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[Spoken English] 初中英语演讲稿

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举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2016-11-28 0
Soccer in my school memory
During my school life, there’s a period of colorful memory about soccer which will never fade away. It’s red which amounts to passion and joy. It’s black that stands for suffering and exhaustion. Every time when it occurs to me, I smile sweetly and find there is no substitute for such beautiful memory.
   In the summer of 2007, we seven girls set up the class soccer team. I was elected as captain. Not much attention was paid as no one had ever thought of succeeding. But on second thought, who would deny us unless we ourselves back out? Thus I made up my mind to have a try no matter what result we would get. On the one hand, I went on training to the best of my ability despite others talking me out of practicing with injury. On the other hand, I urged other mates to go to their greatest lengths to improve their skills. Every afternoon our figures were seen on the field. Every night we were much too tired to stay up. However, to everyone’s excitement, wonders were made in later competitions. We beat all rivals and finally won the championship. Tears flew when the last whistle was heard. The salty liquid is charged with happiness, suffering, and everything we’ve experienced.
    As captain, I concluded that there was no short-cut to success. Not only excellent skills paved the way to success, but our unity and great tenacity made the whole process full of unforgettable memories. In relation to other activities, what I gained from soccer games play the biggest part in my adolescence. Moreover, it strengthens love among us. Such educational effect is what we’re unable to get in any textbook.
   The story about soccer taught me to play my heart out when facing a challenge which seems not easy to complete. If I were put off at the beginning, how would dreams been realized then? The memory is colorful due to various emotions contained inside. It’s happy red, discouraging gray, bright yellow and dark blue. I’ll cherish the precious memory in my mind, which will keep me company in my life.

Should smoking be banned?
Nowadays,there exists an increasingly serious social problem. According to a survey, some people are in favor of the idea of forbidding smoking.
Tobacco was introduced to Europe after the discovery of America. As we know, thousands of people smoke and most of them try to give up smoking many times. Even though they know that smoking is harmful, many people still smoke.
Firstly, it costs a lot of money to treat smokers who get illness, such as heart disease or lung cancer. Secondly, smokers not only damage their own health, they also damage the health of those who live around them. Moreover, it is very unpleasant to be in a smoke-filled room, for the smell of smoke is awful. That is why people who smoke are prevented to smoke in public places.
On the other hand, if government should ban smoking, the government would lose a lot of money from taxes on cigarette. Also, smoking is a choice of individual freedom. We are in a society that is developing at a high speed. Smoking, sometimes, is a method to relax, helping people to calm down their nerves.
In my opinion, smoking should be banned. It damages not only the health of smokers, but also the passive smokers. If someone would like to set their pressure free, they could do many things except smoking, such as singing, dancing and so on. All things considered, I do believe that smoking will be banned in the future. One simple action can make a difference, even change the life of many smokers.
本帖最近评分记录: 1 条评分 派派币 +5
  • Sadistic_

    派派币 +5 2016-11-29

    Thanks for your sharing.O(∩_∩)O



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The name that can be named is not the enduring and unchanging name.
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