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[Movie] 【转】外媒评选:年轻人觉得最好看的12部美剧

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等级: 派派版主
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2017-05-24 0

Ah, the teenaged years. Those were heady times, far different from the life you now lead. Fortunately, Netflix has made it easy for you to reminisce about the halcyon days of youth without ever leaving your couch. These are the best teen TV shows on Netflix.


13 Reasons Why(2017)

A Liberty High student receives seven cassettes defogging his crush's mysterious rationale for a girl’s suicide. 13 Reasons Why unspools an addictive story while touching upon heavy issues like depression and driving under the influence.


Freaks and Geeks (1999-2000)

Like its awkwardly dressed and perpetually yearning protagonists, Paul Feig and Judd Apatow's ode to the pain of adolescence was destined to be an outcast from the start. It was perhaps too prickly and personal to catch on with NBC's mainstream audience, but it lives forever on Netflix.


Friday Night Lights(2006-2011)

High-school football serves as the perfect medium to explore the 21st-century American experience. With knockout performances from Kyle Chandler and Connie Britton, it's almost too easy to get sucked into the Dillon Panthers' football life.


Gilmore Girls (2000-2007)

The show takes place in the quirky small town of Stars Hollow and features a dynamic supporting cast; you'll feel like a local after your first hour. For extra credit, the Gilmore Guys podcast dissects the series episode by episode, providing a watercooler for your thoughts on the show.


Glee (2009-2015)

With shows like American Horror Story to his name, TV maven Ryan Murphy earned his reputation for spilling blood. But with Glee, Murphy and co-creators spill their guts, setting observations on gender, relationships, disability and family to song.


Gossip Girl (2007-2012)

Gossip Girl's strength is delighting in the outsize amorality of elite high-schoolers on New York City's Upper East Side. This rarefied setting is a playground for the calculating, ambitious, backstabbing exploits of characters with surnames like "van der Woodsen," "Waldorf," and "Archibald."


Haters Back Off (2016-present)

Haters, co-created by Ballinger and her brother Christopher, focuses on Miranda's pursuit of fame -- love, betrayal, and tragedy all making cameos along the way.


Jane the Virgin(2014-present)

What's truly unbelievable about Jane is how many serious, controversial issues it makes palatable without moralizing. Jane deserves praise for its strong female relationships and mastery of a narrator's chyrons... but ultimately, we watch it because it's just plain fun.


Pretty Little Liars (2010-present)

After four teen girls lose their best friend Alison, an anonymous menace appears to expose the clique's dirtiest secrets. It's a show that's petty but powerfully suspenseful, somewhat unbelievable but certainly worth bingeing.


The Secret Life of the American Teenager(2008-2013)

The young Shailene Woodley plays a 15-year-old who finds out she got pregnant at band camp. The show succeeds as a reminder of how serious the tribulations of high school felt -- whether or not they had the real-world consequences of an unintended teen pregnancy.


Skins (2007-2013)

Hormonal teens. Lots of bad decisions. After a couple episodes, you'll find yourself obsessing over these drawn kids, what their futures look like, and whether their anarchic exploits will make them or ruin them.


The Vampire Diaries (2009-2017)

Here's the pitch: not one, but two hot vampire brothers. The show brings you into the inner life of a newly orphaned high-schooler named Elena who gets pursued by sultry, good vamp Stefan and his equally sultry, evil bro Damon.


本帖最近评分记录: 1 条评分 派派币 +5
  • 潇萧筱雪

    派派币 +5 2017-05-25

    Thanks for sharing O(∩_∩)O



等级: 读书识字
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2017-07-19 0
比较喜欢以前那种单元式的criminal mind之类的,现在这样的少了
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