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[Experience] 【转】托福独立写作技巧

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举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2018-08-03 0






Grades encourage students to learn


Concerning all the details mentioned above, there is every reason to believe that grades contribute much to stimulating a student’s passion for learning

如果大家的写作剩余时间实在很紧张,可以将文章开头的陈述观点的句子写到到段尾重申,作为呼应。不要出现I think...这种句式。


Choose a job: one with more vacation time , or one with high paying but less vacation time ?


All in all, the reasons listed above come together to support my viewpoint. From a certain angle, it is rational to believe that a job with more vacation time is better than a job with high salary but long working hours.

如果考生需要多写一些单词,可以写此句型,All in all总之,概括的说。rational 理性的,有理的


Teachers should be paid according to their students’ performance


As a result, a number of factors ought to be taken into consideration before such an innovative proposal is finally passed and implemented. Bearing in mind the merits as well as the negative possibilities elaborated above, I would render my support to the notion that teachers can be paid on the basis of their students’ performance.

在托福独立写作中,举例通常有两种方法共五类举例词汇,其中描述现象有三类词汇:such as/like,include/range from…to…以及for example/for instance;叙述故事有两类词汇:illustrate/exemplify以及…deserves a special mention。需要特别注意的是,无论是哪种方法,都要有细节描写,我们可以用“刨根问底找画面感”的方法实现这一点。

首先我们来讨论在描述现象中会用到的举例词汇。描述现象就是罗列客观存在的事实,写出人们所熟知的,经常出现在日常生活中的普遍现象,适合它的举例词汇一般有三种:such as与like,include与range from…to…以及for example与for instance。
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
It is better for children to choose jobs that are similar to their parents’ jobs than to choose jobs that are very different from their parents’ jobs.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
一、such as与like。用such as与like来举例,是广大考生比较熟悉的,但是在使用的时候需要注意以下几点:
1. 在such as与like之前是笼统的概念,后面跟具体的含细节的例子,如上面的expert guidance(专业指导)就是笼统的概念,而help with course preparations and methodology for appropriate lesson giving就是具体的含细节的例子。
2. 用such as比用like正式,在正式场合,应尽量使用such as。
3. such as中的as与like都是介词,后跟名词或动词的ing形式,如Activities such as rock climbing, bungee jumping and parachuting are extreme sports(攀岩,蹦极与跳伞都是极限运动)。在托福写作考试的过程中,单词的词性一定要慎重考虑,选择单词的正确词性(动词、名词、形容词、副词等)非常重要。
1. Expert guidance such as help with course preparations and methodology for appropriate lesson giving may benefit children who are planning to be teachers.
2. Children are able to acquire from their parents expert guidance, like course preparations and methodology for appropriate lesson giving.
二、include与range from…to…。根据笔者的教学经验,这两种引入现象的方法并没有被很多考生所掌握,特别是range from…to…。可以这样说,能够正确使用range from…to…的考生英语写作基础往往都是不错的。使用include与range from…to…,我们需要注意以下几点:
1. include与range from…to…可用作一般现在时形式,如例句1与3;也可用作ing形式,如例句2与4。
2. range from…to…通常表示范围比较广,如上面的ranging from course preparations to methodology for appropriate lesson giving,也就是说,从备课经验到恰当的上课方法论(当然还包括像如何对付调皮的学生,如何与学生家长配合让学生的学习效率最大化等方面),该有的都会有,“应有尽有”。
3. 我们一定要有意识地学习并使用如range from…to…等更加高级的表达方式,而不是停留在自己已经熟知的套路上。
1. Parents’ expert guidance children will obtain includes course preparations and methodology for appropriate lesson giving.
2. Children will acquire from their parents expert guidance, including course preparations and methodology for appropriate lesson giving.
3. Expert guidance children will obtain from their parents ranges from course preparations to methodology for appropriate lesson giving.
4. Children will acquire from their parents expert guidance, ranging from course preparations to methodology for appropriate lesson giving.
三、for example与for instance。提到举例,相信大部分考生都会第一时间想到for example或for instance,甚至有些考生一篇独立写作中有四五个for example,因为在托福独立写作中会有多个地方用到举例。从常理来说,这样不但会让评分人产生“审美疲劳”,而且也给人以英语知识积累不多,犯“词穷”之感。《托福考试官方指南》是要求考生在独立写作中体现syntactic variety(句法多样性)的。鉴于此,笔者建议尽量不要使用for example与for instance。但是,如果对这两种表达情有独钟,非要使用不可,也是可以的,但需要注意以下几点(for example与for instance同义,可互换):
1. 尽量将for example/for instance写成插入语,这样可以增加句法多样性。
2. Take, for example/for instance, …就相当于我们所熟悉的Take … for example/for instance。
3. for example/for instance一般可插入到一个句子的主语与谓语之间。在例句2中,for instance就将主语parents who are teachers与谓语can give隔开了。
1. Take, for example, expert guidance from their parents.Through discussions with their parents about problems and confusion concerning teaching, children are able to obtain help with course preparations and methodology for appropriate lesson giving.
2. Parents who are teachers, for instance, can give their children expert guidance on how to prepare courses and how to give lessons according to appropriate teaching methodology.

在托福独立写作中,举例通常有两种方法共五类举例词汇,其中描述现象有三类词汇:such as/like,include/range from…to…以及for example/for instance;叙述故事有两类词汇:illustrate/exemplify以及…deserves a special mention。需要特别注意的是,无论是哪种方法,都要有细节描写,我们可以用“刨根问底找画面感”的方法实现这一点。下面我们来讨论在叙述故事中会用到的举例词汇。

叙述故事就是写出真实发生的事件,这些事件可以是发生在其他人身上的,也可以是发生在自己身上的,适合它的举例词汇比较多,在此仅讨论相对“高端”的两种:illustrate与exemplify以及…deserves a special mention。为了能更加直观地展现举例的这种方法,现以TPO16的独立写作题目为例,“最佳的旅行方式是跟随有导游的旅游团”,并且选择disagree(其实也可选择agree,但举例方法大同小异,所以在此只讨论disagree的情况),理由是“导游会把游客带到商品价格极高的纪念品店”,例子是my cousin Joseph的一段亲身经历,这就是一个真实发生的事件,也即叙述故事:
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
The best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. illustrate 与exemplify都是及物动词,它们的宾语都是表“观点”的词,如point等。
2. 为了体现句法多样性,with可用by替换,the case of可用the example of与the story about等表达进行替换,但要注意它们所用介词的不同。
3. exemplify被很多的考生拼错,写成examplify——它与example不同,是以exe-开头的,而不是exa-。偶尔的拼写错误不伤大雅,但是很多的拼写错误很有可能导致失分。
Tourists are likely to be taken by tour guides to stores where souvenirs are extremely expensive. I will illustrate/exemplify this point with the case of my cousin Joseph, who last year went on a guided tour with a group of approximately 20 people to France. When they finished visiting the Eiffel Tower, the tour guide took them to a souvenir store nearby. Joseph bought a miniature Eiffel Tower there for 100 dollars, which was too expensive.
Tourists are likely to be taken by tour guides to stores where souvenirs are extremely expensive. This point can be illustrated/exemplified with the case ofmy cousin Joseph, who last year went on a guided tour with a group of approximately 20 people to France. When they finished visiting the Eiffel Tower, the tour guide took them to a souvenir store nearby. Joseph bought a miniature Eiffel Tower there for 500 dollars, which was too expensive.
二、…deserves a special mention,这个表达也是大多数考生所不熟悉的,如果能用好它,文章一定会显得高大上,这个表达通常也用来引人一个真实发生的事件,使用时需要注意以下几点:
1. 在…deserves a special mention中,a可以省略,写成…deserves special mention。
2. 为了体现句法多样性,when it comes to…可用speaking of…等表达进行替换。
3. 也可结合上面提到的语言点,写成The case of…/The example of…/The story about…deserves a special mention,后跟具体的事件即可;由于主语是第三人称单数,因此deserve也要相应地使用第三人称单数,这是非常简单的问题,但往往被相当一部分考生所忽略,因此造成失分,非常可惜。
When it comes to being taken by tour guides to stores where souvenirs are extremely expensive, my cousin Joseph deserves a special mention. He last year went on a guided tour with a group of approximately 20 people to France. When they finished visiting the Eiffel Tower, the tour guide took them to a souvenir store nearby. Joseph bought a miniature Eiffel Tower there for 500 dollars, which was too expensive.

托福独立写作 事实类与故事类的举例应用
举例在托福独立写作中扮演着非常重要的角色,这在最新版《托福考试官方指南》的满分评分标准中有着明确且充分的体现:“Is well organized and well developed, using clearly appropriate explanations, exemplifications, and/or details .”其中exemplifications正是“举例”或“例证”之意;另外,details也即“细节”,而细节通常体现在具体的例子当中——这一点进一步说明了举例的重要性。

一、真实可信 。没有具体例子,分论点就缺乏论据,缺乏论据,就缺乏可信度,导致论证不充分。
二、生动有趣 。没有具体例子,文章将缺乏“画面感”,大量的“讲道理”只能让文章读起来味同嚼蜡。
三、充实饱满 。有相当一部分托福考生,最开始练习托福独立写作的时候在30分钟内是写不够官方规定的300词的,其中一个重要的原因就是没有具体的例子,光是“假大空”的理论,使文章显得十分干瘪。
首先,我们来讨论在描述现象中会用到的举例词汇。描述现象就是罗列客观存在的事实,写出人们所熟知的,经常出现在日常生活中的普遍现象,适合它的举例词汇一般有三种:such as与like,include与range from…to…以及for example与for instance。
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
It is better for children to choose jobs that are similar to their parents’ jobs than to choose jobs that are very different from their parents’ jobs.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
其次,我们来讨论在叙述故事中会用到的举例词汇。叙述故事就是写出真实发生的事件,这些事件可以是发生在其他人身上的,也可以是发生在自己身上的,适合它的举例词汇比较多,在此仅讨论相对“高端”的两种:illustrate与exemplify以及…deserves a special mention。为了能更加直观地展现举例的这种方法,现以TPO16的独立写作题目为例,“最佳的旅行方式是跟随有导游的旅游团”,并且选择disagree(其实也可选择agree,但举例方法大同小异,所以在此只讨论disagree的情况),理由是“导游会把游客带到商品价格极高的纪念品店”,例子是my cousin Joseph的一段亲身经历,这就是一个真实发生的事件,也即叙述故事:
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
The best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

托福独立写作 古今对比类
托福写作独立任务按题目类型一般可以分为绝对词类、隐藏绝对词类、比较类、三选一or四选一和古今对比类,其中考察频率最高的热门题型之一莫过于古今对比类,这类题型通常会给出一个关于现在和以前对比的观点,希望考生对是否同意题目所给观点给出自己的清晰判断并说明理由。对于古今对比类题型,我们应该如何应对呢?下面我们来看一篇古今对比类托福独立写作范文:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People are more friendly in the past than today.

Some will say that the past is unduly romanticized as a friendlier time—that people couldn't have been much better-disposed than they are today. But I’m not so sure. There are a number of reasons why people may have been more genial back in the day.
For one thing, people in the past interacted with each other in person more than we do today, and this naturally resulted in a comparatively higher level of friendliness. The reason people interacted more was because they had fewer technological distractions. Back then, it was both routine and enjoyable to shoot the breeze with others while waiting for a trolley or sitting on your front porch after work. Socializing face to face with complete strangers was commonplace. Nowadays, however, people have all sorts of devices like smart phones, e-readers, and iPods that draw them into their own private worlds even while out in public. While taking the subway to work, you’ll rarely see two people strangers talking unless it’s to yell at each other. More likely, they’ll be totally absorbed by the miniature screens in front of them.
For another thing, the pace of life today is much faster than it was in the past, and as a result, people today are much more hurried and much less friendly. Those living in modern society tend to have little patience for idle conversation, as they are always on their way to do something or see someone. The leisurely daily rhythms characterizing past eras have been replaced by a frantic rush to accomplish as much as humanly possible. This has led to friendliness, and often even courtesy, taking a backseat to efficient and mechanical interactions.
Granted, people today are also much more connected via non-traditional mediums than they were in the past. Thanks to computers, the internet, and social networking services like Weibo and Renren, people can keep in touch with each other no matter where they are in the world. However, this type of connection is a poor substitute for face-to-face inter action and does not necessarily encourage friendliness. In fact, it may make us even colder towards others because we become accustomed to viewing people as remote, disembodied data. The shallow interactions facilitated by technology may actually deepen the divide between us rather than bring us closer together.
People in the past moved through life at a more leisurely pace, and they didn't have the technological distractions that we have today. Though technology is often seen as a tool that connects people, it may in fact have the opposite effect. For these reasons, people in the past were probably friendlier than people today.

本帖最近评分记录: 1 条评分 派派币 +5
  • 潇萧筱雪

    派派币 +5 2018-08-07

    Thanks for sharing O(∩_∩)O

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