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[Complete] ღ.•°故事接龙——故事的走向由你定!.•°ღ

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等级: 热心会员
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2013-04-04 0
— 本帖被 翦慕 执行锁定操作(2013-11-25) —






Once upon a time, there was the old King Edmund of Libradonia. He had three daughters but no son.  As he was getting older, he was undecided about which of his three daughters would become the future Queen.

His eldest was Eleanor; she was bright but sometimes short tempered. She had dark hair, grey eyes and very thin lips. Eleanor was also a very pious young lady, she prayed everyday and she often visited the poor because she believed that it is God’s will to care for them.

Luciana was a year and a half younger than Eleanor. She was pretty and love beautiful dresses. Luciana had beautiful blonde hair, fair skin and lips red as roses. She spent most of the days decorating her room and ordering her maids to make more gowns for her.

The youngest, Esther, was two years younger than Luciana. Esther was always a sweat heart to people around her. She was pretty but not as pretty as Luciana. She got light brown hair and green eyes. She was witty and made people laugh a lot, and she enjoyed staying in the library and read books.

So the King decided that he had to find a way to choose from the three daughters, and find out who’s the best fit for the crown. But the law of his country indicates: if the King’s daughter should succeed to be the Queen of Libradonia, the Queen’s husband will share her power; King Edmund wants to make sure that the future Queen would have a husband who lives up to his duties.

It took King Edmund 40 days to figure out how to decide who's going to be the future Queen and as he decided, he called his three daughters to his palace and said:”

【Please continue from here】

short tempered:脾气不好

[ 此帖被岚君。在2013-04-23 12:14重新编辑 ]
本帖最近评分记录: 1 条评分 派派币 +1


等级: 自由撰稿
举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2013-06-04 0
'My dear...Luciana!!!'
Eleanor was really shocked that she found the boy was her sister.But there's no time to talk, Eleanor grabed Luciana as quickly as she could and soon ran away.
'Oh... We are safe."After they hide behind a small sculpture, Eleanor asked Luciana,"Why you're here, my dear?'
Luciana shrugged her shoulder and said,'For the same reason as yours, I'm afraid.'
They looked at each other with a long silience, then laughed.
'Well, it's awsome.' said Luciana, and then she speaked in a low voice, 'Do you know? The school is not as peiceful as we imagined.'
'If you mean those noble bullies, I've already got it.'
'Of course not, actually,'Luciana whispered slightly, '...They are zombins.'
【please continue it】
本帖最近评分记录: 1 条评分 派派币 +300


等级: 热心会员
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2013-04-21 0
'Oh! my dearest daughters , do you want to be the future Queen of  Libradonia?'
' Yes, Dad,' said the  daughters .
' That's great! Since I am getting order, I need one of you be the future Queen. But the constitution had wrote that you need to share the power with your husband .  You need to choose the man that you love , has talent to help you manage  Libradonia and devote to  Libradonia. I will get you some test to check that do you and your husband has those term or not . My dearest do you agree that ?'said Edmund.
Eleanor said ,' No problem , dad. I will show you that I am the most suitable to be the Queen!'
Luciana said,' That fine ,dad. I must be the most beautiful Queen in the world !'
Esther said,' I will do me best ,dad. Dad take care of yourself .'
' I will get you 35 days . In those days you should find a man to be your husband also you need to tell me why do you choose him and how can you manage Libradonia ?' said Edumund.
Eleanor 、 Luciana and Esther left the palace and try to find their love and try to be Queen. Would they be success ? Let's see !
Eleanor changed herself to be a handsome boy since she wanted to go to boy school to find her future husband . While she was going to school , she saw somethings that she had never imagined : there was a boy being bullied by some nobles . She shouted ,‘ Stop , what do you doing ?You will be punish by god!'  And that she support with the boy's ,and she saw...
【please continue it 】(273 words)
本帖最近评分记录: 1 条评分 派派币 +600
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