【我心飞翔】 Nelly Furtado - I'm Like A Bird_派派后花园

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[单曲推荐] 【我心飞翔】 Nelly Furtado - I'm Like A Bird

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等级: 内阁元老
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2014-10-14 0


  第一次听到Nelly Furtado这首I'm like a bird,我还在上高中,彼时非常流行听音乐学英文的套路,我随大流也买了整套的磁带,用复读机听了一遍又一遍,应该是格莱美精选,其中就有这首,像小鸟一样,不知道是被歌者略带磁性的声音所打动,还是被歌词本身所击中,这些年来一直是我不曾放弃的曲目。牢笼般的生活从上学延续至工作,心从未曾真正自由。多么想像小鸟一样,自由飞翔。

Nelly Furtado - I'm like a bird

You're beautiful, that's for sure
You'll never ever fade
You're lovely but it's not for sure
That I won't ever change
And though my love is rare
Though my love is true

I'm like a bird, I'll only fly away
I don't know where my soul is, I don't know where my home is
(and baby all I need for you to know is)
I'm like a bird, I'll only fly away
I don't know where my soul is , I don't know where my home is
All I need for you to know is

Your faith in me brings me to tears
Even after all these years
And it pains me so much to tell
That you don't know me that well
And though my love is rare
Though my love is true

Baby all I need for you to know is

It's not that I wanna say goodbye
It's just that every time you try to tell me that you love me
Each and every single day I know
I'm going to have to eventually give you away
And though my love is rare
And though my love is true
Hey I'm just scared
That we may fall through

I'm like a bird(I'm like a bird)
I don't know where my soul is , I don't know where my home is
[ 此帖被黯藏在2014-10-14 20:08重新编辑 ]


等级: 派派新人
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2014-10-17 0
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