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等级: 略知一二
灌水系天赋 41 /  无聊系天赋 20
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2009-04-28 0


让.雷诺 的 狼之帝国主题曲


there's no point in being careful
i 'll burn bridges anyway
there's no point in talking vicious
nothing cutting left to say
i've achieved my own survival
i've refined my own sweet hell
there's no point in craving beauty
when you'll tear me anyhow
if i look you in the eye
i swear i'll die
'cos you kill everything you love
should i scar my face
to find my peace
while you kill everything you love
there's no point in sitting silent
there's no reason to stay calm
i've no means to look resentful
everybody you will charm
crowded out by stupid duty
smothered dead by your distain
there's no point in shouting angry
there's no reason i should stay

曾经何时,由顶着一颗Skinhead的黑人女主唱Skin所领军的英国四人乐团Skunk Anansie,在那个Britpop 年代里异军突起是何等受到瞩目,不单音乐上所爆发的激进Agit-Rock/Clit-Rock能量让他们与大西洋彼岸的L7、Hole等Post-Grunge体系Female Fronted Band相提并论,甚至歌词中传达的强烈政治意识以及成 员的多种族背景更让该团被喻为女主唱版本的Rage Against The Machine或Asian Dub Foundation。结果Skunk Anansie陆续发表的三张专辑Paranoid & Sunburnt、Stoosh与Post Orgasmic Chill因此写下了全 球四百万张的优异销售量,在欧洲、南非、澳洲、以色列等地都大受欢迎,并缔造八首全英Top 40单曲, 成绩斐然。
[ 此帖被黑色催眠师在2009-04-28 20:02重新编辑 ]
nice rainy days`
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