牛津书虫系列《The Oxford Bookworm》【中英对照】(连载中:8.25更至第3-1-4本第10章)_派派后花园

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[Novel] 牛津书虫系列《The Oxford Bookworm》【中英对照】(连载中:8.25更至第3-1-4本第10章)

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等级: 派派督察
配偶: 周澤楷
举报 只看该作者 60楼  发表于: 2014-08-19 0

■ 5
  The letter was from my father in Geneva, and this is what he wrote:
  My dear Victor,
  I want you to know before you arrive home that an awful thing has happened.Your dear youngest brother,William,is dead. He was murdered. It happened last Thursday evening when Elizabeth and I and your two brothers, Ernest and William, went for a walk outside the city. William and Ernest were playing. William had hidden from Ernest, and Ernest asked Elizabeth and me to help find William. We all began to search for him, but we couldn't find him. We searched all night. At five in the morning I found him. He was lying on the grass, white and still. I could see the marks of fingers on his neck—the murderer had strangled him.
  Elizabeth had let him wear a gold chain of hers round his neck.On the chain was a very small picture of your mother.We all think that someone murdered William to steal the gold chain.Poor Elizabeth is terribly unhappy at William's death. She thinks he died because she let him wear the chain. Hurry home, my dear Victor. You are the only one who can help Elizabeth, and we all need you.
  With all our love,
  Your Father
  Henry helped me to catch the train. The journey seemed very long, and it was late at night before the train reached Geneva. I decided to spend the night in a village outside the town and go home early in the morning. I wanted to see the place where William had died.
  As I started my walk, a storm broke and lightning lit the sky. The police had put posts round the place where the murderer had strangled William,so I found it easily.I cried sadly as I stood there. My poor brother had been a kind and happy boy, and we had all loved him.
  Again the lightning lit the sky, and I saw a huge figure standing in the rain. When I saw it, I knew at once what it was.It was the creature that I had made.
  What was he doing there?But although I asked myself the question, I knew the answer. He had murdered my brother. I was sure that I was right.
  I decided to try and catch him.But as I moved, he ran to-wards the mountains. He ran much faster than any man. He climbed the mountain easily, reached the top, and disappeared.
  I stood there in the dark and the rain, and knew that I had created a monster. And he had murdered my brother.

■ 5

■ 6
  At first I decided to tell the police my story. But would they believe me? I had been very ill. When the police learnt about my illness, they would think the monster was just one of my bad dreams. I decided that I could not tell anybody.
  I went home to my family and they were very pleased to see me. Then they told me that the police had found the murderer. Perhaps you will think that this was good news,but I have not told you who the police had arrested.
  As I went into the house,I noticed that one person did not come to meet me. It was Justine,the young woman who looked after the children and who was like a sister to us. And it was Justine that the police had arrested.
  A few days after the murder, the police had searched the house and had found the gold chain in Justine's coat pocket.Everyone in the family knew that Justine had not murdered William. I knew who the murderer was, but I could not tell anyone. We were sure that Justine would be free after the trial, because nobody could believe that she was a murderer.But we were wrong.
  The trial did not go well for Justine. There were a number of strange facts that were difficult to explain, and the judge decided that she was the murderer. The punishment for murder was death. We argued and cried. We said she could not murder anyone. But nothing could change the judge's order.
  So I got up early and went to the judge's house and told him about the monster. He did not believe me. He thought I was lying in order to save Justine's life.
  In the prison Justine waited quietly for death. We spent many hours with her, and she spoke calmly and kindly to us.She was happy because we believed that she had not killed William. And she was almost looking forward to death, be-cause then she would be with William and our dear mother in a place of peace.
  Her love and gentleness added to my great unhappiness. I knew she was going to die because of me. I knew my brother had died because of me. I had brought nothing but sadness and misery to my family.
  I took a boat and went out on Lake Geneva. Why didn't I end my life then? Two things stopped me. My father was old and another death would probably kill him. And I had to stay alive—to keep my family safe from the monster.
  Fear for my family and hate for my monster were with me day and night. I became ill again, and Elizabeth's love could not help me. I needed o escape for a while—to leave my unhappiness behind me.So I went to walk alone in the Alps. I hoped the wild beauty of the mountains would help me.
  Slowly I became calmer among the beautiful mountains. I learnt to sleep again, and for days I did not see anybody. Then one morning I saw a figure coming towards me faster than any man could go. It jumped easily over the rocks and I saw with horror the monster that I had created. On his face was a look of deep sadness, but also of evil. At first I could not speak be-cause I hated him so much. But at last I said:
  ‘You are an evil creature. I shall kill you if I can, because you have killed two people that I love.’
  The monster's yellow eyes looked at me.‘I am the unhappiest creature in the world, but I shall fight for my life,’ he said.‘I am bigger and stronger than you, but I will not start the fight. I shall always be gentle to you because you are my king and creator. You made me, and you should love me and be kind to me, like a father. William and Justine died because you did not love me. Why did you create me if you were not ready to love me?’
  ‘We are enemies,’ I said.‘Leave me now,or let us fight until one of us is dead.You are a murderer. How can I be kind to you?’
  ‘You say I am a murderer,’ the monster said,‘but you want to kill your own creature. Isn't that wrong,too? I ask you to do one thing for me—listen.Come with me to a warmer place, and listen to my story.Then you can decide.’
  I thought carefully about what he had said.It was true that I had given him life but I had not given him love.I decided to go with him and listen to his story.
  He took me to a mountain hut where he lit a fire. We sat down by the fire and he began to tell me his story.

■ 6


等级: 派派督察
配偶: 周澤楷
举报 只看该作者 61楼  发表于: 2014-08-19 0

■ The Monster's Story

■ 7
  After I had left the laboratory, I escaped into the country outside the town. I soon felt hungry and thirsty,and my first food was fruit which I found on some trees near a river. I drank from the river and then lay down and went to sleep.
  At first my eyes and ears did not work very well,but after a while I began to see and hear clearly.
  One day, snow began to fall. Of course, I had never walked in snow before, and I found that it made my feet very cold. I realized that I needed food and a place to get warm.Soon I saw a small hut where an old man was cooking his breakfast over a fire. When the old man saw me, he shouted loudly and ran away as fast as he could. I did not understand what the man was doing, but I wanted to be near the fire. So I sat down in the warm, and ate the man's breakfast. Then I walked across empty fields for some hours until I reached a village. I went into one of the houses, but there were children inside. They began to scream when they saw me, and their mother fainted. The whole village came to see what was the trouble. Some of the people ran away when they saw me, but the others shouted and threw stones at me.They wanted to kill me. I was badly hurt, but I escaped and ran into the open country.
  Later, I found an empty hut, which was built against the wall of a small house. I was afraid to go into the house after what had happened in the village, so I hid in the hut. There I was safe, and could escape from the cold, and hide from people who wished to hurt me.
  And then I found that there was a small hole in the wall between the hut and the house.Through this hole I could see in-to the room next to the hut. Three people lived in the house—a beautiful girl, an old man, and a young man.
  Day after day I watched the three people.I saw how kind they were to each other. I wanted so much to go into the house and be with them, but I knew I must stay in the hut. I could not forget how the village people had hurt me when I tried to go into the house there.
  Each night, after the people in the house had gone to bed,I stole some of their food for myself. But soon I realized that the old man was blind. And I realized too that often the three of them did not have enough to eat.I saw the two young people put extra food on the blind man's plate, although they were hungry themselves.
  When I saw that,I stopped stealing their food.Their life was already hard enough, so I went back to the wild fruit in the woods. I tried to help them in other ways, too.During the night I cut firewood for them, and added it secretly to the wood which the young man had cut during the day. I was very happy to see how much this pleased the young man.
  After a while I began to understand some of the noises that the people made to each other. The first words that I under-stood were words like ‘fire’, and‘bread’. I also learnt that the three people called each other by names. The girl was Agatha, the young man was Felix, and the old man was called Father. I tried to make the noises that they made, and slowly I began to speak.
  The two young people were very beautiful. One day I saw my own face in the water of the river. It was a terrible face.I understood why people were frightened, why they shouted and threw stones. I knew then that I could not let these beautiful people see me. They would be frightened by my horrible face and body.
  Summer was coming, and I continued to watch and learn. I also continued to help the two people and their father, and did many jobs for them in the night. They were always surprised in the morning when they saw what I had done. I heard them talk about the ‘good creature’ who did these‘wonderful’things.
  But the family were often sad, and I wished I could make them happy.I looked forward to the time when I could speak well enough to talk to them. And I was happy because I was sure I would soon have three good friends.

■ 怪物的故事

■ 7

■ 8
  One day in summer a lady on horseback rode up to the house and knocked on the door. She had dark hair,and was very beautiful. The family were all very pleased to see her. I soon learnt that her name was Sophie.
  She could not speak the family's language, and each evening Felix taught her some words. This was a very great help to me, because I was able to learn the meaning of many words that I had not been able to understand before. Felix taught Sophie from books about what had happened in the world in the past.So I learnt about the Greeks and Romans,and about Christ, and about the first white men in America and the sad story of the Indians. I could not understand why men who knew all about good and evil could hate and kill each other.
  I learnt other things too. I learnt that people think it is very important to have money and to come from a good family.I learnt of the love between mother and father and child. And I realized that I had no family. The more I learnt, the more I thought,and the more unhappy I became.
  Soon I discovered who Sophie was. The two families had met in France after Sophie and her father arrived there from Turkey, their own country. Sophie's father was put in prison by the French, but Felix and his father helped him to escape and leave France. When the French discovered this,Felix and his family lost all their lands and money, and had to leave France for ever. Now I knew why they were so sad, and why they were poor.
  But that was not all. Sophie and Felix loved each other, and Sophie's father had promised that they could marry.Then,when he learnt that Felix had lost all his money, he broke his promise. But Sophie loved Felix very much,so she took some money and escaped from her father to search for Felix.
  I had learnt to love these good people and I could not wait another day to introduce myself. I decided to speak first to the father, because he was blind, and would not be frightened by my terrible face and body.
  One day the three young people went for a walk while the old man rested. When they had gone, I went to the door of the house and knocked on it.
  The old man told me to enter, and to sit down.
  ‘Thank you,’ I said.‘I am a traveller, and I'm tired and sad. I have no family or friends. The people that I want to have as my friends have never seen me.If they don't take me into their home, I shall be alone in the world.’
  ‘Don't be so sad,’ the old man said.‘You will find that the hearts of men are full of love. If these friends are good people, they will welcome you.’
  ‘They are kind, and the best people in the world,’ I said.‘But when they meet me, they may not see a kind creature who has helped them. Instead they may see a monster, and they will hate me.’
  ‘That mustn't happen,’the old man said.‘My family and I have had our difficult times, and we'll help you.’
  ‘You are a very good man,’ I said,‘and if you help me, I shall be able to live with my friends and enjoy their love.’
  At that moment I heard the young people returning from their walk.I caught the old man's hand, and cried,‘Now is the time!Save me and help me! You and your family are the friends that I am talking about.’
  Then the door opened, and in came Felix, Sophie, and Agatha.Their faces were filled with horror and fear when they saw me.Agatha fainted, and Sophie ran out of the house.Felix ran forward and pulled me away from his father.He threw me to the ground and hit me again and again with his heavy stick.I did not lift a hand against him.I did not want to hurt him—or any of them. My heart was heavy, and all hope left me. I ran out of the house and later returned silently to my hut. Nobody saw me.

■ 8


等级: 派派督察
配偶: 周澤楷
举报 只看该作者 62楼  发表于: 2014-08-20 0

■ 9
  Isat in my dark hut, and felt both angry and sad. One half of me wanted to hurt the people who had hurt me.The other half of me still loved them. In the end I decided to try to speak to the old man again. I fell into an unhappy sleep,but when I woke in the morning, the family had gone. They had left the house during the night.
  I knew the name of only one other person. Although I had seen you, Frankenstein, for only a few moments, I knew that I belonged to you.When I had left your house,I had picked up a small bag. There was a book in the bag, and I could now read it. From it I learnt my creator's name and address.You had made me, but why had you not looked after me, and saved me from this pain and unhappiness? I decided to go to Geneva, to find you.
  One day as I was travelling, I saw a young girl running along the side of a river. Suddenly she fell into the water.I jumped into the river, fought against the fast-moving water,and brought her back to land. While I was doing this, the girl's father, who was looking for her, reached us.He was carrying a gun,and when he saw me,he fired.The bullet hit my arm and broke it. I fell to the ground in great pain, and the man and the girl ran into the woods as fast as they could,and left me.
  The bullet was deep in my arm, and I lost a lot of blood.After some days my arm began to get better, but I became sadder and angrier than before. I had saved the girl's life, and how did they thank me? With a bullet in the arm!I began to realize that there was no happiness for me in life. Hate grew stronger in me every day .Hate for you, my creator, who had made me.
  Two months later, I reached Geneva. That evening I hid among some trees outside the town, and went to sleep. But I woke when a little boy ran into my hiding place. I thought I would catch the child and make him my friend before he was old enough to be frightened of my terrible face.I caught the little boy, but when the child saw me, he covered his eyes with his hands and screamed loudly.
  ‘Let me go, you monster,’the child shouted.‘Let me go,or I will tell my father, Mr Frankenstein.He will call the police,and they'll punish you.’
  ‘Frankenstein!’I shouted.‘You belong to my enemy, the man that I want to hurt.’
  The child fought and screamed, and I put my hand round his neck to stop him shouting.In a moment, the child lay dead at my feet.I looked down at his body, and was pleased with what I had done. I knew that the death of this child would hurt you,Victor Frankenstein,my creator.
  Then I saw something bright round the child's neck. It was a gold chain,and on the end of it was a picture of a very beau-tiful woman.I knew that a beautiful woman would never smile at me, and I wanted to run into Geneva and kill as many people as I could.But I stopped myself,and went to look for an-other hiding place.Soon I found a hut, which seemed to be empty,but when I entered I saw a pretty young woman asleep on the floor. I hated her because she was pretty.So I put the gold chain into one of her pockets, and then, before she could wake up, I ran away.I knew the police would think that she had killed the little boy.

■ 9

■ Victor Frankenstein Continues His Story

■ 10
  The monster finished telling me his story, and then he said:
  ‘I am alone and miserable. Only someone as ugly as I am could love me.You must make another creature like me, a woman monster to be my wife.’
  ‘I shall never make another creature like you,’I shouted
  ‘You have done enough evil on your own.’
  ‘If you don't help me,I shall make you more miserable than you have ever been in your life.You will wish you were dead,’the monster said.‘But if you make another monster to be my friend, we won't hurt anyone.Be kind to me now,and I will learn to love and be kind.’
  I thought long and hard about the monster's words.I felt sorry for him.He was so miserable.Perhaps I should help him.
  ‘I shall do what you ask,’I told him.‘But you must promise to live somewhere in the world where nobody lives.You must promise to stay away from other people.’
  ‘I promise!I promise!he cried.‘Please start your work.I shall watch you,and when you are ready,you can be sure I will come back.’ He turned and left me,and ran down the mountain.
  I went back to Geneva immediately.My family were very worried when they saw me.I was pale and my eyes were wild.I could not forget my promise to the monster, and the awful work that waited for me. But I had to do it.It was the only way to keep my family safe… safe from his murdering hands around their necks.
  I needed to study for several months to make a woman monster successfully.I heard that an English scientist had done some useful work,so I decided to go to England. Before I went, my father asked me:‘Are you going to marry Elizabeth,or do you love another woman?Is this why you are so unhappy?’
  ‘No, father,’I replied.‘I have always loved Elizabeth,and I want to marry her.But I must do one more piece of scientific work before we can marry.I must go to England to do the work and I want to marry Elizabeth when I return.’
  My father and Elizabeth did not want me to go to England alone,because I had been so ill.They spoke to my old friend Henry Clerval,and he was very happy to travel with me.I was pleased that he could come,although I did not want him to discover anything about my horrible work.
  Henry and I reached London in early October and stayed there for a few months.I met and talked with English scientists,and learnt many useful things from them.Then Henry was invited to visit some friends in Scotland.I planned to travel with him,but I told him that I wanted to go walking in the mountains alone. Henry was not happy with my plan, but in the end he agreed.
  I bought all that I needed for a laboratory, and sent every-thing to Scotland.Henry and I travelled to Edinburgh together,and then I went further north,to find a good place for my laboratory.At last I found the right place on an island off the north coast.It was a wild and lonely place.Only five people lived on the island, so I could work alone, and nobody would discover my awful secret.
  There was a large, empty hut on the island,and I brought builders from Scotland to make the hut into a laboratory for me.I showed them how to build my mast,and soon everything was ready for me to start work on the woman monster.

■ 维克多·弗兰肯斯坦继续讲他的故事

■ 10


等级: 派派督察
配偶: 周澤楷
举报 只看该作者 63楼  发表于: 2014-08-20 0

■ 11
  One evening two months later I was sitting in my lab-oratory.Most of my work was done,and I could finish the woman monster that night.But I wondered if I should finish the work.
  Was I making a monster more evil than the first creature?Perhaps a thousand times more evil.How could I know? Perhaps the woman monster would be another murderer.She had not promised to stay away from other people.Perhaps the two monsters would hate each other…and would kill,and murder, and destroy… without end.
  As I thought these things,I looked up at the window. Suddenly,in the moonlight,I saw the monster's awful face looking at me.And in his yellow eyes I could see only hate and evil.I knew he would not keep his promise.
  I went over to the laboratory table where the new creature was lying.I pulled off the wires that joined her to my machine.I took a sharp knife and cut through the body that I had joined together so carefully.Through the window the monster saw me destroy his woman.With a loud and miserable scream of sadness and lost hope,he ran into the laboratory.
  ‘You have destroyed all my hopes of happiness,’he cried.‘You have left me with one feeling—hate…and with one wish—to destroy your happiness.You will be sorry that you were ever born.Remember this:I shall be with you on your wedding night.’
  He ran quickly out of the laboratory,and I watched him as he left the island in his boat and sailed away across the sea.
  I sat and cried as I thought of the danger to Elizabeth.But I knew that the monster would not visit us until our wedding night.I would not die easily,and I would try to kill him before he could kill me.
  The next morning I received a letter from Henry.He told me that he was waiting for me to return.I decided to clear the laboratory and to leave the island on the following day.So I re-turned to the laboratory,where the pieces of the woman monster's body still lay on the floor.I put them all in a large bag with some heavy stones.Then I took the bag to my boat and sailed out to sea.I threw the bag into deep water,and watched it disappear.
  I was happier than I had felt for months.I knew I had done the right thing,and now there would be no second monster to follow the first.
  I was very tired,and I went to sleep in the boat.I do not know how long I slept,but when I woke up,I was in the middle of a storm. The wind was driving me further out to sea and my boat began to fill with water.I knew I was in great danger.After some hours the storm passed,and I saw land to the south.Soon I could see the beach…and a crowd of people standing and watching me.Their faces were cold and unfriendly.
  As I landed,four of the men came towards me and took me by the arms.
  ‘We are taking you to Mr Kerwin,the judge.He wants to ask you some questions about the murder of a man here last night,’one of the men told me.
  I was sad to hear of the murder,but I did not worry about it.I had been far away at the time,and knew nothing about any murder.It would be easy to explain that.So I went with the men to the large house where Judge Kerwin lived.

■ 11

■ 12
  The judge was an old, kind man, but his face was very serious as he looked at me. He asked a number of men to tell me what they had seen and found the night before.
  The first man told his story.He and his son were coming home from a long day's fishing.It was a dark night,and on the beach they had fallen over the dead body of a man.They had carried the body to the nearest house,and found that it was a good-looking young man about twenty-five years old.There were the marks of fingers round his neck.When they spoke of the marks of fingers,I remembered the murder of my brother and I felt a terrible fear.
  The son then told his story.He had seen a boat with a man in it, not far from the beach. He thought it was my boat.A woman had also seen a man in a boat sailing away from the beach.She thought I was the man.
  Then I was taken to the room where the dead body lay.How can I tell you what I felt when I saw the body?I put my arms round it and cried:‘What have I done? My friend!My dear friend!’The body was Henry Clerval's,and so now I had destroyed another person.
  This third death was too much for me.I fell down in a kind of madness,and they had to carry me from the room. For two months I was very ill and wished only to die.But slowly my madness left me,and my health began to return.At last I was able to speak to Judge Kerwin,and I asked for news of my family.
  ‘There is someone here who can answer your question better than I can,’he said.‘Your father arrived a few minutes ago,and is waiting to see you.’
  For the first time since Henry's death I felt some happiness.I held out my hands to my father as he came into the room, and he took me in his arms. He gave me the good news that Elizabeth and Ernest were safe and well.
  I was really too ill to travel,but I asked my father to take me home immediately.The police had found somebody who had seen me on my island at the time of the murder,and so the judge let me go free.
  My father looked after me on the long journey home,and sat with me for every minute.Night after night while I was asleep,I shouted that I was the murderer of William,Justine,and Henry.My father asked me why I said these awful things.I wanted to answer his question,but I could not tell him my terrible secret.He thought that I was still a little mad.
  We stayed for a few days in Paris on the way home, and Elizabeth wrote to me at our hotel.This is what her letter said:
  My dearest Victor,
  I am so happy to know that you will soon be home.But I am afraid that Henry's death is not the only reason for your sadness.Do you still want to marry me, or do you love an-other woman? You must tell me.
  I love you,Victor,and I dream of the day when I shall be your wife.But I do not want you to marry me just because your parents wanted it.I can only be happy if you are happy.
  Do not answer this letter.Wait until you arrive before you give me your answer.But if you are well,and if I can make you smile,I need nothing more to make me happy.
  With all my love,
  I replied immediately.I told her that I loved her very much and wanted to marry her.
  I remembered the monster's promise to be with me on the night of my wedding.Let him come.We would fight to the death on that night. And after that fight,I would either be dead and at peace,or alive and free… free to be happy with Elizabeth.
  We arrived in Geneva soon after my letter had reached Elizabeth.It was wonderful to see her again.She ran into my arms and I held her close.She cried when she saw how thin and old I looked.She, too, was thinner because she had worried about me so much.But her gentleness and her love made her as beautiful as ever.
  We agreed that the wedding would be in ten days'time.As the day came nearer,I became more and more afraid.I tried to hide my fear,and laughed and smiled as often as I could.Elizabeth knew that I was unhappy, but she was sure she could give me happiness.She looked forward to our wedding.
  I began to carry a gun and a knife with me everywhere I went.

■ 12


等级: 派派督察
配偶: 周澤楷
举报 只看该作者 64楼  发表于: 2014-08-20 0

■ 13
  After the wedding a large number of our friends came to a party at our house. When the party had started,Elizabeth and I said goodbye and left for our honeymoon.We travelled first by boat, and planned to spend the night at a hotel on the other side of the lake. The mountains and the lake were calm and beautiful,and at last Elizabeth and I were together.For the first time for months, and for the last time ever,I enjoyed the feeling of happiness.
  In the evening the wind became stronger and soon a great storm broke above us.Every noise frightened me,and I kept my hand on my gun under my coat.I saw the monster in every shadow.Suddenly I realized how terrible the fight would be for Elizabeth.I asked her to go to bed and I decided to search for the monster.I planned to join her when I was sure he was not in or around the hotel.
  Elizabeth left me and I searched every corner of the hotel—every dark doorway and staircase.I could not find him,and I began to hope that he had not followed us to the hotel.But suddenly,I heard a loud and terrible scream.
  It came from our room.
  Then—too late—I understood.The monster had promised to be with me on my wedding night,but he had not planned to kill me.
  The scream came again,and I ran to our room.Why did I 72not die there and then?
  On the bed, Elizabeth lay still, in the cold sleep of death. I took her in my arms… and saw the marks of the murderer's fingers on her neck.
  Other people in the hotel had heard the screams and came into our room. I sent one of them to call the police.The others left me alone with my misery.I held Elizabeth close, and as I held her, I saw the monster watching me through the open window of the room.There was an evil laugh on his face.I pulled my gun from my coat and fired at him. I missed, and he ran from the window and jumped into the lake.The other people heard the noise of the shot and came back into the room. I showed them the place where the monster had jumped into the lake.We searched the edge of the lake,but we could not find him.I returned to our room and lay on the bed next to my dear wife.
  Suddenly I had another terrible thought.At this very moment perhaps my father was fighting the monster, with Ernest dead at his feet. I left the hotel and returned to Geneva as fast as I could.My father and Ernest were safe,but the awful news of Elizabeth's death killed my father.He had loved Elizabeth dearly. He be-came ill,and after a few days he died in my arms.So the evil monster had brought unhappiness and death to a dear old man who had never hurt anybody.
  I do not know what happened next.I think I left the real world, and entered a dangerous world of dreams and madness.Later I found that they had put me in prison because of my madness.
  After many months they let me free.I had only one wish—to find and kill the monster.

■ 13

■ 14
  I decided to leave Geneva for ever.I took all the money that I needed,and left the town.Before I left,I went to visit the place where William,Elizabeth,and my father lay at rest.I stood there and promised them that I would stay alive until I had killed the monster.
  A loud,evil laugh rang out through the silent night.Then I heard the monsters's voice:‘It pleases me that you have decided to live, because that is just what I want.’
  I ran towards the voice,but I could not catch the monster.I saw him running away, but he ran faster than any man could go—too fast for me to catch. But I followed him,and I have been following him since that day.I shall stay alive until I can catch him.He wants me to live as long as possible.He wants me to feel,day after day,the pain and misery that he has given me.He leaves messages to tell me where he is.He knows that I shall follow him.
  I am only happy when I am asleep.I dream that I am with my family, and Elizabeth and Henry.When I am awake,I look forward to my death, to the day when I shall be with them.
  In his last message the monster told me that he was going north.He wanted to take me where the cold would hurt me and make me more miserable.I followed him to the cold lands of the north,and bought dogs and a sledge.Until now, he has always left me further and further behind when I chase him.But the dogs were very fast and I was getting closer and closer to him.Soon he was only one day's journey in front of me.He was going towards the sea, and I hoped to catch him before he reached it.The chase over the ice continued for about three weeks.The pain from the cold was very great,and I began to lose hope.I thought I would never catch him.My dogs could not run much further, and one of them died.Then I saw some-thing on the ice in front of me.It was the monster and his sledge.Suddenly I was full of hope again,and I gave a great shout of happiness.
  I got closer and closer to him.Then a great storm started.The ice began to break,and the sea carried him away from me.My sledge was broken,and I lost my dogs.I was left on a piece of ice that was becoming smaller all the time.Many hours went by,and then I saw your ship.The rest you know. I ask you,Captain Walton,to chase the monster and kill him.Do not listen to what he says.He knows how to argue,and perhaps you will feel sorry for him.But remember that he is evil.Remember the deaths of William,Justine,Henry Clerval,Elizabeth,my father…and remember me, Victor Frankenstein.
  There is no more for me to say,except to thank you,Captain Walton,for your help and kindness.Thank you also for listening to my story.I want you to tell the world that the monster is a danger to everyone.
  I know that I have only a few hours left to live,but I can feel my loved ones near me, and I welcome death.
  Goodbye.This is the end of Victor Frankenstein's story.

■ 14

■ Captain Walton's Note

■ 15
  I,Captain Robert Walton,have added this final note to the story.When you have read it, you will know that Victor Frankenstein's story was true.
  Victor Frankenstein died a few hours after he had written his last word.I was sad to see him die, because he had become a good friend.But he will not be unhappy or in pain any more,and I am happy for him
  We laid his body in a cabin near my own.Later I heard a voice coming from the cabin.I went into the cabin and saw a huge shape standins over the dead body.I knew that the horrible creature which was standing there was Frankenstein's monster.
  ‘So I have killed you,too,’the monster said to Frankenstein's body.‘Oh, Frankenstein,forgive me.How I wish you could answer me.’
  I went towards him,and said:‘It is too late for Frankenstein to forgive you.He is dead.His pain is ended.’
  ‘You do not know how much pain and unhappiness I have felt,’said the monster.‘I knew that I was doing evil things,but I could not stop myself.Do you think I enjoyed killing people?My heart was made for love,like a man's heart.After I killed Henry Clerval,I hated myself.But I could not stop myself from more murder.Frankenstein would not give me a wife, but he hoped to find happiness with a wife of his own.He was not fair to me.But now it is ended.Frankenstein is the last person I shall kill.
  ‘I have done all those evil things,but am I the only person who has done wrong?I wanted love and friendship.Think about Felix and his family,who hated me after I had given them love.Think about the man who shot me after I had saved his little girl from the river.But I know that I have done evil,and I hate myself more than you hate me.My own death is near.I shall leave this ship and go north,across the ice.I shall build a great fire,and lie down on it to die.I shall welcome the pain of the fire,because it will help me to forget the pain in my heart.I have felt more pain than Frankenstein.And when the fire has died down,I shall be at peace.’
  The monster jumped from the cabin window as he said this.He got into the small boat in which he had reached the ship.The sea soon carried him away, and he was lost in the darkness.

■ 沃尔顿船长的记录

■ 15


等级: 派派督察
配偶: 周澤楷
举报 只看该作者 65楼  发表于: 2014-08-20 0

【03-01-02】  [野性的呼唤 / 杰克·伦敦 著]
  The Call of the Wild by Jack London

■ 简介
  杰克·伦敦1876年生于旧金山,死于 1916年。他出身穷苦,在他短暂的一生中他有丰富的经历——海员、工人、育空河的淘金人、旅行家、记者和作家。他写了很多书,但是其中以《野性的呼唤》和另一本写狗的书《白芳》,最广为流传。

■ 1 To the north
  Buck did not read the newspapers. He did not know that trouble was coming for every big dog in California. Men had found gold in the Yukon, and these men wanted big, strong dogs to work in the cold and snow of the north.
  Buck lived in Mr Miller's big house in the sunny Santa Clara valley There were large gardens and fields of fruit trees around the house, and a river nearby. In a big place like this,of course, there were many dogs There were house dogs and farm dogs, but they were not important.Buck was chief dog;he was born here, and this was his place .He was four years old and weighed sixty kilos .He went swimming with Mr Miller's sons,and walking with his daughters .He carried the grandchildren on his back, and he sat at Mr Miller's feet in front of the fire in winter.
  But this was 1897, and Buck did not know that men and dogs were hurrying to north-west Canada to look for gold.And he did not know that Manuel, one of Mr Miller's garden-ers, needed money for his large family. One day,when Mr Miller was out, Manuel and Buck left the garden together.It was just an evening walk, Buck thought.No one saw them go, and only one man saw them arrive at the railway station.This man talked to Manuel, and gave him some money .Then he tied a piece of rope around Buck's neck.
  Buck growled, and was surprised when the rope was pulled hard around his neck.He jumped at the man.The man caught him and suddenly Buck was on his back with his tongue out of his mouth. For a few moments he was unable to move, and it was easy for the two men to put him into the train.
  When Buck woke up, the train was still moving. The man was sitting and watching him, but Buck was too quick for him and he bit the man's hand hard.Then the rope was pulled again and Buck had to let go.
  That evening, the man took Buck to the back room of a bar in San Francisco. The barman looked at the man's hand and trousers covered in blood.
  ‘How much are they paying you for this?’he asked.
  ‘I only get fifty dollars.’
  ‘And the man who stole him—how much did he get?’ asked the barman.
  ‘A hundred. He wouldn't take less.’
  ‘That makes a hundred and fifty. It's a good price for a dog like him .Here, help me to get him into this.’
  They took off Buck's rope and pushed him into a wooden box. He spent the night in the box in the back room of the bar. His neck still ached with pain from the rope, and he could not understand what it all meant . What did they want with him, these strange men? And where was Mr Miller?
  The next day Buck was carried in the box to the railway station and put on a train
  to the north.
  For two days and nights the train travelled north, and for two days and nights Buck neither ate nor drank. Men on the train laughed at him and pushed sticks at him through the holes in the box. For two days and nights Buck got angrier and hungrier and thirsti-er. His eyes grew red and he bit anything that moved.
  In Seattle four men took Buck to a small, high-walled back garden, where a fat man in an old red coat was waiting. Buck was now very angry indeed and hejumped and bit at the sides of his box. The fat man smiled and went to get an axe and a club.
  ‘Are you going to take him out now?’ asked one of the men. ‘Of course,’ answered the fat man, and he began to break the box with his axe.
  Immediately the four other men climbed up onto the wall to watch from a safe place.
  As the fat man hit the box with his axe, Buck jumped at the sides, growling and biting, pulling with his teeth at the pieces of broken wood. After a few minutes there was a hole big enough for Buck to get out. ‘ Now, come here, red eyes,’ said the fat man, dropping his axe and taking the club in his right hand.
  Buck jumped at the man, sixty kilos of anger, his mouth wide open ready to bite the man's neck. Just before his teeth touched the skin, the man hit him with the club. Buck fell to the ground. It was the first time anyone had hit him with a club and he did not understand. He stood up, and jumped again. Again the club hit him and he crashed to the ground.Ten times he jumped at the man, and ten times the club hit him. Slowly he got to his feet, now only just able to stand.There was blood on his nose and mouth and ears. Then the fat man walked up and hit him again, very hard, on the nose.The pain was terrible. Again, Buck jumped at the man and again he was hit to the ground.A last time he jumped, and this time, when the man knocked him down, Buck did not move.
  ‘He knows how to teach a dog a lesson,’ said one of the men on the wall. Then the four men jumped down and went back to the station.
  ‘His name is Buck,’said the fat man to himself, reading the letter that had come with the box.‘Well, Buck, my by,’he said in a friendly voice,‘we've argued a little, and I think the best thing to do now is to stop. Be a good dog and we'll be friends. But if you're a bad dog, I'll have to use my club again.Understand?’
  As he spoke, he touched Buck’ s head, and although Buck was angry inside, he did not move. When the man brought him water and meat, Buck drank and then ate the meat, piece by piece, from the man's hand.
  Buck was beaten(he knew that) but he was not broken. He had learnt that a man with a club was stronger than him.Every day he saw more dogs arrive, and each dog was beaten by the fat man. Buck understood that a man with a club must be obeyed, although he did not have to be a friend.
  Men came to see the fat man and to look at the dogs. Some-times they paid money and left with one or more of the dogs.One day a short, dark man came and looked at Buck.
  ‘That's a good dog!’ he cried.‘How much do you want for him?’
  ‘Three hundred dollars. It's a good price, Perrault,’said the fat man.
  Perrault smiled and agreed that it was a good price. He knew dogs, and he knew that Buck was an excellent dog.
  ‘One in ten thousand,’ Perrault said to himself.
  Buck saw money put into the fat man’ s hand, and he was not surprised when he and another dog called Curly were taken away by Perrault. He took them to a ship, and later that day Buck and Curly stood and watched the coast get further and further away.They had seen the warm south for the last time.
  Perrault took Buck and Curly down to the bottom of the ship. There they met another man, Francois. Perrault was a French-Canadian, but Francois was half-Indian,tall and dark.Buck learnt quickly that Perrault and Francois were fair men,calm and honest. And they knew everything about dogs.
  There were two other dogs on the ship.One was a big dog called Spitz, as white as snow. He was friendly to Buck at first, always smiling. He was smiling when he tried to steal Buck’ s food at the first meal. Francois was quick and hit Spitz before Buck had time to move. Buck decided that this was fair, and began to like Francois a little.
  Dave, the other dog, was not friendly. He wanted to be alone all the time. He ate and slept and was interested in nothing.
  One day was very like another, but Buck noticed that the weather was getting colder. One morning, the ship's engines stopped, and there was a feeling of excitement in the ship.Francois leashed the dogs and took them outside. At the first step Buck's feet went into something soft and white. He jumped back in surprise. The soft, white thing was also falling through the air, and it fell onto him. He tried to smell it, and then caught some on his tongue. It bit like fire, and then dis appeared. He tried again and the same thing happened. People were watching him and laughing, and Buck felt ashamed,although he did not know why. It was his first snow.

■ 1 北部之旅

■ 2 The law of club and tooth
  Buck's first day at Dyea Beach was terrible. Every hour there was some new, frightening surprise. There was no peace, no rest—only continual noise and movement. And every minute there was danger, because these dogs and men were not town dogs and men. They knew only the law of club and tooth.
  Buck had never seen dogs fight like these dogs; they were like wolves. In a few minutes he learnt this from watching Curly. She tried to make friends with a dog, a big one, al-though not as big as she was. There was no warning. The dog jumped on Curly, his teeth closed together, then he jumped away,and Curly's face was torn open from eye to mouth.
  Wolves fight like this,biting and jumping away,but the fight did not finish then. Thirty or forty more dogs ran up and made a circle around the fight, watching silently. Curly tried to attack the dog who had bitten her; he bit her a second time, and jumped away. When she attacked him again, he knocked her backwards, and she fell on the ground. She never stood up again, because this was what the other dogs were waiting for. They moved in, and in a moment she was under a crowd of dogs.
  It was all very sudden. Buck saw Spitz run out from the crowd with his tongue out of his mouth, laughing. Then he saw Francois with an axe, and two or three other men with clubs jump in among the dogs. Two minutes later the last of the dogs was chased away. But Curly lay dead in the snow,her body torn almost to pieces.Curly's death often came backto Buck in his dreams. He understood that once a dog was down on the ground, he was dead He also remembered Spitz laughing, and from that moment he hated him.
  Then Buck had another surprise. Francois put a harness on him. Buck had seen harnesses on horses, and now he was made to work like a horse, pulling Francois on a sledge into the forest and returning with wood for the fire. Buck worked with Spitz and Dave.The two other dogs had worked in a har-ness before, and Buck learnt by watching them. He also learnt to stop and turn when Francois shouted.
  ‘Those three are very good dogs,’Francois told Perrault.‘That Buck pulls very well, and he's learning quickly.’
  Perrault had important letters and official papers to take to Dawson City, so that afternoon he bought two more dogs, two brothers called Billee and Joe.Billee was very friendly, but Joe was the opposite. In the evening Perrault bought one more dog, an old dog with one eye .His name was Sol-leks, which means The Angry One. Like Dave, he made no friends; all he wanted was to be alone.
  That night Buck discovered another problem. Where was he going to sleep?Francois and Perrault were in their tent, but when he went in, they shouted angrily and threw things at him.Outside it was very cold and windy. He lay down in the snow, but he was too cold to sleep.
  He walked around the tents trying to find the other dogs.But, to his surprise, they had disappeared. He walked around Perrault's tent,very, very cold, wondering what to do. Sud-denly, the snow under his feet fell in, and he felt something move. He jumped back, waiting for the attack, but heard on-ly a friendly bark. There, in a warm hole under the snow,was Billee.
  So that was what you had to do. Buck chose a place, dug himself a hole and in a minute he was warm and asleep. He slept well, although his dreams were bad.
  When he woke up, at first he did not know where he was.It had snowed in the night and the snow now lay thick and heavy above him. Suddenly he was afraid—the fear of a wild animal when it is caught and cannot escape. Growling, he threw himself at the snow, and a moment later, he had jumped upwards into the daylight. He saw the tents and re-membered everything, from the time he had gone for a walk with Manuel to the moment he had dug the hole the night before. ‘What did I say?’ shouted Francois to Perrault, when he saw Buck come up out of the snow.‘That Buck learns quickly.’
  Perrault smiled slowly. He was carrying important papers,and he needed good dogs. He was very pleased to have Buck.
  They bought three more dogs that morning, and a quarter of an hour later all nine dogs were in harness and on their way up the Dyea Canyon. Buck was not sorry to be moving, and although it was hard work, he almost enjoyed it. He was also surprised to see that Dave and Sol-leks no longer looked bored and miserable.Pulling in a harness was their job, and they were happy to do it.
  Dave was sledge-dog, the dog nearest to the sledge.In front of him was Buck, then came Sol-leks. In front of them were the six other dogs, with Spitz as leader at the front. Francois had put Buck between Dave and Sol-leks because they could teach him the work.Buck learnt well,and they were good teachers. When Buck pulled the wrong way, Dave always bit his leg, but only lightly. Once, when they stopped, Buck got tied up in his harness, and it took ten minutes to get started again.Both Dave and Sol-leks gave him a good beating for that mistake. Buck understood, and was more careful after that.
  It was a hard day's journey, up the Dyea Canyon and into the mountains. They camped that night at Lake Bennett.Here there were thousands of gold miners.They were building boats to sail up the lake when the ice melted in the spring.Buck made his hole in the snow and slept well, but was woken up very early and harnessed to the sledge. The first day they had travelled on snow that had been hardened by many sledges and they covered sixty kilometres. But the next day, and for days afterwards, they were on new snow. The work was harder and they went slowly. Usually, Perrault went in front,on snowshoes, flattening the snow a little for the dogs.Francois stayed by the sledge. Sometimes the two men changed places, but there were many small lakes and rivers,and Perrault understood ice better. He always knew when the ice across a river was very thin.
  Day after day Buck pulled in his harness.They started in the morning before it was light, and they stopped in the evening after dark, ate a piece of fish, and went to sleep in their holes under the snow. Buck was always hungry. Francoisgave him 750 grams of dried fish a day, and it was never enough. The other dogs were given only 500 grams; they were smaller and could stay dive on less food.
  Buck learnt to eat quickly; if he was too slow, the other dogs stole his food. He saw Pike, one of the new dogs, steal some meat from the sledge when Perrault wasn't looking.The next day Buck stole some and got away unseen. Perrault was very angry, but he thought another dog, Dub, had taken it and so punished him instead of Buck.
  Buck was learning how to live in the north. In the south he had never stolen, but there he had never been so hungry. He stole cleverly and secretly, remembering the beatings from the man with the club.
  Buck was learning the law of club and tooth.
  He learnt to eat any food—anything that he could get his teeth into. He learnt to break the ice on water holes with his feet when he wanted to drink He was stronger, harder, and could see and smell better than ever before .In a way,he was remembering back to the days when wild dogs travelled in packs through the forest, killing for meat as they went.It was easy for him to learn to fight like a wolf, because it was in his blood. In the evenings, when he pointed his nose at the moon and howled long and loud, he was remembering the dogs and wolves that had come before him.

■ 2 暴力原则


等级: 派派督察
配偶: 周澤楷
举报 只看该作者 66楼  发表于: 2014-08-20 0

■ 3 The wild animal
  The wild animal was strong in Buck, and as he travelled across the snow, it grew stronger and stronger. And as Buck grew stronger, he hated Spitz more and more, although he was careful never to start a fight.
  But Spitz was always showing his teeth to Buck, trying to start a fight. And Buck knew that if he and Spitz fought, one of them would die.
  The fight almost happened one night when they stopped by Lake Laberge.There was heavy snow and it was very cold.The lake was frozen and Francois, Perrault, and the dogs had to spend the night on the ice, under a big rock. Buck had made a warm hole in the snow and was sorry to leave it to get his piece of fish. But when he had eaten. and returned to his hole, he found Spitz in it. Buck had tried not to fight Spitz be-fore, but this was too much. He attacked him angrily. Spitz was surprised. He knew Buck was big, but he didn’ t know he was so wild. Francois was surprised too, and guessed why Buck was angry. ‘Go on Buck!’ he shouted.‘Fight him, the dirty thief!’
  Spitz was also ready to fight, and the two dogs circled one another, looking for the chance to jump in. But suddenly there was a shout from Perrault, and they saw eighty or a hundred dogs around the sledge. The dogs came from an Indian village,and they were searching for the food that they could smell on the sledge. Perrault and Francois tried to fight them off with their clubs, but the dogs, made crazy by the smell of the food,showed their teeth and fought back.
  Buck had never seed dogs like these. They were all skin and bone, but hunger made them fight like wild things.Three of them attacked Buck and in seconds his head and legs were bad-ly bitten.Dave and Sol-leks stood side by side,covered in blood,fighting bravely. Joe and Pike jumped on one dog,and Pike broke its neck with one bite.Buck caught another dog by the neck and tasted blood. He threw himself on the next one,and then felt teeth in his own neck.It was Spitz,attacking him from the side.
  Perrault and Francois came to help with clubs, but then they had to run back to save the food . It was safer for the nine sledge-dogs to run away across the lake. Several of them were badly hurt, and they spent an unhappy night hiding among the tress.
  At first light they returned to the sledge and found Perrault and Francois tired and angry.Half their food was gone.The Indian dogs had even eaten one of Perrault's shoes.Francois looked at his dogs unhappily.
  ‘Ah, my friends,’he said softly,‘Perhaps those bites will make you ill.What do you think, Perrault?’
  Perrault said nothing. They still had six hundred kilometres to travel, and he hoped very much that his sledge-dogs had not caught rabies from the Indian dogs.
  The harness was torn and damaged and it was two hours be-fore they were moving, travelling slowly and painfully over the most difficult country that they had been in.
  The Thirty Mile River was not frozen. It ran too fast to freeze. They spent six days trying to find a place to cross, and every step was dangerous for dogs and men. Twelve times they found ice bridges across the river, and Perrault walked carefully onto them, holding a long piece of wood. And twelve times he fell through a bridge and was saved by the piece of wood, which caught on the sides of the hole.But the tempera-ture was 45° below zero, and each time Perrault fell into the water, he had to light a fire to dry and warm himself. Once,the sledge fell through the ice, with Dave and Buck, and they were covered in ice by the time Perrault and Francois pulled them out of the river.Again, a fire was needed to save them.Another time, Spitz and the dogs in front fell through the ice—Buck and Dave and Francois at the sledge had to pull backwards.That day they travelled only four hundred metres.
  When they got to the Hootalinqua and good ice, Buck and the other dogs were very, very tired. But they were late, so Perrault made them run faster. In three days they went a hun-dred and eighty kilometres and reached the Five Fingers.
  The other dogs had hard feet from years of pulling sledges,but Buck's feet were still soft from his easy life down south.All day he ran painfully, and when they camped for the night,he lay down like a dead dog.He was hungry,but he was too tired to walk to the fish, so Francois brought it to him.One day Francois made four little shoes for him, and this made Buck much more comfortable. Francois forgot the shoes one morning, and Buck refused to move. He lay on his back with his feet in the air, until Francois put the shoes on. Later his feet grew harder and the shoes were not needed.
  One morning, at the Pelly River, a dog called Delly went suddenly mad. She howled long and loud like a wolf and then jumped at Buck. Buck ran, with Dolly one step behind him.She could not catch him, but he could not escape from her.They ran half a kilometre, and then Buck heard Francois call to him. He turned and ran towards the man, sure that Francois would save him. Francois stood ,holding his axe,and as Buck passed, the axe crashed down on Dolly's head.
  Buck fell down by the sledge, too tired to move. Immedi-ately, Spitz attacked him and bit his helpless enemy twice, as hard as he could. But Francois saw this, and gave Spitz a ter-rible beating for it.
  ‘He's a wild dog, that Spitz,’said Perrault.‘One day he'll kill Buck.’
  ‘Buck is wilder,’replied Francois.‘I've been watching him. One day he'll get very angry and he'll fight Spitz; and he'll win.’ Francois was right. Buck wanted to be lead-dog.Spitz knew this and hated him. Buck started to help the other dogs when Spitz punished them for being lazy.One morning, Pike refused to get up, and Spitz looked for him everywhere. When he found him, he jumped at him.But suddenly, Buck at-tacked Spitz. The other dogs saw this, and it became more and more difficult for Spitz to lead them.But the days passed without a chance for a fight, and soon they were pulling into Dawson City on a cold grey afternoon.
  They stayed in Dawson for seven days. When they left,Perrault was carrying some more very important papers, and he wanted to travel back as fast as possible.
  They travelled eighty kilometres the first day, and the same the second. But it was difficult work for Francois. Buck and Spitz hated each other, and the other dogs were not afraid of Spitz any more. One night Pike stole half a fish from Spitz,and ate it standing next to Buck. And every time Buck went near Spitz, he growled and the hair on his back stood up angri-ly. The other dogs fought in their harnesses and Francois often had to stop the sledge.He knew that Buck was the problem,but Buck was too clever for him and Francois never saw him actually starting a fight.
  One night in camp, the dogs saw a snow rabbit and in a sec-ond they were all chasing it, with Spitz in front. Nearby was another camp, with fifty dogs, who also Joined the chase. The rabbit was running fast on top of the snow, but the snow was soft, and it was more difficult for the dogs. When Spitz caught the rabbit, throwing it in the air with his teeth, Buck was just behind. Spitz stopped, and Buck hit him, very hard. The two dogs fell in the snow. Spitz bit Buck very quickly, twice, and then jumped away, watching carefully.
  The time had come, and Buck knew that either he or Spitz must die. They watched one another, circling slowly. Themoon was shining brightly on the snow, and in the cold still air not a leaf moved on the trees. The other dogs finished eating the rabbit and then turned to watch.
  Spitz was a good fighter. He was full of hate and anger, but he was also intelligent. Every time Buck tried to bite his throat, he met Spitz's own teeth. Then, each time Buck attacked, Spitz moved and bit him on the side as he passed.After a few minutes,Buck was covered in blood.
  He attacked again, but this time turned at the last minute and went under Spitz, biting his left front leg. The bone broke, and Spitz was standing on three legs. Buck tried to knock Spitz down, and then repeated his earlier attack and broke Spitz's right front leg.
  There was no hope for Spitz now. Buck got ready for his final attack, while the circle of sixty dogs watched, and crowded nearer and nearer, waiting for the end. At last Buck jumped, in and out, and Spitz went down in the snow. A second later the waiting pack was on top of him, and Spitz had disappeared. Buck stood and watched. The wild animal had made its kill.

■ 3 野性

■ 4 The new lead-dog
  ‘Well, what did I say? Buck’ s a real fighter,all right,’ said Francois the next morning when he discovered that Spitz had disappeared and that Buck was covered in blood.
  ‘Spitz fought like a wolf,’said Perrault, as he looked at the bites all over Buck.
  ‘And Buck fought like ten wolves,’ answered Francois.‘And we'll travel faster now. No more Spitz, no more trouble.’
  Francois started to harness the dogs. He needed a new lead-dog, and decided that Sol-leks was the best dog that he had.But Buck jumped at Sol-leks and took his place.
  ‘Look at Buck!’ said Francois, laughing.‘He's killed Spitz, and now he wants to be lead-dog. Go away, Buck!’
  He pulled Buck away and tried to harness Sol-leks again.Sol-leks was unhappy too. He was frightened of Buck, and when Francois turned his back, Buck took Sol-leks’ place again. Now Francois was angry.
  ‘I'll show you!’ he cried, and went to get a heavy club from the sledge.
  Buck remembered the man in the red coat, and moved away. This time, when Sol-leks was harnessed as lead-dog,Buck did not try to move in. He kept a few metres away and circled around Francois carefully. But when Francois called him to his old place in front of Dave, Buck refused. He had won his fight with Spitz and he wanted to be lead-dog.
  For an hour the two men tried to harness him. Buck did not run away, but he did not let them catch him. Finally,Francois sat down, and Perrault looked at his watch.It was getting late.The two men looked at one another and smiled Francois walked up to Sol-leks, took off his harness, led him back and harnessed him in his old place.Then he called Buck.All the other dogs were harnessed and the only empty place was now the one at the front But Buck did not move.
  ‘Put down the club,’ said Perrault.
  Francois dropped the club, and immediately Buck came up to the front of the team.Francois harnessed him ,and in a minute the sledge was moving.
  Buck was an excellent leader. He moved and thought quick-ly and led the other dogs well. A new leader made no differ-ence to Dave and Sol-leks; they continued to pull hard .But the other dogs had had an easy life when Spitz was leading.They were surprised when Buck made them work hard and punished them for their mistakes Pike, the second dog,was usually lazy; but by the end of the first day he was pulling harder than he had ever pulled in his life. The first night in camp Buck fought Joe, another difficult dog, and after that there were no more problems with him. The team started to pull together, and to move faster and faster.
  ‘I've never seen a dog like Buck!’cried Francois,‘Never!He's worth a thousand dollars .What do you think,Perrault?’
  Perrault agreed.They were moving quickly, and covering more ground every day The snow was good and hard, and no new snow fell.The temperature dropped to 45° below zero,and didn't change.
  This time there was more ice on the Thirty Mile River, and they crossed in a day.Some days they ran a hundred kilome-tres, or even more They reached Skagway in fourteen days;the fastest time ever.
  For three days the dogs rested in Skagway.Then Francois put his arms around Buck's neck and said goodbye to him.And that was the last of Francois and Perrault. Like other men, they passed out of Buck's life for ever.
  Two new men took Buck and his team back north on the long journey to Dawson,travelling with several other dog-teams. It was heavy work; the sledge was loaded with letters for the gold miners of Dawson. Buck did not like it, but he worked hard, and made the other dogs work hard, too. Each day was the same. They started early, before it was light, and at night they stopped and camped and the dogs ate.For the dogs this was the best part of the day, first eating, then resting by the fire.
  Buck liked to lie by the fire, looking at the burning wood.Sometimes he thought about Mr Miller's house in California.More of ten he remembered the man in the red coat and his club, the death of Curly, the fight with Spitz, and the good things that he had eaten But sometimes he remembered other things These were things that he remembered through his parents, and his parents parents, and all the dogs which had lived before him.
  Sometimes as he lay there, he seemed to see, in a waking dream, a different fire. And he saw next to him, not the Indian cook, but another man, a man with shorter legs, and longer arms. This man had long hair and deep eyes, and madestrange noises in his throat He was very frightened of the dark,and looked around him all the time, holding a heavy stone in his hand .He wore the skin of an animal on his back,and Buck could see thick hair all over his body.
  Buck sat by the fire with this hairy man, and in the circling darkness beyond the fire he could see many eyes—the eyes of hungry animals waiting to attack. And he growled softly in his dream until the Indian cook shouted,‘Hey, Buck, wake up!’Then the strange world disappeared and Buck's eyes saw the real fire again.
  When they reached Dawson, the dogs were tired, and needed a week's rest But in two days they were moving south again, with another heavy load of letters. Both dogs and men were unhappy. It snowed every day as well, and on soft new snow it was harder work pulling the sledges.
  The men took good care of their dogs.In the evenings, the dogs ate first,the men second,and they always checked the dogs’ feet before they slept. But every day the dogs became weaker.Buck had pulled sledges for three thousand kilometres that winter, and he was as tired as the others.
  But Dave was not only tired; he was ill. Every evening he lay down the minute after the sledge stopped, and did not stand up until morning. The men looked at him, but they could find no broken bones. Something was wrong inside.
  One day he started to fall down while in his harness. The sledge stopped, and the driver took him out of his harness. He wanted to give him a rest, and let him run free behind the sledge. But Dave did not want to stop working. He hated to see another dog doing his work, so he ran along beside the sledge, trying to push Sol-leks out of his place. When the sledge made its next stop,
  Dave bit through Sol-leks’ harness and pushed him away. Then he stood there, in his old place in front of the sledge, waiting for his harness and the order to start pulling.
  The driver decided it was kinder to let him work. Dave pulled all day, but the next morning he was too weak to move.The driver harnessed up without Dave, and drove a few hun-dred metres. Then he stopped, took his gun, and walked back. The dogs heard a shot, and then the man came quickly back. The sledge started to move again; but Buck knew, and every dog knew, what had happened.

■ 4 新的头犬


等级: 派派督察
配偶: 周澤楷
举报 只看该作者 67楼  发表于: 2014-08-21 0

■ 5 More hard work
  Thirty days after leaving Dawson City, the team arrived back in Skagway. They were very, very tired Buck now weighed only fifty kilograms, and the other dogs were also very thin.
  They were not ill; they just needed a long, long rest. But at Skagway there were mountains of letters waiting to go north,so the men had to buy new, strong dogs The old ones, now useless for work, were sold.
  Two American men, called Hal and Charles, bought Buck and his team, together with the harness. Charles was forty years old, with light hair and watery blue eyes. Hal was a young man of twenty with a big shiny gun and a big knife in his belt .These things, more than anything, showed how young he was Both men were clearly new to the north, and its hard and dangerous life.
  They took the dogs back to their untidy camp, where a woman was waiting .This was Mercedes—Charles's wife and Hal's sister.
  Buck watched the men take down the tent and load all their luggage on the sledge. They didn't know how to do it sensibly, and every time they put something on the sledge,Mercedes moved it. Often they had to take things off the sledge and start again.
  Three men came up and watched, laughing
  ‘You've got a heavy load on that sledge,’ said one of them ‘Why don't you leave the tent here in Skagway?’
  ‘How could we live without a tent?’ asked Mercedes,throwing up her hands in the air.
  ‘It's spring now.You won't have any more cold weather.’
  ‘I must have a tent,’she answered, and helped Charles and Hal with the last few boxes.
  ‘Do you think that load will stay on?’asked another man.
  ‘Why shouldn't it?’ asked Charles.
  ‘Well, it's a bit heavy on top. Do you think your dogs will be able to pull that?’
  ‘Of course they will,’said Hal. The sledge was now ready to go.‘ Come on,dogs, pull!’ he shouted .
  The dogs pulled as hard as they could, but the sledge did not move.
  ‘The lazy animals!’shouted Hal, picking up his whip.
  But Mercedes stopped him ‘Oh, Hal, you mustn't,’ she cried, pulling the whip away from him .‘The poor dogs.You must promise to be nice to them or I'm staying here!’
  ‘You know nothing about dogs,’ answered Hal.‘ Leave me alone Dogs are lazy, and you have to whip them. Everybody knows that. Ask those men if you don't believe me.’
  Mercedes turned and looked at the watching men.
  ‘They’ re tired, if you really want to know,’ said one of them ‘They’ ve been working very hard and they need a rest.’
  ‘Rest?’laughed Hal.‘These stupid dogs are just lazy.’
  Now Mercedes decided that her brother was right.‘Don't listen to that man,’she said ‘You're driving our dogs and you do what you think is best.’
  Now Hal used his whip on the dogs. They pulled and pulled,but the sledge stayed where it was.Hal was still using his whip when Mercedes stopped him again and put her arms around Buck.
  ‘You poor,poor dears,’she said.‘Why don't you pull hard?—then nobody will whip you.’
  One of the men watching now spoke again.‘I don't care what happens to you,’ he said,‘but I'm sorry for the dogs.The sledge is frozen to the snow,and you'll have to break it out. Push it from one side to the other to break the ice.’
  Hal tried again,but this time he broke the ice under the sledge.The heavy sledge started to move slowly,Buck and his team pulling hard under the whip.After a hundred metres they had to turn into another street.It was a difficult turn with a top-heavy load,and Hal was not a good driver.As they turned,the sledge went over onto its side,throwing boxes and packets into the street.The dogs didn't stop. The sledge was not so heavy now and they pulled it easily on its side.The whip had made them angry and they started to run.Hal cried ‘Stop!’ but the dogs continued through Skagway,and the rest of the luggage fell off as they ran.
  People helped to catch the dogs and to pick up all the things from the street. They also told the men that if they wanted to reach Dawson,they needed twice as many dogs and half as much luggage.Hal and Charles went back to the camp and started to look at the luggage and throw things away.Tent,blankets and plates were taken out.Mercedes cried when most of her clothes went.When they had finished,Mercedes was still crying,there was a lot of luggage on the road,and there was still a lot to go on the sledge.
  Then Charles and Hal went out and bought six more dogs,so they now had fourteen. But the new dogs were not real sledge-dogs and they knew nothing about the work.Charles and Hal put them into harness, but Buck could not teach them how to pull a sledge.So now there were six dogs who couldn't pull at all, and eight who were tired after pulling for four thousand kilometres.But Charles and Hal were happy.They had more dogs than any sledge that they had seen at Skagway.They didn’ t know that no sledge could carry enough food for fourteen dogs.
  The next morning Buck led the team up the street.They moved slowly, because they were tired before they started.Buck had pulled to Dawson and back twice,and he didn't want to do it again.He had watched Hal and Charles and Mercedes and he saw that they didn't know how to do any thing.And,as the days passed,he saw that they could not learn.It took them half the evening to get everything ready for the night;and it took them half the morning to get ready to leave. And when they did start, they often had to stop because something had fallen off the sledge.On some days they travelled twenty kilometres and on some days only ten.
  They didn't have enough dog food when they started,and they used what they had much too quickly.Hal gave the dogs extra food because he wanted them to pull harder.Mercedes gave them extra food because she was sorry for them.But it was not food that they wanted,but rest.
  Soon Hal saw that they had travelled only a quarter of the way to Dawson,but had eaten half their food.He had to give the dogs less food. It was easy to give them less food,but it was impossible to make them travel faster.
  Dub had pulled hard and well all the way from Skagway,but he had hurt his leg.It got worse and worse until finally Hal had to shoot him.The six new dogs,now weak and ill from hunger and hard work,died next.
  Hal,Charles,and Mercedes had started the journey happily;but now they were tired,cross and miserable.Charles and Hal argued about everything,because each thought that he was working harder than the other.And Mer cedes was unhappy because she thought that she shouldn't have to work.She was tired,so she rode on the sledge,mak ing the work even harder for the dogs.She rode for days,until the dogs could not move the sledge.The men asked her to walk,but she would not leave the sledge.One day they lifted her off.She sat in the snow and did not move.They went off with the sledge and travelled five kilometres.Then they turned,went back,and lifted her on again.
  Buck and the other dogs were now just skin and bone.They pulled when they could,and when they couldn't they lay down in the snow.When they were whipped,they stood up and tried to pull again.
  One day Billee fell and could not stand up.Hal killed him and threw him into the snow. Buck and the other dogs knew that soon they were going to die,too.On the next day Koona died,and there were only five dogs left:Joe,Pike,Sol-leks the one-eyed,Teek,and Buck.
  It was beautiful spring weather.The snow and ice were melting,the plants were growing,and the forest animals were waking from their winter sleep.It was a lovely morning when the two men, and the five dogs pulling Mercedes on the sledge,came into John Thornton's camp at White River.They stopped,and the dogs dropped down immediately to rest.
  John Thornton was mending an axe,and he went on working as he talked to Hal.
  ‘Is it safe to cross the river here?’asked Hal.
  ‘No,the ice is too thin.It's much too dangerous,answered Thornton.
  ‘People have told us that before,’laughed Hal,‘but we got here with no problems.’
  ‘Only somebody very stupid would cross the White River here,’said Thornton.
  ‘That's what you think,’said Hal.‘But we've got to get to Dawson.’He pickd up his whip.‘Come on,Buck!Get up now!Let's go!’
  Thornton went on working.He had warned them,but he knew he couldn't stop these stupid men from going on.
  But Buck didn't get up.Sol-leks stood up slowly,then Teek and Joe,and finally Pike.But Buck stayed where he was.The whip came down on him again and again.Thornton started to speak,then stopped,and began to walk up and down.
  Hal now put down his whip and started to hit Buck with a club.But Buck had decided not to get up.He had felt thin ice under his feet all day and he saw thin ice in front of him.The club hit him again and again,but Buck felt almost nothing.
  Then suddenly, with a wild cry,John Thornton jumped on Hal,throwing him backwards.Mercedes screamed.
  ‘If you hit that dog again,I’11 kill you,’Thornton shouted.
  ‘He's my dog,’Hal replied.There was blood on his face.‘Get out of my way,or I’11 hit you,too.I'm going to Dawson.’
  Thornton stood between Hal and Buck and did not move.Hal took out his long knife,but Thornton knocked it out of his hand.Mercedes screamed again.Then Thornton picked up Hal's knife and cut Buck out of the harness.
  Hal didn't want to fight,and Buck was not worth fighting for;he was nearly dead. Hal started the sledge and went down towards the river.Buck lifted his head and watched the sledge move away.Pike was leading,and Joe,Teek and Sol-leks were behind him.Hal was walking in front of the sledge and Mercedes was riding on it;Charles was walking behind.
  As Buck watched,Thornton felt his body with gentle hands,searching for broken bones.Buck was very thin,very tired and very weak,but Thornton didn't think he was going to die.Then both dog and man watched the sledge as it went slowly out on to the ice in the middle of the river.Suddenly the back of the sledge went down and the front went up into the air. Mercedes screamed,and Charles turned and took one step back. Then a big piece of ice broke off,and dogs,sledge and people disappeared;there was only a big hole in the ice.
  John Thornton and Buck looked at one another.
  ‘You poor thing,’said John Thornton,and Buck licked his hand.

■ 5 更艰苦的工作

■ 6 For the love of a man
  John Thornton had been ill in December,and his two friends had had to leave him at White River and go on to Dawson.They left him in the camp with plenty of food ,and with his two dogs,Skeet and Blackie.Now the spring had come,and he was almost well.He lay in the sun by the river with Buck,watching the water and listening to the birds,slowly getting stronger and stronger.
  A rest is very welcome after running five thousand kilome tres,and Buck slowly got fatter and stronger.It was a peace ful,lazy time for both man and dogs while they waited for Thornton's friends to return from Dawson.
  Skeet made friends with Buck immediately,and while Buck was still very ill, every morning she washed his cuts carefully with her tongue.Blackie,too,was friendly,and as Buck grew stronger,the three dogs often played games together.Sometimes Thornton joined the games too.
  The days passed very happily,and for the first time,Buck learned to love,He had never loved a man before.He and Mr Miller in the Santa Clara valley had been very good friends,but Buck had not loved him.John Thornton had saved his life,but he was also a man who was naturally kind to animals.He took very good care of his dogs,not because it was sensible to do that, but because he felt they were his children. He was always talking to Buck,holding his head and shaking it lovingly.In answer,Buck liked to take Thornton's hand gently in his mouth.
  Buck was happy to lie on the ground all day and watch Thornton And when Thornton spoke to him or touched him,Buck went wild with happiness. At first, he was afraid that Thornton was going to disappear,like Perrault and Francois,and at night he sometimes woke up and went to the tent to make sure that he was still there.
  But something was changing in Buck.He had lived in the north a long time now,and he was almost a wild dog.He was happy to sit by Thornton's fire,but he sat as a wild animal,and his dreams were filled with other animals—dogs, half wolves,and wild wolves.They seemed to call him into the forest,and sometimes Buck wanted to leave the fire and answer the call.But every time he went into the trees,his love for Thornton brought him back.
  It was only Thornton who stopped him going into the forest.Other men did not interest him.Visitors to the camp tried to make friends with him,but Buck stayed cold.When Thornton's two friends,Hans and Pete,arrived from Dawson,Buck refused to notice them at first.Then he saw that they were friends of Thornton's and after that he accept ed them;but they were not his friends They were,like Thornton,kind men,and they understood that Buck loved Thornton,and him alone.
  Thornton,too,understood Buck.One day,Buck and the three men were sitting on some high rocks, a hundred metres above the river.Thornton wondered if Buck would obey any order, even a crazy one.‘Jump,Buck!’he shouted,pointing down to the river.A second later the three men were holding Buck back as he tried to jump.
  ‘That was very strange,’said Pete, when they had sat down again.
  ‘Not strange;wonderful,’said Thornton.‘Terrible,too.Sometimes it frightens me.’
  ‘Yes.I feel sorry for any man who hits you when Buck's near,’said Pete.
  ‘So do I,’said Hans.
  It happened in the autumn in Circle City.A man called Bur ton was starting a fight with another man in a bar.Thornton stepped between them to try to stop them.Buck was,as usual,lying in the corner watching.Burton hit Thornton and he nearly fell,just catching a table.Buck flew through the air at Burton's throat.Burton saved his life by putting up his arm,and was thrown on to the ground,with Buck on top of him.Buck took his teeth out of the man's arm and this time bit into his throat.Then a crowd of people pulled Buck off,and a doctor was called.Everyone agreed that Buck had only attacked because he saw Thornton in danger,and from that day Buck's name became famous all over the north.
  Later that year,Buck saved Thornton in a different way.The three men were taking a boat down a fast and rocky river.Thornton was in the boat,while Hans and Pete moved along the river bank,holding the boat with a rope.Buck followed them,keeping a worried eye on Thornton.
  They came to a more dangerous part of the river, and the boat started to go too quickly.Hans pulled on the rope to stop it,and pulled too hard.The boat turned over,and Thornton was thrown into the water and carried down river towards rocks where no swimmer could live.
  Buck jumped in immediately and swam three hundred me tres until he reached Thornton.Then he turned,and with Thornton holding his tail,Buck swam towards the river bank.But they moved slowly,and all the time the river was carrying them towards the place where the water crashed twenty metres down onto rocks.Thornton knew that they would not get to the bank quickly enough,so he let go of Buck,held on to a rock in the middle of the water,and shouted,‘Go,Buck,go!’
  Buck swam as hard as he could to the bank,and Pete and Hans pulled him out.
  It was hard for Thornton to hold on to his rock in that wild water,and his friends knew they had only a few minutes to save him.They tied their rope round Buck,who at once jumped into the river and tried to swim to Thornton.The first time,the water took him past the rock,and Pete and Hans had to pull him back The second time,he swam higher up the river,and the water brought him down to Thornton.Thornton held on to Buck,and Hans and Pete pulled the rope as hard as they could.Man and dog disappeared under the water,banging into rocks,turning over and over,sometimes with Buck on top,sometimes Thornton.When Hans and Pete finally pulled them out,both seemed more dead than alive But after a while their eyes opened and life returned
  That winter,at Dawson,Buck did something that made him even more famous in the north.It was also very helpful to the three men.They wanted to make a journey to look for gold in the east,and they needed money.They were in a bar one day when some of the men started to talk about dogs.One man said that he had a dog who was strong enough to pull a sledge with two hundred kilos on it.Another said his dog could pull two hundred and fifty.A third man,called Matthewson,said his dog could pull three hundred kilos.
  ‘That's nothing,’said Thornton.‘Buck can pull three hundred and fifty.’
  ‘ Can he break the sledge out when it's frozen to the ice and then start it moving?And pull it a hundred metres?’ asked Matthewson.
  ‘He can break it out,and start it,and pull it a hundred metres,said Thornton.
  ‘Well,’said Matthewson,speaking slowly and loudly.‘I've got a thousand dollars here,and I say he can't.’ As he spoke,he took a bag of gold and put it down on the table.
  Suddenly Thornton was worried.He knew Buck was strong,but was he strong enough? Now ten men were watching him and waiting.He didn't have a thousand dollars,and neither did Hans or Pete.
  ‘I've got a sledge outside with three hundrd and fifty kilos on it,’said Matthewson.‘So it's easy if you want to try.’
  Thornton didn't know what to say.He looked at the other men in the bar.One of them was an old friend,Jim O’Brien.
  ‘Can yon lend me a thousand dollars,Jim?’he asked softly.
  ‘Sure,’said O’Brien,putting another bag of gold next to Matthewson's.‘But I don't think the dog can do it,John.’
  Everybody went out into the street.There were two or three hundred men around Matthewson's sledge.The sledge had been outside the bar for two hours,and it was frozen to the ice,in a temperature of 50°below zero.Most of the men thought that Buck was not strong enough,and Matthewson smiled happily.
  ‘Shall we make it two thousand dollars?’he asked.
  Thornton,Hans and Pete talked for a minute.They had only four hundred dollars,but they added this to O’Brien's thousand.Matthewson,very sure of winning.also put down another four hundred dollars.
  Matthewson's ten dogs were taken away,and Buck,who could feel the excitement in the air,was harnessed to the sledge.Buck was,without question,a very fine animal—bright-eyed,intelligent,his thick coat shining with health.And he looked as strong as a horse.
  One man went up to Thornton.‘I'll buy him now,’he said.‘I’11 give you eight hundred dollars for him.’
  Thornton shook his head and sat down on the snow next to Buck.He held Buck's head in his hands and spoke softly into his ear.‘If you love me,Buck.If you love me.’
  Buck took Thornton's hand between his teeth,then let go,and Thornton stood up and stepped back.
  ‘Ready,Buck,’he said.
  Buck pulled on the harness a little, getting ready.
  ‘Right!’cried Thornton.
  Buck pulled to the right,hard,stopped suddenly,and the ice under the sledge began to break.
  ‘Now,left!’called Thornton,and Buck pulled to the left,breaking more of the ice.
  Buck threw himself against his harness,and pulled.He held his body low to the ground,his head down and forward,and his feet dug into the hard snow.Harder and harder he pulled.Suddenly,the sledge moved a centimetre…two…three…and,little by little,it started to go forward across the snow.With each second it went a little faster,and Thornton ran be hind,calling to Buck as he pulled the sledge towards the end of the hundred metres.The watching men were shouting and throwing their hats in the air;Buck had won.
  Then Thornton was on the snow next to Buck again,talking to him,and Buck had Thornton's hand in his teeth.

■ 6 对人的热爱

■ 7 The call of the wild
  In five minutes Buck had made fourteen hundred dollars for Thornton and his friends.The money made it possi ble for them to travel east,where they wanted to look for a lost gold mine.Men said that this mine had more gold than any other mine in the north. Many had looked for it,and some had died looking for it.The only men who knew where it was were now dead.
  Thornton,Pete and Hans,with Buck and six other dogs,started off to the east in the spring.They travelled up the Stewart River and crossed the Mackenzie Mountains.They did not move quickly;the weather was good,and!the men shot animals for food when they needed it.Sometimes they travelled for a week,and sometimes they stopped for a week and searched for gold in the ground.Sometimes they were hungry,and sometimes they had lots of food.They spent all the summer in the mountains,carrying everything they needed on their backs,sometimes making boats to go down rivers or across lakes.
  In the autumn they came to a strange,flat country,with many lakes.They travelled on through the winter and met nobody,but once they found an old wooden house,with an old gun in it.
  When the spring came,they found,not the lost mine,but a lake in a wide valley.Through the shallow water the gold showed like yellow butter, and here their search ended.There was gold worth thousands of dollars in the lake,and they worked every day,filling bag after bag with gold.
  The dogs had nothing to do except watch the men and eat the food which the men shot for them.Buck spent many evenings sitting by the fire.
  As he sat,he saw again his dream world,where the strange hairy man sat next to him.He also heard something calling him into the forest.Sometimes,in the middle of the day,he lifted his head and listened,and then ran off into the forest.
  One night he woke up and heard the call again,a long howl.He ran into the forest,following the sound,and came to an open place in the trees.And there, his nose pointing to the sky,sat a wolf.
  The wolf stopped howling and Buck walked slowly towards him.The wolf ran, and Buck followed.After a time,the wolf stopped and waited,watching Buck,ready to attack.But Buck did not want to fight,and soon the wolf realized this,and the two animals became friendly.Then the wolf started to run again,and he clearly wanted Buck to follow him.They ran for hours through the forest,and Buck remembered again his dream world where he,and others like him,had run through a much older forest.
  Then they stopped to drink,and Buck remembered John Thornton.He turned and started to run back.The wolf followed him,then stopped and howled, but Buck ran on and did not turn.
  Thornton was eating dinner when Buck returned.Buck jumped all over him,and for two days never left his side.He followed him every where,watching him while he ate and while he slept.But after two days the call of the wild came again,and he remembered the forest and the wolf who had run beside him.
  He started to sleep out in the forest at night,sometimes staying out for three or four days.Once he was away for a week,fishing and killing animals for food.He ate well,and he grew stronger and quicker and more alive.His golden brown coat shone with health as he ran through the forest,learning its every secret,every smell,and every sound.
  ‘He's the finest dog that I've ever seen,’said Thornton to his friends one day as they watched Buck walking out of camp.
  ‘There’11 never be another dog like him,’said Pete.
  They saw him walking out of camp but they didn't see the change that happened when he was inside the forest.At once he became a thing of the wild,stepping softly and silently,a passing shadow among the trees.
  In the autumn,Buck started to see moose in the forest.One day he met a group of about twenty.The largest was two me tres tall,and his antlers were more than two metres across.When he saw Buck, he got very angry. For hours Buck fol lowed the moose;he wanted the big one,but he wanted him alone.By the evening Buck had driven the big old moose away from the others,and then he began his attack.The animal weighed six hundred and fifty kilos—he was big enough and strong enough to kill Buck in seconds.Patiently,Buck fol lowed him for four days,attacking and then jumping away.He gave him no peace,no time to eat or drink or rest, and slowly the moose became weaker.At the end of the fourth day Buck pulled the moose down and killed him.He stayed by the dead animal for a day and a half,eating,and then turned towards camp and John Thornton.
  Five kilometres from the camp,he smelt something strange.Something was wrong.He started to run.After a few hundred metres he found the dead body of Blackie,with an arrow through his side.Then he found another sledge-dog,dying,with an arrow in his neck.
  Buck was near the camp now,and he could hear voices singing.Then he saw the body of Hans,lying on his face,with ten or fifteen arrows in his back.Buck was suddenly filled with a wild,burning anger.
  The yeehats were dancing around the camp,when they heard a deep and terrible growling.Buck came out of the trees faster than the north wind,and threw himself on the Yeehats like a mad dog He jumped at the first man,and tore out his throat,killing him at once.He jumped onto a second,then a third man,going each time for the throat.The Yeehats could neither escape nor use their arrows.Buck moved like a storm among them,tearing,biting,destroying,in a madness that he had never known before.Nothing could stop him,and soon the Yeehats were running,wild with fear,back to the forest Buck followed for some time,then returned to the camp.
  He found Pete,killed in his bed. He followed Thornton's smell to a deep pool,and found Skeet lying dead by the edge.Thornton's body was somewhere under the water.
  All day Buck stayed by the pool or walked restlessly round the camp. But when the evening came, he heard new sounds from the forest;the wolves had come south for the winter,and were moving into Buck's valley.They came into the camp in the moonlight,and Buck stood silently,waiting for them.Suddenly,the bravest wolf jumped at Buck.In a second,Buck had bitten,and then stood still again.The wolf was dead behind him.Three more wolves jumped at him,and were killed.
  Then the pack attacked in a crowd all at once.But not one of them could bring Buck down;he was too quick,too strong,too clever for them all.After half an hour the pack stopped attacking and moved away.Then one wolf moved forward slowly, in a friendly way;it was the wolf that Buck had met before in the forest.They touched noses.Then another wolf came forward to make friends,and another.Soon the pack was all around Buck,and the call of the wild was loud in Buck's ears.And when the wolves moved on, back into the forest,Buck ran with them,side by side
  That is perhaps the end of Buck's story.But after a few years,the Yeehats noticed that some of the wolves had golden brown in their grey coats.They also talked of a Ghost Dog that ran at the head of the pack.
  And sometimes men were found dead,killed by the teeth of a terrible animal.And each autumn,when the Yeehats follow the moose,there is one valley that they will not go into.
  In the summers there is one visitor to that valley: a large,golden-brown wolf,larger than any other wolf.He walks alone round the lake where the yellow gold shines in the water, and howls.But he is not always alone.In the long winter nights,he runs at the head of the wolf pack through the moonlight,calling into the night with them,singing a song from a younger world.

■ 7 野性的呼唤


等级: 派派督察
配偶: 周澤楷
举报 只看该作者 68楼  发表于: 2014-08-21 0

【03-01-03】  [秘密花园 / 弗朗西丝·霍奇森·伯内特 著]
  The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett

■ 简介

■ 1 Little Miss Mary
  Nobody seemed to care about Mary.She was born in India,where her father was a British official.He was busy with his work,and her mother,who was very beautiful, spent all her time going to parties.So an Indian woman,Kamala,was paid to take care of the little girl.Mary was not a pretty child.She had a thin angry face and thin yellow hair. She was always giving orders to Kamala,who had to obey. Mary never thought of other people, but only of herself.In fact,she was a very selfish,disagreeable,bad-tempered little girl.
  One very hot morning,when she was about nine years old, she woke up and saw that instead of Kamala there was a different Indian servant by her bed.
  ‘What are you doing here?’she asked crossly.‘Go away! And send Kamala to me at once!’
  The woman looked afraid.‘I'm sorry,Miss Mary,she— she—she can't come!’
  Something strange was happening that day.Some of the house servants were missing and everybody looked frightened. But nobody told Mary anything,and Kamala still did not come.So at last Mary went out into the garden,and played by herself under a tree.She pretended she was making her own flower garden,and picked large red flowers to push into the ground.All the time she was saying crossly to herself,
  ‘I hate Kamala!I'll hit her when she comes back!’
  Just then she saw her mother coming into the garden,with a young Englishman.They did not notice the child,who listened to their conversation.
  ‘It's very bad,is it?’her mother asked the young man in a worried voice.
  ‘Very bad,’he answered seriously.‘People are dying like flies.It's dangerous to stay in this town.You should go to the hills,where there's no disease.’
  ‘Oh,I know!’she cried.‘We must leave soon!’
  Suddenly they heard loud cries coming from the servants’rooms,at the side of the house.
  ‘What's happened?’cried Mary's mother wildly.
  ‘I think one of your servants has just died.You didn't tell me the disease is here,in your house!’
  ‘I didn't know!’she screamed.‘Quick,come with me!’And together they ran into the house.
  Now Mary understood what was wrong.The terrible disease had already killed many people in the town,and in all the houses people were dying.In Mary's house it was Kamala who had just died.Later that day three more servants died there.
  All through the night and the next day people ran in and out of the house,shouting and crying.Nobody thought of Mary. She hid in her bedroom,frightened by the strange and terrible sounds that she heard around her.Sometimes she cried and sometimes she slept.
  When she woke the next day,the house was silent.
  ‘Perhaps the disease has gone,’she thought,‘and everybody is well again.I wonder who will take care of me instead of Kamala?Why doesn't someone bring me some food?It's strange the house is so quiet.’
  But just then she heard men's voices in the hall.
  ‘How sad!’ said one.‘That beautiful woman!’
  ‘There was a child too,wasn't there?’said the other.‘Although none of us ever saw her.’
  Mary was standing in the middle of her room when they opened the door a few minutes later.The two men jumped back in surprise.
  ‘My name is Mary Lennox,’she said crossly.‘I was asleep when everyone was ill,and now I'm hungry.’
  ‘It's the child,the one nobody ever saw!’said the older man to the other.‘They've all forgotten her!’
  ‘Why was I forgotten?’asked Mary angrily.‘Why has nobody come to take care of me?’
  The younger man looked at her very sadly.‘Poor child!’ he said.‘You see,there's nobody left alive in the house.So nobody can come.’
  In this strange and sudden way Mary learnt that both her mother and her father had died.The few servants who had not died had run away in the night.No one had remembered little Miss Mary.She was all alone.
  Because she had never known her parents well,she did not miss them at all.She only thought of herself,as she had always done.
  ‘Where will I live?’she wondered.‘I hope I'll stay with people who'll let me do what I want.’
  At first she was taken to an English family who had known her parents.She hated their untidy house and noisy children, and preferred playing by herself in the garden.One day she was playing her favourite game,pretending to make a garden, when one of the children,Basil,offered to help.
  ‘Go away!’cried Mary.‘I don't want your help!’
  For a moment Basil looked angry,and then he began to laugh He danced round and round Mary,and sang a funny little song about Miss Mary and her stupid flowers.This made Mary very cross indeed.No one had ever laughed at her so unkindly.
  ‘You're going home soon,’said Basil.‘And we're all very pleased you're leaving!’
  ‘I'm pleased too,’replied Mary.‘But where's home?’
  ‘You're stupid if you don't know that!’laughed Basil. England,of course!You're going to live with your uncle,Mr Archibald Graven.’
  ‘I've never heard of him,’said Mary coldly.
  ‘But I know about him because I heard Father and Mother talking,’said Basil.‘He lives in a big lonely old house,and has no friends,because he's so badtempered.He's got a crooked back,and he's horrid!’
  ‘I don't believe you!’cried Mary.But the next day Basil's parents explained that she was going to live with her uncle in Yorkshire,in the north of England.Mary looked bored and cross and said nothing.
  After the long sea journey,she was met in London by Mr Craven's housekeeper,Mrs Medlock.Together they travelled north by train.Mrs Medlock was a large woman,with a very red face and bright black eyes.Mary did not like her,but that was not surprising,because she did not usually like people.Mrs Medlock did not like Mary either.
  ‘What a disagreeable child!’thought the housekeeper.‘But perhaps I should talk to her.’
  ‘I can tell you a bit about your uncle if you like,’she said aloud.‘He lives in a big old house,a long way from anywhere. There are nearly a hundred rooms,but most of them are shut and locked.There's a big park round the house,and all kinds of gardens.Well,what do you think of that?’
  ‘Nothing,’replied Mary.‘It doesn't matter to me.’
  Mrs Medlock laughed.‘You're a hard little girl!Well,if you don't care,Mr Craven doesn't either.He never spends time on anyone.He's got a crooked back,you see,and although he's always been rich,he was never really happy until he married.’
  ‘Married?’repeated Mary in surprise.
  ‘Yes,he married a sweet,pretty girl,and he loved her deeply.So when she died—’
  ‘Oh!Did she die?’asked Mary,interested.
  ‘Yes,she did.And now he doesn't care about anybody.If he's at home,he stays in his room and sees nobody.He won't want to see you,so you must stay out of his way and do what you're told.’
  Mary stared out of the train window at the grey sky and the rain.She was not looking forward to life at her uncle's house.
  The train journey lasted all day,and it was dark when they arrived at the station.Then there was a long drive to get to the house.It was a cold,windy night,and it was raining heavily. After a while Mary began to hear a strange,wild noise.She looked out of the window,but could see nothing except the darkness.
  ‘What's that noise?’she asked Mrs Medlock.‘It's—It's not the sea,is it?’
  ‘No,that's the moor.It's the sound the wind makes,blowing across the moor.’
  ‘What is a moor?’
  ‘It's just miles and miles of wild land,with no trees or houses.Your uncle's house is right on the edge of the moor.’
  Mary listened to the strange,frightening sound.‘I don't like it,’she thought.‘I don't like it.’She looked more disagreeable than ever.

■ 1 幼年的玛丽小姐

■ 2 Mary in Yorkshire
  They arrived at a very large old house.It looked dark and unfriendly from the outside.Inside,Mary looked around the big shadowy hall,and felt very small and lost.They went straight upstairs.Mary was shown to a room where there was a warm fire and food on the table.
  ‘This is your room,’said Mrs Medlock.‘Go to bed when you've had some supper.And remember,you must stay in your room!Mr Craven doesn't want you to wander all over the house!’
  When Mary woke up the next morning,she saw a young servant girl cleaning the fireplace.The room seemed dark and rather strange,with pictures of dogs and horses and ladies on the walls.It was not a child's room at all.From the window she could not see any trees or houses,only wild land,which looked like a kind of purple sea.
  ‘Who are you?’she asked the servant coldly.
  ‘Martha,miss,’answered the girl with a smile.
  ‘And what's that outside?’Mary continued.
  ‘That's the moor,’smiled Martha.‘Do you like it?’
  ‘No,’replied Mary immediately.‘I hate it.’
  ‘That's because you don't know it.You will like it.I love it.It's lovely in spring and summer when there are flowers.It always smells so sweet.The air's so fresh,and the birds sing so beautifully.I never want to leave the moor.’
  Mary was feeling very badtempered.‘You're a strange servant,’she said.‘In India we don't have conversations with servants.We give orders,and they obey,and that's that.’
  Martha did not seem to mind Mary's crossness.
  ‘I know I talk too much!’she laughed.
  ‘Are you going to be my servant?’asked Mary.
  ‘Well,not really.I work for Mrs Medlock.I'm going to clean your room and bring you your food,but you won't need a servant except for those things.’
  ‘But who's going to dress me?’
  Martha stopped cleaning,and stared at Mary.
  ‘Tha’canna'dress thysen?’she asked,shocked.
  ‘What do you mean? I don't understand your language!’
  ‘Oh,I forgot.We all speak the Yorkshire dialect here,but of course you don't understand that.I meant to say,can't you put on your own clothes?’
  ‘Of course not!My servant always used to dress me.’
  ‘Well!I think you should learn to dress yourself.My mother always says people should be able to take care of themselves, even if they're rich and important.’
  Little Miss Mary was furious with Martha.‘It's different in India where I come from!You don't know anything about India,or about servants,or about anything!You… you…’She could not explain what she meant.Suddenly she felt very confused and lonely.She threw herself down on the bed and started cryiny wildly.
  ‘Now,now,don't cry like that,’Martha said gently.‘I'm very sorry.You're right,I don't know anything about anything.Please stop crying,miss.’
  She sounded kind and friendly,and Mary began to feel better and soon stopped crying.Martha went on talking as she finished her cleaning,but Mary looked out of the window in a bored way,and pretended not to listen.
  ‘I've got eleven brothers and sisters,you know,miss. There's not much money in our house.And they all eat so much food!Mother says it's the good fresh air on the moor that makes them so hungry.My brother Dickon,he's always out on the moor.He's twelve,and he's got a horse which he rides sometimes.’
  ‘Where did he get it?’asked Mary.She had always wanted an animal of her own,and so she began to feel a little interest in Dickon.
  ‘Oh,it's a wild horse,but he's a kind boy,and animals like him,you see.Now you must have your breakfast,miss.Here it is on the table.’
  ‘I don't want it,’said Mary.‘I'm not hungry.’
  ‘What!’ cried Martha.‘My little brothers and sisters would eat all this in five minutes!’
  ‘Why?’asked Mary coldly.
  ‘Because they don't get enough to eat,that's why,and they're always hungry.You're very lucky to have the food, miss.’Mary said nothing,but she drank some tea and ate a little bread.
  ‘Now put a coat on and run outside to play,’said Martha.‘It'll do you good to be in the fresh air.’
  Mary looked out of the window at the cold grey sky.‘Why should I go out on a day like this?’she asked.
  ‘Well,there's nothing to play with indoors,is there?’
  Mary realized Martha was right.‘But who will go with me?’she said.
  Martha stared at her.‘Nobody.You'll have to learn to play by yourself Dickon plays by himself on the moors for hours, with the wild birds,and the sheep,and the other animals.’She looked away for a moment.‘Perhaps I shouldn't tell you this, but—but one of the walled gardens is locked up.Nobody's been in it for ten years.It was Mrs Graven's garden,and when she died so suddenly,Mr Craven locked it and buried the key— Oh,I must go,I can hear Mrs Medlock's bell ringing for me.’
  Mary went downstairs and wandered through the great empty gardens.Many of the fruit and vegetable gardens had walls round them,but there were no locked doors.She saw an old man digging in one of the vegetable gardens,but he looked cross and unfriendly,so she walked on.
  ‘How ugly it all looks in winter!’she thought.‘But what a mystery the locked garden is!Why did my uncle bury the key?If he loved his wife,why did he hate her garden?Perhaps I'll never know.I don't suppose I'll like him if I ever meet him.And he won't like me,so I won't be able to ask him.’
  Just then she noticed a robin singing to her from a tree on the other side of a wall.‘I think that tree's in the secret garden!’she told herself.‘There's an extra wall here,and there's no way in.’
  She went back to where the gardener was digging,and spoke to him.At first he answered in a very badtempered way,but suddenly the robin flew down near them,and the old man began to smile.He looked a different person then,and Mary thought how much nicer people looked when they smiled.The gardener spoke gently to the robin,and the pretty little bird hopped on the ground near them.
  ‘He's my friend,he is,’said the old man.‘There aren't any other robins in the garden,so he's a bit lonely.’He spoke in strong Yorkshire dialect,so Mary had to listen carefully to understand him.
  She looked very hard at the robin.‘I'm lonely too,’she said.She had not realized this before.
  ‘What's your name?’she asked the gardener.
  ‘Ben Weatherstaff.I'm lonely myself.The robin's my only friend,you see.’
  ‘I haven't got any friends at all,’said Mary.
  Yorkshire people always say what they are thinking,and old Ben was a Yorkshire moor man.‘We're alike,you and me,’he told Mary.‘We're not pretty to look at,and we're both very disagreeable.’
  Nobody had ever said this to Mary before.‘Am I really as ugly and disagreeable as Ben?’she wondered.
  Suddenly the robin flew to a tree near Mary and started singing to her.Ben laughed loudly.
  ‘Well!’he said.‘He wants to be your friend!’
  ‘Oh!Would you please be my friend?’she whispered to the robin.She spoke in a soft,quiet voice and old Ben looked at her in surprise.
  ‘You said that really nicely!’he said.‘You sound like Dickon,when he talks to animals on the moor.’
  ‘Do you know Dickon?’asked Mary.But just then the robin flew away.‘Oh look,he's flown into the garden with no door! Please,Ben,how can I get into it?’
  Ben stopped smiling and picked up his spade.‘You can't, and that's that.It's not your business.Nobody can find the door.Run away and play,will you?I must get on with my work.’And he walked away.He did not even say goodbye.
  In the next few days Mary spent almost all her time in the gardens.The fresh air from the moor made her hungry,and she was becoming stronger and healthier.One day she noticed the robin again.He was on top of a wall,singing to her.‘Good morning!Isn't this fun!Come this way!’he seemed to say, as he hopped along the wall.Mary began to laugh as she danced along beside him.‘I know the secret garden's on the other side of this wall!’she thought excitedly.‘And the robin lives there!But where's the door?’
  That evening she asked Martha to stay and talk to her beside the fire after supper.They could hear the wind blowing round the old house, but the room was warm and comfortable. Mary only had one idea in her head.
  ‘Tell me about the secret garden,’she said.
  ‘Well,all right then,miss,but we aren't supposed to talk about it,you know.It was Mrs Graven's favourite garden,and she and Mr Craven used to take care of it themselves.They spent hours there,reading and talking.Very happy,they were. They used the branch of an old tree as a seat.But one day when she was sitting on the branch,it broke,and she fell.She was very badly hurt and the next day she died.That's why he hates the garden so much,and won't let anyone go in there.’
  ‘How sad!’said Mary.‘Poor Mr Craven!’It was the first time that she had ever felt sorry for anyone.
  Just then,as she was listening to the wind outside,she heard another noise,in the house.
  ‘Can you hear a child crying?’she asked Martha.
  Martha looked confused.‘Er—no,’she replied.‘No,I think…it must be the wind.’
  But at that moment the wind blew open their door and they heard the crying very clearly.
  ‘I told you!’cried Mary.
  At once Martha shut the door.‘It was the wind,’she repeated.But she did not speak in her usual natural way,and Mary did not believe her.
  The next day it was very rainy,so Mary did not go out.Instead she decided to wander round the house,looking into some of the hundred rooms that Mrs Medlock had told her about. She spent all morning going in and out of dark,silent rooms, which were full of heavy furniture and old pictures.She saw no servants at all,and was on her way back to her room for lunch, when she heard a cry.‘It's a bit like the cry that I heard last night!’she thought.Just then the housekeeper,Mrs Medlock, appeared,with her keys in her hand.
  ‘What are you doing here?’she asked crossly.
  ‘I didn't know which way to go,and I heard someone crying,’answered Mary.
  ‘You didn't hear anything!Go back to you room now. And if you don't stay there,I'll lock you in!’
  Mary hated Mrs Medlock for this.‘There was someone crying,I know there was!’she said to herself.‘But I'll discover who it is soon!’She was almost beginning to enjoy herself in Yorkshire.

■ 2 玛丽在约克郡的日子


等级: 派派督察
配偶: 周澤楷
举报 只看该作者 69楼  发表于: 2014-08-21 0

■ 3 Finding the secret garden
  When Mary woke up two days later,the wind and rain had all disappeared,and the sky was a beautiful blue.‘Spring'll be here soon,’said Martha happily.‘You'll love the moor then,when it's full of flowers and birds.’
  ‘Could I get to the moor?’asked Mary.
  ‘You've never done much walking,have you?I don't think you could walk the five miles to our cottage!’
  ‘But I'd like to meet your family,’Mary said.
  Martha looked at the little girl for a moment.She remembered how disagreeable Mary had been when she first arrived. But now,Mary looked interested and friendly.
  ‘I'll ask Mother,’said Martha.‘She can always think of a good plan.She's sensible and hardworking and kind— I know you'll like her.’
  ‘I like Dickon,although I've never seen him.’
  ‘I wonder what Dickon will think of you?’
  ‘He won't like me,’said Mary.‘No one does.’
  ‘But do you like yourself?That's what Mother would ask.’
  ‘No,not really.I've never thought of that.’
  ‘Well,I must go now.It's my day off,so I'm going home to help Mother with the housework.Goodbye,miss.See you tomorrow.’
  Mary felt lonelier than ever when Martha had gone,so she went outside.The sunshine made the gardens look different.And the change in the weather had even made Ben Weatherstaff easier to talk to.
  ‘Can you smell spring in the air?’he asked her.‘Things are growing,deep down in the ground.Soon you'll see little green shoots coming up—young plants,they are.You watch them.’
  ‘I will'replied Mary.‘Oh,there's the robin!’The little bird hopped on to Ben's spade.‘Are things growing in the garden where he lives?’
  ‘What garden?’said Ben,in his badtempered voice.
  ‘You know,the secret garden.Are the flowers dead there?’ She really wanted to know the answer.
  ‘Ask the robin,’said Ben crossly.‘He's the only one who's been in there for the last ten years.’
  Ten years was a long time,Mary thought.She had been born ten years ago.She walked away,thinking.She had begun to like the gardens,and the robin,and Martha and Dickon and their mother.Before she came to Yorkshire,she had not liked anybody.
  She was walking beside the long wall of the secret garden, when a most wonderful thing happened.She suddenly realized the robin was following her.She felt very pleased and excited by this,and cried out,‘You like me,don't you?And I like you too!’As he hopped along beside her,she hopped and sang too,to show him that she was his friend.Just then he stopped at a place where a dog had dug a hole in the ground.As Mary looked at the hole,she noticed something almost buried there. She put her hand in and pulled it out.It was an old key.
  ‘Perhaps it's been buried for ten years,’she whispered to herself.‘Perhaps it's the key to the secret garden!’
  She looked at it for a long time.How lovely it would be to find the garden,and see what had happened to it in the last ten years!She could play in it all by herself,and nobody would know she was there.She put the key safely in her pocket.
  The next morning Martha was back at Misselthwaite Manor,and told Mary all about her day with her family.
  ‘I really enjoyed myself.I helped Mother with the whole week's washing and baking.And I told the children about you. They wanted to know about your servants,and the ship that brought you to England,and everything!’
  ‘I can tell you some more for next time,’offered Mary. ‘They'd like to hear about riding on elephants and camels, wouldn't they?’
  ‘Oh,that would be kind of you,miss!And look,Mother has sent you a present!’
  ‘A present!’repeated Mary.How could a family of fourteen hungry people give anyone a present!
  ‘Mother bought it from a man who came to the door to sell things.She told me,“Martha,you've brought me your pay,like a good girl,and we need it all,but I'm going to buy something for that lonely child at the Manor,”and she bought one,and here it is!’
  It was a skippingrope.Mary stared at it.
  ‘What is it?’she asked.
  ‘Don't they have skippingropes in India?Well,this is how you use it.Just watch me.’
  Martha took the rope and ran into the middle of the room. She counted up to a hundred as she skipped.
  ‘That looks lovely,’said Mary .‘Your mother is very kind.Do you think I could ever skip like that?’
  ‘Just try,’said Martha.‘Mother says it'll make you strong and healthy.Skip outside in the fresh air.’
  Mary put her coat on and took the skipping-rope.As she was opening the door,she thought of something and turned round.
  ‘Martha,it was your money really.Thank you.’She never thanked people usually and she did not know how to do it.So she held out her hand,because she knew that adults did that.
  Martha shook her hand and laughed.‘You're a strange child,’she said.‘Like an old woman!Now run away and play!’
  The skippingrope was wonderful.Mary counted and skipped,skipped and counted,until her face was hot and red. She was having more fun than she had ever had before.She skipped through the gardens until she found Ben Weatherstaff, who was digging and talking to his robin.She wanted them both to see her skip.
  ‘Well!’said Ben.‘You're looking fine and healthy today! Go on skipping.It's good for you.’
  Mary skipped all the way to the secret garden wall.And there was the robin!He had followed her!Mary was very pleased.
  ‘You showed me where the key was yesterday,’she laughed.‘I've got it in my pocket.So you ought to show me the door today!’
  The robin hopped on to an old climbing plant on the wall,and sang his most beautiful song.Suddenly the wind made the plant move,and Mary saw something under the dark green leaves.The thick,heavy plant was covering a door.Mary's heart was beating fast and her hands were shaking as she pushed the leaves away and found the keyhole.She took the key out of her pocket,and it fitted the hole.Using both hands, she managed to unlock the door.Then she turned round to see if anyone was watching.But there was no one,so she pushed the door,which opened,slowly,for the first time in ten years. She walked quickly in and shut the door behind her.At last she was inside the secret garden!
  It was the loveliest,most exciting place she had ever seen. There were old rose trees everywhere,and the walls were covered with climbing roses.She looked carefully at the grey branches.Were the roses still alive?Ben would know.She hoped they weren't all dead.But she was inside the wonderful garden,in a world of her own.It seemed very strange and silent,but she did not feel lonely at all.Then she noticed some small green shoots coming up through the grass.So something was growing in the garden after all!When she found a lot more shoots in different places,she decided they needed more air and light,so she began to pull out the thick grass around them.She worked away,clearing the ground,for two or three hours,and had to take her coat off because she got so hot.The robin hopped around,pleased to see someone gardening.
  She almost forgot about lunch,and when she arrived back in her room,she was very hungry and ate twice as much as usual.‘Martha,’she said as she was eating,‘I've been thinking.This is a big,lonely house,and there isn't much for me to do.Do you think,if I buy a little spade,I can make my own garden?’
  ‘That's just what Mother said,’replied Martha.‘You'd enjoy digging and watching plants growing.Dickon can get you a spade,and some seeds to plant,if you like.’
  ‘Oh,thank you,Martha! I've got some money that Mrs Medlock gave me.Will you write and ask Dickon to buy them for me?’
  ‘I will.And he'll bring them to you himself.’
  ‘Oh!Then I'll see him.’Mary looked very excited.Then she remembered something.‘I heard that cry in the house again,Martha.It wasn't the wind this time.I've heard it three times now.Who is it?’
  Martha looked uncomfortable.‘You mustn't go wandering around the house,you know.Mr Craven wouldn't like it.Now I must go and help the others downstairs.I'll see you at teatime.’
  As the door closed behind Martha,Mary thought to herself, ‘This really is the strangest house that anyone ever lived in.’

■ 3 找到秘密花园

■ 4 Meeting Dickon
  Mary spent nearly a week working in the secret garden. Each day she found new shoots coming out of the ground.Soon,there would be flowers everywhere—thousands of them.It was an exciting game to her.When she was inside those beautiful old walls,no one knew where she was.
  During that week she became more friendly with Ben,who was often digging in one of the vegetable gardens.
  ‘What are your favourite flowers,Ben?’she asked him one day.
  ‘Roses.I used to work for a young lady who loved roses,you see,and she had a lot in her garden.That was ten years ago. But she died.Very sad,it was.’
  ‘What happened to the roses?’asked Mary.
  ‘They were left there,in the garden.’
  ‘If rose branches look dry and grey,are they still alive?’ asked Mary.It was so important to know!
  ‘In the spring they'll show green shoots,and then—But why are you so interested in roses?’he asked.
  Mary's face went red.‘I just…wanted to pretend I've got a garden.I haven't got anyone to play with.’
  ‘Well,that's true,’said Ben.He seemed to feel sorry for her.Mary decided she liked old Ben,although he was sometimes badtempered.
  She skipped along and into the wood at the end of the gardens.Suddenly she heard a strange noise,and there in front of her was a boy.He was sitting under a tree,playing on a wooden pipe.He was about twelve,with a healthy red face and bright blue eyes.There was a squirrel and a crow in the tree, and two rabbits sitting on the grass near him.
  ‘They're listening to the music!’thought Mary.‘I mustn't frighten them!’She stood very still.
  The boy stopped playing.‘That's right,’he said.‘Animals don't like it if you move suddenly.I'm Dickon and you must be Miss Mary.I've brought you the spade and the seeds.’
  He spoke in an easy,friendly way.Mary liked him at once. As they were looking at the seed packets together,the robin hopped on to a branch near them.Dickon listened carefully to the robin's song.
  ‘He's saying he's your friend,he told Mary.
  ‘Really?Oh,I am pleased he likes me.Can you understand everything that birds say?’
  ‘I think I do,and they think I do.I've lived on the moor with them for so long.Sometimes I think I am a bird or an animal,not a boy at all!’His smile was the widest she had ever seen.
  He explained how to plant the seeds.Suddenly he said,‘I can help you plant them!Where's your garden?’
  Mary went red,then white.She had never thougt of this. What was she going to say?
  ‘Could you keep a secret?It's a great secret.If anyone discovers it,I'll…I'll die!’
  ‘I keep secrets for all the wild birds and animals on the moor.So I can keep yours too,’he replied.
  ‘I've stolen a garden,’she said very fast.‘Nobody goes into it,nobody wants it.I love it and nobody takes care of it! They're letting it die!’And she threw her arms over her face and started crying.
  ‘Don't cry,’said Dickon gently.‘Where is it?’
  ‘Come with me and I'll show you,’said Miss Mary.
  They went to the secret garden and entered it together. Dickon walked round,looking at everything.
  ‘Martha told me about this place,but I never thought I'd see it,’he said.‘It's wonderful!’
  ‘What about the roses?’asked Mary worriedly.‘Are they still alive?What do you think?’
  ‘Look at these shoots on the branches.Most of them are alive all right.’He took out his knife and cut away some of the dead wood from the rose trees.Mary showed him the work she had done in the garden,and they talked as they cut and cleared.
  ‘Dickon,’said Mary suddenly,‘I like you.I never thought I'd like as many as five people!’
  ‘Only five!’laughed Dickon.
  He did look funny when he laughed,thought Mary.
  ‘Yes,your mother,Martha,the robin,Ben,and you.’Then she asked him a question in Yorkshire dialect,because that was his language.
  ‘Does tha’like me?’was her question.
  ‘Of course!I likes thee wonderful!’replied Dickon,a big smile on his round face.Mary had never been so happy.
  When she went back to the house for her lunch,she told Martha about Dickon's visit.
  ‘I've got news for you too,’said Martha.‘Mr Craven's come home,and wants to see you!He's going away again tomorrow,for several months.’
  ‘Oh!’said Mary.That was good news.She would have all summer in the secret garden before he came back.But she must be careful.He mustn't guess her secret now.
  Just then Mrs Medlock arrived,in her best black dress,to take Mary down to Mr Craven's room.
  Mary's uncle had black hair with some white in it,and high, crooked shoulders.His face was not ugly,but very sad.During their conversation he watched her in a worried way.Perhaps he was thinking of other things at the same time.
  He looked at the thin child.‘Are you well?’he asked.Mary tried to keep her voice calm as she replied,
  ‘I'm getting stronger and healthier.’
  ‘What do you want to do,in this big empty house?’
  ‘I…I just want to play outside—I enjoy that.’
  ‘Yes,Martha's mother,Susan Sowerby,spoke to me the other day.She's a sensible woman—and she said you needed fresh air.But where do you play?’ ‘Everywhere!I just skip and runand look for green shoots.I don't damage anything!’
  ‘Don't look so frightened!Of course a child like you couldn't damage anything.Play where you like.Is there anything that you want?’
  Mary came a step nearer to him,and her voice shook a little as she spoke.‘Could Icould I have a bit of garden?’
  Mr Craven looked very surprised.
  ‘To plant seeds in…to make them come alive!’Mary went on bravely.‘It was too hot in India,so I was always ill and tired there.But here it's different.I…I love the garden!’
  He passed a hand quickly over his eyes.Then he looked kindly at Mary.‘I knew someone once who loved growing things,like you.Yes,child,take as much of the garden as you want.’He smiled gently at her.‘Now leave me.I'm very tired.’
  Mary ran all the way back to her room.
  ‘Martha!’she shouted.‘Mr Graven's really a nice man,but he looks very unhappy.He said I can have my own garden!’
  She was planning to work in the garden with Dickon every day,to make it beautiful for the summer.

■ 4 见到狄肯


等级: 派派督察
配偶: 周澤楷
举报 只看该作者 70楼  发表于: 2014-08-21 0

■ 5 Meeting Colin
  In the middle of the night Mary woke up.Heavy rain had started falling again,and the wind was blowing violently round the walls of the old house.Suddenly she heard crying again.This time she decided to discover who it was.She left her room,and in the darkness followed the crying sound,round corners and through doors,up and down stairs,to the other side of the big house.At last she found the right room.She pushed the door open and went in.
  It was a big room with beautiful old furniture and pictures.In the large bed was a boy,who looked tired and cross,with a thin,white,tearful face.He stared at Mary.
  ‘Who are you?’he whispered.‘Are you a dream?’
  ‘No,I'm not.I'm Mary Lennox.Mr Craven's my uncle.’
  ‘He's my father,’said the boy.‘I'm Colin Craven.’
  ‘No one ever told me he had a son!’said Mary,very surprised.
  ‘Well,no one ever told me you'd come to live here.I'm ill,you see.I don't want people to see me and talk about me.If I live,I may have a crooked back like my father,but I'll probably die.’
  ‘What a strange house this is!’said Mary.‘So many secrets!Does your father come and see you often?’
  ‘Not often.He doesn't like seeing me because it makes him remember my mother.She died when I was born,so he almost hates me,I think.’
  ‘Why do you say you're going to die?’asked Mary.
  ‘I've always been ill.I've nearly died several times,and my back's never been strong.My doctor feels sure that I'm going to die.But he's my father's cousin,and verv poor,so he'd like me to die.Then he'd get all the money when my father dies.He gives me medicine and tells me to rest.We had a grand doctor from London once,who told me to go out in the fresh air and try to get well.But I hate fresh air.And another thing,all the servants have to do what I want,because if I'm angry,I become ill.’
  Mary thought she liked this boy,although he seemed so strange.He asked her lots of questions,and she told him all about her life in India.
  ‘How old are you?’he asked suddenly.
  ‘I'm ten,and so are you,’replied Mary,forgetting to be careful,‘because when you were born the garden door was locked and the key was buried.And I know that was ten years ago.
  Colin sat up in bed and looked very interested.‘What door?Who locked it?Where's the key?I want to see it.I'll make the servants tell me where it is.They'll take me there and you can come too.’
  ‘Oh,please!Don'tdon't do that!’cried Mary.
  Colin stared at her.‘Don't you want to see it?’
  ‘Yes,but if you make them open the door,it will never be a secret again.You see,if only we know about it,if weif we can find the key,we can go and play there every day.We can help the garden come alive again.And no one will know about itexcept us!’
  ‘I see,’said Colin slowly.‘Yes,I'd like that.It'll be our secret.I've never had a secret before.’
  ‘And perhaps,’added Mary cleverly,‘we can find a boy to push you in your wheelchair,if you can't walk,and we can go there together without any other people.You'll feel better outside.I know I do.’
  ‘I'd like that,’he said dreamily.‘I think I'd like fresh air,in a secret garden.’
  Then Mary told him about the moor,and Dickon,and Ben Weatherstaff,and the robin,and Golin listened to it all with great interest.He began to smile and look much happier.
  ‘I like having you here,’he said.‘You must come and see me every day.But I'm tired now.’
  ‘I'll sing you a song.My servant Kamala used to do that in India,’said Mary,and very soon Colin was asleep.
  The next afternoon Mary visited Colin again,and he seemed very pleased to see her.He had sent his nurse away and had told nobody about Mary's visit.Mary had not told anybody either.They read some of his books together,and told each other stories.They were enjoying themselves and laughing loudly when suddenly the door opened.Dr Craven and Mrs Medlock came in.They almost fell over in surprise.
  ‘What's happening here?’asked Dr Craven.
  Colin sat up straight.To Mary he looked just like an Indian prince.‘This is my cousin,Mary Lennox,’he said calmly.‘I like her.She must visit me often.’
  ‘Oh,I'm sorry,sir,’said poor Mrs Medlock to the doctor.‘I don't know how she discovered him.I told the servants to keep it a secret.’
  ‘Don't be stupid,Medlock,’said the Indian prince coldly.‘Nobody told her.She heard me crying and found me herself.Bring our tea up now.’
  ‘I'm afraid you're getting too hot and excited,my boy,’said Dr Craven.‘That's not good for you.Don't forget you're ill.’
  ‘I want to forget!’said Colin.‘I'll be angry if Mary doesn't visit me!She makes me feel better.’
  Dr Craven did not look happy when he left the room.
  ‘What a change in the boy,sir!’said the housekeeper.‘He's usually so disagreeable with all of us.He really seems to like that strange little girl.And he does look better.’Dr Craven had to agree.

■ 5 见到柯林

■ 6 Colin is afraid
  Because it rained all the next week,Mary went to talk to Colin every day instead of visiting the garden.But she woke early one morning to see the sun shining into her room,and she ran out to the secret garden at once.She did not even wait to have her breakfast.It was beautifully sunny and warm,and a thousand more shoots were pushing their way out of the ground.Dickon was already there,digging hard,with the crow and a young fox beside him.
  ‘Have you seen the robin?’he asked Mary.The little bird was flying busily backwards and forwards as fast as he could,carrying pieces of dry grass.
  ‘He's building a nest!’whispered Mary.They watched the robin for a moment.Then Mary said,
  ‘I must tell you something.You probably know about Colin Craven,don't you?Well,I've met him,and I'm going to help him to get better.’
  ‘That's good news.’There was a big smile on Dickon's honest face.‘We all knew he was ill.’
  ‘He's afraid he'll have a crooked back like his father.I think that's what's making him ill.’
  ‘Perhaps we can bring him here and let him rest under the trees.That'll do him good.That's what we'll do.’
  They had a lot of gardening and planning to do and Mary did not have time to visit Colin that day.When she came back to the house in the evening,Martha told her that the servants had had trouble with Colin.
  ‘He's been very badtempered all afternoon with all of us,because you didn't come,miss.’
  ‘Well,I was busy.He'll have to learn not to be so selfish,’replied Mary coldly.She forgot how selfish she had been when she was ill in India.‘I'll go and see him now.’
  When she went into his room,he was lying in bed,looking tired.He did not turn to look at her.
  ‘What's the matter with you?’she asked crossly.
  ‘My back aches and my head hurts.Why dldn't you come this afternoon?’
  ‘I was working in the garden with Dickon.’
  ‘I won't let that boy come to the garden if you stay with him instead of talking to me!’
  Mary suddenly became very angry.‘If you send Dickon away,I'll never come into this room again!’
  ‘You'll have to,if I say so.I'll make the servants bring you in here.’
  ‘Oh,will you,prince!But no one can make me talk to you.I won't look at you.I'll stare at the floor!’
  ‘You selfish girl!’cried Colin.
  ‘You're more selfish than I am.You're the most selfish boy I've ever met!’
  ‘I'm not as selfish as your fine Dickon!He keeps you playing outside when he knows I'm ill and alone!’
  Mary had never been so furious.‘Dickon is nicer than any other boy in the world!He's like an angel!’
  ‘An angel!Don't make me laugh!He's just a poor country boy,with holes in his shoes!’
  ‘He's a thousand times better than you are!’
  Colin had never argued with anyone like himself in his life,and in fact it was good for him.But now he was beginning to feel sorry for himself.
  ‘I'm always ill,’he said,and started to cry.‘I'm sure my back is a bit crooked.And I'm going to die!’
  ‘No,you're not!’said Mary crossly.
  Colin opened his eyes very wide.Nobody had said that to him before.He was angry,but a bit pleased at the same time.‘What do you mean?You know I'm going to die!Everybody says I'm going to die!’
  ‘I don't believe it!’said Mary in her most disagreeable voice.‘You just say that to make people feel sorry for you.You're too horrid to die!’
  Colin forgot about his painful back and sat up in bed.‘Get out of the room at once!’he shouted,and threw a book at her.
  ‘I'm going,’Mary shouted in reply,‘and I won't come back!’The door banged shut behind her.
  When she reached her own room,she had decided never to tell him her great secret.‘He can stay in his room and die if he 66wants!’she thought.But soon she began to remember how ill he had been,and how frightened he was,frightened that one day his back would become as crooked as his father's.‘Perhaps…perhaps I'll go back and see him tomorrow!’
  That night she was woken by the most terrible screams that she had ever heard.Servants were opening and shutting doors and running about.
  ‘It's Colin!’thought Mary.‘He'll go on screaming until he makes himself really ill!How selfish he is!Somebody should stop him!’
  Just then Martha ran into the room.‘We don't know what to do!’she cried.‘He likes you,miss!Come and see if you can make him calmer,please!’
  ‘Well,I'm very cross with him,’said Mary,and jumped out of bed.‘I'm going to stop him!’
  ‘That's right,’said Martha.‘He needs someone like you,to argue with.It'll give him something new to think about.’
  Mary ran into Colin's room,right up to his bed.
  ‘Stop screaming!’she shouted furiously.‘Stop at once!I hate you!Everybody hates you!You'll die if you go on screaming like this,and I hope you will!’
  The screams stopped immediately.This was the first time that anyone had spoken so angrily to Colin,and he was shocked.But he went on crying quietly to himself.
  ‘My back's becoming crooked,I can feel it!I know I'm going to die!’Large tears ran down his face.
  ‘Don't be stupid!’cried Mary.‘There's nothing the matter with your horrid back!Martha,come here and help me look at his back!’
  Martha and Mrs Medlock were standing at the door,staring at Mary,their mouths half open.They both looked very frightened.Martha came forward to help,and Miss Mary looked carefully at Colin's thin white back,up and down.Her face was serious and angry at the same time.The room was very quiet.
  ‘There's nothing wrong with your back!’she said at last.‘Nothing at all!It's as straight as mine!’
  Only Colin knew how important those crossly spoken,childish words were.All his life he had been afraid to ask about his back,and his terrible fear had made him ill.Now an angry little girl told him his back was straight,and he believed her.He was no longer afraid.
  They were both calmer now.He gave Mary his hand.‘I thinkI'm almost sure I will live,if we can go out in the garden together sometimes.I'm very tired now.Will you stay with me until I go to sleep?’
  The servants went out very quietly.
  ‘I'll tell you all about the secret garden,’whispered Mary.‘I think it's full of roses and beautiful flowers.Birds like making their nests there because it's so quiet and safe.And perhaps our robin…
  But Colin was already asleep.
  The next day Mary met Dickon as usual in the secret garden,and told him about Colin.Mary loved Dickon's Yorkshire dialect and was trying to learn it herself.She spoke a little now.
  ‘We mun get poor Colin out here in th'sunshine—an’we munnot lose no time about it!’
  Dickon laughed.‘Well done!I didn't know you could speak Yorkshire!You're right.We must bring Colin to the garden as soon as we can.’
  So that afternoon she went to see Colin.
  ‘I'm sorry I said I'd send Dickon away,’he said.‘I hated you when you said he was like an angel!’
  ‘Well,he's a funny kind of angel,but he understands wild animals better than anyone.’Suddenly,Mary knew that this was the right moment to tell him.She caught hold of his hands.‘Colin,this is important.Can you keep a secret?’
  ‘Yes—yes!’he whispered excitedly.‘What is it?’
  ‘We've found the door into the secret garden!’
  ‘Oh Mary!Will I live long enough to see it?’
  ‘Of course you will!Don't be stupid!’said Mary crossly.But it was a very natural thing to say,and they both laughed.
  Colin told Mrs Medlock and the doctor that he wanted to go out in his wheelchair.At first the doctor was worried the boy would get too tired,but when he heard that Dickon would push the wheelchair,he agreed.
  ‘Dickon's a sensible boy,’he told Colin.‘But don't forget—’
  ‘I've told you,I want to forget that I'm ill,’said Colin in his prince's voice.‘Don't you understand?It's because my cousin makes me forget that I feel better when I'm with her.’

■ 6 柯林害怕了



等级: 派派督察
配偶: 周澤楷
举报 只看该作者 71楼  发表于: 2014-08-21 0

■ 7 Colin and the garden
  Of course,it was most important that no one should see Colin,Mary,or Dickon entering the secret garden.So Colin gave orders to the gardeners that they must all keep away from that part of the garden in future.
  The next afternoon Colin was carried downstairs by a man servant,and put in his wheelchair outside the front door.Dickon arrived,with his crow,two squirrels and the fox,and started pushing the wheelchair gently away from the house,and into the gardens.Mary walked beside the chair.
  Spring had really arrived now and it seemed very exciting to Colin,who had lived indoors for so long.He smelt the warm air from the moor,and watched the little white clouds in the blue sky.In a very short time he heard Mary say,‘This is where I found the key…and this is the door…and this…this is the secret garden!’
  Colin covered his eyes with his hands until he was inside the four high walls,and the door was shut again.Then he looked round at the roses climbing the old red walls,the pink and white flowers on the fruit trees,and the birds and the butterflies everywhere.The sun warmed his face,and he suddenly knew he felt different.
  ‘Mary!Dickon!’he cried.‘I'm going to get better!I'm going to live for ever and ever and ever!’
  As Dickon pushed the wheelchair all round the garden,he told Colin the names of all the plants.The sun shone,the birds sang,and in every corner of the garden there was something interesting to look at.The three children talked and laughed,and by the end of the afternoon all three were speaking Yorkshire together.
  ‘I'll come back here every afternoon,’said Colin.‘I want to watch things growing.’
  ‘Soon you'll be strong enough to walk and dig.You'll be able to help us with the gardening,’said Dickon kindly.
  ‘Do you really think I'll be able to…to walk and…dig?’asked Colin.
  ‘Of course you will.You've got legs,like us!’
  ‘But they're not very strong,’answered Colin.‘They shake,and…and I'm afraid to stand on them.’
  ‘When you want to use them,you'll be able to,’said Dickon.The garden was quiet for a moment.
  Suddenly Colin said,‘Who's that?’Mary turned her head,and noticed Ben Weatherstaff's angry face looking at her over the garden wall.
  ‘What are you doing in that garden,young miss?’he shouted.He had not seen Colin or Dickon.
  ‘The robin showed me the way,Ben,’she replied.
  ‘You…you—’He stopped shouting and his mouth dropped open as he saw Dickon pushing a boy in a wheelchair over the grass towards him.
  ‘Do you know who I am?’asked the boy in the chair.
  Old Ben stared.‘You've got your mother's eyes,’he said in a shaking voice.‘Yes,I know you.You're Mr Craven's son,the little boy with the crooked back.’
  Colin forgot that he had ever had backache.‘My back's as straight as yours is!’he shouted.
  Ben stared and stared.He only knew what he had heard from the servants.‘You haven't got a crooked back?’he asked.‘Or crooked legs?’
  That was too much.Colin was furious,and it made him feel strong.
  ‘Come here,Dickon!’he shouted,and threw off his blanket.Dickon was by his side in a second.Mary felt sick with fear.Could Colin stand?
  Then Colin's thin feet were on the grass and he was standing,holding Dickon's arm.He looked strangely tall,and he held his head very high.
  ‘Look at me!’he shouted at Ben.‘Just look at me!’
  ‘He's as straight as any boy in Yorkshire!’said Dickon.
  Tears were running down Ben's brown old face.‘They said you were going to die!he whispered.
  ‘Well,you can see that's not true,’said Colin.‘Now,get down from the wall and come here.I want to talk to you.You've got to help us keep the garden a secret.’
  ‘Yes,sir,’said old Ben,as he dried his eyes.
  That was the first of many beautiful afternoons in the secret garden.Colin was brought there by Dickon and Mary nearly every day,and he saw all the changes that happened there during the spring and early summer.Ben Weatherstaff,now in the secret,joined them as often as he could.
  One day Colin spoke to all of them.‘Listen,everybody.I think there's something like magic that makes gardens grow and things happen.Perhaps if I believe in it,the magic will make me strong.Let's all sit down in a circle and ask the magic to work.’
  So they all sat on the grass in a circle,Dickon with his crow,his fox and the two squirrels,Mary,Colin,and Ben.Colin repeated these words several times.‘The sun's shining.That's the magic.Being strong.That's the magic.Magic!Help me!Magic!Help me!’
  At last Colin stopped.‘Now I'm going to walk round the garden,’he said,and took Dickon's arm.Slowly he walked from one wall to another,followed closely by Mary and Ben.And when he had walked all the way round,he said,‘You see!I can walk now!The magic worked!’
  ‘It's wonderful!’cried Mary.‘Your father will think he is dreaming when he sees you!’
  ‘I won't tell him yet.I'm going to keep it a secret from everybody.I'll come to the garden and walk and run a little more every day until I'm as healthy as any other boy.Then,when my father comes home,I'll walk up to him and say,“Here I am,Father.You see? I'm not going to die!”’
  Now began a difficult time for Colin and Mary.Dickon told his mother about it one evening as he was digging the cottage garden.
  ‘You see,mother,they don't want the doctor or the servants to guess that Colin can walk and is getting better.So they have to pretend he's still ill and just as disagreeable as he used to be!’
  ‘If they're running about all day in the fresh air,that'll make them hungry,I should think!’
  ‘Yes,that's the problem.They're both getting fatter and healthier,and they really enjoy their food now.But they have to send some of it back to the kitchen,uneaten.If they eat it all,people will realize how healthy they are!Sometimes they're very hungry!’
  ‘I know what we can do,’said Mrs Sowerby.‘You can take some fresh milk and some of my newly baked bread to the garden in the mornings.If they have that,it'll do them a lot of good!What a game those children are playing!’And she laughed until tears came to her eyes.
  One afternoon when they were all working in the garden,the door opened and a woman came quietly in.
  ‘It's Mother!’cried Dickon,and ran towards her.‘I told her where the door was,because I knew she would keep the secret.’
  Colin held out his hand to her.‘I've wanted to see you for a long time,’he said.
  ‘Dear boy!’Susan Sowerby whispered,holding his hand.‘You're so like your mother!’
  ‘Do you think,’asked Colin carefully,‘that will make my father like me?’
  ‘I'm sure it will,’she answered warmly.‘He must see you —he must come home now.’
  ‘You see how healthy the boy is,Susan?’asked old Ben.‘Look how strong and straight his legs are now!’
  ‘Yes,’she laughed.‘Playing and working outside,and eating good Yorkshire food,has made him strong.And Miss Mary too,’she added,turning to Mary.‘Mrs Medlock heard that your mother was a pretty woman.You'll soon be as pretty as she was.’
  ‘Do you believe in magic?’Colin asked her.
  ‘I do,’she answered,‘but everybody gives it a different name.It makes the sun shine and the seeds grow—and it has made you healthy.’
  She sat down on the grass and stayed for a while,talking and laughing with the children in the quiet,sunny garden.When she stood up to leave,Colin suddenly put out a hand to her.
  ‘I wish—you were my mother!’he whispered.
  Mrs Sowerby put her arms round him and held him to her.‘Dear boy!You're as close to your mother as you could be,here in her garden.And your father'll come back soon!’

■ 7 柯林在花园里

■ 8 Mr Craven comes home
  While the secret garden was returning to life,a man with high,crooked shoulders was wandering round the most beautiful places in Europe.For ten years he had lived this lonely life,his heart full of sadness and his head full of dark dreams.Everywhere he.went,he carried his unhappiness with him like a black cloud.Other travellers thought he was half mad or a man who could not forget some terrible crime.His name was Archibald Craven.
  But one day,as he sat by a mountain stream,he actually looked at a flower,and for the first time in ten years he realized how beautiful something living could be.The valley seemed very quiet as he sat there,staring at the flower.He felt strangely calm.
  ‘What is happening to me?’he whispered.‘I feel different —I almost feel I'm alive again!’
  At that moment,hundreds of miles away in Yorkshire,Colin was seeing the secret garden for the first time,and saying,‘I'm going to live for ever and ever and ever!’But Mr Craven did not know this.
  That night,in his hotel room,he slept better than usual.As the weeks passed,he even began to think a little about his home and his son.One evening in late summer,as he was sitting quietly beside a lake,he felt the strange calmness again.He fell asleep,and had a dream that seemed very real.He heard a voice calling him.It was sweet and clear and happy,the voice of his young wife.
  ‘My dear!’He jumped up.‘Where are you?’
  ‘In the garden!’called the beautiful voice.
  And then the dream ended.In the morning,when he woke,he remembered the dream.
  ‘She says she's in the garden!’he thought.‘But the door's locked and the key's buried.’
  That morning he received a letter from Susan Sowerby.In it she asked him to come home,but she did not give a reason.Mr Craven thought of his dream,and decided to return to England immediately.On the long journey back to Yorkshire,he was thinking about Colin.
  ‘I wonder how he is!I wanted to forget him,because he makes me think of his mother.He lived,and she died!But perhaps I've been wrong.Susan Sowerby says I should go home,so perhaps she thinks I can help him.’
  When he arrived home,he found the housekeeper very confused about Colin's health.
  ‘He's very strange,sir,’said Mrs Medlock.‘ He looks better,it's true,but some days he eats nothing at all,and other days he eats just like a healthy boy.He used to scream even at the idea of fresh air,but now he spends all his time outside in his wheelchair,with Miss Mary and Dickon Sowerby.He's in the garden at the moment.’
  ‘In the garden!’repeated Mr Craven.Those were the words of the dream!He hurried out of the house and towards the place which he had not visited for so long.He found the door with the climbing plant over it,and stood outside,listening,for a moment.
  ‘Surely I can hear voices inside the garden?’he thought.‘Aren't there children whispering,laughing,running in there?Or am I going mad?’
  And then the moment came,when the children could not stay quiet.There was wild laughing and shouting,and the door was thrown open.A boy ran out,a tall,healthy,handsome boy,straight into the man's arms.Mr Craven stared into the boy's laughing eyes.
  ‘Who—What?Who?’he cried.
  Colin had not planned to meet his father like this.But perhaps this was the best way,to come running out with his cousin and his friend.
  ‘Father,’he said,‘I'm Colin.You can't believe it!I can't believe it myself.It was the garden,and Mary and Dickon and the magic,that made me well.We've kept it a secret up to now.Aren't you happy,Father?I'm going to live for ever and ever and ever!’
  Mr Craven put his hands on the boy's shoulders.For a moment he could not speak.‘Take me into the garden,my boy,’he said at last,‘and tell me all about it.’
  And in the secret garden,where the roses were at their best,and the butterflies were flying from flower to flower in the summer sunshine,they told Colin's father their story.Sometimes he laughed and sometimes he cried,but most of the time he just looked,unbelieving,into the handsome face of the son that he had almost forgotten.
  ‘Now,’said Colin at the end,‘it isn't a secret any more.I'll never use the wheelchair again.I'm going to walk back with you,Fatherto the house.’
  And so,that afternoon,Mrs Medlock,Martha,and the other servants had the greatest shock of their lives.Through the gardens towards the house came Mr Craven,looking happier than they had ever seen him.And by his side,with his shoulders straight,his head held high and a smile on his lips,walked young Colin!

■ 8 克莱文先生回家了



等级: 派派督察
配偶: 周澤楷
举报 只看该作者 72楼  发表于: 2014-08-25 0

【03-01-04】  [曾达的囚徒 / 安东尼·霍普 著]
  The Prisoner of Zenda by Anthony Hope

■ 简介

■ 1 The Rassendylls-and the Elphbergs
  'I wonder when you're going to do something useful, Rudolf,'my brother's wife said.She looked at me crossly over the breakfast table.
  'But why should I do anything,Rose?'I answered,calmly eating my egg.'I've got nearly enough money for the things I want,and my brother,Robert,is a lord-Lord Burlesdon.I'm very happy.'
  'You're twenty-nine,and you've done nothing except…'
  'Play about?It's true.We Rassendylls are a rich and famous family,and we don't need to do anything.'
  This made Rose angry.'Rich and famous families usually behave worse than less important families,'she said.
  When I heard this,I touched my dark red hair.I knew what she meant.
  'I'm so pleased that Robert's hair is black!'she cried.
  Just then my brother,Robert,came in.When he looked at Rose,he could see that there was something wrong.
  'What's the matter,my dear?'he said.
  'Oh,she's angry because I never do anything useful,and because I've got red hair,'I said.
  'Well,I know he can't do much about his hair,or his nose…'Rose began.
  'No,the nose and the hair are in the family,'my brother agreed.'And Rudolf has both of them.'
  In the room there were many family pictures,and one of them was of a very beautiful woman,Lady Amelia,who lived a hundred and fifty years ago.I stood up and turned to look at it.
  'If you took that picture away,Robert,'Rose cried,'we could forget all about it.'
  'Oh,but I don't want to forget about it,'I replied.'I like being an Elphberg.'
  But perhaps I should stop for a moment and explain why Rose was angry about my nose and my hair and why I,a Rassendyll,said I was an Elphberg.After all,the Elphbergs are the royal family of Ruritania,and have been for hundreds of years.
  The story is told in a book about the Rassendyll family history.
  In the year 1733 Prince Rudolf of Ruritania came to England on a visit and he stayed for several months.Like many of the Elphberg royal family,he had blue eyes,an unusually long straight nose and a lot of dark red hair.He was also tall and very good-looking.
  During his stay here,he became friendly with Lady Amelia,the beautiful wife of Lord Burlesdon.They became very good friends indeed,which,naturally,did not please Lord Burlesdon.So,one cold wet morning,the two men fought.The Prince was hurt in the fight,but got better and was hurried back to Ruritania.There he married and became King Rudolf the Third.But Lord Burlesdon fell ill,and six months later he died.Two months after that,Lady Amelia had a baby son,who became the next Lord Burlesdon and the head of the Rassendyll family.The boy grew into a man with blue eyes,a long straight nose,and dark red hair.
  These things can happen in the best of families,and among the many pictures of the Rassendylls at home,you can see that five or six of them have the same blue eyes,the same nose,and the same red hair.
  So,because my hair was red and I had the Elphberg nose,Rose worried about me.In the end,to please her,I promised to get a job in six months time.This gave me six free months to enjoy myself first.
  And an idea came to me.I would visit Ruritania.None of my family had ever been there.They preferred to forget all about the Lady Amelia.But I saw in the newspaper that,in three weeks,the new young King,Rudolf the Fifth,would have his coronation.It would be an interesting time to visit the country.
  I knew my family would not like my going,so I told them I was going walking in Austria.

■ 1 拉森狄尔家族与艾尔弗伯格家族

■ 2 The colour of men's hair
  On the way to Ruritania I decided to spend a night in Paris with a friend.The next morning he came with me to the station,and as we waited for the train,we watched the crowds.We noticed a tall,dark,very fashionable lady,and my friend told me who she was.
  'That's Madame Antoinette de Mauban.She's travelling on the same train as you,but don't fall in love with her.'
  'Why not?'I asked,amused.
  'Ah,'said my friend,'all Paris knows that she's in love with Duke Michael of Strelsau.And he,as you know,is the half-brother of the new King of Ruritania.Although he's only the second son and will never be king himself,he's still an important man and very popular,I hear,with many Ruritanians.The lovely Madame Antoinette won't look twice at you,Rudolf.'
  I laughed,but he had woken my interest in the lady.I did not speak to her during the journey,and when we arrived in Ruritania,I left the train at Zenda,a small town outside the capital.But I noticed that Madame de Mauban went on to Strelsau,the capital.
  I was welcomed very kindly at my hotel.It belonged to a fat old lady and her pretty daughter.From them I learned that the coronation was to be on the day after next,and not in three weeks.
  The old lady was more interested in Duke Michael of Strelsau than in the new King.The Castle of Zenda and all the land around it belonged to the Duke,but the old lady said,'It's not enough.Duke Michael should be king.He spends all his time with us.Every Ruritanian knows him,but we never see the new King.'
  But the daughter cried,'Oh no,I hate Black Michael.I want a red Elphberg-and the King,our friend Johann says,is very red.Johann works for the Duke and he's seen the King.In fact,the King's staying just outside Zenda now,'she added.'He's resting at the Duke's house in the forest before going on to Strelsau on Wednesday for his coronation.The Duke's already in Strelsau,getting everything ready.'
  'They're friends?'I asked.
  'Friends who want the same place and the same wife,'the pretty girl replied.'The Duke wants to marry his cousin,Princess Flavia,but people say she's going to be King Rudolf's wife and the Queen.'
  Just then their friend,Johann,entered the room.
  'We have a visitor,Johann,'the girl's mother said,and Johann turned towards me.But when he saw me,he stepped back,with a look of wonder on his face.
  'What's the matter,Johann?'the daughter asked.
  'Good evening,sir,'Johann said,still staring at me.He did not seem to like what he saw.
  The girl began to laugh.'It's the colour of your hair,sir,'she explained.'We don't often see that colour here. It's the Elphberg red-not Johann's favourite colour.'
  * * *
  The next day I decided to walk through the forest for a few miles and take the train to Strelsau from a little station along the road.I sent my luggage on by train and after lunch,I started out on foot.First,I wanted to see the Castle of Zenda and in half an hour I had climbed the hill to it.There were two buildings the old one,with a moat around it,and the new,modern building.Duke Michael could have friends to stay with him in the new castle,but he could go into the old castle when he wanted to be alone.The water in the moat was deep,and if he pulled up the drawbridge over the moat,no one could get to him.
  I stayed there for some time and looked at the castle,and then I walked on through the forest for about an hour.It was beautiful and I sat down to enjoy it.Before I knew what had happened,I was asleep.
  Suddenly I heard a voice say,'Good heavens!He looks just like the King!'
  When I opened my eyes,there were two men in front of me.One of them came nearer.
  'May I ask your name?'he said.
  'Well,why don't you tell me your names first?'I replied.
  The younger of the two men said,'This is Captain Sapt,and I am Fritz von Tarlenheim.We work for the King of Ruritania.
  'And I am Rudolf Rassendyll,'I answered,'a traveller from England.My brother is Lord Burlesdon.'
  'Of course!The hair!'Sapt cried.'You know the story,Fritz?'
  Just then a voice called out from the trees behind us.'Fritz!Fritz!Where are you,man?'
  'It's the King!'Fritz said,and Sapt laughed.
  Then a young man jumped out from behind a tree.I gave a cry,and when he saw me,he stepped back in sudden surprise.The King of Ruritania looked just like Rudolf Rassendyll,and Rudolf Rassendyll looked just like the King!
  For a moment the King said nothing,but then he asked,'Captain…Fritz…who is this?'
  Sapt went to the King and spoke quietly in his ear.The King's surprise changed slowly to an amused smile,then suddenly he began to laugh loudly.'Well met,cousin!'he cried.'Where are you travelling to?'
  'To Strelsau,sirto the coronation.'
  The King looked at his friends,and,for a moment,he was serious.But then he began to laugh again.'Wait until brother Michael sees that there are two of us!'he cried.
  'Perhaps it isn't a very good idea for Mr Rassendyll to go to Strelsau,'Fritz said,worried,and Sapt agreed with him.
  'Oh,we'll think about the coronation tomorrow,the Kingsaid.'Tonight we'll enjoy ourselves.Come,cousin!'
  We returned to the Duke's house in the forest,where we had an excellent dinner.The King called loudly for wine,and Captain Sapt and Fritz seemed worried.Clearly,the King liked his wine a little too much.
  'Remember the coronation is tomorrow,'warned old Sapt.
  But the King was only interested in enjoying himself tonight,so we all drank and talked,and drank again.At last the King put down his glass and said,'I've drunk enough.'
  As he said that,old Josef,the King's servant,came in.He put some very special old wine on the table in front of the King and said,'Duke Michael offers you this wine and asks you to drink it for love of him.'
  'Well done,Black Michael!'the King cried.'Well,I'm not afraid to drink your wine!'
  And he drank every drop of wine in the bottle,himself.Then his head fell forward on to the table,and soon afterwards I too remembered no more of that wild evening.

■ 2 头发的颜色


等级: 派派督察
配偶: 周澤楷
举报 只看该作者 73楼  发表于: 2014-08-25 0

■ 3 The King goes to his coronation
  I do not know how long I was asleep,but when I woken I was cold and wet.Sapt and Fritz stood there looking at me.'We had to wake you,'Sapt said.'Gold water was the only way.'
  Fritz took my arm and turned me round.'Look!'he said.
  The King was on the floor,and when Sapt pushed him with his foot,he did not move.
  'We've been trying to wake him for half an hour,'said Fritz.'But he's sleeping like a dead man.'
  The three of us looked at each other.
  'Was there something in that last bottle of wine?'I asked.
  'I don't know,'Sapt said,'but if be doesn't get to his coronation today,there'll never be a coronation for him.All Ruritania is waiting for him in Strelsau and Black Michael with half the army,too.We can't tell them that the King is too drunk to go to his own coronation!'
  'You can say he's ill,' I said.
  'Ill!'Sapt laughed angrily.'Everybody will know what that means.He's been“ill”too many times before.'
  'Tell me,do you think somebody put something in his wine?'I asked.
  'It was Black Michael!'Fritz replied.'We all know he wants to be King himself.'
  For a moment or two we were all silent,and then Sapt looked at me,'You must go to Strelsau and take his place!'
  I stared at him.'You're crazy,man!How can I do that?The King…'
  'It's dangerous,I know,'said Sapt.'But it's our only chance.If you don't go,Black Michael will be King and the real king will be dead or a prisoner.'
  How could I refuse?It took me two minutes to decide.
  'I'll go!'I said.
  'Well done,boy!'cried Sapt.He went on quickly and quietly.'After the coronation they'll take us to the palace for the night.When we're alone,you and I will leave and ride back here to fetch the King.He'll be all right by then.I'll take him back to Strelsau and you must get out of the country as fast as you can.'
  'But what about the soldiers?Fritz asked.'They're Duke Michael's men,and they're coming to take the King back to Strelsau for the coronation.'
  'We'll go before the soldiers get here,'Sapt said,'and we'll hide the King.'
  He picked up the King in his arms and we opened the door.An old woman,Johann's mother,was standing there.She turned,without a word,and went back to the kitchen.
  'Did she hear?'Fritz asked.
  Don't worry.I'll make sure she can't talk,'Sapt said,and he carried the King away.
  When he returned,he told us that he had locked the old woman in a room underground.The King and Josef were hidden in another room underground.'Josef will take care of the King and tell him everything when he wakes up.Come,'he went on,'there's no time to lose.It's already six o'clock.'
  Soon I was dressed in the King's clothes,the horses were ready and we were on our way.As we rode through the forest,Sapt told me everything that he could about my life,my family,my friends,and the things I liked or did not like.He told me what to do when we got there,and how to speak to different people.He was a wonderful teacher,and I listened hard.One mistake could mean death for all three of us.
  It was eight o'clock when we arrived at the station and got on the train,and by halfpast nine we were in Strelsau.
  And when King Rudolf the Fifth stepped out of the train,the people shouted,'God save the King!'
  Old Sapt smiled,'God save them both,'he said quietly.'I only hope we are all alive tonight!'

■ 3 国王加冕

■ 4 My adventures begin
  As we made our way to the palace,I began to feel that I really was the King of Ruritania,with Marshal Strakencz,the head of the army,on my right and old Sapt on my left.I could see that Strelsau was really two towns the Old Town and the New Town.The people of the Old Town,who were poor,wanted Duke Michael to be their King,but the people of the New Town wanted King Rudolf.We went through the New Town first,and it was bright and colourful,with the ladies'dresses and the red roses of the Elphbergs.The people shouted loudly for their King as we passed through the streets.But when we came to the Old Town,the Marshal and Sapt moved nearer to my horse,and I could see that they were afraid for me.
  'Stay back!'I called.'I'll show my people that I'm not afraid of them.'Some of the crowd were pleased when they heard this,but most of them watched me in silence.
  Finally,we reached the great church of Strelsau.I remember very little of the coronation-only two faces.One was a beauti ful girl with wonderful red hair,the Princess Flavia.The other was the face of a man with black hair and dark,deep eyes-Black Michael.When he saw me,his face turned white.Clearly,he was surprised and deeply unhappy to see me.
  The coronation seemed to last for hours,but I managed to say and do all the right things.At last it was over,and I was now the King of Ruritania!As Princess Flavia and I drove back to the palace in an open car,one man in the crowd called out,'When's the wedding?'
  The Princess's face went a little pink when she heard this.After a while she said,'You seem different today,Rudolf.Quieter and more serious.Are you going to become a more sensible person now?'
  The Princess,I realized,did not think very highly of the King.As for me,I thought the King was a very lucky man.
  'If that will please you,I'll try to do it,'I said softly.
  The Princess's face went pink again.Then she said,'You must be careful of Michael.You know.'
  'I know,'I said,'that he wants what I have,and also what I hope to have one day.'As I spoke,I looked at her,and she smiled at me prettily.
  'I wonder what the King's doing now,'I thought.
  * * *
  The royal dinner went on for a long time,but at last Fritz,Sapt,and I were alone in the King's dressing-room.
  'You did well,'Fritz said,'but,Rassendyll,be careful!Black Michael looked blacker than ever today-because you and the Princess had so much to say to each other.'
  'She's very beautiful,'I replied.
  'Come on,'Sapt cried.'There's no time for that now.We must leave for Zenda at once,to find the King!If we're caught,we'll all be killed!Black Michael has had a letter from Zenda,so perhaps he knows already.Don't unlock the door,Fritz,while we're away,or you'll be a dead man.Say the King must be left alone to rest.Now,come on.The horses are ready.'
  Fritz and I shook hands,then I covered my red hair and most of my face.Sapt and I left the room by a secret door,and we found ourselves outside,at the back of the palace gardens.A man was waiting there with two horses.
  Soon we left the town behind us,and we were out in the country.We rode like the wind and by ten o'clock had come to the edge of the forest of Zenda.
  Suddenly Sapt stopped.'Listen!'he said quietly.'Horses behind us!Quick!Get down!The castle's to the left,'he continued.'Our road's to the right.'
  We hid in the thick trees,and we waited and watched.The men came nearer.It was Black Michael and another man.When they came to the two roads,they stopped.
  'Which way?'the Duke asked.
  'To the castle!'the other man cried'They'll know there what's been happening.'
  The Duke waited for a moment.'To Zenda then!'he cried finally,and the two men took the road to the left.
  We waited for ten more minutes,and then we hurried on.
  When we arrived at the house in the forest,we ran to the underground rooms.The one where Sapt had locked up the old woman was empty.She had escaped!The other room was locked.Sapt's face was white with fear.Between us,we broke down the door and ran in.I found a light and looked round the room.The servant Josef was on the floor-dead!I held up the light and looked in every corner of the room.
  'The King isn't herer!'I said.

■ 4 我的历险开始了



等级: 派派督察
配偶: 周澤楷
举报 只看该作者 74楼  发表于: 2014-08-25 0

■ 5 His Majesty returns to Strelsau
  It was one o'clock in the morning.For a few minutes we said nothing.Then Sapt cried,'The Duke's men have taken the King prisoner!'
  Then we must get back and wake everyone in Strelsau!'I cried.'We must catch Black Michael before he kills the King.'
  'Who knows where the King is now?'Sapt answered.Then suddenly he began to laugh.'But we've given Black Michael a problem,'he said.'Yes,my boy.We'll go back to Strelsau.The King will be in his palace in Strelsau again tomorrow.'
  'No!'I cried.
  'Yes!'Sapt answered.'It's the only way to help him.Go back and take his place for him.'
  'But the Duke knows…'
  'Yes,but he can't speak,can he?What can he say?“This man isn't the King because I've taken the real King prisoner and murdered his servant.”Can he say that?'
  But people will soon realize l'm not the real King,'I said.
  'Perhaps,perhaps not,'said Sapt.'But we must have a King in Strelsau,or Michael will ride in tomorrow as the new King!Listen,boy,if you don't go back to Strelsau,they'll kill the King.And if you do go back,they can't kill the King.Because if they kill him,how can they ever say that you're not the real King?Don't you see?'he cried.'It's a dangerous game,but it gives us a chance of winning.'
  It was a wild,hopeless plan,but I was young.I would never have the chance of an adventure like this again.'Sapt,I'll try it,'I said.
  'Good for you!'Sapt cried.'But we must hurry!Look!'
  He pulled me over to the door The moon was low now,and there was not much light,but I could just see a small group of men on horses.They were Black Michael's men,probably coming to take the dead body of Josef away.
  'We can't let them go without doing something,'I said,thinking of poor Josef.
  'Right,'Sapt agreed.We ran out of the back of the house,and quickly got onto our horses.Silently,we waited in the darkness,and then we galloped round the house and straight into the group of men.Between us,we killed three of them,but a bullet hit my finger and it began to bleed.
  We rode hard all night and it was about eight or nine o'clock in the morning when we reached Strelsau.Luckily,the streets were still empty.We arrived at the palace,went in,and got to the dressing-room.When we opened the door,Fritz was asleep,but he woke immediately.When he saw me,he fell to the ground and cried,'Thank God,Your Majesty!You're safe!'
  'Well done,boy!'Sapt shouted.'We'll do it!'
  Fritz stood up.He looked at me,up and down,down and up.Then he took a step backwards.'Where's the King?'he cried.
  'Be quiet,'Sapt warned him.'Someone will hear!'
  Fritz's face was white now.'Is the King dead?'he asked quietly.
  'Please God,no,'I answered.'But Black Michael has him.'
  * * *
  The next day was a long one for me.Sapt talked to me for three hours about what I must do and what I must say,what I liked and what I didn't like.Then I had to do some of the King's business,but,because of my damaged finger,I did not have to write my name on any papers.
  When,at last,I was alone with Sapt and Fritz,we began to talk about Black Michael.Fritz told me that Black Michael had six very dangerous men among his servants-three Ruritanians,a Belgian,a Frenchman,and an Englishman.They did anything that the Duke ordered,and did not stop at murder.Three of them-the foreigners,Fritz had heard were in Strelsau now with Duke Michael.
  Sapt banged the table with his hand in excitement.'Then the King must be alive!Michael's brought the foreigners with him,and left the three Ruritanians to hold the King prisoner.Usually,the Six,as they're called,go everywhere with him.'
  Fritz wanted to do something immediately about Black Michael and his men,but Sapt and I realized that we could not do anything openly.
  'We'll play a waiting game,and let Michael make the first move,'I said.
  And so I continued as King of Ruritania.In order to help the real King,I tried to make myself popular with the people.I went riding through the streets,smiling and talking to everybody.I also went to visit the Princess Flavia.The King's officials had told me that the Princess was very popular,and the people hoped that she would become my wife.
  It was easy for me to pretend to be in love with the Princess.Too easy.Those beautiful eyes and that lovely smile were stealing my heart.Here was my greatest danger!I was pretending to be another man,but losing my own heart.On my first visit,we sat together for a long time,talking of this and that.When I got up to leave,Princess Flavia said,'Rudolf,you will be careful,won't you?You have enemies,as I'm sure you know,and your life is very important to…Ruritania.'
  'Only to Ruritania?'I asked softly.
  'And to your loving cousin,'she answered quietly.
  I could not speak.I took her hand in mine.Then,with a heavy heart,I left.
  Of course,I made many mistakes in my new life as King.But I managed to talk my way out of them,with luck and with help from Fritz and Sapt.It was like living on a knife edge.Once I met my brother Michael in the Princess's house.We smiled and talked politely,but I could see the anger in his black eyes.

■ 5 国王回到斯特莱索

■ 6 An adventure with a teatable
  One day Sapt brought me some news he had found out where the King was.Duke Michael was holding him prisoner somewhere in the Castle of Zenda.
  Sapt also brought me a letter.It was in a woman's handwriting.
  'To know what you most wish to know,'the letter began,'meet me tonight in the garden of the big house in New Avenue.Come at midnight,and come alone.'
  There was another note on the back of the letter.'Ask yourself which woman does not want Black Michael to marry the Princess.A.de M.'
  'Antoinette de Mauban!'I cried.'She wants to marry the Duke.'
  'That's true,'Sapt said.'But you won't go,of course.They'll kill you!Duke Michael made her write this letter!'
  'I must,'I replied.'Every day we play this game there's more danger.I could make a mistake at any time,and,if I do,we'll all die.Don't you see?I have to go tonight.We can't go on much longer.'
  'Then I'm coming too,'said Sapt.
  So,at half-past eleven that night,Sapt and I rode out to the house in New Avenue.We left Fritz to watch my room in the palace.The night was dark,so I took a lamp.I also had my revolver and a knife.
  We soon reached the house,and came to a gate in the wall.I got off my horse.
  'I'll wait here,'said Sapt.'If I hear anything,I'll-'
  'Stay where you are!'I answered quickly.'It's the King's only chance.They mustn't kill you too!'
  'You're right,'said Sapt.'Good luck!'
  Silently,I opened the gate and went into the garden.In front of me I could see the dark shape of a summer-house and I moved towards it.Without a sound,I went up the steps,pushed open the door and went in.A woman hurried over to me and took me by the hand.I turned my lamp on her.She was beautiful.
  'Close the door!'she said.'We must be quick,Mr Rassendyll!Michael made me write the letter-three men are coming to kill you-three of the Six!They'll tell everyone that Sapt and Fritz von Tarlenheim murdered you.Then Michael will make himself King and marry the Princess.'Antoinette's beautiful eyes were sad as she added softly,'I can't let him marry her.I love him!'
  'But the king,'I said.'I know he's in the Castle of Zenda -but where?'
  'Go across the drawbridge and you come to a heavy door …Listen!What's that?They're coming!They're too soon!Put out your lamp!'she cried,her eyes filled with fear.'Quickly!You must go.There's a ladder at the end of the garden,against the wall!'
  But it was too late.The three men were already outside.There was a small hole in the door,and I put my eye to it.My hand was on my revolver.It was no good!There were three of them.I could kill one perhaps,but then…
  A voice came from outside.'Mr Rassendyll…'It was the Englishman.'We only want to talk to you.Open the door.'
  'We can talk through the door,'I replied.I looked through the hole again and saw that they were on the top step.When I opened the door,they would run at me.
  'We'll let you go if you leave the country and we'll give you fifty thousand English pounds,'continued Detchard,the Englishman.
  'Give me a minute to think,'I answered.
  Wildly,I looked around the summer-house and saw a metal garden table and some chairs.I picked up the table and held it in front of me,by the legs.Then I went to the back of the room and waited.
  'All right,I agree,'I called.'Open the door!'
  I heard them arguing with each other,and then Detchard said to the Belgian,'Why,Bersonin,are you afraid of one man?'
  A second later the door opened.
  De Gautet,the Frenchman,was with the other two,and the three men were standing there with their revolvers ready.With a shout,I ran at them as hard as I could.They tried to shoot me,but the bullets hit the table.The next second the table knocked them to the ground and we all fell on top of each other.Quickly,I picked myself up and ran for my life through the trees.I could hear them coming after me.Was Antoinette right?Was there really a ladder by the wall?I reached the end of the garden.The ladder was there!In a minute I was up it and over the wall.
  Sapt was waiting with the horses and seconds later we were on our way home.And,as we rode,we laughed because I had fought Duke Michael's dangerous men-with a tea-table!

■ 6 茶桌历险



等级: 派派督察
配偶: 周澤楷
举报 只看该作者 75楼  发表于: 2014-08-25 0

■ 7 For love of the King
  Every day I was sent a secret report by the Chief of Police,and the next afternoon I was playing cards with Fritz when Sapt brought it in.We learned that Duke Michael and the Three had left Strelsau,and that Antoinette de Mauban had also left.Clearly,they had gone to Zenda.The report also said that the people were unhappy because the King had not yet asked Princess Flavia to marry him.
  'Yes,'said Fritz.'It's true.I've heard that the Princess loves the King and she's very sad…'
  'Well,'Sapt informed us,'I've arranged a dance at the royal palace this evening,for the Princess.'
  'Why wasn't I told?'I asked angrily.
  But Sapt continued,'Everything is arranged.And tonight you must ask the Princess to marry you.'
  'No!I'll do nothing to hurt her!'I cried.
  'All right,my boy,'Sapt smiled gently.'Just say something nice to her,then.Remember,she thinks you're the King and we don't want her to be angry with him,do we?'
  I understood,of course.If the King was saved,then Flavia must marry him.If he was not saved,then Sapt would ask me to stay and marry the Princess.Duke Michael must not be King.
  The dance was wonderful.Flavia was beautiful and I dancedwith her again and again.Everyone could feel our happiness.I forgot about the crowd of rich,colourful people who were watching us.I had eyes only for my beautiful Flavia.
  When supper had finished,Fritz touched me on the shoulder.I stood up,took Flavia's hand and led her into a little room.They brought coffee to us and then the door was closed quietly.The Princess and I were alone.
  The windows of the little room opened onto the garden.The night was fine and the room was filled with the sweet smell of the flowers outside.Flavia sat down and I stood opposite her.I was fighting with myself…But then she looked at me-and I was lost!I forgot the King,I forgot who I was,I forgot everything!I fell to my knees,took her gently in my arms and kissed her.
  Suddenly she pushed me away.'Is it true?Do you really love me?'she cried.'Or is it because you're the King and you must marry me?'
  'No!'I answered quietly.'I love you more than my life!'
  Flavia smiled.'Oh,why do I love you now?'she said softly.'I didn't love you before,but I do now.'
  How happy I was! It was not the King she loved.It was me -it was Rudolf Rassendyll! But as I looked into her lovely face,I knew I could not live with the lie.How could I pretend to be the King any longer?
  'There's something I must tell you…'I began in a low voice.
  'Your Majesty,'said a voice from the garden.'People are waiting to say goodbye.'
  It was Sapt.He had heard me talking to the Princess.
  'We'll come,'I replied coldly.
  But Flavia,her eyes full of her love for me, held out her hand to Sapt as he came into the room.He took it and said softly and sadly,'God save your Royal Highness.'And then he added,'But before all comes the King-God save the King!'
  When Sapt told the people that Princess Flavia had accepted the King as her future husband,they were wild with happiness.
  'You know,Sapt,'I said sadly,'I could marry the Princess and let my people kill Duke Michael-and the King.'
  'I know,'Sapt replied quietly.
  'So we must go to Zenda and bring the King home atonce!'I said.
  Sapt put his hand on my shoulder.'You're the finest Elph-berg of them all,'he said with feeling.
  * * *
  Before we left Strelsau,I saw the Marshal and asked him to stay near Flavia,to take care of her and to keep her safe from Duke Michael.Then I went to say goodbye to her.At first she was cold with me.She did not understand why I wanted to leave her.But her anger changed to fear when I told her that I was going after Duke Michael.
  'Oh,Rudolf,be careful!'she cried.'He's a dangerous man!Please come back safely to me.'
  'Duke Michael can never keep me away from you,'I promised.But in my heart I knew that another man could.

■ 7 为了对国王的爱

■ 8 Back to Zenda
  The next day Sapt,Fritz,and I left Strelsau to go to Tarlenheim House.This fine modern house belonged to Fritz's uncle and was near the Castle of Zenda.We had ten brave young men with us.Sapt had told them that a friend of the King's was a prisoner in the Castle of Zenda and that the King needed their help.
  Michael,of course,knew of my arrival.But I was sure he did not understand why I had come.He would think that my plan was to kill him and the King-and marry the Princess myself.So,I had not been in the house an hour when he sent three of the Six to me.These were not the three men who had tried to kill me.This time he sent the three Ruritanians-Lauengram,Krafstein and young Rupert of Hentzau.
  'Duke Michael is very sorry that he can't welcome you himself,'explained Rupert of Hentzau.'But,sadly,he's ill at the moment.'
  'I hope that my dear brother will soon be better,'I replied with a smile.
  Rupert threw back his head,shook his black hair and laughed.He was a good-looking young man.People said he had broken many hearts already.
  'Oh,I'm sure he will!'he answered.
  * * *
  That evening,instead of having dinner at the house,Fritz and I went to the little hotel in the town of Zenda where I had stayed before.
  'Ask for a room where we can dine alone,'I said to Fritz.'And ask the pretty girl to bring our food.'
  I covered my face and the girl came and put the wine down on the table.When she turned to go,she looked at me and I let her see my face.
  'The King!'she cried.'You were the King!Oh,I'm sorry,sir!I'm sorry!The things that we said!'
  'Forget that now,' I answered.'You can help me.Bring our dinner,but tell no one that the King is here.'
  She came back in a few minutes,looking very serious.
  'How's your friend Johann?' I began.
  She looked surprised.'Oh,we don't see him very often now,'she answered.'He's very busy at the castle.''But you could get Johann to meet you tomorrow night,couldn't you?At ten o'clock,perhaps,on the road out of Zen-da.'
  'Yes,sir…Yon're not going to hurt him?'
  'Not if he does what I say.Go now,and say nothing about this.'
  After dinner,we left to go back to Tarlenheim House.We had almost reached it when we saw Sapt running to meet us.'Have you seen them?'he cried.
  'Who?'I asked.
  'Duke Michael's men.Don't go out unless you have six men or more with you!'he said.'You know Bernenstein, one of your men?'
  'Of course,'I answered.'A good,strong man,about as tall as me.'
  'Well,they tried to kill him.He's upstairs now with a bullet in his arm.He was walking in the woods and he saw three men.Suddenly,they started shooting at him,so he began to run.He was lucky.They were afraid to come too near the house,so he escaped.But it was you they wanted to kill!'
  'Sapt,'I said,'I promise I'll do one thing for Ruritania be fore I leave it.'
  'What's that?'asked Sapt.
  'I'll kill every one of the Six.Ruritania will be a better place without them!'

■ 8 回到曾达


等级: 派派督察
配偶: 周澤楷
举报 只看该作者 76楼  发表于: 2014-08-25 0

■ 9 News of the prisoner
  The next morning I was sitting in the garden in the sun when suddenly I saw young Rupert of Hentzau on horseback coming through the trees towards me.He was not afraid of my men,but asked to speak with me alone.He said he had a message for me from the Duke of Strelsau.I asked my friends to move away,and Rupert came and sat down near me.
  'Rassendyll,'he began,'the Duke….'
  'Don't you know how to speak to the King?'I asked.
  'Why pretend with me?'
  'Because it isn't finished yet.'
  'well,I'm here because I want to help you…'
  'Then give me the message.What does the Duke want?'I asked.
  'He wants you to leave.He'll take you safely out of the country and give you a hundred thousand pounds.'
  'I refuse,'I replied immediately.
  Rupert laughed.'I knew it!'he cried.'Duke Michael doesn't understand men like us!… You must die,then,'he added carelessly.
  'Yes,'I answered.'But you won't be alive to see me die!'I laughed.'How's your prisoner?'I added.
  'Alive,'he replied.'How's the pretty Princess?'
  I took a step towards him.'Go now,before I kill you,'I shouted angrily.
  Rupert turned, but suddenly he came back.He put out his right hand.'Shake hands!'he called.
  Of course,he knew what I would do.I put my hands behind my back.Quickly,his left hand moved towards me.In it he held a dagger and it was coming straight at my heart!I jumped to one side,and the dagger went deep into my shoulder.Before my friends could do anything,Rupert of Hentzau was on his horse and galloping through the trees.I heard my men going after him with their guns and then everything went black.
  When I awoke it was dark,and Fritz was at my bedside.He told me that I was not badly hurt,and that the plan to catch Johann had been successful.
  'He seems pleased to be here,'Fritz said.'I think he's afraid of Duke Michael.'
  Later Sapt brought Johann up to see me.At first Johann was afraid to speak,but then he began to talk.We asked him many questions,and finally Johann gave us the information we wanted.
  In the Castle of Zenda,near the drawbridge and below the ground,there were two small rooms,cut out of the rock itself.In the first of these rooms there were always three of the Six.At the back of this room there was a door which led into the second room.The King was in the second room.
  'If someone tries to get into the first room,two of the tnree men will fight,but Rupert of Hentzau or Detchard will run into the second room and kill the King,'Johann said.'There's a small window in the second room with a large pipe going down into the moat outside,'he went on.'You can get a man inside it,and they'll tie a heavy stone to the King's body and push it down the pipe.The body will go down and disappear under the water,and the murderers will then go down the pipe themselves,and swim across the moat.'
  'And if I bring an army to the castle?'I asked.
  'Duke Michael will still murder the King,'replied Johann.'He won't fight.He'll kill the King and push his body down the pipe.And he'll put one of the Six in the prison.He'll say the man had done something to make him angry.That will stop the stories about a prisoner in Zenda.'Johann stopped for a minute,but then he added,'If they know I've told you this,they'll kill me.They're all bad,but Rupert of Hentzau is the worst.Don't let them kill me…'
  'All right,'I said.'But if anyone asks you who the prisoner of Zenda is,don't tell him. If you do,I'll kill you myself!'
  Johann left the room and I looked at Sapt.
  'It doesn't matter what plan we make,'I said.'The King will be dead before we can get to him!'
  Sapt shook his grey head angrily.'You'll still be King of Ruritania in a year's time.'
  'Perhaps one of the Duke's men will turn against him…'I began.
  'Impossible,'replied Sapt.
  'Then we need the help of God,'I said.

■ 9 有关囚犯的消息

■ 10 A night outside the castle
  I wanted Duke Michael to think that I was still very ill,so we told the newspapers that the King had had a very serious accident.When Princess Flavia read this,she was very worried and she decided to come and see me.The Marshal could not stop her,and,although I was afraid for her,I was ex cited at the thought of seeing her again.We spent two wonderfully happy days together.
  We had sent Johann back to the Castle of Zenda and suddenly we had a message from him.The real King was very ill.
  'I must save him,'I said to myself.'I love Flavia more each day.I can't go on like this much longer.'
  I talked to Sapt.He agreed,so we made our plans.
  * * *
  Late the next night,Sapt,Fritz,and I,with six more men,rode out towards the Castle of Zenda.Sapt was carrying a long rope and I had a short,thick stick and a long knife.
  The night was dark,and it was wet and windy.We stayed away from the town and we met no one.When we came to the moat,we stopped near some trees and the six men hid there with the horses.Then Sapt tied the rope round one of the trees near the water.I pulled off my boots,put the stick between my teeth and gently went down the rope into the water.I was going to take a look at the pipe.
  It had been warm and bright that day,and the water was not cold.Slowly and carefully I swam round the dark walls of the castle.There were lights in the new buildings,and from time to time I heard people shouting and laughing.'That must be young Rupert and his friends,'I thought.Suddenly a dark shape appeared in front of me.It was the pipe!The bottom of it was very wide and came out into the moat.And then I saw something which nearly made my heart stop.It was a boat, and in the boat there was a man!His gun was beside him,but,luckily,he was asleep.As quietly as I could,I moved closer. The man still slept.What could I do? I had to save the King.I took out my knife and drove it through the sleeping man's heart!On the other side of the castle they were still singing.
  I had very little time.Someone could come at any minute.I looked up at where the pipe went through the wall into the prison.There was a thin line of light at the bottom edge.I heard Detchard's voice,and then I heard the King reply.Just then the light went out,and,in the darkness,I heard the King crying.I did not call to him.I had to get away safely- and take the body of the dead watchman with me.
  I climbed into the boat and began to go back to where my friends were.No one could hear me because the wind was strong.But from somewhere behind me,I heard a shout.Someone was calling to the watchman.I reached the side of the moat where Sapt and Fritz were waiting.Quickly,I tied the rope round the man's body and Sapt and Fritz pulled it up.Then I climbed up the rope myself.
  'Call our men from the trees,'I said quietly.'And hurry!'
  But just then,three men rode round from the front of the castle.Luckily,they did not see us,but they heard our six friends riding out of the trees,and with a shout they galloped towards them.
  Seconds later we heard the sound of shots and I ran to help our men.Sapt and Fritz followed.
  'Kill them!'cried a voice.It was Rupert of Hentzau.
  'Too late!They've got both of us!'cried another voice.'Save yourself,Rupert!'
  I ran on,holding my stick in my hand.Suddenly,through the darkness,I saw a horse coming towards me.I jumped at the horse's head,and saw the man's face above me.
  'At last!'I shouted.'Rupert of Hentzau!'
  He had only his sword,and my men were coming at him from one side,and Sapt and Fritz from the other.
  Rupert laughed.'It's the play-actor!'he cried,and with his sword he knocked my stick from my hand.Then he turned his horse,galloped to the moat,and jumped into the water with our bullets flying round his ears.Our men tried to shoot him in the water,but it was dark,there was no moon-and we lost him.
  We had killed two of the Six-Lauengram and Krafstein- but I was angry.Three of our brave friends were also dead, and we carried them home with a heavy heart.
  And I did not like to hear Rupert call me a play-actor.
  * * *
  Of course,Michael and I could not let the people know that we were enemies.So,in the daytime it was safe to be in the town of Zenda.One day,soon after our night outside the castle,Princess Flavia and I were riding through the town when we saw a group of people dressed in black going to the church.Rupert of Hentzau was with them,and when he saw us,he turned his horse and came towards us.
  'It's the funeral of my dear friend,Lauengram,'he said,in answer to our question.
  'I'm sorry your friend is dead,'I said to him.
  'And I'm sorry,too,'Flavia added,her beautiful blue eyes sad.
  Rupert looked at her and smiled.Then he turned and rode away.Although I was angry because he had smiled at Flavia,I went after him.
  'You fought bravely the other night,'I said,'and you're young.Help me save the King-and I'll help you.'
  But Rupert was not interested.'No,'he answered.'But if they were both dead-the King and the Duke- then you could be King and marry your Princess,and I could be rich,and have the woman I want.'
  'Antoinette de Mauban?'I asked carelessly,trying not to show my interest.
  'Yes,'replied Rupert.'I hate the Duke.She loves him,not me!'Angrily,he joined the funeral group again.
  Strangely,when we returned home there was a message for me from Antoinette herself.
  'I helped you once.Help me now.Save me from this terrible place!Save me from these murderers!'
  I was sorry for her,but what could I do?

■ 10 城堡外的一夜


等级: 热心会员
举报 只看该作者 77楼  发表于: 2016-03-04 0
thanks very much


等级: 热心会员
The river of no return~
举报 只看该作者 78楼  发表于: 2016-03-15 0


等级: 热心会员
The river of no return~
举报 只看该作者 79楼  发表于: 2016-03-15 0
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