2020-04-03 0
Both the imf and the finance ministry have slashed growth forecasts for 2019. In the longer term, changing patterns of trade and technology are moving against Germany’s world-beating manufacturers. In response, on February 5th Peter Altmaier, the economy minister, laid out plans to block unwanted foreign takeovers and to promote national and European champions.
官方译文:国际货币基金组织和德国财政部都调低了对2019 年增长的预测。长远来看,贸易和技术模式正在改变,不利于德国那些世界一流的制造企业。作为应对,2 月5 日,德国经济部长彼得·阿尔特迈尔(Peter Altmaier)制定计划,阻止不合心意的外国收购案,并扶持国内和欧洲领军企业的发展。

第一句:Both the IMF and the finance ministry have slashed growth forecasts for 2019.
主句是主谓宾结构(Both the IMF and the finance ministry have slashed growth forecasts)。for 2019是介宾短语作后置定语。
熟词僻义:Slash:作动词,可表示to greatly reduce an amount, price etc – used especially in newspapers and advertising,大幅度削减(数量或价格,用于报纸和广告),例:The workforce has been slashed by 50%. 劳动力已削减了50%
译文:国际货币基金组织和德国财政部都调低了对2019 年增长的预测。

第二句:In the longer term, changing patterns of trade and technology are moving against Germany’s world-beating manufacturers.
主句是主谓结构(changing patterns are moving)。In the longer term是介宾短语作时间状语;of trade and technology是介宾短语作后置定语;against Germany’s world-beating manufacturers是介宾短语作状语,具体说明如下。
写作表达:in the long/short/medium termused to say what will happen or what happens generally over a long, short, or medium period of time,长期、中期、短期,例:The cost of living will go up in the short term. 生活费用会在短期内上涨。
单词:Pattern:作名词,可表示the regular way in which something happens, develops, or is done,(事情发展、发生、完成的)模式、方式、形式,例:Weather patterns have changed in recent years. 气候模式近年已经发生了变化。
词汇辨析:Against:作介词,可表示used to say who is harmed, threatened, or given a disadvantage,对……造成威胁、伤害、不利,例:Your lack of experience could count against you. 缺乏经验可能对你不利。
world-beater:作名词,可表示someone or something that is the best at a particular activity,举世无双的人、天下无敌的人。world-beating是派生的形容词,表示举世无双的、天下无敌的

第三句:In response, on February 5th Peter Altmaier, the economy minister, laid out plans to block unwanted foreign takeovers and to promote national and European champions.
主句是主谓宾结构(Peter Altmaier laid out plans)。In response是介宾短语作原因状语;on February 5th是介宾短语作时间状语;the economy minister是同位语;to block unwanted foreign takeoversto promote national and European champions是不定式的并列作目的状语。
写作表达:in response to somethingresponse表示something that is done as a reaction to something that has happened or been said,反应、响应。这个词组表示对某事回应/响应。例:The law was passed in response to public pressure. 迫于公众压力,法律得以通过。
动词短语:lay somebody/something ↔ out:动词短语,可表示to lay out ideas, principles, or plans means to explain or present them clearly, for example in a document or a meeting,清晰地表达,例:Maxwell listened closely as Johnson laid out his plan. 马克斯韦尔倾听约翰逊清晰地讲述他的计划。
单词:Takeover:作名词,可表示when one company takes control of another by buying more than half its shares,收购,例:Thornbury has announced a takeover bid of a regional TV company. 索恩伯里已经宣布将出价收购一家地方电视公司。
Championsomeone or something that has won a competition, especially in sport,冠军、第一名(多指体育比赛中的),例:the world heavyweight boxing champion 世界重量级拳击冠军。这里结合上下文,则表示工商界中的领军企业。
译文:作为应对,2 5 日,德国经济部长彼得·阿尔特迈尔(Peter Altmaier)制定计划,阻止不合心意的外国收购案,并扶持国内和欧洲领军企业的发展。



举报 只看该作者 5楼  发表于: 2020-04-03 0
Germany is getting both the short and the long term wrong. Start with the business cycle. Many policymakers think the economy is close to overheating, pointing to accelerating wages and forecasts of higher inflation. In their view, slower growth was expected, necessary even. That is complacent. Even before the slowdown, the imf predicted that in 2023 core inflation will be only 2.5%—hardly a sign of runaway prices.
官方译文:从短期和长期来看,德国的行动都是错误的。先说商业周期。许多政策制定者认为德国经济接近过热,凭据是工资上涨加速和预计通胀上升。在他们看来,增长放缓是意料之中的,甚至是必要的。但这是自满的看法。即使在经济放缓前,国际货币基金组织预测到2023 年核心通胀率仅为2.5%,根本谈不上是价格失控的迹象。

business cycle
point to something
➡️请结合对句子的理解,分析hardly a sign of runaway prices是指谁、含义是什么?
➡️请结合上下文,分析point to something在文中的含义。
第一句:Germany is getting both the short and the long term wrong.
主句是主谓宾宾补结构(Germany is getting both the short and the long term wrong)。其中,宾语是both the short and the long term,宾语补足语是形容词wrong
写作表达:Get something wrongto make a mistake about something,把某事弄错了,例:If we get something wrong we must say so and we must allow ourselves to be challenged. 如果弄错了,我们必须承认,必须允许他人质疑。

第二句:Start with the business cycle.
主句是祈使句,核心是主谓结构,相当于省略了主语Youwith the business cycle是介宾短语作对象状语。
文化延展:The business cycle, also known as the economic cycle or trade cycle, is the downward and upward movement of gross domestic product (GDP) around its long-term growth trend. 经济周期,也称商业周期、景气循环,经济周期一般是指经济活动沿着经济发展的总体趋势所经历的有规律的扩张和收缩。

第三句:Many policymakers think the economy is close to overheating, pointing to accelerating wages and forecasts of higher inflation.
主句是主谓宾结构(Many policymakers think ……),其中宾语是省略that的宾语从句。在宾语从句中,核心句子结构是主系表结构,to overheating是介宾短语作对象状语。pointing to accelerating wages and forecasts of higher inflation是现在分词作主句的伴随状语。
写作表达:point to somethingto mention something because you think it is important,提到(认为重要的事),例:Many politicians have pointed to the need for a written constitution. 许多政治家都提出需要一部成文宪法。
单词:Accelerate:作动词,表示if a process accelerates or if something accelerates it, it happens faster than usual or sooner than you expect,(使)加快、加速,例:measures to accelerate the rate of economic growth 加快经济增长速度的措施

第四句:In their view, slower growth was expected, necessary even.
主句是主谓结构(slower growth was expected)。In their view是介宾短语作评注性状语;necessary even本质上是表语,对主语起到补足递进说明的作用。
词汇辨析:Even:作副词,可表示used to add a stronger, more exact word to what you are saying,甚至可以说、更确切地说,例:Some patients become depressed, even suicidal. 有些患者情绪抑郁,甚至想自杀。

第五句:That is complacent.
主句是主系表结构(That is complacent)。
单词:Complacent /kəmˈpleɪsənt/pleased with a situation, especially something you have achieved, so that you stop trying to improve or change things – used to show disapproval,自满的、得意的(含贬义),例:There’s a danger of becoming complacent if you win a few games. 赢了几场比赛可能就会变得沾沾自喜。

第六句:Even before the slowdown, the IMF predicted that in 2023 core inflation will be only 2.5%—hardly a sign of runaway prices.
主句是主谓宾结构(the IMF predicted that ……),其中宾语是that引导的宾语从句。Even before the slowdown是介宾短语作时间状语。在宾语从句中:核心句子结构是主系表结构,in 2023是介宾短语作时间状语。破折号后面的hardly a sign of runaway pricesonly 2.5%是解释说明,带有同位的作用。
文化延展:Core inflation is the change in the costs of goods and services but does not include those from the food and energy sectors. 核心通货膨胀率是指实际通胀率中扣除食品价格波动和能源价格波动后的通货膨胀率。
单词:Runaway:做形容词,可表示happening very easily or quickly, and not able to be controlled,轻易的、迅速的、控制不住的,例:The film was a runaway success. 这部电影一炮而红。
译文:即使在经济放缓前,国际货币基金组织预测到2023 年核心通胀率仅为2.5%,根本谈不上是价格失控的迹象。



举报 只看该作者 6楼  发表于: 2020-04-04 0
In any case, higher German inflation would be welcome, as a way to resolve imbalances in competitiveness within the euro zone that would elsewhere adjust through exchange rates. The risk is not of overheating but of Europe slipping into a low-growth trap as countries that need to gain competitiveness face an inflation ceiling set too low by Germany.

➡️第一句中to resolve imbalances的语法功能是什么,为什么?
第一句:In any case, higher German inflation would be welcome, as a way to resolve imbalances in competitiveness within the euro zone that would elsewhere adjust through exchange rates.
长难句:主句是主系表结构(higher German inflation would be welcome)。In any case是介宾短语作评注性状语;as a way是介宾短语作方式状语;to resolve imbalances是不定式作后置定语;in competitiveness是介宾短语作后置定语;within the euro zone是介宾短语作地点状语;that would elsewhere adjust 是定语从句,修饰先行词imbalances in competitiveness;through exchange rates是介宾短语作方式状语。
写作表达:in any case:whatever happens or happened,无论如何、不管怎样,例:I don’t see why I couldn’t do it. In any case, I’m going to try. 我为什么不能做呢?不管怎么样我要试一试。
单词:Resolve /rɪˈzɒlv $ rɪˈzɑːlv, rɪˈzɒːlv/:作动词,可表示to find a satisfactory way of dealing with a problem or difficulty,解决(问题、困难),例:The crisis was resolved by negotiations. 危机通过谈判得以解决。
词汇辨析:Elsewhere:副词,相当于in, at, or to another place,在别处、去别处,例:She is becoming famous in Australia and elsewhere. 她在澳大利亚和其他地方渐渐出名了。

第二句:The risk is not of overheating but of Europe slipping into a low-growth trap as countries that need to gain competitiveness face an inflation ceiling set too low by Germany.
主句是主系表结构,其中表语是介宾短语of something(由but进行转折性并列)。into a low-growth trap是介宾短语作趋势状语;as countries face an inflation ceiling是原因状语从句;that need to gain competitiveness是定语从句;set too low by Germany是过去分词作后置定语。
写作表达:be of 结构用法很灵活,在句中可作表语、后置定语或宾补。我们都熟悉,be of+ 表示年龄、大小、颜色、种类等名词,表示“具有……”,说明主语的特征。例:These flowers are of different colors. 这些花的颜色都不同。此外,be of 还可以利用of的介词属性,表示所属关系,相当于 belong to。例:Workers and peasants are of one family. 工人和农民是一家。这里利用了the risk of something的属格用法,构成了the risk is of something的句式,something为风险点,表示“风险是由某事带来的”,大家注意识别记忆。
单词:Competitiveness /kəmˈpetətɪvnəs/:the ability of a company, country, or a product to compete with others,竞争力,例:New machinery has enhanced the company’s productivity and competitiveness. 新机器帮助公司提高了生产力,增强了竞争力。
熟词僻义:Ceiling:the largest number or amount of something that is officially allowed,上限、最高限度,例:ceiling of,a public spending ceiling of £240 billion 上限为2400亿英镑的公共开支



举报 只看该作者 7楼  发表于: 2020-04-04 0
The slowdown also portends deeper problems for Germany’s globalised economic model. Weakness in part reflects the fallout from the trade war between China and America, two of Germany’s biggest trading partners. Both are increasingly keen on bringing supply chains home. America is due soon to decide whether to raise tariffs on European cars. Trade is already becoming more regionalised as uncertainty grows.

第一句:The slowdown also portends deeper problems for Germany’s globalised economic model.
主句是主谓宾结构(The slowdown portends deeper problems)。for Germany’s globalised economic model是介宾短语作后置定语。
单词:Portend:to be a sign that something is going to happen, especially something bad,预示(多指不详之事)、为……的凶兆,例:strange events that portend disaster 预示着灾难的奇怪事件

第二句:Weakness in part reflects the fallout from the trade war between China and America, two of Germany’s biggest trading partners.
主句是主谓宾结构(Weakness reflects the fallout)。in part是介宾短语作程度状语;from the trade war是介宾短语作定语;between China and America是介宾短语作定语;two of Germany’s biggest trading partners是同位语。
写作表达:in part:to some degree, but not completely,在某种程度上、部分地,同义词为partly,例:His reluctance to help could, in part, be explained by his poor eyesight. 他不愿意帮忙,在某种程度上可能是由于他视力不好。
单词:Fallout:作名词,可表示the results of a particular event, especially when they are unexpected,(指预料不到的)结果、影响,例:The political fallout of the affair cost him his job. 这一事件的政治影响使他丢了工作。

第三句:Both are increasingly keen on bringing supply chains home.
主句是主系表结构(Both are keen)。on bringing supply chains home是介宾短语作方面状语。
写作表达:Be keen on doing something:wanting to do something or wanting something to happen very much,热衷、渴望做某事,例:I wasn’t keen on going there on my own. 我不想一个人去那里。
熟词僻义:Home:作动词,还可表示to or at the place where you live,到家、回家、在家,例:bring/take somebody/something home,They brought the baby home from the hospital on Friday. 他们周五把孩子从医院接回了家。

第四句:America is due soon to decide whether to raise tariffs on European cars.
主句是主系表结构(America is due to decide ……),其中表语由形容词和不定式共同构成。whether to raise tariffs是连接副词和不定式共同构成decide的宾语。on European cars是介宾短语作对象状语。
长难句:疑问词what, which, who, when, where, how及连接副词whether与不定式连用而形成一个短语,这个短语相当于一个名词,可在句中做句子的主语、宾语或表语等。其均可改写成相应的名词性从句的形式。例:I don’t know whether to go there at once. 我不知道是不是该立刻去那里。
写作表达:Be due to do something:expected to happen or arrive at a particular time,预定、预期发生某事,例:The team are due to fly to Italy next month. 该球队预定下个月飞往意大利。

第四句:Trade is already becoming more regionalised as uncertainty grows.
主句是主系表结构(Trade is becoming more regionalised)。as uncertainty grows是时间状语从句。
词汇辨析:-ize(-ise,英式):作后缀,可表示to make something have more of a particular quality,使某物更大程度地具有某种特点、使……化,例:We need to modernize our procedures. (=make them more modern) 我们要是我们的程序现代化。



举报 只看该作者 8楼  发表于: 2020-04-04 0
If global commerce splits into separate trading and regulatory blocs, Germany will find it harder to sell its goods to customers around the world.
Reform has made Germany’s labour market strong, but it will soon face new challenges. Industrial jobs look particularly vulnerable to automation, yet lifelong learning and retraining are relatively rare in Germany. The workforce is ageing. Neither the government nor business is much digitised and neither invests enough.

labour market
第一句:If global commerce splits into separate trading and regulatory blocs, Germany will find it harder to sell its goods to customers around the world.
长难句:主句是主谓宾宾补结构(Germany will find it harder),其中it是形式宾语,逻辑宾语是不定式to sell its goods。to customers是介宾短语作对象状语;around the world是介宾短语作后置定语。If global commerce splits是条件状语从句;into separate trading and regulatory blocs是介宾短语作状语,表趋势。
写作表达:split into something:to divide or separate something into different parts or groups, or to be divided into different parts or groups,分割、把……分成几部分,split也可写作split up,例:Can you split into groups of three now? 现在你们分成三人一组好吗?
单词:bloc /blɒk $ blɑːk/:a large group of people or countries with the same political aims, working together,集团、阵营,例:the former Soviet bloc 前苏联阵营

第二句:Reform has made Germany’s labour market strong, but it will soon face new challenges.
主句是主谓宾宾补结构(Reform has made Germany’s labour market strong)。But引导转折性并列,并列句是主谓宾结构。

第三句:Industrial jobs look particularly vulnerable to automation, yet lifelong learning and retraining are relatively rare in Germany.
主句是主系表结构(Industrial jobs look vulnerable)。to automation是介宾短语作对象状语;yet是连词,引导转折性并列,并列句是主系表结构,in Germany是介宾短语作地点状语。
单词:Vulnerable /ˈvʌlnərəbəl/:做形容词,可表示someone who is vulnerable can be easily harmed or hurt,感情脆弱的、易受伤的,例:He took advantage of me when I was at my most vulnerable. 他在我最脆弱的时候利用了我。也可表示a place, thing, or idea that is vulnerable is easy to attack or criticize,易受攻击的、易受责难的,例:The fort was vulnerable to attack from the north. 这个堡垒的北面易受攻击。
单词:automation /ˌɔːtəˈmeɪʃən $ ˌɒː-/:the use of computers and machines instead of people to do a job,自动化。

第四句:The workforce is ageing.
主句是主谓结构(The workforce is ageing)。
Age:还可以作动词,表示to become older,老化、变陈旧,这里就是指老龄化,例:The buildings are ageing, and some are unsafe. 这些建筑已很老旧,有些还不安全。
单词:Workforce:作名词,表示all the people who work in a particular industry or company, or are available to work in a particular country or area,(行业或公司的)全体从业人员、全体员工;国家或地区的劳动力,例:Women now represent almost 50% of the workforce. 如今女性几乎占全部劳动人口的50%。

第五句:Neither the government nor business is much digitised and neither invests enough.
主句由and进行并列,前者是主谓结构(Neither the government nor business is digitised),后者是主谓结构(neither invests)。
词汇辨析:注意这里两个neither的词性不同:前者是连词,适用于neither ... nor ...的用法,表示used when mentioning two things that are not true or possible,既不、也不,例:Neither Oleg’s mother nor his father spoke English. 奥列格的父母都不会说英语。后者则是代词,指代的就是Neither the government nor business。



举报 只看该作者 9楼  发表于: 2020-04-04 0
If technological change demands that its economy embraces digital services, Germany will struggle.
The government is not blind to these problems, but Mr Altmaier’s protectionism is the wrong medicine. The left, meanwhile, wants to roll back labour-market reforms. Better to expand a recent boost to infrastructure spending and press ahead, at scale, with tax incentives for private investment.

roll back
press ahead
➡️请结合上下文,分析roll back和press ahead在文中的含义。
第一句:If technological change demands that its economy embraces digital services, Germany will struggle.
主句是主谓结构(Germany will struggle)。If引导条件状语从句,从句的核心句子结构是主谓宾结构,其中宾语是that引导的宾语从句。在宾语从句中,核心句子结构是主谓宾结构。
熟词僻义:Embrace:作动词,可表示to eagerly accept a new idea, opinion, religion etc,欣然接受、乐意采纳(新思想、意见、宗教等),例:We hope these regions will embrace democratic reforms. 我们希望这些地区会乐意接受民主改革。

第二句:The government is not blind to these problems, but Mr Altmaier’s protectionism is the wrong medicine.
主句由but进行转折性并列,前者是主系表结构(The government is not blind,to these problems是介宾短语作对象状语),后者是主系表结构(Mr Altmaier’s protectionism is the wrong medicine)。
写作表达:be blind to something:to completely fail to notice or realize something,对某事物缺乏识别能力,例:International companies are all too often blind to local needs. 跨国公司往往不了解本地的需求。
单词:protectionism /prəˈtekʃənɪzəm/:作名词,when a government tries to help industries in its own country by taxing or restricting foreign goods,贸易保护主义。

第三句:The left, meanwhile, wants to roll back labour-market reforms.
主句是主谓宾结构,其中宾语是不定式to roll back labour-market reforms。Meanwhile是副词作时间性状语。
动词短语:roll something ↔ back:动词短语,可表示to reduce the influence or power of a law, system, government etc,降低、削减(影响或权力),例:a threat to roll back the legislation of the past 12 years削弱这项已实施12年的法律的威胁

第四句:Better to expand a recent boost to infrastructure spending and press ahead, at scale, with tax incentives for private investment.
这是一个省略结构,补充完整是it is better to expand a recent boost ……,故而是一个主系表结构。at scale是介宾短语作程度状语。
写作表达:it is better to do something:used to give your opinion or make a suggestion about what you think should be done or happen,最好是(用于表明自己的看法或提出建议),例:It’s much better to get a proper written agreement. 最好失去的一份正式的书面协议。
动词短语:press ahead:也可写作press on,to continue doing something difficult in a determined way,坚定地继续(尤指工作),其后可接介词with,例:Shall we press ahead with the minutes of the last meeting? 我们是否继续宣读上次会议的纪要?
写作表达:At scale:表示on a larger scale,也就是大规模地,例:With respect to product buckets, we’ve always taken the position of we want to do things that matter to a large number of people at scale. 说到产品,我们一直秉持一个观点:做对世界上数字极为庞大的人群而言有意义的事情!



举报 只看该作者 10楼  发表于: 2020-04-04 0
Both should help growth today and boost the economy’s long-term prospects. Significantly lower taxes on households would encourage a rebalancing away from exports and towards consumption. A dose of competition could invigorate coddled service industries. The German economy has had an impressive run, but cracks are appearing. It is time to worry.

➡️请结合上下文,分析invigorate coddled service industries在文中的含义。
➡️away from exports和towards consumption是两个介词短语,其在文中有什么作用?
第一句:Both should help growth today and boost the economy’s long-term prospects.
单词:Boost:作动词,可表示to increase or improve something and make it more successful,促进、推动、使兴旺,例:The new resort area has boosted tourism. 新的度假区促进了旅游业的发展。
熟词僻义:Prospects:这个词作复数时,可表示 chances of future success,将来成功的机会、前途、前程,例:I had no job, no education, and no prospects. 我没有工作,没受过什么教育,前途渺茫。

第二句:Significantly lower taxes on households would encourage a rebalancing away from exports and towards consumption.
主句是主谓宾结构(lower taxes would encourage a rebalancing)。away from exports与towards consumption是介宾短语的并列,均作状语表示趋势、变动。
单词:Significantly:做副词,可表示in an important way or to an important degree,重大地、显著地,例:significantly better/greater/worse etc,Delia’s work has been significantly better this year. 今年蒂利亚的工作明显进步了。

第三句:A dose of competition could invigorate coddled service industries.
主句是主谓宾结构(A dose of competition could invigorate service industries)。
熟词僻义:Dose:做量词,可表示he amount of a medicine or a drug that you should take,(药物的)一剂、一服;一次服用量,例:Never exceed the recommended dose of painkillers. 服用止痛药不可超过建议的剂量。这里是比喻的用法,相当于我们中文讲的“开药方”,其中解决问题的一味药就是引入竞争。
单词:Invigorate /ɪnˈvɪɡəreɪt/:作动词,可表示if something invigorates you, it makes you feel healthier, stronger, and have more energy,使生机勃勃、精神焕发,例:At my age, the walk into town is enough to invigorate me. 在我这个年龄,走路进程足以让我感到精神振作。
单词:coddle /ˈkɒdl $ ˈkɑːdl/:作动词,表示to treat someone in a way that is too kind and gentle and that protects them from pain or difficulty,娇惯、溺爱、骄纵,例:Don’t coddle the child – he’s fine! 别太娇惯那孩子——他没事的!

第四句:The German economy has had an impressive run, but cracks are appearing.
主句由but进行转折性并列,前者是主谓宾结构(The German economy has had an impressive run),后者是主谓结构(cracks are appearing)。
熟词僻义:Run:这里其实化用了have a (good) run for your money这个用法,表示to succeed in doing something successfully for a long time,连获成功、一直成功,例:Investors have also had a good run for their money. 投资者的运气也一直很好。其实这里的run,是一连串、一系列(成功或失败)的意思,例:an unbeaten run of 19 games 连续十九场不败
熟词僻义:crack:作名词,可表示a weakness or fault in an idea, system, or organization,(观点、制度或组织中的)缺陷、缺点,例:The cracks in their relationship were starting to show. 他们的关系开始显现裂痕。

第五句:It is time to worry.
主句是主系表结构(It is time)。to worry是不定式作后置定语。
The end.


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