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[Novel] 尤利西斯Ulysses(中英对照)

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等级: 内阁元老
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2012-12-24 0

Ulysses is one of the most influential novels of the twentieth century. It was not easy to find a publisher in America willing to take it on, and when Jane Jeap and Margaret Anderson started printing extracts from the book in their literary magazine The Little Review in 1918, they were arrested and charged with publishing obscenity. They were fined $100, and even The New York Times expressed satisfaction with their conviction.

Ulysses was not published in book form until 1922, when another American woman, Sylvia Beach, published it in Paris her Shakespeare & Company. Ulysses was not available legally in any English-speaking country until 1934, when Random House successfully defended Joyce against obscenity charges and published it in the Modern Library.

This edition follows the complete and unabridged text as corrected and reset in 1961. Judge John Woolsey's decision lifting the ban against Ulysses is reprinted, along with a letter from Joyce to Bennett Cerf, the publisher of Random House, and the original foreword to the book by Morris L. Ernst, who defended Ulysses during the trial.
《尤利西斯》是爱尔兰意识流文学作家詹姆斯·乔伊斯(James Joyce)于1922年出版的长篇小说。小说以时间为顺序,描述了主人公,苦闷彷徨的都柏林小市民,广告推销员利奥波德·布卢姆(Leopold Bloom)于1904年6月16日一昼夜之内在都柏林的种种日常经历。乔伊斯选择这一天来描写,是因为这一天是他和他的妻子诺拉·巴纳克尔(Nora Barnacle)首次约会的日子。小说的题目来源于希腊神话中的英雄奥德修斯(Odysseus,拉丁名为尤利西斯),而《尤利西斯》的章节和内容也经常表现出和荷马史诗《奥德赛》内容的平行对应关系。利奥波德·布卢姆是奥德修斯现代的反英雄的翻版,他的妻子摩莉·布卢姆(Molly Bloom)则对应了奥德修斯的妻子帕涅罗佩(Penelope),青年学生斯蒂芬·迪达勒斯(Stephen Dedalus,也是乔伊斯早期作品《一个青年艺术家的画像》主人公,以乔伊斯本人为原型)对应奥德修斯的儿子忒勒玛科斯(Telemachus)。乔伊斯将布卢姆在都柏林街头的一日游荡比作奥德修斯的海外十年漂泊,同时刻画了他不忠诚的妻子摩莉以及斯蒂芬寻找精神上的父亲的心理。小说大量运用细节描写和意识流手法构建了一个交错凌乱的时空,语言上形成了一种独特的风格。《尤利西斯》是意识流小说的代表作,并被誉为20世纪一百部最佳英文小说之首,每年的6月16日已经被纪念为“布卢姆日”。

[ 此帖被soneyky在2012-12-24 09:56重新编辑 ]
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等级: 内阁元老
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他说我蛮可以替什么阔佬当裸体模特儿 我要是把头发披散下来
就会像那个出水的宁芙[156]吗 只不过她更年轻一些罢了
难道宁芙就老是那么着[159] 四处走动吗
他永远也不会把一件事解释得简单一些好让人家明白 接着他又去把锅底儿都给烧坏啦[162] 而这又全都是为了煎他那份腰子
我忍不住喊起来了 他们多可怕呀
那到底是怎么回事呢 他说什么我要是去给人家当奶妈每星期能挣上一英镑哩
寄住在二十八号的西特伦[164]家那个看上去挺文弱的学生彭罗斯[165]隔着窗户差点儿瞅见我正在那儿洗呢 不过我赶紧抓条毛巾蒙住了脸
直到他请布雷迪大夫[167]给我开一副颠茄药才算了结 我只好叫他替我嘬一嘬 他说它们硬得很
可是比母牛的还甜还浓哪 后来他想要我把奶水挤到茶里去
这边儿的皮肤变得光滑多啦 他足足嘬了它们[168]一个多种头
我看钟来着 我就像是有了个大娃娃似的 他们什么都往嘴里塞
哦 天哪
好叫我那么一遍又一遍地丢啊丢的 我觉得身子里面全是火
或者要是我能梦见当时他是怎么第二遍使我丢的就好了 他从后面用手指挠着我
一连丢了有五分钟 事后我禁不住紧紧搂住他
噢 天哪
谁晓得他心里是怎么想的呢 你可得琢磨男人的心情 谢天谢地 男人们并不都像他这样 有的人喜欢女人在搞的时候斯斯文文的
他搞的时候一声不吭 我抬起眼睛那样看着他
颠鸾倒凤 头发有点儿乱啦
两天 星期日

老天爷 我哪里等得到星期一呢
火车在什么地方拉鼻儿哪 那些火车头劲儿可真足
向四面八方迸溅 仿佛是古老甜蜜依依的情歌哦哦哦[169]的结尾
那些可怜的男人不得不整宵整宵地离开老婆和家人 呆在烟薰火燎的火车头里
今儿个天闷得透不过气儿来 幸而我把那些过期的自由人报和摄影点滴[170]烧掉了一半儿
明天我就叫他替我裁出来 不然的话 把它们留到明年也不过卖个几便士罢咧 也省得他问去年一月份的报纸在哪儿所有那些旧大衣搁在那儿净添热
那场雨下得 真好 感到爽快
是我美美地睡了一觉后下起来的 我觉得这儿越来越像直布罗陀啦 好家伙
那地方多热呀紧接着 地中海那猛烈的东风一刮 黑压压地像夜晚一般 闪闪发光的岩石[171]耸立在中间
东一处西一处是红色的岗亭 还有白杨树丛
统统都炎热得冒烟儿 再就是一顶顶蚊帐[172]
和一座座水槽里那雨水蒸发的气味 由于成天望着太阳
爹的朋友斯坦厄普夫人[173]送给我的那件巴黎的便宜商场[174]的漂亮衣裳整个捎色儿啦 多糟糕哇
她在上面还写着我最亲爱的狗小姐她人真好 她叫什么名字来着 上面写着 只发张明信片告诉你一声
我寄了份小小的礼物 刚洗了个痛快的热水澡感到仿佛成了一只非常干净的狗
中东佬[175]也享受了一通 她管他叫中东佬 我们非回趟直布[176]不可 好去听你唱等待和在古老的马德里[177] 他给我买的练习曲集子叫作康科恩[178] 还给我买了一条新披肩 那名词儿我叫不上来 倒是挺可心的 只不过稍微一怎么着就撕破了
你是不是老想着咱们一道吃过的美味茶点呢 我很喜欢那香甜的葡萄干烤饼和山莓薄脆
喏 我最心爱的狗小姐务必及早给我写封亲切的回信 她忘记写上对你父亲和格罗夫上尉的问候啦 怀着深深的情意
她一点儿也不像是个已结了婚的 简直就像个姑娘 他的岁数比她大多了 这位中东佬可疼我啦 在拉利内亚[180]看斗牛的那回
我们得穿这些衣服 到底是谁发明的呀 还指望你能走上吉利尼山[183]呢就拿那回郊游来说吧 我给胸衣箍得紧紧的 在一群人当中简直既不能跑也不能跳到一边去
所以当另外那头凶猛的老公牛开始向系着腰带前且帽子上又镶着两道装饰的斗牛士扑去的时候 我就觉得害怕啦
对啦 当我摹仿铃巷[186]那边狗叫的时候
估摸着早就死啦 双双都死啦
这一切就好像罩在一层雾里 叫你感到那么苍老
那甜饼是我烤的 当然我自个儿统统吃掉啦
还有个叫作赫斯特的姑娘 我们常常比头发 我的比她的浓密
她用胳膊搂着我 到了早晨
一有机会他就死盯着我 我最初望着教堂
我们俩的目光碰上啦 我觉得就像一根根的针串遍全身
我记得事后一照镜子简直都认不出自己来啦[187] 太阳把我的皮肤晒得光艳艳的兴奋得像一朵玫瑰似的
我整宵连眼也没闭 都是由于她的缘故[188] 这并不好
然而我原是能够半截儿就打住的 她给我一本月亮宝石[189]要我读 那是我所读到的第一本威尔基科林斯的书
另一个女人写的亨利邓巴 后来我把这本书借给他了
里边还夹了张马尔维的照片 好让他明白我并不是没有[191]
她还送给了我利顿勋爵的尤金阿拉姆[192] 亨格福德夫人的美丽的摩莉[193] 我不喜欢有摩莉的那些书
就拿他[194]替我借来的那本来说吧 写的是从佛兰德来的一个女人
是个婊子[195] 她总是能偷到什么就偷什么
衣裳啦 成码的料子啦
哦 这条毛毯压在我身上太重啦 这下子就好啦
那阵子天儿一热我就来回翻身 坐在椅子上汗水就把内衣湿透啦
站起来身上又肥实又硬邦 再往沙发靠垫上一坐
撩起衣服一瞧 晚上足有好几吨臭虫
这是多咱的事呢 一晃儿好像过了好几百年啦、他们当然再也没有回来 再说她也没把地址写对 兴许她对自己那位中东佬留了点心眼儿 人们总是走掉
我们可不我还记得那天海上起着浪 一只只小船那高高的船头摆上摆下还有船上散发出的那股子气味
我穿的是有一排纽扣的长统靴子 我的裙子给风刮得掀了起来 她吻了我六七遍 我哭了没有呢
对啦 我准是哭啦
当我说再见的时候 我的嘴唇直发颤 她披着为了航海才定做的一种特别讲究的蓝色披肩 有一边儿做得挺新奇的
他们走掉了以后 无聊得像鬼一样 我几乎琢磨着要逃走啦寂寞得发疯
不论呆在哪儿 怎么也安定不下心来
爹啦 姑妈啦
等候[197]着 总是等候着
等候着 没法加啊啊啊快他那飞速的步伐
在铺子上空轰隆隆地响 尤其是在女王的寿辰
要是你不把窗户打开 就会震得什么都朝四面八方往下掉 不管尤利西斯格兰特将军[199]是谁 总归被认为是个大人物 当他下船登岸的时候 打从闹大洪水之前就在那儿担任领事的老斯普拉格[200]穿上了大礼服
可怜的人哪 其实他正为儿子服丧呢早晨就照例吹起床号
比那些穿着带兜帽的长外套前来参加利未人[201]集会的长胡子老犹太人散发的还要难闻 一遍遍的军号命令炮兵擦炮准备战斗
鸣炮 归营
城门上锁 还有那风笛 只有格罗夫上尉和爹在聊着洛克滩和普列文[202]
他抠着鼻孔 苦思冥想着旁的一些下流故事
我猜他已经把命送在马不停蹄地喝酒上头啦 过了多少年啦
没有人给我写封信 除了我给自己塞了几张纸片寄出去的那几封 我腻烦透啦
有时候恨不得仗着我的指甲打上一场架 我竖起耳朵听那个独眼老阿拉伯人边奏着公驴般的乐器
向你那公驴般的杂乱无章的玩艺儿致以我的全部敬意 糟糕透啦
隔着窗户往外望 就在对面那座房子里有没有个英俊男人呢
护士们追着的霍利斯街的医科学生 我站在窗口戴上手套和帽子
永远也不明白你说的话 你甚至想把要说的话印在一张大海报上让他们瞧
我在韦斯特兰横街小教堂外面稍稍皱起眉头的时候他都没理会我 我倒纳闷他们那了不起的智慧是打哪儿来的
还抵不过他们宰了卖肉的公牛和母牛呢 还有送煤的铃挡声
还有那吃喝着修理锅壶罐儿的 又有人来问今儿个有没有给穷人的破瓶子
我最近收到的一封信是谁寄来的呢 哦 是德汶太太写来的
喏 她一阵心血来潮
向我讨西红柿红胡椒[213]这道菜谱弗洛伊狄龙[214]从打写信告诉我她嫁给了一位很阔的建筑师以来就再没音信啦 要是我听到的都可信的话 他们还有所八间屋子的别墅
要么就是吉莱斯皮小姐 这儿有架钢亲[216]哩
每个人都有自己的苦恼 可怜的南希布莱克上个月去世啦

我跟她并不怎么熟 与其说她是我的朋友
真麻烦 还得写回信
但愿他下回[218]给我写一封长一点儿的信 假若他真正爱我的话

不过 要是他这么写了
我可以躺在床上写回信 好让他想象着我
好个倔巴巴的老家伙 那发夹不是正瞪着她的脸吗
还怪臭美呢 都快要八十或者一百岁啦
可什么都得听她说了算 有件事她怎么也想不通
我的情人儿 年少的时候[233]我还从来也没想过亲嘴儿是怎么回事呢
而且他还信以为真啦 还说不出三年我就要跟那个人结婚
它就朝你扔石头 他正朝我[242]望着为了尽量鼓励他
倒挂着冰柱 或者随他们怎么去叫吧
你简直可以永远躺在那儿 爱干什么干什么
他隔着衣服[249]温存地抚摩着 他们就爱这么做
起初他挺恼火 我害怕呀
要么让我怀上孕[250] 给我留下个娃娃呢
对啦 因为有一回他们从一个女人身子里取出一块什么

我不许他摸我的衬裙里面 因为我那条裙子是侧面开衩儿的
杰克 乔 是哈里马尔维吧
还说 即便我已经结了婚
一定的 现在我会让他[254]飞快地操我一通
要么阵亡啦 要么就当上了一名上尉或者海军上将
男人们连女人的一半儿个性都没有 她一点儿也不会晓得我跟她那位亲爱的丈夫都干过些什么
翻过中间那座山 绕过从前的卫兵房和犹太人坟地
天主啊 请赐给他理智并且赐给我更多的金钱吧

不论我妈是个什么人 既然她自己有露妮塔拉蕾多这么个可爱的名字
沿着威利斯路跑向欧罗巴岬[267] 像米莉身上那样的一对小东西[268]在我的罩衫下面晃啊跳啊的
说是要给我来信告诉我航海的事 这些男人要在地球上来回转
起码也应搂抱一两下女人 一出发不定在什么地方就淹死或给炸飞啦
他那架小型望远镜就像是哨兵携带的那种 他要从船上弄一两架来
那么清澈 哈里
那列火车又发出了哭腔 可怀恋的往昔哟 岁月一去不复唔
我下回再站在脚灯前的时候 要放开嗓子唱这一段
我是军人的闺女 你们的爹又是啥人呢 靴匠和酒馆老板
还有我那胸脯 她们缺乏那股热呼劲儿
要么就拿嗓子来说吧 要不是嫁给了他[285]
传来了古老甜 低沉的声音
关于黎明时分围着壕沟的庄园和有着拱顶的房间 对啦
我还要 对啦
只要一想到他[288] 我那个眼儿就总是发痒
不管怎样 我希望他自个儿能睡一张床
哪怕给我们一块能够放屁的地方呢 要么稍微放松动点儿
像这样憋着 稍微侧着身子
我敢说猪肉铺那个长得古里古怪的家伙[293]是个大骗子 我希望那盏灯没冒烟儿
就是得爬起来瞧个分明 关于这一点
我就喜爱上它啦 觉得有个伴儿

希拉内华达[294] 我穿着一小件短汗衫
赤条条地跳来跳去 我常常喜欢站在脸盆架跟前
要么就抹点儿雪花膏 不过使用便器的时候我也总会把灯灭了
可我讨厌它们那爪子 我倒想知道它们是不是能瞧见咱们瞧不见的东西呢
我想明天买点儿鱼 要么今天就去买
加上乌梅果酱 像老早以前那样
那种李子苹果混合的两磅重的果酱罐头可不行 就是伦敦和纽卡斯尔的威廉斯一伍兹[297]那家店买的
只要一听这名儿就够啦 要不要组织一次郊游呢

对啦 带上些夹着冷小牛肉和火腿的什锦三明治
圣灵降临节的第二天也是个倒楣的日子 难怪蜜蜂要蜇他[307]哪
他会划船 要是有人问他能不能参加获得金质奖杯的越野赛马
亏得我们还没统统淹死他当然会游泳喽 我可不会
说是啥危险也没有 要我放镇静点儿
把那条裤子从他身上扒下来 撕个稀巴烂
要是给啐上一口 那脸蛋儿也许会变得好看一些哩
偷情的快乐[315] 是位时髦绅士写的
完全给咸水泡坏啦 我戴的那顶插着羽毛的帽子整个儿被风吹得翘了起来
大头鱼啦 在岩石后面那一带
它们可好看哩 在渔夫的篓子里统统发着银光
他们说老鲁依吉眼看就一百岁啦 是从热那亚来的
我看也只好凑合呗 我们刚搬来的时候
就跟他对爹说的所有那些他要做的事情一样 对我也是这么说的 可我已经把他看穿啦 他还对我说过我们能够去度蜜月的一切可爱的地方
他还有一张科莫湖[320]的剪报 又是什么曼陀林啦

可好啦 不论我 喜欢什么
他都马上着手去办 要多快有多快
你肯替我拎罐儿吗[321] 就凭他所编造的种种计划
不过总比没有强 那天晚上我肯定听见厨房里进了一帮贼
不过 尤其是因为如今米莉也走啦
由于他爷爷的那点因缘[324] 他竟心血来潮
近来只要她在家 除非先把门上了闩
她从来也不先敲一下门就闯进来 弄得我总是提心吊胆
干脆把她装在玻璃匣子里 我们俩一道看着她好啦
就假装听懂啦 当然挺狡猾啦




当我替她在上衣下摆上钉纽扣儿 把线咬断的时候
瞧 这不就应验了吗
你的底儿大黑啦我还得告诉她 可不要当着一个个行人的面儿
趁着拥挤可没少碰碰撞撞的 那帮家伙总是想方设法扭到你跟前儿来
不管是为软毡帽也罢 或者为她的屁股[336]也罢

我约莫二十二岁以前从来也没正正经经搞过 老是弄错了地方
还涂上火漆封了印 不过落幕的时候她鼓了掌
她跟律师弗赖尔利[346]一道坐在她那辆双轮轻便马车里 居然假装没瞧见我们

假若他不管教她 就得由我来管啦
往她手里放这放那 她净打喷嚏

当然管不住自己喽 幸亏我从厨桌后面找到了那块丢失了的旧抹布
他儿子在期中考试时门门功课都得了奖[352] 想想看
他竟然从栏干上爬了过来[353] 要是给我们的熟人瞧见了可怎么好
不然的话他就酗酒 动手揍她
每天我一起床就总有点新鲜事儿 天哪

才能安安神儿 我想起来一下

星期日 那会把人给折磨得魂儿都出壳儿啦

大谈什么斯宾诺莎[362]啦 还有他那我猜想几百万年前就死掉了的灵魂啦
我简直就像是陷进了沼泽里似的 可我还是尽量露着笑容
他们总是想看到床上的血印儿 好知道你是个处女
他们都是些大傻瓜 哪怕你是个寡妇或者离过四十次婚


真是的 我猜他们从公园的那一头都能听见我们[367]啦
兴许看上去会像个年轻姑娘哩 下回他[368]把我的衣服撩起来



就像是泽西百合[371] 慢慢儿的

对啦 才过了三个来星期
也不过是像我跟他结婚以前那一次罢咧 当时我有白带
那些女人的娃娃们老是有点儿不舒服 经常对着[376]那些臭婊子闻来闻去
居然还问起我那白带有没有讨厌的气味 他究竟想让我干什么呀
听他那口气 我还以为他指的是直布罗陀岩石呢
米莉小的时候 我常检查她排泄出来的
照样得付钱给他 大夫
遗漏出来[378]的多不多 这些老家伙是打哪儿弄到这些词儿的呢
边说什么它们遗漏出来 边斜愣着那双近视眼
你这瞎话流星的轻桃娘儿们哦 随你爱怎么说就怎么说吧
只要别说是白痴就成他也够聪明的[379] 看出了这一点

他就教我兴奋起来啦 当时我住在里霍勃斯
直勾勾地相互盯着看了十来分钟 就好像在哪儿见过似的



一只手摁着鼻子呼吸 活脱儿像那位印度神 一个下雨的星期天
十个脚趾扎煞开来 他说[387]

啊 我就知道它会响的
不过 她给他的倒也完全值得他出这笔钱

别再这么把自己捆绑起来 老天爷
他呢 却还以为爹是从我还是个小妞儿的时候就曾经崇拜过的那个内皮尔勋爵[390]手里买下的呢

要么就是他惹出什么麻烦来 汤姆也罢
那么就瞧瞧他指给咱看的那个下雨天淋得精湿独自在科迪巷转悠的小个儿[399]到底会给他多大安慰吧 他说那个人非常能干
浑身是纯粹的爱尔兰劲儿 从我看到的他身上那条长裤的纯粹劲儿来判断

凑到人家跟前儿来啦 而且是跨过栏干跳到空地上的
这些男人就喜欢捣鬼 他们就是有二十个兜儿
即便是真话他们也不会相信 那么又何必去说
他们那空洞洞的脑袋瓜儿里 什么旁的也没有装
我想我这个人已经不算数啦 在霍利斯街的时候
我觉得他就是想让我对他亲热亲热 我坚持够了以后就让他随意去干他只想着自个儿乐和 搞得完全不对头

博伊兰带来的报纸上说 葬礼还挺隆重
再就是范妮麦科伊[411] 的丈夫
皮包骨 斗鸡眼儿
她穿了件开领儿挺低的旧绿衣裳 反正再也没有旁的法儿来吸引男人了
尽管鬓角儿已经有点儿灰白了 他们这帮人可真够呛

他们就休想再把我丈夫抓在手里 背地里还拿他取笑[412]

寡妇的丧服也不能使她好看多少 可你要是长得漂亮
花上五先令 坐在包厢里
他在台上总是醉醺醺 的先从第二段歌词唱起来
旧日恋情是新恋[417]是他的一个拿手节目 他唱起山楂枝上的女郎来
他的歌声又优美又豪放 菲比
听了就像是冲个热腾腾的淋浴似的 教你整个儿沉浸在里面
哦 玛丽塔娜
如今他成了老光棍儿啦 他儿子到底是个什么样儿的人呢
他说 他是个[424]作家
都快要当上大学里的意大利语教授啦 还要教我呢
那一张照得不好 我应该穿件满是褶裥的衣裳就好啦
坐马车到王桥车站去 当时我还穿着丧服 那是十一年前的事嘞
一个惹人爱的小宝宝 穿的是方特勒罗伊小爵爷的套服[430]
我记得他们都喜欢我的 等一等
对啦 等一等
我不是还梦见过什么吗 对啦
我希望他[432]可别留着油乎乎的长头发 一直耷拉到眼睛里
米莉昨天十五啦 八九年
还聊着天儿 他当然[437]假装统统都听懂啦
喏 我认为他[441]找不到多少像我这样的女人 那里有爱的微叹
吉他的轻弹[442] 空气里弥漫着诗
年轻的爱心 词儿有多么美好哇
我相信他[451]准是个非常了不起的人 我就是想遇见这么个人
就像是神仙还是什么的 接着嗖的一下就跳到海里去了
为什么所有的男人不能都长成这样儿呢 那样的话
长长的鬈发 还有他那肩膀
那才是为你的真正的美和诗哪 我常常感到恨不得把他浑身上下都吻遍了
那也没啥只不过像是麦片粥或露水罢咧 不会有害处的
要是能够交上一个年轻俊俏的诗人 那才神气哪
这么一来 他就不至于嫌我愚蠢啦

我敢说一头老狮子倒还能说出点儿更像样儿的话来哪 哦

这不过是天性嘛 他把他那长长的物儿戳进我的玛丽舅妈那带毛的啥
其实是给扫帚装上个长把儿 到哪儿去都是男人吃香
浪荡寡妇啦 黄花女儿啦

就是露了馅儿啦 又何必吵架呢

不论他做啥 反正他也已经剃度[465]啦
再就是像对美丽的暴君[466]里的那个妻子似的 男人走到另一个疯狂的极端

他亲没亲我们门厅的门呢 亲啦
当然喽 一个女人巴不得每天都能给抱个二十来遍
要是你想望的那个主儿不在 老天爷
反正随便找个地方 闪进一扇门去干上一通就成
那个眼睛挺水灵却长着一副流氓相的家伙 把那嫩枝剥得光光的
一声不响地跨在我身上 把我往墙上顶要么就是个杀人犯
要么就是住在附近的那位英国王室法律顾问[471] 有一回我瞧见他从哈德威克巷走了出来

他干完那档子事儿以后 就回家到他老婆那儿去啦
不中用啦 哦


夹在两张7当中不知道咋办才好的一个深头发男人 还被关进了监狱
还得下厨房 踢拉塌拉转悠

我呢 没有儿子
我们也到了一块儿 那档子事儿[48…]教我伤透了心

盗贼啦 扒手唔的
我猜想 正是我们的种种麻烦才使我们变得这么泼辣
我觉得这倒有点儿像直布罗陀的那些姓 德拉帕斯啦 德拉格拉西亚[486]唔的


我并不觉得自个儿长大了多少 我倒纳闷自个儿还会不会叽哩咕噜说点儿西班牙话呢
谢谢你 你呢[495]瞧
我可以教他[498]西班牙话 他呢
非常需要好好儿地睡上一觉 我蛮可以替他把早餐送到床上去吃
要么就是假若那个女人挨家挨户送来了水田芹跟旁的啥香甜可口的吃的 厨房里还有几颗橄榄哪
对啦 被狠狠地操了一通
正像顶层楼座的那个家伙[517]所说的那样 他这是活该

难道不是人人都 只不过他们偷偷摸摸地干罢咧
不然的话 上主就不会把我们造得对男人那么有吸引力啦
肥滚滚地戳到他面前 不缺零件儿
因为他就贴着我的褐色部位哪 然后我就对他说我要一英镑要么就是三十先令
喏 他倒也不赖
弄上两三英镑 有好几回他都忘记上锁啦
要么就是闪过脑子的头一个疯疯癫癫的念头 然后我就暗示那档子事儿对啦

亲亲热热的 哦
唉你不知道究竟是该笑还是该哭 好啦 简直是李子和苹果[519]的大杂伴儿


让他望着天花板嘀咕 这会儿她到哪儿去了呢 教他急着要我

修女们[522]快要敲晨祷钟啦 没有人会进去吵醒她们
就像鸡叫似的咔嗒咔嗒地响 都快把自个儿的脑子震出来啦
就像星星一样 隆巴德街的墙纸可好看多啦

然后我们可以来点儿音乐 抽抽香烟
不然就是另外那种樱桃馅挂着粉色糖霜的 两磅十一便士
在哪儿才能买到便宜的呢 喔
恨不得让这房子整个儿都漂在玫瑰花海上 天上的造物主啊
河流湖泊鲜花 啥样形状香味颜色的都有
这就是大自然 至于那些人说啥天主不存在啦
我常常问他[530]这句话 无神论者也罢
为啥呢 为啥呢
我把他们琢磨透啦 谁是开天辟地第一个人呢
是谁呢 哎
这他们也不晓得 我也不晓得
就在那天 我使得他向我求婚
这是他这辈子[535]所说的一句真话 还有那句今天太阳是为你照耀的
对啦这么一来我才喜欢上了他 因为我看出他懂得要么就是感觉到了女人是啥
可怜的家伙 都快给晒得熟透啦





等级: 内阁元老
举报 只看该作者 49楼  发表于: 2012-12-24 0

Mulveys was the first when I was in bed that morning and Mrs Rubio brought it in with the coffee she stood there standing when I asked her to hand me and I pointing at them I couldnt think of the word a hairpin to open it with ah horquilla disobliging old thing and it staring her in the face with her switch of false hair on her and vain about her appearance ugly as she was near 80 or a 100 her face a mass of wrinkles with all her religion domineering because she never could get over the Atlantic fleet coming in half the ships of the world and the Union Jack flying with all her carabineros because 4 drunken English sailors took all the rock from them and because I didnt run into mass often enough in Santa Maria to please her with her shawl up on her except when there was a marriage on with all her miracles of the saints and her black blessed virgin with the silver dress and the sun dancing 3 times on Easter Sunday morning and when the priest was going by with the bell bringing the vatican to the dying blessing herself for his Majestad an admirer he signed it I near jumped out of my skin I wanted to pick him up when I saw him following me along the Calle Real in the shop window then he tipped me just in passing I never thought hed write making an appointment I had it inside my petticoat bodice all day reading it up in every hole and corner while father was up at the drill instructing to find out by the handwriting or the language of stamps singing I remember shall I wear a white rose and I wanted to put on the old stupid clock to near the time he was the first man kissed me under the Moorish wall my sweetheart when a boy it never entered my head what kissing meant till he put his tongue in my mouth his mouth was sweetlike young I put my knee up to him a few times to learn the way what did I tell him I was engaged for fun to the son of a Spanish nobleman named Don Miguel de la Flora and he believed that I was to be married to him in 3 years time theres many a true word spoken in jest there is a flower that bloometh a few things I told him true about myself just for him to be imagining the Spanish girls he didnt like I suppose one of them wouldnt have him I got him excited he crushed all the flowers on my bosom he brought me he couldnt count the pesetas and the perragordas till I taught him Cappoquin he came from he said on the Blackwater but it was too short then the day before he left May yes it was May when the infant king of Spain was born Im always like that in the spring Id like a new fellow every year up on the tiptop under the rockgun near OHaras tower I told him it was struck by lightning and all about the old Barbary apes they sent to Clapham without a tail careering all over the show on each others back Mrs Rubio said she was a regular old rock scorpion robbing the chickens out of Inces farm and throw stones at you if you went anear he was looking at me I had that white blouse on open at the front to encourage him as much as I could without too openly they were just beginning to be plump I said I was tired we lay over the firtree cove a wild place I suppose it must be the highest rock in existence the galleries and casemates and those frightful rocks and Saint Michaels cave with the icicles or whatever they call them hanging down and ladders all the mud plotching my boots Im sure thats the way down the monkeys go under the sea to Africa when they die the ships out far like chips that was the Malta boat passing Yes the sea and the sky you could do what you liked lie there for ever he caressed them outside they love doing that its the roundness there I was leaning over him with my white ricestraw hat to take the newness out of it the left side of my face the best my blouse open for his last day transparent kind of shirt he had I could see his chest pink he wanted to touch mine with his for a moment but I wouldn't let him he was awfully put out first for fear you never know consumption or leave me with a child embarazada that old servant Ines told me that one drop even if it got into you at all after I tried with the Banana but I was afraid it might break and get lost up in me somewhere yes because they once took something down out of a woman that was up there for years covered with limesalts theyre all mad to get in there where they come out of youd think they could never get far enough up and then theyre done with you in a way till the next time yes because theres a wonderful feeling there all the time so tender how did we finish it off yes O yes I pulled him off into my handkerchief pretending not to be excited but I opened my legs I wouldnt let him touch me inside my petticoat I had a skirt opening up the side I tortured the life out of him first tickling him I loved rousing that dog in the hotel rrrsssst awokwokawok his eyes shut and a bird flying below us he was shy all the same I liked him like that morning I made him blush a little when I got over him that way when I unbuttoned him and took his out and drew back the skin it had a kind of eye in it theyre all Buttons men down the middle on the wrong side of them Molly darling he called me what was his name Jack Joe Harry Mulvey was it yes I think a lieutenant he was rather fair he had a laughing kind of a voice so I went around to the whatyoucallit everything was whatyoucallit moustache had he he said hed come back Lord its just like yesterday to me and if I was married hed do it to me and I promised him yes faithfully Id let him block me now flying perhaps hes dead or killed or a Captain or admiral its nearly 20 years if I said firtree cove he would if he came up behind me and put his hands over my eyes to guess who I might recognise him hes young still about 40 perhaps hes married some girl on the black water and is quite changed they all do they havent half the character a woman has she little knows what I did with her beloved husband before he ever dreamt of her in broad daylight too in the sight of the whole world you might say they could have put an article about it in the Chronicle I was a bit wild after when I blew out the old bag the biscuits were in from Benady Bros and exploded it Lord what a bang all the woodcocks and pigeons screaming coming back the same way that we went over middle hill round by the old guardhouse and the jews burial place pretending to read out the Hebrew on them I wanted to fire his pistol he said he hadnt one he didnt know what to make of me with his peaked cap on that he always wore crooked as often as I settled it straight H M S Calypso swinging my hat that old Bishop that spoke off the altar his long preach about womans higher functions about girls now riding the bicycle and wearing peak caps and the new woman bloomers God send him sense and me more money I suppose theyre called after him I never thought that would be my name Bloom when I used to write it in print to see how it looked on a visiting card or practising for the butcher and oblige M Bloom youre looking blooming Josie used to say after I married him well its better than Breen or Briggs does brig or those awful names with bottom in them Mrs Ramsbottom or some other kind of a bottom Mulvey I wouldnt go mad about either or suppose I divorced him Mrs Boylan my mother whoever she was might have given me a nicer name the Lord knows after the lovely one she had Lunita Laredo the fun we had running along Willis road to Europa point twisting in and out all round the other side of Jersey they were shaking and dancing about in my blouse like Millys little ones now when she runs up the stairs I loved looking down at them I was jumping up at the pepper trees and the white poplars pulling the leaves off and throwing them at him he went to India he was to write the voyages those men have to make to the ends of the world and back its the least they might get a squeeze or two at a woman while they can going out to be drowned or blown up somewhere I went up windmill hill to the flats that Sunday morning with Captain Rubios that was dead spyglass like the sentry had he said hed have one or two from on board I wore that frock from the B Marche Paris and the coral necklace the straits shining I could see over to Morocco almost the bay of Tangierwhite and the At!as mountain with snow on it and the straits like a river so clear Harry Molly Darling I was thinking of him on the sea all the time after at mass when my petticoat began to slip down at the elevation weeks and weeks I kept the handkerchief under my pillow for the smell of him there was no decent perfume to be got in that Gibraltar only that cheap peau despagne that faded and left a stink on you more than anything else I wanted to give him a memento he gave me that clumsy Claddagh ring for luck that I gave Gardner going to South Africa where those Boers killed him with their war and fever but they were well beaten all the same as if it brought its bad luck with it like an opal or pearl must have been pure 16 carat gold because it was very heavy I can see his face clean shaven Frseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeefrong that train again weeping tone once in the dear deaead days beyond recall close my eyes breath my lips forward kiss sad look eyes open piano ere oer the world the mists began I hate that istsbeg comes loves sweet ssooooooong Ill let that out full when I get in front of the footlights again Kathleen Kearney and her lot of squealers Miss This Miss That Miss Theother lot of sparrowfarts skitting around talking about politics they know as much about as my backside anything in the world to make themselves someway interesting Irish homemade beauties soldiers daughter am ay and whose are you bootmakers and publicans I beg your pardon coach I thought you were a wheelbarrow theyd die down dead off their feet if ever they got a chance of walking down the Alameda on an officers arm like me on the bandnight my eyes flash my bust that they havent passion God help their poor head I knew more about men and life when I was 15 than theyll all know at 50 they dont know how to sing a song like that Gardner said no man could look at my mouth and teeth smiling like that end not think of it I was afraid he mightnt like my accent first he so English all father left me in spite of his stamps Ive my mothers eyes and figure anyhow he always said theyre so snotty about themselves some of those cads he wasnt a bit like that he was dead gone on my lips let them get a husband first thats fit to be looked at and a daughter like mine or see if they can excite a swell with money that can pick and choose whoever he wants like Boylan to do it 4 or 5 times locked in each others arms or the voice either I could have been a prima donna only I married him comes loooves old deep down chin back not too much make it double My Ladys Bower is too long for an encore about the moated grange at twilight and vaulted rooms yes Ill sing Winds that blow from the south that he gave after the choirstairs performance Ill change that lace on my black dress to show off my bubs and Ill yes by God Ill get that big fan mended make them burst with envy my hole is itching me always when I think of him I feel I want to I feel some wind in me better go easy not wake him have him at it again slobbering after washing every bit of myself back belly and sides if we had even a bath itself or my own room anyway I wish hed sleep in some bed by himself with his cold feet on me give us room even to let a fart God or do the least thing better yes hold them like that a bit on my side piano quietly sweeeee theres that train far away pianissimo eeeeeeee one more song that was a relief wherever you be let your wind go free who knows if that pork chop I took with my cup of tea after was quite good with the heat I couldnt smell anything off it Im sure that queerlooking man in the porkbutchers is a great rogue I hope that lamp is not smoking fill my nose up with smuts better than having him leaving the gas on all night I couldnt rest easy in my bed in Gibraltar even getting up to see why am I so damned nervous about that though I like it in the winter its more company O Lord it was rotten cold too that winter when I was only about ten was I yes I had the big doll with all the funny clothes dressing her up and undressing that icy wind skeeting across from those mountains the something Nevada sierra nevada standing at the fire with the little bit of a short shift I had up to heat myself I loved dancing about in it then make a race back into bed Im sure that fellow opposite used to be there the whole time watching with the lights out in the summer and I in my skin hopping around I used to love myself then stripped at the washstand dabbing and creaming only when it came to the chamber performance I put out the light too so then there were 2 of us Goodbye to my sleep for this night anyhow I hope hes not going to get in with those medicals leading him astray to imagine hes young again coming in at 4 in the morning it must be if not more still he had the manners not to wake me what do they find to gabber about all night squandering money and getting drunker and drunker couldnt they drink water then he starts giving us his orders for eggs and tea Findon haddy and hot buttered toast I suppose well have him sitting up like the king of the country pumping the wrong end of the spoon up and down in his egg wherever he learned that from and I love to hear him falling up the stairs of a morning with the cups rattling on the tray and then play with the cat she rubs up against you for her own sake I wonder has she fleas shes as bad as a woman always licking and lecking but I hate their claws I wonder do they see anything that we cant staring like that when she sits at the top of the stairs so long and listening as I wait always what a robber too that lovely fresh plaice I bought I think Ill get a bit of fish tomorrow or today is it Friday yes I will with some blancmange with black currant jam like long ago not those 2 lb pots of mixed plum and apple from the London and Newcastle Williams and Woods goes twice as far only for the bones I hate those eels cod yes Ill get a nice piece of cod Im always getting enough for 3 forgetting anyway Im sick of that everlasting butchers meat from Buckleys loin chops and leg beef and rib steak and scrag of mutton and calfs pluck the very name is enough or a picnic suppose we all gave 5/- each and or let him pay and invite some other woman for him who Mrs Fleming and drive out to the furry glen or the strawberry beds wed have him examining all the horses toenails first like he does with the letters no not with Boylan there yes with some cold veal and ham mixed sandwiches there are little houses down at the bottom of the banks there on purpose but its as hot as blazes he says not a bank holiday anyhow I hate those ruck of Mary Ann coalboxes out for the day Whit Monday is a cursed day too no wonder that bee bit him better the seaside but Id never again in this life get into a boat with him after him at Bray telling the boatmen he knew how to row if anyone asked could he ride the steeplechase for the gold cup hed say yes then it came on to get rough the old thing crookeding about and the weight all down my side telling me to pull the right reins now pull the left and the tide all swamping in floods in through through the bottom and his oar slipping out of the stirrupits a mercy we werent all drowned he can swim of course me no theres no danger whatsoever keep yourself calm in his flannel trousers Id like to have tattered them down off him before all the people and give him what that one calls flagellate till he was black and blue do him all the good in the world only for that longnosed chap I dont know who he is with that other beauty Burke out of the City Arms hotel was there spying around as usual on the slip always where he wasnt wanted if there was a row on you vomit a better face there was no love lost between us thats I consolation I wonder what kind is that book he brought me Sweets of Sin by a gentleman of fashion some other Mr de Kock I suppose the people gave him that nickname going about with his tube from one woman to another I couldnt even change my new white shoes all ruined with the saltwater and the hat I had with that feather all blowy and tossed on me how annoying and provoking because the smell of the sea excited me of course the sardines and the bream in Catalan bay round the back of the rock they were fine all silver in the fishermens baskets old Luigi near a hundred they said came from Genoa and the tall old chap with the earrings I dont like a man you have to climb up to go get at I suppose theyre all dead and rotten long ago besides I dont like being alone in this big barracks of a place at night I suppose Ill have to put up with it I never brought a bit of salt in even when we moved in the confusion musical academy he was going to make on the first floor drawingroom with a brassplate or Blooms private hotel he suggested go and ruin himself altogether the way his father did down in Ennis like all the things he told father he was going to do and me but I saw through him telling me all the lovely places we could go for the honeymoon Venice by moonlight with the gondolas and the lake of Como he had a picture cut out of some paper of and mandolines and lanterns O how nice I said whatever I liked he was going to do immediately if not sooner will you be my man will you carry my can he ought to get a leather medal with a putty rim for all the plans he invents then leaving us here all day you never know what old beggar at the door for a crust with his long story might be a tramp and put his foot in the way to prevent me shutting it like that picture of that hardened criminal he was called in Lloyds Weekly News 20 years in jail then he comes out and murders an old woman for her mofley imagine his poor wife or mother or whoever she is such a face youd run miles away from I couldnt rest easy till I bolted all the doors and windows to make sure but its worse again being locked up like in a prison or a madhouse they ought to be all shot or the cat of nine tails a big brute like that that would attack a poor old woman to murder her in her bed Id cut them off so I would not that hed be much use still better than nothing the night I was sure I heard burglars in the kitchen and he went down in his shirt with a candle and a poker as if he was looking for a mouse as white as a sheet frightened out of his wits making as much noise as he possibly could for the burglars benefit there isnt much to steal indeed the Lord knows still its the feeling especially now with Milly away such an idea for him to send the girl down there to learn to take photographs on account of his grandfather instead of sending her to Skerrys academy where shed have to learn not like me getting all at school only hed do a thing like that all the same on account of me and Boylan thats why he did it Im certain the way he plots and plans everything out I couldnt turn round with her in the place lately unless I bolted the door first gave me the fidgets coming in without knocking first when I put the chair against the door just as I was washing myself there below with the glove get on your nerves then doing the loglady all day put her in a glasscase with two at a time to look at her if he knew she broke off the hand off that little gimcrack statue with her roughness and carelessness before she left that I got that little Italian boy to mend so that you cant see the join for 2 shillings wouldnt even teem the potatoes for you of course shes right not to ruin her hands I noticed he was always talking to her lately at the table explaining things in the paper and she pretending to understand sly of course that comes from his side of the house and helping her into her coat but if there was anything wrong with her its me shed tell not him he Cant say I pretend things can he Im too honest as a matter of fact I suppose he thinks Im finished out and laid on the shelf well Im not no nor anything like it well see well see now shes well on for flirting too with Tom Devans two sons imitating me whistling with those romps of Murray girls calling for her can Milly come out please shes in great demand to pick what they can out of her round in Nelson street riding Harry Devans bicycle at night its as well he sent her where she is she was just getting out of bounds wanting to go on the skatingrink and smoking their cigarettes through their nose I smelt it off her dress when I was biting off the thread of the button I sewed on to the bottom of her jacket she couldnt hide much from me I tell you only I oughtnt to have stitched it and it on her it brings a parting and the last plumpudding too split in 2 halves see it comes out no matter what they say her tongue is a bit too long for my taste your blouse is open too low she says to me the pan calling the kettle blackbottom and I had to tell her no! to cock her legs up like that on show on the windowsill before all the people passing they all look at her like me when I was her age of course any old rag looks well on you then a great touchmenot too in her own way at the Only Way in the Theatre royal take your foot away out of that I hate people touching me afraid of her life Id crush her skirt with the pleats a lot of that touching must go on in theatres in the crush in the dark theyre always trying to wiggle up to you that fellow in the pit at the pit at the Gaiety for Beerbohm Tree in Trilby the last time Ill ever go there to be squashed like that for any Trilby or her barebum every two minutes tipping me there and looking away hes a bit daft I think I saw him after trying to get near two stylish dressed ladies outside Switzers window at the same little game I recognised him on the moment the face and everything but he didn't remember me and she didnt even want me to kiss her at the Broadstone going away well I hope shell get someone to dance attendance on her the way I did when she was down with the mumps her glands swollen wheres this and wheres that of course she cant feel anything deep yet I never came properly till I was what 22 or so it went into the wrong place always only the usual girls nonsense and giggling that Conny Connolly writing to her in white ink on black paper sealed with sealingwax though she clapped when the curtain came down because he looked so handsome then we had Martin Harvey for breakfast dinner and supper I thought to myself afterwards it must be real love if a man gives up his life for her that way for nothing I suppose there are few men like that left its hard to believe in it though unless it really happened to me the majority of them with not a particle of love in their natures to find two people like that nowadays full up of each other that would feel the same way as you do theyre usually a bit foolish in the head his father must have been a bit queer to go and poison himself after her still poor old man I suppose he felt lost always making love to my things too the few old rags I have wanting to put her hair up at 15 my powder too only ruin her skin on her shes time enough for that all her life after of course shes restless knowing shes pretty with her lips so red a pity they wont stay that way I was too but theres no use going to the fair with the thing answering me like a fishwoman when I asked to go for a half a stone of potatoes the day we met Mrs Joe Gallaher at the trottingmatches and she pretended not to see us in her trap with Friery the solicitor we werent grand enough till I gave her 2 damn fine cracks across the ear for herself take that now for answering me like that and that for your impudence she had me that exasperated of course contradicting I was badtempered too because how was it there was a weed in the tea or I didnt sleep the night before cheese I ate was it and I told her over and over again not to leave knives crossed like that because she has nobody to command her as she said herself well if he doesnt correct her faith I will that was the last time she turned on the teartap I was just like that myself they darent order me about the place its his fault of course having the two of us slaving here instead of getting in a woman long ago am I ever going to have a proper servant again of course then shed see him coming Id have to let her know or shed revenge it arent they a nuisance that old Mrs Fleming you have to be walking round after her putting the things into her hands sneezing and farting into the pots well of course shes old she cant help it a good job I found that rotten old smelly dishcloth that got lost behind the dresser I knew there was something and opened the window to let out the smell bringing in his friends to entertain them like the night he walked home with a dog if you please that might have been mad especially Simon Dedalus son his father such a criticiser with his glasses up with his tall hat on him at the cricket match and a great big hole in his sock one thing laughing at the other and his son that got all those prizes for whatever he won them in the intermediate imagine climbing over the railings if anybody saw him that knew us wonder he didnt tear a big hole in his grand funeral trousers as if the one nature gave wasnt enough for anybody hawking him down into the dirty old kitchen now is he right in his head I ask pity it wasn't washing day my old pair of drawers might have been hanging up too on the line on exhibition for all hed ever care with the ironmould mark the stupid old bundle burned on them he might think was something else and she never even rendered down the fat I told her and now shes going such as she was on account of her paralysed husband getting worse theres always something wrong with them disease or they have to go under an operation or if its not that its drink and he beats her Ill have to hunt around again for someone every day I get up theres some new thing on sweet God sweet God well when Im stretched out dead in my grave I suppose Ill have some peace I want to get up a minute if Im let wait O Jesus wait yes that thing has come on me yes now wouldnt that afflict you of course all the poking and rooting and ploughing he had up in me now what am I to do Friday Saturday Sunday wouldnt that pester the soul out of a body unless he likes it some men do God knows theres always something wrong with us 5 days every 3 or 4 weeks usual monthly auction isnt it simply sickening that night it came on me like that the one and only time we were in a box that Michael Gunn gave him to see Mrs Kendal and her husband at the Gaiety something he did about insurance for him Drimmies I was fit to be tied though I wouldnt give in with that gentleman of fashion staring down at me with his glasses and him the other side of me talking about Spinoza and his soul thats dead I suppose millions of years ago I smiled the best I could all in a swamp leaning forward as if I was interested having to sit it out then to the last tag I wont forget that wife of Scarli in a hurry supposed to be a fast play about adultery that idiot in the gallery hissing the woman adulteress he shouted I suppose he went and had a woman in the next lane running round all the back ways after to make up for it I wish he had what I had then hed boo I bet the cat itself is better off than us have we too much blood up in us or what O patience above its pouring out of me like the sea anyhow he didnt make me pregnant as big as he is I dont want to ruin the clean sheets the clean linen I wore brought it on too damn it damn it and they always want to see a stain on the bed to know youre a virgin for them all thats troubling them theyre such fools too you could be a widow or divorced 40 times over a daub of red ink would do or blackberry juice no thats too purply O Jamesy let me up out of this pooh sweets of sin whoever suggested that business for women what between clothes and cooking and children this damned old bed too jingling like the dickens I suppose they could hear us away over the other side of the park till I suggested to put the quilt on the floor with the pillow under my bottom I wonder is it nicer in the day I think it is easy I think Ill cut all this hair off me there scalding me I might look like a young girl wouldnt he get the great suckin the next time he turned up my clothes on me Id give anything to see his face wheres the chamber gone easy Ive a holy horror of its breaking under me after that old commode I wonder was I too heavy sitting on his knee I made him sit on the easychair purposely when I took off only my blouse and skirt first in the other room he was so busy where he oughtnt to be he never felt me I hope my breath was sweet after those kissing comfits easy God I remember one time I could scout it out straight whistling like a man almost easy O Lord how noisy I hope theyre bubbles on it for a wad of money from some fellow Ill have to perfume it in the morning dont forget I bet he never saw a better pair of thighs than that look how white they are the smoothest place is right there between this bit here how soft like a peach easy God I wouldnt mind being a man and get up on a lovely woman O Lord what a row youre making like the jersey lily easy O how the waters come down at Lahore
who knows is there anything the matter with my insides or have I something growing in me getting that thing like that every week when was it last I Whit Monday yes its only about 3 weeks I ought to go to the doctor only it would be like before I married him when I had that white thing coming from me and Floey made me go to that dry old stick Dr Collins for womens diseases on Pembroke road your vagina he called it I suppose thats how he got all the gilt mirrors and carpets getting round those rich ones off Stephens green running up to him for every little fiddlefaddle her vagina and her cochinchina theyve money of course so theyre all right I wouldnt marry him not if he was the last man in the world besides there something queer about their children always smelling around those filthy bitches all sides asking me if what I did had an offensive odour what did he want me to do but the one thing gold maybe what a question if I smathered it all over his wrinkly old face for him with all my compriment I suppose hed know then and could you pass it easily pass what I thought he was talking about the rock of Gibraltar the way he puts it thats a very nice invention too by the way only I like letting myself down after in the hole as far as I can squeeze and pull the chain then to flush it nice cool pins and needles still theres something in it I suppose I always used to know by Millys when she was a child whether she had worms or not still all the same paying him for that how much is that doctor one guinea please and asking me had I frequent omissions where do those old fellows get all the words they have omissions with his shortsighted eyes on me cocked sideways I wouldnt trust him too far to give me chloroform or God knows what else still I liked him when he sat down to write the thing out frowning so severe his nose intelligent like that you be damned you lying strap O anything no matter who except an idiot he was clever enough to spot that of course that was all thinking of him and his mad crazy letters my Precious one everything connected with your glorious Body everything underlined that comes from it is a thing of beauty and of joy for ever something he got out of some nonsensical book that he had me always at myself 4 or 5 times a day sometimes and I said I hadnt are you sure O yes I said I am quite sure in a way that shut him up I knew what was coming next only natural weakness it was he excited me I dont know how the first night ever we met when I was living in Rehoboth terrace we stood staring at one another for about 10 minutes as if we met somewhere I suppose on account of my being jewess looking after my mother he used to amuse me the things he said with the half sloothering smile on him and all the Doyles said he was going to stand for a member of Parliament O wasnt I the born fool to believe all his blather about home rule and the land league sending me that long strool of a song out of the Huguenots to sing in French to be more classy O beau pays de la Touraine that I never even sang once explaining and rigmaroling about religion and persecution he wont let you enjoy anything naturally then might he as a great favour the very 1st opportunity he got a chance in Brighton square running into my bedroom pretending the ink got on his hands to wash it off with the Albion milk and sulphur soap I used to use and the gelatine still round it O I laughed myself sick at him that day Id better not make an all night sitting on this affair they ought to make chambers a natural size so that a woman could sit on it properly he kneels down to do it I suppose there isnt in all creation another man with the habits he has look at the way hes sleeping at the foot of the bed how can he without a hard bolster its well he doesnt kick or he might knock out all my teeth breathing with his hand on his nose like that Indian god he took me to show one wet Sunday in the museum in Kildare street all yellow in a pinafore lying on his side on his hand with his ten toes sticking out that he said was a bigger religion than the jews and Our Lords both put together all over Asia imitating him ashes always imitating everybody I suppose he used to sleep at the foot of the bed too with his big square feet up in his wifes mouth damn this stinking thing anyway wheres this those napkins are ah yes I know I hope the old press doesnt creak ah I knew it would hes sleeping hard had a good time somewhere still she must have given him great value for his money of course he has to pay for it from her O this nuisance of a thing I hope theyll have something better for us in the other world tying ourselves up God help us thats all right for tonight now the lumpy old jingly bed always reminds me of old Cohen I suppose he scratched himself in it often enough and he thinks father bought it from Lord Napier that I used to admire when I was a little girl because I told him easy piano O I like my bed God here we are as bad as ever after 16 years how many houses were we in at all Raymond Terrace and Ontario terrace and Lombard street and Holles street and he goes about whistling every time were on the run again his huguenots or the frogs march pretending to help the men with our 4 sticks of furniture and then the City Arms hotel worse and worse says Warden Daly that charming place on the landing always somebody inside praying then leaving all their stinks after them always know who was in there last every time were just getting on right something happens or he puts his big foot in it Thoms and Helys and Mr Cuffes and Drimmies either hes going to be run into prison over his old lottery tickets that was to be all our salvations or he goes and gives impudence well have him coming home with the sack soon out of the Freeman too like the rest on account of those Sinner Fein or the Freemasons then well see if the little man he showed me dribbling along in the wet all by himself round by Coadys lane will give him much consolation that he says is so capable and sincerely Irish he is indeed judging by the sincerity of the trousers I saw on him wait theres Georges church bells wait 3 quarters the hour wait 2 oclock well thats a nice hour of the night for him to be coming home at to anybody climbing down into the area if anybody saw him Ill knock him off that little habit tomorrow first Ill look at his shirt to see or Ill see if he has that French letter still in his pocketbook I suppose he thinks I dont know deceitful men all their 20 pockets arent enough for their lies then why should we tell them even if its the truth they dont believe you then tucked up in bed like those babies in the Aristocrats Masterpiece he brought me another time as if we hadnt enough of that in real life without some old Aristocrat or whatever his name is disgusting you more with those rotten pictures children with two heads and no legs thats the kind of villainy theyre always dreaming about with not another thing in their empty heads they ought to get slow poison the half of them then tea and toast for him buttered on both sides and newlaid eggs I suppose Im nothing any more when I wouldnt let him lick me in Holles street one night man man tyrant as ever for the one thing he slept on the floor half the night naked the way the jews used when somebody dies belonged to them and wouldnt eat any breakfast or speak a word wanting to be petted so I thought I stood out enough for one time and let him he does it all wrong too thinking only of his own pleasure his tongue is too flat or I dont know what he forgets that we then I dont Ill make him do it again if he doesnt mind himself and lock him down to sleep in the coalcellar with the blackbeetles I wonder was it her Josie off her head with my castoffs hes such a born liar too no hed never have the courage with a married woman thats why he wants me and Boylan though as for her Denis as she calls him that forlornlooking spectacle you couldn't call him a husband yes its some little bitch hes got in with even when I was with him with Milly at the College races that Hornblower with the childs bonnet on the top on his nob let us into by the back way he was throwing his sheeps eyes at those two doing skirt duty up and down I tried to wink at him first no use of course and thats the way his money goes this is the fruits of Mr Paddy Dignam yes they were all in great style at the grand funeral in the paper Boylan brought in if they saw a real officers funeral thatd be something reversed arms muffled drums the poor horse walking behind in black L Bloom and Tom Kernan that drunken little barrelly man that bit his tongue off falling down the mens W C drunk in some place or other and Martin Cunningham and the two Dedaluses and Fanny MCoys husband white head of cabbage skinny thing with a turn in her eye trying to sing my songs shed want to be born all over again and her old green dress with the lowneck as she cant attract them any other way like dabbling on a rainy day I see it all now plainly and they call that friendship killing and then burying one another and they all with their wives and families at home more especially Jack Power keeping that barmaid he does of course his wife always sick or going to be sick or just getting better of it and hes a good-looking man still though hes getting a bit grey over the ears theyre a nice lot all of them well theyre not going to get my husband again into their clutches if I can help it making fun of him then behind his back I know well when he goes on with his idiotics because he has sense enough not to squander every penny piece he earns down their gullets and looks after his wife and family goodfornothings poor Paddy Dignam all the same Im sorry in a way for him what are his wife and 5 children going to do unless he was insured comical little teetotum always stuck up in some pub corner and her or her son waiting Bill Bailey wont you please come home her widows weeds wont improve her appearance theyre awfully becoming though if youre goodlooking what men wasn't he yes he was at the Glencree dinner and Ben Dollard base barreltone the night he borrowed the swallowtail to sing out of in Holles street squeezed and squashed into them and grinning all over his big Dolly face like a wellwhipped childs botty didnt he look a balmy ballocks sure enough that must have been a spectacle on the stage imagine paying 5/- in the preserved seats for that to see him and Simon Dedalus too he was always turning up half screwed singing the second verse first the old love is the new was one of his so sweetly sang the maiden on the hawthorn bough he was always on for flirtyfying too when I sang Maritana with him at Freddy Mayers private opera he had a delicious glorious voice Phbe dearest goodbye sweetheart he always sang it not like Bartell dArcy sweet tart goodbye of course he had the gift of the voice so there was no art in it all over you like a warm showerbath O Maritana wildwood flower we sang splendidly though it was a bit too high for my register even transposed and he was married at the time to May Goulding but then hed say or do something to knock the good out of it hes a widower now I wonder what sort is his son he says hes an author and going to be a university professor of Italian and Im to take lessons what is he driving at now showing him my photo its not good of me I ought to have got it taken in drapery that never looks out of fashion still I look young in it I wonder he didnt make him a present of it altogether and me too after all why not I saw him driving down to the Kingsbridge station with his father and mother I was in mourning thats 11 years ago now yes hed be 11 though what was the good in going into mourning for what was neither one thing nor the other of course he insisted hed go into mourning for the cat I suppose hes a man now by this time he was an innocent boy then and a darling little fellow in his lord Fauntleroy suit and curly hair like a prince on the stage when I saw him at Mat Dillons he liked me too I remember they all do wait by God yes wait yes hold on he was on the cards this morning when I laid out the deck union with a young stranger neither dark nor fair you met before I thought it meant him but hes no chicken nor a stranger either besides my face was turned the other way what was the 7th card after that the 10 of spaces for a Journey by land then there was a letter on its way and scandals too the 3 queens and the 8 of diamonds for a rise in society yes wait it all came out and 2 red 8s for new garments look at that and didnt I dream something too yes there was something about poetry in it I hope he hasnt long greasy hair hanging into his eyes or standing up like a red Indian what do they go about like that for only getting themselves and their poetry laughed at I always liked poetry when I was a girl first I thought he was a poet like Byron and not an ounce of it in his composition I thought he was quite different I wonder is he too young hes about wait 88 I was married 88 Milly is 15 yesterday 89 what age was he then at Dillons 5 or 6 about 88 I suppose hes 20 or more Im not too old for him if hes 23 or 24 I hope hes not that stuck up university student sort no otherwise he wouldnt go sitting down in the old kitchen with him taking Eppss cocoa and taking of course he pretended to understand it all probably he told him he was out of Trinity college hes very young to be a professor I hope hes not a professor like Goodwin was he was a patent professor of John Jameson they all write about some woman in their poetry well I suppose he wont find many like me where softly sighs of love the light guitar where poetry is in the air the blue sea and the moon shining so beautifully coming back on the nightboat from Tarifa the lighthouse at Europa point the guitar that fellow played was so expressive will I never go back there again all new faces two glancing eyes a lattice hid Ill sing that for him theyre my eyes if hes anything of a poet two eyes as darkly bright as loves own star arent those beautiful words as loves young star itll be a change the Lord knows to have an intelligent person to talk to about yourself not always listening to him and Billy Prescotts ad and Keyess ad and Tom the Devils ad then, if anything goes wrong in their business we have to suffer Im sure hes very distinguished Id like to meet a man like that God not those other ruck besides hes young those fine young men I could see down in Margate strand bathing place from the side of the rock standing up in the sun naked like a God or something and then plunging into the sea with them why arent all men like that thered be some consolation for a woman like that lovely little statue he bought I could look at him all-day long curly head and his shoulders his finger up for you to listen theres real beauty and poetry for you I often felt I wanted to kiss him all over also his lovely young cock there so simply I wouldnt mind taking him in my mouth if nobody was looking as if it was asking you to suck it so clean and white he looked with his boyish face I would too in 1/2 a minute even if some of it went down what its only like gruel or the dew theres no danger besides hed be so clean compared with those pigs of men I suppose never dream of washing it from 1 years end to the other the most of them only thats what gives the women the moustaches Im sure itll be grand if I can only get in with a handsome young poet at my age Ill throw them the 1st thing in the morning till I see if the wishcard comes out or Ill try pairing the lady herself and see if he comes out Ill read and study all I can find or learn a bit off by heart if I knew who he likes so he wont think me stupid if he thinks all women are the same and I can teach him the other part Ill make him feel all over him till he half faints under me then hell write about me lover and mistress publicly too with our 2 photographs in all the papers when he becomes famous O but then what am I going to do about him though
no thats no way for him has he no manners nor no refinement nor no nothing in his nature slapping us behind like that on my bottom because I didn't call him Hugh the ignoramus that doesnt know poetry from a cabbage thats what you get for notkeeping them in their proper place pulling off his shoes and trousers there on the chair before me so barefaced without even asking permission and standing out that vulgar way in the half of a shirt they wear to be admired like a priest or a butcher or those old hypocrites in the time of Julius Caesar of course hes right enough in his way to pass the time as a joke sure you might as well be in bed with what with a lion God Im sure hed have something better to say for himself an old Lion would O well I suppose its because they were so plump and tempting in my short petticoat he couldnt resist they excite myself sometimes its well for men all the amount of pleasure they get off a womans body were so round and white for them always I wished I was one myself for a change just to try with that thing they have swelling upon you so hard and at the same time so soft when you touch it my uncle John has a thing long I heard those cornerboys saying passing the corner of Marrowbone lane my aunt Mary has a thing hairy because it was dark and they knew a girl was passing it didnt make me blush why should it either its only nature and he puts his thing long into my aunt Marys hairy etcetera and turns out to be you put the handle in a sweepingbrush men again all over they can pick and choose what they please a married woman or a fast widow or a girl for their different tastes like those houses round behind Irish street no but were to be always chained up theyre not going to be chaining me up no damn fear once I start I tell you for stupid husbands jealousy why cant we all remain friends over it instead of quarrelling her husband found it out what they did together well naturally and if he did can he undo it hes coronado anyway whatever he does and then he going to the other mad extreme about the wife in Fair Tyrants of course the man never even casts a 2nd thought on the husband or wife either its the woman he wants and he gets her what else were we given all those desires for Id like to know I cant help it if Im young still can I its a wonder Im not an old shrivelled hag before my time living with him so cold never embracing me except sometimes when hes asleep the wrong end of me not knowing I suppose who he has any man thatd kiss a womans bottom Id throw my hat at him after that hed kiss anything unnatural where we havent 1 atom of any kind of expression in us all of us the same 2 lumps of lard before ever I do that to a man pfooh the dirty brutes the mere thought is enough I kiss the feet of you senorita theres some sense in that didnt he kiss our halldoor yes he did what a madman nobody understands his cracked ideas but me still of course a woman wants to be embraced 20 times a day almost to make her look young no matter by who so long as to be in love or loved by somebody if the fellow you want isnt there sometimes by the Lord God I was thinking would I go around by the quays there some dark evening where nobodyd know me and pick up a sailor off the sea thatd be hot on for it and not care a pin whose I was only to do it off up in a gate somewhere or one of those wildlooking gipsies in Rathfarnham had their camp pitched near the Bloomfield laundry to try and steal our things if they could I only sent mine there a few times for the name model laundry sending me back over and over some old ones old stockings that blackguardlooking fellow with the fine eyes peeling a switch attack me in the dark and ride me up against the wall without a word or a murderer anybody what they do themselves the fine gentlemen in their silk hats that K C lives up somewhere this way coming out of Hardwicke lane the night he gave us the fish supper on account of winning over the boxing match of course it was for me he gave it I knew him by his gaiters and the walk and when I turned round a minute after just to see there was a woman after coming out of it too some filthy prostitute then he goes home to his wife after that only I suppose the half of those sailors are rotten again with disease O move over your big carcass out of that for the love of Mike listen to him the winds that waft my sighs to thee so well he may sleep and sigh the great Suggester Don Poldo de la Flora if he knew how he came out on the cards this morning hed have something to sigh for a dark man in some perplexity between 2 7s too in prison for Lord knows what he does that I dont know and Im to be slooching around down in the kitchen to get his lordship his breakfast while hes rolled up like a mummy will I indeed did you ever see me running Id just like to see myself at it show them attention and they treat you like dirt I dont care what anybody says itd be much better for the world to be governed by the women in it you wouldnt see women going and killing one another and slaughtering when do you ever see women rolling around drunk like they do or gambling every penny they have and losing it on horses yes because a woman whatever she does she knows where to stop sure they wouldn't be in the world at all only for us they dont know what it is to be a woman and a mother how could they where would they all of them be if they hadnt all a mother to look after them what I never had thats why I suppose hes running wild now out at night away from his books and studies and not living at home on account of the usual rowdy house I suppose well its a poor case that those that have a fine son like that theyre not satisfied and I none was he not able to make one it wasnt my fault we came together when I was watching the two dogs up in her behind in the middle of the naked street that disheartened me altogether I suppose I oughtnt to have buried him in that little woolly jacket I knitted crying as was but give it to some poor child but I knew well Id never have another our 1st death too it was we were never the same since O Im not going to think myself into the glooms about that any more I wonder why he wouldnt stay the night I felt all the time it was somebody strange he brought in instead of roving around the city meeting God knows who nightwalkers and pickpockets his poor mother wouldnt like that if she was alive ruining himself for life perhaps still its a lovely hour so silent I used to love coming home after dances the air of the night they have friends they can talk to weve none either he wants what he wont get or its some woman ready to stick her knife in you I hate that in women no wonder they treat us the way they do we are a dreadful lot of bitches I suppose its all the troubles we have makes us so snappy Im not like that he could easy have slept in there on the sofa in the other room suppose he was as shy as a boy he being so young hardly 20 of me in the next room hed have heard me on the chamber arrah what harm Dedalus I wonder its like those names in Gibraltar Delapaz Delagracia they had the devils queer names there father Vial plana of Santa Maria that gave me the rosary Rosales y OReilly in the Calle las Siete Revueltas and Pisimbo and Mrs Opisso in Governor street O what a name Id go and drown myself in the first river if I had a name like her O my and all the bits of streets Paradise ramp and Bedlam ramp and Rodgers ramp and Crutchetts ramp and the devils gap steps well small blame to me if I am a harumscarum I know I am a bit I declare to God I dont feel a day older than then I wonder could I get my tongue round any of the Spanish como esta usted muy bien gracias y usted see I haven't forgotten it all I thought I had only for the grammar a noun is the name of any person place or thing pity I never tried to read that novel cantankerous Mrs Rubio lent me by Valera with the questions in it all upside down the two ways I always knew wed go away in the end I can tell him the Spanish and he tell me the Italian then hell see Im not so ignorant what a pity he didnt stay Im sure the poor fellow was dead tired and wanted a good sleep badly I could have brought him in his breakfast in bed with a bit of toast so long as I didnt do it on the knife for bad luck or if the woman was going her rounds with the watercress and something nice and tasty there are a few olives in the kitchen he might like I never could bear the look of them in Abrines I could do the criada the room looks all right since I changed it the other way you see something was telling me all the time Id have to introduce myself not knowing me from Adam very funny wouldnt it Im his wife or pretend we were in Spain with him half awake without a Gods notion where he is dos huevos estrellados senor Lord the cracked things come into my head sometimes itd be great fun supposing he stayed with us why not theres the room upstairs empty and Millys bed in the back room he could do his writing and studies at the table in there for all the scribbling he does at it and if he wants to read in bed in the morning like me as hes making the breakfast for I he can make it for 2 Im sure Im not going to take in lodgers off the street for him if he takes a gesabo of a house like this Id love to have a long talk with an intelligent well-educated person Id have to get a nice pair of red slippers like those Turks with the fez used to sell or yellow and a nice semitransparent morning gown that I badly want or a peachblossom dressing jacket like the one long ago in Walpoles only 8/6 or 18/6 Ill just give him one more chance Ill get up early in the morning Im sick of Cohens old bed in any case I might go over to the markets to see all the vegetables and cabbages and tomatoes and carrots and all kinds of splendid fruits all coming in lovely and fresh who knows whod be the 1st man Id meet theyre out looking for it in the morning Mamy Dillon used to say they are and the night too that was her massgoing Id love a big juicy pear now to melt in your mouth like when I used to be in the longing way then Ill throw him up his eggs and tea in the moustachecup she gave him to make his mouth bigger I suppose hed like my nice cream too I know what Ill do Ill go about rather gay not too much singing a bit now and then mi fa pieti Masetto then Ill start dressing myself to go out presto non son pill forte Ill put on my best shift and drawers let him have a good eyeful out of that to make his micky stand for him Ill let him know if thats what he wanted that his wife is fucked yes and damn well fucked too up to my neck nearly not by him 5 or 6 times handrunning theres the mark of his spunk on the clean sheet I wouldnt bother to even iron it out that ought to satisfy him if you dont believe me feel my belly unless I made him stand there and put him into me Ive a mind to tell him every scrap and make him do it in front of me serve him right its all his own fault if I am an adulteress as the thing in the gallery said O much about it if thats all the harm ever we did in this vale of tears God knows its not much doesnt everybody only they hide it I suppose thats what a woman is supposed to be there for or He wouldnt have made us the way He did so attractive to men then if he wants to kiss my bottom Ill drag open my drawers and bulge it right out in his face as large as life he can stick his tongue 7 miles up my hole as hes there my brown part then Ill tell him I want #1 or perhaps 30/- Ill tell him I want to buy underclothes then if he gives me that well he wont be too bad I dont want to soak it all out of him like other women do I could often have written out a fine cheque for myself and write his name on it for a couple of pounds a few times he forgot to lock it up besides he wont spend it Ill let him do it off on me behind provided he doesnt smear all my good drawers O I suppose that cant be helped Ill do the indifferent I or 2 questions Ill know by the answers when hes like that he cant keep a thing back I know every turn in him Ill tighten my bottom well and let out a few smutty words smellrump or lick my shit or the first mad thing comes into my head then Ill suggest about yes O wait now sonny my turn is coming Ill be quite gay and friendly over it O but I was forgetting this bloody pest of a thing pfooh you wouldn't know which to laugh or cry were such a mixture of plum and apple no Ill have to wear the old things so much the better itll be more pointed hell never know whether he did it nor not there thats good enough for you any old thing at all then Ill wipe him off me just like a business his omission then Ill go out Ill have him eyeing up at the ceiling where is she gone now make him want me thats the only way a quarter after what an unearthly hour I suppose theyre just getting up in China now combing out their pigtails for the day well soon have the nuns ringing the angelus theyve nobody coming in to spoil their sleep except an odd priest or two for his night office the alarmclock next door at cockshout clattering the brains out of itself let me see if I can dose off 1 2 3 4 5 what kind of flowers are those they invented like the stars the wallpaper in Lombard street was much nicer the apron he gave me was like that something only I only wore it twice better lower this lamp and try again so as I can get up early Ill go to Lambes there beside Findlaters and get them to send us some flowers to put about the place in case he brings him home tomorrow today I mean no no Fridays an unlucky day first I want to do the place up someway the dust grows in it I think while Im asleep then we can have music and cigarettes I can accompany him first I must clean the keys of the piano with milk whatll I wear shall I wear a white rose or those fairy cakes in Liptons I love the smell of a rich big shop at 71/2d a lb or the other ones with the cherries in them and the pinky sugar lid a couple of lbs of course a nice plant for the middle of the table Id get that cheaper in wait wheres this I saw them not long ago I love flowers Id love to have the whole place swimming in roses God of heaven theres nothing like nature the wild mountains then the sea and the waves rushing then the beautiful country with fields of oats and wheat and all kinds of things and all the fine cattle going about that would do your heart good to see rivers and lakes and flowers all sorts of shapes and smells and colours springing up even out of the ditches primroses and violets nature it is as for them saying theres no God I wouldnt give a snap of my two fingers for all their learning why dont they go and create something I often asked him atheists or whatever they call themselves go and wash the cobbles off themselves first then they go howling for the priest and they dying and why why because theyre afraid of hell on account of their bad conscience ah yes I know them well who was the first person in the universe before there was anybody that made it all who ah that they dont know neither do I so there you are they might as well try to stop the sun from rising tomorrow the sun shines for you he said the day we were lying among the rhododendrons on Howth head in the grey tweed suit and his straw hat the day I got him to propose to me yes first I gave him the bit of seedcake out of my mouth and it was leapyear like now yes 16 years ago my God after that long kiss I near lost my breath yes he said was a flower of the mountain yes so we are flowers all a womans body yes that was one true thing he said in his life and the sun shines for you today yes that was why I liked him because I saw he understood or felt what a woman is and I knew I could always get round him and I gave him all the pleasure I could leading him on till he asked me to say yes and I wouldnt answer first only looked out over the sea and the sky I was thinking of so many things he didnt know of Mulvey and Mr Stanhope and Hester and father and old captain Groves and the sailors playing all birds fly and I say stoop and washing up dishes they called it on the pier and the sentry in front of the governors house with the thing round his white helmet poor devil half roasted and the Spanish girls laughing in their shawls and their tall combs and the auctions in the morning the Greeks and the jews and the Arabs and the devil knows who else from all the ends of Europe and Duke street and the fowl market all clucking outside Larby Sharans and the poor donkeys slipping half asleep and the vague fellows in the cloaks asleep in the shade on the steps and the big wheels of the carts of the bulls and the old castle thousands of years old yes and those handsome Moors all in white and turbans like kings asking you to sit down in their little bit of a shop and Ronda with the old windows of the posadas glancing eyes a lattice hid for her lover to kiss the iron and the wineshops half open at night and the castanets and the night we missed the boat at Algeciras the watchman going about serene with his lamp and O that awful deepdown torrent O and the sea the sea crimson sometimes like fire and the glorious sunsets and the figtrees in the Alameda gardens yes and all the queer little streets and pink and blue and yellow houses and the rosegardens and the jessamine and geraniums and cactuses and Gibraltar as a girl where I was a Flower of the mountain yes when I put the rose in my hair like the Andalusian girls used or shall I wear a red yes and how he kissed me under the Moorish wall and I thought well as well him as another and then I asked him with my eyes to ask again yes and then he asked me would I yes to say yes my mountain flower and first I put my arms around him yes and drew him down Jo me so he could feel my breasts all perfume yes and his heart was going like mad and yes I said yes I will Yes.


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18、Chapter 18 Penelope

YES BECAUSE HE NEVER DID A THING LIKE THAT BEFORE AS ASK To get his breakfast in bed with a couple of eggs since the City arms hotel when he used to be pretending to be laid up with a sick voice doing his highness to make himself interesting to that old faggot Mrs Riordan that he thought he had a great leg of and she never left us a farthing all for masses for herself and her soul greatest miser ever was actually afraid to lay out 4d for her methylated spirit telling me all her ailments she had too much old chat in her about politics and earthquakes and the end of the world let us have a bit of fun first God help the world if all the women were her sort down on bathing-suits and lownecks of course nobody wanted her to wear I suppose she was pious because no man would look at her twice I hope I'll never be like her a wonder she didnt want us to cover our faces but she was a welleducated woman certainly and her gabby talk about Mr Riordan here and Mr Riordan there I suppose he was glad to get shut of her and her dog smelling my fur and always edging to get up under my petticoats especially then still I like that in him polite to old women like that and waiters and beggars too hes not proud out of nothing but not always if ever he got anything really serious the matter with him its much better for them go into a hospital where everything is clean but I suppose Id have to dring it into him for a month yes and then wed have a hospital nurse next thing on the carpet have him staying there till they throw him out or a nun maybe like the smutty photo he has shes as much a nun as Im not yes because theyre so weak and puling when theyre sick they want a woman to get well if his nose bleeds youd think it was O tragic and that dyinglooking one off the south circular when he sprained his foot at the choir party at the sugarloaf Mountain the day I wore that dress Miss Stack bringing him flowers the worst old ones she could find at the bottom of the basket anything at all to get into a mans bedroom with her old maids voice trying to imagine he was dying on account of her to never see thy face again though he looked more like a man with his beard a bit grown in the bed father was the same besides I hate bandaging and dosing when he cut his toe with the razor paring his corns afraid hed get blood poisoning but if it was a thing I was sick then wed see what attention only of course the woman hides it not to give all the trouble they do yes he came somewhere Im sure by his appetite anyway love its not or hed be off his feed thinking of her so either it was one of those night women if it was down there he was really and the hotel story he made up a pack of lies to hide it planning it Hynes kept me who did I meet ah yes I met do you remember Menton and who else who let me see that big babbyface I saw him and he not long married flirting with a young girl at Pooles Myriorama and turned my back on him when he slinked out looking quite conscious what harm but he had the impudence to make up to me one time well done to him mouth almighty and his boiled eyes of all the big stupoes I ever met and thats called a solicitor only for I hate having a long wrangle in bed or else if its not that its some little bitch or other he got in with somewhere or picked up on the sly if they only knew him as well as I do yes because the day before yesterday he was scribbling something a letter when I came into the front room for the matches to show him Dignams death in the paper as if something told me and he covered it up with the blottingpaper pretending to be thinking about business so very probably that was it to somebody who thinks she has a softy in him because all men get a bit like that at his age especially getting on to forty he is now so as to wheedle any money she can out of him no fool like an old fool and then the usual kissing my bottom was to hide it not that I care two straws who he does it with or knew before that way though Id like to find out so long as I dont have the two of them under my nose all the time like that slut that Mary we had in Ontario terrace padding out her false bottom to excite him bad enough to get the smell of those painted women off him once or twice I had a suspicion by getting him to come near me when I found the long hair on his coat without that one when I went into the kitchen pretending he was drinking water I woman is not enough for them it was all his fault of course ruining servants then proposing that she could eat at our table on Christmas if you please O no thank you not in my house stealing my potatoes and the oysters 2/6 per doz going out to see her aunt if you please common robbery so it was but I was sure he had something on with that one it takes me to find out a thing like that he said you have no proof it was her proof O yes her aunt was very fond of oysters but I told her what I thought of her suggesting me to go out to be alone with her I wouldnt lower myself to spy on them the garters I found in her room the Friday she was out that was enough for me a little bit too much I saw too that her face swelled up on her with temper when I gave her her weeks notice better do without them altogether do out the rooms myself quicker only for the damn cooking and throwing out the dirt I gave it to him anyhow either she or me leaves the house I couldnt even touch him if I thought he was with a dirty barefaced liar and sloven like that one denying it up to my face and singing about the place in the W C too because she knew she was too well off yes because he couldnt possibly do without it that long so he must do it somewhere and the last time he came on my bottom when was it the night Boylan gave my hand a great squeeze going along by the Tolka in my hand there steals another I just pressed the back of his like that with my thumb to squeeze back singing the young May Moon shes beaming love because he has an idea about him and me hes not such a fool he said Im dining out and going to the Gaiety though Im not going to give him the satisfaction in any case God knows hes change in a way not to be always and ever wearing the same old hat unless] paid some nicelooking boy to do it since I cant do it myself a young boy would like me Id confuse him a little alone with him if we were Id let him see my garters the new ones and make him turn red looking at him seduce him I know what boys feel with that down on their cheek doing that frigging drawing out the thing by the hour question and answer would you do this that and the other with the coalman yes with a bishop yes I would because I told him about some Dean or Bishop was sitting beside me in the jews Temples gardens when I was knitting that woollen thing a stranger to Dublin what place was it and so on about the monuments and he tired me out with statues encouraging him making him worse than he is who is in your mind now tell me who are you thinking of who is it tell me his name who tell me who the German Emperor is it yes imagine Im him think of him can you feel him trying to make a whore of me what he never will he ought to give it up now at this age of his life simply ruination for any woman and no satisfaction in it pretending to like it till ( he comes and then finish it off myself anyway and it makes your lips pale anyhow its done now once and for all with all the talk of the world about it people make its only the first time after that its just the ordinary do it and think no more about it why cant you kiss a man without going and marrying him first you sometimes love to wildly when you feel that way so nice all over you you cant help yourself I wish some man or other would take me sometime when hes there and kiss me in his arms theres nothing like a kiss long and hot down to your soul almost paralyses you then I hate that confession when I used to go to Father Corrigan he touched me father and what harm if he did where and I said on the canal bank like a fool but whereabouts on your person my child on the leg behind high up was it yes rather high up was it where you sit down yes O Lord couldnt he say bottom right out and have done with it what has that got to do with it and did you whatever way he put it I forget no father and I always think of the real father what did he want to know for when I already confessed it to God he had a nice fat hand the palm moist always I wouldnt mind feeling it neither would he Id say by the bullneck in his horsecollar I wonder did he know me in the box I could see his face he couldnt see mine of course hed never turn or let on still his eyes were red when his father died theyre lost for a woman of course must be terrible when a man cries let alone them Id like to be embraced by one in his vestments and the smell of incense off him like the pope besides theres no danger with a priest if youre married hes too careful about himself then give something to H H the pope for a penance I wonder was he satisfied with me one thing I didnt like his slapping me behind going away so familiarly in the hall though I laughed Im not a horse or an ass am I I suppose he was thinking of his father I wonder is he awake thinking of me or dreaming am I in it who gave him that flower he said he bought he smelt of some kind of drink not whisky or stout or perhaps the sweety kind of paste they stick their bills up with some liquor Id like to sip those richlooking green and yellow expensive drinks those stagedoor johnnies drink with the opera hats I tasted one with my finger dipped out of that American that had the squirrel talking stamps with father he had all he could do to keep himself from falling asleep after the last time we took the port and potted meat it had a fine salty taste yes because I felt lovely and tired myself and fell asleep as sound as a top the moment I popped straight into bed till that thunder woke me up as if the world was coming to an end God be merciful to us I thought the heavens were coming down about us to punish when I blessed myself and said a Hail Mary like those awful thunderbolts in Gibraltar and they come and tell you theres no God what could you do if it was running and rushing about nothing only make an act of contrition the candle I lit that evening in Whitefriars street chapel for the month of May see it brought its luck though hed scoff if he heard because he never goes to church mass or meeting he says your soul you have no soul inside only grey matter because he doesnt know what it is to have one yes when I lit the lamp yes because he must have come 3 or 4 times with that tremendous big red brute of a thing he has I thought the vein or whatever the dickens they call it was going to burst though his nose is not so big after I took off all my things with the blinds down after my hours dressing and perfuming and combing it like iron or some kind of a thick crowbar standing all the time he must have eaten oysters I think a few dozen he was in great singing voice no I never in all my life felt anyone had one the size of that to make you feel full up he must have eaten a whole sheep after whats the idea making us like that with a big hole in the middle of us like a Stallion driving it up into you because thats all they want out of you with that determined vicious look in his eye I had to halfshut my eyes still he hasnt such a tremendous amount of spunk in him when I made him pull it out and do it on me considering how big it is so much the better in case any of it wasnt washed out properly the last time I let him finish it in me nice invention they made for women for him to get all the pleasure but if someone gave them a touch of it themselves theyd know what I went through with Milly nobody would believe cutting her teeth too and Mina Purefoys husband give us a swing out of your whiskers filling her up with a child or twins once a year as regular as the clock always with a smell of children off her the one they called budgers or something like a nigger with a shock of hair on it Jesusjack the child is a black the last time I was there a squad of them falling over one another and bawling you couldnt hear your ear supposed to be healthy not satisfied till they have us swollen out like elephants or I dont know what supposing I risked having another not off him though still if he was married I m sure hed have a fine strong child but I dont know Poldy has more spunk in him yes thatd be awfully jolly I suppose it was meeting Josie Powell and the funeral and thinking about me and Boylan set him off well he can think what he likes now if thatll do him any good I know they were spooning a bit when I came on the scene he was dancing and sitting out with her the night of Georgina Simpsons housewarming and then he wanted to ram it down my neck on account of not liking to see her a wallflower that was why we had the standup row over politics he began it not me when he said about Our Lord being a carpenter at last he made me cry of course a woman is so sensitive about everything I was fuming with myself after for giving in only for I knew he was gone on me and the first socialist he said He was he annoyed me so much I couldnt put him into a temper still he knows a lot of mixed up things especially about the body and the insides I often wanted to study up that myself what we have inside us in that family physician I could always hear his voice talking when the room was crowded and watch him after that I pretended I had on a coolness with her over him because he used to be a bit on the jealous side whenever he asked who are you going to and I aid over to Floey and he made me the present of lord Byrons poems and the three pairs of gloves so that finished that I could quite easily get him to make it up any time I know how Id even supposing he got in with her again and was going out to see her somewhere Id know if he refused to eat the onions I know plenty of ways ask him to tuck down the collar of my blouse or touch him with my veil and gloves on going out 1 kiss then would send them all spinning however alright well seen then let him go to her she of course would only be too delighted to pretend shes mad in love with him that I wouldnt so much mind Id just go to her and ask her do you love him and look her square in the eyes she couldnt fool me but he might imagine he was and make a declaration with his plabbery kind of a manner to her like he did to me though I had the devils own job to get it out of him though I liked him for that it showed he could hold in and wasnt to be got for the asking he was on the pop of asking me too the night in the kitchen I was rolling the potato cake theres something I want to say to you only for I put him off letting on I was in a temper with my hands and arms full of pasty flour in any case I let out too much the night before talking of dreams so I didnt want to let him know more than was good for him she used to be always embracing me Josie whenever he was there meaning him of course glauming me over and when I said I washed up and down as far as possible asking me did you wash possible the women are always egging on to that putting it on thick when hes there they know by his sly eye blinking a bit putting on the indifferent when they come out with something the kind he is what spoils him I dont wonder in the least because he was very handsome at that time trying to look like lord Byron I said I liked though he was too beautiful for a man and he was a little before we got engaged afterwards though she didnt like it so much the day I was in fits of laughing with the giggles I couldnt stop about all my hairpins falling one after another with the mass of hair I had youre always in great humour she said yes because it grigged her because she knew what it meant because I used to tell her a good bit of what went on between us not all but just enough to make her mouth water but that wasnt my fault she didnt darken the door much after we were married I wonder what shes got like now after living with that dotty husband of hers she had her face beginning to look drawn and run down the last time I saw her she must have been just after a row with him because I saw on the moment she was edging to draw down a conversation about husbands and talk about him to run him down what was it she told me O yes that sometimes he used to go to bed with his muddy boots on when the maggot takes him just imagine having to get into bed with a thing like that that might murder you any moment what a man well its not the one way everyone goes mad Poldy anyway whatever he does always wipes his feet on the mat when he comes in wet or shine and always blacks his own boots too and he always takes off his hat when he comes up in the street like that and now hes going about in his slippers to look for #10000 for a postcard up up O Sweetheart May wouldnt a thing like that simply bore you stiff to extinction actually too stupid even to take his boots off now what could you make of a man like that Id rather die 20 times over than marry another of their sex of course hed never find another woman like me to put up with him the way I do know me come sleep with me yes and he knows that too at the bottom of his heart take that Mrs Maybrick that poisoned her husband for what I wonder in love with some other man yet it was found out on her wasnt she the downright villain to go and do a thing like that of course some men can be dreadfully aggravating drive you mad and always the worst word in the world what do they ask us to marry them for if were so bad as all that comes to yes because they cant get on without us white Arsenic she put in his tea off flypaper wasnt it I wonder why they call it that if I asked him hed say its from the Greek leave us as wise as we were before she must have been madly in love with the other fellow to run the chance of being hanged O she didnt care if that was her nature what could she do besides theyre not brutes enough to go and hang a woman surely are they
theyre all so different Boylan talking about the shape of my foot he noticed at once even before he was introduced when I was in the D B C with Poldy laughing and trying to listen I was waggling my foot we both ordered 2 teas and plain bread and butter I saw him looking with his two old maids of sisters when I stood up and asked the girl where it was what do I care with it dropping out of me and that black closed breeches he made me buy takes you half an hour to let them down wetting all myself always with some brandnew fad every other week such a long one I did I forgot my suede gloves on the seat behind that I never got after some robber of a woman and he wanted me to put it in the Irish Times lost in the ladies lavatory D B C Dame street finder return to Mrs Marion Bloom and I saw his eyes on my feet going out through the turning door he was looking when I looked back and I went there for tea 2 days after in the hope but he wasnt now how did that excite him because I was crossing them when we were in the other room first he meant the shoes that are too tight to walk in my hand is nice like that if I only had a ring with the stone for my month a nice aquamarine Ill stick him for one and a gold bracelet I dont like my foot so much still I made him spend once with my foot the night after Goodwins botchup of a concert so cold and windy it was well we had that rum in the house to mull and the fire wasnt black out when he asked to take off my stockings lying on the hearthrug in Lombard street well and another time it was my muddy boots hed like me to walk in all the horses dung I could find but of course hes not natural like the rest of the world that I what did he say I could give 9 points in 10 to Katty Lanner and beat her what does that mean I asked him I forget what he said because the stoppress edition just passed and the man with the curly hair in the Lucan dairy thats so polite I think I saw his face before somewhere I noticed him when I was tasting the butter so I took my time Bartell dArcy too that he used to make fun of when he commenced kissing me on the choir stairs after I sang Gounods Ave Maria what are we waiting for O my heart kiss me straight on the brow and part which is my brown part he was pretty hot for all his tinny voice too my low notes he was always raving about if you can believe him I liked the way he used his mouth singing then he said wasnt it terrible to do that there in a place like that I dont see anything so terrible about it Ill tell him about that some day not now and surprise him ay and Ill take him there and show him the very place too we did it so now there you are like it or lump it he thinks nothing can happen without him knowing he hadnt an idea about my mother till we were engaged otherwise hed never have got me so cheap as he did he was 10 times worse himself anyhow begging me to give him a tiny bit cut off my drawers that was the evening coming along Kenilworth square he kissed me in the eye of my glove and I had to take it off asking me questions is it permitted to inquire the shape of my bedroom so I let him keep it as if I forgot it to think of me when I saw him slip it into his pocket of course hes mad on the subject of drawers thats plain to be seen always skeezing at those brazenfaced things on the bicycles with their skirts blowing up to their navels even when Milly and I were out with him at the open air fete that one in the cream muslin standing right against the sun so he could see every atom she had on when he saw me from behind following in the rain I saw him before he saw me however standing at the corner of the Harolds cross road with a new raincoat on him with the muffler in the Zingari colours to show off his complexion-and the brown hat looking slyboots as usual what was he doing there where hed no business they can go and get whatever they like from anything at all with a skirt on it and were not to ask any questions but they want to know where were you where are you going I could feel him coming along skulking after me his eyes on my neck he had been keeping away from the house he felt it was getting too warm for him so I half turned and stopped then he pestered me to say yes till I took off my glove slowly watching him he said my openwork sleeves were too cold for the rain anything for an excuse to put his hand anear me drawers drawers the whole blessed time till I promised to give him the pair off my doll to carry about in his waistcoat pocket O Maria santissima he did look a big fool dreeping in the rain splendid set of teeth he had made me hungry to look at them and beseeched of me to lift the orange petticoat I had on with sunray pleats that there was nobody he Said hed kneel down in the wet if I didnt so persevering he would too and ruin his new raincoat you never know what freak theyd take alone with you theyre so savage for it if anyone was passing so I lifted them a bit and touched his trousers outside the way I used to Gardner after with my ring hand to keep him from doing worse where it was too public I was dying to find out was he circumcised he was shaking like a jelly all over they want to do everything too quick take all the pleasure out if it and father waiting all the time for his dinner he told me to say I left my purse in the butchers and had to go back for it what a Deceiver then he wrote me that letter with all those words in it how could he have the face to any woman after his company manners making it so awkward after when we met asking me have I offended you with my eyelids down of course he saw I wasnt he had a few brains not like that other fool Henry Doyle he was always breaking or tearing something in the charades I hate an unlucky man and if I knew what it meant of course I had to say no for form sake dont understand you I said and wasnt it natural so it is of course it used to be written up with a picture of a womans on that wall in Gibraltar with that word I couldnt find anywhere only for children seeing it too young then writing a letter every morning sometimes twice a day I liked the way he made love then he knew the way to take a woman when he sent me the 8 big poppies because mine was the 8th then I wrote the night he kissed my heart at Dolphins barn I couldnt describe it simply it makes you feel like nothing on earth but he never knew how to embrace well like Gardner I hope hell come on Monday as he said at the same time four I hate people who come at all hours answer the door you think its the vegetables then its somebody and you all undressed or the door of the filthy sloppy kitchen blows open the day old frostyface Goodwin called about the concert in Lombard street and I just after dinner all flushed and tossed with boiling old stew dont look at me professor I had to say Im a fright yes but he was a real old gent in his way it was impossible to be more respectful nobody to say youre out you have to peep out through the blind like the messengerboy today I thought it was a putoff first him sending the port and the peaches first and I was just beginning to yawn with nerves thinking he was trying to make a fool of me when I knew his tattarrattat at the door he must have been a bit late because it was 1/4 after 3 when I saw the 2 Dedalus girls coming from school I never know the time even that watch he gave me never seems to go properly Id want to get it looked after when I threw the penny to that lame sailor for England home and beauty when I was whistling there is a charming girl I love and I hadnt even put on my clean shift or powdered myself or a thing then this day week were to go to Belfast just as well he has to go to Ennis his fathers anniversary the 27th it wouldnt be pleasant if he did suppose our rooms at the hotel were beside each other and any fooling went on in the new bed I couldnt tell him to stop and not bother me with him in the next room or perhaps some protestant clergyman with a cough knocking on the wall then he wouldnt believe next day we didnt do something its all very well a husband but you cant fool a lover after me telling him we never did anything of course he didnt believe me no its better hes going where he is besides something always happens with him the time going to the Mallow Concert at Maryborough ordering boiling soup for the two of us then the bell rang out he walks down the platform with the soup splashing about taking spoonfuls of it hadnt he the nerve and the waiter after him making a holy show of us screeching and confusion for the engine to start but he wouldnt pay till he finished it the two gentlemen in the 3rd class Carriage said he was quite right so he was too hes so pigheaded sometimes when he gets a thing into his head a good job he was able to open the carriage door with his knife or theyd have taken us on to Cork I suppose that was done out of revenge on him O I love jaunting in a train or a car with lovely soft cushions I wonder will he take a 1st class for me he might want to do it in the train by tipping the guard well O I suppose therell be the usual idiots of men gaping at us with their eyes as stupid as ever they can possibly be that was an exceptional man that common workman that left us alone in the carriage that day going to Howth Id like to find out something about him 1 or 2 tunnels perhaps then you have to look out of the window all the nicer then coming back suppose I never came back what would they say eloped with him that gets you on on the stage the last concert I sang at where its over a year ago when was it St Teresas hall Clarendon St little chits of missies they have now singing Kathleen Kearney and her like on account of father being in the army and my singing the absentminded beggar and wearing a brooch for lord Roberts when I had the map of it all and Poldy not Irish enough was it him managed it this time I wouldnt put it past him like he got me on to sing in the Stabat Mater by going around saying he was putting Lead Kindly Light to music I put him up to that till the jesuits found out he was a freemason thumping the piano lead Thou me on copied from some old opera yes and he was going about with some of them Sinner Fein lately or whatever they call themselves talking his usual trash and nonsense he says that little man he showed me without the neck is very intelligent the coming man Griffith is he well he doesnt look it thats all I can say still it must have been him he knew there was a boycott I hate the mention of politics after the war that Pretoria and Ladysmith and Bloemfontein where Gardner Lieut Stanley G 8th Bn 2nd East Lancs Rgt of enteric fever he was a lovely fellow in khaki and just the right height over me Im sure he was brave too he said I was lovely the evening we kissed goodbye at the canal lock my Irish beauty he was pale with excitement about going away or wed be seen from the road he couldnt stand properly and I so hot as I never felt they could have made their peace in the beginning or old oom Paul and the rest of the old Krugers go and fight it out between them instead of dragging on for years killing any finelooking men there were with their fever if he was even decently shot it wouldnt have been so bad I love to see a regiment pass in review the first time I saw the Spanish cavalry at La Roque it was lovely after looking across the bay from Algeciras all the lights of the rock like fireflies or those sham battles on the 15 acres the Black Watch with their kilts in time at the march past the 10th hussars the prince of Wales own or the lancers O the lancers theyre grand or the Dublins that won Tugela his father made his money over selling the horses for the cavalry well he could buy me a nice present up in Belfast after what I gave theyve lovely linen up there or one of those nice kimono things I must buy a mothball like I had before to keep in the drawer with them it would be exciting going around with him shopping buying those things in a new city better leave this ring behind want to keep turning and turning to get it over the knuckle there or they might bell it round the town in their papers or tell the police on me but theyd think were married O let them all go and smother themselves for the fat lot I care he has plenty of money and hes not a marrying man so somebody better get it out of him if I could find out whether he likes me I looked a bit washy of course when I looked close in the handglass powdering a mirror never gives you the expression besides scrooching down on me like that all the time with his big hipbones hes heavy too with his hairy chest for this heat always having to lie down for them better for him put it into me from behind the way Mrs Mastiansky told me her husband made her like the dogs do it and stick out her tongue as far as ever she could and he so quiet and mild with his tingating either can you ever be up to men the way it takes them lovely stuff in that blue suit he had on and stylish tie and socks with the skyblue silk things on them hes certainly welloff I know by the cut his clothes have and his heavy watch but he was like a perfect devil for a few minutes after he came back with the stop press tearing up the tickets and swearing blazes because he lost 20 quid he said he lost over that outsider that won and half he put on for me on account of Lenehans tip cursing him to the lowest pits that sponger he was making free with me after the Glencree dinner coming back that long joult over the featherbed mountain after the lord Mayor looking at me with his dirty eyes Val Dillon that big heathen I first noticed him at dessert when I was cracking the nuts with my teeth I wished I could have picked every morsel of that chicken out of my fingers it was so tasty and browned and as tender as anything only for I didnt want to eat everything on my plate those forks and fishslicers were hallmarked silver too I wish I had some I could easily have slipped a couple into my muff when I was playing with them then always hanging out of them for money in a restaurant for the bit you put down your throat we have to be thankful for our mangy cup of tea itself as a great compliment to be noticed the way the world is divided in any case if its going to go on I want at least two other good chemises for one thing and but I dont know what kind of drawers he likes none at all I think didnt he say yes and half the girls in Gibraltar never wore them either naked as God made them that Andalusian singing her Manola she didnt make much secret of what she hadnt yes and the second pair of silkette stockings is laddered after one days wear I could have brought them back to Lewers this morning and kick up a row and made that one change them only not to upset myself and run the risk of walking into him and ruining the whole thing and one of those kidfitting corsets Id want advertised cheap in the Gentlewoman with elastic gores on the hips he saved the one I have but thats no good what did they say they give a delightful figure line 11/6 obviating that unsightly broad appearance across the lower back to reduce flesh my belly is a bit too big Ill have to knock off the stout at dinner or am I getting too fond of it the last they sent from ORourkes was as flat as a pancake he makes his money easy Larry they call him the old mangy parcel he sent at Xmas a cottage cake and a bottle of hogwash he tried to palm off as claret that he couldnt get anyone to drink God spare his spit for fear hed die of the drouth or I must do a few breathing exercises I wonder is that antifat any good might overdo it thin ones are not so much the fashion now garters that much I have the violet pair I wore today thats all he bought me out of the cheque he got on the first O no there was the face lotion I finished the last of yesterday that made my skin like new I told him over and over again get that made up in the same place and dont forget it God only knows whether he did after all I said to him Ill know by the bottle anyway if not I suppose Ill only have to wash in my piss like beeftea or chickensoup with some of that opoponax and violet I thought it was beginning to look coarse or old a bit the skin underneath is much finer where it peeled off there on my finger after the burn its a pity it isnt all like that and the four paltry handkerchiefs about 6/- in all sure you cant get on in this world without style all going in food and rent when I get it Ill lash it around I tell you in fine style I always want to throw a handful of tea into the pot measuring and mincing if I buy a pair of old brogues itself do you like those new shoes yes how much were they Ive no clothes at all the brown costume and the skirt and jacket and the one at the cleaners 3 whats that for any woman cutting up this old hat and patching up the other the men wont look at you and women try to walk on you because they know youve no man then with all the things getting dearer every day for the 4 years more I have of life up to 35 no Im what am I at all Ill be 33 in September will I what O well look at that Mrs Galbraith shes much older than me I saw her when I was out last week her beautys on the wane she was a lovely woman magnificent head of hair on her down to her waist tossing it back like that like Kitty OShea in Grantham street 1st thing I did every morning to look across see her combing it as if she loved it and was full of it pity I only got to know her the day before we left and that Mrs Langtry the Jersey Lily the prince of Wales was in love with I suppose hes like the first man going the roads only for the name of a king theyre all made the one way only a black mans Id like to try a beauty up to what was she 45 there was some funny story about the jealous old husband what was it all and an oyster knife he went no he made her wear a kind of a tin thing around her and the prince of Wales yes he had the oyster knife cant be true a thing like that like some of those books he brings me the works of Master Francois somebody supposed to be a priest about a child born out of her ear because her bumgut fell out a nice word for any priest to write and her a-e as if any fool wouldnt know what that meant I hate that pretending of all things with the old blackguards face on him anybody can see its not true and that Ruby and Fair Tyrants he brought me that twice I remember when I came to page 50 the part about where she hangs him up out of a hook with a cord flagellate sure theres nothing for a woman in that all invention made up about he drinking the champagne out of her slipper after the ball was over like the infant Jesus In the crib at Inchicore in the Blessed Virgins arms sure no woman could have a child that big taken out of her and I thought first it came out of her side because how could she go to the chamber when she wanted to and she a rich lady of course she felt honoured H. R. H. he was in Gibraltar the year I gas born I bet he found lilies there too where he planted the tree he planted more than that in his time he might have planted me too if hed come a bit sooner then I wouldnt be here as I am he ought to chuck that Freeman with the paltry few shillings he knocks out of it and go into an office or something where hed get regular pay or a bank where they could put him up on a throne to count the money all the day of course he prefers plottering about the house so you cant stir with him any side whats your programme today I wish hed even smoke a pipe like father to get the smell of a man or pretending to be mooching about for advertisements when he could have been in Mr Cuffes still only for what he did then sending me to try and patch it up I could have got him promoted there to be the manager he gave me a great mirada once or twice first he was as stiff as the mischief really and truly Mrs Bloom only I felt rotten simply with the old rubbishy dress that I lost the leads out of the tails with no cut in it but theyre coming into fashion again I bought it simply to please him I knew it was no good by the finish pity I changed my mind of going to Todd and Burns as I said and not Lees it was just like the shop itself rummage sale a lot of trash I hate those rich shops get on your nerves nothing kills me altogether only he thinks he knows a great lot about a womans dress and cooking mathering everything he can scour off the shelves into it if I went by his advices every blessed hat I put on does that suit me yes take that thats alright the one like a wedding cake standing up miles off my head he said suited me or the dishcover one coming down on my backside on pins and needles about the shop girl in that place in Grafton street I had the misfortune to bring him into and she as insolent as ever she could be with her smirk saying Im afraid were giving you too much trouble whats she there for but I stared it out of her yes he was awfully stiff and no wonder but he changed the second time he looked Poldy pigheaded as usual like the soup but I could see him looking very hard at my chest when he stood up to open the door for me it was nice of him to show me out in any case Im extremely sorry Mrs Bloom believe me without making it too marked the first time after him being insulted and me being supposed to be his wife I just half smiled I know my chest was out that way at the door when he said Im extremely sorry and Im sure you were
yes I think he made them a bit firmer sucking them like that so long be made me thirsty titties he calls them I had to laugh yes this one anyhow stiff the nipple gets for the least thing Ill get him to keep that up and Ill take those eggs beaten up with marsala fatten them out for him what are all those veins and things curious the way its made 2 the same in case of twins theyre supposed to represent beauty placed up there like those statues in the museum one of them pretending to hide it with her hand are they so beautiful of course compared with what a man looks like with his two bags full and his other thing hanging down out of him or sticking up at you like a hatrack no wonder they hide it with a cabbageleaf the woman is beauty of course thats admitted when he said I could pose for a picture naked to some rich fellow in Holles street when he lost the job in Helys and I was selling the clothes and strumming in the coffee palace would I be like that bath of the nymph with my hair down yes only shes younger or Im a little like that dirty bitch in that Spanish photo he has the nymphs used they go about like that I asked him that disgusting Cameron highlander behind the meat market or that other wretch with the red head behind the tree where the statue of the fish used to be when I was passing pretending he was pissing standing out for me to see it with his babyclothes up to one side the Queens own they were a nice lot its well the Surreys relieved them theyre always trying to show it to you every time nearly I passed outside the mens greenhouse near the Harcourt street station just to try some fellow or other trying to catch my eye or if it was 1 of the 7 wonders of the world O and the stink of those rotten places the night coming home with Poldy after the Comerfords party oranges and lemonade to make you feel nice and watery I went into 1 of them it was so biting cold I couldnt keep it when was that 93 the canal was frozen yes it was a few months after a pity a couple of the Camerons werent there to see me squatting in the mens place meadero I tried to draw a picture of it before I tore it up like a sausage or something I wonder theyre not afraid going about of getting a kick or a bang or something there and that word met something with hoses in it and he came out with some jawbreakers about the incarnation he never can explain a thing simply the way a body can understand then he goes and burns the bottom out of the pan all for his Kidney this one not so much theres the mark of his teeth still where he tried to bite the nipple I had to scream out arent they fearful trying to hurt you I had a great breast of milk with Milly enough for two what was the reason of that he said I could have got a pound a week as a wet nurse all swelled out the morning that delicate looking student that stopped in No 28 with the Citrons Penrose nearly caught me washing through the window only for I snapped up the towel to my face that was his studenting hurt me they used to weaning her till he got doctor Brady to give me the Belladonna prescription I had to get him to suck them they were so hard he said it was sweeter and thicker than cows then he wanted to milk me into the tea well hes beyond everything I declare somebody ought to put him in the budget if I only could remember the one half of the things and write a book out of it the works of Master Poldy yes and its so much smoother the skin much an hour he was at them Im sure by the clock like some kind of a big infant I had at me they want everything in their mouth all the pleasure those men get out of a woman I can feel his mouth O Lord I must stretch myself I wished he was here or somebody to let myself go with and come again like that I feel all fire inside me or if I could dream it when he made me spend the 2nd time tickling me behind with his finger I was coming for about 5 minutes with my legs round him I had to hug him after O Lord I wanted to shout out all sorts of things fuck or shit or anything at all only not to look ugly or those lines from the strain who knows the way hed take it you want to feel your way with a man theyre not all like him thank God some of them want you to be so nice about it I noticed the contrast he does it and doesnt talk I gave my eyes that look with my hair a bit loose from the tumbling and my tongue between my lips up to him the savage brute Thursday Friday one Saturday two Sunday three O Lord I cant wait till Monday
frseeeeeeeefronnnng train somewhere whistling the strength those engines have in them like big giants and the water rolling all over and out of them all sides like the end of Loves old sweet synnnng the poor men that have to be out all the night from their wives and families in those roasting engines stifling it was today Im glad I burned the half of those old Freemans and Photo bits leaving things like that lying around hes getting very careless and threw the rest of them up in the W C Ill get him to cut them tomorrow for me instead of having them there for the next year to get a few pence for them have him asking wheres last Januarys paper and all those old overcoats I bundled out of the hall making the place hotter than it is the rain was lovely just after my beauty sleep I thought it was going to get like Gibraltar my goodness the heat there before the levanter came on black as night and the glare of the rock standing up in it like a big giant compared with their 3 Rock mountain they think is so great with the red sentries here and there the poplars and they all whitehot and the mosquito nets and the smell of the rainwater in those tanks watching the sun all the time weltering down on you faded all that lovely frock fathers friend Mrs Stanhope sent me from the B Marche Paris what a shame my dearest Doggerina she wrote on what she was very nice whats this her other name was just a P C to tell you I sent the little present have just had a jolly warm bath and feel a very clean dog now enjoyed it wogger she called him wogger wd give anything to be back in Gib and hear you sing in old Madrid or Waiting Concone is the name of those exercises he bought me one of those new some word Icouldn't make out shawls amusing things but tear for the least thing still theyre lovely I think dont you will always think of the lovely teas we had together scrumptious currant scones and raspberry wafers I adore well now dearest Doggerina be sure and write soon kind she left out regards to your father also Captain Grove with love yrs affly x x x x x she didnt look a bit married just like a girl he was years older than her wogger he was awfully fond of me when he held down the wire with his foot for me to step over at the bullfight at La Linea when that matador Gomez was given the bulls ear clothes we have to wear whoever invented them expecting you to walk up Killiney hill then for example at that picnic all staysed up you cant do a blessed thing in them in a crowd run or jump out of the way thats why I was afraid when that other ferocious old Bull began to charge the banderillos with the sashes and the 2 things in their hats and the brutes of men shouting bravo toro sure the women were as bad in their nice white mantillas ripping all the whole insides out of those poor horses I never heard of such a thing in all my life yes he used to break his heart at me taking off the dog barking in bell lane poor brute and it sick what became of them ever I suppose theyre dead long ago the 2 of them its like all through a mist makes you feel so old I made the scones of course I had everything all to myself then a girl Hester we used to compare our hair mine was thicker than hers she showed me how to settle it at the back when I put it up and whats this else how to make a knot on a thread with the one hand we were like cousins what age was I then the night of the storm I slept in her bed she had her arms round me then we were fighting in the morning with the pillow what fun he was watching me whenever he got an opportunity at the band on the Alameda esplanade when I was with father and Captain Grove I looked up at the church first and then at the windows then down and our eyes met I felt something go through me like all needles my eyes were dancing I remember after when I looked at myself in the glass hardly recognised myself the change I had a splendid skin from the sun and the excitement like a rose I didn't get a wink of sleep it wouldnt have been nice on account of her but I could have stopped it in time she gave me the Moonstone to read that was the first I read of Wilkie Collins East Lynne I read and the shadow of Ashlydyat Mrs Henry Wood Henry Dunbar by that other woman I lent him afterwards with Mulveys photo in it so as he see I wasnt without and Lord Lytton Eugene Aram Molly bawn she gave me by Mrs Hungerford on account of the name I dont like books with a Molly in them like that one he brought me about the one from Flanders a whore always shoplifting anything she could cloth and stuff and yards of it this blanket is too heavy on me thats better I havent even one decent nightdress this thing gets all rolled up under me besides him and his fooling thats better I used to be weltering then in the heat my shift drenched with the sweat stuck in the cheeks of my bottom on the chair when I stood up they were so fattish and firm when I got up on the sofa cushions to see with my clothes up and the bugs tons of them at night and the mosquito nets I couldnt read a line Lord how long ago it seems centuries of course they never come back and she didnt put her address right on it either she may have noticed her wogger people were always going away and we never I remember that day with the waves and the boats with their high heads rocking and the swell of the ship those Officers uniforms on shore leave made me seasick he didnt say anything he was very serious I had the high buttoned boots on and my skirt was blowing she kissed me six or seven times didnt I cry yes I believe I did or near it my lips were taittering when I said goodbye she had a Gorgeous wrap of some special kind of blue colour on her for the voyage made very peculiarly to one side like and it was extremely pretty it got as dull as the devil after they went I was almost planning to run away mad out of it somewhere were never easy where we are father or aunt or marriage waiting always waiting to guiiiide him toooo me waiting nor speeeed his flying feet their damn guns bursting and booming all over the shop especially the Queens birthday and throwing everything down in all directions if you didnt open the windows when general Ulysses Grant whoever he was or did supposed to be some great fellow landed off the ship and old Sprague the consul that was there from before the flood dressed up poor man and he in mourning for the son then the same old reveille in the morning and drums rolling and the unfortunate poor devils of soldiers walking about with messtins smelling the place more than the old longbearded jews in their jellibees and levites assembly and sound clear and gunfire for the men to cross the lines and the warden marching with his keys to lock the gates and the bagpipes and only Captain Groves and father talking about Rorkes drift and Plevna and sir Garnet Wolseley and Gordon at Khartoum lighting their pipes for them everytime they went out drunken old devil with his grog on the windowsill catch him leaving any of it picking his nose trying to think of some other dirty story to tell up in a corner but he never forgot himself when I was there sending me out of the room on some blind excuse paying his compliments the Bushmills whisky talking of course but hed do the same to the next woman that came along I supposed he died of galloping drink ages ago the days like years not a letter from a living soul except the odd few I posted to myself with bits of paper in them so bored sometimes I could fight with my nails listening to that old Arab with the one eye and his heass of an instrument singing his heah heah aheah all my compriments on your hotchapotch of your heass as bad as now with the hands hanging off me looking out of the window if there was a nice fellow even in the opposite house that medical in Holles street the nurse was after when I put on my gloves and hat at the window to show I was going out not a notion what I meant arent they thick never understand what you say even youd want to print it up on a big poster for them not even if you shake hands twice with the left he didnt recognise me either when I half frowned at him outside Westland row chapel where does their great intelligence come in Id like to know grey matter they have it all in their tail if you ask me those country gougers up in the City Arms intelligence they had a damn sight less than the bulls and cows they were selling the meat and the coalmans bell that noisy bugger trying to swindle me with the wrong bill he took out of his hat what a pair of paws and pots and pans and kettles to mend any broken bottles for a poor man today and no visitors or post ever except his cheques or some advertisement like that wonderworker they sent him addressed dear Madam only his letter and the card from Milly this morning see she wrote a letter to him who did I get the last letter from O Mrs Dwenn now whatever possessed her to write after so many years to know the recipe I had for pisto madrileno Floey Dillon since she wrote to say she was married to a very rich architect if Im to believe all I hear with a villa and eight rooms her father was an awfully nice man he was near seventy always good humour well now Miss Tweedy or Miss Gillespie theres the pyannyer that was a solid silver coffee service he had too on the mahogany sideboard then dying so far away I hate people that have always their poor story to tell everybody has their own troubles that poor Nancy Blake died a month ago of acute pneumonia well I didnt know her so well as all that she was Floeys friend more than mine its a bother having to answer he always tells me the wrong things and no stops to say like making a speech your sad bereavement sympathy I always make that mistake and newphew with 2 double yous in I hope hell write me a longer letter the next time if its a thing he really likes me O thanks be to the great God I got somebody to give me what I badly wanted to put some heart up into me youve no chances at all in this place like you used long ago I wish somebody would write me a love-letter his wasnt much and I told him he could write what he liked yours ever Hugh Boylan in Old Madrid silly women believe love is sighing I am dying still if he wrote it I suppose thered be some truth in it true or no it fills up your whole day and life always something to think about every moment and see it all around you like a new world I could write the answer in bed to let him imagine me short just a few words not those long crossed letters Atty Dillon used to write to the fellow that was something in the four courts that jilted her after out of the ladies letterwriter when I told her to say a few simple words he could twist how he liked not acting with precipit precipitancy with equal candour the greatest earthly happiness answer to a gentlemans proposal affirmatively my goodness theres nothing else its all very fine for them but as for being a woman as soon as youre old they might as well throw you out in the bottom of the ash pit.


等级: 内阁元老
举报 只看该作者 47楼  发表于: 2012-12-24 0

他们都是用正常的步行速度从贝雷斯福德广场出发,按照下、中加德纳街的顺序走到蒙乔伊广场西端。随后放慢步伐一道向左拐,漫不经心地来到加德纳广场尽头,这里是通向北边坦普尔街的交叉口。随后朝右拐,时而停下脚步,缓慢地沿着但普尔街往北走去,一直来到哈德威克街[1] 。他们迈着悠闲的步子先后挨近了圣乔治教堂前的圆形广场,然后迳直穿过去。说起来,任何一个圆,其弦都比弧要短。
音乐,文学,爱尔兰,都柏林,巴黎,友情,女人,卖淫,营养,煤气灯、弧光灯以及白炽灯的光线对附近那些避日性树木的成长所产生的影响[ 2] ,市政府临时所设不加盖的垃圾箱,罗马天主教堂,圣职者的独身生活,爱尔兰国民,耶稣会的教育,职业,学医,刚度过的这一天,安息日[3] 前一天的不祥气氛,斯蒂芬晕倒一事。
斯蒂芬毫不隐瞒他对布卢姆关于营养和市民自救行为的重要性持有异议;布卢姆则对斯蒂芬关于人类精神通过文学得到永恒的肯定这一见解,暗自表示不以为然。布卢姆倒是不动声色地同意了斯蒂芬所指出的爱尔兰国民放弃对德鲁伊特[4]的信仰而皈依基督教的时期在年份上的错误。应把李尔利王统治下,教皇切莱斯廷一世派遣帕特里克(奥德修斯之子波提图斯之子卡尔波努斯之子)前来的公元四三二年,更正为科麦克·麦克阿尔特(殁于公元二六六年)统治下的二六0 年或约莫那个时期,而科麦克是因被食物卡住而噎死于斯莱提,并埋葬在罗斯纳利的。布卢姆暗自同意斯蒂芬的论点。布卢姆认为斯蒂芬之所以晕倒乃是因为他胃囊里空空如也,以及搀水量与酒精度数各不相同的化合物在作怪。这是始而精神紧张,继而又在松弛的气氛下疾迅地旋转这一剧烈的运动所造成的。斯蒂芬却把它归因于起初还没有女人的巴掌那么大的晨云再次出现(他们二人曾从不同的地点--沙丘与都柏林,目击到那片云彩)[ 5] 。
一八八四年,夜间他与欧文·戈德堡[6] 和塞西尔·特恩布尔一道沿着这几条大马路边走边谈:从朗伍德大街走到伦纳德街角,又从伦纳德街角走到辛格街,然后从辛格街走到布卢姆菲尔德大街。一八八五年的一个傍晚,他又与珀西·阿普约翰一道倚着厄珀克罗斯区克鲁姆林的直布罗陀庄与布卢姆菲尔德公馆之间的墙,交谈过几次。一八八六年,他与偶然结识者以及可能成为主顾的人
1034在门口的台阶上、前客厅里和郊区铁路线的三等车厢里谈过。一八八八年,他经常与布赖恩·特威迪鼓手长和他的女儿玛莉恩·特威迪小姐,有时同父女一道,有时单独同其中的一个交谈,地点就在圆镇的马修·狄龙[7] 家的娱乐室里。一八九二年与朱利叶斯·马斯添斯基[ 8] 谈过一次,一八九三年又谈过一次,都是在西伦巴德街的(布卢姆)自己家的客厅里。
在到达他们的目的地之前,关于一八八四、一八八五、一八八六、一八八八、一八九二、一八九三、一九0 四这一不规则的连续,布卢姆有过些什么样的反思?
进去还是不进去。敲门还是不敲门[ 10] 。
他是凭着常衡制十一斯通零六磅的体重坠落的。他所使用的是弗雷德里克街北区十九号的药剂师弗朗西斯·弗罗德曼的店铺内那台供定期测量体重的有刻度的自动磅秤。日期是耶稣升天的最后节日[11],即闰年基督教公元一九0 四年(犹太历公元五六六四年,伊斯兰历公元一三二二年)五月十二日。金号码[12]五,闰余[13]十三,太阳活动周[14]九,主日字母[ 15]CB,罗马十五年历[ 16] 二,儒略周期[17]六六一七年,MCMIV[ 18] 。
他联想到旁的时候在旁的地方跪着单膝或双膝曾经替他生火的其他那些人;迈克尔修士,在坐落于基尔代尔郡塞林斯的耶稣会克朗戈伍斯公学校医院的病房里[19]。他父亲西蒙·迪达勒斯,在菲茨吉本街门牌十五号那间没有家具等设备的屋子里[ 20],而那是他在都柏林的头一个住所。他的教母凯特·莫坎小姐--住在厄谢尔岛她那奄奄一息的姐姐朱莉姬·莫坎小姐家[ 21]里。他的舅妈萨拉--里奇(理查德)·古尔丁的妻子,在他们那坐落于克兰布拉西尔街门牌六十二号寓所的厨房里。他的母亲玛丽--西蒙·迪达勒斯的妻子,那是在北里奇蒙街门牌十二号的厨房里,时间是一八九八年圣方济各·沙勿略节日的早晨[22]。副教导主任巴特神父,在“斯蒂芬草地”北区门牌十六号的大学物理实验室[23]里。他的妹妹迪丽(迪丽姬),在他父亲那坐落于卡布拉的家里[24]。
斯蒂芬把视线从壁炉往上移到对面墙上一码高的地方。他望到了什么?那是一排五个家用螺形弹簧按铃,下面,在烟囱那凹进去的间壁两侧的两个钩子之间,弯弯地横系着一根绳子,上面挂着四块对折的小方手绢:一块挨着一块,彼此并不重叠,呈长方形。另外还有一双灰色长统女袜,袜帮是用莱尔棉线[ 25] 织的,脚脖子以下是通常的样式。两端各用一个木制直夹子夹起,第三个夹子则夹在胯间重叠的部分。
下层竖立着五个早餐用的盘子,平放着六个早餐用的垫盘,盘子上各扣着一只早餐用的杯子,还有一只并非扣放着的搪须杯[34]和德比制造的有着王冠图案的垫盘[35],四只金边白色蛋杯,一个敞着口的岩羚羊皮包,里面露出些硬币,大多是铜市。还有一个小玻璃瓶,里面装着加了芳香剂的糖果(紫罗兰色的)。中层放着一只盛了胡椒粉的有缺口的蛋杯,饭桌上还摆着那种鼓状食盐瓶,用油纸包着的四颗粘成一团的黑色橄榄,一听李树商标肉罐头[36]的空罐儿,垫着纤丝的椭圆形柳条筐里是一只泽西[37]梨,喝剩下的半瓶威廉·吉尔比公司[ 38] 釀造的药用白葡萄酒(裹在瓶子上的粉珊瑚色薄绘纸已剥掉了一半),一包埃普斯公司制造的速溶可可;一只绉锡纸袋里装着安妮·林奇公司[39]出品的五英两特级茶叶,每磅二先令;一只圆筒形罐子,盛着优质结晶角沙糖;两颗葱头,较大的那颗西班牙种的是完整的,较小的那颗爱尔兰种的已经切成两瓣儿,面积扩大了,气味也更冲鼻了;一罐爱尔兰模范奶场的奶酪,一只褐色陶罐,盛着四分之一品脱零四分之一兑了水并变酸了的牛奶(由于炎热,它已化为水、酸性乳浆与半固体凝乳,再加上布卢姆先生和弗莱明大妈[40]作为早餐消费掉的部分,就足够一英品脱了,相当于原先送来的总量);两朵丁香花蕾,一枚半便士硬币和盛有一片新鲜排骨肉的一个小碟子。上层是大小和产地各不相同的一排果酱罐[41]。
利奥波德·布卢姆Leopold Bloom
艾尔波德勃姆尔 Ellpodbomool[49]
莫尔德皮卢布 Molldopeloob
勃罗皮杜姆 Bollopedoom
下议院议员老奥列勃 Old Ollebo,M.P.
是什么阻止他去完成那首题名《要是布赖恩·勃鲁[52]如今回来看到了老都柏林》的主题歌(并由R.G. 约翰逊配乐)的呢?那本是坐落于南国王街门牌四十六、四十七、四十八、四十九号的欢乐剧场的承租人迈克尔·冈恩[ 53] 约他编写的。该歌原来预定插在照例于圣诞节期间公演的大型哑剧《水手辛伯达》第六场《钻石谷》(一八九三年第二版,作者:格林利夫·惠蒂尔[54],舞台装置:乔治·A·杰克逊和塞西尔·希克斯;服装:惠兰太太与惠兰小姐;导演:R. 谢尔顿;一八九二年十二月二十六日在迈克尔·冈恩夫人亲自监督下演出,芭蕾舞女演员为杰西·诺亚,丑角为托马斯·奥托)中,是由女主角内莉·布弗里斯特[55]演唱的。
首先,有关皇室与当地的两档子事,歌中究竟写哪一桩,令人难以做出抉择。要么是提前描写维多利亚女王(一八二0 年出生,一八三七年即位)的六十周年大庆[56];要么是将新修建的市营鱼市开张典礼的日期[ 57] 移后。第二,深恐皇族约克公爵和公爵夫人[58] (实有其人)以及布赖恩·勃鲁国王陛下(虚构的人物)分别前来访问一事,会招致来自左右两方面的反对。第三,新峻工的伯格码头区的大歌剧厅和霍金斯街的皇家剧场[ 59] ,存在着职业的礼仪与职业的竞争之间的矛盾。第四,由于内莉·布弗里斯特的那种非理性、非政治、不时兴的容貌会引起观众的同情;内莉·布弗里斯特身穿非理性、非政治、不时兴的白色衬衣,当她(内莉·布弗里斯特)表演时一旦将衬衣袒露出来,会撩拨观众的情欲,令人担心会使观众神魂颠倒。第五,不论是挑选适当的乐曲还是从《笑话共赏集》(共一千页,每个笑话都令人捧腹)里选一些滑稽的隐喻都是困难的。第六,这首主题歌不论谐不谐音,都与新任市长大人丹尼尔·塔仑、新任行政司法长官托马斯·派尔以及新任副检察长邓巴·普伦凯特·巴顿[60]的姓名有联系。
十六年前的一八八八年,当布卢姆在眼下的斯蒂芬这个年龄时,斯蒂芬是六岁。十六年后的一九二0年,当斯蒂芬到了布卢姆那个年龄时,布卢姆已经交五十四岁了。到一九三六年布卢姆年届七十、斯蒂芬交五十四岁时,他们二人的年龄比率就由原来的十六比零变成十七点五比十三点五。将来随着彼此年龄的任意增长,比率会越来越大,差距则越来越小。因为倘若一八八三年存在的那个比率有可能一成不变地延续下去,那么一九0 四年,当斯蒂芬二十二岁时,布卢姆就应该是三百七十四岁了;而到了一九二0 年,当斯蒂芬三十八岁(也就是布卢姆现在这个年龄)时,布卢姆就应该是六百四十六岁了;而一九五二年,当斯蒂芬活到大洪水之后的最高年龄七十岁[61]时,布卢姆就已交一千一百九十岁,生年为七一四年[62];比大洪水之前的最长寿者,也就是活到九百六十九岁的玛土撒拉[63]还要多二百二十一岁。倘若斯蒂芬继续活下去,在公元三0 七二年达到这个岁数,布卢姆就已经是八万三千三百岁了,而他的生年按说是纪元前八一三九六年[ 64] 。
一八八八年九月一日至一八九一年十二月二十九日,一位手头有点积蓄的寡妇赖尔登太太[66](丹特)曾住在斯蒂芬的父母家里。一八九二、九三和九四年间,她曾住在普鲁西亚街五十四号的市徽饭店[ 67] ,是伊丽莎白·奥多德开的。一八九三年至一八九四年问,布卢姆也在同一家饭店住过一个时期,那阵子她经常为布卢姆做耳报神。当时布卢姆在史密斯菲尔德五号的约瑟夫·卡夫手下当雇员,在附近的北环路都柏林牲畜市场担任贩卖监督。
有时在温暖的夏日傍晚,布卢姆把这位多少拥有一些资产足以自立的病孀扶到康复期患者坐的轮椅上,慢慢地将她推到北环路拐角处加文·洛[ 68] 先生的牲畜交易场所对面。她在那儿逗留上半晌,隔着他那架单镜头双筒望远镜眺望那些难以辨认的市民们:他们搭乘电车、气胎打得鼓鼓的自行车、出租马车、双驾马车、自家用或租来的四轮马车、单马拉的双轮马车、轻便小马车和大型四轮游览马车,在市区与凤凰公园之间穿梭着。
年长的那位记得她那比齐克牌戏[69]和筹码,她那只斯凯骾狗[70],她所冒充的富有,她对事物怎样缺乏反应,她所患的初期卡他性耳聋。年轻的那位则记得她那盏供在无染原罪圣母玛利亚雕像前的菜油灯,她用来象征查理·斯图尔特。巴涅尔和迈克尔,达维特的绿色刷子和绦紫色刷子,她的薄绉纸[ 71] 。
布卢姆和斯蒂芬都领洗了吗?在哪儿? 洗礼是由谁给施行的?
吉·ll。吉诺批发店 11 裤子[81]。
与第一个情景以及虽未讲出来却寓在其中的其他一些情景相联系,再加上学生时代关于种种问题和道德格言所写的散文(诸如我热爱的英雄》[93])或《怠惰乃时间之窃贼》),他认为文章本身,又结合着人与人之间的差别,总是包含着在经济、社会、个人以及性方面获得成功之可能性。不论是作为模范的教育题材(百分之百地有益)特别选拔出来收入全集或选集,供预科及初级班的学生使用;要么就仿效菲利普·博福伊[94]、迪克博士[95]或是赫布仑的《蓝色研究》[96]的先例,把稿子投给销路和槁酬都有保证的杂志,排印出来;要么就迎着四天后到来的夏至(日出为凌晨三点三十三分,日没为下午八点二十九分),即六月二十一日(星期二,圣阿洛伊苏斯·贡萨加[97] ,利用那以后徐徐来到、逐渐漫长起来的夜晚,使用口头语言诉诸富于同情心的听众,他们对高明的叙述技巧默加赞赏,对杰出的成就满怀信心地事先祝贺,并在理智方面给予激励。
室内游戏(多米诺骨牌,希腊跳棋[98],挑圆片[99]),抽杆游戏,杯球[100] ,纳普[101] ,抢五墩牌,比齐克,二十五墩[102] ,“抢光我的邻居”[103] ,跳棋,国际象棋或十五子棋戏[104] );为警察署资助的服装协会[105] 做刺绣、缝补或编织等活计;音乐二重奏:曼陀林和吉他,钢琴和长笛,吉他和钢琴;法律文件的抄写或代填信封上的地址;每隔一周去看一次杂耍演出;从事一些商业活动:一位老板娘在凉爽的牛奶房或暖和的香烟店里愉快地使唤着,愉快地被服从着;在由国家监督、并加以医药管理的男妓院里,暗自从淫欲刺激中得到的满足;与住在附近的一些被公认为品行端正的女友们进行社交活动,需要有不频繁的定期预防性间隔以及频繁的定期预防性监督;为了讲授合适的交往礼仪而专门举办一套夜间讲座。
接受了客人那个寓言里所包含的类比之后,他举出哪些被囚虏[109] 过的大人物作为范例?
三位纯粹真理的探求者:埃及的摩西、著有《迷途指津》的摩西。迈蒙尼德以及摩西·门德尔松[110]。他们都那么显赫,从摩西(埃及的)到摩西(门德尔松),从来没有像摩西(迈蒙尼德)那样的人物[111] 。
费利克斯·巴托尔迪·门德尔松(作曲家),巴鲁克。斯宾诺莎(哲学家)[112],门多萨(拳击家),费迪南德·拉萨尔(社会改革家、决斗者)[113] 。
斯蒂芬引用的是:suil,suil,suil arun, suil go siocair agus suilgo cuin[114] (走,走,走你的路,平安地走,谨慎地走)。
布卢姆引用的是kifeloch, harimon rakatejch m'baad l'zamatejch[115](你的鬓角遮在头发里,如同一片石榴)。
在用低俗文学体裁写的一本题名《偷情的快乐》的书(是布卢姆掏出来的,他摆得很巧妙,使封面和桌面接触)那底封前倒数第二张空白衬页上,斯蒂芬用一管铅笔(斯蒂芬提供的)以简略体与装饰体写下相当于g、a、d、m的爱尔兰语字母[117]。布卢姆则写下希伯来字母ghimel、aleph、daleth和qoph(这是用来代替所缺的mem的)。他还说明,这些字母作为序数及基数的算数值,各自代表三、一、四及一百[118] 。
两种语言都有喉音、区分的气音、增音以及附属性的字母。两种都是古老的语言,大洪水后二四二年,费尼乌斯·法赛在西纳尔平原[119]所创办的学院就开了这两种语言的课程。他是以色列民族的祖先挪亚的后裔;又是爱尔兰民族的祖先埃贝尔与赫里蒙的始祖[120]。用这两种语言写成的考古学的、系谱学的、圣徒传记学的、注释学的、布道术的、地名研究的、历史的以及宗教方面的著作,其中包括犹太法学博士和神仆团[ 121] 团员的著述:托拉、《塔木德》(《密西拿》和革马拉)[122]、马所拉本、《五经》[123] 、《牛皮书》、《巴利莫特书》[124]、《霍斯饰本》、《凯尔斯书》[125],记述这两个民族的离散:[126],受迫害,幸存,复兴。他们在犹太人区(圣玛丽亚修道院)[127]和弥撒馆(亚当与夏娃客栈)[ 128] 孤零零地举行犹大教或基督教仪式。根据惩戒法及犹太人服装令[ 129] ,两个民族均被禁止穿民族服装。复兴锡安的大卫王国[ 130]以及爱尔兰的政治自治或主权转移的可能性。
由衷呐喊音铿锵[ 131]。
从埃及碑铭的象形文字到希腊、罗马字母,足以追踪出逐渐变得单纯的迹象;还有楔形碑文(闪米特语[ 132] )和斜线号五肋骨形欧甘文字[133] (凯尔特语),具有近代速记术与电报符号之先驱的性质。
斯蒂芬是从视觉方面:有着传统的神人合一的基督[ 134]那种身姿。就像大马士革的约翰、罗马的伦图卢斯和隐修士伊皮凡尼乌斯所描述的那样,患了白癜风般的皮肤,一英尺半高的个儿,葡萄紫的头发。
布卢姆是从听觉方面:令人销魂的浩劫那传统的声调[135] 。
教会方面,罗马天主教会、英国圣公会或不从国教派[136]。典范为:耶稣会会长、十分可敬的约翰·康米神父、可敬的三一学院院长T·萨蒙神学博士、亚历山大·约·道维博士[137]。英国或爱尔兰律师业典范为:英国王室法律顾问西摩·布希,英国王室法律顾问鲁弗斯·伊塞克斯[ 138] 。剧坛,现代剧或莎士比亚戏剧。典范为:高雅的喜剧演员查理·温德姆,演莎士比亚戏剧的奥斯蒙·蒂尔利(卒于1901年)[139] 。
他希望关于一个行为的故事,并非他本人之所为,不应由他[141] 讲出来。
曾经发生过两次,在霍利斯街和翁塔利奥高台街[142] 。当他的女儿米莉森特(米莉)六岁和八岁时,曾在睡眠中吓得喊叫起来。两个穿睡衣的身影问她怎么啦?她却茫然地答以沉默表情。
一八八九年六月十五日。一个刚刚呱呱落地的脾气暴躁的女婴,哭哭啼啼,既导致又舒散充血性征候。这娃娃的外号叫“帕德尼·软鞋”[ 143] ,她咣当咣当地摇着攒钱罐,并数着父亲那三颗备用的便士硬币型纽扣:一呀,二呀,三。她把穿水手装的男小囝木偶丢掉了。尽管爹妈的头发都是深色的,她却继承了先辈的金发血统。古老的往昔,曾被诱奷,海瑙上尉[144] 先生,奥地利陆军;近因则是个幻觉,英国海军中的马尔维中尉。
他曾怎样利用人们为了图个吉祥而送给他们的祝贺新婚的礼物: (1)一只猫头鹰和(2)一座钟,供她玩赏,并使她蒙受教益?
他把它们作为实物教材,用以说明:(1)卵生动物的本性与习性,空中飞行的可能性,一种异常的视觉器官,世俗界用防腐药物保存尸体的方式。(2)体现于摆锤、齿轮与整时器上的钟摆的原理; 不动的针盘上那可移动的正转的长短指针在各个位置作为人或社会规范所包含的意义; 长针和短针每小时在同一倾斜度相遇的那一瞬间,也就是说,按照算术级数, 每小时超过5 5/11分的那一瞬间,每小时重复一次的精确性[146]。
她都记在心里了:当他过二十七岁生日的时候,她送给他一只早餐用的搪须杯,上面有着王冠图案,是仿照德比的瓷器[147]。她照料着。四季结帐日[148] 或这先后,倘若他并非为了她而去购买什么东西,她就对他的需要表示关心,并能预料到他的希望。她钦佩他。当他为了她[149]而对自然现象做了说明时,她立即表示一种期望:不经过逐渐掌握就获得他那科学知识的一鳞半爪,二分之一,四分之一,千分之一。
对客人来说,能有个安定的住处和僻静的用功场所。对男主人来说,有助于才智的年轻化,替身能给他带来满足[150]。对女主人来说,能摆脱胡思乱想, 学到正确的意大利发音。
何以一位客人与女主人之间可能有的几度机缘,并不排除一个同学和一个犹太人的女儿[151] 最终有可能永久地和睦结合,而且也不会被这种结合所排除?
他认不认识已故埃米莉·辛尼柯太太[152]? 一九0三年十月十四日,她因车祸死于悉尼广场车站。
过去的事是已经不可挽回的了。有一回艾伯特·亨格勒马戏团在都柏林市拉特兰广场的圆形建筑[153]里演出,一名富于机智的小丑身穿色彩斑驳的服装, 为了寻找乃父,竟走出马戏场,钻进观众席中,来到孤零零地坐着的布卢姆跟前,在大庭广众之下,向兴奋不已的观众公开宣称:他(布卢姆)是他(小丑)的爸爸。未来是不可预测的。一八九八年夏天,有一次他(布卢姆)在一枚弗洛林银币(值二先令)周围的饰纹上刻下三条道道,付给大运河查利蒙特林荫路一号的J与T. 戴维父子食品店,以便试验一下该货币经过市民钱财交易的流通过程,直接或间接地回到自己手中的可能性。
他强调了自己作为有意识、有理性的动物,从已知的世界演绎地向未知的世界前进的意义,以及作为有意识、有理性的反应者,介于不可避免地建立在不安定的虚空之上的大宇宙与小宇宙[ 154] 之间的意义。
他们是以怎样的先后顺序离开“为奴之家”[155] ,来到无人居住的旷野的,并举行了什么样的仪式呢?
念诵的是《诗篇》哪一纪念性篇章?是用哪段默祷[156] 作起句的?
关于宇宙日益扩大进化的冥想:新月期的月亮,即使在近地点[158] 也看不见。从地表向地轴挖掘纵深五千英尺的圆筒状垂直轴,一个观察者呆在轴底儿上,就连白昼也辨认得出那漫无止境、网络状、亮光闪闪、非凝结性的银河[159]。 天狼(大犬座阿尔法)距地球十光年(五七、000、000、000、000英里);体积大于地球九百倍;大角[160] ;岁差运动[161] ;有着“猎户”腰带、六倍于太阳的“伐二”以及星云的猎户座,星云中能容纳我们的一百个太阳系[162] ;死去的和新生的星宿,例如一九0 一年的那颗“新星”[163] 我们的太阳系正朝着武仙座冲去[164] ;所谓恒星的视差或视差移动[165] ,也就是说,实际上恒星是在不断地从无限遥远的太古朝无限遥远的未来移动着。相形之下,人的寿命充其量才七十年,不过是无限短暂的一段插曲而已。
在地球的层理[166] 留下记录的太古以来的地质时代。隐藏在大地的洞穴里和能移动的石头底下、蜂巢和土墩子中那无数微小的昆虫类的有机生物:微生物、病菌、细菌、杆菌、精子;凭着分子的亲和之凝聚力而粘在一根针尖上那几万几亿几兆个多不胜数、肉眼看不到的微小颗粒;人类的血浆是一个宇宙,群集着白血球和红血球,每个血球又各自形成一个空虚的宇宙空间,群集着其他球体;各个球体连续性地也是由可分割的构成体形成的宇宙,各个构成体又可以分割成为几个能够进一步分割的构成体。就这样,分子与分母实际上在并未分割的情况下就不断地减少了。如果这个过程延续到一定时候,就永远在任何地方也不会达到零。
因为几年前在一八八六年,当他埋头于探讨面积等于一个圆的正方形[167] 的问题时,他发现了一个数值的存在:倘若精确地计算到某种程度, 就能达到比方说九九乘九乘这样庞大的量值和位数[168] 。所得数字要用细字密密匝匝地印刷成三十三卷,每卷一千页。为了统统印刷完毕,就需要购入无数刀、无数令印度纸,整数值的位数便是一、十、百、千、万、十万、百万、千万、亿、十亿,一切级数的一切数字作为星云的核心,以简明的形式所包含的累乘的可能性推到了极限地、能动地开展的一切乘方的一切幂级数。
他认为那是另一范畴的难题。人体组织通常能够抗得住十九吨的气压[ 169] ,可是一旦在地球的大气层里上升到相当的高度,越是接近对流层与平流层的境界线,鼻孔出血、吸呼困难以及眩晕,随着算术级数就越发严重起来。他晓得这一点,寻求解答时就设想出这样一个难以证明是不可能的行之有效的假定:倘若换个更富于适应性,解剖学上的构造也有所不同的种族,说不定就能在火星、水星、金星、木星、土星、海王星或天王星那充足而相同的条件下生存下来。然而那个远地点[170] 的人类种族,尽管在构造方面与地球上的人类有着一定限度的不同之处,整个来说彼此却有着相似的种种形态。他们恐怕也和地球上的人类一样,会不肯舍弃那一成不变、无法分割的属性,也就是对空虚,对空虚的空虚,一切都是空虚[ 171]的执着。
显示出不同程度之生命力的缤纷色彩(白、浅黄、深红、朱红、银朱);诸星之亮度;一直包括到七等星、以等级标志的诸星之大小;诸星的位置;御夫座;沃尔辛厄姆路[172] ;大卫的战车[ 173] ;土星光环;螺旋星云凝固后形成有卫星的恒星群;两重大阳相互依存的旋转运动;伽利略、西蒙·马里乌斯[174] 、皮亚齐[175] 、勒威耶、赫歇耳、加勒[176] 等人各自独立地同时所做的发现;波得和开普勒所尝试的距离的立方与回转次数的平方的体系化[177] ;多毛的众彗星[178] 那几殆无限的被压缩性,以及自近日点至远日点那广漠的远心的重返大气层的椭圆轨道;陨石的恒星之起源;年纪较轻的天体观测者诞生的那个时期火星上所出现的“暗波”现象[ 179] ;每年在圣劳伦斯节(殉教者,八月十日)前后降落的陨石雨;每月都发生的所谓“新月抱旧月”现象[180] ;关于天体对人体的影响的假定;威廉·莎士比亚出生的时期,在斜倚却永不没落的仙后座那三角形上端,一颗不分昼夜散发着极亮光彩的星辰(一等星)出现了[ 181] (这是两个无光、死灭了的太阳因相撞并汞合为白热体而形成的灿烂的新太阳);大约在利奥波德·布卢姆出生时,出现在七星花冠星座里而后又消失了的一颗同一起源、亮度却稍逊的星宿(二等星)[ 182] ;还有约于斯蒂芬·迪达勒斯出生时,出现在仙女座中之后又消失,小鲁道尔夫·布卢姆出生与夭折数年后出现于御夫座后又消失,以及另外一些人出生或去世前前后后出现在许许多多其他星座中而又消失了的、(假定是)同一起源的(实际存在或假定存在的)星斗[ 183] 。日蚀及月蚀自隐蔽至复现的各种伴随现象:诸如风势减弱,影子推移,有翼者沉默下来,夜行或暮行动物的出现,冥界的光持续不减,地上的江河溪流之幽暗,人类之苍白。
她历史悠久:地球上连绵不断的世世代代存在之前她就存在,并将继续存在下去。她在夜间的优势。她作为卫星的依存性。她反射光的性能;起落盈亏,运行有常,恒久不变。她的容貌注定永不改变。她对不明确的讯问,都给以暧昧的答复。她能够支配潮汐涨落。她具有使人迷恋,心碎,赋予美,逼人发疯[184] ,煽动并助长人们为非作歹的种种本事。她的表情那么安详而秘不可测。她孑然一身,居高临下,毫不留情,光彩夺目,令人望而生畏,不敢挨近。她预示着暴风雨或天朗气清。她焕发出的光芒,她那一举一动与存在都给人以刺激。她的喷火口,她那枯竭的海,她的沉默,在在都发出警告。看得见时,她是何等光辉灿烂,看不见时,她又是何等富于魅力。
他们二人那起初有先有后,继而同时撤出去的尿的轨道并不相似。布卢姆的较长,滋得没那么冲,形状有点像那分叉的倒数第二个字母[185] ,却又有所不同。敢情,他念高中最后一年(一八八0) 的时候,曾有本事对抗全校二百十名学生拧成的那股力量,尿撒得比谁都高。斯蒂芬的尿滋得更冲,咝咝响得更欢势。由于头天最后几个钟头他喝了利尿物,膀胱持续地受到压迫。
布卢姆:过敏性、勃起、变硬挺直、松弛、大小、卫生、阴毛等等问题。斯蒂芬:受割礼的耶稣作为圣职者是否毫无缺陷的问题(一月一日乃是圣日,应该望弥撒,不得从事不必要的世俗劳动)[186] 。还有如何对待保存在卡尔卡塔的神圣罗马天主教使徒教会的肉体结婚戒指——神圣的包皮问题。应仅仅向它致以对圣母的最高崇敬呢,抑或该把它作为毛发、脚趾甲那样从神体上割下来的赘生物,对它致以第四级最高膜拜[187] ?
一颗星星从天顶上天琴座“织女一”越过后发星座[188] 的星群,明显地以高速度朝着黄道十二宫的狮子宫[189] 直冲过去。
极乐圣童贞之群高唱赞歌来迎尔[ 190]。
马丁·坎宁翰(在床上),杰克·鲍尔(在床上),西蒙·迪达勒斯(在床上),内德·兰伯特(在床上),汤姆·克南(在床上),乔·海因斯(在床上),约翰·亨利·门顿(在床上),伯纳德·利里根[ 192] (在床上),帕齐·迪格纳穆(在床上),帕狄·迪格纳穆(在墓中)。
星际空间的寒冷,冰点以下几千度或华氏、摄氏或列氏的绝对零度[194] ,即将迎来黎明的最早兆头。
在各种情况下,在不同的地方如今已经故去的伙伴们:珀西·阿普约翰(阵亡,在莫德尔河[195] )、菲利普·吉利根[196] (肺结核,殁于杰维斯街医院),马修·F. 凯恩[197](不慎淹死在都柏林港湾),菲利普·莫依塞尔[198] (脓血症,死在海蒂斯勃利街),迈克尔·哈特[199](肺结核,殁于仁慈圣母医院),帕特里克·迪格纳穆(脑溢血,殁于沙丘)。
最后三颗星的消失,曙光四射,一轮新的盘状太阳喷薄欲出[200] 。
一八八七年,有一次在基玛吉[210] 的卢克·多伊尔家玩猜哑剧字谜,时间拖得很长。这之后,他坐在一堵墙上,注视着东方——米兹拉赤[202] ,耐心地等待黎明景象的出现。
表示着类似、姿势、象征、间接证据和永久不变的证言等等意义[204] 。
一架立式钢琴(凯德拜牌[205] ),键盘露在外面。上顶盖关得严严实实,摆着一双淡黄色妇女用长手套,一只鲜绿色烟灰缸里是四根燃尽了的火柴,一根吸过一截的香烟,还有两截变了色的烟蒂。谱架上斜搭着一本《古老甜蜜的情歌》(G.克利夫顿·宾厄姆作词,詹·莱·莫洛伊配曲,安托瓦内特·斯特林[206]夫人演唱)G大调歌曲
他心情紧张地举着烛台,感到疼痛伸手摸了摸肿胀起来的右颞叶撞伤处。他全神贯注地凝视着那庞大笨重被动的和那细溜活泼主动的,又殷勤地弯下身去,把掀起来的地毯边儿舒展成原样。他兴致勃勃地记起玛拉基·穆利根博士的色彩计划,其中包括深浅有致的绿色[208] 。他又心怀喜悦之情重复着当时相互间的话语和动作,并通过内部种种感官,领悟着逐渐褪色所导致的温吞快感的舒散。
他从马略尔卡瓷面桌子上的一个敞着的盒子里取出个一英寸高、又小又黑的松果,将其圆底儿放在小小的锡盘上。然后把他的烛台摆在壁炉台右角上,从背心里掏出一张卷起来的简介(附有插图),题名“阿根达斯·内泰穆”[209] 。打开来,大致浏览了一下,又将它卷成细长的圆筒,在烛火上引燃了。于是,圆筒的火苗伸到松果尖端,直到后者发出红色火光;并将纸筒撂在烛台托子上,让剩下的那部分燃烧殆尽。
从小小火山那烧掉了尖儿的圆锥型火口,一股令人联想到东方香烟的垂直的蛇状熏烟袅袅上升[210] 。
还有竖纹的康尼马拉大理石[211] 做的座钟。这是马修·狄龙送的结婚礼物,它停在一八九六年三月二十一日上午四点四十六分上[212] 。透明的钟形罩子里是冰状结晶矮树盆景,那是卢克和卡罗琳·多伊尔[213] 送的结婚礼物。一只制成标本的猫头鹰,是市政委员约翰·胡珀[214] 送的结婚礼物。
丹尼斯·弗洛伦斯·麦卡锡[215] :《诗集》(第五页夹着古铜色椈叶状书签)。
《查理二世宫廷秘史》(红色布面精装,本色压印装帧)[ 216] 。
《儿童便览》(蓝色布面精装)[ 217]。
《我们的少年时代》,下议院议员威廉·奥布赖恩[218] 著(绿布面精装,有点褪了色,第217页夹了个信封以代替书签)。
《斯塔克·芒罗书信集》,阿·柯南道尔著[221]。这是卡佩尔街一0 六号的都柏林市立公共图书馆藏书,一九0 四年五月二十一日
(圣灵降临节前夕)借出,还书期限为一九0 四年六月四日,故已过期十三天(黑色布面精装,贴有白色的编码标签)。
《中国纪行》[222] ,“旅人”著(用褐色纸包了书皮,书名是用红墨水写的)。
《< 塔木德>[223]的哲学>(小册子合订本)。
《借方和贷方》[224] ,古斯塔夫·弗赖塔格著(黑色纸面精装,哥特字体[225] ,第二十四页夹了个香烟赠券,以代替书签)。
霍齐尔著《俄土战争史》(褐色布面精装,两卷集,封底贴有直布罗陀市总督步道要塞图书馆的标签[ 226] )。
《天文学指南》(褐色封面已脱落,附有五幅另纸印的插图,正文用老五号黑体字,作者脚注用六点活字,旁注用八点活字,标题用十二点活字[227] )。
《沿着太阳的轨道前进》[228] (淡黄色布面精装,缺内封,每一页上端都印有标题)。
《体力与健身术》(伦敦,1897),尤金·桑道[229] 著(红色布面精装)。
《简明几何学初步》,原著系由伊格内·帕迪斯用法语所写,伦敦神学博士约翰·哈利斯译为英语,由R. 纳普洛克印制,一七一一年出版于毕晓普斯·海德。内收有致译者之畏友查理·考克斯先生萨瑟克自治市所推选出来的下院议员)的书信体献辞。衬页上用刚健有力的钢笔字写明:此系迈克尔·加拉赫之藏书,日期为一八二二年五月十日,倘若遗失或下落不明,凡发现该书者,恳请将它退还给举世无双之美丽土地威克洛郡恩尼斯科西[230]达费里门的木工迈克尔·加拉赫为荷。
第一、为了锻炼记忆术。第二、因为犯了一阵健忘症之后,当他对着中央的桌子而坐,正要去查阅那部著作时,凭着记忆术他回想起了那次战斗的名称:普列文[231] 。
竖立在桌子中央的一座雕像那率真,裸体,姿势,安详,青春,优雅,性,劝告。这座纳希素斯像[232] 是从巴切勒步道九号的P. A. 雷恩拍卖行买来的。
他用两个手指捏起两星期零三天前(一九0 四年五月二十三日)横膈膜下左侧腹那因挨蜜蜂蛰而留下的伤痕周围的肉。尽管并不觉得痒,他却用左手这儿那儿地胡乱挠了挠全部洗净、只裸露出一部分的皮肤的点和面。他把左手伸进背心的左下兜,掏出一枚银币(一先令),又放了回去。(大概是)参加悉尼广场的埃米莉·辛尼柯太太[233] 的葬礼(一九0 三年十月十六日)时放进去的。
制订一九0 四年六月十六日的收支表。
支出 收入
镑 先令 便士 现金 镑 先令 便士
猪腰子(一副) 0 0 3 0 4 9
《自由人报》(一份) 0 0 1 《自由人报》 1 7 6
入浴及小费(一份) 0 1 6电车票 0 0 1 借款(斯蒂芬. 1 7 0
为帕特里克·迪格纳穆出奠仪(一份) 0 5 0
班伯里点心(两块) 0 0 1午饭 0 0 7续租书费(一本) 0 1 0一小包信纸信封(一份) 0 0 1 正餐和小费(一份) 0 2 0邮汇和邮票(一份) 0 2 8电车票 0 0 1猪脚(一只) 0 0 4羊蹄(一只) 0 0 3弗莱糕点铺的普 通巧克力(一片) 0 1 0 [234] 苏打方面包(一个) 0 0 4咖啡和圆面包(一份)0 0 4偿还借款(斯蒂芬·迪达勒斯) 1 7 0 结算余额 0 17 5
2 19 3 2 19 3
他感到脚心一个劲儿地隐隐作痛,就把脚伸到一旁,端详着脚由于一趟趟地朝不同的方向走来走去,受到挤压而磨出的皱皮、硬块和疖子。随后他弯下身去,解起打成结子的靴带:先掰搭钩,松开靴带,再一次一只只地脱下靴子[235]。右边那只短袜湿了一部分,大脚趾甲又把前面捅破并伸了出去,这下于便跟靴子分开了。他抬起右脚,摘下紫色的松紧袜带后,扒下右面那只袜子,将赤着的右脚放在椅屉儿上,用手指去撕扯长得挺长的大拇脚趾甲,并轻轻地把它拽掉,还举至到鼻子那儿, 嗅嗅自己肉体的气味,然后就心满意足地丢掉从趾甲上扯下来的这一碎片。
他并不想根据长子继承制、男子平分继承制或末子继承制[237] ,把那幢有着门房和马车道的男爵宅邪及其周围那一大片辽阔的英亩、路得和平方杆[238]法定土地面积单位,(估价为四十二英镑[239]的泥炭质牧场地,或者那座被描述为“都会中的田园[240]” 或“健康庄[242]”的有阳台的房子或一侧与邻屋相接的别墅,继承下来并永久占有。他只巴望根据私人合同购买一所继承人身分不受限制的不动产:要坐北朝南的一座草屋顶、有凉台的双层住宅,房顶上装起风向标以及与地面相接的避雷针,门廊上要爬满寄生植物(常春藤或五叶地锦),橄榄绿色的正门最后一道工序漆得漂漂亮亮,赛得过马车。门上有着精巧的黄铜装饰。房屋正面是灰泥墁的,屋檐和山墙涂着金色网眼花纹。尽可能让房子耸立在坡度不大的高台上,从那圈着石柱栏杆的阳台上,隔着现在空着、将来也不得占用的牧场地,可以聎望四周的一片好景致。单是自己的庭园,就有五、六英亩之谱。它与最近的公路的距离适度:夜晚从修剪得整整齐齐的鹅耳枥树篱上端和缝隙间,可以瞥见室内的灯光,从首都边界的任何地点丈量,与这所房子相距至少也有法定一英里。不出十五分钟[242] 就可以轰“电车或火车铁道沿线。(例如往南去登德鲁姆或往北去萨顿[243],就像是南北两极。经过验证,据说这两处气候都适合肺结核患者。)凭着继承人身分不受限制的不动产转让证拥有房屋和地基,租借期限为九百九十九年[244]。宅邸里包括一间有着凸窗(两扇尖头窗)的客厅(装有寒暑表),一间起居室,四间卧室,两间仆役室。砌了瓷砖的厨房里还安装了多用途的铁灶和洗涤台,休息厅里备有放亚麻布床单衬衫用的壁橱,分成几层的氨熏橡木书柜,放着《大英百科全书》和《新世纪辞典),横陈着一把把中世纪或东洋的古老刀剑;还有通知开饭的锣,雪花石膏做的灯,悬垂着的饰钵,附有电话号码簿的胶木自动电话听筒;手织的阿克斯明斯特地毯[245],是奶油色质地,周围镶着棋盘图案。有着兽爪形柱脚的牌桌。壁炉装着大型黄铜格栅,炉台上摆着精密的镀金计时表,准确无误地发出大教堂那样的钟声,附有湿度计的晴雨表,蒙着鲜红色长毛绒面子、装着上等弹簧、中心部位富于弹性的舒适的长靠椅和放在角落里的备用椅,日本式三扇屏风,痰盂(俱乐部里摆的那种,用深紫红色皮革制成,只要用亚麻子油和醋一擦,不费吹灰之力就能发出光泽,焕然一新。)室中央悬挂一盏金字塔式枝形吊灯,射出灿烂的光辉。一截弯木上栖着一只驯顺得能停在手指上的鹦鹉(它吐字文雅),墙上糊着每打价为十先令的压花壁纸,印着胭脂红色垂花横纹图案,顶端是带状装饰;一连三段栎木楼梯,接连两次拐成直角,都用清漆涂出清晰的木纹,梯级、登板、起柱、栏杆和扶手,一律用护板来加固并涂上含樟脑的蜡;浴室里有冷热水管,盆汤、淋浴,设备俱全。位于平台[246]上的厕所里,长方形窗子上嵌着一块毛玻璃,带盖的坐式抽水马桶,壁灯,黄铜拉链和把手,两侧各放着凭肘几和脚凳,门内侧还挂有艺术气息浓厚的油画式石版画。另外还有一间普通的厕所;厨师、打杂的女仆和兼做些细活的女佣的下房里也分别装有保健卫生设备(仆役的工钱每两年递增两英镑,并根据一般忠诚勤劳保险,每年年底发奖金一英镑,对工龄满三十年者,按照六十五岁退职的规定,发退职金);餐具室、配膳室、食品库、冷藏库、主楼外的厨房及贮藏室等、堆煤柴用的地窨子里还有个葡萄酒窖(不起泡、亮光闪闪的葡萄酒),这是为宴请贵宾吃正餐(身穿夜礼服)时预备的。对整座楼房都供应一氧化碳瓦斯。
进城的时候,就从最合适的中间站或终点站搭乘频频往返的火车或电车。下乡的时候,就骑老式脚踏车,挂有柳条编的车斗的无链飞轮跑车,要么就是牲口拉的车,柳条车身的二轮轻便驴车或是脚步矫健飞快的短腿壮马(骗过的灰斑栗毛马,身高十四掌尺[ 249] )所拉的时髦的四轮轻便马车。
布卢姆庄。圣利奥波得[250] 府。弗罗尔公馆。
一八八0年在高中就读时,他曾向少年珀西·阿普约翰吐露自己对爱尔兰(新教)教会的教义所持的怀疑。一八六五年,他父亲鲁道尔夫·维拉格(后改名鲁道尔夫·布卢姆)在“向犹大人传布基督教协会”的劝告下,放弃了对犹太教的信仰,脱离了该教派,改信新教。一八八八年为了能够结成婚,他又放弃了新教,皈依罗马天主教。一八八二年,他和丹尼尔·马格雷恩与弗朗西斯·韦德之间结下了青春时期的友谊(由于前者过早地移居外国而告终)。晚间散步时,他曾向那两人表示拥护开拓殖民地(例如加拿大)的政治理论,并赞成查尔斯·达尔文在《人类的由来》[255]和《物种起源》中所阐述的进化论。一八八五年,他公开表示支持詹姆斯·芬坦·拉勒、约翰·费希尔,默里、约翰·米哈伊、詹·弗·泽·奥布赖恩[256]以及其他人所倡导的集体的国民经济计划,迈克尔·达维特的农业方针,查理·斯图尔特。巴涅尔(科克市选出的下院议员)那符合宪法程序的煽动[257]威廉·尤尔特·格莱斯顿(北不列颠米德洛锡安[258]所选出的下院议员)的和平、紧缩与改革的方案。为了拥护其政治信念,他爬上诺桑勃兰德公路旁的一棵树,呆在杈桠间一个安全所在,观看了由两万名持火把者组成的游行队伍。游行者分作一百二十个同业公会,其中两千个持火把者护送着里彭侯爵[259]与约翰·莫利[260] (于一八八八年二月二日[261])进入首都。
在阿斯科特举办的全国障碍赛马(平地或越野赛)一英里或数英里英浪[262]的比赛中,下午三点八分(格林威治标准时间),一匹“黑马”以五十博一获胜。这一比赛结果由私设的无线电信机用一点一划相间的莫尔斯电码发报,下午两点五十九分(邓辛克[263]标准时间)在都柏林收到电文,根据这一情报可从事赌博。意外地发现一样非常值钱的东西:宝石,贵重的带胶邮票或盖了戳的邮票(七先令,淡紫色,无齿孔,汉堡,一八六六[264];四便士,玫瑰色,蓝地上有齿孔,英国,一八五五[265]; 一法郎,黄褐色,官方印制,刻有骑缝孔的,斜着盖有加价印记,卢森堡,一八七八[266] 。古代王朝的戒指,稀世遗宝,在不同寻常的地方或以不同寻常的方式出现:从天而降(飞鹰丢下的),借着一场火(在焚毁成焦炭的大厦灰烬当中,大海里(在漂流物、失事船只的丢弃物、系上浮标投下水的货物以及无主物当中),在地面上(在食用禽的胗里)。接受一位西班牙囚犯所赠的遗产:那是一百年前从远方带来的财宝或硬币或金银块,以年五分的复利存入有偿付能力的银行后,总额连本带利己达英币五百万镑正。与一个粗心的订约者签订一份商业合同:作为三十二件商品的运送费,第一件只收四分之一便士,自第二件起,以二的几何级数递增(四分之一便士,二分之一便士,一便士,二便士,四便士,八便士,一先令四便士,二先令八便士,一直递增到第三十二件[ 267] )。根据概率法则的研究而运用周密的赌博技术,足以使蒙特卡洛的赌场主破产[268] 。解决世上自古以来留下的难题:作与圆等积的正方形,并赢得政府颁发的一百万英镑奖金[269] 。
靠桔园和瓜地的栽培以及重新造林来开发多少狄纳穆[270] 荒芜的砂质土地,参看柏林西十五区布莱布特留的移民垦殖公司的说明书。有效地利用废纸、水老鼠的毛皮、人粪中所包含的各种化学成分。值得注意的是第一样东西产量极大,第二样数量庞大,第三样无穷无尽,因为有着一般体力与食欲的正常人即使刨掉液体副产物,每个人每年排泄的总量也仍达八十磅(动物性及植物性食品相混杂),乘以4,386,035[271] 即可(根据一九0一年所做的普查表统计的爱尔兰人口总数)。
有个建造水力发电厂的计划:利用都柏林沙洲的满潮、噗啦呋咔[ 272] 或鲍尔斯考特瀑布[273] 的水位差、主要河流的流域来开发白煤(水力发电),经济生产五十万水马力的电力。拟好后,将提交港湾委员会,以便获得批准。筑一道堤坝,把多利山的北公牛那半岛状三角洲圈起[274],用来修高尔夫球场和步熗打靶场,前面那片地上铺一条柏油散步路,两侧是赌博场、货摊、射击练习室、旅馆、公寓、阅览室和男女混合浴池。清晨计划使用狗车和山羊车送牛奶。为了发展都柏林市内和左近的爱尔兰旅游交通,计划建造一批内河汽轮,行驶于岛桥与林森德之间。大型游览汽车,窄轨地方铁道以及沿岸游览汽船(每人每日十先令,包括一位能操三国语言的导游)。为了恢复爱尔兰各条水路的旅客及货运,订立疏浚海底海藻计划。另计划铺一条电车道把牲畜市场(北环路和普鲁士街)和码头(下谢里夫街和东堤坝)连接起来[275]。这条电车道和(作为大南部与大西部铁道线的延长)将从利菲联轨点的牲畜牧地铺设到北堤坝四十三至四十五号大西部中区铁路终点站与连接线是平行的。附近有大中央铁路、英国中部铁路、都柏林市班轮公司、兰开夏[276]- 约克郡铁道公司、都柏林-格拉斯哥班轮船公司、格拉斯哥-都柏林- 敦德里[277]班轮公司(莱尔德航线)、英国-爱尔兰班轮公司、都柏林-莫克姆轮船[278]、伦敦-西北铁道公司等的终点站或都柏林分店;都柏林港码头管理处卸货棚,帕尔格雷夫-墨菲公司的船主们和来自地中海、西班牙、葡萄牙、法国、比利时和荷兰的轮船公司那些代理人的临时堆栈,还有利物浦海上保险协会的临时堆栈。运输牲畜所需全部车辆[279]以及额外里程由都柏林市联合电车(股份有限)公司经营管理,费用由畜牧业者负担。
维尔·福斯特[ 283]的习字帖一册,系米莉(米莉森特)的所有物,其中几页上画着题为“爹爹”的图形。画面上是一颗球状大脑袋,竖着五根头发,侧脸上有一双眼睛。胴体则朝着正面,有三颗大纽扣,长着一只三角形的脚。两张褪色的照片:英国的亚历山德拉王后[ 284]和莫德·布兰斯科姆[285] ,女演员和职业性美人。一张圣诞节贺片[ 286],上面是一棵寄生植物[287]的图,米斯巴的传说[288] ,日期为一八九二年的圣诞节,寄贺片者为M·科默福德先生暨夫人[289] 。短诗是:“愿圣诞节带给你,快乐、平安与喜庆。”一小截快融化了的红色火漆,是从戴姆街八十九、九十和九十一号[290] 希利先生股份有限公司的门市部买的。从同一商店的同一门市部买来的十二打J 牌镀金粗钢笔尖[291],盒子里装着用剩下的部分。旧沙钟[292] 一架,随着边旋转边往下漏的沙子而转动。利奥波德·布卢姆写于一八八六年的一份火漆封印的预言(从未拆封),是关于威廉·尤尔特·格莱斯顿[293]于一八八六年提出的自治法案(从未获得通过)通过后的前景的。在圣凯文举行的慈善义卖会[294] 入场券,第二00四号,价格六便士,为中彩者备有一百个奖品。幼儿写的一封信,写明了日期,星期一(首字小写),内容如下:“爹爹”(首字大写),逗点,“你好吗”(首字大写),问号。“我”(大写)“很好”。句点。另起段。署名:“米莉”(首字是花体大写),未加句点。贝制饰针一枚,上有浮雕。本属于爱琳·布卢姆(原姓希金斯),已故[295] 。三封打字信,收信人为:亨利·弗罗尔,韦斯特兰横街邮政局转交;发信人为:玛莎·克利弗德,海豚仓巷邮政局收转。三信的发信人住址姓名被改写为字母交互逆缀式、附有句号、分作四行的密码(元音字母略之)如下:N·IGS·/WI·UU·OX/W·OKS·MH/Y·IM·[296]英国周刊《现代社会》[297]的一张剪报:《论女学校中的体罚》。一截粉红色缎带,这是一八九九年系在一颗复活节彩蛋上的。从伦敦市内西区查林十字路邮政局三十二号信箱邮购来的两只有些松软的橡胶保险套,附有备用袋。一叠有着奶油色直纹的信封,配以带淡格子线的水印信笺,原是一打,已少了三份。几枚成套的奥一匈硬币。两张匈牙利皇家特许彩票[298]。一架低倍数的放大镜。两张色情照片卡。上面印有:(甲)裸体小姐[299](背面,上位)与裸体斗牛士(正面,下位)之间的口唇性交图。(乙)男修士(衣裤齐全,两眼俯视)对修女(半裸体,正视)进行鸡奸图。从伦敦市内西区查林十字路邮政局三十二号信箱邮购来的。一张剪报:将旧黄皮靴整旧如新的诀窍。一张一便士的带胶邮票,淡紫色,维多利亚女王时代的[300] 。利奥波德·布卢姆的体格检查表一张。他曾连日使用桑道[301]一惠特利式拉力健身器(成人用十五先令,运动员用二十先令)达两个月之久。这是便用之前、使用期间以及使用之后记录下来的。分别为:胸围二十八英寸和二十九英寸半,上臂围九英寸和十英寸,下臂围八英寸半和九英寸,大腿十英寸和十二英寸,腿肚子十一英寸和十二英寸。“神奇露”的功效说明书一张。是关于世界首屈一指的直肠病特效药“神奇露”的,该药由坐落在伦敦东部中央区南广场考文垂馆内的神奇露社直接办理邮购。收信人的姓名[302] 是“利·布卢姆太太”,同封的短笺上,抬头写的是:“亲爱的夫人”。
多得很。来自神职人员、英国海军军官、知名作家、实业家、医院的护士、贵夫人、五个孩子的母亲及心神恍惚的乞丐[303] 。
文件:利奥波德·保拉[307] ·布卢姆的出生证。苏格兰遗孀基金人寿保险公司[308] 的养老保险单一纸,受保险人米莉森特(米莉)·布卢姆年满二十五岁时生效;根据受益证书,年届六十或死亡,付四百三十英镑;年届六十五或死亡,付四百六十二英镑十先令;更年长时死亡,则付五百英镑。也可根据选择,接受二百九十九英镑十先令的受益证书(款额付讫)以及一百三十三英镑十先令的现金。厄尔斯特银行学院草地分行[309] 的储蓄存折一本,记载着一九0三年十二月三十一日截止的下半期结算存款余额,即帐户的现金余额为十八英镑十四先令六便士,个人动产全额。持有加拿大政府所发行年利率四分(记名)的九百英镑国库债券(豁免印花税)的证书。天主教墓地(葛拉斯涅文)委员会的购买茔地的收据。刊登在地方报纸上的启事的剪报,系有关变更姓氏的单方盖章生效的证书。
鲁道尔夫·维拉格与他父亲利奥波德·维拉格的一帧模糊的合影,是一八五二年于匈牙利塞斯白堡在斯蒂芬·维拉格(分别为他们的第一代嫡堂兄弟和第二代隔房堂兄弟[310] 的银板照相室里拍摄的。)一部古老的《哈加达》书[311] ,逾越节的礼拜祭文中感谢经那一页夹着一副玳瑁架老花眼镜。一张照片明信片,画面上是鲁道尔夫·布卢姆所开的恩尼斯镇皇后饭店[312] 。一个信封,收信人是:我亲爱的儿子利奥波德[313] 启。
自从我收到……明天就是一个星期了……利奥波德,那是徒劳无益的……跟你亲爱的母亲……再也忍受不下去了……到她那里去……对我来说,一切都完啦……利奥波德,要爱护阿索斯[314] ……我亲爱的儿子……永远……关于我……心……天主……你的[ 315] ……
跟原来笃信同一宗教、又属于同一国度的那些极端抽象而又无比具体、重商主义的人们举行周会[316] 后,禁止在会餐的席间同时食用兽肉和奶;为男婴行割礼;犹太经典的超自然特性;应当避讳的四个神圣的字母[317] ;安息日的神圣。
依次下降到奴隶阶级的最底层。贫困方面:做沿街叫卖的人造宝石小贩,讨倒账、荒帐的,济贫税、地方税代理收税员。行乞方面:欺诈成性的破产者,对每一英磅的欠款只有一先令四便士的微乎其微的偿还能力者,广告人,撒传单的,夜间的流浪汉,巴结求宠的谄媚者,缺胳膊短腿的水手,双目失明的青年,为法警跑腿的老朽[318],宴会乞丐,舔盘子的,专扫人兴的,马屁精,撑着一把捡来的、净是窟窿的伞,坐在公园的长凳上,成为公众笑料的怪人。潦倒方面:位于基尔曼哈姆[319] 的养老院(皇家医院)的住院患者。住在辛普森医院的病人:因患痛风症及失明永远丧失生活能力的落魄而有身份者。悲惨的最下层:老迈、无能、丧失了公民权、靠救济金维持生活[320] 、奄奄一息、精神错乱的贫民。
这对男女结合后,增加并繁殖[321] ,从而生养了后代,并已长大成人。双方如果不分离,势必为了增加并繁殖而重新结合,这是荒谬的,借着重新结合来形成原先结合的那一对配偶,那是不可能的。
莫霍尔的断崖[322] ,康尼马拉那多风的荒野[ 323] ,淹没了一座化石城市的拉夫·尼格湖[324] ,巨人堤道[325],卡姆登要塞和卡莱尔要塞[326] ,蒂珀雷里的黄金峡谷[327] ,阿伦群岛[ 328] ,王家米斯郡[329] ,布里奇特那棵基尔代尔的榆树[330] ,贝尔法斯特的皇后岛造船厂[331],蛙鱼飞跃[332] 和基拉尼的湖区[ 333] 。
锡兰(有着香料园,向伦敦市内东区明欣巷二号的帕尔布卢克- 罗伯逊公司的代理店、都柏林市戴姆街五号的托马斯·克南供应红茶),圣城耶路撒冷(有着莪默清真寺和大马士革门——众心所向往的目的地)[334] ,直布罗陀海峡(玛莉恩·特威迪的无与伦比的出生地),帕台农神庙[335] (供奉着希腊神明的裸体塑像),华尔街金融市场(支配着世界金融),西班牙拉利内阿的托罗斯广场(卡梅隆的约翰·奥哈拉在这里打死过一头公牛)[336],尼亚加拉瀑布(没有人曾安然无恙地跨过它)[337] ,爱斯基摩人(食肥皂者)的土地,被禁之国西藏(从来没有一个旅人回来过)[ 338] ,那布勒斯海湾(去看它就等于去送命)[339],死海。
“普通人”的朋友们,素昧平生的人们所给予的荣誉和礼物。永生的宁芙,一个美女,“无人”的新娘子[343] 。
在任何地方,任何情况下,这位离去者[344] 也永远不会重新出现了吗?
他会迫使自己朝着他的替星轨道之极限永远流浪,越过诸恒星、一颗颗变光的星和只有用望远镜才能看到的诸行星以及那些天文学上的漂泊者和迷路者从众多民族当中穿过,经历各种事件,从一个国家走到另一个国家,奔向空间尽头的边界。不知在什么地方,他依稀听见了召唤他回去的声音。于是,就有点儿不大情愿地、在恒星的强制下服从了。这样,他从北冕星座那儿消失了踪影,不知怎么一来,他再生了,并重新出现在仙后星座的“德尔塔”[345]上空。在无限世纪的漫游之后,成为一个从异邦返回的复仇者,秉公惩戒歹徒者,怀着阴暗心情的十字军战士[346] ,甦醒了的沉睡者[347] ,其拥有的财富超过罗斯柴尔德[348]或白银国王[349] (假定如此)。
时间迟晏,使人犹豫拖延;夜间太黑,遮住视线;大街上不安定,充满危险;休息的需要,阻碍了行动;睡着人的床就近在咫尺,用不着去寻觅;对那被(衬衣被单)的冰凉缓解了的(人的)温暖的期待,排除了某种欲望,又挑起另一种欲望;纳希素斯的雕像,没有“回音”的音响[350] ,渴求的欲望。
准备早餐(燔祭)[351] ,肠内装满以及预先想到的排便(至圣所)[352] ,洗澡(约翰的仪式)[353] ,葬礼(撒姆耳的仪式)[ 354] ,亚历山大·凯斯的广告(火与真理)[355] ,不丰盛的午餐(麦基洗德)[ 356] ,访问博物馆和国立图书馆(神圣的地方)[357] ,沿着贝德福德路、商贾拱廊[358] ,韦林顿码头搜购书籍(喜哉法典)[359] ,奥蒙德饭店里的音乐(歌中之歌[360] )。在伯纳德·卡南的酒吧里与横蛮无理的穴居人[361] 吵嘴(燔祭)。包括一段空白时间:乘马车到办丧事的家[362]去以及一次诀别(旷野)[363] 。女人的裸露癖所引起的性冲动(俄南[364] )。米娜·普里福伊那时间拖得很长的分娩(奉献祭物的礼拜式[365] )。造访下蒂龙街八十三号贝拉·科恩太太开的妓院,随后在比弗街争吵起来,又有一场偶然发生的混战(大决战[366] )。夜间漫步到巴特桥的马车夫棚,又走了回来(赎罪)[ 367] 。
纹理歪斜的桌子那毫无感觉的木材会突然发出短促而尖锐、只能听到而看不到、高亢而寂寥的喀嚓声的来由[368] 。
那个穿胶布雨衣的人[369] 是谁?
烛火熄灭时摩西在哪里[370] ?
布卢姆一边走着[371] ,一边默默地一桩桩历数在完整的一天当中未能完成的哪些事情?
一时的失败:没能拿到续订广告的契约,没能从托马斯·克南食品店(伦敦市东中区明欣巷二号帕尔布卢克- 鲁宾逊公司驻都柏林市戴姆街五号的代理店)里买些茶叶,没能搞清楚希腊女神后身有无直肠口,没能弄到一张班德曼·帕默夫人在欢乐剧场(国王南街四十六、四十七、四十八、四十九号)公演《丽亚》[372]的门票(赠送或购买)。
一双崭新、没有气味、半丝质的黑色女长筒袜,一副紫罗兰色新袜带,一条印度细软薄棉布做的大号女衬裤,剪裁宽松,散发着苦树脂、素馨香水和穆拉蒂牌土耳其香烟的气味,还别着一根锃亮的钢质长别针,折叠成曲线状。一件镶着薄花边的短袖麻纱衬衣,一条蓝纹绸百褶衬裙。这些衣物都胡乱放在一只长方形箱盖上:四边用板条钉牢,四角是双层的,贴着五颜六色的标签,正面用白字写有首字B. C. T(布赖恩·库珀·特威迪)。
假定马尔维[373]是那一连串当中的头一个,接着是彭罗斯、巴特尔·达西[374] 、古德温教授[375] 、马斯添斯基[376] 、约翰、亨利·门顿[377]、伯纳德·科里根神父[378] 、皇家都柏林协会马匹展示会上的那位农场主[379]、马戈特·奥里利[380]、马修·狄龙[381] 、瓦伦丁·布莱克·狄龙[ 382](都柏林市市长)、克里斯托弗·卡里南[383] 、利内翰[384] 、某意大利轮擦提琴手[ 385] 、欢乐剧场里的那位素昧平生的绅士[386] 、本杰明·多拉德[ 387]、西蒙·迪达勒斯、安德鲁(精明鬼)·伯克[388] 、约瑟夫·卡夫[389]、威兹德姆·希利[390] 、市政委员约翰·胡珀[391] 、弗朗西斯·布雷迪大夫[392]、阿古斯山的塞巴斯蒂安神父[393] 、邮政总局的某擦鞋匠[ 394] 、休·E.(布莱泽斯)·博伊兰以及其他等等,直到无限[395] 。
鉴于那是:(甲)一九0 三年九月在伊登码头五号的兼营服饰用品业的裁缝乔治·梅西雅斯[396] 的店里结识以来的熟人;(乙)当事人献了殷勤,接受下来了,并报以同样的殷勤,对方也亲自接受了;(丙)年纪较轻,容易野心勃勃或宽宏大量,同行间的利他行为或出于爱恋的利己之举。(丁)不同种族之间的吸引,同一种族之间的相互抑制,超种族的特权;(戊)即将到外省去举行一次巡回音乐会。挑费平摊,纯收益平分。
暗杀是绝对不可行的,因为以恶报恶是得不出善的。持武器来决斗,要不得。离婚嘛,现在时机未到。用机械装置(自动床)[397],或个人的证言(隐伏的目击者)予以暴露,那还不到时候。靠法律的力量控诉,要求赔偿损害,也就是说,自称被袭击甚至受到伤害(自伤),从而做伪证,这都并非不可能[398] 。倘若可能,断然予以默许,并准备与之抗争(物质上,对手是兴隆的广告代理商;精神上,对手是成功的私通代理商),轻视,疏远,屈辱以至分居(一方面保护仳离者,同时又从双方手下保护那个仳离仲裁者)。
地球的东西两半球所有已勘探或未勘探过的那些适于居住的陆地及岛屿(午夜的太阳之国[401] 、幸福岛[402] 、希腊的各个岛屿[403]、被应许的土地[404]上,到处都是脂肪质女性臀部后半球;散发出奶与蜜以及分泌性血液与精液的温暖香气,令人联想到古老血统的丰满曲线,既不喜怒无常,也不故意闹别扭,显示出沉默而永远不变的成熟的动物性。这一切所激起的满足感。
就听者而言,在生育上受到了限制。因为结婚仪式是她过了十八岁生日(一八七0 年九月八日)一个月之后,即十月八日举行的,当天同衾;其实同年九月十日二人己提前发生完全的肉体关系,包括往女性天然器官内射精[406] ;一八八九年六月十五日生下一女。最后一次同房是一八九三年十一月二十六日,那是第二胎(唯一的子嗣)于一八九三年十二月二十九日出生的五周前,而此婴生后十一天即夭折。以后的十年五个月十八天期间,一直未发生完全的肉体关系,再也未往女性天然的器官内射精。就讲者而言,身心两方面的活动力均受到了限制。因为自从一九①三年九月十五日讲者与听者之间所生女儿初次来了月经,标志着青春期的到来,夫妻之间即未再有精神上的完全的交往。从此,两个成熟的女子(听者与女儿)之间,在本人并不理解的情况下,先天地自然地建立了相互理解。其结果,九个月零一天的时间里,在讲者与听者之间的完全的肉体行动自由受到了限制。
听者:半朝左横卧着,左手托头,右腿伸直,架在蟋起来的左腿上,那姿势活像是该亚- 忒耳斯[407] ,饱满而慵懒,大腹便便,孕育着种子。讲者:朝左横卧着,双腿蜷曲,右手的食指与拇指按着鼻梁,恰似珀西·阿普约翰所抓拍的一张快照上那个疲倦的娃娃人——子宫内的娃娃人的姿势。
水手辛伯达[408] 、裁缝廷伯达[409] 、狱卒金伯达、捕鲸者浑伯达、制钉工人宁伯达、失败者芬伯达、掏船肚水者宾伯达[410]、桶匠频伯达[411] 、邮寄者明伯达、欢呼者欣伯达、咒骂者林伯达、菜食主义者丁伯达[412] 、畏惧者温伯达[413] 、赛马赌徒凌伯达、水手兴伯达。
到黑暗的床上去的时候,有一颗水手辛伯达那神鹰[ 414] 的方圆形海雀[415] 蛋。那是亮昼男暗伯达所有那些神鹰的海雀们的夜晚之床。


等级: 内阁元老
举报 只看该作者 46楼  发表于: 2012-12-24 0

In what order of precedence, with what attendant ceremony was the exodus from the house of bondage to the wilderness of inhabitation effected?
Lighted Candle in Stick borne by
Diaconal Hat on Ashplant borne by
With what intonation secreto of what commemorative psalm?
The 113th, modus peregrinus: In exitu Isra?l de Egypto: domus Jacob de populo barbaro.
What did each do at the door of egress?
Bloom set the candlestick on the floor. Stephen put the hat on his head.
For what creature was the door of egress a door of ingress?
For a cat.
What spectacle confronted them when they, first the host, then the guest, emerged silently, doubly dark, from obscurity by a passage from the rere of the house into the penumbra of the garden?
The heaventree of stars hung with humid nightblue fruit.
With what meditations did Bloom accompany his demonstration to his companion of various constellations?
Meditations of evolution increasingly vaster: of the moon invisible in incipent lunation, approaching perigee: of the infinite lattiginous scintillating uncondensed milky way, discernible by daylight by an observer placed at the lower end of a cylindrical vertical shaft 5000 ft deep sunk from the surface towards the centre of the earth: of Sirius (alpha in Canis Major) 10 lightyears (57,000,000,000,000 miles) distant and in volume 900 times the dimension of our planet: of Arcturus: of the precession of equinoxes: of Orion with belt and sextuple sun theta and nebula in which 100 of our solar systems could be contained: of moribund and of nascent new stars such as Nova in 1901: of our system plunging towards the constellation of Hercules: of the parallax or parallactic drift of socalled fixed stars, in reality evermoving from immeasurably remote eons to infinitely remote futures in comparison with which the years, threescore and ten, of allotted human life formed a parenthesis of infinitesimal brevity.
Were there obverse meditations of involution increasingly less vast?
Of the eons of geological periods recorded in the stratifications of the earth: of the myriad minute entomological organic existences concealed in cavities of the earth, beneath removable stones, in hives and mounds, of microbes, germs, bacteria, bacilli, spermatozoa: of the incalculable trillions of billions of millions of imperceptible molecules contained by cohesion of molecular affinity in a single pinhead: of the universe of human serum constellated with red and white bodies, themselves universes of void space constellated with other bodies, each, in continuity, its universe of divisible component bodies of which each was again divisible in divisions of redivisible component bodies, dividends and divisors ever diminishing without actual division till, if the progress were carried far enough, nought nowhere was never reached.
Why did he not elaborate these calculations to a more precise result?
Because some years previously in 1886 when occupied with the problem of the quadrature of the circle he had learned of the existence of a number computed to a relative degree of accuracy to be of such magnitude and of so many places, e.g., the 9th power of the 9th power of 9, that, the result having been obtained, 33 closely printed volumes of 1000 pages each of innumerable quires and reams of India paper would have to be requisitioned in order to contain the complete tale of its printed integers of units, tens, hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions, billions, the nucleus of the nebula of every digit of every series containing succinctly the potentiality of being raised to the utmost kinetic elaboration of any power of any of its powers.
Did he find the problem of the inhabitability of the planets and their satellites by a race, given in species, and of the possible social and moral redemption of said race by a redeemer, easier of solution?
Of a different order of difficulty. Conscious that the human organism, normally capable of sustaining an atmospheric pressure of 19 tons, when elevated to a considerable altitude in the terrestrial atmosphere suffered with arithmetical progression of intensity, according as the line of demarcation between troposphere and stratosphere was approximated, from nasal hemorrhage, impeded respiration and vertigo, when proposing this problem for solution he had conjectured as a working hypothesis which could not be proved impossible that a more adaptable and differently anatomically constructed race of beings might subsist otherwise under Martian, Mercurial, Veneral, Jovian, Saturnian, Neptunian or Uranian sufficient and equivalent conditions, though an apogean humanity of beings created in varying forms with finite differences resulting similar to the whole and to one another would probably there as here remain inalterably and inalienably attached to vanities, to vanities of vanities and all that is vanity.
And the problem of possible redemption?
The minor was proved by the major.
Which various features of the constellations were in turn considered?
The various colours significant of various degrees of vitality (white, yellow, crimson, vermilion, cinnabar): their degrees of brilliancy: their magnitudes revealed up to and including the 7th: their positions: the waggoner's star: Walsingham way: the chariot of David: the annular cinctures of Saturn: the condensation of spiral nebulae into suns: the interdependent gyrations of double suns: the independent synchronous discoveries of Galileo, Simon Marius, Piazzi, Le Verrier, Herschel, Galle: the systematisations attempted by Bode and Kepler of cubes of distances and squares of times of revolution: the almost infinite compressibility of hirsute comets and their vast elliptical egressive and reentrant orbits from perihelion to aphelion: the sidereal origin of meteoric stones: the Libyan floods on Mars about the period of the birth of the younger astroscopist: the annual recurrence of meteoric showers about the period of the feast of S. Lawrence (martyr, 10 August): the monthly recurrence known as the new moon with the old moon in her arms: the posited influence of celestial on human bodies: the appearance of a star (1st magnitude) of exceeding brilliancy dominating by night and day (a new luminous sun generated by the collision and amalgamation in incandescence of two nonluminous exsuns) about the period of the birth of William Shakespeare over delta in the recumbent neversetting constellation of Cassiopeia and of a star (2nd magnitude) of similar origin but lesser brilliancy which had appeared in and disappeared from the constellation of the Corona Septentrionalis about the period of the birth of Leopold Bloom and of other stars of (presumably) similar origin which had (effectively or presumably) appeared in and disappeared from the constellation of Andromeda about the period of the birth of Stephen Dedalus, and in and from the constellation of Auriga some years after the birth and death of Rudolph Bloom, junior, and in and from other constellations some years before or after the birth or death of other persons: the attendant phenomena of eclipses, solar and lunar, from immersion to emersion, abatement of wind, transit of shadow, taciturnity of winged creatures, emergence of nocturnal or crepuscular animals, persistence of infernal light, obscurity of terrestrial waters, pallor of human beings.
His (Bloom's) logical conclusion, having weighed the matter and allowing for possible error?
That it was not a heaventree, not a heavengrot, not a heavenbeast, not a heavenman. That it was a Utopia, there being no known method from the known to the unknown: an infinity, renderable equally finite by the suppositions probable apposition of one or more bodies equally of the same and of different magnitudes: a mobility of illusory forms immobilised in space, remobilised in air: a past which possibly had ceased to exist as a present before its future spectators had entered actual present existence.
Was he more convinced of the esthetic value of the spectacle?
Indubitably in consequence of the reiterated examples of poets in the delirium of the frenzy of attachment or in the abasement of rejection invoking ardent sympathetic constellations or the frigidity of the satellite of their planet.
Did he then accept as an article of belief the theory of astrological influences upon sublunary disasters?
It seemed to him as possible of proof as of confutation and the nomenclature employed in its selenographical charts as attributable to verifiable intuition as to fallacious analogy: the lake of dreams, the sea of rains, the gulf of dews, the ocean of fecundity.
What special affinities appeared to him to exist between the moon and woman?
Her antiquity in preceding and surviving successive tellurian generations: her nocturnal predominance: her satellitic dependence: her luminary reflection: her constancy under all her phases, rising, and setting by her appointed times, waxing and waning: the forced invariability of her aspect: her indeterminate response to inaffirmative interrogation: her potency over effluent and refluent waters: her power to enamour, to mortify, to invest with beauty, to render insane, to incite to and aid delinquency: the tranquil inscrutability of her visage: the terribility of her isolated dominant implacable resplendent propinquity: her omens of tempest and of calm: the stimulation of her light, her motion and her presence: the admonition of her craters, her arid seas, her silence: her splendour, when visible: her attraction, when invisible.
What visible luminous sign attracted Bloom's, who attracted Stephen's gaze?
In the second storey (rere) of his (Bloom's) house the light of a paraffin oil lamp with oblique shade projected on a screen of roller blind supplied by Frank O'Hara, window blind, curtain pole and revolving shutter manufacturer, 16 Aungier street.
How did he elucidate the mystery of an invisible person, his wife Marion (Molly) Bloom, denoted by a visible splendid sign, a lamp?
With indirect and direct verbal allusions or affirmations: with subdued affection and admiration: with description: with impediment: with suggestion.
Boa then were silent?
Silent, each contemplating the other in both mirrors of the reciprocal flesh of theirhisnothis fellowfaces.
Were they indefinitely inactive?
At Stephen's suggestion, at Bloom's instigation both, first Stephen, then Bloom, in penumbra urinated, their sides contiguous, their organs of micturition reciprocally rendered invisible by manual circumposition, their gazes, first Bloom's, then Stephen's, elevated to the projected luminous and semiluminous shadow.
The trajectories of their, first sequent, then simultaneous, urinations were dissimilar: Bloom's longer, less irruent, in the incomplete form of the bifurcated penultimate alphabetical letter who in his ultimate year at High School (1880) had been capable of attaining the point of greatest altitude against the whole concurrent strength of the institution, 210 scholars: Stephen's higher, more sibilant, who in the ultimate hours of the previous day had augmented by diuretic consumption an insistent vesical pressure.
What different problems presented themselves to each concerning the invisible audible collateral organ of the other?
To Bloom: the problems of irritability, tumescence, rigidity, reactivity, dimension, sanitariness, pelosity. To Stephen: the problem of the sacerdotal integrity of Jesus circumcised (1st January, holiday of obligation to hear mass and abstain from unnecessary servile work) and the problem as to whether the divine prepuce, the carnal bridal ring of the holy Roman catholic apostolic church, conserved in Calcata, were deserving of simple hyperduly or of the fourth degree of latria accorded to the abscission of such divine excrescences as hair and toenails.
What celestial sign was by both simultaneously observed?
A star precipitated with great apparent velocity across the firmament from Vega in the Lyre above the zenith beyond the stargroup of the Tress of Berenice towards the zodiacal sign of Leo.
How did the centripetal remainer afford egress to the centrifugal departer?
By inserting the barrel of an arruginated male key in the hole of an unstable female lock, obtaining a purchase on the bow of the key and turning its wards from right to left, withdrawing a bolt from its staple, pulling inward spasmodically an obsolescent unhinged door and revealing an aperture for free egress and free ingress.
How did they take leave, one of the other, in separation?
Standing perpendicular at the same door and on different sides of its base, the lines of their valedictory arms, meeting at any point and forming any angle less than the sum of two right angles.
What sound accompanied the union of their tangent, the disunion of their (respectively) centrifugal and centripetal hands?
The sound of the peal of the hour of the night by the chime of the bells in the church of Saint George.
What echoes of that sound were by both and each heard?
By Stephen:
Liliata rutilantium. Turma circumdet.
Iubilantium te virginum. Chorus excipiat.
By Bloom:
Heigho, heigho,
Heigho, heigho.
Where were the several members of the company which with Bloom that day at the bidding of that peal had travelled from Sandymount in the south to Glasnevin in the north?
Martin Cunningham (in bed), Jack Power (in bed), Simon Dedalus (in bed), Tom Kernan (in bed), Ned Lambert (in bed), Joe Hynes (in bed), John Henry Menton (in bed), Bernard Corrigan (in bed), Patsy Dignam (in bed), Paddy Dignam (in the grave).
Alone, what did Bloom hear?
The double reverberation of retreating feet on the heavenborn earth, the double vibration of a jew's harp in the resonant lane.
Alone, what did Bloom feel?
The cold of interstellar space, thousands of degrees below freezing point or the absolute zero of Fahrenheit, Centigrade or Réaumur: the incipient intimations of proximate dawn.
Of what did bellchime and handtouch and footstep and lonechill remind him?
Of companions now in various manners in different places defunct: Percy Apjohn (killed in action, Modder River), Philip Gilligan (phthisis, Jervis Street hospital), Matthew F. Kane (accidental drowning, Dublin Bay), Philip Moisel (pyemia, Heytesbury street), Michael Hart (phthisis, Mater Misericordi&Aelig; hospital), Patrick Dignam (apoplexy, Sandymount).
What prospect of what phenomena inclined him to remain?
The disparition of three final stars, the diffusion of day-break, the apparition of a new solar disk.
Had he ever been a spectator of those phenomena?
Once, in 1887 after a protracted performance of charades in the house of Luke Doyle, Kimmage, he had awaited with patience the apparition of the diurnal phenomenon, seated on a wall, his gaze turned in the direction of Mizrach, the east.
He remembered the initial paraphenomena?
More active air, a matutinal distant cock, ecclesiastical clocks at various points, avine music, the isolated tread of an early wayfarer, the visible diffusion of the light of an invisible luminous body, the first golden limb of the resurgent sun perceptible low on the horizon.
Did he remain?
With deep inspiration he returned, retraversing the garden, reentering the passage, reclosing the door. With brief suspiration he reassumed the candle, reascended the stairs, reapproached the door of the front room, hallfloor, and reentered.
What suddenly arrested his ingress?
The right temporal lobe of the hollow sphere of his cranium came into contact with a solid timber angle where, an infinitesimal but sensible fraction of a second later, a painful sensation was located in consequence of antecedent sensations transmitted and registered.
Describe the alterations effected in the disposition of the articles of furnitures?
A sofa upholstered in prune plush had been translocated from opposite the door to the ingleside near the compactly furled Union Jack (an alteration which he had frequently intended to execute): the blue and white checker inlaid majolicatopped table had been placed opposite the door in the place vacated by the prune plush sofa: the walnut sideboard (a projecting angle of which had momentarily arrested his ingress) had been moved from its position beside the door to a more advantageous but more perilous position in front of the door: two chairs had been moved from right and left of the ingleside to the position originally occupied by the blue and white checker inlaid majolicatopped table.
Describe them.
One: a squat stuffed easychair with stout arms extended and back slanted to the rere, which, repelled in recoil, had then upturned an irregular fringe of a rectangular rug and now displayed on its amply upholstered seat a centralised diffusing and diminishing discolouration. The other: a slender splayfoot chair of glossy cane curves, placed directly opposite the former, its frame from top to seat and from seat to base being varnished dark brown, its seat being a bright circle of white plaited rush.
What significances attached to these two chairs?
Significances of similitude, of posture, of symbolism, of circumstantial evidence, of testimonial supermanence.
What occupied the position originally occupied by the sideboard?
A vertical piano (Cadby) with exposed keyboard, its closed coffin supporting a pair of long yellow ladies' gloves and an emerald ashtray containing four consumed matches, a partly consumed cigarette and two discoloured ends of cigarettes, its musicrest supporting the music in the key of G natural for voice and piano of Love's Old Sweet Song (words by G. Clifton Bingham, composed by J. L. Molloy, sung by Madam Antoinette Sterling) open at the last page with the final indications ad libitum, forte, pedal, animato, sustained, pedal, ritirando, close.
With what sensations did Bloom contemplate in rotation these objects?
With strain, elevating a candlestick: with pain, feeling on his right temple a contused tumescence: with attention, focusing his gaze on a large dull passive and slender bright active: with solicitation, bending and downturning the upturned rugfringe: with amusement, remembering Dr Malachi Mulligan's scheme of colour containing the gradation of green: with pleasure, repeating the words and antecedent act and perceiving through various channels of internal sensibility the consequent and concomitant tepid pleasant diffusion of gradual discolouration.
His next proceeding?
From an open box on the majolicatopped table he extracted a black diminutive cone, one inch in height, placed it on its circular base on a small tin plate, placed his candlestick on the right corner of the mantelpiece, produced from his waistcoat a folded page of prospectus (illustrated) entitled Agendath Netaim, unfolded the same, examined it superficially, rolled it into a thin cylinder, ignited it in the candleflame, applied it when ignited to the apex of the cone till the latter reached the stage of rutilance, placed the cylinder in the basin of the candlestick disposing its unconsumed part in such a manner as to facilitate total combustion.
What followed this operation?
That truncated conical crater summit of the diminutive volcano emitted a vertical and serpentine fume redolent of aromatic oriental incense.
What homothetic objects, other than the candlestick, stood on the mantelpiece?
A timepiece of striated Connemara marble, stopped at the hour of 4.46 a.m. on the 21 March 1896, matrimonial gift of Matthew Dillon: a dwarf tree of glacial arborescence under a transparent bellshade, matrimonial gift of Luke and Caroline Doyle: an embalmed owl, matrimonial gift of Alderman John Hooper.
What interchanges of looks took place between these three objects and Bloom?
In the mirror of the giltbordered pierglass the undecorated back of the dwarf tree regarded the upright back of the embalmed owl. Before the mirror the matrimonial gift of Alderman John Hooper with a clear melancholy wise bright motionless compassionate gaze regarded Bloom while Bloom with obscure tranquil profound motionless compassionated gaze regarded the matrimonial gift of Luke and Caroline Doyle.
What composite asymmetrical image in the mirror then attracted his attention?
The image of a solitary (ipsorelative) mutable (aliorelative) man.
Why solitary (ipsorelative)?
Brothers and sisters had he none,
Yet that man's father was his grandfather's son.
Why mutable (aliorelative)?
From infancy to maturity he had resembled his maternal procreatrix. From maturity to senility he would increasingly resemble his paternal creator.
What final visual impression was communicated to him by the mirror?
The optical reflection of several inverted volumes improperly arranged and not in the order of their common letters with scintillating titles on the two bookshelves opposite.
Catalogue these books.
Thorn's Dublin Post Office Directory, 1886.
Denis Florence M'Carthy's Poetical Works (copper beechleaf bookmark at p. 5).
Shakespeare's Works (dark crimson morocco, goldtooled).
The Useful Ready Reckoner (brown cloth).
The Secret History of the Court of Charles II (red cloth, tooled binding).
The Child's Guide (blue cloth).
When We Were Boys by William O'Brien M.P. (green cloth, slightly faded, envelope bookmark at p. 217).
Thoughts from Spinoza (maroon leather).
The Story of the Heavens by Sir Robert Ball (blue cloth).
Ellis's Three Trips to Madagascar (brown cloth, title obliterated).
The Stark-Munro Letters by A. Conan Doyle, property of the City of Dublin Public Library, 106 Capel Street, lent 21 May (Whitsun Eve) 1904, due 4 June 1904, 13 days overdue (black cloth binding, bearing white letternumber ticket).
Voyages in China by `Viator' (recovered with brown paper, red ink title).
Philosophy of the Talmud (sewn pamphlet).
Lockhart's Life of Napoleon (cover wanting, marginal an notations, minimising victories, aggrandising defeats of the protagonist).
Soll und Haben by Gustav Freytag (black boards, Gothic characters, cigarette coupon bookmark at p. 24).
Hozier's History of the Russo-Turkish War (brown cloth, 2 volumes, with gummed label, Garrison Library, Governor's Parade, Gibraltar, on verso of cover).
Laurence Bloomfield in Ireland by William Allingham (second edition, green cloth, gilt trefoil design, previous owner's name on recto of flyleaf erased).
A Handbook of Astronomy (cover, brown leather, detached, 5 plates, antique letterpress long primer, author's footnotes nonpareil, marginal clues brevier, captions small pica).
The Hidden Life of Christ (black boards).
In the Track of the Sun (yellow cloth, titlepage missing, recurrent title intestation).
Physical Strength and How to Obtain It by Eugene Sandow (red cloth).
Short but yet Plain Elements of Geometry written in French by F. Ignat. Pardies and rendered into Englifh by John Harris D. D. London, printed for R. Knaplock at the Bifhop's Head MDCCXI, with dedicatory epiftle to his worthy friend Charles Cox, efquire, Member of Parliament for the burgh of Southwark and having ink calligraphed statement on the flyleaf certifying that the book was the property of Michael Gallagher, dated this 10th day of May 1822 and requefting the perfon who should find it, if the book should be loft or go aftray, to reftore it to Michael Gallagher, carpenter, Dufery Gate, Ennifcorthy, county Wicklow, the fineft place in the world.

What reflections occupied his mind during the process of reversion of the inverted volumes?
The necessity of order, a place for everything and everything in its place: the deficient appreciation of literature possessed by females: the incongruity of an apple incuneated in a tumbler and of an umbrella inclined in a closestool: the insecurity of hiding any secret document behind, beneath or between the pages of a book.
Which volume was the largest in bulk?
Hozier's History of the Russo - Turkish War.
What among other data did the second volume of the work In question contain?
The name of a decisive battle (forgotten), frequently remembered by a decisive officer, major Brian Cooper Tweedy (remembered).
Why, firstly and secondly, did he not consult the work in question?
Firstly, in order to exercise mnemotechnic: secondly, because after an interval of amnesia, when seated at the central table, about to consult the work in question, he remembered by mnemotechnic the name of the military engagement, Plevna.
What caused him consolation in his sitting posture?
The candour, nudity, pose, tranquillity, youth, grace, sex, counsel of a statue erect in the centre of the table, an image of Narcissus purchased by auction from P. A. Wren, 9 Bachelor's Walk.
What caused him irritation in his sitting posture?
Inhibitory pressure of collar (size 17) and waistcoat (5 buttons), two articles of clothing superfluous in the costume of mature males and inelastic to alterations of mass by expansion.
How was the irritation allayed?
He removed his collar, with contained black necktie and collapsible stud, from his neck to a position on the left of the table. He unbuttoned successively in reversed direction waistcoat, trousers, shirt and vest along the medial line of irregular incrispated black hair extending in triangular convergence from the pelvic basin over the circumference of the abdomen and umbilicular fossicle along the medial line of nodes to the intersection of the sixth pectoral vertebr&Aelig;, thence produced both ways at right angles and terminating in circles described about two equidistant points, right and left, on the summits of the mammary prominences. He unbraced successively each of six minus one braced trouser buttons, arranged in pairs, of which one incomplete.
What involuntary actions followed?
He compressed between 2 fingers the flesh circumjacent to a cicatrice in the left infracostal region below the diaphragm resulting from a sting inflicted 2 weeks and 3 days previously (23 May 1904) by a bee. He scratched imprecisely with his right hand, though insensible of prurition, various points and surfaces of his partly exposed, wholly abluted skin. He inserted his left hand into the left lower pocket of his waistcoat and extracted and replaced a silver coin (1 shilling), placed there (presumably) on the occasion (17 October 1903) of the interment of Mrs Emily Sinico, Sydney Parade.
Compile the budget for 16 June 1904.
#. s. d. #. s. d.
1 Pork kidney 0. 0. 3 Cash in hand 0.4.9
2 Copy Freeman's Journal 0.0.2 Commission recd. Freeman's Journal
1 Bath and gratification 0. 1.6 2.7.6
Tramfare 0. 0. 2 Loan (Stephen Dedalus) 1.7.0
2 In Memoriam Patrick
Dignam 0.5.0
2 Banbury cakes 0.0.1
2 Lunch 0.0.7
1 Rental fee for book 0.1.0
2 Packet notepaper and
envelopes 0.0.2
2 Dinner and gratification 0.2.0
2 Postal order and stamp 0.2.8
Tramfare 0.0.1
1 Pig's Foot 0.0.4
1 Sheep's Trotter 0.0.3
2 Cake Fry's plain choco
late 0.0.
1 Square soda bread 0.0.4
1 Coffee and bun 0.0.4
Loan (Stephen Dedalus)
refunded 2.7.0
BALANCE 0.27.5
#.2.29. 3 #.2.19.3

Did the process of divestiture continue?
Sensible of a benignant persistent ache in his footsoles he extended his foot to one side and observed the creases, protuberances and salient points caused by foot pressure in the course of walking repeatedly in several different directions, then, inclined, he disnoded the laceknots, unhooked and loosened the laces, took off each of his two boots for the second time, detached the partially moistened right sock through the fore part of which the nail of his great toe had again effracted, raised his right foot and, having unhooked a purple elastic sock suspender, took off his right sock, placed his unclothed right foot on the margin of the seat of his chair, picked at and gently lacerated the protruding part of the great toenail, raised the part lacerated to his nostrils and inhaled the odour of the quick, then with satisfaction threw away the lacerated unguinal fragment.
Why with satisfaction?
Because the odour inhaled corresponded to other odours inhaled of other unguinal fragments, picked and lacerated by Master Bloom, pupil of Mrs Ellis's juvenile school, patiently each night in the act of brief genuflection and nocturnal prayer and ambitious meditation.
In what ultimate ambition had all concurrent and consecutive ambitions now coalesced?
Not to inherit by right of primogeniture, gavelkind or borough English, or possess in perpetuity an extensive demesne of a sufficient number of acres, roods and perches, statute land measure (valuation #42), of grazing turbary surrounding a baronial hall with gatelodge and carriage drive nor, on the other hand, a terracehouse or semidetached villa, described as Rus in Urbe or Qui si Sana, but to purchase by private treaty in fee simple a thatched bungalowshaped 2 storey dwellinghouse of southerly aspect, surmounted by vane and lightning conductor, connected with the earth, with porch covered by parasitic plants (ivy or Virginia creeper), halldoor, olive green, with smart carriage finish and neat doorbrasses, stucco front with gilt tracery at eaves and gable, rising, if possible, upon a gentle eminence with agreeable prospect from balcony with stone pillar parapet over unoccupied and unoccupyable interjacent pastures and standing in 5 or 6 acres of its own ground, at such a distance from the nearest public thoroughfare as to render its houselights visible at night above and through a quickset hornbeam hedge of topiary cutting, situate at a given point not less than 1 statute mile from the periphery of the metropolis, within a time limit of not more than 5 minutes from tram or train line (e.g., Dundrum, south, or Sutton, north, both localities equally reported by trial to resemble the terrestrial poles in being favourable climates for phthisical subjects), the premises to be held under feefarmgrant, lease 999 years, the message to consist of 1 drawingroom with baywindow (2 lancets), thermometer affixed, 1 sittingroom, 4 bedrooms, 2 servants rooms, tiled kitchen with close range and scullery, lounge hall fitted with linen wallpresses, fumed oak sectional bookcase containing the Encyclopaedia Britannica and New century Dictionary, transverse obsolete medieval and oriental weapons, dinner gong, alabaster lamp, bowl pendant, vulcanite automatic telephone receiver with adjacent directory, handtufted Axminster carpet with cream ground and trellis border, loo table with pillar and claw legs, hearth with massive firebrasses and ormolu mantel chronometer clock, guaranteed timekeeper with cathedral chime, barometer with hygrographic chart, comfortable lounge settees and corner fitments, upholstered in ruby plush with good springing and sunk centre, three banner Japanese screen and cuspidors (club style, rich wine-coloured leather, gloss renewable with a minimum of labour by use of linseed oil and vinegar) and pyramidically prismatic central chandelier lustre, bentwood perch with a fingertame parrot (expurgated language), embossed mural paper at 10/-per dozen with transverse swags of carmine floral design and top crown frieze, staircase, three continuous flights at successive right angles, of varnished cleargrained oak, treads and risers, newel, balusters and handrail, with stepped-up panel dado, dressed with camphorated wax, bathroom, hot and cold supply, reclining and shower: water closet on mezzanine provided with opaque singlepane oblong window, tipup seat, bracket lamp, brass tierod brace, armrests, footstool and artistic oleograph on inner face of door: ditto, plain: servant's apartments with separate sanitary and hygienic necessaries for cook, general and betweenmaid (salary, rising by biennial unearned increments of #2, with comprehensive fidelity insurance annual bonus (#1), and retiring allowance (based on the 65 system) after 30 years service), pantry, buttery, larder, refrigerator, outoffices, coal and wood cellarage with winebin (still and sparkling vintages) for distinguished guests, if entertained to dinner (evening dress), carbon monoxide gas supply throughout.
What additional attractions might the grounds contain?
As addenda, a tennis and fives court, a shrubbery, a glass summerhouse with tropical palms, equipped in the best botanical manner a rockery with waterspray, a beehive arranged on humane principles, oval flowerbeds in rectangular grassplots set with eccentric ellipses of scarlet and chrome tulips, blue scillas, crocuses, polyanthus, sweet William, sweat pea, lily of the valley (bulbs obtainable from sir James W. Mackey (Limited) (wholesale and retail) seed and bulb merchant and nurseryman, agent for chemical manures, 23 Sackville street, upper), an orchard, kitchen garden and vinery, protected against illegal trespassers by glasstopped mural enclosures, a lumbershed with padlock for various inventoried implements.
Eeltraps, lobsterpots, fishingrods, hatchet, steelyard, grindstone, clodcrusher, swatheturner, carriagesack, telescope ladder, 10 tooth rake, washing clogs, haytedder, tumbling rake, billhook, paintpot, brush, hoe and so on.
What improvements might be subsequently introduced?
A rabbitry and fowlrun, a dovecote, a botanical conservatory, 2 hammocks (lady's and gentleman's), a sundial shaded and sheltered by laburnum or lilac trees, an exotically harmonically accorded Japanese tinkle gatebell affixed to left lateral gatepost, a capacious waterbutt, a lawnmower with side delivery and grassbox, a lawnsprinkler with hydraulic hose.
What facilities of transit were desirable?
When citybound frequent connection by train or tram from their respective intermediate station or terminal. When countrybound velocipedes, a chainless freewheel roadster cycle with side basketcar attached, or draught conveyance, a donkey with wicker trap or smart phaeton with good working solidungular cob (roan gelding, 14h).
What might be the name of this erigible or erected residence?
Bloom Cottage. Saint Leopold's. Flowerville.
Could Bloom of 7 Eccles street foresee Bloom of Flowerville?
In loose allwool garments with Harris tweed cap, price 8/6, and useful garden boots with elastic gussets and wateringcan, planting aligned young firtrees, syringing, pruning, staking, sowing hayseed, trundling a weedladen wheelbarrow without excessive fatigue at sunset amid the scent of newmown hay, ameliorating the soil, multiplying wisdom, achieving longevity.
What syllabus of intellectual pursuits was simultaneously possible?
Snapshot photography, comparative study of religions, folklore relative to various amatory and superstitious practices, contemplation of the celestial constellations.
What lighter recreations?
Outdoor: garden and fieldwork, cycling on level macadamised causeways, ascents of moderately high hills, natation in secluded fresh water and unmolested river boating in secure wherry or light curricle with kedge anchor on reaches free from weirs and rapids (period of estivation), vespertinal perambulation or equestrian circumprocession with inspection of sterile landscape and contrastingly agreeable cottagers' fires of smoking peat turves (period of hibernation). Indoor discussion in tepid security of unsolved historical and criminal problems: lecture of unexpurgated exotic erotic masterpieces: house carpentry with toolbox containing hammer, awl, nails, screws, tintacks, gimlet, tweezers, bullnose plane and turnscrew.
Might he become a gentleman farmer of field produce and live stock?
Not impossibly, with 1 or 2 stripper cows, 1 pike of upland hay and requisite farming implements, e.g., an end-to-end churn, a turnip pulper etc.
What would be his civic functions and social status among the county families and landed gentry?
Arranged successively in ascending powers of hierarchical order, that of gardener, groundsman, cultivator, breeder, and at the zenith of his career, resident magistrate or justice of the peace with a family crest and coat of arms and appropriate classical motto (Semper paratus), duly recorded in the court directory (Bloom, Leopold P., M. P., P. C., K. P., L. L. D. honoris cause, Bloomville, Dundrum) and mentioned in court and fashionable intelligence (Mr and Mrs Leopold Bloom have left Kingstown for England).
What course of action did he outline for himself in such capacity?
A course that lay between undue clemency and excessive rigour: the dispensation in a heterogeneous society of arbitrary classes, incessantly rearranged in terms of greater and lesser social inequality of unbiassed homogeneous indisputable justice, tempered with mitigants of the widest possible latitude but exactable to the uttermost farthing with confiscation of estate, real and personal, to the crown. Loyal to the highest constituted power in the land, actuated by an innate love of rectitude his aims would be the strict maintenance of public order, the repression of many abuses though not of all simultaneously (every measure of reform or retrenchment being a preliminary solution to be contained by fluxion in the final solution), the upholding of the letter of the law (common, statute and law merchant) against all traversers in covin and trespassers acting in contravention of bylaws and regulations, all resuscitators (by trespass and petty larceny of kindlings) of venville rights, obsolete by desuetude, all orotund instigators of international persecution, all perpetuators of international animosities, all menial molestors of domestic conviviality, all recalcitrant violators of domestic connubiality.
Prove that he had loved rectitude from his earliest youth.
To master Percy Apjohn at High School in 1880 he had divulged his disbelief in the tenets of the Irish (protestant) church (to which his father Rudolf Virag, later Rudolph Bloom, had been converted from the Israelitic faith and communion in 1865 by the Society for promoting Christianity among the Jews) subsequently abjured by him in favour of Roman catholicism at the epoch of and with a view to his matrimony in 1888. To Daniel Magrane and Francis Wade in 1882 during a juvenile friendship (terminated by the premature emigration of the former) he had advocated during nocturnal perambulations the political theory of colonial (e.g. Canadian) expansion and the evolutionary theories of Charles Darwin, expounded in The Descent of Man and The Origin of Species. In 1885 he had publicly expressed his adherence to the collective and national economic programme advocated by James Fintan Lalor, John Fisher Murray, John Mitchel, J. F. X. O'Brien and others, the agrarian policy of Michael Davitt, the constitutional agitation of Charles Stewart Parnell (M. P. for Cork City), the programme of peace, retrenchment and reform of William Ewart Gladstone (M. P. for Midlothian, N. B.) and, in support of his political convictions, had climbed up into a secure position amid the ramifications of a tree on Northumberland road to see the entrance (2 February 1888) into the capital of a demonstrative torchlight procession of 20,000, divided into 120 trade corporations, bearing 2,000 torches in escort of the marquess of Ripon and John Morley.
How much and how did he propose to pay for this country residence?
As per prospectus of the Industrious Foreign Acclimatised Nationalised Friendly Stateaided Building Society (incorporated 1874), a maximum of #60 per annum, being 116th of an assured income, derived from giltedged securities, representing at 5% simple interest on capital of #1,200 (estimate of price at 20 years purchase) of which 1/3rd to be paid on acquisition and the balance in the form of annual rent, viz. #800 plus 2 1/2% interest on the same, repayable quarterly in equal annual instalments until extinction by amortisation of loan advanced for purchase within a period of 20 years, amounting to an annual rental of #64, headrent included, the titledeeds to remain in possession of the lender or lenders with a saving clause envisaging forced sale, foreclosure and mutual compensation in the event of protracted failure to pay the terms assigned, otherwise the messuage to become the absolute property of the tenant occupier upon expiry of the period of years stipulated.
What rapid but insecure means to opulence might facilitate immediate purchase?
A private wireless telegraph which would transmit by dot and dash system the result of a national equine handicap (flat or steeplechase) of 1 or more miles and furlongs won by an outsider at odds of 50 to 1 at 3 hr. 8 m. p.m. at Ascot (Greenwich time) the message being received and available for betting purposes in Dublin at 2.59 p.m. (Dunsink time). The unexpected discovery of an object of great monetary value: precious stone, valuable adhesive or impressed postage stamps (7-shilling, mauve, imperforate, Hamburg, 1866: 4 pence, rose, blue paper perforate, Great Britain, 1866: 1 franc, stone, official, rouletted, diagonal surcharge, Luxembourg, 1878): antique dynastical ring, unique relic in unusual repositories or by unusual means: from the air (dropped by an eagle in flight), by fire (amid the carbonised remains of an incendiated edifice), in the sea (amid flotsam, jetsam, lagan and derelict), on earth (in the gizzard of a comestible fowl). A Spanish prisoner's donation of a distant treasure of valuables or specie or bullion lodged with a solvent banking corporation 100 years previously at 5% compound interest of the collective worth of #5,000,000 stg (five million pounds sterling). A contract with an inconsiderate contractee for the delivery of 32 consignments of some given commodity in consideration of cash payment on delivery at the initial rate of 1/4d. to be increased constantly in the geometrical progression of 2 (1/4d., 1/2d., 1d., 2d., 4d., 8d., 1s. 4d., 2s. 8d. to 32 terms). A prepared scheme based on a study of the laws of probability to break the bank at Monte Carlo. A solution of the secular problem of the quadrature of the circle, government premium #1,000,000 sterling.
Was vast wealth acquirable through industrial channels?
The reclamation of dunams of waste arenary soil, proposed in the prospectus of Agendath Netaim, Bleibtreustrasse, Berlin, W.15 by the cultivation of orange plantations and melonfields and reafforestation. The utilisation of waste paper, fells of sewer rodents, human excrement possessing chemical properties, in view of the vast production of the first, vast number of the second and immense quantity of the third, every normal human being of average vitality and appetite producing annually, cancelling byproducts of water, a sum total of 80 lbs. (mixed animal and vegetable diet), to be multiplied by 4,386,035 the total population of Ireland according to the census returns of 1901.
Were there schemes of wider scope?
A scheme to be formulated and submitted for approval to the harbour commissioners for the exploitation of white coal (hydraulic power), obtained by hydroelectric plant at peak of tide at Dublin bar or at head of water at Poulaphouca or Powerscourt or catchment basins of main streams for the economic production of 500,000 W. H. P. of electricity. A scheme to enclose the peninsular delta of the North Bull at Dollymount and erect on the space of the foreland, used for golf links and rifle ranges, an asphalted esplanade with casinos, booths, shooting galleries, hotels, boardinghouses, readingrooms, establishments for mixed bathing. A scheme for the use of dogvans and goatvans for the delivery of early morning milk. A scheme for the development of Irish tourist traffic in and around Dublin by means of petrolpropelled riverboats, plying in the fluvial fairway between island bridge and Ringsend, charabancs, narrow gauge local railways, and pleasure steamers for coastwise navigation (10/- per person per day, guide (trilingual) included). A scheme for the repristination of passenger and goods traffics over Irish waterways, when freed from weedbeds. A scheme to connect by tramline the Cattle Market (North Circular road and Prussia street) with the quays (Sheriff street, lower, and East Wall), parallel with the Link line railway laid (in conjunction with the Great Southern and Western railway line) between the cattle park, Liffey junction, and terminus of Midland Great Western railway 43 to 45 North Wall, in proximity to the terminal stations or Dublin branches of Great Central Railway, Midland Railway of England, City of Dublin Steam Packet Company, Lancashire Yorkshire Railway Company, Dublin and Glasgow Steam Packet Company, Glasgow Dublin and Londonderry Steam Packet Company (Laird line), British and Irish Steam Packet Company, Dublin and Morecambe Steamers, London and North Western Railway Company, Dublin Port and Docks Board Landing Sheds and transit sheds of Palgrave, Murphy and Company, steamship owners, agents for steamers from Mediterranean, Spain, Portugal, France, Belgium and Holland and for animal transport and of additional mileage operated by the Dublin United Tramways Company, limited, to be covered by graziers' fees.
Positing what protasis would the contraction for such several schemes become a natural and necessary apodosis?
Given a guarantee equal to the sum sought, the support, by deed of gift and transfer vouchers during donor's lifetime or by bequest after donor's painless extinction, of eminent financiery (Blum Pasha, Rothschild, Guggenheim, Hirsch, Montefiore, Morgan, Rockefeller) possessing fortunes in 6 figures, amassed during a successful life, and joining capital with opportunity the thing required was done.
What eventually would render him independent of such wealth?
The independent discovery of a goldseam of inexhaustible ore.
For what reason did he meditate on schemes so difficult of realisation?
It was one or his axioms that similar meditations or the automatic relation to himself of a narrative concerning himself or tranquil recollection of the past when practised habitually before retiring for the night alleviated fatigue and produced as a result sound repose and renovated vitality.
His justifications?
As a physicist he had learned that of the 70 years of complete human life at least 2/7ths, viz., 20 years passed in sleep. As a philosopher he knew that at the termination of any allotted life only an infinitesimal part of any person's desires has been realised. As a physiologist he believed in the artificial placation of malignant agencies chiefly operative during somnolence.
What did he fear?
The committal of homicide or suicide during sleep by an aberration of the light of reason, the incommensurable categorical intelligence situated in the cerebral convolutions.
What were habitually his final meditations?
Of some one sole unique advertisement to cause passers to stop in wonder, a poster novelty, with all extraneous accretions excluded, reduced to its simplest and most efficient terms not exceeding the span of casual vision and congruous with the velocity of modern life.
What did the first drawer unlocked contain?
A Vere Foster's handwriting copybook, property of Milly (Millicent) Bloom, certain pages of which bore diagram drawings marked Papli, which showed a large globular head with 5 hairs erect, 2 eyes in profile, the trunk full front with 3 large buttons, 1 triangular foot: 2 fading photographs of queen Alexandra of England and of Maud Branscombe, actress and professional beauty: a Yuletide card, bearing on it a pictorial representation of a parasitic plant, the legend Mizpah, the date Xmas 1892, the name of the senders, from Mr and Mrs M. Comerford, the versicle: May this Yuletide bring to thee, Joy and peace and welcome glee: a butt of red partly liquefied sealing wax, obtained from the stores department of Messrs Hely's, Ltd., 89, 90 and 91 Dame street: a box containing the remainder of a gross of gilt `J' pennibs, obtained from same department of same firm: an old sandglass which rolled containing sand which rolled: a sealed prophecy (never unsealed) written by Leopold Bloom in 1886 concerning the consequences of the passing into law of William Ewart Gladstone's Home Rule bill of 1886 (never passed into law): a bazaar ticket No 2004, of S. Kevin's Charity Fair, price 6d. 100 prizes: an infantile epistle, dated, small em monday, reading: capital pee Papli comma capital aitch How are you note of interrogation capital eye I am very well full stop new paragraph signature with flourishes capital em Milly no stop: a cameo brooch, property of Ellen Bloom (born Higgins), deceased: 3 typewritten letters, addressee, Henry Flower, c/o P. O. Westland Row, addresser, Martha Clifford, c/o P. O. Dolphin's Barn: the transliterated name and address of the addresser of the 3 letters in reserved alphabetic boustrophedontic punctated quadrilinear cryptogram (vowels suppressed) N. IGS./WI.UU. OX/W. OKS. MH/Y. IM: a press cutting from an English weekly periodical Modern Society, subject corporal chastisement in girls' schools: a pink ribbon which had festooned an Easter egg in the year 1899: two partly uncoiled rubber preservatives with reserve pockets, purchased by post from Box 32, P. O., Charing Cross, London, W.C.: 1 pack of 1 dozen creamlaid envelopes and faintruled notepaper, watermarked, now reduced by 3: some assorted Austrian-Hungarian coins: 2 coupons of the Royal and Privileged Hungarian Lottery: a lowpower magnifying glass: 2 erotic photocards showing: a) buccal coition between nude senorita (rere presentation, superior position) and nude torero (fore presentation, inferior position): b) anal violation by male religious (fully clothed, eyes abject) of female religious (partly clothed, eyes direct), purchased by post from Box 32, P. O., Charing Cross, London, W.C.: a press cutting of recipe for renovation of old tan boots: a 1d. adhesive stamp, lavender, of the reign of Queen Victoria: a chart of measurements of Leopold Bloom compiled before, during and after 2 months of consecutive use of Sandow-Whiteley's pulley exerciser (men's 15/-, athlete's 20/-) viz., chest 28 in. and 29 1/2 in., biceps 9 in. and 10 in., forearm 8 1/2 and 9 in., thigh 10 in. and 12 in., calf 11 in. and 12 in.: 1 prospectus of the Wonderworker, the world's greatest remedy for rectal complaints direct from Wonderworker, Coventry House, South Place, London E. C., addressed to Mrs L. Bloom with brief accompanying note commencing: Dear Madam.
Quote the textual terms in which the prospectus claimed advantages for this thaumaturgic remedy.
It heals and soothes while you sleep, in case of trouble in breaking wind, assists nature in the most formidable way, insuring instant relief in discharge of gases, keeping parts clean and free natural action, an initial outlay of 7/6 making anew man of you and life worth living. Ladies find Wonderworker especially useful, a pleasant surprise when they note delightful result like a cool drink of fresh spring water on a sultry summer's day. Recommend it to your lady and gentlemen friends, lasts a lifetime. Insert long round end. Wonderworker.
Were there testimonials?
Numerous. From clergyman, British naval officer, wellknown author, city man, hospital nurse, lady, mother of five, absentminded beggar.
How did absentminded beggar's concluding testimonial conclude?
What a pity the government did not supply our men with wonderworkers during the South African campaign! What a relief it would have been!
What object did Bloom add to this collection of objects?
A 4th typewritten letter received by Henry Flower (let H. F. be L. B.) from Martha Clifford (find M. C.).
What pleasant reflection accompanied this action?
The reflection that, apart from the letter in question, his magnetic face, form and address had been favourably received during the course of the preceding day by a wife (Mrs Josephine Breen, born Josie Powell); a nurse, Miss Calian (Christian name unknown), a maid, Gertrude (Gerty, family name unknown).
What possibility suggested itself?
The possibility of exercising virile power of fascination in the most immediate future after an expensive repast in a private apartment in the company of an elegant courtesan, of corporal beauty, moderately mercenary, variously instructed, a lady by origin.
What did the and drawer contain?
Documents: the birth certificate of Leopold Paula Bloom: an endowment assurance policy of #500 in the Scottish Widows' Assurance Society intestated Millicent (Milly) Bloom, coming into force at 25 years as with profit policy of #430, #462--10--0 and #500 at 60 years or death, 65 years or death and death, respectively, or with profit policy (paidup) of #299--10--0 together with cash payment of #133--10--0, at option: a bank passbook issued by the Ulster Bank, College Green branch showing statement of a/c for half year ending 31 December 1903, balance in depositor's favour: #18--14--6 (eighteen pounds, fourteen shillings and six pence, sterling), net personalty: certificate of possession of #900 Canadian 4% (inscribed) government stock (free of stamp duty): dockets of the Catholic Cemeteries' (Glasnevin) Committee, relative to a graveplot purchased: a local press cutting concerning change of name by deedpoll.
Quote the textual terms of this notice.
I, Rudolph Virag, now resident at no 52 Clanbrassil street, Dublin, formerly of Szombathely in the kingdom of Hungary, hereby give notice that I have assumed and intend henceforth upon all occasions and at all times to be known by the name of Rudolph Bloom.
What other objects relative to Rudolph Bloom (born Virag) were in the 2nd drawer?
An indistinct daguerreotype of Rudolph Virag and his father Leopold Virag executed in the year 1852 in the portrait atelier of their (respectively) 1st and 2nd cousin, Stefan Virag of Szesfehervar, Hungary. An ancient hagadah book in which a pair of hornrimmed convex spectacles inserted marked the passage of thanksgiving in the ritual prayers for Pessach (Passover): a photocard of the Queen's Hotel, Ennis, proprietor, Rudolph Bloom: an envelope addressed To my Dear Son Leopold.
What fractions of phrases did the lecture of those five whole words evoke?
Tomorrow will be a week that I received... it is no use Leopold to be... with your dear mother... that is not more to stand... to her... all for me is out... be kind to Athos, Leopold... my dear son... always... of me... das Herr... Gott... dein...
What reminiscences of a human subject suffering from progressive melancholia did these objects evoke in Bloom?
An old man widower, unkempt hair, in bed, with head covered, sighing: an infirm dog, Athos: aconite, resorted to by increasing doses of grains and scruples as a palliative of recrudescent neuralgia: the face in death of a septuagenarian suicide by poison.
Why did Bloom experience a sentiment of remorse?
Because in immature impatience he had treated with disrespect certain beliefs and practices.
The prohibition of the use of fleshmeat and milk at one meal, the hebdomadary symposium of incoordinately abstract, perfervidly concrete mercantile coexreligionist excompatriots: the circumcision of male infants: the supernatural character of Judaic scripture: the ineffability of the tetragrammaron: the sanctity of the sabbath.
How did these beliefs and practices now appear to him?
Not more rational than they had then appeared, not less rational than other beliefs and practices now appeared.
What first reminiscence had he of Rudolph Bloom (deceased)?
Rudolph Bloom (deceased) narrated to his son Leopold Bloom (aged 6) a retrospective arrangement of migrations and settlements in and between Dublin, London, Florence, Milan, Vienna, Budapest, Szombathely, with statements of satisfaction (his grandfather having seen Maria Theresa, empress of Austria, queen of Hungary), with commercial advice (having taken care of pence, the pounds having taken care of themselves). Leopold Bloom (aged 6) had accompanied these narrations by constant consultation of a geographical map of Europe (political) and by suggestions for the establishment of affiliated business premises in the various centres mentioned.
Had time equally but differently obliterated the memory of these migrations in narrator and listener?
In narrator by the access of years and in consequence of the use of narcotic toxin: in listener by the access of years and in consequence of the action of distraction upon vicarious experiences.
What idiosyncrasies of the narrator were concomitant product$ of amnesia?
Occasionally he ate without having previously removed his hat. Occasionally he drank voraciously the juice of gooseberry fool from an inclined plate. Occasionally he removed from his lips the traces of food by means of a lacerated envelope or other accessible fragment of paper.

What two phenomena of senescence were more frequent?
The myopic digital calculation of coins, eructation consequent upon repletion.
What object offered partial consolation for these reminiscences?
The endowment policy, the bank passbook, the certificate of the possession of scrip.
Reduce Bloom by cross multiplication of reverses of fortune, from which these supports protected him, and by elimination of all positive values to a negligible negative irrational unreal quantity.
Successively, in descending helotic order: Poverty: that of the outdoor hawker of imitation jewellery, the dun for the recovery of bad and doubtful debts, the poor rate and deputy cess collector. Mendicancy: that of the fraudulent bankrupt with negligible assets paying 1s. 4d. in the #, sandwichman, distributor of throwaways, nocturnal vagrant, insinuating sycophant, maimed sailor, blind stripling, superannuated bailiff's man, marfeast, lickplate, spoilsport, pickthank, eccentric public laughingstock seated on bench of public park under discarded perforated umbrella. Destitution: the inmate of Old Man's House (Royal Hospital), Kilmainham, the inmate of Simpson's Hospital for reduced but respectable men permanently disabled by gout or want of sight. Nadir of misery: the aged impotent disfranchised ratesupported moribund lunatic pauper.
With which attendant indignities?
The unsympathetic indifference of previously amiable females, the contempt of muscular males, the acceptance of fragments of bread, the simulated ignorance of casual acquaintances, the latration of illegitimate unlicensed vagabond dogs, the infantile discharge of decomposed vegetable missiles, worth little or nothing or less than nothing.
By what could such a situation be precluded?
By decease (change of state), by departure (change of place).
Which preferably?
The latter, by the line of least resistance.
What considerations rendered it not entirely undesirable?
Constant cohabitation impeding mutual toleration of personal defects. The habit of independent purchase increasingly cultivated. The necessity to counteract by impermanent sojourn the permanence of arrest.
What considerations rendered it not irrational?
The parties concerned, uniting, had increased and multiplied, which being done, offspring produced and educed to maturity, the parties, if now disunited were obliged to reunite for increase and multiplication, which was absurd, to form by reunion the original couple of uniting parties, which was impossible.
What considerations rendered it desirable?
The attractive character of certain localities in Ireland and abroad, as represented in general geographical maps of polychrome design or in special ordnance survey charts by employment of scale numerals and hachures.
In Ireland?
The cliffs of Moher, the windy wilds of Connemara, lough Neagh with submerged petrified city, the Giant's Causeway, Fort Camden and Fort Carlisle, the Golden Vale of Tipperary, the islands of Aran, the pastures of royal Meath, Brigid's elm in Kildare, the Queen's Island shipyard in Belfast, the Salmon Leap, the lakes of Killarney.
Ceylon (with spicegardens supplying tea to Thomas Kernan, agent for Pulbrook, Robertson and Co, 2 Mincing lane, London, E. C., 5 Dame street, Dublin), Jerusalem, the holy city (with mosque of Omar and gate of Damascus, goal of aspiration), the straits of Gibraltar (the unique birthplace of Marion Tweedy), the Parthenon (containing statues, nude Grecian divinities), the Wall street money market (which controlled international finance), the Plaza de Toros at La Linea, Spain (where O'Hara of the camerons had slain the bull), Niagara (over which no human being had passed with impunity), the land of the Eskimos (eaters of soap), the forbidden country of Thibet (from which no traveller returns), the bay of Naples (to see which was to die), the Dead Sea.
Under what guidance, following what signs?
At sea, septentrional, by night the polestar, located at the point of intersection of the right line from beta to alpha in Ursa Major produced and divided externally at omega and the hypotenuse of the rightangled triangle formed by the line alpha omega so produced and the line alpha delta of Ursa Major. On land, meridional, a bispherical moon, revealed in imperfect varying phases of lunation through the posterior interstice of the imperfectly occluded skirt of a carnose negligent perambulating female, a pillar of the cloud by day.
What public advertisement would divulge the occultation of the departed?
#5 reward lost, stolen or strayed from his residence 7 Eccles street, missing gent about 40, answering to the name of Bloom, Leopold (Poldy), height 5 ft 9 1/2 inches, full build, olive complexion, may have since grown a beard, when last seen was wearing a black suit. Above sum will be paid for information leading to his discovery.
What universal binomial denominations would be his as entity and nonentity?
Assumed by any or known to none. Everyman or Noman.
What tributes his?
Honour and gifts of strangers, the friends of Everyman. A nymph immortal, beauty, the bride of Noman.
Would the departed never nowhere nohow reappear?
Ever he would wander, selfcompelled, to the extreme limit of his cometary orbit, beyond the fixed stars and variable suns and telescopic planets, astronomical waifs and strays, to the extreme boundary of space, passing from land to land, among peoples, amid events. Somewhere imperceptibly he would hear and somehow reluctantly, suncompelled, obey the summons of recall. Whence, disappearing from the constellation of the Northern Crown he would somehow reappear reborn above delta in the constellation of Cassiopeia and after incalculable eons of peregrination return an estranged avenger, a wreaker of justice on malefactors, a dark crusader, a sleeper awakened, with financial resources (by supposition) surpassing those of Rothschild or of the silver King.
What would render such return irrational?
An unsatisfactory equation between an exodus and return in time through reversible space and an exodus and return in space through irreversible time.
What play of forces, inducing inertia, rendered departure undesirable?
The lateness of the hour, rendering procrastinatory: the obscurity of the night, rendering invisible: the uncertainty of thoroughfares, rendering perilous: the necessity for repose, obviating movement: the proximity of an occupied bed, obviating research: the anticipation of warmth (human) tempered with coolness (linen), obviating desire and rendering desirable: the statue of Narcissus, sound without echo, desired desire.
What advantages were possessed by an occupied, as distinct from an unoccupied bed?
The removal of nocturnal solitude, the superior quality of human (mature female) to inhuman (hotwaterjar) calefaction, the stimulation of matutinal contact, the economy of mangling done on the premises in the case of trousers accurately folded and placed lengthwise between the spring mattress (striped) and the woollen mattress (biscuit section).
What past consecutive causes, before rising preapprehended, of accumulated fatigue did Bloom, before rising, silently recapitulate?
The preparation of breakfast (burnt offering): intestinal congestion and premeditative defecation (holy of holies): the bath (rite of John): the funeral (rite of Samuel): the advertisement of Alexander Keyes (Urim and Thummin): the unsubstantial lunch (rite of Melchizedek): the visit to museum and national library (holy place): the bookhunt along Bedford row, Merchants' Arch, Wellington Quay (Simchath Torah): the music in the Ormond Hotel (Shira Shirim): the altercation with a truculent troglodyte in Bernard Kiernan's premises (holocaust): a blank period of time including a cardrive, a visit to a house of mourning, a leavetaking (wilderness): the eroticism produced by feminine exhibitionism (rite of Onan): the prolonged delivery of Mrs Mina Purefoy (heave offering): the visit to the disorderly house of Mrs Bella Cohen, 82 Tyrone street, lower, and subsequent brawl and chance medley in Beaver street (Armageddon): nocturnal perambulation to and from the cabman's shelter, Butt Bridge (atonement).
What selfimposed enigma did Bloom about to rise in order to go so as to conclude lest he should not conclude involuntarily apprehend?
The cause of a brief sharp unforeseen heard loud lone crack emitted by the insentient material of a strainveined timber table.
What selfinvolved enigma did Bloom risen, going, gathering multicoloured multiform multitudinous garments, voluntarily apprehending, not comprehend?
Who was M'Intosh?
What selfevident enigma pondered with desultory constancy during 30 years did Bloom now, having effected natural obscurity by the extinction of artificial light, silently suddenly comprehend?
Where was Moses when the candle went out?
What imperfections in a perfect day did Bloom, walking, silently, successively, enumerate?
A provisional failure to obtain renewal of an advertisement, to obtain a certain quantity of tea from Thomas Kernan (agent for Pulbrook, Robertson and Co, 5 Dame street, Dublin, and 2 Mincing lane, London, E. C.), to certify the presence or absence of posterior rectal orifice in the case of Hellenic female divinities, to obtain admission (gratuitous or paid) to the performance of Leah by Mrs Bandman Palmer at the Gaiety Theatre, 46, 47, 48, 49, South King street.
What impression of an absent face did Bloom, arrested, silently recall?
The face of her father, the late Major Brian Cooper Tweedy, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, of Gibraltar and Rehoboth, Dolphin's Barn.
What recurrent impressions of the same were possible by the hypothesis?
Retreating, at the terminus of the Great Northern Railway, Amiens street, with constant uniform acceleration, along parallel lines meeting at infinity, if produced: along parallel lines, reproduced from infinity, with constant uniform retardation, at the terminus of the Great Northern Railway, Amiens street, returning.
What miscellaneous effects of female personal wearing apparel were perceived by him?
A pair of new inodorous halfsilk black ladies' hose, a pair of new violet garters, a pair of outsize ladies' drawers of India mull, cut on generous lines, redolent of opoponax, jessamine and Muratti's Turkish cigarettes and containing a long bright steel safety pin, folded curvilinear, a camisole of baptiste with thin lace border, an accordion underskirt of blue silk moirette, all these objects being disposed irregularly on the top of a rectangular trunk, quadruple battened, having capped corners, with multicoloured labels, initialled on its fore side in white lettering B. C. T. (Brian Cooper Tweedy).
What impersonal objects were perceived?
A commode, one leg fractured, totally covered by square cretonne cutting, apple design, on which rested a lady's black straw hat. Orangekeyed ware, bought of Henry Price, basket, fancy goods, chinaware and ironmongery manufacturer, 21, 22, 23 Moore street, disposed irregularly on the washstand and floor, and consisting of basin, soapdish and brushtray (on the washstand, together), pitcher and night article (on the floor, separate).
Bloom's acts?
He deposited the articles of clothing on a chair, removed his remaining articles of clothing, took from beneath the bolster at the head of the bed a folded long white nightshirt, inserted his head and arms into the proper apertures of the nightshirt, removed a pillow from the head to the foot of the bed, prepared the bedlinen accordingly and entered the bed.
With circumspection, as invariably when entering an abode (his own or not his own): with solicitude, the snakespiral springs of the mattress being old, the brass quoits and pendent viper radii loose and tremulous under stress and strain: prudently, as entering a lair or ambush of lust or adder: lightly, the less to disturb: reverently, the bed of conception and of birth, of consummation of marriage and of breach of marriage, of sleep and of death.
What did his limbs, when gradually extended, encounter?
New clean bedlinen, additional odours, the presence of a human form, female, hers, the imprint of a human form, male, not his, some crumbs, some flakes of potted meat, recooked, which he removed.
If he had smiled why would he have smiled?
To reflect that each one who enters imagines himself to be the first to enter whereas he is always the last term of a preceding series even if the first term of a succeeding one, each imagining himself to be first, last, only and alone, whereas he is neither first nor last nor only nor alone in a series originating In and repeated to infinity.
What preceding series?
Assuming Mulvey to be the first term of his series, Penrose, Bartell d'Arcy, professor Goodwin, Julius Mastiansky, John Henry Menton, Father Bernard Corrigan, a farmer at the Royal Dublin Society's Horse Show, Maggot O'Reilly, Matthew Dillon, Valentine Blake Dillon (Lord Mayor of Dublin), Christopher Callinan, Lenehan, an Italian organgrinder, an unknown gentleman in the Gaiety Theatre, Benjamin Dollard, Simon Dedalus, Andrew (Pisser) Burke, Joseph Cuffe, Wisdom Hely, Alderman John Hooper, Dr Francis Brady, Father Sebastian of Mount Argus, a bootblack at the General Post Office, Hugh E. (Blazes) Boylan and so each and so on to nolast term.
What were his reflections concerning the last member of this series and late occupant of the bed?
Reflections on his vigour (a bounder), corporal proportion (a billsticker), commercial ability (a bester), impressionability (a boaster).
Why for the observer impressionability in addition to vigour, corporal proportion and commercial ability?
Because he had observed with augmenting frequency in the preceding members of the same series the same concupiscence, inflammably transmitted first with alarm, then with understanding, then with desire, finally with fatigue, with alternating symptoms of epicene comprehension and apprehension.
With what antagonistic sentiments were his subsequent reflections affected?
Envy, jealousy, abnegation, equanimity.
Of a bodily and mental male organism specially adapted for the superincumbent posture of energetic human copulation and energetic piston and cylinder movement necessary for the complete satisfaction of a constant but not acute concupiscence resident in a bodily and mental female organism, passive but not obtuse.
Because a nature full and volatile in its free state, was alternately the agent and reagent of attraction. Because action between agents and reagents at all instants varied, with inverse proportion of increase and decrease, with incessant circular extension and radial reentrance. Because the controlled contemplation of the fluctuation of attraction produced, if desired, a fluctuation of pleasure.
In virtue of a) acquaintance initiated in September 1903 in the establishment of George Mesias, merchant tailor and outfitter, 5 Eden Quay, b) hospitality extended and received in kind, reciprocated and reappropriated in person, c) comparative youth subject to impulses of ambition and magnanimity, colleagual altruism and amorous egoism, d) extraracial attraction, intraracial inhibition, supraracial prerogative, e) an imminent provincial musical tour, common current expenses, net proceeds divided.
As natural as any and every natural act of a nature expressed or understood executed in natured nature by natural creatures in accordance with his, her and their natured natures, of dissimilar similarity. As not as calamitous as a cataclysmic annihilation of the planet in consequence of collision with a dark sun. As less reprehensible than theft, highway robbery, cruelty to children and animals, obtaining money under false pretences, forgery, embezzlement, misappropriation of public money, betrayal of public trust, malingering, mayhem, corruption of minors, criminal libel, blackmail, contempt of court, arson, treason, felony, mutiny on the high seas, trespass, burglary, jailbreaking, practice of unnatural vice, desertion from armed forces in the field, perjury, poaching, usury, intelligence with the king's enemies, impersonation, criminal assault, manslaughter, wilful and premeditated murder. As not more abnormal than all other altered processes of adaptation to altered conditions of existence, resulting in a reciprocal equilibrium between the bodily organism and its attendant circumstances, foods, beverages, acquired habits, indulged inclinations, significant disease. As more than inevitable, irreparable.
Why more abnegation than jealousy, less envy than equanimity?
From outrage (matrimony) to outrage (adultery) there arose nought but outrage (copulation) yet the matrimonial violator of the matrimonially violated had not been outraged by the adulterous violator of the adulterously violated.
What retribution, if any?
Assassination, never, as two wrongs did not make one right. Duel by combat, no. Divorce, not now. Exposure by mechanical artifice (automatic bed) or individual testimony (concealed ocular witness), not yet. Suit for damages by legal influence or simulation of assault with evidence of injuries sustained (selfinflicted), not impossibly. If any, positively, connivance, introduction of emulation (material, a prosperous rival agency of publicity: moral, a successful rival agent of intimacy), depreciation, alienation, humiliation, separation protecting the one separated from the other, protecting separator from both.
By what reflections did he, a conscious reactor against the void incertitude, justify to himself his sentiments?
The preordained frangibility of the hymen, the presupposed intangibility of the thing in itself: the incongruity and disproportion between the selfprolonging tension of the thing proposed to be done and the self abbreviating relaxation of the thing done: the fallaciously inferred debility of the female, the muscularity of the male: the variations of ethical codes: the natural grammatical transition by inversion involving no alteration of sense of an aorist preterite proposition (parsed as masculine subject, monosyllabic onomatopic transitive verb with direct feminine object) from the active voice into its correlative aorist preterite proposition (parsed as feminine subject, auxiliary verb and quasimonosyllabic onomatopic past participle with complementary masculine agent) in the passive voice: the continued product of seminators by generation: the continual production of semen by distillation: the futility of triumph or protest or vindication: the inanity of extolled virtue: the lethargy of nescient matter: the apathy of the stars.
In what final satisfaction did these antagonistic sentiments and reflections, reduced to their simplest forms, converge?
Satisfaction at the ubiquity in eastern and western terrestrial hemispheres, in all habitable lands and islands explored or unexplored (the land of the midnight sun, the islands of the blessed, the isles of Greece, the land of promise) of adipose posterior female hemispheres, redolent of milk and honey and of excretory sanguine and seminal warmth, reminiscent of secular families of curves of amplitude, insusceptible of moods of impression or of contrarieties of expression, expressive of mute immutable mature animality.
The visible signs of antesatisfaction?
An approximate erection: a solicitous adversion: a gradual elevation: a tentative revelation; a silent contemplation.
He kissed the plump mellow yellow smellow melons of her rump, on each plump melonous hemisphere, in their mellow yellow furrow, with obscure prolonged provocative melonsmellonous osculation.
The visible signs of postsatisfaction?
A silent contemplation: a tentative velation: a gradual abasement: a solicitous aversion: a proximate erection.
What followed this silent action?
Somnolent invocation, less somnolent recognition, incipient excitation, catechetical interrogation.
With what modifications did the narrator reply to this interrogation?
Negative: he omitted to mention the clandestine correspondence between Martha Clifford and Henry Flower, the public altercation at, in and in the vicinity of the licensed premises of Bernard Kiernan and Co, Limited, 8, 9 and 10 Little Britain street, the erotic provocation and response thereto caused by the exhibitionism of Gertrude (Gerty), surname unknown. Positive: he included mention of a performance by Mrs Bandman Palmer of Leah at the Gaiety Theatre, 46, 47, 48, 49 South King street, an invitation to supper at Wynn's (Murphy's) Hotel, 35, 36, and 37 Lower Abbey street, a volume of peccaminous pornographical tendency entitled Sweets of Sin, anonymous, author a gentleman of fashion, a temporary concussion caused by a falsely calculated movement in the course of postcenal gymnastic display, the victim (since completely recovered) being Stephen Dedalus, professor and author, eldest surviving son of Simon Dedalus, of no fixed occupation, an aeronautical feat executed by him (narrator) in the presence of a witness, the professor and author aforesaid, with promptitude of decision and gymnastic flexibility.
Was the narration otherwise unaltered by modifications?
Which event or person emerged as the salient point of his narration?
Stephen Dedalus, professor and author.
What limitations of activity and inhibitions of conjugal rights were perceived by listener and narrator concerning themselves during the course of this intermittent and increasingly more laconic narration?
By the listener a limitation of fertility inasmuch as marriage had been celebrated 1 calendar month after the 18th anniversary of her birth (8 September 1870), viz. 8 October, and consummated on the same date with female issue born 15 June 1889, having been anticipatorily consummated on the 10 September of the same year and complete carnal intercourse, with ejaculation of semen within the natural female organ, having last taken place 5 weeks previous, viz. 27 November 1893, to the birth on 29 December 1893 of second (and only male) issue, deceased 9 January 1894, aged 11 days, there remained a period of 10 years, 5 months and 18 days during which carnal intercourse had been incomplete, without ejaculation of semen within the natural female organ. By the narrator a limitation of activity, mental and corporal, inasmuch as complete mental intercourse between himself and the listener had not taken place since the consummation of puberty, indicated by catamenic hemorrhage, of the female issue of narrator and listener, 15 September 1903, there remained a period of 9 months and 1 day during which in consequence of a preestablished natural comprehension in incomprehension between the consummated females (listener and issue), complete corporal liberty of action had been circumscribed.
By various reiterated feminine interrogation concerning the masculine destination whither, the place where, the time at which, the duration for which, the object with which in the case of temporary absences, projected or effected.
What moved visibly above the listener's and the narrator's invisible thoughts?
The upcast reflection of a lamp and shade, an inconstant series of concentric circles of varying gradations of light and shadow.
In what directions did listener and narrator lie?
Listener, S. E. by E.; Narrator, N. W. by W.: on the 53rd parallel of latitude, N. and 6th meridian of longitude, W.: at an angle of 45? to the terrestrial equator.
In what state of rest or motion?
At rest relatively to themselves and to each other. In motion being each and both carried westward, forward and rereward respectively, by the proper perpetual motion of the earth through everchanging tracks of neverchanging space.
In what posture?
Listener: reclined semilaterally, left, left hand under head, right leg extended in a straight line and resting on left leg, flexed, in the attitude of Gea-Tellus, fulfilled, recumbent, big with seed. Narrator: reclined laterally, left, with right and left legs flexed, the indexfinger and thumb of the right hand resting on the bridge of the nose, in the attitude depicted on a snapshot photograph made by Percy Apjohn, the childman weary, the manchild in the womb.
Womb? Weary?
He rests. He has travelled.
Sinbad the Sailor and Tinbad the Tailor and Jinbad the Jailer and Whinbad the Whaler and Ninbad the Nailer and Finbad the Failer and Binbad the Bailer and Pinbad the Pailer and Minbad the Mailer and Hinbad the Hailer and Rinbad the Railer and Dinbad the Kailer and Vinbad the Quailer and Linbad the Yailer and Xinbad the Phthailer.
Going to a dark bed there was a square round Sinbad the Sailor roc's auk's egg in the night of the bed of all the auks of the rocs of Darkinbad the Brightdayler.


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17、Chapter 17 Ithaca

Starting united both at normal walking pace from Beresford place they followed in the order named Lower and Middle Gardiner streets and Mountjoy square, west: then, at reduced pace, each bearing left, Gardiner's place by an inadvertance as far as the farther corner of Temple street, north: then at reduced pace with interruptions of halt, bearing right, Temple street, north, as far as Hardwicke place. Approaching, disparate, at relaxed walking pace they crossed both the circus before George's church diametrically, the chord in any circle being less than the arc which it subtends.
Of what did the duumvirate deliberate during their itinerary?
Music, literature, Ireland, Dublin, Paris, friendship, woman, prostitution, diet, the influence of gaslight or the light of arc and glow-lamps on the growth of adjoining paraheliotropic trees, exposed corporation emergency dustbuckets, the Roman catholic church, ecclesiastical celibacy, the Irish nation, jesuit education, careers, the study of medicine, the past day, the male-cent influence of the presabbath, Stephen's collapse.
Did Bloom discover common factors of similarity between their respective like and unlike reactions to experience?
Both were sensitive to artistic impressions musical in preference to plastic or pictorial. Both preferred a continental to an insular manner of life, a cisatlantic to a transatlantic place of residence. Both indurated by early domestic training and an inherited tenacity of heterodox resistance professed their disbelief in many orthodox religious, national, social and ethical doctrines. Both admitted the alternately stimulating and obtunding influence of heterosexual magnetism.
Were their views on some points divergent?
Stephen dissented openly from Bloom's view on the importance of dietary and civic self help while Bloom dissented tacitly from Stephen's views on the eternal affirmation of the spirit of man in literature. Bloom assented covertly to Stephen's rectification of the anachronism involved in assigning the date of the conversion of the Irish nation to christianity from druidism by Patrick son of Calpornus, son of Potitus, son of Odyssus, sent by pope Celestine I in the year 432 in the reign of Leary to the year 260 or thereabouts in the reign of Cormac MacArt (266 A.D.) suffocated by imperfect deglutition of aliment at Sletty and interred at Rossnaree. The collapse which Bloom ascribed to gastric inanition and certain chemical compounds of varying degrees of adulteration and alcoholic strength, accelerated by mental exertion and the velocity of rapid circular motion in a relaxing atmosphere, Stephen attributed to the reapparition of a matutinal cloud (perceived by both from two different points of observation, Sandycove and Dublin) at first no bigger than a woman's hand.
Was there one point on which their views were equal and negative?
The influence of gaslight or electric light on the growth of adjoining paraheliotropic trees.
Had Bloom discussed similar subjects during nocturnal perambulations in the past?
In 1884 with Ower Goldberg and Cecil Turnbull at night on public thoroughfares between Longwood avenue and Leonard's corner and Leonard's corner and Synge street and Synge street and Bloomfield avenue. In 1885 with Percy Apjohn in the evenings, reclined against the wall between Gibraltar villa and Bloomfield house in Crumlin, barony of Uppercross. In 1886 occasionally with casual acquaintances and prospective purchasers on doorsteps, in front parlours, in third class railway carriages of suburban lines. In 1888 frequently with major Brian Tweedy and his daughter Miss Marion Tweedy, together and separately on the lounge in Matthew Dillon's house in Roundtown. Once in 1892 and once in 1893 with Julius Mastiansky, on both occasions in the parlour of his (Bloom's) house in Lombard street, west.
What reflection concerning the irregular sequence of dates 1884, 1885, 1886, 1888, 1892, 1893, 1904 did Bloom make before their arrival at their destination?
He reflected that the progressive extension of the field of individual development and experience was regressively accompanied by a restriction of the converse domain of interindividual relations.
As in what ways?
From inexistence to existence he came to many and was as one received: existence with existence he was with any as any with any: from existence to nonexistence gone he would be by all as none perceived.
What action did Bloom make on their arrival at their destination?
At the housesteps of the 4th of the equidifferent uneven numbers, number 7 Eccles street, he inserted his hand mechanically into the back pocket of his trousers to obtain his latchkey.
Was it there?
It was in the corresponding pocket of the trousers which he had worn on the day but one preceding.
Why was he doubly irritated?
Because he had forgotten and because he remembered that he had reminded himself twice not to forget.
What were then the alternatives before the, premeditatedly (respectively) and inadvertently, keyless couple?
To enter or not to enter. To knock or not to knock.
Bloom's decision?
A stratagem. Resting his feet on the dwarf wall, he climbed over the area railings, compressed his hat on his head, grasped two points at the lower union of rails and stiles, lowered his body gradually by its length of five feet nine inches and a half to within two feet ten inches of the area pavement, and allowed his body to move freely in space by separating himself from the railings and crouching in preparation for the impact of the fall.
Did he fall?
By his body's known weight of eleven stone and four pounds in avoirdupois measure, as certified by the graduated machine for periodical selfweighing in the premises of Francis Fraedman, pharmaceutical chemist of 19 Frederick street, north, on the last feast of the Ascension, to wit, the twelfth day of May of the bissextile year one thousand nine hundred and four of the Christian era (jewish era five thousand six hundred and sixtyfour, mohammedan era one thousand three hundred and twentytwo), golden number $, epact 13, solar cycle 9, dominical letters C B, Roman indication 2, Julian period 6617, MXMIV.
Did he rise uninjured by concussion?
Regaining new stable equilibrium he rose uninjured though concussed by the impact, raised the latch of the area door by the exertion of force at its freely moving flange and by leverage of the first kind applied at its fulcrum gained retarded access to the kitchen through the subadjacent scullery, ignited a Lucifer match by friction, set free inflammable coal gas by turning on the ventcock, lit a high flame which, by regulating, he reduced to quiescent candescence and lit finally a portable candle.
What discrete succession of images did Stephen meanwhile perceive?
Reclined against the area railings he perceived through the transparent kitchen panes a man regulating a gasflame of 14 C P, a man lighting a candle, a man removing in turn each of his two boots, a man leaving the kitchen holding a candle of ICP.
Did the man reappear elsewhere?
Alter a lapse of four minutes the glimmer of his candle was discernible through the semitransparent semicircular glass fanlight over the halldoor. The halldoor turned gradually on its hinges. In the open space of the doorway the man reappeared without his hat, with his candle.
Did Stephen obey his sign?
Yes, entering softly, he helped to close and chain the door and followed softly along the hallway the man's back and listed feet and lighted candle past a lighted crevice of doorway on the left and carefully down a turning staircase of more than five steps into the kitchen of Bloom's house.
What did Bloom do?
He extinguished the candle by a sharp expiration of breath upon its flame, drew two spoonseat deal chairs to the hearthstone, one for Stephen with its back to the area window, the other for himself when necessary, knelt on one knee, composed in the grate a pyre of crosslaid resintipped sticks and various coloured papers and irregular polygons of best Abram coal at twentyone shillings a ton from the yard of Messrs Flower and M'Donald of 14 D'Olier street, kindled it at three projecting points of paper with one ignited lucifer match, thereby releasing the potential energy contained in the fuel by allowing its carbon and hydrogen elements to enter into free union with the oxygen of the air.
Of what similar apparitions did Stephen think?
Of others elsewhere in other times who, kneeling on one knee or on two, had kindled fires for him, of Brother Michael in the infirmary of the college of the Society of Jesus at Clongowes Wood, Sallins, in the county of Kildare: of his father, Simon Dedalus, in an unfurnished room of his first residence in Dublin, number thirteen Fitzgibbon street: of his godmother Miss Kate Morkan in the house of her dying sister Miss Julia Morkan at 15 Usher's Island: of his mother Mary, wife of Simon Dedalus, in the kitchen of number twelve North Richmond street on the morning of the feast of Saint Francis-Xavier 1898: of the dean of studies, Father Butt, in the physics' theatre of university College, 16 Stephen's green, north: of his sister Dilly (Delia) in his father's house in Cabra.
What did Stephen see on raising his gaze to the height of a yard from the fire towards the opposite wall?
Under a row of five coiled spring housebells a curvilinear rope, stretched between two holdfasts athwart across the recess beside the chimney pier, from which hung four smallsized square handkerchiefs folded unattached consecutively in adjacent rectangles and one pair of ladies' grey hose with lisle suspendertops and feet in their habitual position clamped by three erect wooden pegs two at their outer extremities and the third at their point of junction.
What did Bloom see on the range?
On the right (smaller) hob a blue enamelled saucepan: on the left (larger) hob a black iron kettle.
What did Bloom do at the range?
He removed the saucepan to the left hob, rose and carried the iron kettle to the sink in order to tap the current by turning the faucet to let it flow.
Did it flow?
Yes. From Roundwood reservoir in county Wicklow of a cubic capacity of 2,400 million gallons, percolating through a subterranean aqueduct of filter mains of single and double pipeage constructed at an initial plant cost of #5 per linear yard by way of the Dargle, Rathdown, Glen of the Downs and Callowhill to the 26 acre reservoir at Stillorgan, a distance of 22 statute miles, and thence, through a system of relieving tanks, by a gradient of 250 feet to the city boundary at Eustace bridge, upper Leeson street, though from prolonged summer drouth and daily supply of 12 1/2 million gallons the water had fallen below the sill of the overflow weir for which reason the borough surveyor and waterworks engineer, Mr Spencer Harty, C.E., on the instructions of the waterworks committee, had prohibited the use of municipal water for purposes other than those of consumption (envisaging the possibility of recourse being had to the importable water of the Grand and Royal canals as in 1893) particularly as the South Dublin Guardians, notwithstanding their ration of 15 gallons per day per pauper supplied through a 6 inch meter, had been convicted of a wastage of 20,000 gallons per night by a reading of their meter on the affirmation of the law agent of the corporation, Mr Ignatius Rice, solicitor, thereby acting to the detriment of another section of the public, selfsupporting taxpayers, solvent, sound.
What in water did Bloom, waterlover, drawer of water, watercarrier returning to the range, admire?
Its universality: its democratic equality and constancy to its nature in seeking its own level: its vastness in the ocean of Mercator's projection: its umplumbed profundity in the Sundam trench of the Pacific exceeding 8,000 fathoms: the restlessness of its waves and surface particles visiting in turn all points of its seaboard: the independence of its units: the variability of states of sea: its hydrostatic quiescence in calm: its hydrokinetic turgidity in neap and spring tides: its subsidence after devastation: its sterility in the circumpolar icecaps, arctic and antarctic: its climatic and commercial significance: its preponderance of 3 to 1 over the dry land of the globe: its indisputable hegemony extending in square leagues over all the region below the subequatorial tropic of Capricorn: the multisecular stability of its primeval basin: its luteofulvous bed: Its capacity to dissolve and hold in solution all soluble substances including billions of tons of the most precious metals: its slow erosions of peninsulas and downwardtending promontories: its alluvial deposits: its weight and volume and density: its imperturbability in lagoons and highland tarns: its gradation of colours in the torrid and temperate and frigid zones: its vehicular ramifications in continental lakecontained streams and confluent oceanflowing rivers with their tributaries and transoceanic currents: gulfstream, north and south equatorial courses: its violence in seaquakes, waterspouts, artesian wells, eruptions, torrents, eddies, freshets, spates, groundswells, watersheds, waterpartings, geysers, cataracts, whirlpools, maelstroms, inundations, deluges, cloudbursts: its vast circumterrestrial ahorizontal curve: its secrecy in springs, and latent humidity, revealed by rhabdomantic or hygrometric instruments and exemplified by the hole in the wall at Ashtown gate, saturation of air, distillation of dew: the simplicity of its composition, two constituent parts of hydrogen with one constituent part of oxygen: its healing virtues: its buoyancy in the waters of the Dead Sea: its persevering penetrativeness in runnels, gullies, inadequate dams, leaks on shipboard: its properties for cleansing, quenching thirst and fire, nourishing vegetation: its infallibility as paradigm and paragon: its metamorphoses as vapour, mist, cloud, rain, sleet, snow, hail: its strength in rigid hydrants: its variety of forms in loughs and bays and gulfs and bights and guts and lagoons and atolls and archipelagos and sounds and fjords and minches and tidal estuaries and arms of sea: its solidity in glaciers, icebergs, icefloes: its docility in working hydraulic millwheels, turbines, dynamos, electric power stations, bleachworks, tanneries, scutchmills: its utility in canals, rivers, if navigable, floating and graving docks: its potentiality derivable from harnessed tides or watercourses falling from level to level: its submarine fauna and flora (anacoustic, photophobe) numerically, if not literally, the inhabitants of the globe: its ubiquity as constituting 90% of the human body: the noxiousness of its effluvia in lacustrine marshes, pestilential fens, faded flowerwater, stagnant pools in the waning moon.
Having set the halffilled kettle on the now burning coals, why did he return to the stillflowing tap?
To wash his soiled hands with a partially consumed tablet of Barrington's lemonflavoured soap, to which paper still adhered (bought thirteen hours previously for fourpence and still unpaid for), in fresh cold neverchanging everchanging water and dry them, face and hands, in a long redbordered holland cloth passed over a wooden revolving roller.
What reason did Stephen give for declining Bloom's offer?
That he was hydrophobe, hating partial contact by immersion or total by submersion in cold water (his last bath having taken place in the month of October of the preceding year), disliking the aqueous substances of glass and crystal, distrusting aquacities of thought and language.
What impeded Bloom from giving Stephen counsels of hygiene and prophylactic to which should be added suggestions concerning a preliminary wetting of the head and contraction of the muscles with rapid splashing of the face and neck and thoracic and epigastric region in case of sea or river bathing, the parts of the human anatomy most sensitive to cold being the nape, stomach, and thenar or sole of foot?
The incompatibility of aquacity with the erratic originality of genius.

What additional didactic counsels did he similarly repress?
Dietary: concerning the respective percentage of protein and caloric energy in bacon, salt ling and butter, the absence of the former in the lastnamed and the abundance of the latter in the firstnamed.
Which seemed to the host to be the predominant qualities of his guest?
Confidence in himself, an equal and opposite power of abandonment and recuperation.
What concomitant phenomenon took place in the vessel of liquid by the agency of fire?
The phenomenon of ebullition. Fanned by a constant updraught of ventilation between the kitchen and the chimneyflue, ignition was communicated from the faggots of precombustible fuel to polyhedral masses of bituminous coal, containing in compressed mineral form the foliated fossilised decidua of primeval forests which had in turn derived their vegetative existence from the sun, primal source of heat (radiant), transmitted through omnipresent luminiferous diathermanous ether. Heat (convected), a mode of motion developed by such combustion, was constantly and increasingly conveyed from the source of calorification to the liquid contained in the vessel, being radiated through the uneven unpolished dark surface of the metal iron, in part reflected, in part absorbed, in part transmitted, gradually raising the temperature of the water from normal to boiling point, a rise in temperature expressible as the result of an expenditure of 72 thermal units needed to raise I pound of water from 50 to 212 Fahrenheit.
What announced the accomplishment of this rise in temperature?
A double falciform ejection of water vapour from under the kettlelid at both sides simultaneously.
For what personal purpose could Bloom have applied the water so boiled?
To shave himself.
What advantages attended shaving by night?
A softer beard: a softer brush if intentionally allowed to remain from shave to shave in its agglutinated lather: a softer skin if unexpectedly encountering female acquaintances in remote places at incustomary hours: quiet reflections upon the course of the day: a cleaner sensation when awaking after a fresher sleep since matutinal noises, premonitions and perturbations, a clattered milkcan, a postman's double knock, a paper read, reread while lathering, relathering the same spot, a shock, a shoot, with thought of aught he sought though fraught with nought might cause a faster rate of shaving and a nick on which incision plaster with precision cut and humected and applied adhered which was to be done.
Why did absence of light disturb him less than presence of noises
Because of the surety of the sense of touch in his firm full masculine feminine passive active hand.
What quality did it (his hand) possess but with what counteracting influence?
The operative surgical quality but that he was reluctant to shed human blood even when the end justified the means, preferring in their natural order, heliotherapy, psychophysicotherapeutics, osteopathic surgery.
What lay under exposure on the lower middle and upper shelves of the kitchen dresser opened by Bloom?
On the lower shelf five vertical breakfast plates, six horizontal breakfast saucers on which rested inverted breakfast cups, a moustachecup, uninverted, and saucer of Crown Derby, four white goldrimmed eggcups, and open shammy purse displaying coins, mostly copper, and a phial of aromatic violet comfits. On the middle shelf a chipped eggcup containing pepper, a drum of table salt, four conglomerated black olives in oleaginous paper, an empty pot of Plumtree's potted meat, an oval wicker basket bedded with fibre and containing one Jersey pear, a halfempty bottle of William Gilbey and Co's white invalid port, half disrobed of its swathe of coralpink tissue paper, a packet of Epps's soluble cocoa, five ounces of Anne Lynch's choice tea at 2/- per lb. in a crinkled leadpaper bag, a cylindrical canister containing the best crystallised lump sugar, two onions, one the larger, Spanish, entire, the other, smaller, Irish, bisected with augmented surface and more redolent, a jar of Irish Model Dairy's cream, a jug of brown crockery containing a noggin and a quarter of soured adulterated milk, converted by heat into water, acidulous serum and semisolidified curds, which added to the quantity subtracted for Mr Bloom's and Mrs Fleming's breakfasts made one imperial pint, the total quantity originally delivered, two cloves, a halfpenny and a small dish containing a slice of fresh ribsteak. On the upper shelf a battery of jamjars of various sizes and proveniences.
What attracted his attention lying on the apron of the dresser?
Four polygonal fragments of two lacerated scarlet betting tickets, numbered 887, 886.
What reminiscences temporarily corrugated his brow?
Reminiscences of coincidences, truth stranger than fiction, preindicative of the result of the Gold Cup flat handicap, the official and definitive result of which he had read in the Evening Telegraph, late pink edition, in the cabman's shelter, at Butt bridge.
Where had previous intimations of the result, effected or projected, been received by him?
In Bernard Kiernan's licensed premises 8, 9 and 10 Little Britain street: in David Byrne's licensed premises, 14 Duke street: in O'Connell street lower, outside Graham Lemon's when a dark man had placed in his hand a throwaway (subsequently thrown away), advertising Elijah, restorer of the church in Zion: in Lincoln place outside the premises of F. W. Sweny and Co (Limited) dispensing chemists, when, when Frederick M. (Bantam) Lyons had rapidly and successively requested, perused and restituted the copy of the current issue of the Freeman's Journal and National Press which he had been about to throw away (subsequently thrown away), he had proceeded towards the oriental edifice of the Turkish and Warm Baths, 11 Leinster street, with the light of inspiration shining in his countenance and bearing in his arms the secret of the race, graven in the language of prediction.
What qualifying considerations allayed his perturbations?
The difficulties of interpretation since the significance of any event followed its occurrence as variably as the acoustic report followed the electrical discharge and of counterestimating against an actual loss by failure to interpret the total sum of possible losses proceeding originally from a successful interpretation.
His mood?
He hid not risked, he did not expect, he had not been disappointed, he was satisfied.
What satisfied him?
To have sustained no positive loss. To have brought a positive gain to others. Light to the gentiles.
How did Bloom prepare a collation for a gentile?
He poured into two teacups two level spoonfuls, four in all, of Epps's soluble cocoa and proceeded according to the directions for use printed on the label, to each adding after sufficient time for infusion the prescribed ingredients for diffusion in the manner and in the quantity prescribed.
What supererogatory marks of special hospitality did the host show his guest?
Relinquishing his symposiarchal right to the moustache cup of imitation Crown Derby presented to him by his only daughter, Millicent (Milly), he substituted a cup identical with that of his guest and served extraordinarily to his guest and, in reduced measure, to himself the viscous cream ordinarily reserved for the breakfast of his wife Marion (Molly).
Was the guest conscious of and did he acknowledge these marks of hospitality?
His attention was directed to them by his host jocosely and he accepted them seriously as they drank in jocoserious silence Epps's massproduct, the creature cocoa.
Were there marks of hospitality which he contemplated but suppressed, reserving them for another and for himself on future occasions to complete the act begun?
The reparation of a fissure of the length of 1 1/2 inches in the right side of his guest's jacket. A gift to his guest of one of the four lady's handkerchiefs, if and when ascertained to be in a presentable condition.
Who drank more quickly?
Bloom, having the advantage of ten seconds at the initiation ad taking, from the concave surface of a spoon along the handle of which a steady flow of heat was conducted, three sips to his opponent's one, six to two, nine to three.
What cerebration accompanied his frequentative act?
Concluding by inspection but erroneously that his silent companion was engaged in mental composition he reflected on the pleasures derived from literature of instruction rather than of amusement as he himself had applied to the works of William Shakespeare more than once for the solution of difficult problems in imaginary or real life.
Had he found their solution?
In spite of careful and repeated reading of certain classical passages, aided by a glossary, he had derived imperfect conviction from the text, the answers not bearing on all points.
What lines concluded his first piece of original verse written by him, potential poet, at the age of 11 in 1877 on the occasion of the offering of three prizes at 10/-, 5/- and 2/6 respectively by the Shamrock, a weekly newspaper?
An ambition to squint
At my verses in print
Makes me hope that for these you'll find room.
If you so condescend
Then please place at the end
The name of yours truly, L. Bloom.
Did he find four separating forces between his temporary guest and him?
Name, age, race, creed.
What anagrams had he made on his name in youth?
Leopold Bloom
Bollo edoom
Old Ollebo, M. P.
What acrostic upon the abbreviation of his first name had he (kinetic poet) sent to Miss Marion Tweedy on the 14 February 1888?
Poets oft have sung in rhyme
Of music sweet their praise divine.
Let them hymn it nine times nine.
Bearer far than song or wine,
You are mine. The world is mine.
What had prevented him from completing a topical song (music by R. G. Johnston) on the events of the past, or fixtures for the actual years, entitled If Brian Boru could but come back and see old Dublin now, commissioned by Michael Gunn, lessee of the Gaiety Theatre, 46, 47, 48, 49 South King street, and to be introduced into the sixth scene, the valley of diamonds, of the second edition (30 January 1893) of the grand annual Christmas pantomime Sinbad the Sailor (written by Greenleaf Whittier, scenery by George A. Jackson and Cecil Hicks, costumes by Mrs and Miss Whelan, produced by R. Shelton 26 December 1892 under the personal supervision of Mrs Michael Gunn, ballets by Jessie Noir, harlequinade by Thomas Otto) and sung by Nelly Bouverist principal girl?
Firstly, oscillation between events of imperial and of local interest, the anticipated diamond jubilee of Queen Victoria (born 1820, acceded 1837) and the posticipated opening of the new municipal fish market: secondly, apprehension of opposition from extreme circles on the questions of the respective visits of Their Royal Highnesses, the duke and duchess of York (real), and of His Majesty King Brian Boru (imaginary); thirdly, a conflict between professional etiquette and professional emulation concerning the recent erections of the Grand Lyric Hall on Burgh Quay and the Theatre Royal in Hawkins street: fourthly, distraction resultant from compassion for Nelly Bouverist's non-intellectual, non-political, nontopical expression of countenance and concupiscence caused by Nelly Bouverist's revelations of white articles of nonintellectual, non-political, non-topical underclothing while she (Nelly Bouverist) was in the articles: fifthly, the difficulties of the selection of appropriate music and humorous allusions from Everybody's Book of Jokes (1,000 pages and a laugh in every one); sixthly, the rhymes homophonous and cacophonous, associated with the names of the new lord mayor, Daniel Tallon, the new high sheriff, Thomas Pile and the new solicitorgeneral, Dunbar Plunket Barton.
What relation existed between their ages?
16 years before in 1888 when Bloom was of Stephen's present age Stephen was 6.16 years after in 1920 when Stephen would be of Bloom's present age Bloom would be 54. In 1936 when Bloom would be 70 and Stephen 54 their ages initially in the ratio of 16 to 0 would be as 17 1/2 to 13 1/2, the proportion increasing and the disparity diminishing according as arbitrary future years were added, for if the proportion existing in 1883 had continued immutable, conceiving that to be possible, till then 1904 when Stephen was 22 Bloom would be 374 and in 1920 when Stephen would be 38, as Bloom then was, Bloom would be 646 while in 1952 when Stephen would have attained the maximum postdiluvian age of 70 Bloom, being 1190 years alive having been born in the year 714, would have surpassed by 221 years the maximum antediluvian age, that of Methusalah, 969 years, while, if Stephen would continue to live until he would attain that age in the year 3072 A.D., Bloom would have been obliged to have been alive 83,300 years, having been obliged to have been born in the year 81,396 B.C.
What events might nullify these calculations?
The cessation of existence of both or either, the inauguration of a new era or calendar, the annihilation of the world and consequent extermination of the human species, inevitable but impredictable.
How many previous encounters proved their preexisting acquaintance?
Two. The first in the lilacgarden of Matthew Dillon's house, Medina Villa, Kimmage road, Roundtown, in 1887, in the company of Stephen's mother, Stephen being then of the age of 5 and reluctant to give his hand in salutation. The second in the coffeeroom of Breslin's hotel on a rainy Sunday in the January of 1892, in the company of Stephen's father and Stephen's granduncle, Stephen being then 5 years older.
Did Bloom accept the invitation to dinner given then by the son and afterwards seconded by the father?
Very gratefully, with grateful appreciation, with sincere appreciative gratitude, in appreciatively grateful sincerity of regret, he declined.
Did their conversation on the subject of these reminiscences reveal a third connecting link between them?
Mrs Riordan, a widow of independent means, had resided in the house of Stephen's parents from 1 September 1888 to 29 December 1891 and had also resided during the years 1892, 1893 and 1894 in the City Arms Hotel owned by Elizabeth O'Dowd of 54 Prussia street where during parts of the years 1893 and 1894 she had been a constant informant of Bloom who resided also in the same hotel, being at that time a clerk in the employment of Joseph Cuffe of 5 Smithfield for the superintendence of sales in the adjacent Dublin Cattle market on the North Circular road.
Had he performed any special corporal work of mercy for her?
He had sometimes propelled her on warm summer evenings, an infirm widow of independent, if limited means, in her convalescent bathchair with slow revolutions of its wheels as far as the corner of the North Circular road opposite Mr Gavin Low's place of business where she had remained for a certain time scanning through his onelensed binocular fieldglasses unrecognisable citizens on tramcars, roadster bicycles, equipped with inflated pneumatic tyres, hackney carriages, tandems, private and hired landaus, dogcarts, ponytraps and brakes passing from the city to the Phoenix Park and vice versa.
Why could he then support that his vigil with the greater equanimity?
Because in middle youth he had often sat observing through a rondel of bossed glass of a multicoloured pane the spectacle offered with continual changes of the thoroughfare without, pedestrians, quadrupeds, velocipedes, vehicles, passing slowly, quickly, evenly, round and round and round the rim of a round precipitous globe.
What distinct different memories had each of her now eight years deceased?
The older, her bezique cards and counters, her Skye terrier, her suppositions wealth, her lapses of responsiveness and incipient catarrhal deafness: the younger, her lamp of colza oil before the statue of the Immaculate Conception, her green and maroon brushes for Charles Stewart Parnell and for Michael Davitt, her tissue papers.
Were there no means still remaining to him to achieve the rejuvenation which these reminiscences divulged to a younger companion rendered the more desirable?
The indoor exercises, formerly intermittently practised, subsequently abandoned, prescribed in Eugen Sandow's Physical Strength and How To Obtain It which, designed particularly for commercial men engaged in sedentary occupations, were to be made with mental concentration in front of a mirror so as to bring into play the various families of muscles and produce successively a pleasant relaxation and the most pleasant repristination of juvenile agility.
Had any special agility been his in earlier youth?
Though ringweight lifting had been beyond his strength and the full circle gyration beyond his courage yet as a High School scholar he had excelled in his table and protracted execution of the half lever movement on the parallel bars in consequence of his abnormally developed abdominal muscles.
Did either openly allude to their racial difference?
What, reduced to their simplest reciprocal form, were Bloom's thoughts about Stephen's thoughts about Bloom and Bloom's thoughts about Stephen's thoughts about Bloom's thoughts about Stephen?
He thought that he thought that he was a jew whereas he knew that he knew that he knew that he was not.
What, the enclosures of reticence removed, were their respective parentages?
Bloom, only born male transubstantial heir of Rudolf Virag (subsequently Rudolf Bloom) of Szombathely, Vienna, Budapest, Milan, London and Dublin and of Ellen Higgins, second daughter of Julius Higgins (born Karoly) and Fanny Higgins (born Hegarty); Stephen, eldest surviving male consubstantial heir of Simon Dedalus of Cork and Dublin and of Mary, daughter of Richard and Christina Goulding (born Grier).
Had Bloom and Stephen been baptised, and where and by whom, cleric or layman?
Bloom (three times) by the reverend Mr Gilmer Johnston M. A. alone in the protestant church of Saint Nicolas Without, Coombe; by James O'Connor, Philip Gilligan and James Fitzpatrick, together, under a pump in the village of Swords; and by the reverend Charles Malone C. C., in the church of the Three Patrons, Rathgar. Stephen (once) by the reverend Charles Malone, C. C., alone, in the church of the Three Patrons, Rathgar.
Did they find their educational careers similar?
Substituting Stephen for Bloom Stoom would have passed successively through a dame's school and the high school. Substituting Bloom for Stephen Blephen would have passed successively through the preparatory, junior, middle and senior grades of the intermediate and through the matriculation, first arts, second arts and arts degree course of the royal university.
Why did Bloom refrain from stating that he had frequented the university of life?
Because of his fluctuating incertitude as to whether this observation had or had not been already made by him to Stephen or by Stephen to him.
What two temperaments did they individually represent?
The scientific. The artistic.
What proofs did Bloom adduce to prove that his tendency was towards applied, rather than towards pure, science?
Certain possible inventions of which he had cogitated when reclining in a state of supine repletion to aid digestion, stimulated by his appreciation of the importance of inventions now common but once revolutionary for example, the aeronautic parachute, the reflecting telescope, the spiral corkscrew, the safety pin, the mineral water siphon, the canal lock with winch and sluice, the suction pump.
Were these inventions principally intended for an improved scheme of kindergarten?
Yes, rendering obsolete popguns, elastic airbladders, games of hazard, catapults. They comprised astronomical kaleidoscopes exhibiting the twelve constellations of the zodiac from Aries to Pisces, miniature mechanical orreries, arithmetical gelatine lozenges, geometrical to correspond with zoological biscuits, globemap playingballs, historically costumed dolls.
What also stimulated him in his cogitations?
The financial success achieved by Ephraim Marks and Charles A. James, the former by his 1d. bazaar at 42 George's street, South, the latter at his 6 1/2d. shop and world's fancy fair and waxwork exhibition at 30 Henry street, admission 2d., children 1d.; and the infinite possibilities hitherto unexploited of the modern art of advertisement if condensed in triliteral monoideal symbols, vertically of maximum visibility (divined), horizontally of maximum legibility (deciphered) and of magnetising efficacy to arrest involuntary attention, to interest, to convince, to decide.
Such as?
K. 11. Kino's 111- Trousers.
House of Keys. Alexander J. Keyes.
Such as not?
Look at this long candle. Calculate when it burns out and you receive gratis I pair of our special non-compo boots, guaranteed I candle power. Address: Barclay and Cook, 18 Talbot Street.
Bacilikil (Insect Powder).
Veribest (Boot Blacking).
Uwantit (Combined pocket twoblade penknife with corkscrew, nailfile and pipecleaner).
Such as never?
What is home without Plumtree's Potted Meat?
With it an abode of bliss.
Manufactured by George Plumtree, 23 Merchants' quay, Dublin, put up in 4 oz. pots, and inserted by Councillor Joseph P. Nannetti, M. P., Rotunda Ward, 19 Hardwicke street, under the obituary notices and anniversaries of deceases. The name on the label is Plumtree. A plumtree is a meatpot, registered trade mark. Beware of imitations. Peatmot. Trumplee. Montpat. Plamtroo.
Which example did he adduce to induce Stephen to deduce that originality, though producing its own reward, does not invariably conduce to success?
His own ideated and rejected project of an illuminated showcart, drawn by a beast of burden, in which two smartly dressed girls were to be seated engaged in writing.
What suggested scene was then constructed by Stephen?
Solitary hotel in mountain pass. Autumn. Twilight. Fire lit. In dark corner young man seated. Young woman enters. Restless. Solitary. She sits. She goes to window. She stands. She sits. Twilight. She thinks. On solitary hotel paper she writes. She thinks. She writes. She sighs. Wheels and hoofs. She hurries out. He comes from his dark corner. He seizes solitary paper. He holds it towards fire. Twilight. He reads. Solitary
In sloping, upright and backhands: Queen's hotel, Queen's hotel, Queen's Ho...
What suggested scene was then reconstructed by Bloom?
The Queen's Hotel, Ennis, County, Glare, where Rudolph Bloom (Rudolf Virag) died on the evening of the 27 June 1886, at some hour unstated, in consequence of an overdose of monkshood (aconite) selfadministered in the form of a neuralgic liniment, composed of 2 parts of aconite liniment to 1 of chloroform liniment (purchased by him at 10.20 a.m. on the morning of 27 June 1886 at the medical hall of Francis Dennehy, 17 Church street, Ennis) after having, though not in consequence of having, purchased at 3.15 p.m. on the afternoon of 27 June 1886 a new boater straw hat, extra smart (after having, though not in consequence of having, purchased at the hour and in the place aforesaid, the toxin aforesaid), at the general drapery store of James Cullen, 4 Main street, Ennis.
Did he attribute this homonymity to information or coincidence or intuition?
Did he depict the scene verbally for his guest to see?
He preferred himself to see another's face and listen to another's words by which potential narration was realised and kinetic temperament relieved.
Did he see only a second coincidence in the second scene narrated to him, described by the narrator as A Pisgah Sight of Palestine or The Parable of the Plums?
It, with the preceding scene and with others unnarrated but existent by implication, to which add essays on various subjects or moral apothegms (e.g. My Favourite Hero or Procrastination is the Thief of Time) composed during schoolyears, seemed to him to contain in itself and in conjunction with the personal equation certain possibilities of financial, social, personal and sexual success, whether specially collected and selected as model pedagogic themes (of cent per cent merit) for the use of preparatory and junior grade students or contributed in printed form, following the precedent of Philip Beaufoy or Doctor Dick or Heblon's Studies in Blue, to a publication of certified circulation and solvency or employed verbally as intellectual stimulation for sympathetic auditors, tacitly appreciative of successful narrative and confidently augurative of successful achievement, during the increasingly longer nights gradually following the summer solstice on the day but three following, videlict, Tuesday, 21 June (S. Aloysius Gonzaga), sunrise 3.33 a.m., sunset 8.29 p.m.
Which domestic problem as much as, if not more than, any other frequently engaged his mind?
What to do with our wives.
What had been his hypothetical singular solutions?
Parlour games (dominos, halma, tiddledywinks, spillikins, cup and ball, nap, spoil five, bezique, twentyfive, beggar my neighbour, draughts, chess or backgammon): embroidery, darning or knitting for the policeaided clothing society: musical duets, mandoline and guitar, piano and flute, guitar and piano: legal scrivenery or envelope addressing: biweekly visits to variety entertainments: commercial activity as pleasantly commanding and pleasingly obeyed mistress proprietress in a cool dairy shop or warm cigar divan: the clandestine satisfaction of erotic irritation in masculine brothels, state inspected and medically controlled: social visits, at regular infrequent prevented intervals and with regular frequent preventive superintendence, to and from female acquaintances of recognised respectability in the vicinity: courses of evening instruction specially designed to render liberal instruction agreeable.
What instances of deficient mental development in his wife inclined him in favour of the lastmentioned (ninth) solution?
In disoccupied moments she had more than once covered a sheet of paper with signs and hieroglyphics which she stated were Greek and Irish and Hebrew characters. She had interrogated constantly at varying intervals as to the correct method of writing the capital initial of the name of a city in Canada, Quebec. She understood little of political complications, internal, or balance of power, external. In calculating the addenda of bills she frequently had recourse to digital aid. After completion of laconic epistolary compositions she abandoned the implement of calligraphy in the encaustic pigment exposed to the corrosive action of copperas, green vitriol and nutgall. Unusual polysyllables of foreign origin she interpreted phonetically or by false analogy or by both: metempsychosis (met him pike hoses), alias (a mendacious person mentioned in sacred Scripture).
What compensated in the false balance of her intelligence for these and such deficiencies of judgment regarding persons, places and things?
The false apparent parallelism of all perpendicular arms of all balances, proved true by construction. The counterbalance of her proficiency of judgment regarding one person, proved true by experiment.
How had he attempted to remedy this state of comparative ignorance?
Variously. By leaving in a conspicuous place a certain book open at a certain page: by assuming in her, when alluding explanatorily, latent knowledge: by open ridicule in her presence of some absent other's ignorant lapse.
With what success had he attempted direct instruction?
She followed not all, a part of the whole, gave attention with interest, comprehended with surprise, with care repeated, with greater difficulty remembered, forgot with ease, with misgiving reremembered, rerepeated with error.
What system had proved more effective?
Indirect suggestion implicating self-interest.
She disliked umbrella with rain, he liked woman with umbrella, she disliked new hat with rain, he liked woman with new hat, he bought new hat with rain, she carried umbrella with new hat.
Accepting the analogy implied in his guest's parable which examples of postexilic eminence did he adduce?
Three seekers of the pure truth, Moses of Egypt, Moses Maimonides, author of More Neubkim (Guide of the Perplexed) and Moses Mendelssohn of such eminence that from Moses (of Egypt) to Moses (Mendelssohn) there arose none like Moses (Maimonides).
What statement was made, under correction, by Bloom concerning a fourth seeker of pure truth, by name Aristotle, mentioned, with permission, by Stephen?
That the seeker mentioned had been a pupil of a rabbinical philosopher, name uncertain.
Were other anapocryphal illustrious sons of the law and children of a selected or rejected race mentioned?
Felix Bartholdy Mendelssohn (composer), Baruch Spinoza (philosopher), Mendoza (pugilist), Ferdinand Lassalle (reformer, duellist).
What fragments of verse from the ancient Hebrew and ancient Irish languages were cited with modulations of voice and translation of texts by guest to host and by host to guest?
By Stephen: suil, suil, suil arun, suil go siocair agus, suil go cuin (walk, walk, walk your way, walk in safety, walk with care).
By Bloom: Kifeloch, harimon rakatejch m'baad l'zamatejch (thy temple amid thy hair is as a slice of pomegranate).
How was a glyphic comparison of the phonic symbols of both languages made in substantiation of the oral comparison?
On the penultimate blank page of a book of inferior literary style, entitled Sweets of Sin (produced by Bloom and so manipulated that its front cover came in contact with the surface of the table) with a pencil (supplied by Stephen) Stephen wrote the Irish characters for gee, eh, dee, em, simple and modified, and Bloom in turn wrote the Hebrew characters ghimel, aleph, daleth and (in the absence of mem) a substituted goph, explaining their arithmetical values as ordinal and cardinal numbers, videlicet 3, 1,4 and 100.
Was the knowledge possessed by both of each of these languages, the extinct and the revived, theoretical or practical?
Theoretical, being confined to certain grammatical rules of accidence and syntax and practically excluding vocabulary.
What points of contact existed between these languages and between the peoples who spoke them?
The presence of guttural sounds, diacritic aspirations, epenthetic and servile letters in both languages: their antiquity, both having been taught on the plain of Shinar 242 years after the deluge in the seminary instituted by Fenius Farsaigh, descendant of Noah, progenitor of Israel, and ascendant of Heber and Heremon, progenitors of Ireland: their archeological, genealogical, hagiographical, exegetical, homilectic, toponomastic, historical and religious literatures comprising the works of rabbis and culdees, Torah, Talmud (Mischna and Ghemara) Massor, Pentateuch, Book of the Dun Cow, Book of Ballymote, Garland of Howth, Book of Kells: their dispersal, persecution, survival and revival: the isolation of their synagogical and ecclesiastical rites in ghetto (S. Mary's Abbey) and masshouse (Adam and Eve's tavern): the proscription of their national costumes in penal laws and Jewish dress acts: the restoration in Chanan David of Zion and the possibility of Irish political autonomy or devolution.
What anthem did Bloom chant partially in anticipation of that multiple, ethnically irreductible consummation?
Kolod balejwaw pnimali
Nefesch, jehudi, homijah.
Why was the chant arrested at the conclusion of this first distich?
In consequence of defective mnemotechnic.
How did the chanter compensate for this deficiency? By a periphrastic version of the general text.
In what common study did their mutual reflections merge?
The increasing simplification traceable from the Egyptian epigraphic hieroglyphs to the Greek and Roman alphabets and the anticipation of modern stenography and telegraphic code in the cuneiform inscriptions (Semitic) and the virgular quinquecostate ogham writing (Celtic).
Did the guest comply with his host's request?
Doubly, by appending his signature in Irish and Roman characters.
What was Stephen's auditive sensation?
He heard in a profound ancient male unfamiliar melody the accumulation of the past.
What was Bloom's visual sensation?
He saw in a quick young male familiar form the predestination of a future.
What were Stephen's and Bloom's quasisimultaneous volitional quasisensations of concealed identities?
Visually, Stephen's: The traditional figure of hypostasis, depicted by Johannes Damascenus, Lentulus Romanus and Epiphanius Monachus as leucodermic, sesquipedalian with winedark hair.
Auditively, Bloom's: The traditional accent of the ecstasy of catastrophe.
What future careers had been possible for Bloom in the past and with what exemplars?
In the church, Roman, Anglican, or Nonconformist: exemplars, the very reverend John Conmee S.J., the reverend T. Salmon, D.D., provost of Trinity college, Dr Alexander J. Dowie. At the bar, English or Irish: exemplars, Seymour Bushe, K.C., Rufus Isaacs, K.C. On the stage, modern or Shakespearean exemplars, Charles Wyndham, high comedian, Osmond Tearle (1901), exponent of Shakespeare.
Did the host encourage his guest to chant in a modulated voice a strange legend on an allied theme?
Reassuringly, their place where none could hear them talk being secluded, reassured, the decocted beverages, allowing for subsolid residual sediment of a mechanical mixture, water plus sugar plus cream plus cocoa, having been consumed.
Recite the first (major) part of this chanted legend?
d Little Harry Hughes and his schoolfellows all Went out for to play ball
And the very first ball little Harry Hughes played
He drove it o'er the jew's garden wall.
And the very second ball little Harry Hughes played
He broke the jew's windows all.
How did the son of Rudolph receive this first part?
With unmixed feeling. Smiling, a jew, he heard with pleasure and saw the unbroken kitchen window.
Recite the second part (minor) of the legend.
Then out there came the jew's daughter
And she all dressed in green.
`Come back, come back, you pretty little boy,
And play your ball again.'
`I can't come back and I won't come back
Without my schoolfellows all,
For if my master he did hear
He'd make it a sorry ball.'
She took him by the lilywhite hand
And led him along the hall
Until she led him to a room
Where none could hear him call.
She took a penknife out of her pocket
And cut off his little head,
And now he'll play his ball no more
For he lies among the dead.
How did the father of Millicent receive this second part?
With mixed feelings. Unsmiling, he heard and saw with wonder a jew's daughter, all dressed in green.
Condense Stephen's commentary.
One of all, the least of all, is the victim predestined. Once by inadvertence, twice by design he challenges his destiny. It comes when he is abandoned and challenges him reluctant and, as an apparition of hope and youth holds him unresisting. It leads him to a strange habitation, to a secret infidel apartment, and there, implacable, immolates him, consenting.
Why was the host (victim predestined) sad?
He wished that a tale of a deed should be told of a deed not by him should by him not be told.
Why was the host (reluctant, unresisting) still?
In accordance with the law of the conservation of energy.
Why was the host (secret infidel) silent?
He weighed the possible evidences for and against ritual murder: the incitation of the hierarchy, the superstition of the populace, the propagation of rumour in continued fraction of veridicity, the envy of opulence, the influence of retaliation, the sporadic reappearance of atavistic delinquency, the mitigating circumstances of fanaticism, hypnotic suggestion and somnambulism.
From which (if any) of these mental or physical disorders was he not totally immune?
From hypnotic suggestion: once, waking, he had not recognised his sleeping apartment: more than once, waking, he had been for an indefinite time incapable of moving or uttering sounds. From somnambulism: once, sleeping, his body had risen, crouched and crawled in the direction of a heatless fire and, having attained its destination, there, curled, unheated in night attire had lain, sleeping.
Had this latter or any cognate phenomenon declared itself in any member of his family?
Twice, in Holles street and in Ontario terrace, his daughter Millicent (Milly) at the ages of 6 and 8 years had uttered in sleep an exclamation of terror and had replied to the interrogations of two figures in night attire with a vacant mute expression.
What other infantile memories had he of her?
15 June 1889. A querulous newborn female infant crying to cause and lessen congestion. A child renamed Padney Socks she shook with shocks her moneybox: counted his three free moneypenny buttons one, tloo, tlee: a doll, a boy, a sailor she cast away: blond, born of two dark, she had blond ancestry, remote, a violation, Herr Hauptmann Hainau, Austrian army, proximate, a hallucination, lieutenant Mulvey, British navy.
What endemic characteristics were present?
Conversely the nasal and frontal formation was derived in a direct line of lineage which, though interrupted, would continue at distant intervals to its most distant intervals.
What memories had he of her adolescence?
She relegated her hoop and skippingrope to a recess. On the duke's lawn entreated by an English visitor, she declined to permit him to make and take away her photographic image (objection not stated). On the South Circular road in the company of Elsa Potter, followed by an individual of sinister aspect, she went half way down Stamer street and turned abruptly back (reason of change not stated). On the vigil of the 15th anniversary of her birth she wrote a letter from Mullingar, county Westmeath, making a brief allusion to a local student (faculty and year not stated).
Did that first division, portending a second division, afflict him?
Less than he had imagined, more than he had hoped.
What second departure was contemporaneously perceived by him similarly if differently?
A temporary departure of his cat.
Why similarly, why differently?
Similarly, because actuated by a secret purpose the quest of a new male (Mullingar student) or of a healing herb (valerian). Differently, because of different possible returns to the inhabitants or to the habitation.
In other respects were their differences similar?
In passivity, in economy, in the instinct of tradition, in unexpectedness.
Inasmuch as leaning she sustained her blond hair for him to ribbon it for her (cf. neckarching cat). Moreover, on the free surface of the lake in Stephen's green amid inverted reflections of trees her uncommented spit, describing concentric circles of waterrings, indicated by the constancy of its permanence the locus of a somnolent prostrate fish (cf. mousewatching cat). Again, in order to remember the date, combatants, issue and consequences of a famous military engagement she pulled a plait of her hair (cf. earwashing cat). Furthermore, silly Milly, she dreamed of having had an unspoken unremembered conversation with a horse whose name had been Joseph to whom (which) she had offered a tumblerful of lemonade which it (he) had appeared to have accepted (cf. hearthdreaming cat). Hence in passivity, in economy, in the instinct of tradition, in unexpectedness, their differences were similar.
In what way had he utilised gifts 1) an owl, 2) a clock, given as matrimonial auguries, to interest and to instruct her?
As object lessons to explain: 1) the nature and habits of oviparous animals, the possibility of aerial flight, certain abnormalities of vision, the secular process of imbalsamation: 2) the principle of the pendulum, exemplified in bob, wheelgear and regulator, the translation in terms of human or social regulation of the various positions clockwise of movable indicators on an unmoving dial, the exactitude of the recurrence per hour of an instant in each hour, when the longer and the shorter indicator were at the same angle of inclination, videlicet, 5 5/11 minutes past each hour per hour in arithmetical progression.
In what manners did she reciprocate?
She remembered: on the 27th anniversary of his birth she presented to him a breakfast moustachecup of imitation crown Derby porcelain ware. She provided: at quarter day or thereabouts if or when purchases had been made by him not for her she showed herself attentive to his necessities, anticipating his desires. She admired: a natural phenomenon having been explained by him not for her she expressed the immediate desire to possess without gradual acquisition a fraction of his science, the moiety, the quarter, a thousandth part.
What proposal did Bloom, diambulist, father of Milly, somnambulist, make to Stephen, noctambulist?
To pass in repose the hours intervening between Thursday (proper) and Friday (normal) on an extemporised cubicle in the apartment immediately above the kitchen and immediately adjacent to the sleeping apartment of his host and hostess.
What various advantages would or might have resulted from a prolongation of such extemporisation?
For the guest: security of domicile and seclusion of study. For the host: rejuvenation of intelligence, vicarious satisfaction. For the hostess: disintegration of obsession, acquisition of correct Italian pronunciation.
Why might these several provisional contingencies between a guest and a hostess not necessarily preclude or be precluded by a permanent eventuality of reconciliatory union between a schoolfellow and a jew's daughter?
Because the way to daughter led through mother, the way to mother through daughter.
To what inconsequent polysyllabic question of his host did the guest return a monosyllabic negative answer?
If he had known the late Mrs Emily Sinico, accidentally killed at Sydney Parade railway station, 14 October 1903.
What inchoate corollary statement was consequently suppressed by the host?
A statement explanatory of his absence on the occasion of the interment of Mrs Mary Dedalus, born Goulding, 26 June 1903, vigil of the anniversary of the decease of Rudolph Bloom (born Virag).
Was the proposal of asylum accepted?
Promptly, inexplicably, with amicability, gratefully it was declined.
What exchange of money took place between host and guest?
The former returned to the latter, without interest, a sum of money (?1.7s.0.), one pound seven shillings, advanced by the latter to the former.
What counterproposals were alternately advanced, accepted, modified, declined, restated in other terms, reaccepted, ratified, reconfirmed?
To inaugurate a prearranged course of Italian instruction, place the residence of the instructed. To inaugurate a course of vocal instruction, place the residence of the instructress. To inaugurate a series of static, semistatic and peripatetic intellectual dialogues, places the residence of both speakers (if both speakers were resident in the same place), the Ship hotel and tavern, 6 Lower Abbey street (W. and E. Connery, proprietors), the National Library of Ireland, 10 Kildare street, the National Maternity Hospital, 29, 30 and 31 Holles street, a public garden, the vicinity of a place of worship, a conjunction of two or more public thoroughfares, the point of bisection of a right line drawn between their residences (if both speakers were resident in different places).
What rendered problematic for Bloom the realisation of these mutually selfexcluding propositions?
The irreparability of the past: once at a performance of Albert Hengler's circus in the Rotunda, Rutland square, Dublin, an intuitive particoloured clown in quest of paternity had penetrated from the ring to a place in the auditorium where Bloom, solitary, was seated and had publicly declared to an exhilarated audience that he (Bloom) was his (the clown's) papa. The imprevidibility of the future: once in the summer of 1898 he (Bloom) had marked a florin (2s.) with three notches on the milled edge and tendered it in payment of an account due to and received by J. and T. Davy, family grocers, 1 Charlemont Mall, Grand Canal, for circulation on the waters of civic finance, for possible, circuitous or direct, return.
Was the clown Bloom's son?
Had Bloom's coin returned?
Why would a recurrent frustration the more depress him?
Because at the critical turningpoint of human existence he desired to amend many social conditions, the product of inequality and avarice and international animosity.
He believed then that human life was infinitely perfectible, eliminating these conditions?
There remained the generic conditions imposed by natural, as distinct from human law, as integral parts of the human whole: the necessity of destruction to procure alimentary sustenance: the painful character of the ultimate functions of separate existence, the agonies of birth and death: the monotonous menstruation of simian and (particularly) human females extending from the age of puberty to the menopause: inevitable accidents at sea, in mines and factories: certain very painful maladies and their resultant surgical operations, innate lunacy and congenital criminality, decimating epidemics: catastrophic cataclysms which make terror the basis of human mentality: seismic upheavals the epicentres of which are located in densely populated regions: the fact of vital growth, through convulsions of metamorphosis from infancy through maturity to decay.
Why did he desist from speculation?
Because it was a task for a superior intelligence to substitute other more acceptable phenomena in place of the less acceptable phenomena to be removed.
Did Stephen participate in his dejection?
He affirmed his significance as a conscious rational animal proceeding syllogistically from the known to the unknown and a conscious rational reagent between a micro- and a macrocosm ineluctably constructed upon the incertitude of the void.
Was this affirmation apprehended by Bloom?
Not verbally. Substantially.
What comforted his misapprehension?
That as a competent keyless citizen he had proceeded energetically from the unknown to the known through the incertitude of the void.

[ 此帖被soneyky在2012-12-24 09:40重新编辑 ]


等级: 内阁元老
举报 只看该作者 44楼  发表于: 2012-12-24 0


布卢姆先生首先把沾在斯蒂芬衣服上的刨花掸掉大半,把帽子木手杖递给他,正像个好撒马利亚人[1] 那样给以鼓舞,而这也正是斯蒂芬所迫切需要的。他(斯蒂芬)的精神虽还说不上是错乱,但不大稳定。当他表示想喝点儿什么的时候,布卢姆先生考虑到在这个时刻,连洗手用的瓦尔特里[2] 水泵都找不到,饮用的水就更说不上了。他猛然想出个应急办法,提出不如到离巴特桥左不过一箭之遥的那家通称“马车夫棚”的店铺去,兴许还能喝上杯牛奶苏打水或矿泉水呢。难就难在怎样走到那里。眼下他不知该怎么办才好,然而这又是个义不容辞、刻不容缓的问题。正当他在千方百计琢磨着办法的时候,斯蒂芬连连打着哈欠。他看得出,斯蒂芬的脸色有些苍白。他们两人(尤其是斯蒂芬)都已精疲力竭,在这种情况下,要是能找到什么代步的话,就再好不过了。他认为总会找得到的。他那块略沾肥皂味的手绢尽到掸刨花的责任后,就掉在地上了,他忘记把它拾起来,却用手去揩拭。准备就绪后,他们二人就一道沿着比弗街(或说得更确切些,比弗巷)一直走到蒙哥马利街角那座钉马掌的棚子和散发着强烈臭气的出租马车行那儿,向左转,又在丹·伯金那家店跟前拐弯,走进阿缅斯街。他原来蛮有把握,可不料哪里也看不到等待顾客的车夫的踪影。仅只在北星饭店门外停着一辆四轮马车,那也许是在里面狂欢者雇的。尽管向来不会吹哨,布卢姆先生还是高举双臂,在头上弯成拱形,使劲学着吹上两声口哨,朝那辆马车打招呼,可它丝毫没有移动的迹象。
处境真是狼狈啊。情况摆得很清楚,唯一的办法显然只好若无其事地步行。他们就这么做了。不久,他们来到牟累特食品店和信号所跟前,斜插过去,只得朝着阿缅斯街电车终点站走去。布卢姆先生裤子后面的一个钮扣,套用一句古谚,像所有的钮扣那样终于不中用啦。布卢姆先生尽管处在如此尴尬的境地,由于他透彻地理解事态的本质,就英勇地容忍了这种不便。他们二人都没有什么急事在身,适才雨神一阵造访,如今业已放晴,天朗气清。他们溜溜达达地从那既无乘客又无车夫、空荡荡地等候着的马车旁走过去。这时,恰好一辆都柏林联合电车公司的撒沙车开了回来。于是,年长者[3] 就和同伴谈起有关自己刚才真正奇迹般地捡了一条命的事。他们经过大北部火车站的正面入口,这是驶往贝尔法斯特的起点站。深更半夜的,一切交通自然均都已断绝。他们走过停尸所的后门(即便不令人有些毛骨悚然,这反正也不是具有吸引力的所在,尤其在夜晚),终于来到码头酒店,接着就进了以C区警察局而驰名的货栈街。在从这里走到贝雷斯福德街那目前已熄了灯的高耸的货栈的路上,易卜生兜上斯蒂芬的心头。这所坐落在塔博特街右手第一个拐角处的石匠贝尔德的作坊不知怎地引起了他的联想[4] 。这时,充当斯蒂芬的忠实的阿卡帖斯[ 5] 的另一位,怀着由衷的欣喜闻着近在咫尺的詹姆斯·鲁尔克都市面包房[ 6] 的气味,那是我们的日用粮[7] 的芬香,确实可口,在公众的日用商品中,它是头等重要、最不可缺少的。面包,生命的必需品,挣你的面包[ 8] ,哦,告诉我花式面包在何方[9]? 据说就在这家鲁尔克面包房里。
“而那家伙是个犹大[18] ,”一直保持沉默的斯蒂芬说。
“晚安!”[20 ]
尽管这类事情每隔一夜(或者几乎是如此)就能遇上一次,斯蒂芬还是为之怦然心动。他晓得科利方才那套新近胡乱编造的话照例是不大可信的,然而,正如拉丁诗人所说:“我对不幸遭遇并非一无所知,故深知拯救处于厄运中者。”[27] 况且刚巧赶上月中的十六日,他领了薪水,不过这笔款项实际上已花掉不少。最令人啼笑皆非的是,科利一门心思认定斯蒂芬生活富裕,成天无所事事,到处施舍。其实呢。不管怎样,他把手伸进兜儿里,倒不是想在那儿找到什么吃的,而是打算借给科利一两先令,这样他就可以努把力,挣钱好歹糊上口。但是结果扑了个空!使他懊恼的是,他发觉自己的钱不翼而飞了,只找到几块饼干渣子。这时,他搜索枯肠去回忆究竟是把钱丢失了呢,还是遗忘在哪儿了--因为这种可能也是有的。这一意外事件非但不容乐观,老实说,还真令人懊丧。他试图追想模模糊糊留在记忆中的饼干的事,但已精疲力竭,无从透彻地弄明白。确切他说,到底是谁给他的呢,又是在哪儿给的呢,要么,难道是他买的吗、不管怎样,在另一个兜儿里他倒是找到了--在一片黑暗中,他以为那是几枚便士,却搞错了。
布卢姆先生脸上露出对此事漠不关心的神色,茫然地朝着那艘陈旧的挖泥船--它被取了艾布拉那[33] 这一雅号,看来已无法修理了--的方向望了半秒钟光景,于是就闪烁其词他说:
“俺姓墨菲,”水手接下去说,“叫作w. B. 墨菲,是卡利加勒[52]人。你晓得它在哪儿吗?”
布卢姆先生能够毫不费力地设想他出现的场面:逃出海妖[55] 的掌心之后,回到路边的水手家园---座窝棚里。那是酝酿着一场雨的夜晚,一轮月亮昏昏暗暗的[56]。为了老婆,横跨过世界。有不少关于艾丽斯·卡·博尔特[57]这一特定题材的故事。伊诺克·阿登[58]和端普·凡·温格尔。这里可有人记得盲人奥利里[59] 吗?顺便提一下,那是可怜的约翰·凯西[60]所写的深受欢迎却又令人心酸、音调铿锵的作品,结构完美的小小诗篇。做老婆的不论曾经多么忠实于外出者,一旦跟人跑了,就再也不会回来了。窗口的那张脸!想想看,好不容易才回到家,晓得了关于爱妻的可怕真相,感情触了礁,这时该是多么令人心碎啊!你再也没想到我会回来,然而我要住下来,重新打鼓另开张。守活寡的老婆还像从前那样坐在同一座炉边。她相信我已经死掉了,到海底深处坐摇篮[61]去了。傻瓜叔叔,要么就是“王冠与锚”酒馆老板汤姆金斯叔叔,身上只随随便便穿了件衬衫,大嚼着牛腿扒配葱头。没有椅子给爹坐。呸!刮风啦!她抱在腿上的是刚生下的娃娃,一个遗腹儿[62]。高啊高!兰迪,噢!我那乘风破浪的丹迪,哦[63]!这是躲不开的,只能屈从,苦笑着逆来顺受呗。我将永永远远热烈地爱着你,你那心碎了的丈夫,w. B. 墨菲。
“俺们是今天上午十一点钟进港的。就是那艘从布里奇沃特运砖来的三桅纵帆船罗斯韦思号[64]。俺是为了到这儿来才搭上那条船的。今儿下午发了工钱,就被解雇了。你们瞧,这是俺的解雇证书。一级水手w. B. 墨菲。”
布卢姆先生并未露出吃惊的神色。他只悄悄地把明信片翻过去,辨认那一部分已模糊不清的地址和邮戳。是这么写的:邮政明信片。A. 布丁先生收,智利国圣地亚哥市贝赤游廊。[68]他特别留意到明信片上显然一句话也没写。[69]
尽管他并不轻信适才所讲的那种可怕的故事(还有击落鸡蛋之举,不过,倒也有威廉·退尔的故事,以及《玛丽塔娜》[70]中所描述的拉扎利洛与堂塞萨尔·德·巴桑事件。在那次事件中,前者的子弹穿透了后者的帽子)。他看穿了水手的名字(假定他果真就是所自称的那个人,而不是在某地悄悄地使船调换方向,挂上别国国旗航行的话)与明信片上的收信人姓名有出入,再加上那个编造的发信地址,使他颇为怀疑我们这位朋友诚实[71]与否。然而看了这张明信片,他便不知怎地想起了在心里酝酿了好久、迟早打算实现的一个计划:星期三或星期六乘船远航到伦敦。尽管他从未远游过,骨子里却是个冒险家;只是由于命运的捉弄,迄今没出过海--除非你把霍利黑德[72] 之行也算作航海的话。那是他生平最远的一次旅行了。马丁·坎宁翰常说他要拜托伊根给布卢姆弄张免费船票,然而每一次总是好事多磨,泡了汤。即便立刻支付得出那笔必要的款子,让博伊德伤伤心[73],只要囊中并不羞涩,其实数目也不大大,最多不过是两三基尼;而他指望着要去的穆林加尔的往返旅费,估计要五先令六便士。由于空气爽朗新鲜,旅行有益于健康,从各方面来说都舒适之至。对肝脏有病的人就更是这样。沿途可以看到普利茅斯、法尔茅斯、南安普敦[74]等形形色色的地方。这次富于教育意义的游览的高潮是观赏大都会(我们时代的巴比伦)的景物。毫无疑问,他会在这里再一次看到大加修缮的塔和教堂,富丽堂皇的公园街[75]。忽然间他还兴起另一个挺不坏的念头:何不筹组一次包括最著名的游乐胜地的夏季演奏旅行,前往各地漫游:马盖待[76]的男女混浴场、第一流的矿泉和温泉疗养地,伊斯特本,斯卡伯勒[77]马盖特等;还有景色优美的伯恩茅斯,海峡群岛[78]以及诸如此类小巧精致的地方。说不定还大有赚头呢。班子当然不是鬼头鬼脑临时东拼西凑的,更不会雇用C. P. 麦科伊太太那种类型的本地歌女--借我用用你的手提箱,我就寄张免费船票给你。才不是呢,而是最高级的,是爱尔兰首屈一指的名角会演,由特威迪- 弗罗尔大型歌剧团团长的正式夫人担任主角,足以和埃尔斯特·格莱姆斯[79]与穆迪- 曼纳斯[80]一比高低。这是十分简单的事,他对此举的成功充满自信。关键在于得有个能够在背后操持料理的家伙,能让当地的报纸给大吹大擂一番。这样,就既可盈利又能饱览风光了。然而,由谁来承担此职呢?嗯,难就难在这儿[81]。
此外,虽然不到具体实施的程度,他脑子里还浮现出一个想法:为了与时代步调一致,应开拓新天地,开辟新航路。恰当的例子就是菲什加德- 罗斯莱尔航路[82]。人们纷纷说,经交通省提出后,照例由于衙门冗繁的文牍主义,因循姑息,吊儿郎当,净是蠢才,至今仍在反复审议中[83]。为了满足一般庶民大众旅行的需要,这里确实给布朗- 鲁宾逊公司等提供了一个积极开展事业的大好机会。
他耷拉着眼皮困倦地环睨着大家。看来在座的人们即便还有意问点什么,也会被他顶回去了。“这可是好钢啊,”他又重复了一遍,一边端详着那把令人生畏的短刀[ 89] 。
他面呈倦容,闭上了嘴。发问者看出,从这样一个狡猾的老家伙嘴里是打听不出什么来的,就开始呆呆地驰想着环绕地球的浩渺水域的事。放眼望一下地图就能明白,海洋竟占地球的四分之三。因此,他完全了解:统治海洋意味着什么。说到这里就足够了。不只一次--起码有十二次--他曾在多利蒙特的北布尔附近留意到一个被淘汰下来的老水手。此人显然无依无靠,惯常坐在堤岸边上,靠近并不一定会引起美好联想的大海,十分明显地和大海相互瞪着眼,梦想着生气勃勃的森林和鲜嫩的牧场[98],就像某人在某处歌唱过的那样。这使他纳闷老人为什么要这样。说不定老人曾试图亲自探索一下海洋的奥秘[99],于是就从地球的一端拆腾到另一端,从海面闯荡到海底--喏,说海底并不大确切--就这样撞着运气。实际上,其中绝对没有任何秘密。尽管如此,即使不细微地[100] 进行调查,大海依然光辉灿烂地存在着这一雄辩的事实终归是无法否定的。一般总会有人大胆地违悖天意,继续航行。不过,这也仅仅表示人们通常是怎样挖空心思把此类重担转嫁给旁人。比方说,地狱这个观念也罢,彩票和保险也罢,都是同一性质的,因此,单凭这个理由,“救生艇星期日”[101]这一组织也是值得嘉许的。广大公众不论住在内地还是海边,一旦清楚地了解了,就应该感谢水上警察署长和沿岸警备队克尽职责。因为不论什么季节,爱尔兰期待每人今天各尽自己的职责[102] 等等。冬季有时天气恶劣,也非出发不可。他们得安排人去管缆绳,不要忘了那些爱尔兰灯船,基什[103]的,还有旁的。随时都有可能翻船。有一次他带着女儿乘船绕过它航行。虽然还说不上是狂风暴雨的天气,倒也饱尝了恶浪翻滚的滋味。
“他多大啦?”一个听者问道。从侧面望去,这个人长得有点儿像市公所秘书长亨利·坎贝尔[104] ,给人以刚从办公室的操劳中逃出来的感觉。他当然没洗过澡,衣衫褴褛,酒糟鼻子一眼就看得出。 “唔,”水手有些为难似的慢吞吞他说,“俺儿子达尼吗?俺估摸着现在该有十八岁了吧?”
于是,斯基贝林出身的这位父亲[105] 用双手扯开他那件灰色的--要么就是脏成发灰的衬衫,满胸脯乱挠一气,看得出上面是用中国黥墨刺的一片锚状花纹。
一个戴着黑色草帽,面容憔悴,好像涂了层釉料一般的妓女从马车夫棚门口探进头来,斜眼望着。她显然是在替自己来巡风,目的不外乎是多捞几个进项。布卢姆先生简直不晓得往哪儿瞧才好。他惊慌失措,却又佯装出冷静。他马上移开视线,从桌上拿起一张出租马车车夫模样的人丢下的阿贝街报那张粉色的纸页[108] 。他拾起报纸,端详着纸页的粉色。可又自问为什么是粉色的呢?他之所以这么做,是因为这时他认出站在门口的就是头天下午在奥蒙德码头上瞥见的同一张脸。换句话说,也就是小巷子里那个半白痴的女人。她认得跟你在一起的那位穿棕色衣衫的太太(布太太),并且问有没有衣服让她洗。而且,为什么又要提洗衣服的事儿呢?这一点好像有些含糊[109] 。
你那些要洗的衣服。然而,为人坦率的他不得不承认,住在霍利斯街的时候,他曾为老婆洗过穿脏了的贴身衣裤,女人们要是真爱一个男人的话,也会愿意并且动手替他洗那些同样用比尤利- 德雷珀[110] 制造的不褪色墨水写上姓名首字(她的就是用这个牌子的墨水写的)的衣服。也就是说,爱我的话,就连我的脏衣服也爱吧。但是眼下他正感到焦虑不安。与其让这女人陪伴他,他更希望她离开。所以,当老板做了个粗鲁的手势打发她离开时,他由衷地松了口气。他隔着《电讯晚报》上端瞥了一眼她那张出现在门边的脸。她呆滞地龇牙咧嘴笑着,说明她有些心不在焉。她饶有兴趣地打量着围观船老大墨菲那特有的水手胸脯的人们,接着,她就消失了踪影。
“在这个国家里,某些人卖出去的东西远比她所曾卖过的要多,而且还大有赚头。不用怕那些出售肉体、没有力量收买灵魂的人们。[111] 她可不擅长做生意。她贵买贱卖。”
那个年长的人尽管并不是个老处女或假正经,却说道:这号女人(在这个问题上,他丝毫不曾囿于老处女式的洁癖)是无法避免的危害,可是有关当局既不发给她们执照,又不要求她们做体检,真是可耻极了,必须即刻[112] 加以纠正。说实在的,关于这一问题,自己作为一家之父[113] ,从一开始就坚决主张这么做。他说,谁要是制定了这样一个方针,并彻底地诉之于舆论,就必然会使一切有关的人都受惠无穷。
“‘单一’[116] ?我不认为这是个恰当的字眼。当然喽,我勉强承认,人们极偶然地会遇上一个单纯的灵魂。但是我迫切地想举的是这样一个例子:伦琴所发明的射线,或是像爱迪生那样发明望远镜;不,我相信比他还早,我指的那个人是伽利略。那样一种发明可了不起呀。比方说,同样的话也适用于像电这样范围很广的自然现象的法则。但是倘若你相信超自然的天主的存在,那就完全是另一码事啦。”
“已经证明了吗?”两个人中间经验较丰富的那位固执己见,反驳道,“我就不大相信这一点。这是大家都有争论余地的问题;其中的宗派方面就不去牵涉了,请容许我跟你持截然相反[ 117] 的看法。坦率他说句老实话,我相信,这些鸡零狗碎多半都是僧侣们所捏造出来的。最大的可能性就是把有关我们那位国民诗人的大问题重新提出来,诸如培根乃是《哈姆莱特》的作者,那些剧本归根结蒂是谁执笔的等疑问。当然喽,你对你的莎士比亚远比我熟悉多了,我也就无需告诉你什么啦。顺便问一句:这咖啡你喝得下去吗?我替你搅和一下。再吃一片甜面包。这就像是咱们的船老大运来的砖伪装的。不过,谁也拿不出他根本没有的东西。尝一点儿吧。”
俗谚说得好:吹毛求疵是不道德的。布卢姆先生寻思,还不如去搅和或试图搅和那凝在杯底儿的糖疙瘩呢。他抱着近似刻薄的态度琢磨着咖啡宫[118] 以及它所从事的戒酒(而且利润很大的)生意。其目的确实是合理合法的,无可争议,禆益良多。他们目前所在的这种马车夫棚也是本着戒酒这一方针经营的,并且在夜间特为流浪者们开业。这跟有资格的人士为下层庶民所举办的音乐会、戏剧晚会、有益的讲演(免费入场)是同一性质的。另一方面,他怀着痛楚清清楚楚地回忆起,当年咖啡宫对他的妻子玛莉恩。特威迪夫人的钢琴演奏所付的报酬是何等微薄,而有个时期她对咖啡宫的营业起过举足轻重的作用。他深深相信,咖啡宫的宗旨本来就是行善盈利两不误,何况它并没有什么值得一提的竞争对手。他记得曾读过一篇报道,说某处一家廉价饮食店的干豌豆是用有毒的硫酸铜SO4[ 119] 或是什么东西染过的。然而想不起时间和地点了。不管怎样,看来对一切食品都必须进行检查,卫生检查乃是当务之急。蒂比尔博士的“维牌可可”之所以成了抢手货,多半还是由于它附有医学分析表呢。“现在喝一口吧,”他把咖啡搅和完了,就试着步说。
“不过,这仍不失为固体食品,”对他有好影响的这个人劝告说,“我是固体食品的信奉者。一点儿也不贪吃,独一无二的理由是:不论从事任何脑力还是体力的正常劳动,这都是不可缺少的条件[120] 。你应该多吃些固体食品。你就会感觉自己换了个人。”
“流质食品我倒是能吃,”斯蒂芬说,“可是劳驾把那把刀子挪开吧。我一看刀尖就受不了。它使我想起罗马史[ 121] 。”
“我们共同的朋友[122] 的故事就跟他本人一样,”布卢姆先生从刀子又顺便低声对他的心腹朋友说,“你认为那些是真实的吗?他可以通宵达旦一连几个钟头地编造那些奇谈,谎话连篇。瞧他那个样儿!”
在这期间,布卢姆正审视着眼前这个人。自从盯上他后,布卢姆一直对他做着歇洛克·福尔摩斯式的侦察。此人虽然已经有点儿歇顶了,却保养有方,精力充沛;但是神情有些诡谲,令人想到会不会是个刑满出狱者。用不着费多大脑筋就能把这样一个看来怪诞不经的人物跟拆麻絮或踏车[123] 联系起来。说不定杀死那个对手的就是他本人哩。假定他讲的就是他本人的案子,谈起来却仿佛是旁人的事一般。换句话说,他自己把那个人杀掉了,将四五个年头的大好时光消磨在讨厌的狱中。关于用上文中所描述过的那种戏剧性的方式赎了自己罪愆的安东尼奥这个人物(这与我们的国民诗人笔下的同名剧中人物[124] 毫无关系),就不去提了。另一方面,他或许只不过是在那里瞎吹一通。如果是这样,倒还情有可原,因为任何一个老水手要是曾经跨越大洋航行过,一旦遇上地地道道的傻瓜,即都柏林居民,就像那些等着听外国奇闻的马车夫,都会情不自禁地吹起牛来,说什么“赫斯佩勒斯”号[ 125] 三桅纵帆船啦,等等。归根结蒂,一个人关于自己所说的瞎话,同旁人对他所编造的弥天大谎相比之下,恐怕就算不上什么了。
然而布卢姆先生又把话题扯回到朋友辛伯达[ 126] 那可怕的历险上去。(辛伯达使他多少联想到路德维希--别名莱德维希。当迈克尔·冈恩经营欢乐剧场时,路德维希主演《漂泊的荷兰人》[127] 获得巨大成功,爱慕他的观众蜂拥而至,个个都只是为了听听他的声音。尽管不论是不是幽灵船,一旦搬上舞台,就跟火车一样,通常会变得有点儿单调了。)他承认那位水手所讲的本质上没有什么相互矛盾的地方。相反地,从背后捅一刀倒颇像是意大利佬的手法。不过,他仍然愿意坦率地承认,库姆街附近的小意大利[ 128]那些卖各种炸土豆片的自不用说,还有卖冰淇淋的和卖炸鱼的,也都不喝酒,是些勤勤恳恳、省吃俭用的人们。不过,他们也许太喜欢趁着夜间随手乱逮属于旁人的有益无害的猫[129] 族了。还把他或者她那不可或缺的[130] 大蒜抄了来,好在第二天人不知鬼不晓地饱餐一顿带汁的佳肴,并且还说:“来得真便宜。”
“就拿西班牙人来说吧,”他接下去说,“他们容易感情用事,像魔鬼一样急躁,动辄就用私刑,拔出下腹部所佩尖刀嗖的一下就清算你的一生[131] 。这都是那炎热的气候所造成的。说起来,我内人就是个西班牙人,那就是说,有一半西班牙血统。实际上,只要她愿意,她眼下就能够取得西班牙国籍,因为她出生于西班牙(就法律而言),即直布罗陀。她是西班牙型的。肤色浅黑,头发是通常那种黑色,眼珠子乌黑。我确实相信人的性格决定于气候。所以我才问,你是不是曾用意大利语写过诗。”
“门外头那帮暴躁的家伙,”斯蒂芬插嘴道,“为了十先令发起火来了。罗伯特偷了他的东西[132] 。”
“而且,”斯蒂芬直勾勾地望着,对自己或不知在哪儿的某个听着的人说,“我们还有但丁的急性子和与之形成等腰三角形的他所爱上的波蒂纳利[133] 小姐,还有伦纳德[134] 和托马索·马斯蒂诺[135] 。”
随后,话题又转到船只因触到当特暗礁遭难的事件[ 137] 上去了。失事的是那艘倒媚的挪威三桅帆船--一时谁都记不起它的名字了。那个长得确实像亨利·坎贝尔的水手终于想起来了,船名“凡尔默”号,是在布特尔斯汤岸滩触的礁,成了当年全城人的话题--艾伯特·威廉·奎尔还以此为题替《爱尔兰时报》写了一首富于独创性的极出色的佳作。碎浪花冲刷着船身,成群的人们聚在海岸上,一片混乱,一个个吓得呆立在那里。又有人提起,闷热潮湿的一天,天鹅海港的“凯恩斯夫人”号轮船被同一航线上迎面驶来的“莫纳”号撞沉,谁也不曾给他们任何援助,全体船员丧生。“莫纳”号船长说,他担心自己这艘船的缓冲舱壁会垮掉。底层仓里好像并没进水[138]。
他拖着沉重的脚步,拙笨地慢慢走向门口,迈下马车棚外只有一磴的台阶,朝左边拐去。当他刚站起来时,布卢姆先生曾注意到,他两边兜里各露出一瓶看来是水手们喝的那种朗姆酒,为的是暗地里灌进他那灼热的胃。布卢姆先生瞧见他这会儿正四下里打量,并从兜里掏出一只瓶子,拔开或是拧开塞子,将瓶口对准嘴唇,咕嘟咕嘟地痛饮了一通,津津有味。布卢姆简直克制不住自己了。他机警地怀疑,这个老手兴许是被女人这一对抗物所吸引而出去做了一番军事演习的。然而这时那个女人实际上早已消失得无影无踪了。他定睛一看,才勉强辨认出那个灌了一肚子朗姆酒、精神随之而振的水手,正毋宁说是出神地仰望着环行线的陆桥桥墩和纵梁。当然自从他最后一次踏访,这里已大大地改建,面目一新了。看不见形影的某人或某些人把男子小便池指给他看,那是卫生委员会为了卫生而到处盖起来的。但是,过了一阵短暂的寂静之后,显然是对小便池敬而远之的水手,竟就近方便起来。他那泡舱底污水撒了好一阵子,看来迸溅到地上的声音随即惊醒了拴在那排待雇马车中一辆车上的一匹马[139] 。
这当儿,在座的人们都高声为爱尔兰海运业的一蹶不振而表示痛惜。不论沿岸航线还是外国航线都一样,二者是一而二,二而一。帕尔格雷夫- 墨菲的一艘船从亚历山德拉船坞的下水台被送了出去,而那是今年唯一新造的船[141]。果不其然,港口比比皆是,遗憾的是入港的船却一艘也没有。
老板说,这是由于船接连失事的关系。他显然是个知情人[142] 。
他所要弄清楚的是:为什么那艘船竟撞在戈尔韦湾内唯一的岩礁上了呢?而一个姓沃辛顿[143]还是什么的先生,不是刚刚提出戈尔韦港计划吗?他建议他们去问一下那艘船的船长--利弗航线的约翰。利弗船长[144] ,为了那天的工作,英国政府究竟给了他多少贿赂。
“剥山羊皮”——假定就是那位老板——显然是别有用心。他以色厉内荏的申斥口吻,就爱尔兰的天然资源问题什么的,发泄了一通牢骚。他在一席冗长的论说中描述爱尔兰是天主的地球上无与伦比的富饶国家,远远超过英国,煤炭产量丰富,每年出口的猪肉价值六百万英镑,黄油和鸡蛋则共达一千万英镑。但是英国却向爱尔兰的穷苦人民横征暴敛,强迫他们付出惊人的巨款,并把市场上最好的肉掠夺一空。另外还说了不少诸如此类夸张的话。[147]接着,他们的谈话就转到一般的话题上,大家一致同意这是事实。“任何东西都能在爱尔兰的土壤里生长出来,”他说,“在纳文[148]”,埃弗拉德上校还栽培出烟草来呢。难道在任何地方能找到比得上爱尔兰所产的熏猪肉吗?但是靠犯罪行为取得的不义之财不论多么庞大,”他用渐强音[149] 蛮有把握地说——并垄断了座中的谈话——“强大的英国总有一天必然会遭到报应。破灭的日子终会到来,而且那将是有史以来最大的破灭。他断言德国人和日本佬也会俟机而动[ 150]。布尔人造成了结局的开端[151] 。英国徒有其表,已经摇摇欲坠了,最后会崩溃在爱尔兰手里。爱尔兰将是它的‘阿戏留的脚踵’。”他又就希腊英雄阿戏留那易受伤害的部位为他们做了一番解释[152]。由于他隔着靴子指了指腱在哪儿,就完全吸引了听众的注意,从而大家也立即恍然大悟了。他奉劝每个爱尔兰人说:留在你出生的地方,为爱尔兰而工作,为爱尔兰而生活。巴涅尔说过:爱尔兰连她的一个儿子也舍不得撒手。
“说得对,”老水手证实道,“笃信天主教的爱尔兰农民。那是咱们帝国的栋梁。你认识吉姆·马林斯[153] 吗?”
根据经年累月的内幕消息,布卢姆先生颇倾向于把上述见解看作是荒谬透顶的胡言乱语,嗤之以鼻;因为姑且不论他是否衷心企盼那样一种结局[154] ,对这一事实他总是了如指掌:除非海峡对岸的那些邻人远比他所设想的还要愚蠢,否则与其认为他们在显示实力,毋宁说是藏而不露。这种见解就跟一部分人所持的那种再过一亿年,爱尔兰岛的姊妹岛不列颠岛的煤层就将被挖掘一空这一堂吉诃德式的看法如出一辙。随着时间的推移,即便形势的发展果如所料,关于这个问题他个人至多也只能说:在这之前会接连发生无数偶然事件,对于引发这一结局将同样有着关连;尽管两国之间的分歧大得简直是南辕北辙,眼下总还是以竭力相互利用为宜。另外一个有趣的小问题(打个通俗的比方,犹如妓女和扫烟囱小伙子相好)就是爱尔兰兵替英国打仗的次数和与英国敌对的次数一样多,老实说,前者还更多一些。事到如今,又何苦来呢?这两个人,一方领有特准卖酒的执照,据传说是(或曾经是)有名的“常胜军”菲茨哈里斯;另一方显而易见是个冒牌货。双方的这场吵闹,尽管旁人丝毫并未察觉其中的花招,然而他作为一名旁观者,又身为人类心理的研究家,不由得强烈地感到,如果这是预先安排好的话,那就与好计没有什么两样了。至于这个承租人也罢,店老板也罢,多半压根儿就不是另外那个人[155],他(布卢姆)理所当然地不禁感到,除非你是个地地道道的头号大笨蛋,否则就绝不要去理睬这号人。在私生活中订下一条金科玉律,绝不跟他们打任何交道,更不要牵涉到其阴谋诡计中去。因为总会有偶尔冒出个达尼曼[156] 前来行骗的可能性,像丹尼斯或彼得·凯里[157]那样,在女王——不,现在是国王——的法庭上供出对同犯不利的证据。这种事单是想想就令人厌恶。此外,他从原则上就讨厌那种为非作歹、罪恶累累的生涯。犯罪倾向从来不曾以任何形状或形式在他内心里萌生过(尽管仍不改初衷),然而对这个基于政治信念,真正拿出勇气举刀——白晃晃的刀——的人,他的确还是怀着一腔敬慕之情,但是就他个人而言,他是决不愿意参与进去的,这跟他不愿意被卷进南国那种由于情爱而引起的族间仇杀案中去是一样的。要么拥有她,要么就为她而上绞架——这种时候,通常都是丈夫为了妻子跟那个幸运男子之间的关系(丈夫曾派人监视那两个人的行动),跟她争吵了几句。他所膜拜的人儿竟在婚后与人私通[158] ,结果,他用刀子把她砍伤致死。这时他忽然想起绰号“剥山羊皮”的菲茨,只不过曾经替伤害事件的真凶赶过一辆马车而已。倘若他所听到的话属实,菲茨并没有实际参加那场伏击。事实上,司法界一位权威就是这么替他辩护的,从而救了他一命。不管怎样,而今这已成了古老的故事,至于我们这位冒牌的“什么皮”,显然活得太长,早已不再为世人所垂青了。他本该寿终正寝,或者上高高的绞刑架[159]呢。就像女演员一样,老说这是告别演出——绝对是最后一场——接着又笑眯眯地重新登台。这当然是天性喽,落落大方得过了头,完全不懂得节制什么的,总是扑过去咬骨头影儿[160] 。同样地,他极其机敏地猜到约翰尼·利弗在码头一带徘徊的时候,想必在“老爱尔兰”酒店的融洽气氛下唱起《回到爱琳来》等曲调,散了些财。至于另外一些人,不久之前他还曾听见其中的一个说起那句隐语来着,他告诉斯蒂芬,自己是怎样简捷而有效地让那个出口不逊的人闭上嘴巴。
“那傢伙不知怎么一来被惹恼了,”这位感情上虽受了严重伤害,但大体上性情还是那么平和的先生说,“是我说走了嘴,他喊我作犹太佬,口气激烈,态度傲慢无礼。于是,我就丝毫也没有背离事实,率直地告诉他说,他的天主,我指的是基督,也是个犹太人。他一家子都是,就跟我一样,其实我并不是。这话可把他难住了。温和的回答平息怒气[ 161] 。人人都看到,这么一来堵得他哑口无言。我说得对吧?”
“值得纪念的血泊桥[165] 之战和七分钟战役[166] ,斯蒂芬支持他的看法,“斯金纳巷子为一方,奥蒙德市场[167] 为另一方。”
“犹太人,”他像是道着旁白般地小声对斯蒂芬说,“被指控造成了毁灭。我有充分把握说,这完全不符合事实。历史——你听了这话,会不会吃惊呢?——彻底证明了当宗教法庭把犹太人从西班牙驱逐出境之后[169] ,那个国家就衰落了。而克伦威尔这个极其精明强干的恶棍,尽管在其他方面有不少过失,但当他让犹太人入境之后,英国就繁荣起来了[170] 。这是怎么回事呢?因为他们讲求实际,而且这一点已经得到了检验。我不愿意放开来谈……因为你读过关于这个问题的权威之作,况且你是个正统派……撇开宗教不谈,仅就经济领域而言,神父总是招致贫困。再说到西班牙。你已经从那场战争[170] 中看到了,并且跟充满活力的美国作了比较。至于土耳其人,那就是教义的问题啦。因为倘若不是相信死后能够直接升天堂的话,他们就更会惜命了——至少我是这么看。这是教区神父耍的花招,以便假借名义来筹款。反正我,”他怀着充满戏剧性的激情说,“就跟开头我告诉过你的那个鲁莽汉子一样,是个地地道道的爱尔兰人,而且我巴望看到每一个人,”他下结论道,“不分宗教信仰和阶级,都相应地[172] 拥有可观的收入,能够过得舒舒服服——而且不能小里小气地,每年的进项总在三百英镑左右吧。这是个关键问题,而且不难办到,那样就可以促使人与人之间更友好地往来。不管对不对,反正这就是我对爱国的看法。咱们在母校[173]上古典课的时候,不是一知半解地学过点儿吗?祖国所在地,日子过得好。[174] 意思是说,只要你工作,就能在那儿过上好日子。”
斯蒂芬一边喝着那杯毫无味道的所谓咖啡,一边听着这番老生常谈,目光不曾特别盯视什么。自然他听得出各种词句在变换色调,就像早晨他在林森德瞧见的那些螃蟹一样,它们飞快地钻进同一片沙滩上那呈现出各种不同颜色的沙子里[175] 。它们的窝就在沙子底下的什么地方,或者好像是那样。随后他抬头望见了说这话的那双眼睛,也许并没说,不过他听见了“只要你工作”这句话。
“按照你的想法,”斯蒂芬半笑着说,“由于我属于圣帕特里克郊区[176] ,简称爱尔兰,所以我才重要吧?”
在这个妥贴的建议之下,布卢姆先生为了换换话题,就低下头去,然而大惑不解。因为他简直不晓得该怎样恰如其分地解释“属于”这个词,听上去毋宁说是有些模模糊糊。要是旁的什么谴责都会更清楚一些。不消说,由于刚才那阵狂饮,带有奇妙的辛辣味的酒气明显地上了脸,而清醒的时候他是从来也没这样过的。布卢姆先生把家庭生活看得无比重要,然而这个青年也许并没能从中完全得到满足,要么就是未能跟正经人交往的关系。身旁的青年使他感到些许不安。于是,就怀着几分惊愕悄悄地端详着这个青年,想起他刚从巴黎回来不久,尤其是那双眼睛,令人强烈地联想到他的父亲和妹妹。但这也没能解决什么问题。不管怎样,他想起几个颇有教养者的事例,纵然前程似锦,却过早地凋谢,刚萌芽就夭折了。除了他们本人,谁也怪不得。就以奥卡拉汉[ 177]为例吧,他是个半疯狂的怪人,他家道虽不算殷实,却有不少体面的亲戚。他胡作非为过了头,在种种放荡行为中,还包括喝醉酒后骚扰周围的人,穿起一身用褐色纸张做成的衣服(确有其事)来招摇过市。当他疯狂地游荡够了之后,通常就以陷入困境收场[178] 。然后只好在几个朋友的帮助下躲藏起来。下都柏林堡警察厅的约翰·马伦曾露骨地暗示要对他睁一只眼闭一只眼,以避免根据刑法改正条例第二条[179] 对他进行惩罚。被传讯者的名字照例是要提交给当局的,然而却不予公布,个中原因任何人只要稍微动动脑筋就明白了。简而言之,要是把几件事联系起来想的话,例如他断然未予理睬的6啦,16啦,安东尼奥又怎么啦,还有赛马骑师和唯美主义者以及刺青[180] 。七十年代左右,甚至在上议院刺青都曾风行一时。因为当今在位的皇上早年还当太子的时候,十分之一的上层阶级[181]以及其他达官显贵都一味地仿效君主。他回顾着那些声名狼藉者和头戴王冠者所犯下的一桩桩背离道德的罪过。就拿多年前发生的康沃尔事件[182]来说吧。尽管巧妙地掩饰起来,那简直是违反自然之举。恪守法律的善良的格伦迪太太[183] 曾对此狠狠地加以怒斥,不过,个中缘由跟他们自己所想的不大相同。妇道人家除外,她们相互间关心的总是一些无聊琐事,不外乎穿戴等等。喜欢穿有特色的紧身衣裤的太太们自不用说,每一个服饰讲究的男人也都必须通过间接的暗示来突出两性之间的差别。为了越发真正地刺激双方间的不道德行为,她就为他解开钮扣,他则替她解衣宽带,连对一根饰针也都不忽略。而那些连背荫处的气温都高达华氏九十度的荒岛上未开化的种族,对这种事一丁点儿也不在乎。话又说回来了。另一方面,也有依靠自己的能力从社会底层硬是闯进上层的呢。那凭的是天生的禀赋。先生,靠的是头脑。
由于这一点和进一步的理由,他觉得等在此地来利用这意料之外的机会是有益的,也有义务这样做,尽管他不能确切他说出究竟是为什么。其实,他已经为此闹了几先令的亏空,还是听任自己陷了进去。不过,交上这样一位见多识广、不同凡响的朋友,所得到的报偿可谓绰绰有余了。他觉得,头脑不时地受到这样的刺激是对精神的一种最高级的滋补。再加上他们萍水相逢,一道谈论,跳舞,争吵,同这些行踪不定的老水手,夜间的流浪者们,令人眼花缭乱的一连串事件都凑在一起,构成了我们所生活的这个世界的雏形浮雕。尤其是近来对“十分之一的底层阶级”[ 184],也就是煤矿工人、潜水员、清道夫等等的生活,正做着精密的调查。他寻思,如果利用这段大好时光[185] 把这一切见闻都记录下来,是否也能交上菲利普·博福伊先生那样的好运呢?假定他能以每栏一基尼的稿酬写点儿不落寞臼(正如他所企图的那样)的东西的话。题目就叫《我在马车夫棚里的……》——对,《体验》吧。
刚巧他时边就摆着一份谎言连篇的《电讯晚报》粉色版体育特辑。他重新百思不得其解地琢磨着“属于他的国家”以及在这之前的字谜:那艘船是从布里奇沃特驶来的,而明信片可又是寄给A. 布丁的,要问船长究竟有多大年纪。他边动脑子边漫无目标地扫视着属于他那专业范围的一些栏目。“我等包罗万相之父,我等望尔,今日与我,当日报纸[186] 。”起初他有点吃惊,原来不过是有关一个名叫H. 德·拉博伊斯的打字机代理商或什么商人的报道。激战,东京[187] 。爱尔兰式的调情,付赔偿金二百英镑[ 188] 。戈登·贝纳特奖杯[189] 。移民诈骗案[190] 。大主教阁下威廉十来函[ 191] 。“丢掉”在阿斯科特赛马会上获胜,令人联想到在一八九二年的德比马赛上,马歇尔上尉[192] 那匹实力不明的“黑马”“雨果爵士”怎样以绝对优势一举夺标。纽约的一场灾难。一千人丧命[193]。口蹄疫。已故帕特里克·迪格纳穆先生的丧礼。
“今晨(这当然是海因斯写的喽)已故帕特里克·迪格纳穆之遗体已由沙丘纽布里奇大街九号住所移至葛拉斯涅文安葬。死者生前在本市素手众望,为人温厚,今患急病谢世,各界市民无不震惊,痛切哀悼。葬礼系由坐落于北斯特兰德街一六四号之H. J.奥尼尔父子殡仪馆所办理(这肯定是海因斯在科尼·凯莱赫的授意下写的),死者之亲朋好友咸往参加,送葬者包括:帕特里克·迪格纳穆(嗣子)、伯纳德·科里根(内弟)、律师约翰·亨利·门顿、马丁。坎宁翰、约翰·鲍尔eatondph 1/8 adordor douradora [194](准是为了凯斯那条广告的事儿把蒙克斯叫了去才排错的)、托马斯。卡南、西蒙·迪达勒斯、文学士[斯蒂芬·迪达勒斯][195]、爱德华·J.兰伯特、科尼利厄斯·T.凯莱赫、约瑟夫·麦克·海因斯、利.布姆、查·P.麦科伊、穿胶布雨衣的人以及其他数人。
当对方读着第二版时,布姆(姑且就用他这个排错了的新姓氏吧)为了解闷,时而隔三跳四地读上一段第三版所载阿斯科特赛马会上第三场比赛的消息。除了副奖一千金镑,对未阉割的小公马和小母马,还外加正币三千金镑整。第一名为F. 亚历山大先生所拥有的纯种马“丢掉”;它出自“即刻”的血统,五岁,九斯通[197] 四磅,斯莱尔产(骑手w. 莱恩)。第二名为霍华德·德·沃尔登所拥有的“馨芳葡萄酒”(骑手M. 坎农),第三名为w. 巴斯先生所拥有的“ 权杖”。在“馨芳葡萄酒”身上所下赌注为以五博四,“丢掉”为以二十博一(最高数)。“丢掉”和“馨芳葡萄酒”并肩而驰,难以预料哪匹马会赢。随后这匹没有获胜希望的“黑马”竟冲向前去,遥遥领先;在二英里半的赛程中,击败了霍华德·德·沃尔登勋爵的栗色公马和w. 巴斯先生的赤褐毛小母马。优胜马的调马师是布雷恩。这么看来,利内翰对此次马赛的估计就纯属无稽之谈了,有把握地担保说是以一马身的距离赢的,多么聪明啊。除了一千英镑,还外加正币三千英镑[198] 整。参赛的还有J.德·布雷蒙德的马克西穆姆二世(班塔姆·莱昂斯热衷于打听这匹法国马的情况,至今它还没赢过,可是随时都可能获胜)。可以通过各种途径取得成功。调情的赔偿金。然而莱昂斯这个楞头楞脑的家伙,过于急躁,忽然改变了主意,最后赔个精光[199] 。当然,赌博显然容易发生这样的事态。结果出来后,可怜的傻子没有多少理由来庆幸自己的选择。那原是孤注一掷。最终不过是瞎猜一气而已。
一天早晨打开报纸一看,马车夫蛮有把握他说,上面会登着《巴涅尔回国》这么一篇报道。他们愿意拿什么跟他赌都成。一天晚上,有个都柏林步兵连队的士兵到这个棚子里来了,说他曾经在南非看到过巴涅尔。他的命就葬送在自尊心上了。出了第十五号委员室那档子事[200] 之后,他本该要么自杀,要么就去隐蔽一个时期,直到恢复正常,再也没有人能够指责他为止。等他一旦恢复了理智,他们个个就都会前来在他跟前下跪,央求他复职。他并没有死。只不过是潜伏在什么地方呢。他们运来的灵柩[201] 装满了石头。他改名换姓,成了布尔将军德威特。他跟教会的僧侣们斗[202] ,那是失策了,等等。
不管怎样,布卢姆(还是用他的正式姓氏吧)对他们这些回忆感到相当吃惊,因为十之八九都是些用成桶的焦油泄愤的问题[203] ,况且不只一桩,而是好几千起,又过了二十多年[ 204],早已经遗忘殆尽。至于“石头”的说法,那当然更是捕风捉影了。即便有这么回事,考虑到各方面的情况,他也绝不会认为回国是妥善之举。巴涅尔之死显然使他们悲愤不已。要么是因为正当他的各种政治计划臻于完成的节骨眼儿上,却因患急性肺炎而一命呜呼;要么就是因为像大家所风闻的,他浑身淋得精湿之后疏忽了,没有换靴子和衣服,因而患了感冒。他又没请专科医生诊治,却把自己关在屋里,终于不出两周就在世人的惋惜中死去了。要么也十分有可能是由于他们发现这么一来自己手中的工作就被剥夺了,因而灰心丧气。当然,就连他在这之前的活动也无人知晓,关于他的行踪,丝毫没有线索。即使在他开始使用福克斯啦、斯图尔特[205]等等化名之前,就已完全是“艾丽斯,你在那里?”[206]式的了。因此,他的马车夫朋友所散布的那些话,也未尝不可能哩。毫无疑问,他天生是位领袖人材,回国的念头自自然然地会折磨着他。他仪表堂堂,身高六英尺……脱了鞋起码也还有五英尺十或十一英寸。而某人以及某某人等[208] 不但跟这样一位前任比起来有云泥之差,而在旁的方面又无可弥补,却飞扬跋扈。他们这位偶像的脚是泥土做的[209] ,实在是个痛切的教训。从此,原来在他周围的那七十二名忠实的支持者就互相诬蔑诽谤起来,所使用的手法与凶手没有两样。请你务必回来——萦绕心头的思乡之情在吸引着你——并让那些临时替角看看正角的演技吧。就在他们砸毁《不可压制报)——也许是《爱尔兰联合报》[210] 吧——的活字盘那个场合,布卢姆曾交了个好运:见到过巴涅尔一次。他衷心感谢自己有此荣幸。事实是,当巴涅尔的大礼帽被击落后,布卢姆把它捡起,递了过去。尽管上述小小灾难使巴涅尔功亏一篑[211] ,他依旧神色坦然;不过,内心无疑是激动的,还是说了声。“谢谢你”——这是出于渗透到他骨子里的习性。至于回国嘛,要是你刚一回来他们没有马上嗾使骾狗跟踪你,你就算幸运了。接着,照例会发生一连串纠缠不清的事儿:诸如汤姆赞成你而迪克和哈里反对你之类。于是,首先就得对付目前的财产占有者,必须拿出自己的各种身分证件,就像蒂奇伯恩案中的被告那样。名字叫罗杰. 查尔斯·蒂奇伯恩。据他所知,嗣子所乘的那艘沉船名叫“贝拉”号,后来也得到了证实;身上还有黥墨呢,贝柳勋爵,对吗[212]?这位原告很容易就能从同船的哪个伙伴口中东拼西凑地打听出些细节。一旦做到能自圆其说,不至于露出破绽,就自我介绍说“对不起,我名叫某某”,或是这类套话。“更谨慎的做法是,”布卢姆先生对身旁那个人说,他喜怒哀乐不形于色,事实上挺像他们所正议论着的那位显赫人物,“首先得摸清事物的来龙去脉。”
这样一个滑稽人物无端地冒到话题中来,四下里[215]引起一片哄笑声。至于布卢姆,他连一丝笑意也没有。他只是定晴望着门口,回忆着当时曾唤起不同寻常的好奇心的那桩历史事件。连双方交换的那些通篇是甜蜜空话的一封封情书也被公诸于世,以致使事态更加恶化[216]。 起初他们的确是纯精神的恋爱,后来出于生理本能,二人就发生了关系,逐渐达到高潮,成为街头巷尾的话题。最后就是那个致命打击的到来。对于为数不少的居心险恶、执意要使他垮台的人们来说,那可是个求之不得的消息。此事一直是个公开的秘密,然而并没有达到后来渲染成的那样耸人听闻的程度。既然他们二人的名字已经连结在一起,既然她已经公开承认他是她的心上人,还有什么必要从房顶上来向民众宣布呢?这里指的是他和她同床共寝过的事。当这件事在证人席上经过宣誓被公布出来时,座无虚席的法庭上是一片紧张气氛,所有在场的人都为之震动了。证人们宣誓后说,他们曾目睹他在某月某日身穿睡衣靠一把梯子从楼上一间屋子里爬了出来,他是用同一方式爬进去的。此事张扬出去之后,使几家周刊着实发了一笔横财。其实这案情很简单,不过是做丈夫的未能尽到责任。他们夫妻之间除却名义之外,别无任何共同点。这时,走来一个真正的男子汉,强壮得几乎成了其弱点。此人为妖妇的魅力所迷惑,就忘记了家庭的羁绊[217]。通常的结局是:沐浴在所爱之人的微笑中。不消说,永远存在于夫妇生活中的那个问题就出现了。倘若插进了一个第三者,夫妻之间还能有真正的爱情吗?[难题。][218]然而要是这个男子在一股痴情的推动下对她怀起满腔爱情,又与公众何干?与另外那个预备役陆军军官(即轻骑兵,说得确切些,第十八骑兵队的一员;是“再见吧,我豪侠的上尉”[219]那样一种极其平庸的类型)相形之下,他确实是位男子大丈夫中的杰出楷模,加以禀赋极高,更是相得益彰。毫无疑问,他(这里指的是已垮台的领袖,而不是另外那个人)有着独特的火暴性子,而她作为一个女人,当然一眼就看得出,并认为惟其如此,他才名扬天下。正当大功即将告成之际,全体司铎、牧师[220] ,往昔那些坚定可靠的拥护者,以及他所爱护过的被剥夺了土地的佃户们——他曾在本国乡村以超过其任何乐观期望的劲头替这些佃户辩护,勇往直前为之效劳,而这些人却为了婚姻问题一举把他搞垮,犹如把炭火堆在他的头上,简直就像寓言中那头被踢上一脚的驴[221]而今回顾一下往事,追想事情的整个经过,一切都恍如一场梦。至于回来,那更是你毕生最大的失策,因为那样你自然会感到事过境迁,形势起了变化。布卢姆先生回忆,自从他搬到北边去住,看来爱尔兰区岸滩这一带好像有些不同了。北也罢,南也罢,纯粹是那曾经引起激情的案子使形势大大逆转。那个女的也是西班牙人,或有一半西班牙血统;也是那种一不做二不休的人,一味听任南国的热情肆意奔放,一切脸面礼仪统统弃之不顾。这刚好证实了他正说着的话。
“西班牙国王的女儿[ 222] ,”斯蒂芬回答说,又乱七八糟地补充了几句:什么“西班牙葱头们,你们好,再见”,“第一片国土叫作‘空酒瓶’”,“从拉姆岬角到锡利有多少”什么的[223]。
“她是吗?”布卢姆叫了一声,并未感到震惊,只不过出其不意而已。“我可从来没听说过这个传闻。不过有可能,尤其是她在那儿住过[224] 嘛。这就是西班牙。”
他挨着这位青年,一道审视这位如今已成为他的正式妻子的女人的照片,并且坦率地告诉他说:她是布赖恩·特威迪鼓手长的女儿,很有教养,从小就对声乐有非凡的素质,刚刚芳龄二八[229] 就登台同听众见面。至于容貌,照片上倒是把表情照得栩栩如生,只是身姿方面却委屈了她。平素她是极为引人注目的,但是这样一装扮,她的身段就没有充分显示出来。他说,那一次她要是拍幅全身照,就更上相了,丰满的曲线[230]自不在话下。他除了本行之外,对艺术也沾点边,有时从发展方面看妇女的体态,因为头天下午,他在国立博物馆刚巧看到了作为完美艺术作品的希腊雕像。可以用大理石把原物如实地再现出来;肩膀,背,整个形体的匀称美。其余的一切呢,是啊,就像清教徒那么拘谨。大理石就是这样的。凭着至尊的圣若瑟发誓……然而那是任何照片也无法做到的,因为一句话,那根本不是艺术。
他在兴头儿上,颇想学学水手的好榜样,借口要……把照片稍微撂上几分钟,听任它发挥魅力,那么对方就可以独自陶醉于对美人儿的欣赏中了。尽管照相机丝毫未能充分再现她的舞台形象,然而说实在的,就它本身而言,也颇足以饱观赏者的眼福了。但是作为一个文化人,这会儿离座简直不符合礼节,今天晚上舒适暖和,然而就季节而论,又十分凉爽,因为一场暴雨之后,阳光……这当儿他感到一种需求,好像有个内在的声音,要他学着样儿出去走动走动,满足一下可能的欲望。尽管如此,他依然端坐在那里,瞅着那张丰满的曲线起了皱折、稍带点污迹的照片,然而它并未由于陈旧而变得逊色。为了不至于进一步增添对方在掂掇她那隆起的丰腴[231] 胸脯的匀称美时可能感到的窘迫,他体贴入微地把视线移开了。事实上,那一点点污迹反而添加了魅力,就像稍微脏了一点的亚麻布就跟崭新的一样好,不,由于上面那层浆没有了,毋宁说是比新的还强得多。倘若他……的时候她出去了呢?“我在找那盏灯,她告诉我说”,这句歌词[232] 浮现到他的脑际。但这个念头只是一闪而过,因为此刻他又回想起早晨那张凌乱的床铺等等,以及写着“遇见了他尖头胶皮管”[233](原话)的那本关于鲁碧的书[234]。 它恰好掉在卧室用尿盆旁边了,对原书作者林德利·穆雷,可说是不恭之至[235]。
他呆在这青年身边,的确感到高兴。受过教育,风度高雅,[236]而且还容易感情用事,是他们那群人当中的尖子。不过,你不会想到他有这方面的……不,你是会想到的。何况他还说照片蛮好看。不论谁怎么说,就是好看,尽管现在她明显地发福了。可那又有什么不好呢?关于那类事件,流传着大量莫须有的胡说八道,给当事人的一生带来污名。报纸上硬说某某高尔夫球职业选手或新近在舞台上红起来的明星有什么暧昧行为。对夫妻间司空见惯的纠纷,不是公正诚实地报道其真相,却照例添枝加叶、耸人听闻地渲染一番:他们怎样命中注定相遇的,又怎样相爱上的,从而使两人的名字在公众心目中被联系起来。连他们的信件都拿到法庭上去宣读,满纸都是通常那些感伤的、有失体面的语句,使他们没有开脱的余地。说明了他们在一家著名的海滨旅馆每周公开同居两三次,按正常趋势他们的关系越来越亲密了。随后就是非绝对的[237]离婚判决,代诉人试图提出反对的理由,但未能推翻原判,非绝对的遂成为绝对的。至于那两个行为不端者就彼此沉溺在爱恋中,漠然无视这一判决。最后此案被交到事务律师手里,他代理受到不利的判决的当事者按照程序递上一份诉状。当他(布)[238] 沐浴在挨近爱琳的无冕之王这一光荣中时,这一事件和那桩历史性骚动同时发生了。那位垮了台的领袖——众所周知,即便在被加上通奸的污名之后,他也依然坚守阵地,绝未退让;直到(领袖的)十名或十二名,也许更多的忠实支持者闯进《不可压制报》,不,是《爱尔兰联合报》(顺便说一句,这决不能说是个恰切的名称[239])的印刷车间,用铁锤还是什么家伙把活字盘砸毁了。这完全是由于一向以诬蔑诽谤为能事的奥布赖恩[240]派的蹩脚记者摇着轻浮的笔杆编了那些下流谗言,对他们原先的民众领袖的私人品德任意进行诋毁中伤所造成的。尽管一眼就看得出他简直完全换了个人,可依然保持着凛然的气概。衣着虽然还像往日那样随随便便,他的眼神却显示出坚定的意志,使那些优柔寡断者感受很深。他们把他捧上宝座后,才发现他们的偶像那双脚是泥土做的,从而大为狼狈。反正她是头一个发觉这一点的。那是到处发生骚动,情绪格外激烈的时期,布卢姆被卷进聚集在那里的人群。有个家伙用肘部狠狠地戳了他的心窝一下,幸而不严重。他(巴涅尔)的帽子冷不防被碰掉了,看到这副情景并在混乱中拾起帽子以便还给他的正是布卢姆(而且飞快地递还给他了)。这是确凿的历史事实。巴涅尔气喘吁吁,光着头,当时他的心已飞到距帽子不知多少英里以外。敢情,这位先生生来就是注定要为祖国豁出命去干的。说实在的,首先就是为了荣誉而献身干事业的。他幼小时在妈妈腿上被灌输的周全礼节已渗透到他骨子里,这当儿突然显示出来。他转过身去,朝递给他帽子的那位十分镇定[241] 地说了声:“谢谢你,先生。”当天早晨布卢姆也曾经提醒过律师界一位名流[242] ,他头上的帽子瘪了。巴涅尔的声调可跟那人大不一样。历史本身重复着,但反应并不尽同。那是在他们参加一位共同朋友的葬礼,完成了把他的遗体埋入墓穴这桩可怕的任务,并让他孤零零地留在荣光中[243] 之后。
另一方面,他在内心深处更感到愤慨的是出租马车夫之流恬不知耻地开的玩笑。他们把整个事件当成笑料,肆无忌惮地放声大笑,装作对事情的来龙去脉了如指掌,其实他们心里糊里糊涂。这本来纯粹是两个当事人的问题,除非那位合法的丈夫收到密探的一封匿名信,说是就在那两人相互亲昵地紧紧搂抱着的关键时刻,给他撞上了,从而就促使那位丈夫去留意他们那暖昧关系,导致家庭骚乱。犯了过错的妇人跪下来向当家的告饶,只要这位受了损害的丈夫肯对此事抱宽恕态度,既往不咎,她就答应今后与那人断绝关系,再也不接受他的访问。她热泪盈眶,然而兴许长着一张标致脸蛋儿的她,同时还偷偷吐舌头呢,因为很可能还有旁的好几位哩。他这个人是有怀疑癖的,他相信,并且毫不犹豫地断言:天下即便有贤妻,而夫妻间又处得十分融洽,也仍会有一个或几个男人,总是依次守候在她周围,缠住不放。而一旦她怠慢了自己的本分,对婚姻生活感到厌倦,就会心生邪念,骚动不宁起来,于是她卖弄风情,招惹男人们,到头来就会移情于旁人。于是,年近四十而风韵犹存的有夫之妇与年纪比自己轻的男子之间就艳闻[244] 频传了,毫无疑问,好几起有名的女子痴情事例都证实了这一点。
万分遗憾的是,那些头脑有幸生得灵敏的年轻人(坐在他身边的显然就是其中的一位),竟然把宝贵的光阴浪费在淫荡女人身上,说不定她还会赠给他一份足够他享用一辈子的梅毒哩。这位幸运的单身汉有朝一日遇上相般配的小姐,就会娶她作妻子。到那时为止,与女人交往倒也是个不可或缺的条件[245] 。他丝毫不想为弗格森[246]小姐(促使他凌晨来到爱尔兰区的,极可能就是这位特定的“北极星”哩)的事盘问斯蒂芬什么。尽管他十分怀疑斯蒂芬能够从诸如此类的事中得到由衷的满足:沉湎于少男少女式的谈情说爱啦,同只会嘻嘻嘻地傻笑、身上一文不名的小姐每周幽会上两三次啦,照老一套的程序相互恭维,外出散步,又是鲜花又是巧克力地走上亲密的情侣之路。考虑到他既没有棲身之所,又没有亲人,钱财都被一个比任何后妈都更歹毒的房东大娘榨骗了去;以他这个年龄而言,确实糟糕透了。他抽冷子脱口而出的那些奇谈怪论牵动着比他年长若干岁或几乎可以做他父亲的布卢姆的心。然而他的确应该吃点儿富于营养的东西:在牛奶这一母亲般的纯粹滋补品中搀上鸡蛋,做成蛋酒,要不就吃家常的白水煮鸡蛋也好嘛。
“昨天,”布卢姆大声说,后来想起这已经是明天——星期五了,“啊,你的意思是说,现在已经过了十二点!”“那就是前天吧,”斯蒂芬纠正了自己的话。这个消息简直使布卢姆感到惊愕,他陷入沉思。虽然他们并不是对样样事情意见都一致,两人不知怎地却有个共同点,好像两颗心行驶在同一条思考的轨道上。大约二十年前,就在小伙子这个年龄上,他也曾一头扎进过政治。当鹿弹福斯特[247] 在台上的年月里,他对议员这一显赫职务抱着近似向往的态度。他还记起,自己也曾对那些同样的过激思想暗自怀有敬意(这本身就是巨大的满足的源泉)。比方说,佃户被迫退租的问题当时刚刚冒头,引起民众极大的关注。不用说,他本人连分文也不曾捐赠给这一运动,而且其纲领也并非完全没有漏洞。他不能把信念绝对地寄托在上面。他认为佃户拥有耕作权符合当代舆论的趋势,起初作为一种主义他全面地赞成;及至发现弄错了,就部分地纠正了自己的偏见。由于他竟然比到处游说耕者应有其田的迈克尔·达维特[248]的过激意见甚至还进了一步,从而遭到嘲笑。正因为如此,当这帮人聚在巴尼·基尔南酒馆露骨地讽刺他时,他才那么强烈地感到愤慨。尽管他经常遭到严重的误解,再重复一遍,他仍不失为最不喜欢吵架的人。然而他却一反平素的习惯,(打个比喻来说)朝着对方的肚子给了一拳。就政治而言,他对双方相互充满敌意的宣传与招摇所必然导致的伤害事件及其不可避免的结果——主要是给优秀青年带来不幸与苦恼——一句话,对适者灭亡[249]的原则理解得再透彻不过
不管怎样,既然已快到凌晨一点了,权衡利弊,早该回家睡觉了。难题在于把他带回家去多少要冒点风险(某人[250] 有时会发脾气),可能闹得一团糟,就像他一时冒失,把一条狗(品种不详)带回翁塔利奥高台街去的那个晚上一样。记得非常清楚,因为刚好在场。狗的一只前爪破了(倒不是说二者情况相同或不同,尽管这位青年也有一只手受了伤)。另一方面,如果建议他到沙丘或沙湾去呢,那又太远,时间也太迟了。二者之间究竟该选哪个,他倒有点儿无所适从了。经过全盘考虑之后,得出的结论是:对他来说,就应该充分利用这个机会。斯蒂芬给他的最初印象是对他有点儿冷淡,不大吐露心迹,但是不知怎地,他越来越被对方所吸引了。举例来说,当你向这个青年提个什么打算时,他决不会欣然接受,而使布卢姆焦虑的是,即使自己有个建议,也不晓得该怎样把话题转到那上面,或怎样确切地措词,诸如:倘若容许自己在据认为适当的时候为对方贴补点儿零用钱或在穿着方面帮对方一把的话,他会感到莫大的快乐。不管怎样,他打定主意这样了结此事:为了避免重蹈那只瘦狗的覆辙,当夜姑且让他喝上一杯埃普可可[251],临时打个地铺,再给他一两条围毯盖盖,把大氅折叠起来当枕头。起码让这个青年处在能够保障他的安全的人手里,就跟台架[252]上的烤面包片那样暖烘烘的。他看不出这么做能有多大害处,只要确保决不会发生任何骚乱就行。该离开了,因为这位让老婆守活寡的快活的人儿[253]好像被胶膘在这里了,他一点儿也不急于回到他那颇可怀念、眷恋的王后镇家中去。今后几天内,要是想知道这个形迹可疑的家伙的下落,老鸨搜罗几名年老色衰的佳人儿在下谢里夫街那边开起来的窑子倒是可以提供最可靠的线索。他忽而讲了一通发生在热带附近的六响左轮熗奇闻,打算把她们(人鱼们)吓得毛骨悚然,忽而又对她们那大块头的魅力加以苛刻的挑赐,其间还大杯大杯地畅饮私造的威士忌酒,兴致勃勃地胡乱开一阵心。到头来照例是自我吹嘘,说什么实际上我究竟是何许人也?正如代数先生到处[254]所写的那样,让XX等于我的真名实姓与地址吧。就在这当儿,布卢姆想起自己曾怎样随机应变、巧妙地回击那个天主的血和伤痕[255]的家伙,指出他的天主是个犹太人,于是大家就暗笑起来。人们要是被狼咬了,还能忍受,然而一旦被羊咬了一口,那就真正会被激怒。和善的阿戏留的最大弱点也是怕被人指出:你的天主是个犹太人。因为世人好像通常相信,天主来自香农河畔卡利克或斯莱戈郡[256] 的什么地方。
马车夫看着手里的报纸,大声念了一段前任总督卡多根伯爵在伦敦某地主持马车夫协会晚餐会的消息[260] 。听了这条激动人心的报道之后是一片沉寂,随着是一两个哈欠。接着,坐在角落里的那个仿佛还剩有几分活力的怪老头[261] 读道:安东尼·麦克唐奈爵士从尤斯顿车站出发,前往次官官邸,或诸如此类的消息。人们对这条饶有兴味的消息的反应是同一声“为什么”。
“唔,”蓄着一副花白胡子的航海人回答说。这家伙略识几个字,就好像是正隔着海绿色舱窗向外眺望似的。“俺读啥的时候就戴眼镜儿。是红海里的沙子教俺养成的习惯。说起来,俺从前连在暗处都能看书。俺最爱读《一千零一夜》[262] 啦,《她红得像玫瑰》[263]也不赖。”
于是,他用粗笨的手摊开报纸,用心读起天晓得什么玩艺儿:发现了溺尸啦;柳木王的丰功伟绩啦;艾尔芒格为诺丁独得一百多分,在第二场比赛中无一出局啦[264] 。这当儿,老板(丝毫不理会艾尔的事)正专心致志地试图把那双分不出新旧、显然穿着太紧的靴子弄松一点,并咒骂那个卖靴子的人。从那帮人的面部表情可以辨认得出,他们是醒着的,也就是说,要么是愁眉苦脸的,要么就讲上句无聊的话。
长话短说。布卢姆看明事态之后,生怕呆得太长,招人讨厌,就头一个站了起来。他信守了自己要为这次聚会掏腰包的诺言,趁没人注意就机警地朝我们这位老板作了个几乎觉察不到的告别手势,示意马上就付钞,总计四便士(并且不引人注目地付了四枚铜币,那诚然是“最后的莫希干人”[265] 了)。他事先瞧见了对面墙上的价目表上印得清清楚楚的数字,让人一看就读得出来[266]:咖啡二便士,点心同上。正如韦瑟厄普[267] 过去常说的,货真价实,供应的东西有时竟值两倍的价钱哩。
他们看到计策奏效,时机成熟,就一道离开了那座马车夫歇脚的棚屋或下等酒馆,告别了聚在那里的、身着防水服的名流[269] 人士。除非闹场地震,这帮人是决不会从这种什么也不干是美妙的[270] 境界中脱身的。斯蒂芬承认他还是不舒服,筋疲力竭,并在门口伫立了片刻。
不管怎样,他们从摆有石头和火钵等的岗亭前面走过。那里,当年的冈穆利——如今落魄成市政府的临时工——正如谚语所说的,依然被搂抱在睡神怀里,睡得正香,沉浸在绿色田野与新牧场[271] 的梦中。说到塞满石头的棺材,这个比拟是蛮不错的。因为他确实是被人用石头砸死的。闹分裂的时候,八十几名议员中竟有七十二个倒了戈[272] 。主要是他曾经大捧特捧的农民阶级,大概就是被剥夺了佃耕权后,他替他们收回来的那些佃户哩。
这样,二人就挽着臂,穿过贝雷斯福德广场,一路上布卢姆闲聊起自己无比热爱可又纯粹是个外行的艺术形式——音乐。瓦格纳尽管自有其众所公认的雄伟气魄,然而对布卢姆来说,却有点太沉闷了,一开始就难以理解。但是他简直迷上了梅尔卡丹特的《胡格诺派教徒》、梅那贝尔的《最后的七句话》[273]和莫扎特的《第十二弥撒曲》。他认为后者的《荣耀颂》[274]乃是第一流音乐中的登峰造极之作,真正能使其他一切音乐黯然失色。他非常喜爱天主教宗教音乐,那远远超过其竞争对手在这方面所能提供的穆迪与桑基圣诗[275] 或“嘱我活下去,我就做个新教徒”[276] 。他对罗西尼的《站立的圣母》[277]的称赞也绝不落在任何人后面。这确实是一首充满了不朽的节奏的乐曲。有一次在上加德纳街耶稣会教堂举行的演奏会上,他的妻子玛莉恩·特威迪夫人就演唱过它并博得好评,真正引起了轰动。他可以把握十足地说,在她已享有的声誉上,更增添了光采,使所有其他演唱者均黯然失色。为了聆听夹在演唱家或毋宁说名手[ 280]当中的她的演唱,听众甚至把教堂门口都挤满了。大家一致认为没人赛得过她。在平时唱诵圣乐的礼拜堂里,人们普遍发出“再唱一遍”的呼声,这就足以证明她受欢迎的程度了。总之,他爱听莫扎特的《唐乔万尼》[281] 那样的轻歌剧,而《玛尔塔》[282]是这方面的珠玉之作。尽管他对门德尔松这样严格的古典派只具有点皮毛的知识,却也怀着强烈的爱好[283] 。说到这里,斯蒂芬想必是知道那些大家所爱唱的歌曲的,他特地举了莱昂内尔在《玛尔塔》中演唱的插曲《爱情如今》[284]为例。说也真巧,昨天他听到这支歌曲,说得更确切些,是无意中传到他耳中的,他觉得十分荣幸。尤其令他感到高兴的是演唱者正是斯蒂芬的父亲大人。音色圆润,技巧完美,对作品的诠释的确使其他一切人甘拜下风。对于这非常文雅的提问,斯蒂芬回答说“他并没有”[285],却开始赞美起莎士比亚的——至少也是那个时代及其先后时期的歌谣来了。又谈起住在费特小巷、离植物学家杰勒德不远的古琵琶演奏家道兰德;我成年弹奏,道兰德[286] 。他怎样打算从阿诺德·多尔梅什那儿买一把古琵琶[287] ,价钱是六十五基尼。这个名字布卢姆听上去确实挺耳熟,只是记不大清楚了。还有在对位法的先导主题与应答主题上下过功夫的法纳比父子[288] 。此外就是伯德(威廉)。斯蒂芬说,此人不论是在女王小教堂或任何其他地方,只要看到了维金纳琴就非弹上一通不可[289] 。还有个姓汤姆金斯[290] 的,作过诙谐的或庄重的歌曲。再就是约翰·布尔[291]了。
他们边聊边穿过广场,走近车行道。只见链栏后面有一匹马拉着扫除器正沿着铺石路走来,一路扫拢着长长的一条泥泞。一片噪音,布卢姆简直闹不清关于六十五基尼和约翰·布尔的引喻自己是否听真切了。他觉得有这么两个完全一样的姓名是个惊人的巧合,就问了声那指的是否那位同名同姓的政界名人约翰牛[ 292] 。
于是他们停下了脚步。布卢姆凝视着那匹马的脸,怎么也看不出它能值六十五基尼。由于是在黑暗中突然出现在挨得很近的地方,它就好像是个由骨骼甚至肉组成的与马迎然不同的新奇的东西了。这显然是一匹后腿朝前迈,一路倒退着的四肢不协调的马,半边屁股略低,臀部是黑的[293] ,甩着尾巴,耷拉着头。这当儿,牲口的主人正坐在驭者座上,忙于想心事。这是一头多么善良懦弱的牲口啊,可惜他身上没带着糖块儿,然而他又明智地仔细想道,人生在世,总不能对所有可能突然发生的事都做好准备呀。它只不过是一匹大块头、笨拙而神经质的傻马罢了,活在世上无忧无虑,他又寻思,甚至于狗,比方说,巴尼·基尔南酒馆那头杂种的吧,要是个头也有这匹马这么大,碰上它可就够吓人的了。然而它长成那个样子可不能怪它呀。就拿骆驼(那是沙漠上的船)来说吧,在它的驼峰里可以把葡萄酿成酒。动物中十之八九可以关进栏里,或加以驯服。除了蜜蜂而外[294],再也没有人类这么心灵手巧的了。对鲸要使用标熗上的夹叉,对短鼻鳄鱼只要挠挠腰部,它就会懂得开玩笑的滋味了。在雄鸡周围用粉笔画个圈儿[295] 。老虎呢,我那老鹰一般锐利的目光[ 296] 。尽管斯蒂芬的话使布卢姆多少分了神,正当这艘马儿船在街上活跃的时候,他脑子里却满是关于野地走兽[297]的正合时机的考虑。斯蒂芬依然继续谈着饶有趣味的往事。
“我刚才说什么来着?哦,对啦!我老婆,”他直截了当地[298] 说,“她要是能够结识你,会非常高兴的。因为她对所有的音乐都是倾心的。”
可是假若斯蒂芬继承了他父亲的天赋(布卢姆相信是这样),这就在布卢姆心中展开了新的前景:例如参加芬格尔夫人为了开发爱尔兰工业而于本周的星期一举办的那种音乐会[299] 啦,出入于一般上流社会什么的。
此刻那个青年正在讲解着以《这里青春已到尽头》为主调的精采的变奏曲。这出自简·皮特尔宗·斯韦林克[300] 之手。他是一个出生于荡妇的产地阿姆斯特丹的荷兰人。他更喜欢约翰内斯·吉普[301]那首德国的古老民谣,它描绘晴朗的海,赛仑——那些杀男人的美丽凶手——的歌喉。布卢姆听了,有点儿吃惊:
他唱完开头一节,就当场[303] 译了出来。布卢姆点点头说,他完全懂了,央求斯蒂芬尽管唱下去。他就照办了。
他那男高音的音色极其纯美,表现出罕见的才华。布卢姆刚听了第一个音调就加以赞赏。倘若他能得到像巴勒克拉夫[304]那样一位公认的发声法权威的适当指导,再学会读乐谱,既然男中音已多得烂了市,他就不难随意为自己标价。那样一来,不久的将来,这位幸福的美声歌唱家就有机会出入于[305] 经营大企业的财界巨头和有头衔者那坐落在最高级住宅区的时髦府邸。不论他拥有的文学士学位(那本身就是堂哉皇哉的广告),还是他那绅士派头,都足以为本来就美好的印象更加锦上添花,这样就会万无一失地取得不同凡响的成功。何况他既有头脑,又能够用来达到此目的并满足其他需求。倘若他再注意一下服装的考究,那就更能慢慢博得高雅人士的垂顾。对于社交界在服装剪裁等方面的讲究他是个乳臭未干的新手,简直不明白那样一些区区小节怎么会成为绊脚石。事实上,再过上几个月他就可以预见到斯蒂芬在欢度圣诞节期间,怎样有所选择地参加他们所举行的有关音乐艺术的恳谈会[ 306]了,从而在淑女们的鸽棚里掀起轻微的波澜[307] ,在寻求刺激的太太小姐们当中引起一番轰动。据他所知,这种事儿以前也记载过好几档子。从前,只要他有意,蛮可以不露马脚、不费吹灰之力地就能……当然喽,除了学费而外,同时还有决不可等闲视之的金钱报酬。他附带说明一下:其实并不一定图几个臭钱就作为一种职业积年累月地站在乐坛上。毋宁说,那是朝着必然的方向迈进的一步,不论是从金钱上还是精神上,都丝毫无损于尊严。当你手头急需钱的时候,有人递过一张支票来,也不无小补。况且尽管近来人们对于音乐的鉴赏力每况愈下,可是不落俗套的那种富于独创性的音乐还是很快地就会风靡一时。正值伊凡·圣奥斯特尔和希尔顿·圣贾斯特以及所有这号人[308] 把投合时好的男高音独唱偷偷塞给轻信的观众并照例掀起陈腐的流行之后,斯蒂芬的演唱无疑地会给都柏林的音乐界带来一股新风。是呀。毫无疑问,他是做得到的,他必然稳操胜券。这是博取名声、赢得全市尊敬的大好机会。他会成为台柱子,会有人同他签订演出合同,也会为国王街剧场[309]那些捧他的听众举行一场大规模演奏会的。还得有个后台,也就是说,倘若——这个“倘若”可非同小可——有人愿意出力硬把他推上去,凭着这股势头来防止那种不可避免的因循萎靡。凡是那些被老好人当作贵公子般娇纵坏了的红角儿,都容易陷进这样的状态。干这行当丝毫也不会损害另外的事。他可以我行我素,只要自己愿意,有的是余暇来自修文学。文学进修是个人的问题,完全不会妨碍或有损于歌手这一行当。说实在的,球就在他脚下,正因为如此,另外那个嗅觉异常敏锐、任何苗头都绝逃不过的家伙[310]才缠住他不放。
就在这当儿,马……过了一会儿,他(即布卢姆)在适当时机,本着“傻子迈进天使……之处”[311] 的原则,在完全不去追问斯蒂芬私事的情况下劝他跟某某即将开业的医生断绝往来。他留意到,此人倾向于瞧不起斯蒂芬。当斯蒂芬本人不在场时,甚至借着开玩笑来贬低他几句,或者随便怎么说吧,反正据布卢姆的拙见,就是在一个人的品格的某个侧面上投下讨厌的阴影——这里他要讲的绝不是什么双关的俏皮话。
那匹马走到绷得紧紧的缰绳尽端(姑且这么说),停了下来,高高地甩起高傲而毛茸茸的尾巴。为了在即将被刷净打磨光的路面添加上自己的一份,就拉了三泡冒热气的粪便。它从肥大的屁股里慢吞吞、一团团地、分三次拉下屎来。车把式坐在他那装有长柄大镰刀的车[312] 里,善心而有耐性地等待着他(或她)拉完。
幸而发生了这一事故[313] ,布卢姆和斯蒂芬才肩并肩地从那被直柱隔开来的栏链的空隙爬过去,迈过一溜儿泥泞,朝着下加德纳街横跨过去。斯蒂芬虽然没有放开嗓门,却用更加激越的声调唱完了那首歌谣:
不管是好话、坏话还是不好不坏的话,反正车把式一言也未发。他坐在低靠背的车[315]上,只是目送这两个都穿着黑衣服的身影一—一胖一瘦——朝着铁道桥走去,由马尔神父给成婚。[ 316] 他们走一程又停下脚步,随后又走起来,继续交头接耳地谈着(车把式当然被排除在外)。内容包括男人的理智之敌赛仑,还夹杂着同一类型的一系列其他话题,篡夺者啦,类似的历史事件什么的。这当儿坐在清扫车——或者可以称之为卧车[317]——里的那个人无论如何也是听不见的,因为他们离得太远了。他只是在挨近下加德纳街尽头处坐在自己的坐位上,目送着他们那辆低靠背的车。[318]


等级: 内阁元老
举报 只看该作者 43楼  发表于: 2012-12-24 0

All the same Bloom (properly so dubbed) was rather surprised at their memories for in nine cases out of ten it was a case of tarbarrels, and not singly but in their thousands, and then complete oblivion because it was twenty odd years. Highly unlikely, of course, there was even a shadow of truth in the stories and, even supposing, he thought a return highly inadvisable, all things considered. Something evidently riled them in his death. Either he petered out too tamely of acute pneumonia just when his various different political arrangements were nearing completion or whether it transpired he owed his death to his having neglected to change his boots and clothes after a wetting when a cold resulted and failing to consult a specialist he being confined to his room till he eventually died of it amid widespread regret before a fortnight was at an end or quite possibly they were distressed to find the job was taken out of their hands. Of course nobody being acquainted with his movements even before, there was absolutely no clue as to his whereabouts which were decidedly of the Alice, where art thou order even prior to his starting to go under several aliases such as Fox and Stewart, so the remark which emanated from friend cabby might be within the bounds of possibility. Naturally then, it would prey on his mind as a born leader of men, which undoubtedly he was, and a commanding figure, a sixfooter or at any rate five feet ten or eleven in his stockinged feet, whereas Messrs So-and-So who, though they weren't even a patch on the former man, ruled the roost after their redeeming features were very few and far between. It certainly pointed a moral, the idol with feet of clay. And then seventytwo of his trusty henchmen rounding on him with mutual mudslinging. And the identical same with murderers. You had to come back - that haunting sense kind of drew you - to show the understudy in the title r?le how to. He saw him once on the auspicious occasion when they broke up the type in the Insuppressible or was it United Ireland, a privilege he keenly appreciated, and, in point of fact, handed him his silk hat when it was knocked off and he said Thank you, excited as he undoubtedly was under his frigid expression notwithstanding the little misadventure mentioned between the cup and the lip - what's bred in the bone. Still, as regards return, you were a lucky dog if they didn't set the terrier at you directly you got back. Then a lot of shillyshally usually followed. Tom for and Dick and Harry against. And then, number one, you came up against the man in possession and had to produce your credentials, like the claimant in the Tichborne case, Roger Charles Tichborne. Bella was the boat's name to the best of his recollection he, the heir, went down in, as the evidence went to show, and there was a tattoo mark too in Indian ink, Lord Bellew, was it? As he might very easily have picked up the details from some pal on board ship and then, when got up to tally with the description given, introduce himself with, Excuse me, my name is So-and-So or some such commonplace remark. A more prudent course, Mr Bloom said to the not over effusive, in fact like the distinguished personage under discussion beside him, would have been to sound the lie of the land first.
-- That bitch, that English whore, did for him, the shebeen proprietor commented. She put the first nail in his coffin.
-- Fine lump of a woman, all the same, the soi-disant town-clerk, Henry Campbell remarked, and plenty of her. I seen her picture in a barber's. Her husband was a captain or an officer.
-- Ay, Skin-the-Goat amusingly added. He was, and a cottonball one.
This gratuitous contribution of a humorous character occasioned a fair amount of laughter among his entourage. As regards Bloom, he, without the faintest suspicion of a smile, merely gazed in the direction of the door and reflected upon the historic story which had aroused extraordinary interest at the time when the facts, to make matters worse, were made public with the usual affectionate letters that passed between them, full of sweet nothings. First, it was strictly platonic till nature intervened and an attachment sprang up between them, till bit by bit matters came to a climax and the matter became the talk of the town till the staggering blow came as a welcome intelligence to not a few evildisposed however, who were resolved upon encouraging his downfall though the thing was public property all along though not to anything like the sensational extent that it subsequently blossomed into. Sino their names were coupled, though, since he was her declared favourite, where was the particular necessity to proclaim it to the rank and file from the housetops, the fact namely, that he had shared her bedroom, which came out in the witnessbox on oath when a thrill went through the packed court literally electrifying everybody in the shape of witnesses swearing to having witnessed him on such and such a particular date in the act of scrambling out of an upstairs apartment with the assistance of a ladder in night apparel, having gained admittance in the same fashion, a fact that the weeklies, addicted to the lubric a little, simply coined shoals of money out of. Whereas the simple fact of the case was it was simply a case of the husband not being up to the scratch with nothing in common between them beyond the name and then a real man arriving on the scene, strong to the verge of weakness, falling a victim to her siren charms and forgetting home ties. The usual sequel, to bask in the loved one's smiles. The eternal question of the life connubial, needless to say, cropped up. Can real love, supposing there happens to be another chap in the case, exist between married folk? Though it was no concern of theirs absolutely if he regarded her with affection carried away by a wave of folly. A magnificent specimen of manhood he was truly, augmented obviously by gifts of a high order as compared with the other military supernumerary, that is (who was just the usual everyday farewell, my gallant captain kind of an individual in the light dragoons, the 18th hussars to be accurate), and inflammable doubtless (the fallen leader, that is, not the other) in his own peculiar way which she of course, woman, quickly perceived as highly likely to carve his way to fame, which he almost bid fair to do till the priests and ministers of the gospel as a whole, his erstwhile staunch adherents and his beloved evicted tenants for whom he had done yeoman service in the rural parts of the country by taking up the cudgels on their behalf in a way that exceeded their most sanguine expectations, very effectually cooked his matrimonial goose, thereby heaping coals of fire on his head, much in the same way as the fabled ass's kick. Looking back now in a retrospective kind of arrangement, all seemed a kind of dream. And the coming back was the worst thing you ever did because it went without saying you would feel out of place as things always moved with the times. Why, as he reflected, Irishtown Strand, a locality he had not been in for quite a number of years, looked different somehow since, as it happened, he went to reside on the north side. North or south however, it was just the wellknown case of hot passion, pure and simple, upsetting the applecart with a vengeance and just bore out the very thing he was saying, as she also was Spanish or half so, types that wouldn't do things by halves, passionate abandon of the south, casting every shred of decency to the winds.
-- Just bears out what I was saying, he with glowing bosom said to Stephen. And, if I don't greatly mistake, she was Spanish too.
-- The king of Spain's daughter, Stephen answered, adding something or other rather muddled about farewell and adieu to you Spanish onions and the first land called the Deadman and from Ramhead to Scilly was so and so many.
-- Was she? Bloom ejaculated surprised, though not astonished by any means. I never heard that rumour before. Possible, especially there it was, as she lived there. So, Spain.
Carefully avoiding a book in his pocket Sweets of, which reminded him by the by of that Capel street library book out of date, he took out his pocketbook and, turning over the various contents rapidly, finally he.
-- Do you consider, by the by, he said, thoughtfully selecting a fades photo which he laid on the table, that a Spanish type?
Stephen, obviously addressed, looked down on the photo showing a large sized lady, with her fleshy charms on evidence in an open fashion, as she was in the full bloom of womanhood, In evening dress cut ostentatiously low for the occasion to give a liberal display of bosom, with more than vision of breasts, her full lips parted, and some perfect teeth, standing near, ostensibly with gravity, a piano, on the rest of which was In old Madrid, a ballad, pretty in its way, which was then all the vogue. Her (the lady's) eyes, dark, large, looked at Stephen, about to smile about something to be admired, Lafayette of Westmoreland street, Dublin's premier photographic artist, being responsible for the esthetic execution.
Mrs Bloom, my wife the prima donna, Madam Marion Tweedy, Bloom indicated. Taken a few years since. In or about '96. Very like her then.
Beside the young man he looked also at the photo of the lady now his legal wife who, he intimated, was the accomplished daughter of Major Brian Tweedy and displayed at an early age remarkable proficiency as a singer having even made her bow to the public when her years numbered barely sweet sixteen. As for the face, it was a speaking likeness in expression but it did not do justice to her figure, which came in for a lot of notice usually and which did not come out to the best advantage in that getup She could without difficulty, he said, have posed for the ensemble, not to dwell on certain opulent curves of the... He dwelt, being a bit of an artist in his spare time, on the female form in general developmentally because, as it so happened, no later than that afternoon, he had seen those Grecian statues, perfectly developed as works of art, in the National Museum. Marble could give the original, shoulders, back, all the symmetry. All the rest, yes, Puritanism. It does though, St Joseph's sovereign... whereas no photo could, because it simply wasn't art, in a word.
The spirit moving him, he would much have liked to follow Jack Tar's good example and leave the likeness there for a very few minutes to speak for itself on the plea he... so that the other could drink in the beauty for himself, her stage presence being, frankly, a treat in itself which the camera could not at all do justice to. But it was scarcely professional etiquette so, though it was a warm pleasant sort of a night now yet wonderfully cool for the season considering, for sunshine after storm... And he did feel a kind of need there and then to follow suit like a kind of inward voice and satisfy a possible need by moving a motion. Nevertheless, he sat tight, just viewing the slightly soiled photo creased by opulent curves, none the worse for wear, however, and looked away thoughtfully with the intention of not further increasing the other's possible embarrassment while gauging her symmetry of heaving embonpoint. In fact, the slight soiling was only an added charm, like the case of linen slightly soiled, good as new, much better, in fact, with the starch out. Suppose she was gone when he?... I looked for the lamp which she told me came into his mind but merely as a passing fancy of his because he then recollected the morning littered bed etcetera and the book about Ruby with met him pike hoses (sic) in it which must have fell down sufficiently appropriately beside the domestic chamberpot with apologies to Lindley Murray.
The vicinity of the young man he certainly relished, educated, distingué, and impulsive into the bargain, far and away the pick of the bunch, though you wouldn't think he had it in him... yet you would. Besides he said the picture was handsome which, say what you like, it was, though at the moment she was distinctly stouter. And why not? An awful lot of make-believe went on about that sort of thing involving a lifelong slur with the usual splash page of letterpress about the same old matrimonial tangle alleging misconduct with professional golfer or the newest stage favourite instead of being honest and aboveboard about the whole business. How they were fated to meet and an attachment sprang up between the two so that their names were coupled in the public eye was told in court with letters containing the habitual mushy and compromising expressions, leaving no loophole, to show that they openly cohabited two or three times a week at some wellknown seaside hotel and relations, when the thing ran its normal course, became in due course intimate. Then the decree nisi and the King's Proctor to show cause why and, he failing to quash it, nisi was made absolute. But as for that, the two misdemeanants, wrapped up as they largely were in one another, could safely afford to ignore it as they very largely did till the matter was put in the hands of a solicitor, who filed a petition for the party wronged in due course. He, Bloom, enjoyed the distinction of being close to Erin's uncrowned king in the flesh when the thing occurred in the historic fracas when the fallen leader's - who notoriously stuck to his guns to the last drop even when clothed in the mantle of adultery - (leader's) trusty henchmen to the number of ten or a dozen or possibly even more than that penetrated into the printing works of the Insuppressible or no it was United Ireland (a by no means, by the by, appropriate appellative) and broke up the typecases with hammers or something like that all on account of some scurrilous effusions from the facile pens of the O'Brienite scribes at the usual mudslinging occupation, reflecting on the erstwhile tribune's private morals. Though palpably a radically altered man, he was still a commanding figure, though carelessly garbed as usual, with that look of settled purpose which went a long way with the shillyshallyers till they discovered to their vast discomfiture that their idol had feet of clay, after placing him upon a pedestal, which she, however, was the first to perceive. As those were particularly hot times in the general hullaballoo Bloom sustained a minor injury from a nasty prod of some chap's elbow in the crowd that of course congregated lodging some place about the pit of the stomach, fortunately not of a grave character. His hat (Parnell's) was inadvertently knocked off and, as a matter of strict history, Bloom was the man who picked it up in the crush after witnessing the occurrence meaning to return it to him (and return it to him he did with the utmost celerity) who, panting and hatless and whose thoughts were miles away from his hat at the time, being a gentleman born with a stake in the country, he, as a matter of fact, having gone into it more for the kudos of the thing than anything else, what's bred in the bone, instilled into him in infancy at his mother's knee in the shape of knowing what good form was came out at once because he turned round to the donor and thanked him with perfect aplomb, saying: Thank you, sir though in a very different tone of voice from the ornament of the legal profession whose headgear Bloom also set to rights earlier in the course of the day, history repeating itself with a difference; after the burial of a mutual friend when they had left him alone in his glory after the grim task of having committed his remains to the grave.
On the other hand what incensed him more inwardly was the blatant jokes of the cabmen and so on, who passed it all off as a jest, laughing immoderately, pretending to understand everything, the why and the wherefore, and in reality not knowing their own minds, it being a case for the two parties themselves unless it ensued that the legitimate husband happened to be a party to it owing to some anonymous letter from the usual boy Jones, who happened to come across them at the crucial moment in a loving position locked in one another's arms drawing attention to their illicit proceedings and leading up to a domestic rumpus and the erring fair one begging forgiveness of her lord and master upon her knees and promising to sever the connection and not receive his visits any more if only the aggrieved husband would overlook the matter and let bygones be bygones, with tears in her eyes, though possibly with her tongue in her fair cheek at the same time, as quite possibly there were several others. He personally, being of a sceptical bias, believed, and didn't make the smallest bones about saying so either, that man, or men in the plural, were always hanging around on the waiting list about a lady, even supposing she was the best wife in the world and they got on fairly well together for the sake of argument, when, neglecting her duties, she chose to be tired of wedded life, and was on for a little flutter in polite debauchery to press their attentions on her with improper intent, the upshot being that her affections centred on another, the cause of many liaisons between still attractive married women getting on for fair and forty and younger men, no doubt as several famous cases of feminine infatuation proved up to the hilt.
It was a thousand pities a young fellow blessed with an allowance of brains, as his neighbour obviously was, should waste his valuable time with profligate women, who might present him with a nice dose to last him his lifetime. In the nature of single blessedness he would one day take unto himself a wife when Miss Right came on the scene but in the interim ladies' society was a conditio sine qua non though he had the gravest possible doubts, not that he wanted in the smallest to pump Stephen about Miss Ferguson (who was very possibly the particular lodestar who brought him down to Irishtown so early in the morning), as to whether he would find much satisfaction basking in the boy and girl courtship idea and the company of smirking misses without a penny to their names bi- or tri-weekly with the orthodox preliminary canter of complimentpaying and walking out leading up to fond lovers' ways and flowers and chocs. To think of him house and homeless, rooked by some landlady worse than any stepmother, was really too bad at his age. The queer suddenly things he popped out with attracted the elder man who was several years the other's senior or like his father. But something substantial he certainly ought to eat, were it only an eggflip made on unadulterated maternal nutriment or, failing that, the homely Humpty Dumpty boiled.
-- At what o'clock did you dine? he questioned of the slim form and tired though unwrinkled face.
-- Some time yesterday, Stephen said.
-- Yesterday, exclaimed Bloom till he remembered it was already tomorrow, Friday. Ah, you mean it's after twelve!
-- The day before yesterday, Stephen said, improving on himself.
Literally astounded at this piece of intelligence, Bloom reflected. Though they didn't see eye to eye in everything, a certain analogy there somehow was, as if both their minds were travelling, so to speak, in the one train of thought. At his age when dabbling in politics roughly some score of years previously when he had been a quasi aspirant to parliamentary honours in the Buckshot Foster days he too recollected in retrospect (which was a source of keen satisfaction in itself) he had a sneaking regard for those same ultra ideas. For instance, when the evicted tenants' question, then at its first inception, bulked largely in people's minds though, it goes without saying, not contributing a copper or pinning his faith absolutely to its dictums, some of which wouldn't exactly hold water, he at the outset in principle, at all events, was in thorough sympathy with peasant possession, as voicing the trend of modern Opinion, a partiality, however, which, realising his mistake, he was subsequently partially cured of, and even was twitted with going a step further than Michael Davitt in the striking views he at one time inculcated as a backtothelander, which was one reason he strongly resented the innuendo put upon him in so barefaced a fashion at the gathering of the clans in Barney Kiernan's so that he, though often considerably misunderstood and the least pugnacious of mortals, be it repeated, departed from his customary habit to give him (metaphorically) one in the gizzard though so far as politics themselves were concerned, he was only too conscious of the casualties invariably resulting from propaganda and displays of mutual animosity and the misery and suffering it entailed as a foregone conclusion on fine young fellows, chiefly, destruction of the fittest, in a word.
Anyhow, upon weighing the pros and cons, getting on for one as it was, it was high time to be retiring for the night. The crux was it was a bit risky to bring him home as eventualities might possibly ensue (somebody having a temper of her own sometimes) and spoil the hash altogether as on the night he misguidedly brought home a dog (breed unknown) with a lame paw, not that the cases were either identical or the reverse, though he had hurt his hand too, to Ontario Terrace, as he very distinctly remembered, having been there, so to speak. On the other hand it was altogether far and away too late for the Sandymount or Sandycove suggestion so that he was in some perplexity as to which of the two alternatives... Everything pointed to the fact that it behoved him to avail himself to the full of the opportunity, all things considered. His initial impression was that he was a bit standoffish or not over effusive but it grew on him someway. For one thing he mightn't what you call jump at the idea, if approached, and what mostly worried him was he didn't know how to lead up to it or word it exactly, supposing he did entertain the proposal, as it would afford him very great personal pleasure if he would allow him to help to put coin in his way or some wardrobe, if found suitable. At all events he wound up by concluding, eschewing for the nonce hidebound precedent, a cup of Epps's cocoa and a shakedown for the night plus the use of a rug or two and overcoat doubled into a pillow. At least he would be in safe hands and as warm as a toast on a trivet. He failed to perceive any very vast amount of harm in that always with the proviso no rumpus of any sort was kicked up. A move had to be made because that merry old soul, the grasswidower in question, who appeared to be glued to the spot, didn't appear in any particular hurry to wend his way home to his dearly beloved Queenstown and it was highly likely some sponger's bawdyhouse of retired beauties off Sheriff street lower would be the best clue to that equivocal character's whereabouts for a few days to come, alternately racking their feelings (the mermaids') with sixchamber revolver anecdotes verging on the tropical calculated to freeze the marrow of anybody's bones and mauling their largesized charms betweenwhiles with rough and tumble gusto to the accompaniment of large potations of potheen and the usual blarney about himself for as to who he in reality was let XX equal my right name and address, as Mr Algebra remarks passim. At the same time he inwardly chuckled over his repartee to the blood and ouns champion about his God being a jew. People could put up with being bitten by a wolf but what properly riled them was a bite from a sheep. The most vulnerable point too of tender Achilles, your God was a jew, because mostly they appeared to imagine he came from Carrick-on-Shannon or somewhere about in the county Sligo.
-- I propose, our hero eventually suggested, after mature reflection while prudently pocketing her photo, as it's rather stuffy here, you just come with me and talk things over. My diggings are quite close in the vicinity. You can't drink that stuff. Wait, I'll just pay this lot.
The best plan clearly being to clear out, the remainder being plain sailing, he beckoned, while prudently pocketing the photo, to the keeper of the shanty, who didn't seem to...
-- Yes, that's the best, he assured Stephen, to whom for the matter of that Brazen Head or him or anywhere else was all more or less.
All kinds of Utopian plans were flashing through his (Bloom's) busy brain. Education (the genuine article), literature, journalism, prize titbits, up to date billing, hydros and concert tours in English watering resorts packed with theatres, turning money away, duets in Italian with the accent perfectly true to nature and a quantity of other things, no necessity of course to tell the world and his wife from the housetops about it and a slice of luck. An opening was all was wanted. Because he more than suspected he had his father's voice to bank his hopes on which it was quite on the cards he had so it would be just as well, by the way no harm, to trail the conversation in the direction of that particular red herring just to.
The cabby read out of the paper he had got hold of that the former viceroy, earl Cadogan, had presided at the cabdrivers' association dinner in London somewhere. Silence with a yawn or two accompanied this thrilling announcement. Then the old specimen in the corner who appeared to have some spark of vitality left read out that Sir Anthony MacDonnell had left Euston for the chief secretary's lodge or words to that effect. To which absorbing piece of intelligence echo answered why. - Give us a squint at that literature, grandfather, the ancient mariner put in, manifesting some natural impatience.
-- And welcome, answered the elderly party thus addressed.
The sailor lugged out from a case he had a pair of greenish goggles which he very slowly hooked over his nose and both ears.
-- Are you bad in the eyes? the sympathetic personage like the town clerk queried.
-- Why, answered the seafarer with the tartan beard, who seemingly was a bit of a literary cove in his own small way, staring out of sea-green portholes as you might well describe them as, I uses goggles reading. Sand in the Red Sea done that. One time I could read a book in the dark, manner of speaking. The Arabian Nights' Entertainment was my favourite and Red as a Rose is She.
Thereupon he pawed the journal open and pored upon Lord only knows what, found drowned or the exploits of King Willow, Iremonger having made a hundred and something second wicket not out for Notts, during which time (completely regardless of Ire) the keeper was intensely occupied loosening an apparently new or secondhand boot which manifestly pinched him, as he muttered against whoever it was sold it, all of them who were sufficiently awake enough to be picked out by their facial expressions, that is to say, either simply looking on glumly or passing a trivial remark.
To cut a long story short Bloom, grasping the situation, was the first to rise to his feet so as not to outstay their welcome having first and foremost, being as good as his word that he would foot the bill for the occasion, taken the wise precaution to unobtrusively motion to mine host as a parting shot a scarcely perceptible sign when the others were not looking to the effect that the amount due was forthcoming, making a grand total of fourpence (the amount he deposited unobtrusively in four coppers, literally the last of the Mohicans) he having previously spotted on the printed pricelist for all who ran to read opposite to him in unmistakable figures, coffee 2d., confectionery do., and honestly well worth twice the money once in a way, as Wetherup used to remark. - Come, he counselled, to close the séance.
Seeing that the ruse worked and the coast was clear, they left the shelter or shanty together and the élite society of oil skin and company whom nothing short Of an earthquake would move out of their dolce far niente. Stephen, who confessed to still feeling poorly and fagged out, paused at the, for a moment... the door to...
-- One thing I never understood, he said, to be original on the spur of the moment, why they put tables upside down at night, I mean chairs upside down on the tables In cafes.
To which impromptu the never failing Bloom replied without a moment's hesitation, saying straight off:
-- To sweep the floor in the morning.
So saying he skipped around nimbly, considering frankly, at the same time apologetic, to get on his companion's right, a habit of his, by the by, the right side being, in classical idiom, his tender Achilles. The night air was certainly now a treat to breathe though Stephen was a bit weak on his pins.
-- It will (the air) do you good, Bloom said, meaning also the walk, in a moment. The only thing is to walk then you'll feel a different man. It's not far. Lean on me.
Accordingly he passed his left arm in Stephen's right and led him on accordingly.
-- Yes, Stephen said uncertainly, because he thought he felt a strange kind of flesh of a different man approach him, sinewless and wobbly and all that.
Anyhow, they passed the sentrybox with stones, brazier, etc. where the municipal supernumerary, ex-Gumley, was still to all intents and purposes wrapped in the arms of Murphy, as the adage has it, dreaming of fresh fields and pastures new. And apropos of coffin of stones, the analogy was not at all bad, as it was in fact a stoning to death on the part of seventytwo out of eighty odd constituencies that ratted at the time of the split and chiefly the belauded peasant class, probably the selfsame evicted tenants he had put in their holdings.
So they passed on to chatting about music, a form of art for which Bloom, as a pure amateur, possessed the greatest love, as they made tracks arm-in-arm across Beresford place. Wagnerian music, though confessedly grand in its way, was a bit too heavy for Bloom and hard to follow at the first go-off but the music of Mercadante's Huguenots, Meyerbeer's Seven Last Words on the Cross, and Mozart's Twelfth Mass, he simply revelled in, the Gloria in that being to his mind the acme of first class music as such, literally knocking everything else into a cocked hat. He infinitely preferred the sacred music of the catholic church to anything the opposite shop could offer in that line such as those Moody and Sankey hymns or Bid me to live and I will live thy protestant to be. He also yielded to none in his admiration of Rossini's Stabat Mater, a work simply abounding in immortal numbers, in which his wife, Madam Marion Tweedy, made a hit, a veritable sensation, he might safely say greatly adding to her other laurels and putting the others totally in the shade in the jesuit fathers' church in Upper Gardiner street, the sacred edifice being thronged to the doors to hear her with virtuosos, or virtuosi rather. There was the unanimous opinion that there was none to come up to her and, suffice it to say in a place of worship for music of a sacred character, there was a generally voiced desire for an encore. On the whole, though favouring preferably light opera of the Don Giovanni description, and Martha, a gem in its line, he had a penchant, though with only a surface knowledge, for the severe classical school such as Mendelssohn. And talking of that, taking it for granted he knew all about the old favourites, he mentioned par excellence Lionel's air in Martha, M'appari, which, curiously enough, he heard, or overheard, to be more accurate, on yesterday, a privilege he keenly appreciated, from the lips of Stephen's respected father, sung to perfection, a study of the number, in fact, which made all the others take a back seat. Stephen, in reply to a politely put query, said he didn't but launched out into praises of Shakespeare's songs, at least of in or about that period, the lutenist Dowland who lived in Fetter Lane near Gerard the herbalist, who anno ludendo hausi, Doulandus, an instrument he was contemplating purchasing from Mr Arnold Dolmetsch, whom Bloom did not quite recall, though the name certainly sounded familiar, for sixtyfive guineas and Farnaby and son with their dux and comes conceits and Byrd (William), who played the virginals, he said, in the Queen's Chapel or anywhere else he found them and one Tomkins who made toys or airs and John Bull.
On the roadway which they were approaching whilst still speaking beyond the swing chain, a horse, dragging a sweeper, paced on the paven ground, brushing a long swathe of mire up so that with the noise Bloom was not perfectly certain whether he had caught a right the allusion to sixtyfive guineas and John Bull. He inquired if it was John Bull the political celebrity of that ilk, as it struck him, the two identical names, as a striking coincidence.
By the chains, the horse slowly swerved to turn, which perceiving Bloom, who was keeping a sharp lookout as usual plucked the other's sleeve gently, jocosely remarking:
-- Our lives are in peril tonight. Beware of the steamroller.
They thereupon stopped. Bloom looked at the head of a horse not worth anything like sixtyfive guineas, suddenly in evidence in the dark quite near, so that it seemed new, a different grouping of bones and even flesh, because palpably it was a fourwalker, a hipshaker, a blackbuttocker, a taildangler, a headhanger, putting his hind foot foremost the while the lord of his creation sat on the perch, busy with his thoughts. But such a good poor brute, he was sorry he hadn't a lump of sugar but, as he wisely reflected, you could scarcely be prepared for every emergency that might crop up. He was just a big foolish nervous noodly kind of a horse, without a second care in the world. But even a dog, he reflected, take that mongrel in Barney Kiernan's, of the same size, would be a holy horror to face. But it was no animal's fault in particular if he was built that way like the camel, ship of the desert, distilling grapes into potheen in his hump. Nine tenths of them all could be caged or trained, nothing beyond the art of man barring the bees; whale with a harpoon hairpin, alligator, tickle the small of his back and he sees the joke; chalk a circle for a rooster; tiger, my eagle eye. These timely reflections anent the brutes of the field occupied his mind, somewhat distracted from Stephen's words, while the ship of the street was manoeuvring and Stephen went on about the highly interesting old...
-- What's this I was saying? Ah, yes! My wife, he intimated, plunging in medias res, would have the greatest of pleasure in making your acquaintance as she is passionately attached to music of any kind.
He looked sideways in a friendly fashion at the sideface of Stephen, image of his mother, which was not quite the same as the usual blackguard type they unquestionably had an indubitable hankering after as he was perhaps not that way built.
Still, supposing he had his father's gift, as he more than suspected, it opened up new vistas in his mind, such as Lady Fingall's Irish industries concert on the preceding Monday, and aristocracy in general.
Exquisite variations he was now describing on an air Youth here has End by Jans Pieter Sweelinck, a Dutchman of Amsterdam where the frows come from. Even more he liked an old German song of Johannes Jeep about the clear sea and the voices of sirens, sweet murderers of men, which boggled Bloom a bit:
Von der Sirenen Listigkeit
Tun die Poeten dichten.
These opening bars he sang and translated extempore. Bloom, nodding, said he perfectly understood and begged him to go on by all means, which he did.
A phenomenally beautiful tenor voice like that, the rarest of boons, which Bloom appreciated at the very first note he got out, could easily, if properly handled by some recognised authority on voice production such as Barraclough and being able to read music into the bargain, command its own price where baritones were ten a penny and procure for its fortunate possessor in the near future an entrée into fashionable houses in the best residential quarters, of financial magnates in a large way of business and titled people where, with his university degree of B. A. (a huge ad in its way) and gentlemanly bearing to all the more influence the good impression he would infallibly score a distinct success, being blessed with brains which also could be utilised for the purpose and other requisites, if his clothes were properly attended to, so as to the better worm his way into their good graces as he, a youthful tyro in society's sartorial niceties, hardly understood how a little thing like that could militate against you. It was in fact only a matter of months and he could easily foresee him participating in their musical and artistic conversaziones during the festivities of the Christmas season, for choice, causing a slight flutter in the dovecotes of the fair sex and being made a lot of by ladies out for sensation, cases of which, as he happened to know, were on record, in fact, without giving the show away, he himself once upon a time, if he cared to, could easily have... Added to which of course, would be the pecuniary emolument by no means to be sneezed at, going hand in hand with his tuition fees. Not, he parenthesised, that for the sake of filthy lucre he need necessarily embrace the lyric platform as a walk in life for any lengthy space of time but a step in the required direction it was, beyond yea or nay, and both monetarily and mentally it contained no reflection on his dignity in the smallest and it often turned in uncommonly handy to be handed a cheque at a muchneeded moment when every little helped. Besides, though taste latterly had deteriorated to a degree, original music like that, different from the conventional rut, would rapidly have a great vogue, as it would be a decided novelty for Dublin's musical world after the usual hackneyed run of catchy tenor solos foisted on a confiding public by Ivan St Austell and Hilton St Just and their genus omne. Yes, beyond a shadow of a doubt, he could, with all the cards in his hand and he had a capital opening to make a name for himself and win a high place in the city's esteem where he could command a stiff figure and, booking ahead, give a grand concert for the patrons of the King street house, given a backerup, if one were forthcoming to kick him upstairs, so to speak - a big if, however - with some impetus of the goahead sort to obviate the inevitable procrastination which often tripped up a too much feted prince of good fellows and it need not detract from the other by one iota as, being his own master, he would have heaps of time to practise literature in his spare moments when desirous of so doing without its clashing with his vocal career or containing anything derogatory whatsoever as it was a matter for himself alone. In fact, he had the ball at his feet and that was the very reason why the other, possessed of a remarkably sharp nose for smelling a rat of any sort, hung on to him at all.
The horse was just then... and later on, at a propitious opportunity he purposed (Bloom did), without anyway prying Into his private affairs on the fools step in where angels principle advising him to sever his connection with a certain budding practitioner, who, he noticed, was prone to disparage, and even, to a slight extent, with some hilarious pretext, when not present, deprecate him, or whatever you like to call it, which, in Bloom's humble opinion, threw a nasty sidelight on that side of a person's character - no pun intended.
The horse, having reached the end of his tether, so to speak, halted, and, rearing high a proud feathering tail, added his quota by letting fall on the floor, which the brush would soon brush up and polish, three smoking globes of turds. Slowly, three times, one after another, from a full crupper, he mired. And humanely his driver waited till he (or she) had ended, patient in his scythed car.
Side by side Bloom, profiting by the contretemps, with Stephen passed through the gap of the chains, divided by the upright, and, stepping over a strand of mire, went across towards Gardiner street lower, Stephen singing more boldly, but not loudly, the end of the ballad:
Und alle Schiffe brücken
The driver never said a word, good, bad or indifferent. He merely watched the two figures, as he sat on his lowbacked car, both black - one full, one lean - walk towards the railway bridge, to be married by Father Maher. As they walked, they at times stopped and walked again, continuing their tête-à-tête (which of course he was utterly out of), about sirens, enemies of man's reason, mingled with a number of other topics of the same category, usurpers, historical cases of the kind while the man in the sweeper car or you might as well call it in the sleeper car who in any case couldn't possibly hear because they were too far simply sat in his seat near the end of lower Gardiner street and looked after their lowbacked car.



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16、Chapter 16 Eumaeus

PREPARATORY TO ANYTHING ELSE MR BLOOM BRUSHED OFF THE GREATER bulk of the shavings and handed Stephen the hat and ashplant and bucked him up generally in orthodox Samaritan fashion, which he very badly needed. His (Stephen's) mind was not exactly what you would call wandering but a bit unsteady and on his expressed desire for some beverage to drink Mr Bloom, in view of the hour it was and there being no pumps of Vartry water available for their ablutions, let alone drinking purposes, hit upon an expedient by suggesting, off the reel, the propriety of the cabman's shelter, as it was called, hardly a stonesthrow away near Butt Bridge, where they might hit upon some drinkables in the shape of a milk and soda or a mineral. But how to get there was the rub. For the nonce he was rather nonplussed but inasmuch as the duty plainly devolved upon him to take some measures on the subject he pondered suitable ways and means during which Stephen repeatedly yawned. So far as he could see he was rather pale in the face so that it occurred to him as highly advisable to get a conveyance of some description which would answer in their then condition, both of them being e. d. ed, particularly Stephen, always assuming that there was such a thing to be found. Accordingly, after a few such preliminaries, as, in spite of his having forgotten to take up his rather soapsuddy handkerchief after it had done yeoman service in the shaving line, brushing, they both walked together along Beaver street, or, more properly, lane, as far as the farrier's and the distinctly fetid atmosphere of the livery stables at the corner of Montgomery street where they made tracks to the left from thence debouching into Amiens Street round by the corner of Dan Bergin's. But, as he confidently anticipated, there was not a sign of a Jehu plying for hire anywhere to be seen except a fourwheeler, probably engaged by some fellows inside on the spree, outside the North Star Hotel and there was no symptom of its budging a quarter of an inch when Mr Bloom, who was anything but a professional whistler, endeavoured to hail it by emitting a kind of a whistle, holding his arms arched over his head, twice.
This was a quandary but, bringing commonsense to bear on it, evidently there was nothing for it but put a good face on the matter and foot it which they accordingly did. So, bevelling around by Mullet's and the Signal House, which they shortly reached, they proceeded perforce in the direction of Amiens street railway terminus, Mr Bloom being handicapped by the circumstance that one of the back buttons of his trousers had, to vary the timehonoured adage, gone the way of all buttons, though, entering thoroughly into the spirit of the thing, he heroically made light of the mischance. So, as neither of them were particularly pressed for time, as it happened, and the temperature refreshing since it cleared up after the recent visitation of Jupiter Pluvius, they dandered along past by where the empty vehicle was waiting without a fare or a jarvey. As it so happened a Dublin United Tramways Company's sandstrewer happening to be returning the elder man recounted to his companion à propos of the incident his own truly miraculous escape of some little while back. They passed the main entrance of the Great Northern railway station, the starting point for Belfast, where of course all traffic was suspended at that late hour, and, passing the back door of the morgue (a not very enticing locality, not to say gruesome to a degree, more especially at night), ultimately gained the Dock Tavern and in due course turned into Store street, famous for its C division police station. Between this point and the high, at present unlit, warehouses of Beresford Place Stephen thought to think of Ibsen, associated with Baird's, the stonecutter's, in his mind somehow in Talbot Place, first turning on the right, while the other, who was acting as his fidus Achates, inhaled with internal satisfaction the smell of James Rourke's city bakery, situated quite close to where they were, the very palatable odour indeed of our daily bread, of all commodities of the public the primary and most indispensable. Bread, the staff of life, earn your bread, O tell me where is fancy bread? At Rourke's the baker's, it is said.
En route, to his taciturn, and, not to put too fine a point on it, not yet perfectly sober companion, Mr Bloom, who at all events, was in complete possession of his faculties, never more so, in fact disgustingly sober, spoke a word of caution re the dangers of nighttown, women of ill fame and swell mobsmen, which, barely permissible once in a while, though not as a habitual practice, was of the nature of a regular deathtrap for young fellows of his age particularly if they had acquired drinking habits under the influence of liquor unless you knew a little juijitsu for every contingency as even a fellow on the broad of his back could administer a nasty kick if you didn't look out. Highly providential was the appearance on the scene of Corny Kelleher when Stephen was blissfully unconscious that, but for that man in the gap turning up at the eleventh hour, the finis might have been that he might have been a candidate for the accident ward, or, failing that, the Bridewell and an appearance in the court next day before Mr Tobias, or, he being the solicitor, rather old Wall, he meant to say, or Malony which simply spelt ruin for a chap when it got bruited about. The reason he mentioned the fact was that a lot of those policemen, whom he cordially disliked, were admittedly unscrupulous in the service of the Crown and, as Mr Bloom put it, recalling a case or two in the A Division in Clanbrassil street, prepared to swear a hole through a ten gallon pot. Never on the spot when wanted but in quiet parts of the City, Pembroke Road, for example, the guardians of the law were well in evidence, the obvious reason being they were paid to protect the upper classes. Another thing he commented on was equipping soldiers with firearms or sidearms of any description, liable to go off at any time, which was tantamount to inciting them against civilians should by any chance they fall nut over anything. You frittered away your time, he very sensibly maintained, and health and also character besides which the squandermania of the thing, fast women of the demimonde ran away with a lot of #. s. d. into the bargain and the greatest danger of all was who you got drunk with though, touching the much vexed question of stimulants, he relished a glass of choice old wine in season as both nourishing and blood-making and possessing aperient virtues (notably a good burgundy which he was a staunch believer in) still never beyond a certain point where he invariably drew the line as it simply led to trouble all round to say nothing of your being at the tender mercy of others practically. Most of all he commented adversely on the desertion of Stephen by all his pubhunting confrères but one, a most glaring piece of ratting on the part of his brother medicos under all the circs.
-- And that one was Judas, said Stephen, who up to then had said nothing whatsoever of any kind.
Discussing these and kindred topics they made a beeline across the back of the Customhouse and passed under the Loop Line bridge when a brazier of coke burning in front of a sentrybox, or something like one, attracted their rather lagging footsteps. Stephen of his own accord stopped for no special reason to look at the heap of barren cobblestones and by the light emanating from the brazier he could just make out the darker figure of the corporation watchman inside the gloom of the sentrybox. He began to remember that this had happened, or had been mentioned as having happened, before but it cost him no small effort before he remembered that he recognised in the sentry a quondam friend of his father's Gumley. To avoid a meeting be drew nearer to the pillars of the railway bridge.
-- Someone saluted you, Mr Bloom said.
A figure of middle height on the prowl, evidently, under the arches saluted again, calling: Night! Stephen, of course, started rather dizzily and stopped to return the compliment. Mr Bloom, actuated by motives of inherent delicacy, inasmuch as he always believed in minding his own business, moved off but nevertheless remained on the qui vive with just a shade of anxiety though not funkyish in the least. Although unusual in the Dublin area, he knew that it was not by any means unknown for desperadoes who had next to nothing to live on to be about waylaying and generally terrorising peaceable pedestrians by placing a pistol at their head in some secluded spot outside the city proper, famished loiterers of the Thames embankment category they might be hanging about there or simply marauders ready to decamp with whatever boodle they could in one fell swoop at a moments notice, your money or your life, leaving you there to point a moral, gagged and garotted.
Stephen, that is when the accosting figure came to close quarters, though he was not in any over sober state himself, recognised Corley's breath redolent of rotten cornjuice. Lord John Corley, some called him, and his genealogy came about in this wise. He was the eldest son of Inspector Corley of the G Division, lately deceased, who had married a certain Katherine Brophy, the daughter of a Louth farmer. His grandfather, Patrick Michael Corley, of New Ross, had married the widow of a publican there whose maiden name had been Katherine (also) Talbot. Rumour had it, though not proved, that she descended from the house of the Lords Talbot de Malahide in whose mansion, really an unquestionably fine residence of its kind and well worth seeing, his mother or aunt or some relative had enjoyed the distinction of being in service in the washkitchen. This, therefore, was the reason why the still comparatively young though dissolute man who now addressed Stephen was spoken of by some with facetious proclivities as Lord John Corley.
Taking Stephen on one side he had the customary doleful ditty to tell. Not as much as a farthing to purchase a night's lodgings. His friends had all deserted him. Furthermore, he had a row with Lenehan and called him to Stephen a mean bloody swab with a sprinkling of other uncalled-for expressions. He was out of a job and implored of Stephen to tell him where on God's earth he could get something, anything at all to do. No, it was the daughter of the mother in the washkitchen that was fostersister to the heir of the house or else they were connected through the mother in some way, both occurrences happening at the same time if the whole thing wasn't a complete fabrication from start to finish. Anyhow, he was ill in.
-- I wouldn't ask you, only, pursued he, on my solemn oath and God knows I'm on the rocks.
-- There'll be a job tomorrow or the next day, Stephen told him, in a boys' school at Dalkey for a gentleman usher. Mr Garret Deasy. Try it. You may mention my name.
-- Ah, God, Corley replied, sure I couldn't teach in a school, man. I was never one of your bright ones, he added with a half laugh. Got stuck twice in the junior at the Christian Brothers.
-- I have no place to sleep myself, Stephen informed him.
Corley, at the first go-off, was inclined to suspect it was something to do with Stephen being fired out of his digs for bringing in a bloody tart off the street. There was a dosshouse in Marlborough street, Mrs Maloney's, but it was only a tanner touch and full of undesirables but M'Conachie told him you got a decent enough do in the Brazen Head over in Winetavern street (which was distantly suggestive to the person addressed of friar Bacon) for a bob. He was starving too though he hadn't said a word about it.
Though this sort of thing went on every other night or very near it still Stephen's feelings got the better of him in a sense though he knew that Corley's brandnew rigmarole, on a par with the others, was hardly deserving of much credence. However, haud ignarus malorum miseris succurrere disco, etcetera, as the Latin poet remarks, especially as luck would have it he got paid his screw after every middle of the month on the sixteenth which was the date of the month as a matter of fact though a good bit of the wherewithal was demolished. But the cream of the joke was nothing would get it Out of Corley's head that he was living in affluence and hadn't a thing to do but hand out the needful - whereas. He put his hand in a pocket anyhow, not with the idea of finding any food there, but thinking he might lend him anything up to a bob or so in lieu so that he might endeavour at all events and get sufficient to eat. But the result was in the negative for, to his chagrin, he found his cash missing. A few broken biscuits were all the result of his investigation. He tried his hardest to recollect for the moment whether he had lost, as well he might have, or left, because in that contingency it was not a pleasant lookout, very much the reverse, in fact. He was altogether too fagged out to institute a thorough search though he tried to recollect about biscuits he dimly remembered. Who now exactly gave them, or where was, or did he buy? However, in another pocket he came across what he surmised in the dark were pennies, erroneously, however, as it turned out.
-- Those are halfcrowns, man, Corley corrected him.
And so in point of fact they turned out to be. Stephen lent him one of them.
-- Thanks, Corley answered. You're a gentleman. I'll pay you back some time. Who's that with you? I saw him a few times in the Bleeding Horse in Camden street with Boylan the billsticker. You might put in a good word for us to get me taken on there. I'd carry a sandwichboard only the girl in the office told me they're full up for the next three weeks, man. God, you've to book ahead, man, you'd think it was for the Carl Rosa. I don't give a shite anyway so long as I get a job even as a crossing sweeper.
Subsequently, being not quite so down in the mouth after the two-and-six he got, he informed Stephen about a fellow by the name of Bags Comisky that he said Stephen knew well out of Fullam's, the shipchandler's bookkeeper there, that used to be often round in Nagle's back with O'Mara and a little chap with a stutter the name of Tighe. Anyhow, he was lagged the night before last and fined ten bob for a drunk and disorderly and refusing to go with the constable.
Mr Bloom in the meanwhile kept dodging about in the vicinity of the cobblestones near the brazier of coke in front of the corporation watchman's sentrybox, who, evidently a glutton for work, it struck him, was having a quiet forty winks for all intents and purposes on his own private account while Dublin slept. He threw an odd eye at the same time now and then at Stephen's anything but immaculately attired interlocutor as if he had seen that nobleman somewhere or other though where he was not in a position to truthfully state nor had he the remotest idea when. Being a levelheaded individual who could give points to not a few in point of shrewd observation, he also remarked on his very dilapidated hat and slouchy wearing apparel generally, testifying to a chronic impecuniosity. Probably he was one of his hangerson but for the matter of that it was merely a question of one preying on his next door neighbour all round, in every deep, so to put it, a deeper depth and for the matter of that if the man in the street chanced to be in the dock himself penal servitude, with or without the option of a fine, would be a very rara avis altogether. In any case he had a consummate amount of cool assurance intercepting people at that hour of the night or morning. Pretty thick that was certainly.
The pair parted company and Stephen rejoined Mr Bloom, who, with his practised eye, was not without perceiving that he had succumbed to the blandiloquence of the other parasite. Alluding to the encounter he said, laughingly, Stephen, that is:
-- He's down on his luck. He asked me to ask you to ask somebody named Boylan, a billsticker, to give him a job as a sandwichman.
At this intelligence, in which he seemingly evinced little interest, Mr Bloom gazed abstractedly for the space of a half a second or so in the direction of a bucket dredger, rejoicing in the farfamed name of Eblana, moored alongside Customhouse Quay and quite possibly Out of repair, whereupon he observed evasively:
-- Everybody gets their own ration of luck, they say. Now you mention it his face was familiar to me. But leaving that for the moment, how much did you part with, he queried, if I am not too inquisitive?
-- Half-a-crown, Stephen responded. I daresay he needs it to sleep somewhere.
-- Needs, Mr Bloom ejaculated, professing not the least surprise at the intelligence, I can quite credit the assertion and I guarantee he invariably does. Everyone according to his needs and everyone according to his deeds. But talking about things in general, where, added he with a smile, will you sleep yourself? Walking to Sandycove is Out of the question and, even supposing you did, you won't get in after what occurred at Westland Row station. Simply fag out there for nothing. I don't mean to presume to dictate to you in the slightest degree but why did you leave your father's house?
-- To seek misfortune, was Stephen's answer.
-- I met your respected father on a recent occasion, Mr Bloom diplomatically returned. Today, in fact, or, to be strictly accurate, on yesterday. Where does he live at present? I gathered in the course of conversation that he had moved.
-- I believe he is in Dublin somewhere, Stephen answered unconcernedly. Why?
-- A gifted man, Mr Bloom said of Mr Dedalus senior, in more respects than one and a born raconteur if ever there was one. He takes great pride, quite legitimately, Out of you. You could go back, perhaps, he hazarded, still thinking of the very unpleasant scene at Westland Row terminus when it was perfectly evident that the other two, Mulligan, that is, and that English tourist friend of his, who eventually euchred their third companion, were patently trying, as if the whole bally station belonged to them, to give Stephen the slip in the confusion.
There was no response forthcoming to the suggestion, however, such as it was, Stephen's mind's eye being too busily engaged in repicturing his family hearth the last time he saw it, with his sister, Dilly, sitting by the ingle, her hair hanging down, waiting for some weak Trinidad shell cocoa that was in the sootcoated kettle to be done so that she and he could drink it with the oatmeal water for milk after the Friday herrings they had eaten at two a penny, with an egg apiece for Maggy, Boody and Katey, the cat meanwhile under the mangle devouring a mess of eggshells and charred fish heads and bones on a square of brown paper in accordance with the third precept of the church to fast and abstain on the days commanded, it being quarter tense or, if not, ember days or something like that.
-- No, Mr Bloom repeated again, I wouldn't personally repose much trust in that boon companion of yours who contributes the humorous element, Dr Mulligan, as a guide, philosopher, and friend, if I were in your shoes. He knows which side his bread is buttered on though in all probability he never realised what it is to be without regular meals. Of course you didn't notice as much as I did but it wouldn't occasion me the least surprise to learn that a pinch of tobacco or some narcotic was put in your drink for some ulterior object.
He understood, however, from all he heard, that Dr Mulligan was a versatile allround man, by no means confined to medicine only, who was rapidly coming to the fore in his line and, if the report was verified, bade fair to enjoy a flourishing practice in the not too distant future as a tony medical practitioner drawing a handsome fee for his services in addition to which professional status his rescue of that man from certain drowning by artificial respiration and what they call first aid at Skerries, or Malahide was it? was, he was bound to admit, an exceedingly plucky deed which he could not too highly praise, so that frankly he was utterly at a loss to fathom what earthly reason could be at the back of it except he put it down to sheer cussedness or jealousy, pure and simple.
-- Except it simply amounts to one thing and he is what they call picking your brains, he ventured to throw out.
The guarded glance of half solicitude, half curiosity, augmented by friendliness, which he gave at Stephen's at present morose expression of features did not throw a flood of light, none at all in fact, on the problem as to whether he had let himself be badly bamboozled, to judge by two or three low spirited remarks he let drop, or, the other way about, saw through the affair, and, for some reason or other best known to himself, allowed matters to more or less... Grinding poverty did have that effect and he more than conjectured that, high educational abilities though he possessed, he experienced no little difficulty in making both ends meet.
Adjacent to the men's public urinal he perceived an icecream car round which a group of presumably Italians in heated altercation were getting rid of voluble expressions in their vivacious language in a particularly animated way, there being some little differences between the parties.
-- Putana madonna, che ci dia i quattrini! Ho ragione? Culo rotto!
-- Intendiamoci. Mezzo sovrano più
-- Dice lui, pero.
-- Farabutto! Mortacci sui!
Mr Bloom and Stephen entered the cabman's shelter, an unpretentious wooden structure, where, prior to then, he had rarely, if ever, been before; the former having previously whispered to the latter a few hints anent the keeper of it, said to be the once famous Skin-the-Goat, Fitzharris, the invincible, though he wouldn't vouch for the actual facts, which quite possibly there was not one vestige of truth in. A few moments later saw our two noctambules safely seated in a discreet corner, only to be greeted by stares from the decidedly miscellaneous collection of waifs and strays and other nondescript specimens of the genus homo, already there engaged in eating and drinking, diversified by conversation, for whom they seemingly formed an object of marked curiosity.
-- Now touching a cup of coffee, Mr Bloom ventured to plausibly suggest to break the ice, it occurs to me you ought to sample something in the shape of solid food, say a roll of some description.
Accordingly his first act was with characteristic sangfroid to order these commodities quietly. The hoi polloi of jarvies or stevedores, or whatever they were, after a cursory examination, turned their eyes, apparently dissatisfied, away, though one redbearded bibulous individual, a portion of whose hair was greyish, a sailor, probably, still stared for some appreciable time before transferring his rapt attention to the floor.
Mr Bloom, availing himself of the right of free speech, he having just a bowing acquaintance with the language in dispute though, to be sure, rather in a quandary over voglio, remarked to his protégé in an audible tone of voice, apropos of the battle royal in the street which was still raging fast and furious:
-- Beautiful language. I mean for singing purposes. Why do you not write your poetry in that language? Bella Poetria! it is so melodious and full. Belladonna voglio.
Stephen, who was trying his dead best to yawn, if he could, suffering from dead lassitude generally, replied:
-- To fill the ear of a cow elephant. They were haggling over money.
-- Is that so? Mr Bloom asked. Of course, he subjoined pensively, at the inward reflection of there being more languages to start with than were absolutely necessary, it may be only the southern glamour that surrounds it.
The keeper of the shelter in the middle of this tête-à-tête put a boiling swimming cup of a choice concoction labelled coffee on the table and a rather antediluvian specimen of a bun, or so it seemed, after which he beat a retreat to his counter. Mr Bloom determining to have a good square look at him later on so as not to appear to... for which reason he encouraged Stephen to proceed with his eyes while he did the honours by surreptitiously pushing the cup of what was temporarily supposed to be called coffee gradually nearer him.
-- Sounds are impostures, Stephen said after a pause of some little time. Like names, Cicero, Podmore, Napoleon, Mr Goodbody, Jesus, Mr Doyle. Shakespeares were as common as Murphies. What's in a name?
-- Yes, to be sure, Mr Bloom unaffectedly concurred. Of course. Our name was changed too, he added, pushing the socalled roll across.
The redbearded sailor, who had his weather eye on the newcomers, boarded Stephen, whom he had singled out for attention in particular, squarely by asking:
-- And what might your name be?
Just in the nick of time Mr Bloom touched his companion's boot but Stephen, apparently disregarding the warm pressure, from an unexpected quarter, answered:
-- Dedalus.
The sailor stared at him heavily from a pair of drowsy baggy eyes, rather bunged up from excessive use of boose, preferably good old Hollands and water.
-- You know Simon Dedalus? he asked at length.
-- I've heard of him, Stephen said.
Mr Bloom was all at sea for a moment, seeing the others evidently eavesdropping too.
-- He's Irish, the seaman bold affirmed, staring still in much the same way and nodding. All Irish.
-- All too Irish, Stephen rejoined.
As for Mr Bloom he could neither make head or tail of the whole business and he was just asking himself what possible connection when the sailor, of his own accord, turned to the other Occupants of the shelter with the remark: I seen him shoot two eggs off two bottles at fifty yards over his shoulder. The left hand dead shot.
Though he was slightly hampered by an occasional stammer and his gestures being also clumsy as it was still he did his best to explain.
-- Bottle Out there, say. Fifty yards measured. Eggs on the bottles. Cocks his gun over his shoulder. Aims.
He turned his body half round, shut up his right eye completely, then he screwed his features up some way sideways and glared out into the night with an unprepossessing cast of countenance.
-- Pom, he then shouted once.
The entire audience waited, anticipating an additional detonation, there being still a further egg.
-- Pom, he shouted twice.
Egg two evidently demolished, he nodded and winked, adding bloodthirstily:
Buffalo Bill shoots to kill,
Never missed nor he never will.
A silence ensued till Mr Bloom for agreeableness' sake just felt like asking him whether it was for a marksmanship competition like the Bisley.
-- Beg pardon, the sailor said.
-- Long ago? Mr Bloom pursued without flinching a hairsbreadth.
-- Why, the sailor replied, relaxing to a certain extent under the magic influence of diamond cut diamond, it might be a matter of ten years. He toured the wide world with Hengler's Royal Circus. I seen him do that in Stockholm.
-- Curious coincidence, Mr Bloom confided to Stephen unobtrusively.
-- Murphy's my name, the sailor continued, W. B. Murphy, of Carrigaloe. Know where that is?
-- Queenstown Harbour, Stephen replied.
-- That's right, the sailor said. Fort Camden and Fort Carlisle. That's where I hails from. My little woman's down there. She's waiting for me, I know. For England, home and beauty. She's my own true wife I haven't seen for seven years now, sailing about.
Mr Bloom could easily picture his advent on this scene - the homecoming to the mariner's roadside shieling after having diddled Davy Jones - a rainy night with a blind moon. Across the world for a wife. Quite a number of stories there were on that particular Alice Ben Bolt topic, Enoch Arden and Rip van Winkle and does anybody hereabouts remember Caoc O'Leary, a favourite and most trying declamation piece, by the way, of poor John Casey and a bit of perfect poetry in its own small way? Never about the runaway wife coming back, however much devoted to the absentee. The face at the window! Judge of his astonishment when he finally did breast the tape and the awful truth dawned upon him anent his better half, wrecked in his affections. You little expected me but I've come to stay and make a fresh start. There she sits, a grass widow, at the selfsame fireside. Believes me dead. Rocked in the cradle of the deep. And there sits uncle Chubb or Tomkin, as the case might be, the publican of the Crown and Anchor, in shirtsleeves, eating rumpsteak and onions. No chair for father. Boo! The wind! Her brandnew arrival is on her knee, post mortem child. With a high ro! and a randy ro! and my galloping tearing tandy O! Bow to the inevitable. Grin and bear it. I remain with much love your brokenhearted husband, W. B. Murphy.
The sailor, who scarcely seemed to be a Dublin resident, turned to one of the jarvies with the request:
-- You don't happen to have such a thing as a spare chaw about you, do you?
The jarvey addressed, as it happened, had not but the keeper took a die of plug from his good jacket hanging on a nail and the desired object was passed from hand to hand.
-- Thank you, the sailor said.
He deposited the quid in his gob and, chewing, and with some slow stammers, proceeded:
-- We come up this morning eleven o'clock. The threemaster Rosevean from Bridgwater with bricks. I shipped to get over. Paid off this afternoon. There's my discharge. See? W. B. Murphy, A. B. S.
In confirmation of which statement he extricated from an inside pocket and handed to his neighbours a not very clean looking folded document.
-- You must have seen a fair share of the world, the keeper remarked, leaning on the counter.
-- Why, the sailor answered, upon reflection upon it, I've circumnavigated a bit since I first joined on. I was in the Red Sea. I was in China and North America and South America. I seen icebergs plenty, growlers. I was in Stockholm and the Black Sea, the Dardanelles, under Captain Dalton the best bloody man that ever scuttled a ship. I seen Russia. Gospodi pomilooy. That's how the Russians prays.
-- You seen queer sights, don't be talking, put in a jarvey.
-- Why, the sailor said, shifting his partially chewed plug, I seen queer things too, ups and downs. I seen a crocodile bite the fluke of an anchor same as I chew that quid.
He took out of his mouth the pulpy quid and, lodging it between his teeth, bit ferociously.
-- Khaan! Like that. And I seen maneaters in Peru that eats corpses and the livers of horses. Look here. Here they are. A friend of mine sent me.
He fumbled out a picture postcard from his inside pocket, which seemed to be in its way a species of repository, and pushed it along the table. The printed matter on it stated: Choza de Indios. Beni, Bolivia.
All focused their attention on the scene exhibited, at a group of savage women in striped loincloths, squatted, blinking, suckling, frowning, sleeping, amid a swarm of infants (there must have been quite a score of them) outside some primitive shanties of osier.
-- Chews coca all day long, the communicative tarpaulin added. Stomachs like breadgraters. Cuts off their diddies when they can't bear no more children. See them there stark ballocknaked eating a dead horse's liver raw.
His postcard proved a centre of attraction for Messrs the greenhorns for several minutes, if not more.
-- Know how to keep them off? he inquired genially.
Nobody volunteering a statement, he winked, saying:
-- Glass. That boggles 'em. Glass.
Mr Bloom, without evincing surprise, unostentatiously turned over the card to peruse the partially obliterated address and postmark. It ran as follows: Tarjeta Postal. Se?or A. Boudin, Galeria Becche, Santiago, Chile. There was no message evidently, as he took particular notice. Though not an implicit believer in the lurid story narrated (or the eggsniping transaction for that matter despite William Tell and the Lazarillo-Don Cesar de Bazan incident depicted in Maritana on which occasion the former's ball passed through the latter's hat), having detected a discrepancy between his name (assuming he was the person he represented himself to be and not sailing under false colours after having boxed the compass on the strict q.t. somewhere) and the fictitious addressee of the missive which made him nourish some suspicions of our friend's bona fides, nevertheless it reminded him in a way of a longcherished plan he meant to one day realise some Wednesday or Saturday of travelling to London via long sea not to say that he had ever travelled extensively to any great extent but he was at heart a born adventurer though by a trick of fate he had consistently remained a landlubber except you call going to Holyhead which was his longest. Martin Cunningham frequently said he would work a pass through Egan but some deuced hitch or other eternally cropped up with the net result that the scheme fell through. But even suppose it did come to planking down the needful and breaking Boyd's heart it was not so dear, purse permitting, a few guineas at the outside, considering the fare to Mullingar where he figured on going was five and six there and back. The trip would benefit health on account of the bracing ozone and be in every way thoroughly pleasurable, especially for a chap whose liver was out of order, seeing the different places along the route, Plymouth, Falmouth, Southampton and so on, culminating in an instructive tour of the sights of the great metropolis, the spectacle of our modern Babylon where doubtless he would see the greatest improvement tower, abbey, wealth of Park Lane to renew acquaintance with. Another thing just struck him as a by no means bad notion was he might have a gaze around on the spot to see about trying to make arrangements about a concert tour of summer music embracing the most prominent pleasure resorts, Margate with mixed bathing and firstrate hydros and spas, Eastbourne, Scarborough, Margate and so on, beautiful Bournemouth, the Channel islands and similar bijou spots, which might prove highly remunerative. Not, of course, with a hole and corner scratch company or local ladies on the job, witness Mrs C. P. M'Coy type - lend me your valise and I'll post you the ticket. No, something top notch, an all star Irish cast, the Tweedy-Flower grand opera company with its own legal consort as leading lady as a sort of counterblast to the Elster Grimes and Moody-Manners, perfectly simple matter and he was quite sanguine of success, providing puffs in the local papers could be managed by some fellow with a bit of bounce who could pull the indispensable wires and thus combine business with pleasure. But who? That was the rub.
Also, without being actually positive, it struck him a great field was to be opened up in the line of opening up new routes to keep pace with the times apropos of the Fishguard-Rosslare route which, it was mooted, was once more on the tapis in the Circumlocution departments with the usual quantity of red tape and dillydallying of effete fogeydom and dunderheads generally. A great opportunity there certainly was for push and enterprise to meet the travelling needs of the public at large, the average man, i.e. Brown, Robinson and Co.
It was a subject of regret and absurd as well on the face of it and no small blame to our vaunted society that the man in the street, when the system really needed toning up, for a matter of a couple of paltry pounds, was debarred from seeing more of the world they lived in instead of being always cooped up since my old stick-in-the-mud took me for a wife. After all, hang it, they had their eleven and more humdrum months of it and merited a radical change of venue after the grind of city life in the summertime, for choice, when Dame Nature is at her spectacular best, constituting nothing short of a new lease of life. There were equally excellent opportunities for vacationists in the home island, delightful sylvan spots for rejuvenation, offering a plethora of attractions as well as a bracing tonic for the system in and around Dublin and its picturesque environs, even, Poulaphouca, to which there was a steam tram, but also farther away from the madding crowd, in Wicklow, rightly termed the garden of Ireland, an ideal neighbourhood for elderly wheelmen, so long as it didn't come down, and in the wilds of Donegal, where if report spoke true, the coup d'il was exceedingly grand, though the lastnamed locality was not easily getatable so that the influx of visitors was not as yet all that it might be considering the signal benefits to be derived from it, while Howth with its historic associations and otherwise, Silken Thomas, Grace O'Malley, George IV, rhododendrons several hundred feet above sealevel was a favourite haunt with all sorts and conditions of men, especially in the spring when young men s fancy, though it had its own toll of deaths by falling off the cliffs by design or accidentally, usually, by the way, on their left leg, it being only about three quarters of an hour's run from the pillar. Because of course uptodate tourist travelling was as yet merely in its infancy, so to speak, and the accommodation left much to be desired. Interesting to fathom, it seemed to him, from a motive of curiosity pure and simple, was whether it was the traffic that created the route or vice-versa or the two sides in fact. He turned back the other side of the card picture and passed it along to Stephen.
-- I seen a Chinese one time, related the doughty narrator, that had little pills like putty and he put them in the water and they opened, and every pill was something different. One was a ship, another was a house, another was a flower. Cooks rats in your soup, he appetisingly added, the Chinese does.
Possibly perceiving an expression of dubiosity on their faces, the globetrotter went on adhering to his adventures.
-- And I seen a man killed in Trieste by an Italian chap. Knife in his back. Knife like that.
Whilst speaking he produced a dangerous looking clasp knife, quite in keeping with his character, and held it in the striking position.
-- In a knockingshop it was count of a tryon between two smugglers. Fellow hid behind a door, come up behind him. Like that. Prepare to meet your God, says he. Chuck! It went into his back up to the butt.
His heavy glance, drowsily roaming about, kind of defied their further questions even should they by any chance want to. That's a good bit of steel, repeated he, examining his formidable stiletto.
After which harrowing dénouement sufficient to appal the stoutest he snapped the blade to and stowed the weapon in question away as before in his chamber of horrors, otherwise pocket.
-- They're great for the cold steel, somebody who was evidently quite in the dark said for the benefit of them all. That was why they thought the park murders of the invincibles was done by foreigners on account of them using knives.
At this remark, passed obviously in the spirit of where ignorance is bliss, Mr Bloom and Stephen, each in his own particular way, both instinctively exchanged meaning glances, in a religious silence of the strictly entre nous variety however, towards where Skin-the-Goat, alias the keeper, was drawing spurts of liquid from his boiler affair. His inscrutable face, which was really a work of art, a perfect study in itself, beggaring description, conveyed the impression that he didn't understand one jot of what was going on. Funny very.
There ensued a somewhat lengthy pause. One man was reading by fits and starts a stained by coffee evening journal; another, the card with the natives choza de; another, the seaman's discharge. Mr Bloom, so far as he was personally concerned, was just pondering in pensive mood. He vividly recollected when the occurrence alluded to took place as well as yesterday, some score of years previously, in the days of the land troubles when it took the civilised world by storm, figuratively speaking, early in the eighties, eightyone to be correct, when he was just turned fifteen.
-- Ay, boss, the sailor broke in. Give us back them papers.
The request being complied with, he clawed them up with a scrape.
-- Have you seen the Rock of Gibraltar? Mr Bloom inquired.
The sailor grimaced, chewing, in a way that might be read as yes, ay, or no.
-- Ah, you've touched there too, Mr Bloom said, Europa point, thinking he had, in the hope that the rover might possibly by some reminiscences but he failed to do so, simply letting spurt a jet of spew into the sawdust, and shook his head with a sort of lazy scorn.
-- What year would that be about? Mr Bloom interpolated. Can you recall the boats?
Our soi-disant sailor munched heavily awhile, hungrily, before answering.
-- I'm tired of all them rocks in the sea, he said, and boats and ships. Salt junk all the time.
Tired, seemingly, he ceased. His questioner, perceiving that he was not likely to get a great deal of change out of such a wily old customer, fell to woolgathering on the enormous dimensions of the water about the globe. Suffice it to say that, as a casual glance at the map revealed, it covered fully three fourths of it and he fully realised accordingly what it meant, to rule the waves. On more than one occasion - a dozen at the lowest - near the North Bull at Dollymount he had remarked a superannuated old salt, evidently derelict, seated habitually near the not particularly redolent sea on the wall, staring quite obliviously at it and it at him, dreaming of fresh woods and pastures new as someone somewhere sings. And it left him wondering why. Possibly he had tried to find out the secret for himself, floundering up and down the antipodes and all that sort of thing and over and under - well, not exactly under, tempting the fates. And the odds were twenty to nil there was really no secret about it at all. Nevertheless, without going into the minutiae of the business, the eloquent fact remained that the sea was there in all its glory and in the natural course of things somebody or other had to sail on it and fly in the face of providence though it merely went to show how people usually contrived to load that sort of onus on to the other fellow like the hell idea and the lottery and insurance, which were run on identically the same lines so that for that very reason, if no other, lifeboat Sunday was a very laudable institution to which the public at large, no matter where living, inland or seaside,-is the case might be, having it brought home to them like that, should extend its gratitude also to the harbourmasters and coastguard service who had to man the rigging and push off and out amid the elements, whatever the season, when duty called Ireland expects that every man and so on, and sometimes had a terrible time of it in the wintertime not forgetting the Irish lights, Kish and others, liable to capsize at any moment rounding which he once with his daughter had experienced some remarkably choppy, not to say stormy, weather.
-- There was a fellow sailed with me in the Rover, the old seadog, himself a rover, proceeded. Went ashore and took up a soft job as gentleman's valet at six quid a month. Them are his trousers I've on me and he gave me an oilskin and that jackknife. I'm game for that job, shaving and brushup. I hate roaming about. There's my son now, Danny, run off to sea and his mother got him took in a draper's in Cork where he could be drawing easy money.
-- What age is he? queried one hearer who, by the way, seen from the side, bore a distant resemblance to Henry Campbell, the townclerk, away from the carking cares of office, unwashed, of course, and in a seedy getup and a strong suspicion of nosepaint about the nasal appendage.
-- Why, the sailor answered with a slow puzzled utterance. My son Danny? He'd be about eighteen now, way I figure it.
The Skibbereen father hereupon tore open his grey or unclean anyhow shirt with his two hands and scratched away at his chest on which was to be seen an image tattooed in blue Chinese ink, intended to represent an anchor.
-- There was lice in that bunk in Bridgwater, he remarked. Sure as nuts. I must get a wash tomorrow or next day. It's them black lads I objects to. I hate those buggers. Sucks your blood dry, they does.
Seeing they were all looking at his chest, he accommodatingly dragged his shirt more open so that, on top of the time honoured symbol of the mariner's hope and rest, they had a full view of the figure 16 and a young man's sideface looking frowningly rather.
-- Tattoo, the exhibitor explained. That was done when we were lying becalmed off Odessa in the Black Sea under Captain Dalton Fellow the name of Antonio done that. There he is himself, a Greek.
-- Did it hurt much doing it? one asked the sailor.
That worthy, however, was busily engaged in collecting round the someway in his. Squeezing or...
-- See here, he said, showing Antonio. There he is, cursing the mate. And there he is now, he added. The same fellow, pulling the skin with his fingers, some special knack evidently, and he laughing at a yarn.
And in point of fact the young man named Antonio's livid face did actually look like forced smiling and the curious effect excited the unreserved admiration of everybody, including Skin-the-Goat who this time stretched over.
-- Ay, ay, sighed the sailor, looking down on his manly chest. He's gone too. Ate by sharks after. Ay, ay.
He let go of the skin so that the profile resumed the normal expression of before.
-- Neat bit of work, longshoreman one said.
-- And what's the number for? loafer number two queried.
-- Eaten alive? a third asked the sailor.
-- Ay, ay, sighed again the latter personage, more cheerily this time, with some sort of a half smile, for a brief duration only, in the direction of the questioner about the number. A Greek he was.
And then he added, with rather gallowsbird humour, considering his alleged end:
-- As bad as old Antonio,
For he left me on my ownio.
The face of a streetwalker, glazed and haggard under a black straw hat, peered askew round the door of the shelter, palpably reconnoitring on her own with the object of bringing more grist to her mill. Mr Bloom, scarcely knowing which way to look, turned away on the moment, flusterfied but outwardly calm, and picking up from the table the pink sheet of the Abbey street organ which the jarvey, if such he was, had laid aside, he picked it up and looked at the pink of the paper though why pink? His reason for so doing was he recognised on the moment round the door the same face he had caught a fleeting glimpse of that afternoon on Ormond Quay, the partially idiotic female, namely, of the lane, who knew the lady in the brown costume does be with you (Mrs B.), and begged the chance of his washing. Also why washing, which seemed rather vague than not?
Your washing. Still, candour compelled him to admit that he had washed his wife's undergarments when soiled in Holles Street and women would and did too a man's similar garments initialled with Bewley and Draper's marking ink (hers were, that is) if they really loved him, that is to say. Love me, love my dirty shirt. Still, just then, being on tenterhooks, he desired the female's room more than her company so it came as a genuine relief when the keeper made her a rude sign to take herself off. Round the side of the Evening Telegraph he just caught a fleeting glimpse of her face round the side of the door with a kind of demented glassy grin showing that she was not exactly all there, viewing with evident amusement the group of gazers round Skipper Murphy's nautical chest and then there was no more of her.
-- The gunboat, the keeper said.
-- It beats me, Mr Bloom confided to Stephen, medically I am speaking, how a wretched creature like that from the Lock Hospital, reeking with disease, can be barefaced enough to solicit or how any man in his sober senses, if he values his health in the least. Unfortunate creature! Of course, I suppose some man is ultimately responsible for her condition. Still no matter what the cause is from...
Stephen had not noticed her and shrugged his shoulders, merely remarking:
-- In this country people sell much more than she ever had and do a roaring trade. Fear not them that sell the body but have not power to buy the soul. She is a bad merchant. She buys dear and sells cheap.
The elder man, though not by any manner of means an old maid or a prude, said that it was nothing short of a crying scandal that ought to be put a stop to instanter to say that women of that stamp (quite apart from any oldmaidish squeamishness on the subject), a necessary evil, were not licensed and medically inspected by the proper authorities, a thing he could truthfully state he, as a paterfamilias, was a stalwart advocate of from the very first start. Whoever embarked on a policy of that sort, he said, and ventilated the matter thoroughly would confer a lasting boon on everybody concerned.
-- You, as a good catholic, he observed, talking of body and soul, believe in the soul. Or do you mean the intelligence, the brainpower as such, as distinct from any outside object, the table, let us say, that cup? I believe in that myself because it has been explained by competent men as the convolutions of the grey matter. Otherwise we would never have such inventions as X rays, for instance. Do you?
Thus cornered, Stephen had to make a superhuman effort of memory to try and concentrate and remember before he could say:
-- They tell me on the best authority it is a simple substance and therefore incorruptible. It would be immortal, I understand, but for the possibility of its annihilation by its First Cause, Who, from all I can hear, is quite capable of adding that to the number of His other practical jokes, corruptio per se and corruptio per accidens both being excluded by court etiquette.
Mr Bloom thoroughly acquiesced in the general gist of this though the mystical finesse involved was a bit out of his sublunary depth still he felt bound to enter a demurrer on the head of simple, promptly rejoining:
-- Simple? I shouldn't think that is the proper word. Of course, I grant you, to concede a point, you do knock across a simple soul once in a blue moon. But what I am anxious to arrive at is it is one thing for instance to invent those rays R?ntgen did, Or the telescope like Edison, though I believe it was before his time, Galileo was the man I mean. The same applies to the laws, for example, of a farreaching natural phenomenon such as electricity but it's a horse of quite another colour to say you believe in the existence of a supernatural God.
-- O, that, Stephen expostulated, has been proved conclusively by several of the best known passages in Holy Writ, apart from circumstantial evidence. On this knotty point, however, the views of the pair, poles apart as they were, both in schooling and everything else, with the marked difference in their respective ages, clashed.
-- Has been? the more experienced of the two objected, sticking to his original point. I'm not so sure about that. That's a matter of every man's opinion and, without dragging in the sectarian side of the business, I beg to differ with you in toto there. My belief is, to tell you the candid truth, that those bits were genuine forgeries all of them put in by monks most probably or it's the big question of our national poet over again, who precisely wrote them, like Hamlet and Bacon, as you who know your Shakespeare infinitely better than I, of course I needn't tell you. Can't you drink that coffee, by the way? Let me stir it and take a piece of that bun. It's like one of our skipper's bricks disguised. Still, no one can give what he hasn't got. Try a bit.
-- Couldn't, Stephen contrived to get out, his mental organs for the moment refusing to dictate further.
Faultfinding being a proverbially bad hat, Mr Bloom thought well to stir, or try to, the clotted sugar from the bottom and reflected with something approaching acrimony on the Coffee Palace and its temperance (and lucrative) work. To be sure it was a legitimate object and beyond yea or nay did a world of good. Shelters such as the present one they were in run on teetotal lines for vagrants at night, concerts, dramatic evenings, and useful lectures (admittance free) by qualified men for the lower orders. On the other hand, he had a distinct and painful recollection they paid his wife, Madam Marion Tweedy who had been prominently associated with it at one time, a very modest remuneration indeed for her pianoplaying. The idea, he was strongly inclined to believe, was to do good and net a profit, there being no competition to speak of. Sulphate of copper poison, SO4 or something in some dried peas he remembered reading of in a cheap eatinghouse somewhere but he couldn't remember when it was or where. Anyhow, inspection, medical inspection, of all eatables, seemed to him more than ever necessary which possibly accounted for the vogue of Dr Tibble's Vi-Cocoa on account of the medical analysis involved.
-- Have a shot at it now, he ventured to say of the coffee after being stirred.
Thus prevailed on to at any rate taste it, Stephen lifted the heavy mug from the brown puddle - it clopped out of it when taken up - by the handle and took a sip of the offending beverage.
-- Still, it's solid food, his good genius urged, I'm a stickler for solid food, his one and only reason being not gormandising in the least but regular meals as the sine qua non for any kind of proper work, mental or manual. You ought to eat more solid food. You would feel a different man.
-- Liquids I can eat, Stephen said. But oblige me by taking away that knife. I can't look at the point of it. It reminds me of Roman history.
Mr Bloom promptly did as suggested and removed the incriminated article, a blunt hornhandled ordinary knife with nothing particularly Roman or antique about it to the lay eye, observing that the point was the least conspicuous point about it.
-- Our mutual friend's stories are like himself, Mr Bloom, apropos of knives, remarked to his confidente sotto voce. Do you think they are genuine? He could spin those yarns for hours on end all night long and lie like old boots. Look at him.
Yet still, though his eyes were thick with sleep and sea air, life was full of a host of things and coincidences of a terrible nature and it was quite within the bounds of possibility that it was not an entire fabrication though at first blush there was not much inherent probability in all the spoof he got off his chest being strictly accurate gospel.
He had been meantime taking stock of the individual in front of him and Sherlockholmesing him up, ever since he clapped eyes on him. Though a wellpreserved man of no little stamina, if a trifle prone to baldness, there was something spurious in the cut of his jib that suggested a jail delivery and it required no violent stretch of imagination to associate such a weirdlooking specimen with the oakum and treadmill fraternity. He might even have done for his man, supposing it was his own case he told, as people often did about others, namely, that he killed him himself and had served his four or five goodlooking years in durance vile to say nothing of the Antonio personage (no relation to the dramatic personage of identical name who sprang from the pen Of our national poet) who expiated his crimes in the melodramatic manner above described. On the other hand he might be only bluffing, a pardonable weakness, because meeting unmistakable mugs, Dublin residents, like those jarvies waiting news from abroad, would tempt any ancient mariner who sailed the ocean seas to draw the long bow about the schooner Hesperus and etcetera. And when all was said and done, the lies a fellow told about himself couldn't probably hold a proverbial candle to the wholesale whoppers other fellows coined about him.
Mind you, I'm not saying that it's all a pure invention, he resumed. Analogous scenes are occasionally, if not often, met with. Giants, though, that is rather a far cry you see once in a way. Marcella, the midget queen. In those waxworks in Henry street I myself saw some Aztecs, as they are called, sitting bowlegged. They couldn't straighten their legs if you paid them because the muscles here, you see, he proceeded, indicating on his companion the brief outline, the sinews, or whatever you like to call them, behind the right knee, were utterly powerless from sitting that way so long cramped up, being adored as gods. There's an example again of simple souls.
However, reverting to friend Sinbad and his horrifying adventures (who reminded him a bit of Ludwig, alias Ledwidge, when he occupied the boards of the Gaiety when Michael Gunn was identified with the management in the Flying Dutchman, a stupendous success, and his host of admirers came in large numbers, everyone simply flocking to hear him though ships of any sort, phantom or the reverse, on the stage usually fell a bit flat as also did trains), there was nothing intrinsically incompatible about it, he conceded. On the contrary, that stab in the back touch was quite in keeping with those Italianos, though candidly he was none the less free to admit those ice creamers and friers in the fish way, not to mention the chip potato variety and so forth, over in little Italy there, near the Coombe, were sober thrifty hardworking fellows except perhaps a bit too given to pothunting the harmless necessary animal of the feline persuasion of others at night so as to have a good old succulent tuck in with garlic de rigueur off him or her next day on the quiet and, he added, on the cheap.
-- Spaniards, for instance, he continued, passionate temperaments like that, impetuous as Old Nick, are given to taking the law into their own hands and give you your quietus double quick with those poignards they carry in the abdomen. It comes from the great heat, climate generally. My wife is, so to speak, Spanish, half, that is. Point of fact she could actually claim Spanish nationality if she wanted, having been born in (technically) Spain, i.e. Gibraltar. She has the Spanish type. Quite dark, regular brunette, black. I, for one, certainly believe climate accounts for character. That's why I asked you if you wrote your poetry in Italian.
-- The temperaments at the door, Stephen interposed with, were very passionate about ten shillings. Roberto ruba roba sua.
-- Quite so, Mr Bloom dittoed.
-- Then, Stephen said, staring and rambling on to himself or some unknown listener somewhere, we have the impetuosity of Dante and the isosceles triangle, Miss Portinari, he fell in love with and Leonardo and san Tommaso Mastino.
-- It's in the blood, Mr Bloom acceded at once. All are washed in the blood of the sun. Coincidence, I just happened to be in the Kildare street Museum today, shortly prior to our meeting, if I can so call it, and I was just looking at those antique statues there. The splendid proportions of hips, bosom. You simply don't knock against those kind of women here. An exception here and there. Handsome, yes, pretty in a way you find, but what I'm talking about is the female form. Besides, they have so little taste in dress, most of them, which greatly enhances a woman's natural beauty, no matter what you say. Rumpled stockings - it may be, possibly is, a foible of mine, but still it's a thing I simply hate to see.
Interest, however, was starting to flag somewhat all round and the others got on to talking about accidents at sea, ships lost in a fog, collisions with icebergs, all that sort of thing. Shipahoy, of course, had his own say to say. He had doubled the Cape a few odd times and weathered a monsoon, a kind of wind, in the China seas and through all those perils of the deep there was one thing, he declared, stood to him, or words to that effect, a pious medal he had that saved him.
So then after that they drifted on to the wreck of Daunt's rock, wreck of that illfated Norwegian barque - nobody could think of her name for the moment till the jarvey who had really quite a look of Henry Campbell remembered it, Palme, on Booterstown Strand, that was the talk of the town that year (Albert William Quill wrote a fine piece of original verse of distinctive merit on the topic for the Irish Times) breakers running over her and crowds and crowds on the shore in commotion petrified with horror. Then someone said something about the case of the s. s. Lady Cairns of Swansea, run into by the Mona, which was on an Opposite tack, in rather muggyish weather and lost with all hands on deck. No aid was given. Her master, the Mona's, said he was afraid his collision bulkhead would give way. She had no water, it appears, in her hold.
At this stage an incident happened. It having become necessary for him to unfurl a reef, the sailor vacated his seat.
-- Let me cross your bows, mate, he said to his neighbour, who was just gently dropping off into a peaceful dose.
He made tracks heavily, slowly, with a dumpy sort of a gait to the door, stepped heavily down the one step there was out of the shelter and bore due left. While he was in the act of getting his bearings, Mr Bloom, who noticed when he stood up that he had two flasks of presumably ship's rum sticking one out of each pocket for the private consumption of his burning interior, saw him produce a bottle and uncork it, or unscrew, and, applying its nozzle to his lips, take a good old delectable swig out of it with a gurgling noise. The irrepressible Bloom, who also had a shrewd suspicion that the old stager went out on a manoeuvre after the counterattraction in the shape of a female, who, however, had disappeared to all intents and purposes, could, by straining, just perceive him, when duly refreshed by his rum puncheon exploit, gazing up at the piers and girders of the Loop Line, rather out of his depth, as of course it was all radically altered since his last visit and greatly improved. Some person or persons invisible directed him to the male urinal erected by the cleansing committee all over the place for the purpose but, after a brief space of time during which silence reigned supreme, the sailor, evidently giving it a wide berth, eased himself close at hand, the noise of his bilge-water some little time subsequently splashing on the ground where it apparently woke a horse of the cabrank.
A hoof scooped anyway for new foothold after sleep and harness jingled. Slightly disturbed in his sentrybox by the brasier of live coke, the watcher of the corporation, who, though now broken down and fast breaking up, was none other in stern reality than the Gumley aforesaid, now practically on the parish rates, given the temporary job by Pat Tobin in all human probability, from dictates of humanity, knowing him before - shifted about and shuffled in his box before composing his limbs again in the arms of Morpheus. A truly amazing piece of hard times in its most virulent form on a fellow most respectably connected and familiarised with decent home comforts all his life who came in for a cool #100 a year at one time which of course the double-barrelled ass proceeded to make general ducks and drakes of. And there he was at the end of his tether after having often painted the town tolerably pink, without a beggarly stiver. He drank, needless to be told, and it pointed only once more a moral when he might quite easily be in a large way of business if - a big if, however - he had contrived to cure himself of his particular partiality.
All, meantime, were loudly lamenting the falling off in Irish shipping, coastwise and foreign as well, which was all part and parcel of the same thing. A Palgrave Murphy boat was put off the ways at Alexandra Basin, the only launch that year. Right enough the harbours were there only no ships ever called.
There were wrecks and wrecks, the keeper said, who was evidently au fait.
What he wanted to ascertain was why that ship ran bang against the only rock in Galway Bay when the Galway Harbour scheme was mooted by a Mr Worthington or some name like that, eh? Ask her captain, he advised them, how much palmoil the British Government gave him for that day's work. Captain John Lever of the Lever line.
-- Am I right, skipper? he queried of the sailor now returning after his private potation and the rest of his exertions.
That worthy, picking up the scent of the fagend of the song or words, growled in wouldbe music, but with great vim, some Kind of chanty or other in seconds or thirds. Mr Bloom's sharp ears heard him then expectorate the plug probably (which it was), so that he must have lodged it for the time being in his fist while he did the drinking and making water jobs and found it a bit sour after the liquid fire in question. Anyhow in he rolled after his successful libation-cum-potation, introducing an atmosphere of drink into the soirée, boisterously trolling, like a veritable son of a seacook:
-- The biscuits was as hard as brass,
And the beef as salt as Lot's wife's arse.
O Johnny Lever!
Johnny Lever, O!
After which effusion the redoubtable specimen duly arrived on the scene and, regaining his seat, he sank rather than sat heavily on the form provided.
Skin-the-Goat, assuming he was he, evidently with an axe to grind, was airing his grievances in a forcible-feeble philippic anent the natural resources of Ireland, or something of that sort, which he described in his lengthy dissertation as the richest country bar none on the face of God's earth, far and away superior to England, with coal in large quantities, six million pounds' worth of pork exported every year, ten millions between butter and eggs, and all the riches drained out of it by England levying taxes on the poor people that paid through the nose always, and gobbling up the best meat in the market, and a lot more surplus steam in the same vein. Their conversation accordingly became general and all agreed that that was a fact. You could grow any mortal thing in Irish soil, he stated, and there was Colonel Everard down there in Cavan growing tobacco. Where would you find anywhere the like of Irish bacon? But a day of reckoning, he stated crescendo with no uncertain voice - thoroughly monopolising all the conversation - was in store for mighty England, despite her power of pelf on account of her crimes. There would be a fall and the greatest fall in history. The Germans and the Japs were going to have their little lookin, he affirmed. The Boers were the beginning of the end. Brummagem England was toppling already and her downfall would be Ireland, her Achilles heel, which he explained to them about the vulnerable point of Achilles, the Greek hero - a point his auditors at once seized as he completely gripped their attention by showing the tendon referred to on his boot. His advice to every Irishman was: stay in the land of your birth and work for Ireland and live for Ireland. Ireland, Parnell said, could not spare a single one of her sons.
Silence all round marked the termination of his finale. The impervious navigator heard these lurid tidings undismayed.
-- Take a bit of doing, boss, retaliated that rough diamond palpably a bit peeved in response to the foregoing truism.
To which cold douche, referring to downfall and so on, the keeper concurred but nevertheless held to his main view.
-- Who's the best troops in the army? the grizzled old veteran irately interrogated. And the best jumpers and racers? And the best admirals and generals we've got? Tell me that.
-- The Irish for choice, retorted the cabby like Campbell, facial blemishes apart.
-- That's right, the old tarpaulin corroborated. The Irish catholic peasant. He's the backbone of our empire. You know Jem Mullins?
While allowing him his individual opinions, as every man, the keeper added he cared nothing for any empire, ours or his, and considered no Irishman worthy of his salt that served it. Then they began to have a few irascible words, when it waxed hotter, both, needless to say, appealing to the listeners who followed the passage of arms with interest so long as they didn't indulge in recriminations and come to blows.
From inside information extending over a series of years Mr Bloom was rather inclined to poohpooh the suggestion as egregious balderdash for, pending that consummation devoutly to be or not to be wished for, he was fully cognisant of the fact that their neighbours across the channel, unless they were much bigger fools than he took them for, rather concealed their strength than the opposite. It was quite on a par with the quixotic idea in certain quarters that in a hundred million years the coal seam of the sister island would be played out and if, as time went On, that turned Out to be how the cat jumped all he could personally say on the matter was that as a host of contingencies, equally relevant to the issue, might occur ere then it was highly advisable in the interim to try to make the most of both countries, even though poles apart. Another little interesting point, the amours of whores and chummies, to put it in common parlance, reminded him Irish soldiers had as often fought for England as against her, more so, in fact. And now, why? So the scene between the pair of them, the licensee of the place, rumoured to be or have been Fitzharris, the famous invincible, and the other, obviously bogus, reminded him forcibly as being on all fours with the confidence trick, supposing, that is, it was prearranged, as the lookeron, a student of the human soul, if anything, the others seeing least of the game. And as for the lessee or keeper, who probably wasn't the other person at all, he (Bloom) couldn't help feeling, and most properly, it was better to give people like that the goby unless you were a blithering idiot altogether and refuse to have anything to do with them as a golden rule in private life and their felonsetting, there always being the offchance of a Dannyman coming forward and turning queen's evidence - or king's now - like Denis or Peter Carey, an idea he utterly repudiated. Quite apart from that, he disliked those careers of wrongdoing and crime on principle. Yet, though such criminal propensities had never been an inmate of his bosom in any shape or form, he certainly did feel, and no denying it (while inwardly remaining what he was), a certain kind of admiration for a man who had actually brandished a knife, cold steel, with the courage of his political convictions though, personally, he would never be a party to any such thing, off the same bat as those love vendettas of the south - have her or swing for her - when the husband frequently, after some words passed between the two concerning her relations with the other lucky mortal (the man having had the pair watched), inflicted fatal injuries on
his adored one as a result of an alternative postnuptial liaison by plunging his knife into her until it just struck him that Fitz, nicknamed Skin-the-Goat, merely drove the car for the actual perpetrators of the outrage and so was not, if he was reliably informed, actually party to the ambush which, in point of fact, was the plea some legal luminary saved his skin on. In any case that was very ancient history by now and as for our friend, the pseudo Skin-the-etcetera, he had transparently outlived his welcome. He ought to have either died naturally or on the scaffold high. Like actresses, always farewell - positively last performance then come up smiling again. Generous to a fault, of course, temperamental, no economising or any idea of the sort, always snapping at the bone for the shadow. So similarly he had a very shrewd suspicion that Mr Johnny Lever got rid of some #. s. d. in the course of his perambulations round the docks in the congenial atmosphere of the Old Ireland tavern, come back to Erin and so on. Then as for the others, he had heard not so long before the same identical lingo, as he told Stephen how he simply but effectually silenced the offender.
He took umbrage at something or other, that much injured but on the whole eventempered person declared, I let slip. He called me a jew, and in a heated fashion, offensively. So I, without deviating from plain facts in the least, told him his God, I mean Christ, was a jew too, and all his family, like me, though in reality I'm not. That was one for him. A soft answer turns away wrath. He hadn't a word to say for himself as everyone saw. Am I not right?
He turned a long you are wrong gaze on Stephen of timorous dark pride at the soft impeachment, with a glance also of entreaty for he seemed to glean in a kind of a way that it wasn't all exactly .
-- Ex quibus, Stephen mumbled in a noncommittal accent, their two or four eyes conversing, Christus or Bloom his name is, or, after all, any other, secundum carnem.
-- Of course, Mr Bloom proceeded to stipulate, you must look at both sides of the question. It is hard to lay down any hard and fast rules as to right and wrong but room for improvement all round there certainly is though every country, they say, our own distressful included, has the government it deserves. But with a little goodwill all round. It's all very fine to boast of mutual superiority but what about mutual equality? I resent violence or intolerance in any shape or form. It never reaches anything or stops anything. A revolution must come on the due instalments plan. It's a patent absurdity on the face of it to hate people because they live round the corner and speak another vernacular, so to speak.
-- Memorable bloody bridge battle and seven minutes' war, Stephen assented, between Skinner's alley and Ormond market.
-- Yes, Mr Bloom thoroughly agreed, entirely endorsing the remark, that was overwhelmingly right and the whole world was overwhelmingly full of that sort of thing.
-- You just took the words out of my mouth, he said. A hocuspocus of conflicting evidence that candidly you couldn't remotely.
All those wretched quarrels, in his humble opinion, stirring up bad blood - bump of combativeness or gland of some kind, erroneously supposed to be about a punctilio of honour and a flag - were very largely a question of the money question which was at the back of everything, greed and jealousy, people never knowing when to stop.
-- They accuse - remarked he audibly. He turned away from the others, who probably... and spoke nearer to, so as the others... in case they...
-- Jews, he softly imparted in an aside in Stephen's ear, are accused of ruining. Not a vestige of truth in it, I can safely say. History - would you be surprised to learn? - proves up to' the hilt Spain decayed when the Inquisition hounded the jews out and England prospered when Cromwell, an uncommonly able ruffian, who, in other respects, has much to answer for, imported them. Why? Because they are practical and are proved to be so. I don't want to indulge in any... because you know the standard works on the subject, and then, orthodox as you are... But in the economic, not touching religion, domain, the priest spells poverty. Spain again, you saw in the war, compared with goahead America. Turks, it's in the dogma. Because if they didn't believe they'd go straight to heaven when they die they'd try to live better - at least, so I think. That's the juggle on which the p.p.'s raise the wind on false pretences. I'm, he resumed, with dramatic force, as good an Irishman as that rude person I told you about at the outset and I want to see everyone, concluded he, all creeds and classes pro rata having a comfortable tidysized income, in no niggard fashion either, something in the neighbourhood of #300 per annum That's the vital issue at stake and it's feasible and would be provocative of friendlier intercourse between man and man. At least that's my idea for what it's worth. I call that patriotism. Ubi patria, as we learned a small smattering of in our classical day in Alma Mater, vita bene. Where you can live well, the sense is, if you work.
Over his untasteable apology for a cup of coffee, listening to this synopsis of things in general, Stephen stared at nothing in particular. He could hear, of course, all kinds of words changing colour like those crabs about Ringsend in the morning, burrowing quickly into all colours of different sorts of the same sand where they had a home somewhere beneath or seemed to. Then he looked up and saw the eyes that said or didn't say the words the voice he heard said - if you work.
-- Count me out, he managed to remark, meaning to work.
The eyes were surprised at this observation, because as he, the person who owned them pro. tem. observed, or rather, his voice speaking did: All must work, have to, together.
-- I mean, of course, the other hastened to affirm, work in the widest possible sense. Also literary labour, not merely for the kudos of the thing. Writing for the newspapers which is the readiest channel nowadays. That's work too. Important work. After all, from the little I know of you, after all the money expended on your education, you are entitled to recoup yourself and command your price. You have every bit as much right to live by your pen in pursuit of your philosophy as the peasant has. What? You both belong to Ireland, the brain and the brawn. Each is equally important.
-- You suspect, Stephen retorted with a sort of a half laugh, that I may be important because I belong to the faubourg Saint Patrice called Ireland for short.
-- I would go a step farther, Mr Bloom insinuated.
-- But I suspect, Stephen interrupted, that Ireland must be important because it belongs to me.
-- What belongs? queried Mr Bloom, bending, fancying he was perhaps under some misapprehension. Excuse me. Unfortunately I didn't catch the latter portion. What was it you?...
Stephen, patently crosstempered, repeated and shoved aside his mug of coffee, Or whatever you like to call it, none too politely, adding:
-- We can't change the country. Let us change the subject.
At this pertinent suggestion, Mr Bloom, to change the subject, looked down, but in a quandary, as he couldn't tell exactly what construction to put on belongs to which sounded rather a far cry. The rebuke of some kind was clearer than the other part. Needless to say, the fumes of his recent orgy spoke then with some asperity in a curious bitter way, foreign to his sober state. Probably the home life, to which Mr Bloom attached the utmost importance, had not been all that was needful or he hadn't been familiarised with the right sort of people. With a touch of fear for the young man beside him, whom he furtively scrutinised with an air of some consternation remembering he had just come back from Paris, the eyes more especially reminding him forcibly of father and sister, failing to throw much light on the subject, however, he brought to mind instances of cultured fellows that promised so brilliantly, nipped in the bud of premature decay, and nobody to blame but themselves. For instance, there was the case of O'Callaghan, for one, the half crazy faddist, respectably connected, though of inadequate means, with his mad vagaries, among whose other gay doings when rotto and making himself a nuisance to everybody all round he was in the habit of ostentatiously sporting in public a suit of brown paper (a fact). And then the usual dénouement after the fun had gone on fast and furious he got landed into hot water and had to be spirited away by a few friends, after a strong hint to a blind horse from John Mallon of Lower Castle Yard, so as not to be made amenable under section two of the Criminal Law Amendment Act, certain names of those subpoenaed being handed in but not divulged, for reasons which will occur to anyone with a pick of brains. Briefly, putting two and two together, six sixteen, which he pointedly turned a deaf ear to, Antonio and so forth, jockeys and esthetes and the tattoo which was all the go in the seventies or thereabouts, even In the House of Lords, because early in life the occupant of the throne, then heir apparent, the other members of the upper ten and other high personages simply following in the footsteps of the head of the state, he reflected about the errors of notorieties and crowned heads running counter to morality such as the Cornwall case a number of years before under their veneer in a way scarcely intended by nature, a thing good Mrs Grundy as the law stands was terribly down on, though not for the reason they thought they were probably, whatever it was, except women chiefly, who were always fiddling more or less at one another, it being largely a matter of dress and all the rest of it. Ladies who like distinctive underclothing should, and every well tailored man must, trying to make the gap wider between them by innuendo and give more of a genuine fillip to acts of impropriety between the two, she unbuttoned his and then he untied her, mind the pin, whereas savages in the cannibal islands, say, at ninety degrees in the shade not caring a continental. However, reverting to the original, there were on the other hand others who had forced their way to the top from the lowest rung by the aid of their bootstraps. Sheer force of natural genius, that. With brains, sir.
For which and further reasons he felt it was interest and duty even to wait on and profit by the unlooked for occasion, though why, he could not exactly tell, being, as it was, already several shillings to the bad, having, in fact, let himself in for it. Still, to cultivate the acquaintance of someone of no uncommon calibre who could provide food for reflection would amply repay any small... Intellectual stimulation as such was, he felt, from time to time a firstrate tonic for the mind. Added to which was the coincidence of meeting, discussion, dance, row, old salt, of the here today and gone tomorrow type, night loafers, the whole galaxy of events, all went to make up a miniature cameo of the world we live in, especially as the lives of the submerged tenth, viz., coalminers, divers, scavengers, etc., were very much under the microscope lately. To improve the shining hour he wondered whether he might meet with anything approaching the same luck as Mr Philip Beaufoy if taken down in writing. Suppose he were to pen something out of the common groove (as he fully intended doing) at the rate of one guinea per column, My Experiences, let us say, in a Cabman's Shelter.
The pink edition, extra sporting, of the Telegraph, tell a graphic lie, lay, as luck would have it, beside his elbow and as he was just puzzling again, far from satisfied, over a country belonging to him and the preceding rebus the vessel came from Bridgwater and the postcard was addressed to A. Boudin, find the captain's age, his eyes went aimlessly over the respective captions which came under his special province, the allembracing give us this day our daily press. First he got a bit of a start but it turned out to be only something about somebody named H. du Boyes, agent for typewriters or something like that. Great battle Tokio. Lovemaking in Irish #200 damages. Gordon Bennett. Emigration swindle. Letter from His Grace William. Ascot Throwaway recalls Derby of '92 when Captain Marshall's dark horse, Sir Hugo , captured the blue riband at long odds. New York disaster, thousand lives lost. Foot and Mouth. Funeral of the late Mr Patrick Dignam.
So to change the subject he read about Dignam, R.I.P., which, he reflected, was anything but a gay sendoff.
-- This morning (Hynes put it in, of course), the remains of the late Mr Patrick Dignam were removed from his residence, no 9 Newbridge Avenue, Sandymount, for internment in Clasnevin. The deceased gentleman was a most popular and genial personality in city life and his demise, after a brief illness, came as great shock to citizens of all classes by whom he is deeply regretted. The obsequies, at which many friends of the deceased were present, were carried out (certainly Hynes wrote it with a nudge from Corny) by Messrs. H. J. O'Neill & Son, 164 North Strand road. The mourners included: Patk. Dignam (son), Bernard Corrigan (motherinlaw), John Henry Menton, solr., Martin Cunningham, John Power eatondph 1/8 ador dorador douradora (must be where he called Monks the dayfather about Keyes's ad), Thomas Kernan, Simon Dedalus, Stephen Dedalus, B. A., Edward J. Lambert, Cornelius Kelleher, Joseph M'C. Hynes, L. Boom, C. P. M'Coy, - M'Intosh, and several others.
Nettled not a little by L. Boom (as it incorrectly stated) and the line of bitched type, but tickled to death simultaneously by C. P. M'Coy and Stephen Dedalus, B. A., who were conspicuous, needless to say, by their total absence (to say nothing of M'Intosh), L. Boom pointed it out to his companion B. A., engaged in stifling another yawn, half nervousness, not forgetting the usual crop of nonsensical howlers of misprints.
-- Is that first epistle to the Hebrews, he asked, as soon as his bottom jaw would let him, in? Text: open thy mouth and put thy foot in it.
-- It is, really, Mr Bloom said (though first he fancied he alluded to the archbishop till he added about foot and mouth with which there could be no possible connection) overjoyed to set his mind at rest and a bit flabbergasted at Myles Crawford's after all managing the thing, there.
While the other was reading it on page two Boom (to give him for the nonce his new misnomer) whiled away a few odd leisure moments in fits and starts with the account of the third event at Ascot on page three, his sidevalue 1,000 sovs., with 3,000 sovs. In specie added for entire colts and fillies, Mr F. Alexander's Throwaway, b.h. by Rightaway, 5 yrs, 9 st 4 lbs, Thrale (W. Lane) 1. Lord Howard de Walden's Zinfandel (M. Cannon) 2. Mr W. Bass's Sceptre, 3. Betting 5 to 4 on Zinfandel, 20 to 1 Throwaway (off). Throwaway and Zinfandel stood close order. It was anybody's race then the rank outsider drew to the fore got long lead, beating lord Howard de Walden's chestnut colt and Mr W. Bass's bay filly Sceptre on a 2 1/2 mile course. Winner trained by Braine so that Lenehan's version of the business was all pure buncombe. Secured the verdict cleverly by a length. 1,000 sovs., with 3,000 in specie. Also ran J. de Bremond's (French horse Bantam Lyons was anxiously inquiring after not in yet but expected any minute) Maximum II. Different ways of bringing off a coup. Lovemaking damages. Though that halfbaked Lyons ran off at a tangent in his impetuosity to get left. Of course, gambling eminently lent itself to that sort of thing though, as the event turned out, the poor fool hadn't much reason to congratulate himself on his pick, the forlorn hope. Guesswork it reduced itself to eventually.
-- There was every indication they would arrive at that, Mr Bloom said.
-- Who? the other, whose hand by the way was hurt, said.
One morning you would open the paper, the cabman affirmed, and read, Return of Parnell. He bet them what they liked. A Dublin fusilier was in that shelter one night and said he saw him in South Africa. Pride it was killed him. He ought to have done away with himself or lain low for a time after Committee Room No. 15 until he was his old self again with no-one to point a finger at him. Then they would all to a man have gone down on their marrowbones to him to come back when he had recovered his senses. Dead he wasn't. Simply absconded somewhere. The coffin they brought over was full of stones. He changed his name to De Wet, the Boer general. He made a mistake to fight the priests. And so forth and so on.



等级: 内阁元老
举报 只看该作者 41楼  发表于: 2012-12-24 0

(大吃一惊,攥住她的手。)嗬!受保佑的![ 660]有九条命的猫!太太,要讲讲公道,用刀子割可使不得。是狐狸和酸葡萄吧,呃?你已经有了铁蒺藜[661] ,还缺什么?难道十字架还不够粗吗?(一把抓住她的头巾)你究竟想要可敬的男修道院院长呢,还是瘸腿园丁布罗菲;要么就是没有出水口的送水人[662] 雕像,或是好母亲阿方萨斯,呃,列那[663] ?
(大叫一声,丢下头巾,逃出他的手掌。她那用石膏塑成的壳子出现裂纹,从裂缝里冒出一股臭气[664] 。)警……!
(从她背后喊)倒好像你自己井没有加倍地享乐似的。连动也不动一下就浑身糊满各种各样的黏液了。我试了一下。你的长处就是我们的弱点。你给我多少配种费呀?马上付多少现款?我读过关于你们在里维埃拉雇舞男的事。[665](正在逃跑的宁芙哭了一声。)呃?我像黑奴般地干了十六年的苦役。难道明天陪审员会给我五先令的赡养费吗,呃,去愚弄旁人吧,我可不上这个当。(嗅着。)动情。葱头。酸臭的气味[666] 。硫磺。脂肪。
(贝拉·科恩[667] 的身影站在他面前。)
(安详地打量着她)容颜衰退。[ 668] 老婊子装扮成少妇的样子。牙齿长,头发密。晚上临睡吃生葱头,可以滋润容颜。通过锻炼,能消除双下巴颏。你那两眼就像你那只剥制狐狸的玻璃眼睛那么呆滞。它门跟你的胸腰臀尺寸也相当。就是这样。我可不是一架三翼螺旋桨。
(转向钢琴)你们之间是谁弹《扫罗》中的送葬曲[669] 来着?
是我。当心你的鸡眼儿吧。[670]( 她一个箭步蹿到钢琴跟前,交抱着胳膊使劲碰琴键。)平板、机械、单调、生硬的旋律。(她回过头来瞟一眼。)呃?谁在向我的情人儿献殷勤?(她一个箭步蹿回到桌边。)你的就是我的,我的就是我自己的。(吉蒂仓皇失措,用银纸遮住牙齿。布卢姆走近佐伊。)
天主送你下地狱。[ 671]
(故作夸张的彬彬有礼)这个丝制钱包我是用酒吧间的猪耳朵做的[673] 大太,请原谅。要是您允许的话。(他含含糊糊地指林奇和布卢姆。)金赤和林奇,我们同赌共济。[674] 在我们“开庭”的这家窑子里[675]。
(瞧瞧钱,[ 677] 然后看看佐伊、弗洛莉和吉蒂。)你们要三个姑娘吗?这里是十先令。
(欣喜地)十万个对不起。(他又掏兜,并摸出两枚克朗递给她。)请原谅,少给了[ 678] ,我的眼神儿有点毛病。
(在自动钢琴旁边,做表示厌恶的手势)不要酒啦!什么,十一点?一个谜语[679] !
这是怎么回事?心神恍惚的男子[682]或心神恍惚的乞丐[ 683] 。(他又掏兜,摸出一把硬币。掉了一样东西。)掉啦。
晓星[684] 。谢谢。
为什么说是敲了十一点呢?从语尾倒数第二音节上有重音。莱辛说:“动作中的某一顷刻[ 686] 。”口渴的狐狸。(他大笑。)埋葬它的奶奶。[687} 兴许她还是死在他手里的呢[688] 。
(把火柴凑到眼前)山猫般锐利的目光。得配副眼镜。昨天把眼镜打碎了。十六年前[690]。距离。一眼望去,都是平面。(他把火柴移开。熄灭了。)脑子在思索。是近还是远。[691] 无可避免的视觉认知形态。[692] (他故作玄虚地皱皱眉头。)哼。斯芬克斯。双背禽兽[693] 在半夜里结了婚。
(在沙发上搂抱着吉蒂,用深沉的嗓音吟诵。)赐我等平安。[ 695]
(笑吟吟地朝她伸出一只手,用《众神的黄昏)中“血誓[696] 的曲调诵着。)
我们全都休想活。[ 697]
(悲剧味十足)哈姆莱特,我是你父亲的手锥![698] (她抓住他的手。)蓝眼睛的美男子,我要替你看着手相。(她指着他的前额。)缺智慧,没皱纹。(她数着。)二,三,战神丘[699]表明有勇气。(斯蒂芬摇摇头。)不骗你。
星期四生的孩子前程远大。[703] (她追踪着他的掌纹。)命运纹。结交有权有势的朋友。
(大母鸡黑丽泽[70 4]在粉笔画的圈儿里孵着蛋。这时站了起来,扑扇着翅膀鸣叫。)
他应该感到非常荣幸才是。(她噗噜噜地飞溅着澡水,走了出来。)拉乌尔[709] 亲爱的,来替我擦干了。我光着身子哪。除了一顶新帽子和随身携带的海绵,我可一丝不挂。
让他看着,邪魔附体[710] !男妓!他该鞭打自己一顿!我要写信给有势力的妓女巴托罗莫娜,一个长胡子的女人,叫她在他身上留下一英寸厚的鞭痕,并且要他给我带回一张签字盖章的字据。[711]
(两眼朝上翻着)噢,准是像天竺葵和可爱的桃子那样的气味!噢,他简直把她每个部位都膜拜到了,紧紧鳔在一块儿[712] !浑身都吻遍了!
(张着嘴)真好吃,真好吃。[713] 噢,他一边搞,一边抱着她满屋子转!骑着一匹摇木马。他们这样搞法,甚至在巴黎和纽约,你都听得见。就像是嘴里塞满了草莓和奶油似的。
(作庄严的腹语)高声大笑是心灵空虚的反映。[715] (对布卢姆)你以为人们瞧不见你的形影。瞧瞧吧。(他发出黑色阉鸡[716] 的笑声,啼鸣。)伊阿古古!我的老伙伴怎样勒死了他的星期四莫娜[717] 。伊阿古古古!
对过失要宽容。就连伟大的拿破仑,当他死后赤身露体地被人量尺寸的时候[718] ……
(守了寡的迪格纳穆太太由于谈论死者而流了泪,并饮滕尼[719] 的黄褐色雪利酒,使她那狮子鼻和面颊泛红起来。她身着丧服,歪戴软帽,涂了口红,脸上抹着粉,匆匆赶路,活像一只母天鹅赶着成群的小天鹅。[720] 裙子底下露出她的亡夫家常穿的长裤和那双帮口翻过来的八英寸大号靴子。她手持苏格兰遗孀保险公司[721] 的保险单,打着一把大阳伞。她那窝小雏在伞下跟着她跑。帕齐用穿着单帮鞋的那只脚在前边跳跳蹿蹿,脖领松开来,手里提拎着一块猪排。弗雷迪啜泣着。苏茜那张嘴活像是哭着的鳕。艾丽斯吃力地抱着个娃娃。她啪啪地打着孩子们,催他们往前走,黑纱高高地飘扬着。)
妈妈,牛肉茶[722] 都噗出来啦!
(带着中风患者的愤怒)先把头一个丈夫杀了,然后嫁给第二个[723] 。
惟有义人之角,必被高抬。[726]皇后们跟优良公牛们一道睡觉。要记住:由于帕西菲的荒淫,我那肥胖的老祖父修建了第一间忏悔阁子。[727] 不要忘记格莉塞尔·斯蒂文斯夫人[728] ,也不要忘记兰伯特家的猪子猪孙[729] 。挪亚喝醉了酒[730] 。他的方舟[731]敞着盖儿。
(像牵线木偶股地颤悠着身子,唠叨着)有千百家娱乐场所供你和可爱的仕女们消磨夜晚。她们把手套和其他东西,也许甚至连心都卖给你。在应有尽有的时髦而又非常新奇的啤酒厅里,许多穿得漂漂亮亮的公主般的高等妓女跳着康康舞[732] ,给外国单身汉表演特别荒唐的巴黎式滑稽舞蹈。尽管英国话讲得蹩脚,然而风骚淫荡起来,她们可真是驾轻就熟。凡是对冶游格外挑剔的老爷们,可务必去观赏一下她们在流银色泪水的葬仪蜡烛映照下的天堂地狱表演[733] 。那是每天晚上都举行的。普天之下再也没有比这更加阴森可怕、触目惊心的对宗教的嘲弄了。所有那些时髦潇洒的妇道人家,端庄淑静地走来,随即脱光衣服,尖声大叫起来,观看那个扮成吸血鬼的男人奸污衬衣凌乱[734] 的非常年轻鲜嫩的尼姑。(大声砸舌)哎呀呀!瞧他那大鼻子!
(仰面朝天地大笑,作怪相,为自已鼓掌喝采)笑得大获成功。既有很像窑姐儿的天使,又有大恶棍式的神圣使徒。有些高级娼妇衣着极其可人,佩带着一颗颗璀璨晶莹、闪闪发光的钻石。要么,你更喜欢老人们那种说得上是现代派快乐的猥亵吗?(他以怪诞的手势向周围指指点点,林奇和妓女们回应着。)把可以翻转的弹性橡皮女偶或非常肉感的等身大处女裸体像吻上五遍十遍。进来吧,先生们,瞧瞧镜子里的这些偶人扭着身子的各种姿势。要是想看更加过瘾的,还有肉铺小徒弟把温吞吞的牛肚或莎士比亚的剧作[736] 煎蛋饼[737] 放在肚子上手淫的场面。
(摊开双臂)就在这儿。娼妓街。[740]在蛇根木林荫路上,魔王让我看到了她——一个矮胖寡妇。[741] 红地毯铺在哪儿呢?
不,我飞了。我的仇敌在我下面。[742] 以迨永远,及世之世。[743]父亲[744] !
(墙纸上的叶子图案和底色排成队迅速地越过田野。一只肥壮的狐狸,从隐匿处被赶出来,刚刚埋葬完奶奶[747],翘起尾巴,两眼发出锐利的光,在树叶底下寻觅獾的洞穴。一群猎鹿犬跟随着。鼻子贴在地面上,嗅着猎物的气味,哺儿哺噜哺儿哺噜地发出嗜血的吠声。医院俱乐部[ 748] 的男女猎人跟它们一道活动,起劲地捕杀猎物。尾随于后的是来自“六英里小岬”、“平屋”[749] 和“九英里石标”[750] 的助猎者,拿着满是节疤的棍子、干草叉、鮭鱼钩和套索;还有手执牧鞭的羊倌,挎着长筒鼓的耍熊师,携带头牛剑的斗牛士,摇晃着火把的老练的黑人。成群的赌徒、掷冕锚游戏的[751]、 玩杯艺的[752]和玩牌时作弊的,大喊大叫。替盗贼把风者和头戴魔术师高帽、嗓子嘶哑的赌注经纪人,震耳欲聋地吵吵嚷嚷。)
旋转詹尼[754] ,撞撞你的运气!
卖猴子[755] !
(一匹没有骑手的黑马,鬃毛在月光下汗水淋漓,眼珠子像星宿似的闪着光,宛若幽灵般冲过决胜终点。冷门马成群地弓背猛跳着,跟在后面。精瘦的马匹们,“权仗”、“马克西姆二世”、“馨芳葡萄酒”,威斯敏斯特公爵的“跨越”、“挫败”、波弗特公爵那匹获巴黎奖的“锡兰”。[756] 侏儒们披戴锈迹斑斑的铠甲,骑在马上,并在鞍上跳跃,跳跃。在淅淅沥沥的雨中,殿后的是骑着热门马“北方的科克”[757][呼吸急促的灰黄色驽马]的加勒特·迪希。他头戴蜂蜜色便帽,身穿绿茄克衫,橙色袖子。他一手紧攥缰绳,一手执曲棍球棒,摆好了姿势。驽马那一跛一跛的四肢上打着白色绑腿,一路险巘[758] ,缓步前进。)
橙带党[759] 分支成员们
绿党[761] 分支成员们
听哪!咱们的朋友,街上的喊叫[ 762] 。
对约克郡……[ 763]
(不耐烦地撅着手指发出声音)快!快!我那占卜师的手杖呢[764]?(跑到钢琴跟前,拿起他那梣木手杖,踏着拍子跳起庄严的祭神舞[765] 。)
(在变幻莫测的灯光下,自动钢琴以华尔兹舞曲的拍子演奏起《我的意中人是位约克郡姑娘》的序曲。斯蒂芬将他的梣木手杖丢到桌上,一把搂住佐伊的腰。弗洛莉和贝洛把桌子朝壁炉推了推。斯蒂芬以夸张的高雅风度搂着佐伊,在室内旋转着跳起华尔兹舞。她的袖子从动作优雅的臂上滑落下来,露出种痘留下的白肉花。布卢姆站在一旁。马金尼[ 767] 教师从帷幕间伸出一只脚来,大礼帽在脚趾尖上滴溜溜旋转。他熟练地一踢,那帽子便旋转着飞到他的头顶上了。他春风得意,滑也似地溜进了屋子。他身穿有着紫红色绸翻领的暗蓝灰色长礼服,系着奶油色护颈胸薄纱,背心的领口开得低低的,打成蝴蝶结的雪白宽饰领,淡紫色紧腿裤,脚蹬浅口无带的漆皮轻舞鞋,手上戴着鲜黄色手套。扣眼里插着一大朵大丽花。他朝相反的方向旋转着一根有云状花纹的手杖,随后又把它紧紧夹在腋下。他将一只手轻轻接着胸骨,深打一躬,把玩着花儿和钮扣。)
运动的诗,健美体操的艺术。跟莱格特·伯恩夫人或利文斯顿[ 768] 毫无关系。还安排了化装舞会。举止端庄[769]。凯蒂·兰内尔[ 770]舞步。那么,好好看着我!注意我的舞蹈本领。(他以蜜蜂般轻快的步伐向前迈出三个小碎步。)大家向前走!鞠躬!各就各位![ 771]
(早晨的时光们[773] 从角落里跑了出来。金发,足蹬细长的凉鞋,身穿女孩儿气的蓝衣,马蜂腰,清白的手。她们矫健地跳着舞,抡着跳绳。晌午的时光们穿的是呈琥珀色的金黄衣裳。她们笑着,手挽着手,高高地插在头上的梳子闪闪发光,举起双臂,用嘲讽的镜子[774] 捕捉阳光。)
(轻轻拍着戴了手套发不出声音的手)摆好方阵!一对儿一对儿地前进![775] 呼吸要平稳!身体保持平衡![776]
四对儿前进!面对面!点头致意!交换手!互换方向![ 778]
排在中间!女人手拉手作链条!呈篮子状!背对背![ 779]
跟女伴跳舞!调换舞伴!送小小的花束给女伴!互相道谢![ 781]
地地道道的约克郡姑娘![ 782]
(他把吉蒂旋转到林奇的怀抱中,从桌上抓起他那根梣木手杖,参加跳舞。大家滴溜溜地旋转着,翩翩跳起华尔兹舞:布卢姆与贝洛,吉蒂与林奇,弗洛莉与佐伊,嚼着枣味胶糖的女人们。斯蒂芬头戴帽子,手执梣木杖,脚像青蛙似的叉开,对准半空,不高不低地踢着脚。他闭着嘴,半撂着的手放在大腿下。槌子丁当铿锵咚咚乱响,吹号角的嗬嗬地吹着。蓝、绿、黄色的闪光。托夫特那笨重的木马旋转着,骑手们晃来晃去地悬挂在镀金蛇上。腑脏跳方登戈舞[783] ,踢起泥土,用脚踩拍子,随即停了下来。)
再来一个!再来一个![785] 妙啊!再来一个!
(当啷,伙计的手铃又当啷一声。马、驽马、阉牛、猪仔,康米神父骑着基督驴[786] ,拄着拐的独脚瘸腿水兵在小艇上交抱着胳膊,拉纤,跛行,跺脚,跳的整个儿是号笛舞[787] 。吧啦嘣!骑着驽马、阉猪、系着铃裆的马、加大拉[ 788] 猪,科尼[ 789] 在棺材里。钢铁鲨鱼[790] 、石头独臂纳尔逊,两个狡猾的婆娘[791] 身上满是李子汁,大声喊着从婴儿车[792] 里滚下来。天啊,他是无与伦比的。[793] 酒桶出贵族[794] ,蓝色的引线[795] ,洛夫神父[796] 晚祷,布莱泽斯乘轻便二轮马车,盲人[797] ,恰似鳕鱼那样蜷缩着身子[798] 骑自行车的人们,迪丽拿着雪酥糕[799] ,不穿花哨衣裳。最后,是一场“之”字形舞,动作迟缓,步子沉重,一上一下,酿酒桶[800] 嘎噔嘎噔的。合乎总督和王后[801]的口味,呱嗒呱嗒噼通扑通玫瑰花。吧拉嘣!)
(吓得发抖)狐猴[804] ,你是谁?不。这是什么妖魔耍的鬼把戏?
(摇着他帽子上那旋涡形铃铛)真是恶作剧!金赤这小狗[805]杀了那母狗婆娘。她翘辫子啦。(溶化了的黄油泪从他的两眼里滴到甜烤饼上。)我们的伟大而可爱的母亲[806!葡萄紫的大海[ 807] 。
(挨近了些,轻轻地朝他呼出一股湿灰的气味)斯蒂芬,这是人人都得经受的。世上女人比男人多。[808] 你也一样。时候会到来的。
那个晚上,当你和帕迪在多基[811] 跳上火车的时候,是谁救的你?当你在陌生人当中感到悲哀的时候,是谁可怜过你?祷告是万能的。念乌尔苏拉祈祷书里那段为受苦灵魂的经文,就可以获得四十天大赦。[812] 悔改吧,斯蒂芬。
我在另一个世界[ 813] 为你祷告。每天晚上用完脑子以后,叫迪丽给你煮点大米粥。自打在肚子里怀上你,多少年来我一直爱着你。哦,我的儿子,我的头一胎。
(气喘吁吁)经受永劫之火[814] !啖尸肉者!刚砍下来的头和鲜血淋漓的骨头[815] 。
(她的脸越挨越近,发出湿灰气息。)当心哪!(她拾起那变黑了的、干瘪的右臂,扎煞着手指,慢慢伸向斯蒂芬的胸口。)当心天主的 手![816]
(一只长着一双恶毒的红眼睛的绿螃蟹,将它那龇牙咧嘴 的钳子深深戳进斯蒂芬的心脏。)
天哪,没什么![817] 理智的想象!对我来说:要么得到一切,要么一无所有。[818] 我不侍奉。[819]
(临死时痛苦地挣扎着,发出痰声)主啊,为了我的缘故,可怜可怜斯蒂芬吧!当我在骷髅冈[820] 上怀着爱、悲哀和凄楚咽气的时候,我的痛苦是难以形容的。
(他用双手高高举起梣木杖,把枝形吊灯击碎。时光那最后一缕死灰色火焰往上一蹿,紧接着在一片黑暗中,是整个空间的毁灭,玻璃碎成碴儿,砖石建筑坍塌下来。[822] )
(退缩,尖叫) 唉呀!可别!
哦,我知道,宅院里的斗犬[823] 。然而他可是三一学院的学生。那儿净是你们这个店的主顾。替你们出房租的先生们[824] 。(他做了个共济会会员的手势[825] 。)你明白我的意思吗?他是副院长的侄子哩。你不愿意闹出丑闻吧。
(他匆匆穿过门厅走到外面。娼妓们在指着。弗洛莉跟在后面,从她歪拿着的玻璃酒杯一路洒下水来。所有聚在大门口台阶上的娼妓们都指着雾已消散了的右方,七嘴八舌他说着。从左手辚辚地驶来了一辆出租马车。它逐渐减慢了速度,停在房前。布卢姆在大门口瞅见科尼·凯莱赫正要跟两个闷声不响的淫棍一道走下马车。贝拉在门厅里催促着手下的娼妓们。她们给以黏黏涎涎、吧唧吧唧的飞吻。科尼·凯莱赫报以幽灵般轻薄的微笑。一言不发的淫棍们转身去付钱给马车夫。佐伊和吉蒂还在朝右边指着。布卢姆飞快地从她们二人当中穿过去,把他那哈里发的头巾拉得低低的,整理一下,穗饰披肩,将脸扭向一边,匆忙冲下台阶。布卢姆伊然成了微服出访的哈伦·拉希德[ 828] ,从淫棍们背后穿过去,沿着栏杆,以豹子般的飞毛腿往前冲去,一路抛撒着在大回香籽汁里浸泡过的一个撕破了的信封,留下臭迹[829] 。每迈一步,梣木手杖便戳出一个印儿。三一学院的霍恩布洛尔头戴嗬嗬帽[830] ,身穿灰色长裤,手里抡着一根狗鞭,领着一群警大,远远地跟在后面。它们嗅着那股气味,靠近一些,长吠一声,气喘吁吁,失掉了臭迹,四散奔跑,耷拉着舌头,又咬布卢姆的脚后跟,在他后面跳跳蹦蹦。他忽走忽跑,忽而按“之”字形前进,忽而又飞奔起来,两耳贴着后脑勺。砂砾、白菜帮子、饼干匣、鸡蛋、土豆、死鳕鱼、妇女所趿拉的拖鞋[831]都雨点子般地朝他掷过来。重新嗅到气味的一群“学领袖样儿”[832] 的队伍取“之”字形,大喊大叫,吵吵闹闹地奔跑着追逐他,其中包括夜警丙六十五号和丙六十六号、约翰·亨利·门顿、威兹德姆·希利、维·B·狄龙、参议员南尼蒂、亚历山大·凯斯、拉利·奥鲁尔克、乔·卡夫、奥多德太太、精明鬼伯克、无名氏、赖尔登太太[833] 、“市民”、加里欧文、某人、陌生面孔、似曾相识者、一面之缘者、伙伴、克里斯·卡利南、查尔斯·卡梅伦爵士、[834] 本杰明·多拉德、利内翰、巴特尔·达西、乔·海因斯、红穆雷、编辑布雷顿、蒂·迈·希利、菲茨吉本法官先生[835] 、约翰·霍华德·巴涅尔、可敬的鲑鱼罐头萨蒙、乔利教授[836] 、布林太太、丹尼斯·布林、西奥多·普里福伊、米娜·普里福伊、韦斯特兰横街邮政局女局长[837]、C.P.麦科伊、莱昂斯的朋友、“独脚”霍罗翰[838]、街上的男人、街上的另一男人、足球靴子、狮子鼻汽车司机、新教徒阔太太、戴维·伯恩、艾伦·麦吉尼斯太太[839] 、乔·加拉赫太太[ 840] 、乔治·利德维尔、长了鸡眼的吉米·亨利[841] 、拉拉西校长[842] 、考利神父、曾在税务局任职的克罗夫顿、丹·道森、手持镊子的牙医布卢姆[843] 、鲍勃·多兰太太、肯内菲克太太、怀思·诺兰太太、约翰·怀思·诺兰、在驶往克朗斯基亚的电车里的那位将大屁股蹭过来的漂亮的有夫之妇[844] 、出售《偷情的快乐》的书摊老板、杜比达特小姐——而且她真的吃了[845] 、罗巴克[846] 的杰拉德·莫兰太太和斯但尼斯劳斯·莫兰太太、德里米[847] 的事务员、韦瑟亚普、海斯上校[848] 、马斯添斯基、西特伦[849]、彭罗斯[850]、艾伦·菲加泽尔[851] 、摩西·赫佐格、迈克尔·E。杰拉蒂[852] 、警官特洛伊[853] 、加尔布雷斯太太[854] 、埃克尔斯街拐角处的警官、带着听诊器的老医生布雷迪[855] 、海滨上的神秘人物[856] 、衔回猎物的狗、米莉亚姆·丹德拉德太太[857] 和她所有的情人。)
(布卢姆上气不接下气地来到比弗街[ 858] 的脚手架下,在喧嚣地吵着架的一簇人边上停下脚步。至于是谁在骂骂咧咧地吵着什么,围观者完全不摸头脑。)
(以优美的姿态,缓慢地深呼吸)你们是我的客人。不速之客。多亏了乔治五世和爱德华七世。[859]看来这要怪历史。[860] 记忆的母亲们所编的寓言。[861]
(一位绅士诗人,身着美国国旗图案的鲜艳夺目的运动上衣,下身是打板球穿的法兰绒裤子。秃头,胡子飘垂着。)他们用不着去问个究竟。[ 864]
(和蔼地)为什么不能?勇敢的少年兵[866] 。依我看,比方说,每一位妇女……
(从她家的阳台上挥着手绢,做那利哥女杰的记号。)喇合。[870] 再见吧,厨师的儿子。[ 871] 平平安安地回到多利那里吧。在梦中与你撇下的姑娘[872] 相会吧,她也会梦见你。
坎蒂[876] ·凯特
(甩开拦住他的人,迈步向前。)你在怎么说我的国王来着? (爱德华七世在拱廊上出现。他身穿绣着圣心[877] 的白色运动衫,胸间佩带着嘉德勋章、蓟花勋章、金羊毛勋章、丹麦的象勋章、[878]斯金纳与普罗宾的骑兵章[879] 、林肯法学团体[880] 主管委员章、古老光荣的马萨诸塞炮兵连队[881] 队徽。他嘴里嘬着红色枣味胶糖[882] ,身穿被推选出来的堂皇完美崇高的共济会会员的衣服,右手拿着袜子,系着围裙,上面标明“德国制造”[883],左手提着用印刷体写着“禁止小便”字样的泥水匠的桶。人们以雷鸣般的欢呼声来迎接他。)
(缓慢、庄重,然而含糊不清地)和平,真正的和平。[884] 为了表明身分,朕手里特提着此桶,小伙子们,你们好。(他转向臣民们。)朕来此是为目睹一场光明正大、势均力敌的角斗的。朕衷心祝愿双方好运。你的老于诡计多端[885]。 他同士兵卡尔、士兵康普顿、斯蒂芬、布卢姆和林奇握手。)
(飘浮在成堆的被屠杀者尸体上面。他身穿滑稽的耶稣[887] 的衣裳,头上为耶稣的光晕所环绕。那张散发着磷光的脸上有一颗白色的枣味胶糖。)
(轻声地对士兵们)他自己都不晓得在说些什么。喝得有点过了头,在作怪呢,苦艾酒。绿妖精[890] 。我了解他。他是个有身分的人,一位诗人。不会有什么事的。
喂,早安![893] 长着黄牙齿[894] 的母夜叉。[895]。
(帕特里克·伊根[ 896] 从后面窥伺,他有着一张兔子般的脸,正在啃着榅桲叶。)
社会主义者[897] !
(笑)唉!向德威特[901] 投降吧。
(在两个戴黑面具的帮助伴随下,提着一只旅行包、边往前走,边掏它打开。)女士们,先生们,这把大菜刀是皮尔西太太为了砍死莫格而买的。[904] 这把餐刀是沃伊辛用来肢解一位同胞的老婆的。他用床单将尸体裹起,藏在地窖里。那个不幸的女人的咽喉被从右耳割断到左耳。这是从巴伦小姐的尸体里提取的砒霜,塞登就因而被送上了绞架[905] 。
(他咽了气。由于被绞死者急剧的勃起[907] ,精液透过尸体进溅到鹅卵石上。贝林厄姆夫人、耶尔弗顿·巴里夫人和默雯·塔尔博伊贵夫人赶紧冲上前,用她们的手绢把精液蘸起。)
(想走开)有谁能够告诉我,在什么地方最能躲开这种无可避免的灾难呢?在巴黎也有这类事。[910] 并不是我……然而,凭着圣帕特里克的名义[911] ……!
(几个妇女把头凑在一起。缺牙老奶奶戴着一顶塔糖状的帽子,坐在毒菌[912] 上出现,胸前插着一朵生枯萎病凋谢了的土豆花。)
哎嘿!我认识你,老奶奶!哈姆莱特,报复![913] 吃掉自己的猪崽子的老母猪!
(来回晃悠)爱尔兰的情入,西班牙国王的女儿,我亲爱的。[915]对我家里的陌生人[9116]可不能讲礼貌!(她像狺女[927] 那样不祥地恸哭着。)哎哟!哎哟!毛皮像绢丝般的牛[918] (她哀号着说。)你遇见了可怜的老爱尔兰,她怎样啦[919] ?
我怎么来容忍你好呢?帽子的戏法![920] 三位一体的第三位在哪儿呢?我热爱的教士[921]吗?可敬的吃腐肉的乌鸦[922] 。
(脚步蹒跚地走过去)哦,对啦!哦,夭哪,对!哦,打吧,狠狠地打吧!哦!布[925] !
(披甲戴铠的戟兵在熗尖上挑着一堆呈斜顶棚状的内脏,伸了过来,特威迪鼓手长留着可怕的土耳克[926] 那样的口髭,头顶插有鸟颈毛的熊皮帽,军服上佩带着肩章和镀金的山形袖章,腰刀带上挂着佩囊,胸前是亮晃晃的勋章,准备进击。他打了个圣殿骑士团[927]的朝圣武士的手势。)
(粗暴地咆哮)洛克滩[928] !禁卫军,振奋起来,向他们进攻!快抢,速夺![929]
士兵卡尔[ 930]
(脸上涨得通红)不,太太。我支持的是穿红色紧身上衣的那位快活的圣乔治![ 933]
(边松开他的皮带边喊 )哪个他妈的杂种敢说一句反对我那残暴的混蛋国王的话,我就拧断他的脖子!
(摇撼西茜·卡弗里的肩膀)说呀,你!你给吓成哑巴了吗? 你是国民与国民、世代与世代之间的纽带呀。说吧,女人,神圣的生命之赐与者[935]!
都柏林着火啦!都柏林着火啦![937] 着火啦,着火啦!
(硫磺火熊熊燃烧。浓云滚滚。重加特林机熗[938] 轰鸣着。魔窟。队伍疏散开来。马蹄飞奔。炮兵队。嘶哑的发号施令声。钟声铿锵。赌客吆喝。醉汉大喊大嚷。娼妓尖叫。雾笛嘟嘟。勇士大吼。临终发出的悲鸣。铁镐丁丁当当地敲着胸甲。[ 939] 盗贼剥走被害者的衣物。猛禽们或从海上飞来,或从沼地腾空而起,或从崖上的巢窝俯冲猛扑,盘旋嘶鸣:成群的塘鹅、鸬鹚、秃骛、苍鹰:山鹬、游隼、灰背隼、黑琴鸡、白尾鹰、鸥、信天翁、北极黑雁。午夜的日头暗了下来。大地震动。[940]来自前景公墓和杰罗姆山公墓[941] 的都柏林死者们复活了。他们有的身着白绵羊皮外套,有的披着黑山羊皮斗篷[942] ,在很多人面前出现。一个裂缝无声地张开了大口。冠军汤姆·罗赤福特身着运动员背心和短裤,在全国跳栏障碍赛中领先,接着纵身跳进真空。参加竞赛的人们或跑或跳地跟在后面。他们狂热地从悬崖边沿往下跳,身子倒载葱地跌下去。穿着花哨衣裳的工厂姑娘[ 943] 掷出一颗颗炽热的约克郡炸弹。社交界的显贵妇女们将裙子撩到头顶上,保护着自己。大笑着的魔女[944] 身穿红色短衬衣,骑着扫帚把腾空而去。公谊会教徒利斯特[945]在水庖上贴了膏药。龙牙如雨注。从垄沟里跳出一批全副武装的英雄们。[946]他们友好地交换红十字骑士团[947] 的口令,用骑兵的军刀比武:沃尔夫·托恩对亨利·格拉顿[948] ,史密斯。奥布赖恩对丹尼尔·奥康内尔[949] ,迈克尔·达维特对伊萨克。巴特[950] ),贾斯廷·麦卡锡对巴涅尔[951] ,阿瑟·格里菲思对约翰·雷德蒙[ 952] ,约翰·奥利里对利尔奥·约翰尼[953],爱德华·菲茨杰拉德勋爵对杰拉德·菲茨爱德华勋爵[ 954], 峡谷的奥德诺霍对奥德诺霍的峡谷。[955]大地中央的高处,矗立着圣女芭巴拉[ 956] 的祭台。放福音书和放使徒书信的角上,各竖着一支黑蜡烛。从塔那高高的碉楼,两道光束倾泻至轻烟缭绕的祭台石面上。背理女神·米娜·普里福伊太太套着脚镣,赤条条地躺在祭台石面上,鼓起的肚皮上放着圣爵。玛拉基·奥弗林神父穿着网织衬裙和把里子翻过来的祭披;他有一双反长着的左脚,[957]正在举行露营弥撒。可敬的文学硕士休·C·海恩斯·洛夫教士先生,[958]身穿素净的黑袍,戴学士帽,脑袋和脖领都扭到后面去,)打着一把撑开的雨伞,替神父遮着头。)
(我要走向魔鬼的祭台。[ 959] )
走向年少时曾赐与我欢乐的魔鬼。[ 960]
(阿多奈[963] )从空中呼唤。)
全体受祝福者[ 965] 之声
(将一把匕首朝着斯蒂芬的手递过去。)除掉他,啊,豆豆[ 968] 。上午八点三十五分你就该升天堂了,[969] 爱尔兰将获得自由。[970](她祷告着。)哦,好天主,接纳他吧!
(指着)犹大出去。上吊自杀。[ 971]
(拽他的伙伴)喂,开溜吧,哈里。不然的话,贝内特军士长[973] 会罚你关禁闭。
(皱皱眉)谁?黑豹。吸血鬼。[978] (他叹了口气,伸开四肢,随即拖长母音,口齿不清地低语。)
(与黑夜交谈)这张脸使我想起他那可怜的母亲。树林的阴影。深邃的雪白胸脯。我仿佛听他说是弗格森。是个姑娘。不知是哪儿的一位姑娘。他可能遇上了最大的幸运。(他嘟哝着。)……我发誓。不论是任何工作,任何技艺,我都一概接受,永远守密,绝不泄露。[981] ……(他低语。)……在海边的粗沙里……距岸边有一锚链长[982] ……那里,潮退……潮涨……
(他沉默下来,若有所思,警觉着。他用手指按着嘴唇,俨然是一位共济会师傅。一个人影背对着黑暗的墙壁徐徐出现。这是个十一岁的仙童,被仙女诱拐了去的。身穿伊顿学院的制服,脚蹬玻璃鞋,[983] 头戴小小的青铜盔,手捧一本书。他不出声地自右至左地读着[984] 笑吟吟地吻着书页。)


等级: 内阁元老
举报 只看该作者 40楼  发表于: 2012-12-24 0

(兴奋地)这简直是中了暑又在发疯了,[295]又开起可怕的玩笑来了。对上苍发誓,我就像没有被太阳照射过的白雪一般皎洁[296]。那是我哥哥亨利干的。我们两个人长得一模一样。他住在海豚仓巷二号。谣言这条毒蛇对我进行了恶意中伤。[ 297] 各位同胞,索然无味的故事犹如没有马的公共马车。[298]我提请我的老友、性病专家玛拉基·穆利根博士对我从医学上做出鉴定。
(身着驾车穿的皮前克,额上戴着一副绿色防尘眼镜)布卢姆博士是个变态的阴阳人。他是新近从优斯塔斯大夫为神经失常的男病人所设的私立精神病院里逃出来的。他有着遗传性癫痫病征象,这是纵欲所导致的。曾经发现他的祖先有着象皮病迹象。慢性下体裸露狂的征候十分明显。还潜伏着灵巧地使用双手的现象。由于手淫,他过早地歇了顶,结果形成了乖僻的梦想家气质。他是个改邪归正的放荡者,装有金牙。家庭矛盾使他暂时丧失了记忆。我相信他是个并没有犯多大罪,却受了很大冤屈的人[299] 我曾对他做过全面检查,对肛门、腋窝、胸部和阴部的五千四百二十六根毛做了酸性试验。我敢断言,他是个处女膜未受损的童贞女[300]。
马登[301] 大夫
(身穿护士服)亲爱的,紧紧地搂住我。很快就结束了。紧紧地,亲爱的。(布卢姆紧紧搂住她,并生下八个黄种和白种男娃。他们出现在铺了红地毯的楼梯上。装饰着珍贵花草的楼梯上。这八胞胎个个相貌英俊,有着贵重金属般的脸,身材匀称,衣着体面,举止端庄,能够流利地操五种现代语言,对各种艺术与科学饶有兴趣。每个人的名字都清晰地印在衬衫前襟上:金鼻[305] 、金指、金口[306] 、金手[307] 、银微笑、银本身[308]、水银[309]、全银[310]他们当即被委以几国的重要公职,诸如银行总裁、铁路运输经理、股份有限公司董事长、饭店联合组织的副主席。)
巴茨修士[ 313]
你预言一下哪一匹马将在圣莱杰赛场上获胜。[314](布卢姆在一张网上踱步。他用左耳遮住左眼,穿越凡堵墙,爬上纳尔逊纪念柱,用眼睑勾住柱顶横梁,悬空吊在那里。他吃掉十打牡蛎(连同外壳),治好了几名瘰疠患者,颦蹙起鼻子眼来模仿众多历史人物:贝肯斯菲尔德勋爵[ 315]、拜伦勋爵、沃特·泰勒[316]、埃及的摩西、摩西·迈蒙尼德[317]、摩西·门德尔松[318]、亨利·欧文[319] 、瑞普·凡·温克尔[320] 、科苏特[321] 、冉- 雅克·卢梭[322] 、利奥波德·罗思柴尔德男爵[323]、鲁滨孙·克鲁索、夏洛克·福尔摩斯、巴斯德[324]。他将两条腿同时朝不同的方向掉换,吩咐潮水倒流,伸出小指,导致日蚀[325]。)
罗马教皇的大使布利尼[ 326]
(身穿教皇军的祖亚沃军服,披着钢制皑甲,包括胸甲、臂甲、护腿具、护胫具;蓄着亵渎神明的大胡子,头戴褐色纸制主教冠。)利奥波德的家谱如下[327] :摩西生挪亚[328] ,挪亚生尤尼克[329],尤尼克生奥哈罗汉,奥哈罗汉生古根海姆[330] ,古根海姆生阿根达斯,阿根达斯生内泰穆[331] ,内泰穆生勒·希尔施[332],勒·希尔施生耶书仑[333] ,耶书仑生麦凯,麦凯生奥斯特罗洛普斯基,奥斯特罗洛普斯基生斯梅尔多兹[334] ,斯梅尔多兹生韦斯,韦斯生施瓦茨[335] ,施瓦茨生阿德里安堡[336] ,阿德里安堡生阿兰胡埃斯[337] ,阿兰胡埃斯生卢维·劳森,卢维.劳森生以迦博多诺索[ 338],以迦博多诺索生奥唐奈·马格纳斯[339],奥唐奈·马格纳斯生克里斯特鲍默[340] ,克里斯特鲍默生本·迈默[ 341] ,本·迈默生达斯蒂·罗兹[342] ,达斯蒂·罗兹生本阿莫尔[ 343],本阿莫尔生琼斯- 史密斯[344] ,琼斯- 史密斯生萨沃楠奥维奇[345],萨沃楠奥维奇生贾斯珀斯通[346],贾斯珀斯通生万图尼耶姆,万图尼耶姆生松博特海伊[347] ,松博特海伊生维拉格,维拉格生布卢姆,给他起名叫以马内利。[348]
(摇着拔浪鼓)在巴利鲍桥[352] 下又干了些什么?
在魔鬼谷[354] 里呢?
(穿着紧身衣和短裤,手持顿尼溪集市[355] 上使用的那种橡树棒。)用犀牛鞭[356]抽他一顿!
(布卢姆长着一副驴耳朵[357] ,交抱着胳膊,伸出两脚,坐在示众台上。他用口哨吹起《唐乔万尼》中的“今晚同你”[358] 。阿尔坦[359] 的孤儿们手拉着手在他周围跳跳蹦蹦。狱门救济会[360] 的姑娘们也手拉着手,朝相反的方向跳跳蹦蹦。)
(身罩祭披[363] ,头戴猎帽,宣布说)他将为众人负罪,前往住在荒野里的恶魔阿撒泻勒[364] 以及夜妖利利斯[365]那里,对,来自阿根达斯·内泰穆[366] 和属于含的土地麦西[367]的人们,全都朝他扔石头,羞辱他。
恶魔!伊斯特拉的莱姆兰[369] ,伪救世主!阿布拉非亚[ 370]!叛教者!
(给布卢姆穿上一件黄袍,上面绣着色彩鲜明的火焰,并给他戴上一顶高尖帽。还在布卢姆的脖颈上挂起一口袋火药,把他交到市政当局手里,并且说:)赦免他的罪过[372] 。
(根据众人的要求,都柏林市消防队的迈尔斯[373] 中尉在布卢姆身上点了火。一片悲叹声。)
(身穿标有I.H.S[375]字样的无缝衣,直挺挺地站在火凤凰[376] 的火焰中)爱琳的女儿们啊!别为我哭泣。[377]
(由文森特·奥布赖恩[379] 先生指挥的六百人的唱诗班,在约瑟夫·格林[380] 的风琴伴奏下,齐唱叠句《弥赛亚》中的“哈利路亚”叠句。布卢姆沉默下来,逐渐缩小,焦化了。)
头戴一顶破旧帽子,帽带上插着一支陶制烟斗。脚蹬一双满是尘埃的生皮翻毛鞋[381] 手执移民的红手绢包,拽着一口用稻草绳拴着的黑泥炭色的猪,眼中含笑。)现在放我走吧,大姐,因为凭着康尼马拉[382] 有的山羊发誓,我刚刚挨的那顿毒打真够呛。(眼里噙着一滴泪)一切都是疯狂的。爱国主义也罢,哀悼死者也罢,音乐或民族的未来也罢。生存还是毁灭。[383]人生之梦结束了。但求一个善终。他们可以活下去。(他哀痛地望着远方。)我完蛋啦。服上几片附子。拉下百叶窗。留一封信。然后躺下来安息。(他轻轻地呼吸。)不过如此而已。我曾经生活过。去了。再见。
(惨痛地)男女,作爱,算什么?塞子和瓶子罢了。[ 385]
(伶牙俐齿地)连猪都弹风琴的霍格斯·诺顿[386] 。我是在约克郡[387] 出生的。(她握住他那只正在抚摩她乳房的手。)喂,汤米·小耗子儿[388] 。别这样,来点更带劲儿的。你身上有够干一会儿的钱吗?十先令?
(微笑,慢慢点头)有更多的,霍丽[389] ,更多的。
(裹着襁褓和斗篷,脑袋挺大,乌黑的头发恰似胎膜。一双大眼睛盯着她那晃来晃去的衬裙,用胖嘟嘟的指头数着上面的青铜扣子。他伸出湿漉漉的舌头,口齿不清他说:)一、二、山[三] 、山[三]、儿[二]、咦[一]。
沉默就表示同意喽。(扎煞着小小指头,抓住他的手,用食指尖戳戳他的掌心,悄悄地给他暗示,[394] 把他诱向毁灭。)手热证明内脏冷。
(林奇晃了一下手里的细棍:这是一根黄铜拨火棍。斯蒂芬站在自动钢琴旁边,琴上胡乱丢着他的帽子和梣木手杖。他用两个手指再一次重复空五度[396] 的音程。弗洛莉·塔尔博特,一个虚弱,胖得像鹅一样的金发娼妇,身穿发霉的草莓色褴褛衣衫,摊开四肢躺在沙发的一角,一只前臂从长枕上耷拉下来,倾听着。困倦的眼皮患了严重的麦粒炎。)
事实上,究竟是本尼迪多·马尔切罗[397] 所发现的,还是他创作的,那无关紧要。仪式是诗人的安息。那也许是献给得墨忒耳[398] 的一首古老赞歌,要么就是为“诸天宣布上帝的荣耀”[399]谱的曲。它的音节或音阶可能迥乎不同,正如高于弗里吉亚调式与混合吕底亚[400]调式之间的差别很大似的。歌词也可能很不一样,犹如围绕着大卫——不,刻尔吉[401],我在说些什么呀,我指的是刻瑞斯[402]——的祭坛,祭司们所发出的喧嚣声不同于大卫从马房里得来又讲给首席巴松管吹奏者[403]听的有关神之全能的那些话。哎呀,说实在的,这完全是风马牛不相及的两码事。趁着年轻干荒唐勾当吧,青春一去不复返嘛。[404](他住了口,指着林奇的便帽,始而微笑,继而大笑起来。)你的智慧瘤子长在哪边?
我所有的错误、自负、过失,你都记得相当准确。对于你的不忠诚,我还要继续闭眼睛到什么时候呢?砺石[ 405] !
我还有句活跟你说。(他皱起眉头。)原因是基音和全音阶第五音被最大限度的音程[406] 分割开来了,它……
(外面,留声机喧嚣地奏起《圣城》[ 407]。)
(唐突地)为了不从自我内部穿行[408] ,一直跋涉到世界尽头。天主,太阳,莎士比亚[409] ,推销员,走遍了现实,方成为自我本身。且慢。等一等。街上那家伙的喊叫[410] 真该死。预先就安排好不可避免地会成为这个样子。瞧![411]
最新消息。摇木马比赛的结果出来啦。皇家运河里出现了一条海蛇[415] 。伪基督平安抵达。
(吕便·杰·伪基督,一个流浪的犹太人,张开紧握着的手,接着脊梁骨,脚步蹒跚地走来。他腰上系着一只香客的行囊,露出约定支付的期票和遭到拒付的票据。肩上高高地扛着长长的船篙,一头钩着他那湿透了缩作一团的独子的裤裆,是刚从利菲河里救上来的。暮色苍茫中,跟潘趣·科斯特洛长得一模一样的妖怪翻着跟头滚了过来。他瘸腿,驼背,患有脑水肿,下巴突出,前额凹陷,长着阿里·斯洛珀[417] 式的鼻子。)
和散那[ 422] …·
(焰火冲上天空,爆炸开。一颗白星从中坠下,宣告万物的终结和以利亚的再度来临。[423]从天顶到天底,紧紧绷着一根肉眼看不见的、没有尽头的绳子。“世界末日”——身穿苏格兰高地游猎侍从的百褶格子呢短裙和格子花呢服、头戴熊皮鸟缨高顶帽的双头章鱼[424] ,以“人的三条腿”[425] 的姿势头朝下顺着此绳在黑暗中旋转着。)
(以利亚的嗓音像秧鸡般刺耳,在天际回荡,压住了一阵过堂风和哽噎般的咳嗽声。他身穿有着漏斗形袖子、宽宽松松的上等细麻布白色法衣,以执牧杖者的神气,汗涔涔地出现在悬挂着古老光荣之旗[ 427] 的讲坛上。他砰砰地敲着栏秆。)
请不要在这间小屋子里吵吵嚷嚷。杰克·克兰、克雷奥利·休[428] 、达夫·坎贝尔、阿贝·基尔施内尔,你们要闭着嘴咳嗽。喏,这条干线完全由我来操纵。伙计们,现在就登记吧。上帝的时间[429] 是十二点二十五分。告诉母亲你们将会在那儿[430] 。赶紧去订,那才是捷足先登哪。就在这儿当场参加吧。买一张通往来世联轨点的直达票,一路上不停车。再说一句。你们是神呢,还是该死的傻瓜?基督一旦再度来到科尼艾兰[431] ,咱们准备好了吗?弗洛莉·基督、斯蒂芬·基督、佐伊·基督、布卢姆·基督、吉蒂·基督、林奇·基督,宇宙的力量应该由你们去感觉。我们害怕宇宙吗?不。要站在天使这边。[ 432] 当一面棱镜[433] 。你们内心里有那么一种更崇高的自我。你们能够跟耶稣、跟乔答摩[434] 、跟英格索尔[435] 平起平坐。你们统统处在这样的震颤中吗?我认为是这样。各位会众,你们一旦有所领悟,前往天堂的起劲愉快的兜风,就不赶趟儿了。你们明白我的意思吗?这确实是回春灵药。最强烈的玩艺儿。完整的果酱馅儿饼。再也没有比这更乖巧、伶俐的货色了。它是无穷无尽,无比豪华的。它使人恢复健康,生气勃勃。我知道,我也是个使人振奋者。且别开玩笑,归根结底,就是亚·约·基督·道维以及调和的哲学。诸位明白了吗?好的。六十九街西七十六号。明白我的意思了吗?对啦。随时都可以给我挂太阳电话。烂醉如泥的酒徒们,省下那邮票吧。(大嚷)那么,现在唱赞美歌吧。大伙儿都一道热情地唱吧。再来一个!(他唱起来。)耶路……
吉蒂- 凯特
我一时控制不住自己,脆弱失足,在宪法山[ 437] 干下了那样的事,是主教为我行的坚振礼[438] ,[我还参加了褐色肩衣组织[439] 。] 我姨妈嫁给了蒙莫朗西[440] 家的人。我原是纯洁的,可一个管子工破坏了我的贞操。
佐伊- 范妮
都是由于喝了亨尼西的三星[441] ,再掺上葡萄酒的缘故。当维兰[442] 溜进我的被窝之后,我就失了身。
太初有道[443] ,以迨永远,及世之世[444]。保佑八福[ 445] 。
(语无伦次地)啤酒,牛肉,斗犬,牛贩子,生意、酒吧、鸡奷,主教[446] 。
(身穿公谊会教徒的灰色短裤,头戴宽檐帽,慎重地)他是我们的朋友。我用不着提名道姓。你去寻求光[ 448] 吧。
(他踩着“科兰多”舞步[449] 过去了。贝斯特[450] 身穿理发师那浆洗得发亮的罩衣,鬈发上缠着卷发纸。他领着约翰·埃格林顿[451]走进来,后者穿的是印有蜥蜴形文字的黄色中国朝服,头戴宝塔式高帽。)
(笑吟吟地摘下帽子,露出剃过的头,脑顶翘起一条根部扎着橙黄蝴蝶结的辫子。)你们知道吗,我正在打扮他哪。美丽的事物[452] ,你们知道吗?这是叶芝说的——不,是济慈说的。
(取出一盏绿罩暗灯,把灯光朝屋角晃。用挑剔的口吻)美学和化妆品是为闺房而设的。我要寻求的则是真理。朴素人的朴素真理。但德拉吉[453] 人要的是事实,而且非得到不可。
(在投射到煤篓后面的探照灯那圆锥形光束里,马南南·麦克李尔将下颚托在膝盖上,沉思默想着。[454] 他长着圣者的眼睛,奥拉夫般的脸上胡子拉碴的。他慢腾腾地站起来。从他那活像是德鲁伊特[455] 的嘴里冒出凛冽的海风,鳝鱼与小鳗鱼在他头部周围翻腾着。他身上覆满海藻和贝壳。右手握着一只自行车[456]打气筒。左手攥着一只巨大的蝲蛄的双爪。)
(用波浪声)噢姆!嘿喀!哇嚕!啊喀!噜哺!摩啊!嘛![457] 诸神的白色瑜咖僧。赫尔墨斯·特里斯美吉斯托斯的玄妙的《派曼德尔》[458]。( 发出海风呼啸声)普纳尔甲纳穆·帕齐·潘·贾乌布![459] 我决不受人愚弄。有人说:当心左边,对萨克蒂的膜拜。[460] (发出预告暴风雨的海燕的叫声)萨克蒂、湿婆、黑暗神秘之父!(他用打气筒敲打左手捏着的蝲蛄。他那只合作社的表盘上,黄道十二宫图在灼灼发光。他以海洋汹涌澎湃的势头大声哭号。)噢姆!咆姆!毗噍姆!我是家园的光![461] 我是梦幻般的奶油状黄油[462] 。

(她装出一副羞答答的样子,斜眼望着布卢姆,朝他扭过身去,把被拨火棍勾住的套裙拽开。一片天蓝色液体重新流到她身上。布卢姆站在那儿,眼里露出贪馋的神色微笑着,摆弄两手的拇指。吉蒂·里凯茨用唾沫舔湿中指,对着镜子抹平双眉。皇家文书利波蒂·维拉格沿着壁炉烟囱的槽敏捷地滑下来,踩着粗糙的粉红色高跷,趾高气扬地朝左边迈两步。他身上紧紧地裹着几件大氅,外面罩着棕色胶布雨衣。雨衣下面,手里拿着个羊皮纸书卷。左眼上戴着卡什尔·博伊尔·奥康内尔·菲茨莫里斯·蒂斯代尔·法雷尔[463] 那闪闪发光的单片眼镜。他头顶埃及双冠[464] 。两耳上伸出两支鹅毛笔。)
爷爷[466] 。可是……
另一方面,第二个姑娘,那涂了樱桃红唇膏,戴着白色头饰,头发上抹了不少咱们犹太族传统的侧柏[467] 灵液的,穿着散步衣。从她坐的姿势来看,想必是胸罩勒得紧紧的。也可以说是把脊梁骨掉到前面来了。如果我理解错了,请指出来。可我一向认为,那些轻佻女子隐隐约约地让你瞥见内衣。这种下体裸露狂患者的表现,正投你的所好。一句话,是半鹰半马的怪兽[468]。我说得对吗,
(讥消地,龇着鼬鼠般的黄板牙,用手指翻开左眼皮,扯着嘶哑的嗓音吼叫)骗子!当心这轻佻丫头和她假装出的悲伤。巷子里的百合[470] 。人人都有鲁亚尔杜斯·科隆博所发现的矢车菊。压翻她。[471] 让她变得像只鸽子。水性杨花的女人。(口吻温和了一些)喏,请你注意第三位吧。她的大部分身于都展现在眼前。仔细观察她脑壳上那簇用氧处理过的植物质吧。嗨哟,她撞着了[472] 。长腿大屁股,伙伴中的丑小鸭。
不论是什么号的——宽松的,中等的,紧的,都能提供。只要出钱,随便挑。哪一个都能使你快乐[473] ……
(卷着舌头)利姆![ 474] )瞧,她可真丰满,浑身长了好厚的一层脂肪。从胸脯的份量看,她显然是个哺乳动物。你能看到她身子前面突出两个尺寸可观的大肉疙瘩,大得几乎垂进午饭的汤盆里。背后下身也有两个隆起的东西,看来直肠必是结实的。那两个鼓包摸着会给人以快感,唯一的美中不足是不够紧。注意保养就能使这个部位的肉厚实。要是关起来喂,肝脏就会长得像象那么大[475] 。把掺了胡芦巴[476] 和安息香的新鲜面包搓成小丸,浸泡在一剂绿茶里吞服,就能在短暂的一生中,自自然然长出一身肥膘,活像是个球形针插。这样该中你的意了吧,呃?使人馋涎欲滴的热腾腾的埃及肉锅[477] 。尽情享受吧。石松粉[ 478] 。(他的喉咙抽搐着。)恰好,他又干起来啦。[479]
(扬扬眉毛)他们说,用金戒指碰一下就好了。[480] 利用女性的弱点来辩论[481]这是旧日时罗马和古代希腊的狄普罗多库斯和伊赤泰欧扫罗斯[482] 担任执政官时所说的。此外,单靠夏娃的灵药就够了。非卖品。只供租借。胡格诺派[483] 。(抽动一下喉咙)好古怪的声音。(像是为了振作起来般地咳嗽)然而,这也许只不过是个瘊子。我想你还记得我曾经教过你的一个处方吧?小麦粉里掺上蜂蜜和肉豆蔲。
(仔细琢磨)小麦粉里搀上石松粉和希拉巴克斯[484] 。这可是个严峻的考验啊。
(像是提词般地低声私语)蜉蝣在不断地交媾中度过短暂的一生。雌性的体态虽逊于雄性,背后那外阴部却是精美绝伦的,它被其气味所引诱。美丽的鹦鹉![490] (他那鹦鹉的黄嘴用鼻音急促不清他说着)犹太历五五五0 年前后,喀尔巴阡山脉[491] 有过一句谚语。一大调羹蜂蜜要比六桶最高级的麦芽醋更能吸引熊先生。熊直哼哼,蜜蜂嫌吵。且慢。这容别的时候再接着说吧。我们这些局外人很高兴。(他咳嗽一声,低下头,用掏挖的手势若有所思地搓着鼻子)你会发现这些夜虫总是跟踪着灯光。这是错觉。要记住,它们长着无法调节的复眼。关于这些棘手的论点,可参看我著的《性科学原理,或爱的情欲》第十七卷。利·布·博士说,这是本年度最为轰动的一部书。举例来说,有些人的动作是自发的。深入领会。那是适合于他的太阳。夜鸟,夜阳,夜镇。追我吧,查理!(他朝布卢姆的耳朵嚷。)嗡嗡!
(面无表情,以圆润、女声女气的腔调笑着)妙极了!他的裤裆里藏着斑蟊,或者阴茎上贴着芥未软膏。(晃动着颈上那火鸡般的垂肉,并像火鸡似的贪婪地咯咯叫着)火鸡!火鸡!咱们说到哪儿来着?芝麻,开门![492] 出来吧!(他麻利地打开那个羊皮纸书卷,读起来。他牢牢抓住书卷,萤火虫般的鼻于沿那文字倒着迅速地移动。[493])且慢,好朋友,我给你带来了答案。咱们很快就能吃上红沙洲的牡蛎[494]了。我是手艺最高的厨师。这种有滋味的双壳贝对身体有好处,让无所不吃的猪先生去挖掘佩里戈尔[495]的块菌,那对神经衰弱和悍妇炎患者有着奇效。尽管发臭,却富于刺激性。(摇头晃脑,尖声讥笑着)滑稽啊。眼睛里塞进单片眼镜。[496] (他打了个喷嚏。)啊们!
(心不在焉地)妇女患的双壳贝病更厉害。什么时候都是开着的芝麻[497] 。裂开的女性[498] 。所以她们害怕虫子啦,爬虫动物什么的。然而夏娃和蛇却不然。这并不是史实吧。依我看,显然是以此类推。蛇对女人的奶也贪得无厌。它们从包罗万象的森林里婉蜒爬行好几英里前来,吱吱地把她的乳房吮干。就像在艾里芳图利亚里斯[499] 的作品中所读到的那些雄火鸡般滑稽的罗马婆娘似的。
(歪着头,脊背与隆起如翼状的肩膀,弯作弓形,鼓起昏花的两眼凝视着蛾,用触角股的指头指指点点,喊叫。)谁是蛾,蛾?谁是亲爱的杰拉尔德[501] ?亲爱的杰,是你吗?哦,哎呀,他就是杰拉尔德。哦,我非常担心他会被严重地烧伤。有人肯摇摇高级餐巾来防止这场灾难吗?(学猫叫)猫咪猫咪猫咪猫咪!(他叹口气,朝后退,下颚低垂,朝两旁斜晚着。)好的,好的。这家伙等下就会安静下来的。(望空猛地咬了一口。)
(亨利·弗罗尔从左首上端的入口登场。他溜着脚步悄悄走了两步,来到左前方中央。他披着深色斗篷,头戴一顶垂着羽毛饰的墨西哥宽边帽。手执一把嵌了花纹的银弦大扬琴和一支有着长竹管的雅各烟斗[502] ,陶制的烟袋锅作女头状。他穿着深色天鹅绒紧身裤,浅口无带轻舞鞋有着银质饰扣。他的脸像是一位充满浪漫主义色彩的救世主,鬈发飘垂、胡子和口髭稀稀疏疏。一双细长的腿和麻雀脚活脱儿像是男高音歌手坎迪亚亲王马里奥[503]。 他理了理皱领的褶子,伸出好色的舌头舔湿了嘴唇。)
给咱唱点什么吧。《古老甜蜜的情歌》。[ 507]
没有嗓子。我是个最有才能的艺术家。林奇,我给你看过关于古琵琶[508] 的那封信了吗?
(在牛津大学做特别研究员的一对连体双胞胎:醉汉菲利普和清醒菲利普[509] 拿着推草机出现在漏斗状斜面墙上的窗口。两个人都戴着马修·阿诺德[510]的假面具。)
接受一个傻子的忠告吧。有点不对头。用铅笔头数数看,像个乖乖的小傻瓜那样。你有三镑十二先令。两张纸币,一英镑的金币,两克朗。倘若年轻人有经验。[511] 城里的穆尼酒馆,海岸上的穆尼,莫伊拉那一家,拉切特那一家,[512] 霍尔街医院,伯克[513]。呃?我在盯着你哪。
(不耐烦地)啊,瞎说,你这家伙。下地狱去吧!我没欠过债。我要是能够弄明白八音度是怎么回事就好了。双重人格。是谁把他的名字告诉我的呢?(他的推草机开始嗡嗡地响起来。)啊哈,对啦。我的在命,我爱你。[514] 我觉得先前到这儿来过。是什么时候来着?他不姓阿特金森[515] ,我有他的名片,不知放在哪儿啦。叫作麦克什么的。想起来了,叫昂马克。他跟我谈起过——且慢,是斯温伯恩[516]吧,对吗?
心灵固然愿意,肉体却是软弱的。[ 517]
从他的角度来说,这完全是理所当然的。人的堕落。(愤怒地瞪大眼睛,厉声地)让教皇下地狱去!太阳底下没有新鲜事。[518] 我就是曾经揭露出僧侣与处女的性之秘密的那个维拉格。因此,我脱离了罗马教会。读读那本《神父、女人与忏悔阁子》[519] 吧。彭罗斯[520] 。弗力勃铁·捷贝待[521]。(他扭动身子。)女人带着甜蜜的羞涩解开灯心草编的腰带,将湿透了的阴部献给男子的阳物。少顷,男子赠与女人丛林之中的几片兽肉。女悦,以带羽之皮遮身。男人用大而硬的阳物热烈爱抚女人之阴部。(他大喊。)我是被迫首肯的。[522] 于是,轻浮的女人四处乱跑。强壮的男人抓住女人的手脖子。女人尖声呼叫,又咬又啐[ 523]。此刻,男人怒气冲天,揍女人那肥胖的臀部[524]。(他追逐自己的屁股。)唏噼!啵啵!(他停下脚步,打喷嚏。)哈哧!(他咬住自己的屁股,晃悠着。)噗噜噜!
(龇牙咧嘴,冒出恶魔般的黑光,歪扭着脸,朝前伸着骨瘦如柴的脖子。他仰起妖精[526] 般的鼻子眼,怒吼。)可恶的基督教徒们![527] 他有个父亲,四十个父亲[528] 。他从来也没存在过。猪神!他长着两只左脚[529] 。他是犹大·伊阿其阿[530] ,一个利比亚的宦官,教皇的私生子。(他身倚扭曲了的前爪,僵硬地弯着臂,扁平的骷髅脖颈上端是一双神色痛苦的眼睛,朝沉默的世界叫喊。)婊子的儿子。《启示录》。
玛丽·肖特尔被蓝帽[531] 吉米·皮金传染上了梅毒,住进了花柳病医院。她还跟那家伙生了个娃娃,连奶都不会咽。因惊风在被窝里憋死了。我们大家捐钱,给办的葬事。
(快活地)是由于神圣的鸽子,菲利普[533] 。
(笑)令人高兴的是,梅奇尼科夫[534] 在类人猴身上接了种。
三位聪明的处女[535] 。
(因疟疾犯了打起冷颤,喷出大量的淡黄色鱼卵。他那皮包骨的患癫痫的嘴唇上冒着泡。)她贩卖春药、白蜡、香橙花。一个名叫“豹”的罗马百人队长[536]用自己的生殖器把她玷污了。(他手按在胯间,伸出闪烁着光的蝎子般的舌头。)救世主啊!他弄破了她的膜[537] 。(他叽叽喳喳地发出狒狒的叫声,玩世不恭地抽搐着,扭动着屁股。)嘻咳!嘿咳!哈咳!嗬咳!呼咳!喀咳!咕咳!
(极度热情地)大本钟!本,我的心肝儿[538] !
(亨利·弗罗尔用随身携带的梳子迅速地梳理口髭和胡于,并蘸着唾沫抹平头发。他用长剑掌舵,疾步向门口走去,背后挎着荒腔走调的竖琴。[541] 维拉格翘起尾巴,像踩高跷般笨拙地跳了两下,来到门边。他熟练地在墙上斜贴了一张黄脓液色的传单,用头顶着按紧。)
吉·11。禁止招贴。严加保密。亨利·弗兰克斯大夫:[542] 。
(侧过头来对佐伊说)你大概会更喜欢创立了新教异端邪说的那个好斗的牧师[544] 吧。但是要当心犬儒学派的安提西尼[545]和异教祖师爷阿里乌的最后下场。在厕所里所受的死的痛苦。[546]
犯了大罪[547] 。不守清规的修士们[548] 。
竟把内莉·弗莱厄蒂的爱鸭屠宰[550] 。
(咀嚼着)在义卖会[ 552] 上跟我在一道的那位工程师有好吃的巧克力。里面满是高级甜露酒。总督也带着夫人去啦[553] 。我们骑上托夫特的旋转木马,好开心哪。至今我还发晕呢。
(身穿斯文加利[ 554] 式的皮大衣,交抱双肘,前额上垂着拿破仑式鬈发。他双眉紧皱,念着腹语术的驱邪咒文,用老鹰般锐利的目光凝视着门。然后僵直地迈出左脚,右臂顺着左肩滑下来,用咄咄逼人的指头在空中迅速地一划,做了老练的师傅[555] 的暗号。)不管你是谁,我借着法术命令你:走,走,走!
(接巧克力)是春药吗?艾菊与薄荷。可这是我买的呀。香子兰是镇静剂呢,还是?能够增进记忆。光线混乱,连记忆都混乱了。红色对狼疮有效。[ 556] 颜色能够左右女人的性格,倘若她们有性格的话。这黑色使我难过。为了明天,吃喝玩乐吧。[557](他吃起来。)淡紫色也对口味产生影响。可已经过了那么久啦,自从我。所以觉得那么新鲜。春。那个教士。准会来的。晚来总比不来强。我在安德鲁斯试试块菌吧。[558]
(起先迅速地,接着又缓慢地挥动[560] 。)喔,结过婚的。
(被吓退)精力充沛的女人。我非常渴望受你的统治。我已精疲力竭,心灰意懒,不再年轻了。我像是手持一封尚未投递的信函,上面按规章贴着特别的邮资[563], 站在人生这所邮政总局所设的迟投函件邮筒前。按照物体坠落的规律,门窗开成直角形便导致每秒钟三十二英尺的穿堂风。这会儿我感到左臀肌的坐骨神经痛。这是我们这个家族的遗传。可怜亲爱的爸爸,一个鳏夫,每逢犯病就能预知天气的变化。他相信动物能保暖。冬天他穿的背心是用斑猫皮做里子的。快死的时候,他想起大卫王和舒念的故事[564],就跟阿索斯睡在一起。他去世后,这条狗也一直忠于他。狗的唾沫,你大概[565] ……(他退缩)啊!
(挟着沉重的文件包,从门口经过)弄假成真。在都柏林说得上是最实惠的。足可以招待一位王爷。[566] 肝和腰子。
(既有意,又忸怩)我会打地道的黑花结。是在凯利特的店[567] 里当伙计,管发送邮购货物的时候学的。熟练着呢。每个结子都各有各的名堂。我来吧。算是尽一片心意。今天我已经跪过一回啦。啊!
(温柔地咕哝着)我年轻时候做的一个心爱的梦,就是在曼菲尔德[568]当上一名替人试鞋的伙计。克莱德街[ 569] 的太太们那缎子衬里的考究的小山羊皮靴简直小得出奇,令人难以置信。我为那靴子扣上钮扣,把带子十字交叉地一直系到齐膝盖,那就别提有多么快活啦。我甚至曾每天去参观雷蒙德的蜡人,欣赏妇人脚上穿的那种巴黎式蛛网状长筒袜和大黄茎般光滑的脚趾尖。
你要是弄不好,可就汉迪·安迪[570] ,我朝你的要害处踢上一脚。
(像怪物小王[571]那样恶狠狠地瞪着他,然后用男中音[572] 说)不要脸的狗!
(狂暴地)笛子吹奏起来的当儿,我要让你像努比亚奴隶[573] 似的,把套鼻圈、用老虎钳来夹、打脚掌、吊钩、鞭打的滋味,全都尝个够。这回可叫你赶上啦。我得让你至死也忘不了我。(他额上暴起青筋,脸上充血。)每天早晨我先进一顿包括马特森[574] 的煎肥火腿片和一瓶吉尼斯黑啤酒的讲究的早餐,接着就跨在你的背上,只当那是铺了绒垫的鞍子。(他打个嗝。)然后,我一边读《特许饮食业报》[575],一边吸着证券交易所的高级雪茄烟。我很可能会叫人在我的马房里把你宰掉,把你的肉用扦子串起来,涂上油,放在马口铁罐里,烤得像乳猪似的又松又脆;配上米饭、柠檬或蘸着醋栗酱,津津有味地吃它一片。够你受的吧。
(咕哝一声,一屁股坐在布卢姆那仰着的脸上,一口口猛喷着雪茄烟,揉着胖胖的小腿。)我晓得基廷·克莱被选作里奇蒙精神病院[576]副院长啦。顺便说一句,吉尼斯的特惠股份是十六镑四分之三[577]。我真是个笨蛋,竟没把克雷格和加德纳[578] 同我谈起的那一股买下来。真是倒楣透顶,他们的。可是那匹该死的没有希望赢的“丢掉”[579],居然以二十博一获胜了。(他气冲冲地在布卢姆的耳朵上掐灭雪茄烟。)那只该死的混帐烟灰缸哪儿去啦?
(站起来)别这么三心二意的。你所梦寐以求的,终于实现啦。从此,你不再是男人,却真正属于我了,并被套上了轭。[582] 这会儿穿上你的惩戒服吧。你得脱掉你那男人衣服,明白吗,鲁碧·科恩?你要穿上这身闪光绸,头上和肩上都窸窣作响,雍容华贵。而且马上就换!
(指着他那帮妓女)看到她们现在的样子了吧,你也将跟她们一样。[583] 戴上假发,用火剪卷边,洒香水,擦香粉,腋窝剃得光光溜溜的。用卷尺贴身替你量尺寸。你将被狠狠地塞进胸部有着鲸骨架、活像老虎钳子的淡红灰色斜纹帆布紧身衣里,带子一直勒到尽头——装饰着钻石的骨盆那儿。你的身材比放任自流的时候要来得丰满,将把它束缚在网眼的紧身衣里,另外还有那二英两重的漂亮衬裙和流苏什么的,上面当然都标着我家的徽记。为艾丽斯做的漂亮亚麻布衬衣,和为她准备的上等香水。艾丽斯会伸手去摸摸吊袜带。玛莎和玛丽亚[584]腿上穿得那么薄,起先会觉得有儿凉。可你那光着的膝盖周围一旦用薄丝带镶起褶边,就会使你想到……
(大笑)伟大的基督,这简直太逗啦!你把后门的毛剃干净,盖上那玩艺儿,晕倒在床上的时候,可真成了美人儿米莉亚姆啦。活像是即将被下面这些人强奸的丹德拉德太大。他们是:斯迈思- 斯迈思陆军中尉、下院议员菲利普·奥古斯塔斯·布洛克维尔先生、健壮的男高音拉西·达列莫[587]先生、开电梯的蓝眼睛伯特、因获得戈登·贝纳特奖杯[588]而扬名的亨利·弗勒里、曾在三一学院的大学代表队做过滑艇第八号选手的黑白混血大富豪谢里登、她那只漂亮的纽芬兰狗庞托,以及马诺汉密尔顿[589]公爵遗孀鲍勃斯。(他又大笑一阵。)哎呀,连暹罗猫都给招笑了。

(她活动着双手和五官。)当我念高中的时候,曾在《颠倒》[590]这出戏里扮演过女角。那回,杰拉尔德[591] 使我真正变成一个胸衣爱好者,对,就是亲爱的杰拉尔德。他对姐妹的紧身褡着了迷,养成了这么个怪毛病。如今可爱的杰拉尔德擦粉红色的油彩,还把眼睑涂成金色的。这是对美的崇拜。
(严厉地)不许顶嘴!角落里为你准备好锯末了。我不是严格地指示过你吗?站着干,老兄!我要教你像个骗子那样干!你敢在襁褓上留点污痕试试。哎嘿!凭着多兰的驴[592] 发誓,你会发现我是个纪律严明的人。你过去的罪恶会起来声讨你。很多。好几百桩。
(声音混杂中)他在黑教堂[ 593] 的阴影中,至少跟一个女人偷偷举行了婚礼。他一边对公共电话阁子的电话机做猥亵的举动,一边在精神上给居住在多利尔某号的邓恩小姐[594] 打电话,说些不堪入耳的话。他还公然用言语和行动来怂恿暗娼把粪便和其他污物丢到空房旁边龌龊的厕所里。在五个公共厕所里,他都用铅笔写道,愿为一切身体强壮之男子提供本人的妻子。难道他不曾每夜在发散异臭的硫酸工厂[ 595] 附近,从一对对热恋着的情侣身边走过,想碰碰运气,巴不得多少能看到点儿什么吗?难道这头肥公猪不曾躺在床上,用姜汁饼和邮政汇票来鼓励一个讨厌的妓女,让她提供用过好多遍令人作呕的草纸,并躺在床上馋涎欲滴地盯视它吗?
一张张沉默、冷酷的脸拥过来,有的斜眼瞅着,有的在逐渐消失,有的在嘲笑着。波尔迪·德·科克[596] ,靴子带儿一便士[597] ,卡西迪的老妪[598] ,盲青年[599] ,拉里·莱诺塞罗斯[600],姑娘,妇女,娼妓,另外还有……)
不要问我!咱们共同的信仰。[601] 普莱曾茨街。我只转了一半念头……我凭着神圣的誓约保证……
你得为我们叠被铺床,替我准备澡水,倒各间房里的尿罐,包括老厨娘基奥那只沙色的。对,你还得记住把七只尿罐都好好涮一遍,或当作香槟酒那样舔个干净。把我撒的尿趁热喝下去。你得麻麻利利、低三下四地伺候着,不然的话,我就训斥你不懂规矩。鲁碧[602]小姐,我要用头发刷子狠狠地揍你的光屁股。这样,你就会懂得怎样循规蹈矩了。晚上,你那双擦足了雪花膏、套上镯子的手,还得戴上一副有着四十三个钮扣、刚涂过滑石粉的手套,指尖上考究地洒了香水。为了能得到这些好处,从前的骑士不惜献出生命。(他咯咯笑着。)我手下那些小伙子看到你这副贵妇人的风度一定会神魂颠倒,尤其是那位上校,当他们在婚礼前夕来这儿爱抚我这个靴子后跟镀了金的新招牌姑娘的时候。首先,我得亲自试试你。我在赛马场上结识的查尔斯·艾伯塔·马什——我刚刚跟他睡过觉。还有一位文件筐与小包保管科[603] 的先生,正在物色一个百依百顺的女仆。挺起胸脯来。笑一笑。垂下肩去。肯出多少钱?(指着)现货就在这里。经过雇主的训练,能嘴里叼着水桶,搬呀运呀。(他挽起袖管,将前臂整个儿伸进布卢姆的阴户。)够深的吧!怎样,小伙子们?见了这,你们还能不挺起来吗?(他把胳膊伸到一个竞买者脸前。)喏,搞吧,挨着个儿地来!
(狄龙[604] 的伙计摇着手铃。)
(放低嗓门)拍卖结果归哈利发了。哈伦·拉施德[607] 。
(兴高采烈地)好吧。让他们统统都来吧。窄小而毫无顾忌,只及膝盖的短裙,裙裾掀起,露出一抹白色宽松裤子,乃是强有力的武器。还有那透明的长袜,笔直的长长的棱线直伸到膝盖上端,再系上鲜绿色袜带,很投合城里玩厌了的人那种想别开生面的本能。要学会穿路易十五式后跟足有四英寸高的鞋,[608] 走路时忸忸怩怩,装腔作势。还得会行希腊式的屈膝礼,挑逗地撅起屁股,大腿丰腴匀称,双膝端庄地并着。朝他们发挥出你的全部魅力吧。勾引他们去沉溺在蛾摩拉的恶习中[609] 。
像你这么个阳萎的家伙,除此而外还能做什么?(他弯下身去,边盯视边用扇子粗暴地戳布卢姆臀部那脂肪很厚的褶皱下面。)起来!起来!曼克斯猫[610] !这是怎么啦?你那卷毛的茶壶哪儿去啦?要么就是什么人把它铰掉了吗,你这鸟儿?唱吧,鸟儿,唱呀。软搭拉的,就跟在马车后面撒尿的六岁娃娃那物儿一样。买只桶或卖掉水泵。(大声)你起得了男人的作用吗?
会把我逼疯的!摩尔[611] !我忘记了!饶恕我吧!摩尔……我们……还……
(冷酷无情地)不行,利奥波德·布卢姆。自从你趴在睡谷里,在睡眠中度过长达二十年的夜晚[ 612] ,一切都按女人的意志改变了。回去瞧瞧吧。
(米莉·布卢姆,一头金发,身着绿衫,足蹬细长的凉鞋[613] ,听任蓝色头巾被海风吹拂得翻卷,甩开情人的双臂,惊奇地睁大眼睛叫着。)
变啦,对吧?咱们的什锦柜,咱们那张从没在上边写过字的书桌,姨姥姥哈格蒂的扶手椅,是按古代大师的作品仿制的。一个男人和他的男友们在那儿养尊处优。王八窝[614] 。这也好嘛。你有过多少女人,呃,在黑咕隆咚的街上拖着脚步走,跟在她们后面,瓮声瓮气地咕哝着,使她们兴奋起来。怎样啊,你这男妓?跟踪那些捧着一包包食品杂货的规规矩矩的太太。向后转吧。我的公鹅啊,你和母鹅是半斤八两。[615]
(尖酸刻薄地)我们的鞋后跟将踩着你从雷恩[616] 拍卖行买的那条仿制的布鲁塞尔地毯。他们跟顽皮的莫尔胡闹一气,捉她裤子里的雄跳蚤,把你为艺术而艺术冒雨抱回家的那座小小雕像[617] 一下子砸个粉碎。他们把你收藏在尽底下那只抽屉里的秘密全暴露出来。他们将把你那本天文学手册扯碎,搓成擦烟斗用的纸捻儿。他们还往你从汉普顿·利德姆[618] 那家店里花十先令买来的黄铜炉档里啐唾沫。
是作为一名房客,还是一个男妾呢?太迟啦[620] 。你既然做了那张次好的床[621],其他人就得睡在上面。你的墓志铭[622] 已经写好了。老家伙,可不要忘记,你已经完蛋了,被逐出去啦。
(布卢姆丧魂落魄,紧紧地蒙起眼睛,脸伏在地上哽咽着,等待着当牺牲品。这时,传来丧钟声。行过割礼者披着黑围巾的身姿,着麻蒙灰,伫立在饮位墙[624] 旁。M·舒勒莫雏茨、约瑟夫·戈德华特、摩西·赫佐格、哈里斯·罗森堡、M·莫伊塞尔、J.西特伦、明尼·沃赤曼、P·马斯添斯基,以及领唱者利奥波德。阿布拉莫维茨导师[625] 。他们摇着手臂,呼唤着圣灵,为哀悼叛教者布卢姆之死而恸哭。)
(从寡妇殉夫自焚的柴堆里,升起橡胶樟脑的火焰。香烟像棺衣一般遮住周围,逐渐消散。一位宁芙[628] 从栎木镜框里走了出来。她披散着头发,身上轻飘飘地穿着人工着色的茶褐色衣服,钻出她的洞穴,从枝叶交错的几棵紫杉下经过,站在布卢姆旁边。)
凡人!你在一堆歹徒当中找到了我。跳大腿舞的,沿街叫卖水果蔬菜的小贩,拳师,得人心的将军。穿肉色紧身衣、道德败坏的哑剧演员,在本世纪最叫座儿的歌舞节目《曙光女神和卡利尼》中跳希米舞[629] 的俏皮漂亮的舞女。我藏在散发着石油味的粉红色廉价纸页当中。周围是俱乐部的男人们那些老掉牙的猥亵之谈,扰乱乳臭未干的小青年心情的话语,以及各种广告:透明装饰图片,按照几何图形制造的骰子,护胸,专利品,经疝气患者试用证明合格的疝带。有益于已婚者的须知。
噗啦呋咔[631] ,噗啦呋咔。
(鸡胸,瓶状肩膀,身穿不三不四的黑灰条纹相间、尺寸太小的童装,脚蹬白网球鞋,滚边的翻筒长袜,头上是一顶带着徽章的红色学生帽。)我当时才十几岁,是个正在发育的男孩儿。看什么都有趣儿。颠簸的车啦,妇人衣帽间和厕所混淆在一起的气味啦,密密匝匝地拥塞在古老的皇家剧场[633] 楼梯上的人群啦。因为他们喜欢你拥我挤,这是群体的本能,而且散发出淫荡气味的黑洞洞的剧场更使邪恶猖獗起来。我甚至喜欢看袜子的价目表。还有那股暑气。那个夏季,太阳上出现了黑点。学期结束。还有浸了葡萄酒的醉饼。多么宁静幸福的日子啊。
(宁静幸福的日子:高中男生穿着蓝白相间的足球运动衫和短裤。唐纳德·特恩布尔、亚伯拉罕·查特顿、欧文·戈德堡、杰克·梅雷迪思和珀西·阿普约翰[634] 站在林间空地上,朝着少年利奥波德·布卢姆喊叫。)
我曾经是个早熟的孩子。青春时期,法乌娜[637] 。我向森林之神献了祭。春季开的花儿[638] 。那是交尾的季节。毛细管引力是自然现象。我用可怜的爸爸那架小望远镜,从没拉严的窗帘缝儿偷看了亚麻色头发的洛蒂·克拉克在化晚妆。那个轻浮丫头吃起草来可野啦。在里亚托桥[639] ,她滚下山去,用她那旺盛的血气来勾引我。她爬上了弯弯曲曲的树,而我呢。连个圣徒也抑制不住自己。恶魔附在我身上啦。而且,谁也不曾看见呀。
(一头打着趔趄的无角白色小牛崽[640] 从叶丛间伸出头来。它蠕动着嘴,鼻孔湿漉漉的。)
(在高高的霍斯山顶儿上,一只大奶、短尾母山羊缓步走在杜鹃花丛中,醋栗一路坠落着。[641] )
(鸣叫)咩 、咩、咩、咩!呐喃呐呢!
(无帽,涨红着脸,浑身沾满蓟冠毛和荆豆刺)正式订了婚。境遇迁,情况变[642] 。(目不转睛地俯视水面)每秒三十二英尺,[643] 倒栽葱跌下去。印刷品的恶梦。发晕的以利亚。[644] 从断崖上坠落。政府印刷公司职员[645] 的悲惨下场。
(远远地在海湾的水面上,爱琳王号[646] 从贝利灯塔与基什灯塔之间穿行。烟囱吐出羽毛状煤烟,扩散开来,朝岸边飘浮。)
(高傲地)我们这些神明,正如你今天所瞧见的那样,身上没有那个部位,也没长着毛。[648] 我们像石头一样冰凉而纯洁。我们吃电光。(她把身子淫荡地弯成弓形,咬着食指。)你对我说话来着吧。声音是从背后传来的,你怎么竟能这样……?
(沮丧地用脚踢着石南丛)哎,我真是地地道道的一头猪猡。我甚至还灌了肠。从苦树采下的苦味液三分之一品脱,兑上一汤匙岩盐。插进肛门。用的是妇女之友牌汉密尔顿·朗[ 649] 的灌肠器。
(垂头丧气)对。我犯了罪![650] 我已经向不再这么叫的后背那个部位——一座活生生的祭坛致了敬。(突然以热切的口吻)为什么那双馥郁秀丽、珠光宝气的手,支配……的手[ 651] ?
(百鸟首领,披戴着饰以蓝竖纹羽毛的全副甲胄,手执标熗,踩着山毛榉果和橡子,大踏步穿过僻僻啪啪响的藤丛。)好热啊!好热!可得提防着坐牛[652] !
(双目失明,身穿修女的白袍,包着两边张出翼状大折裥的头巾,望着远处,安详地)特兰奎拉女修道院。阿加塔修女。迦密山。[653] 诺克和卢尔德的显圣。[654] 没有了欲望。(她垂下头去叹气。)只剩下苍穹的灵气了。梦幻一般浓郁的海鸥,在沉滞的水上飞翔。[655]
(库姆[656] 的两个婊子身披围巾,淋着雨,边跳着舞过去,边用呆板的音调嚷着。)
(冷漠地)你们把符咒给破了。这可是最后一根稻草[657] 啊。倘若只有天上的灵气,该把你们这些圣职申请者和见习修女往哪儿摆呢?羞涩而心甘情愿,就像一头撒尿的驴。
宁芙[ 658]
这简直是亵渎神明!竟敢试图破坏我的贞操!(她的衣服上出现一大片湿渡渡的污痕。)玷污我的清白!你不配摸一位纯洁女子的衣服。(她重新把衣服拢紧。)且慢。魔鬼,不许你再唱情歌。啊们。啊们。啊们。啊们。(她拔出短剑,披着从九名中选拔出来的骑士[ 659] 的锁子甲,朝布卢姆的腰部扎去。)你这个孽障!


等级: 内阁元老
举报 只看该作者 39楼  发表于: 2012-12-24 0


通向红灯区的马博特街口。路面未铺卵石,骨骼般的电车岔道伸向远方,沿线是像鬼火似的红绿信号灯和危险信号机。一排排简陋的房屋半敞着门。偶有灯火朦朦胧胧地映出彩虹般的扇形光环。一群矮小的男男女女围着停在这里的拉白奥蒂的平底船型冰淇淋车[1] ,争争吵吵。他们抓取夹有煤炭色[2]和紫铜色冰淇淋的薄脆饼。这些孩子们边嘬着,边缓缓地散去。平底车高高抬起鸡冠形天鹅头,穿过灯台下的黑暗前进,依稀浮现出蓝白两色。回荡着口哨的相互呼应声。)
我运气好着呢。卡文、库特黑尔和贝尔士尔贝特[6] 。(唱)
(晃动手指)给牧师[7] 让路。
黄色哲学的言语宗教学。梅克伦堡街[ 9] 的形而上学!
(河雾宛若一条条的蛇一般徐徐蠕动过来。从阴沟、裂缝、污水坑和粪堆,向四面八方发散出污浊的臭气。南面,在朝海洋流去的河水那边,有红光跳跃着。壮工拨开人群,朝着电车轨道侧线趔趔趄趄地走去。远处,布卢姆出现在铁桥下的彼端,面庞涨得通红,气喘吁吁,正往侧兜里塞面包和巧克力。隔着吉伦理发店的窗户可以瞥见一帧综合照片[ 16] ,映出纳尔逊的潇洒英姿。映在旁边那凹面镜里的是害着相思病、憔悴不堪、阴郁忧伤的布——卢——姆。严峻的格拉顿从正面逼视着他——身为布卢姆的布卢姆。骠悍的威灵顿瞪着双目,吓得他赶紧走过去,然而映在凸面镜里那小猪眼睛肥下巴胖脸蛋儿、快快活活的波尔迪,逗乐的笨蛋,笑嘻嘻的,却丝毫也没让他受惊。
是北极光[17],还是炼钢厂?啊,当然是消防队喽。不管怎样,是南边。好大一片火焰。说不定是他[18]的房子哩。贝格尔灌木[ 19] 。我们家不要紧。(他愉快地哼唱。)伦敦着火啦,伦敦着火啦![ 20] 着火啦;着火啦!(他瞥见壮工在塔尔博街另一头拨开人群穿行。)我会跟他失散的。跑!快点儿。不如从这儿穿过去。
(惶恐地)大概是的,父亲。莫森索尔[ 29] 。这就是他的下场。
弹奏那把古老的五弦琴[50 ] 。
(头戴缀有琥珀色半月的紫色拿破仑帽,慢慢地把手指放到她那柔软、湿润、丰腴的手心里。她顺从地任听他摆布。)那是一夜之中最阴森的时候[56] 。我小心翼翼地从这只手里慢慢儿挑出一根刺。(将一枚红玉戒指轻轻地套到她的手指上,并温存他说)手拉着手[57]。
(身穿染成月白色的连衣裙式晚礼服,额上戴着一顶华丽灿烂的仙女冠,跳舞卡片落在月白色缎子拖鞋旁边。她温柔地弯起手掌。急促地喘着气。)我要,又[58] ……你发烧哪!你都烫伤啦!左手最挨近心脏啦。
(里奇·古尔丁用饰针在头上别了三顶女帽,腋下夹着考立斯- 沃德律师事务所的公文包,上面用白灰涂着一副骷髅与交叉的大腿骨。公文包太重,使他的身子往一边坠。打开一看,满是半熟的干香肠,熏曹白鱼、芬顿[63] 黑线鳕和裹得严严实实的药丸。)
迎来祖国的解放。[ 73]
简直就像是在追“野鹅”。[74]乌七八糟的妓院。天晓得他们到哪儿去了。醉汉跑起来要快上一倍。一场热闹的混战。先在韦斯特兰横街车站吵了一通,然后又拿着三等车票跳进头等车厢。一下子被拉得老远。火车头是装在列车后头的。有可能把我拉到马拉海德,要么就在侧线过夜,要么就是两趟列车相撞。都是喝第二遍喝醉的。一遍其实正好。我跟在他后面干什么?不论怎样,他是那帮人当中最像个样儿的。要不是听说了博福伊·普里福伊太太的事儿,我决不会去,那么也就遇不上他了。这都是命中注定的。他会丢失那笔钱的。这里是济贫所[75]。沿街叫卖的小贩和放高利贷的倒是有好生意可做啦。你缺点儿啥?来得容易,去得也快。有一次,几乎给司机开的那辆当啷啷响的锃亮有轨电动讫里什那神像车[76] 轱辘压了。要不是我头脑镇定,早就把命送掉了。不过,并非每一次都能幸免。那天倘若我迟两分钟走过特鲁洛克的窗户,就会给熗杀的。亏得我没在那儿。然而,要是子弹仅仅穿透了我的上衣,我倒是能为了受惊而索取五百英镑的赔偿费哩。他是干什么的来着?基尔代尔街俱乐部的花花公子。替他看守猎场也够不容易的。
布卢姆。布卢姆的。为布卢姆。布卢姆。[ 82]
(从胸兜里掏出一朵揉皱了的黄花)这就是关键性的那朵花。是一个我连姓名都不晓得的人给我的。(花言巧语地)你知道《卡斯蒂利亚的玫瑰》那个古老的笑话吧。布卢姆。把姓名改改呗。维拉格[93]。(他熟头熟脑他说起贴心话来。)您啊,警官先生,我们是订了婚的。这档子事儿涉及一个女人。爱情纠纷嘛。(他轻轻地拍着巡警乙的肩膀。)真讨厌。我们这些海军里的英俊小 伙子,总是碰上这种事儿。都是这身军服惹出的麻烦。(他一本正经地转向巡警甲。)不过,当然喽,有时也会一败涂地。哪天晚上顺路过来坐坐,咱们喝上一杯陈年的老勃艮第酒吧。(快活地对巡警乙)我来介绍一下,警官先生。她劲头可足啦。不费吹灰之力就能搞到手。
(惊愕,戴上帽子,向后退一步。然后,抓挠胸口,将右臂伸成直角形,做共济会会员的手势和正当防卫的架势。)哪里的话,可敬的师傅[96],这是个轻佻的女人。她认错人啦。里昂邮件。莱苏尔柯和杜博斯[ 97] 。您该还记得蔡尔兹杀兄案[98]吧。我们是医生。控告我用小斧子把他砍死了,实在是冤枉啊。宁可让一个犯人逃脱法网,也不能错判九十九个无辜者有罪。[99]
(蒙着面纱啜泣)他毁弃了誓约。我的真名实姓是佩吉·格里芬。他给我写信说,他很不幸。你这没心肝的专门玩弄女人的家伙,我要告诉我哥哥,他可是贝克蒂夫橄榄球队[100] 的后卫哩。
(转向旁听席)各位,属于举世闻名的都柏林近卫连队,那是社会中坚[103] 啊。我好像瞧见你们当中就有几位他的老战友哩。都柏林近卫步兵连队与首都警察署一道保卫咱们的家园,也是忠于国王陛下的最骁勇精壮的小伙子们。
(一只手扶着巡警甲的肩膀)我老爹也曾当过治安推事。我跟你们一样,也是个忠诚的英国人。正如当时的电讯所报道的那样,为了国王与祖国,我也曾在公园里那位郭富将军麾下,在那场令人心神恍惚的战争中服过役,[105] 转战于斯皮昂·科帕和布隆方丹,受了伤。[106] 战报里还提到过我。凡是白人所能做的,我全做到了。(安洋地,带着感情)吉姆·布卢德索。把船鼻子转向岸边[107]。
(他颈部那公鸡般的垂肉晃来晃去。)喂,七七八四。喂,这里是《自由人尿壶》和《擦臀周刊》。[108] 会使欧洲大吃一惊。[109] 你是哪儿?哦,《蓝袋》[110]吗?由谁执笔?布卢姆吗:
(慢腾腾地)不,你不是那样的人。无论怎么看,我也决不认为你是那样的人。一个人只要生来就是个绅士,只要具有绅士那种最起码的素质,就决不会堕落到干下如此令人深恶痛绝的勾当。审判长阁下,他就是那帮人当中的一个。是个剽窃者。戴着文人[112] 面具的油滑而卑怯的家伙。显而易见,他以天生的卑鄙,抄袭了我的几部畅销书。都是些真正了不起的作品,完美的珠玉之作。毫无疑问,他剽窃了其中描绘恋爱的段落。审判长阁下,对以爱情和财富为主题的《博福伊作品集》,您想必是熟悉的,它在王国内也是家喻户晓的。
(羞愧畏缩,低声咕哝)我对那段关于大笑着的魔女手拉着手[113] 的描写有异议,如果我可以……
(撇着嘴,目空一切地朝整个法庭狞笑着)你这可笑的笨驴,你呀!简直卑鄙得让人无法形容了!我认为你最好不这么过度地替自己开脱。我的出版代理人J.B. 平克尔[114] 也在座。审判长阁下,我相信会照例付给我们证人出庭费吧?这个讨厌的报人几乎使我们囊空如洗了,这个里姆斯的贼寒鸦[ 115] 连大学都没上过。
(轻蔑地)我更尊重的是擦地的毛刷[118] ,正是这样。审判长老爷,我责备他了。他对我说,可别张扬出去。
(法庭书记。嗓音洪亮地宣布)肃静!现在由被告做他编造的供词。(布卢姆申辩自己无罪。他手持一朵盛开的睡莲花,开始,一场冗长而难以理解的发言。人们将会听取辩护人下面这段对大陪审团所作激动人心的陈说:被告落魄潦倒,尽管被打上害群之马的烙印,他却有决心改邪归正,全然温顺地缅怀过去,作为养得很驯顺的动物回归大自然。他曾经是个七个月就出生的早产儿,由多病并断了弦的老父精心抚养大的。他本人是可能几次误入歧途的父亲,可他渴望翻开新的一页。如今终于面对被绑上去受鞭挞的笞柱,就巴不得周围弥漫着家族的温暖气息,在团聚中度过晚年。他已经被环境熏陶成了英国人。那个夏天的傍晚,当雨住了的时候,他站在环行线铁道公司机丰驾驶室的踏板上,隔着都柏林市内和郊区那些恩爱之家的窗户,瞥见幸福的、地地道道牧歌式的乡间生活,墙上糊的是由多克雷尔[120] 店里买来的每打一先令九便士的墙纸。这里,在英国出生的天真烂漫的娃娃们,口齿不清地对圣婴作着祷告;年轻学子们拼死拼活地用着功;模范的淑女们弹着钢琴,或围着噼噼啪啪燃烧着的那截圣诞夜圆木,阖家念诵玫瑰经。同时,姑娘们和小伙子们沿着绿荫幽径徜徉;随着他们的步调,传来了美国式簧风琴的旋律,音质听来像煞管风琴,用不列颠合金[121] 镶边,有四个挺好使的音栓和十二褶层风箱,售价低廉,最便宜的货色……)
(在记者席上咳嗽一声,大声嚷)统统咳出来,伙计,一点一点地。(关于布卢姆和那只桶的盘讯。一只大桶。布卢姆本人。拉肚子。在比弗街。肠绞痛,对。疼得厉害。泥水匠的桶[ 122] 。)两腿发僵,拖着脚步走。忍受难以形容的痛苦。疼得要命。接近晌午的时候。要么是情欲,要么是勃艮第葡萄酒。对,一点儿菠菜。关键时刻。他不曾往桶里看。无人在场。一团糟。没有拉完。一份过期的《珍闻》[123]。
(头戴高级律师的银色假发,身着呢绒长袍,用悲痛的抗议口吻。)本庭并非可以肆意发表猥亵轻率的演说,不惜伤害一个酒后犯罪者的场所。这里既不是斗熊场,也不是可以从事恶作剧的牛津。[124]不能在法庭上表演滑稽戏。我的辩护委托人尚未成年,一个来自外国的可怜的移民。他开头是个偷渡客,如今正竭力靠规规矩矩地工作挣点钱。被诬告的那些不轨行为是幻觉引起偶发的遗传性神经错乱导致的。本案中被控所犯的亲昵举动,在我这位辩护委托人的出生地法老[ 125] 之国,是完全被容许的。我要说的是,据初次印象[126]并没有肉欲的企图。既没发生暧昧关系,而德里斯科尔所指控的对她的调戏,也并没有重犯。我要特别提出隔代遗传的问题。我这位辩护委托人的家族中有着精神彻底崩溃与梦游症的病史。倘若允许被告陈述的话,他就可以诉说一桩事[127]——那是书里所曾叙述过的最奇妙的故事之一。审判长阁下,他在肉体方面是个废人,这是补鞋匠通常患的那种肺病造成的。据他所申诉的,他属于蒙古血统,对自己的行为不负任何责任。事实上,什么问题都不存在。
(愤怒地对起哄者)这是一场匹马单熗的斗争。我对冥王哈得斯发誓,绝不能允许我的辩护委托人像这样被一帮野狗和大笑着的鬣狗所玩弄,而且还不准他发言。《摩西法典》[128] 已经取代了丛林法令。我绝不想损害司法的目的,然而这一点我必须反复强调指出:被告不是事先参与预谋的从犯,而起诉人被玩弄的事实也不存在。被告一直把该年轻女子当作自己的女儿来对待。(布卢姆握住杰·杰·奥莫洛伊的手,把它举到自己的唇边。)我要举出反证,彻底证明那只看不见的手[129] 在玩弄惯用的伎俩了。要是还认为可疑,就尽管迫害布卢姆好了。我这位辩护委托人生性腼腆,决做不出那种被损害贞节者会抗议的非礼举动。当一个理应对姑娘的状况负责的懦夫,在她身上满足了自己的情欲,使她误入歧途之后,他是决不会去朝她扔石头的。他要做个循规蹈矩的人。他是我所认识的人们当中最高尚清白的一位。眼下他的境遇不佳,因为他那份移民垦殖公司的辽阔地产被抵押出去了,那是在遥远的小亚细亚。现在把幻灯片放给你们看。(对布卢姆)我建议你出手大方一些。
(墙上映出其尼烈湖的影象:朦朦胧胧一片银色的薄雾中,牛群在吃草。长着一双鼹鼠眼的白化病患者摩西·德鲁加茨[131] 从旁听席上站起来。他身穿印度粗蓝斜纹布褂子,双手各持着香橼、桔子和一副猪腰子。)
(杰·杰·奥莫洛伊迈上低矮的台座,一本正经地攥住上衣翻领。他的脸变得长而苍白,胡子拉碴,两眼深陷,像约翰·弗·泰勒[133] 那样出现了结核症的肿疱,颊骨上一片潮红。他用手绢捂着嘴,审视着迸溅出来的一股玫瑰色血液。)
(声音小得几乎听不见)请原谅。我浑身冷得厉害,新近才离开病床。扼要他说几句话。(他模仿那有着鸟一般的头、狐狸似的胡子和宛若大象的鼻子的西摩·布希[ 134] 的雄辩。)当天使的书被打开来的时候,萌生于沉思的胸中那颗净化了的灵魂和正在净化着的灵魂的化身,倘若还有存在下去的任何价值的话[135] ,我就要提出,请对这位刑事被告人所蒙受的嫌疑,给予神圣而有利的裁定。
(身着礼服)我可以提出最好的证人,就是卡伦和科尔曼[136] 二位先生、威兹德姆·希利·J.P。先生、我以前的上司乔·卡夫、前都柏林市长维·B·狄龙[137]先生。我和上流社会富于魅力的人士有交往……都柏林社交界的名媛们。(漫不经心地)今天下午我还在总督官邸的一个招待会上,跟老朋友天文台长罗伯特·鲍尔爵士和夫人聊天来着。我说:鲍勃[138] 爵士……
那尔弗顿·巴里[139] 夫人
(身穿开领低低的乳白色舞衫,戴一副长及臂肘的象牙色手套,罩着用黑貂皮镶边、薄薄地絮了棉花、拍出花纹的砖色披肩式外衣,头发上插着一把嵌着宝石的梳子和白鹭羽饰。)警察,逮捕他吧。当我丈夫参加芒斯特的巡回审判,前往蒂珀雷里[140] 北区的时候,他用反手给我写了一封字体蹩脚的匿名信,署名詹姆斯·洛夫伯奇[141] 。信里说,当我坐在皇家剧场包厢里观看《蚱蜢》的御前公演时,[142]他从楼座看见了我那举世无双的眼珠。他说,我使他的感情像烈火般高涨起来了。他向我作了非礼的表示,邀我下星期四在邓辛克[143] 标准时间下午四点半钟跟他幽会。他还表示要邮寄给我保罗·德·科克先生的一本小说,书名是《系了三条紧身褡的姑娘》。[144]
(头戴无边帽,身披仿海豹兔皮斗篷,领子一直围到鼻子上。她走下四轮轿式马车,从她那只袋鼠皮大手笼里掏出一副龟甲框带柄单眼镜。)他对我也曾这样说过。对,这准是那个行为不端的家伙。九三年二月间下雨夹雪的一天,冷得连污水管的铁格子和澡缸的浮球活栓都结了冰。在索恩利·斯托克爵士[145] 的住宅外面,他替我关上了马车门。随后,他在信里附了一朵火绒草,说是为了向我表示敬慕,特地从山丘上采来的。我请一位植物学专家给鉴定一下。原来是他从模范农场的催熟箱里偷来的本地所产马铃薯花。
(尖声喊叫)可别让贼跑啦!好哇,蓝胡子[146] !犹大佬摩[147] 万岁!
这家伙用种种笔迹给我写信,肉麻地恭维我是穿皮衣的维纳斯[148] ,说他深切地同情我那冻僵了的马车夫帕尔默,同时又表示羡慕帕尔默的帽子护耳、蓬蓬松松的羊皮外衣以及他能呆在我身边有多么幸运。也就是说,羡慕他身穿印有贝林厄姆家徽的号衣——黑色盾纹面上配以金线绣的雄鹿头。他肆无忌惮地夸奖我的脚尖,严严实实裹在丝袜子里的丰满的腿肚子,还热切地颂扬我那藏在昂贵花边里的另外一些宝贝,说这一切仿佛都历历在目。他怂恿我——还说他感到怂恿我乃是他一生的使命——尽早抓个机会玷污婚姻之床,犯淫乱之罪。
默雯·塔尔博伊贵妇人[ 149]
(身着骑马装,头戴圆顶硬礼帽,脚蹬长统靴——上面装有状似公鸡脚上的距那样的踢马刺;朱红色背心,戴着火熗手用的小鹿皮长手套一手套筒是编织成的。她撩起长长的裙据,不断地甩着猎鞭,抽打鞭子的滚边。)他对我也是这样。因为在凤凰公园的马球赛场上,他瞥见了我。那一次,全爱尔兰队和爱尔兰第二队[150] 举行对抗赛。当英尼斯基林的强手登内希上尉骑着他所宠爱的那匹短腿壮马森特,在最后一局中获胜的时候,我的眼睛发出了圣洁的光。这个平民唐璜[151]从一辆出租马车背后瞅见了我。他把一张淫秽的相片——就是天黑之后在巴黎的大马路上卖的那种——装在双层信封里寄给了我。对任何上流妇女来说,这都是不能容忍的。我至今还保留着哪。相片上是一位半裸的女士,纤弱美丽——他一本正经地告诉我,这是他的老婆,是实地拍的。她正在跟一个壮实的徒步斗牛士[ 152] ——显然是个坏蛋——偷偷干着那种事。他怂恿我也这么做,放荡一下,去跟驻军的军官们干不规矩的事。他央求我用说不出口的方式弄脏他那封信,惩罚他——其实他就欠挨一顿严厉的惩罚——容许他驮着我,把他当马骑,并且狠狠地鞭打他。
(咬牙切齿地摇晃着围巾和带柄单眼镜)亲爱的哈纳,让他尝尝滋味。给他块生姜[154] 。用九尾鞭把这杂种狗抽打个半死。把他阉割了。把他劈成八块儿。
(浑身发抖,缩作一团,卑躬屈膝地双手合十)噢,好冷啊!噢,我一个劲儿地打哆嗦!那是因为您美得像天仙似的。忘掉吧,宽恕吧。这都是天命[155] 啊。请饶恕我这一次。(他伸过另一边面颊。)
(浑身发抖,开始照她的话做)今天天气还挺暖和。(鬈发的戴维·斯蒂芬斯[156] 跟一群赤足报童一道走过去。〕
《圣心使者》[157] 和《电讯晚报》,附有圣帕特里克节日的增刊,上面刊登了都柏林所有那些王八们的地址。
咭咯甲咯。咭嘎唁嘎。咭咯甲咯。[ 158]
(雾做成的镶板急剧地向后滚去,陪审员席上突然出现了一张张的脸:戴大礼帽的首席陪审员马丁·坎宁翰、杰克·鲍尔、西蒙·迪达勒斯、汤姆·克南、内德·兰伯特、约翰·亨利·门顿、迈尔斯·克劳福德、利内翰、帕迪·伦纳德、大鼻子弗林、麦科伊以及一无名氏[159] 的毫无特征的脸。)
光着屁股骑裸马。按照年龄规定的负载重量。[160] 混蛋。他把她骗到了手。
这家伙是个嫌疑犯。另一个姑娘的辫子给铰掉了。[ 161] 通缉杀人犯杰克[162] 。
(都柏林市记录法官、弗雷德里克·福基纳爵士阁下,身穿灰白石色袍子,蓄着石像[163] 般的胡须,从法官席上站起来。他双臂捧着雨伞状的权杖。前额上直挺挺地长出一双摩西那样的公羊角。)
本法官将断然废止这种贩卖白奴的活动,以使都柏林免遭可憎的蠹虫之危害。真是令人发指!(他戴上黑帽子 164] 。)行政司法副长官先生,把站在被告席的这个家伙押下去,关进蒙乔伊监狱里,听候国王陛下的圣旨。然后把他绞死,要做到万无一失。愿天主大发慈悲,保佑你的灵魂。把他带走。
(一顶黑色头盖帽[165] 扣到布卢姆头上。行政司法副长官高个儿约翰·范宁出现了,他吸着一支刺鼻的亨利·克莱。[166] )
(高级理发师霍·朗博尔德[167] 穿着血红色紧身皮背心,系着揉皮工人的围裙,肩上扛着盘成一圈的绳子,爬上绞刑架。腰带上插着救生用具和一根满是钉子的大头棒。他使劲搓着那双因戴着金属制关节保护套而隆起的手。)
(用令人发惊的亲昵语气对记录法官说)陛下[168] ,敝人是绞刑吏哈利,默西河[169] 的凶神。每绞死一名,酬金五基尼。脖子不断不要钱。[170]
(乔治教堂的钟缓慢地响着,铁在黑暗中轰鸣着。[171] )
(绝望地)等一等。住手。这是一场骗局。发发善心。我瞧见了。清白无辜。姑娘给关在猴圈里。动物园。淫猥的黑猩猩。(上气不接下气地)骨盆。姑娘天真地羞红了脸,使我浑身瘫软。[172] (激动不已)我离开了那地方。(转向群众中的一个人,哀求地)海因斯,我能跟你说句话吗?你认得我。那三先令,你就留下吧。[173] 假若你还想多要一点的话……
布卢姆,我是帕狄·迪格纳穆的鬼魂。听着,听着,啊,听着[ 175] !
是转生[178] 。亡灵。
(公墓管理员约翰·奥康内尔[179] 那魁梧的身姿出现了。他手持一串系了黑纱的钥匙。站在他身边的是教诲师科菲神父[180],肚子鼓得像只癞蛤馍,歪脖儿,身穿白色法衣,头戴印花布夜帽,昏昏欲睡地拄着一根用罂粟编成的手杖。)
(打个呵欠,用阴郁的嗄声吟诵)呐咪内。雅各。尔饼干[181] 。啊们。
埋葬许可证死亡[ 184] 第八万五千号。第十七墓区。钥匙议院。[185] 第一0 一号地域。
(他沿着地下堆煤场的抛煤口像虫子一般慢慢地向前蠕动,系着褐衣的带子从卵石上拖过去,喳喳作响。一只胖墩墩的老鼠:[186] 爷爷趔趔趄趄地跟在后面。它长着一双蘑菇般的鸟龟爪子和灰色甲壳。从地底下传来迪格纳穆那闷哑的呻吟声:“迪格纳穆已死,并已入葬了。”汤姆·罗赤福特身穿深红色背心和马裤,头戴便帽,从他那有两根圆柱的机器里跳出来。)
(他死死地盯着检修口。)[187] 轮到我啦。跟我去卡洛。[188]
准是男人弹的。悲哀的曲子。教堂音乐哩。兴许就在这儿。(年轻妓女佐伊·希金斯[189] 身穿钉有三颗青铜钮扣的蔚蓝色宽松套衫,脖颈上系了一条长长的黑色天鹅绒细带。她点点头,轻盈飞快地跑下台阶,勾引他。)
不,她住八十一号。这里是科恩大大家。你走得越远,可能越倒媚。斯利珀斯莱珀老妈妈[191] 。(亲昵地)今儿晚上她自个儿在跟兽医搞着哪。他就是那个向她透露消息的人,告诉她哪些马会获胜,还接济她儿子在牛津读书。打了烊她照样接客。可是今天她并不走运。(觉得蹊跷地)你该不是他爹吧?
(哀切地)我只要跟可爱的羚羊亲热那么一回,我就永远也不会......(一群羚羊跳跳蹦蹦,在山上吃着草。附近有凡个湖泊。沿着湖畔是一溜杉树丛的黑色阴影。升起一股芳香,树脂发出生发剂般的浓郁气味。东方,蔚蓝的苍穹燃烧着,青铜色的鹰群划破天空,展翅飞去。下面横卧着女都[193] ,赤裸,白皙,纹丝不动,清凉,呈现着豪华气派。淡红色玫瑰丛中,喷泉淙淙响着。巨大的玫瑰咕哝着深红色葡萄的事。耻辱、肉欲与血液之酒,奇妙地私语着,淌了出来。)
(身穿工人的灯芯绒工装裤和黑色羊毛衫,系着一条飘扬的红领带,头戴阿帕切[195] 式便帽。)人类是不可救药的。沃尔特·雷利爵士:[196] 从新大陆带回了土豆和烟草。前者能够借吸收作用消灭恶疫[197]后者毒害耳朵、眼睛、心脏、记忆力、意志力、理解力,它毒害一切。也就是说,他带回了毒药,这比我忘记了名字的带回食品来的另一位要早一百年。自杀。谎言。一切我们都习以为常。喏,瞧瞧我们的公共生活吧!
(身穿高级市政官的长袍,挂着链子)阿伦码头、英斯码头、圆堂、蒙乔伊和北船坞的选民们,我认为应该从牲畜市场铺设一条电车道,一直通到河边。[198] 这是未来的音乐。是敝人提出的施政方案。谁能获得好处?[ 199] 然而我们这几位搭乘金融界幽灵船的冒险家范德狄肯们[200] ……
(几位大名鼎鼎的议员、本市大亨以及市民们与布卢姆握手,向他祝贺。曾经连任三届都柏林市长的蒂莫西·哈林顿[201] ,身穿市长的猩红色袍子,胸佩金链,系着白丝领带,仪表堂堂,与临时代理洛坎·舍洛克参议员攀谈着。二人频频点头,表示已谈妥。)
(经久不息的掌声。五彩缤纷的饰柱、五月柱[203]和节日的牌楼拔地而起。街上张挂起写有“十万个欢迎”和“以色列王多么美好”[204]字样的幡。所有的窗口都簇拥着看热闹的人,大多是妇女。沿途,都柏林近卫步兵连队、苏格兰边防近卫军、卡梅伦高原连队以及威尔士步兵连队的士兵们,以立正的姿势排列着,挡住群众。高中的男生们蹲在街灯柱、电线杆、窗口、檐口檐槽、烟囱顶管、栏杆和排水管上,又是吹口哨,又是欢呼出现了云柱[205] 。远处传来鼓笛队演奏《我们的一切誓约》的声音。先遣队举着帝国的鹰徽[206] ,旗帜随风飘扬,摇着东方的棕桐叶。用黄金与象牙装饰起来的教皇旗帜高高耸起,周围是一面面细长的三角形市旗。队伍的头排出现了,领先的是身穿棋盘花样袍子的市政典礼官约翰,霍华德·巴涅尔[207] ,阿斯隆地方选出来的议员兼阿尔斯特纹章院院长。跟在后面的是都柏林市市长阁下约瑟夫·哈钦森[208] 、科克市市长阁下、利默里克、戈尔韦、斯莱戈和沃特福德等市的市长阁下,二十八位爱尔兰贵族代表[209],印度的达宫贵人们,西班牙的大公们,佩带着宝座饰布的印度大君,都柏林首都消防队,按照资财顺序排列的一群财界圣徒,唐郡兼康纳主教[210] 、全爱尔兰首席阿马大主教——红衣主教迈克尔·洛格阁下,全爱尔兰首席阿大主教——神学博士威廉·亚历山大阁下,犹太教教长、长老派教会大会主席,浸礼会、再浸礼会、卫理公会以及弟兄会首脑,还有公谊会的名誉干事。走在他们后面的是各种行会、同业工会和民团,打着飘扬的旗帜行进。其中包括桶匠、小鸟商人、水磨匠、报纸推销员、公证人、按摩师、葡萄酒商、疝带制造者、扫烟囱的,提炼猪油的,织波纹塔夫绸和府绸的,钉马掌的铁匠,意大利批发商,教堂装饰师,制造靴拔子的,殡仪事业经营人、绸缎商、宝石商、推销员、制造软木塞的、火灾损失估价员、开洗染行的,从事出口用装瓶业的,毛皮商、印名片的,纹章图章雕刻师、屯马场的工役、金银经纪人、板球与射箭用具商、制造粗筛子的,鸡蛋土豆经销人、经售男袜内衣和针织品商人、手套商、自来水工程承包人。尾随于后的是侍寝官、黑仗侍卫、勋章院副院长、仪仗队队长、主马官、侍从长、纹章局局长,以及手持御剑、圣斯蒂芬铁制王冠、圣爵与《圣经》的侍从武官长。四名司号步兵吹信号。卫兵们答以欢迎的号角。没帽子的布卢姆出现在凯旋门下。他披着镶了白貂皮边的绯红天鹅绒斗篷,手执圣爱德华的权杖、象征王权的宝珠、有着鸽状装饰的王节和慈悲剑[211] 。他骑着一匹乳白色的马,它甩着猩红色的长尾巴,鞍辔装点得十分华丽,马笼头是用金子制成的。狂热的兴奋。显贵的妇女们从阳台上掷下玫瑰花瓣。空气里弥漫着一片馨香气息。男人们喝采。布卢姆的侍童们拿着山楂枝与鹪鹩枝[212] ,在围观的人丛中跑来跑去。)
(艳阳天[213] 。太阳从西北方向光芒四射。[214])
(将右手放在睾丸上,宣誓[215] 。)愿造物主引导我如此行事。我发誓将这样去做。
(将瓦罐里的发油倒在布卢姆头上)我向你们宣布一桩大喜讯:我们有了一位刽子手[216] 。利奥波德,帕特里克,安德鲁,大卫,乔治。现在我为你涂油!
(布卢姆举起右手,上面闪烁着科- 依- 诺尔钻石[217] 。他的坐骑嘶鸣着。周围立即万籁俱寂。架起州际及行星际的无线电发报机,以接收信息。)
(拥抱约翰·霍华德·巴涅尔)朕衷心感谢你的厚意。约翰,由于你在我们共同的祖先所许下的土地[220]—— 绿色的爱琳上,给我以对国王的隆重欢迎。
二十年前的今天,我们在莱迪史密斯[222] 击败了宿敌。我们的榴弹炮和轻回旋炮接连击中敌军阵地,给以重创。前进一英里半![223] 敌军冲过来了!一切都失去啦。[224] 投降吗?绝不!无论如何也要把他们击退!看哪!冲锋啊!我们的轻骑兵队扫荡普列文高地,一路呐喊着:“忠诚的士兵!”[225]把萨拉逊[226] 的炮兵杀得一个也不留。
放跑了詹姆斯·斯蒂芬斯[ 227] 的就是他。
亲爱的臣民们,一个新时代即将来临。朕布卢姆,老实告诉你们,它甚至就在我们眼前。是的,朕以布卢姆的名义发誓,不久你们就将进入未来的新爱尔兰的金都新布卢姆撒冷[229] 。
(来自爱尔兰各郡的三十二名工人[230] ,佩带着玫瑰花饰,在营造业者德尔旺[ 231] 的指挥下,建筑起崭新的布卢姆撒冷。那是一座水晶屋顶的广厦,状如巨大的猪肾,内有四万间屋子。在扩建的过程中,曾拆毁了数座建筑物和纪念碑。政府官厅暂时迁移到铁道库房里。大批房屋被夷为平地。居民搬到用红笔标出“利·布”字样的桶里和箱子里。几名贫民从梯子上跌下来。挤满了忠实围观者的都柏林城墙的一部分坍塌下来。)
(奄奄一息)行将咽气者向您致敬[232] 。(他们死去。)
(一个穿棕色胶布雨衣的人从活板门里跳出来,用伸长了的手指[233 ]指着布卢姆。)
其实,他姓希金斯[234] 。
开熗打死他!像狗一样的基督教徒!管他什么明托施呢!(一声炮响,身穿胶布雨衣的人不见踪影了。布卢姆抡起权杖将一株株罂粟砍倒。有人报告说,众多劲敌、牲畜业者、下院议员、常务委员会委员当即死亡了。布卢姆的卫兵们散发濯足节的贫民抚恤金[ 235] 、纪念章、面包和鱼、戒酒会员徽章、昂贵的亨利.克莱雪茄、煮汤用的免费牛骨、装在密封的信封里并捆着金线的橡胶预防用具、菠萝味硬糖果、黄油糖块、折叠成三角帽形的情书、成衣、一碗碗裹有奶油面糊的烤牛排、一瓶瓶杰那斯溶液、购货券、四十天大赦[236]。)、伪币、奶场饲养的猪做成的香肠、剧场免票、电车季票、匈牙利皇家特许彩票[237] 、一便士食堂的餐券、十二卷世界最劣书的廉价版:《法国佬与德国佬》(政治学)、《怎样育婴》[238](幼儿学)、《七先令六便士的菜肴五十种》(烹饪学)、《耶稣是太阳神话吗?》(史学)、《止痛法》(医学)、《供幼儿阅读的宇宙概略》(宇宙学)、 《福临笑家门》(乐天生活法)、《广告兜揽员便览》(报业学)、 《助产妇情书》(情欲学)、《宇宙空间人名录》(星辰学)、《动人心弦的歌曲》(旋律学)、《省小钱发财法》(吝啬学)。全场争先恐后地一拥而上。妇女们往前挤,以便触摸布卢姆那件袍子的下摆。格温多林·杜比达特小姐[239]推开人群,跳上他的马,在掌声雷动中吻他的双颊。用镁光灯为他们拍摄了照片。婴儿们与乳儿们被高高举起。)
(跟一个双目失明的小伙子握手)你比我的兄弟还亲!(伸出双臂搂着一对老夫妻的肩膀)亲爱的老朋友们!(他与衣衫褴褛的少男少女玩抢壁角游戏。)不在!猫儿!(他推着双胞胎所坐的那辆婴儿车。)嘀嗒乖乖俩,你们穿鞋吗?(他变起魔术,从嘴里拽出红、橙、黄、绿、蓝、靛青以及紫罗兰色的丝帕。)罗伊格比夫[241] 每秒三十二英尺。[242] (他安慰一位寡妇。)独居使心灵更加年轻。(他以怪诞的滑稽动作跳起苏格兰高地舞。)跳呀,伙计们!(他吻一位瘫痪老乒的褥疮。)光荣负伤!(他把一位胖警察绊了一跤。)万事休矣:完蛋。[243]万事休矣:完蛋。(他跟一个羞红了脸的女侍咬耳朵,和善地微笑着。)啊,淘气,[244]淘气!(他啃着农民莫里斯·巴特里[245]递给他的一个生芜菁。)不错!好极啦!(他拒绝接受记者约瑟夫·海因斯递过来的三先令。)我亲爱的伙计,这可不行!(他把上衣送给一个乞丐。)请你收下。(他参加上了年岁的男女瘫子的爬行比赛。)来呀,小伙子们!向前爬呀,姑娘们!
(威风凛凛地脱下大笔,露出肥胖的身躯。打开一卷纸,庄严地朗读。)阿列夫、贝特、吉梅尔、达列特[248],《哈加达》书[249],门柱圣卷[250],合礼[251],赎罪日[252],再献圣殿节[253],罗施·哈沙纳[254],圣约之子会[ 255] ,受诫礼,无酵饼[ 256] ,德系犹太人,梅殊加[257] ,带流苏的围巾[258] 。
(市政府副书记官吉米·亨利[259] 宣读一篇正式译文。)
我说过他是个但尼尔[260] 吗? 不!他简直就是彼得·奥布赖恩[ 261] 。
克里斯·卡利南[ 267]
父亲(老子、爹)开始思索[269] 。
为我新开的这家酒吧发个八天的许可证[271] 吧。利奥爵士,还记得我吧?那时你们住在七号来着,我正要给你太太送一打烈性黑啤酒哩。
我主张整顿本市的风纪,推行简明浅显的《十诫》。让新的世界取代旧的。犹太教徒、伊斯兰教徒与异教徒都联合起来。每一个大自然之子都将领到三英亩土地和一头母牛。[273] 豪华的殡仪汽车[274] 。强制万民从事体力劳动。所有的公园统统昼夜向公众开放。电动洗盘机。一切肺病、精神病、战争与行乞必须立即绝迹。普遍大赦。每周举行一次准许戴假面具的狂欢会。一律发奖金。推行世界语以促进普天之下的博爱。再也不要酒吧间食客和以治水肿病为幌子来行骗的家伙们的那种爱国主义了。自由货币,豁免房地租,自由恋爱以及自由世俗国家中的一所自由世俗教会。
(布卢姆向身边的人们阐述了自己的社会改革计划。众人一致表示同意。基尔代尔街博物馆的管理员出现了。他拉着一辆排子车,上面摇摇晃晃地载着儿具裸体女神雕像:美臀维纳斯[276] ,肉欲维纳斯[277] 、轮回维纳斯[278] ,还有九位也是裸体的新缪斯女神石膏像。她们司的是:商业、歌剧、恋爱、广告、工业、言论自由、多重投票权、烹调法、家庭卫生法、海边音乐会、无痛分娩法和通俗天文学。)
他是个主教派[280] 教友,一个不可知论者,一个企图推翻我们神圣信仰的无教义者。
葛罗甘老婆婆[ 282]
哪一出铁道歌剧像一条直布罗陀的电车线路?并排的铸铁。[286] (笑声。)
(语气激烈地)基督教徒们和反布卢姆主义者,这个名叫布卢姆的家伙是从地狱的底层来的,丢尽了基督教徒的脸。门德斯这只臭山羊[289]从小就是个恶魔似的浪子,露出早熟幼儿的淫荡症状,令人联想到低地各镇[290] 。而且他竟跟一个放荡的老妪勾勾搭搭。这个厚颜无耻、假冒为善的恶棍,简直就是《启示录》里提到的那只白牛。[291] 他是绯红女[292] 的崇拜者。他鼻孔里呼吸的净是阴谋诡计。火刑柱和烧滚了的油锅正是他的去处。凯列班[293 ]!



等级: 内阁元老
举报 只看该作者 38楼  发表于: 2012-12-24 0

STEPHEN (Comes to the table.) Cigarette, please. (Lynch tosses a cigarette from the sofa to the table.) And so Georgina Johnson is dead and married. (A cigarette appears on the table. Stephen looks at it.) Wonder. Parlour magic. Married. Hm. (He strikes a match and proceeds to light the cigarette with enigmatic melancholy.)
LYNCH (Watching him.) You would have a better chance of lighting it if you held the match nearer.
STEPHEN (Brings the match nearer his eye.) Lynx eye. Must get glasses. Broke them yesterday. Sixteen years ago. Distance. The eye sees all flat. (He draws the match away. It goes out.) Brain thinks. Near: far. Ineluctable modality of the visible. (He frowns mysteriously.) Hm. Sphinx. The beast that has two backs at midnight. Married.
ZOE It was a commercial traveller married her and took her away with him.
FLORRY (Nods.) Mr Lambe from London.
STEPHEN Lamb of London, who takest away the sins of our world.
LYNCH (Embracing Kitty on the sofa, chants deeply.) Dona nobis pacem. (The cigarette slips from Stephens fingers. Bloom picks it up and throws it into the grate.)
BLOOM Don't smoke. You ought to eat. Cursed dog I met. (To Zoe.) You have nothing?
ZOE Is he hungry?
STEPHEN (Extends his hand to her smiling and chants to the air of the bloodoath in the Dusk of the Gods.)
Hangende Hunger,
Fragende Frau,
Macht uns alle kaput.
ZOE (Tragically.) Hamlet, I am thy father's gimlet! (She takes his hand.) Blue eyed beauty, I'll read your hand. (She points to his forehead.) No wit, no wrinkles. (She counts.) Two, three, Mars, that's courage. (Stephen shakes his head.) No kid.
LYNCH Sheet lightning courage. The youth who could not shiver and shake. (To Zoe.) Who taught you palmistry?
ZOE (Turns.) Ask my ballocks that I haven't got. (To Stephen.) I see it in your face. The eye, like that. (She frowns with lowered head.)
LYNCH (Laughing, slaps Kitty behind twice.) Like that. Pandy bat.
(Twice loudly a pandybat cracks, the coffin of the pianola flies open, the bald little round jack-in-the-box head of Father Dolan springs up.)
FATHER DOLAN Any boy want flogging? Broke his glasses? Lazy idle little schemer. See it in your eye.
(Mild, benign, rectorial, reproving, the head of Don John Conmee rises from the pianola coffin.)
DON JOHN CONMEE Now, Father Dolan! Now. I'm sure that Stephen is a very good little boy.
ZOE (Examining Stephen's palm.) Woman's hand.
STEPHEN (Murmurs.) Continue. Lie. Hold me. Caress. I never could read His handwriting except His criminal thumbprint on the haddock.
ZOE What day were you born?
STEPHEN Thursday. Today.
ZOE Thursday's child has far to go. (She traces lines on his hand.) Line of fate. Influential friends.
FLORRY (Pointing.) Imagination.
ZOE Mount of the moon. You'll meet with a... (She peers at his hands abruptly.) I won't tell you what's not good for you. Or do you want to know?
BLOOM (Detaches her fingers and offers his palm.) More harm than good. Here. Read mine.
BELLA Show. (She turns up Bloom's hand.) I thought so. Knobby knuckles, for the women.
ZOE (Peering at Bloom's palm.) Gridiron. Travels beyond the sea and marry money.
BLOOM Wrong.
ZOE (Quickly.) O, I see. Short little finger. Henpecked husband. That wrong?
(Black Liz, a huge rooster hatching in a chalked circle, rises, stretches her wings and clucks.)
BLACK LIZ Gara. Klook. Klook. Klook.
(She sidles from her newlaid egg and waddles off.)
BLOOM (Points to his hand.) That weal there is an accident. Fell and cut it twenty-two years ago. I was sixteen.
ZOE I see, says the blind man. Tell us news.
STEPHEN See? Moves to one great goal. I am twenty two too. Sixteen years ago I twentytwo tumbled, twentytwo years ago he sixteen fell off his hobbyhorse. (He winces.) Hurt my hand somewhere. Must see a dentist. Money?
(Zoe whispers to Florry. They giggle. Bloom releases his hand and writes idly on the table in backhand, pencilling slow curves.)
(A hackneycar number three hundred and twentyfour, with a gallantbuttocked mare, driven by James Barton, Harmony Avenue, Donnybrook, trots past. Blazes Boylan and Lenehan sprawl swaying on the sideseats. The Ormond boots crouches behind on the axle. Sadly over the crossblind Lydia Douce and Mina Kennedy gaze.)
THE BOOTS (Jogging, mocks them with thumb and wriggling wormfingers.) Haw, haw, have you the horn?
(Bronze by gold they whisper.)
ZOE (To Florry.) Whisper.
(They whisper again.)
(Over the well of the car Blazes Boylan leans, his boater straw set sideways, a red flower in his mouth. Lenehan, in a yachtsman's cap and white shoes, officiously detaches a long hair from Blazes Boylan s shoulder.)
LENEHAN Ho! What do I here behold? Were you brushing the cobwebs off a few quims?
BOYLAN (Seated, smiles.) Plucking a turkey.
LENEHAN A good night's work.
BOYLAN (Holding up four thick bluntungulated fingers, winks.) Blazes Kate! Up to sample or your money back. (He holds out a forefinger.) Smell that.
LENEHAN (Smells gleefully.) Ah! Lobster and mayonnaise. Ah!
ZOE AND FLORRY (Laugh together.) Ha ha ha ha.
BOYLAN bumps surely from the car and calls loudly for all to hear. ) Hello, Bloom! Mrs Bloom up yet?
BLOOM (In a flunkey's plum plush coat and kneebreeches, buff stockings and powdered wig.) I'm afraid not, sir, the last articles...
BOYLAN (Tosses him sixpence.) Here, to buy yourself a gin and splash. (He hangs his hat smartly on a peg of Bloom's antlered head.) Show me in. I have a little private business with your wife. You understand?
BLOOM Thank you, sir. Yes, sir, Madam Tweedy is in her bath, sir.
MARION He ought to feel himself highly honoured. (She plops splashing out of the water.) Raoul, darling, come and dry me. I'm in my pelt. Only my new hat and a carriage sponge.
BOYLAN (A merry twinkle in his eye.) Topping!
BELLA What? What is it?
(Zoe whispers to her.)
MARION Let him look, the pishogue! Pimp! And scourge himself! I'll write to a powerful prostitute or Bartholomona, the bearded woman, to raise weals out on him an inch thick and make him bring me back a signed and stamped receipt.
BELLA (Laughing.) Ho ho ho ho.
BOYLAN (To Bloom, over his shoulder.) You can apply your eye to the keyhole and play with yourself while I just go through her a few times.
BLOOM Thank you, sir, I will, sir. May I bring two men chums to witness the deed and take a snapshot? (He holds an ointment jar.) Vaseline, sir? Orangeflower?... Lukewarm water?...
KITTY (From the sofa.) Tell us, Florry. Tell us. What.
(Florry whispers to her. Whispering lovewords murmur lip-lapping loudly, poppysmic plopslop.)
MINA KENNEDY (Her eyes upturned.) O, it must be like the scent of geraniums and lovely peaches! O, he simply idolises every bit of her! Stuck together! Covered with kisses!
LYDIA DOUCE (Her mouth opening.) Yumyum. O, he's carrying her round the room doing it! Ride a cock horse. You could hear them in Paris and New York. Like mouthfuls of strawberries and cream.
KITTY (Laughing.) Hee hee hee.
BOYLAN'S VOICE (Sweetly, hoarsely, in the pit of his stomach.) Ah! Gooblazqruk brukarchkrasht!
MARION'S VOICE (Hoarsely, sweetly rising to her throat.) O! Weeshwashtkissima, pooisthnapoohuck!
BLOOM (His eyes wildly dilated, clasps himself) Show! Hide! Show! Plough her! More! Shoot!
BELLA, ZOE, FLORRY. KITTY Ho ho! Ha ha! Hee hee!
LYNCH (Points.) The mirror up to nature. (He laughs.) Hu hu hu hu hu hu.
(Stephen and Bloom gaze in the mirror. The face of William Shakespeare, beardless, appears there, rigid in facial paralysis, crowned by the reflection of the reindeer antlered hatrack in the hall.)
SHAKESPEARE (In dignified ventriloquy.) 'Tis the loud laugh bespeaks the vacant mind. (To Bloom.) Thou thoughtest as how thou wastest invisible. Gaze. (He crows with a black capon's laugh.) Iagogo! How my Oldfellow chokit his Thursdaymomun. Iagogogo!
BLOOM (Smiles yellowly at the whores.) When will I hear the joke?
ZOE Before you're twice married and once a widower.
BLOOM Lapses are condoned. Even the great Napoleon, when measurements were taken near the skin after his death...
(Mrs Dignam, widow woman, her snubnose and cheeks flushed with deathtalk, tears and Tunny's tawny sherry, hurries by in her weeds, her bonnet awry, rouging and powdering her cheeks, lips and nose, a pen chivvying her brood of cygnets. Beneath her skirt appear her late husband's everyday trousers and turnedup boots, lace eights. She holds a Scottish widow's insurance policy and lace marqueeumbrella under which her brood runs with her, Patsy hopping on one short foot, his collar loose, a hank of porksteaks dangling, Freddy whimpering, Susy with a crying cods mouth, Alice struggling with the baby. She cuffs them on, her streamers flaunting aloft.)
FREDDY Ah, ma, you're dragging me along!
SUSY Mamma, the beeftea is fizzing over!
SHAKESPEARE (With paralytic rage.) Weda seca whokilla farst.
(The face of Martin Cunningham, bearded, refeatures Shakespeares beardless face. The marqueeumbrella sways drunkenly, the children run aside. Under the umbrella appears Mrs Cunningham in Merry Widow hat and kimono gown. She glides sidling and bowing, twisting japanesily.)
MRS CUNNINGHAM (Sings.) And they call me the jewel of Asia.
(Gazes on her impassive.) Immense! Most bloody awful demirep!
STEPHEN Et exaltabuntur cornua iusti. Queens lay with prize bulls. Remember Pasiphae for whose lust my grandoldgross father made the first confessionbox. Forget not Madam Grissel Steevens nor the suine scions of the house of Lambert. And Noah was drunk with wine. And his ark was open.
BELLA None of that here. Come to the wrong shop.
LYNCH Let him alone. He's back from Paris.
ZOE (Runs to Stephen and links him.) O go on! Give us some parleyvoo.
(Stephen claps hat on head and leaps over to the fireplace, where he stands with shrugged shoulders, finny hands outspread, a painted smile on his face.)
LYNCH (Pommelling on the sofa.) Rmm Rmm Rmm Rrr rrrmmmmm.
STEPHEN (Gobbles, with marionette jerks. ) Thousand places of entertainment to expenses your evenings with lovely ladies saling gloves and other things perhaps her heart beerchops perfect fashionable house very eccentric where lots cocottes beautiful dressed much about princesses like are dancing cancan and walking there parisian clowneries extra foolish for bachelors foreigns the same if talking a poor english how much smart they are on things love and sensations voluptuous. Misters very selects for is pleasure must to visit heaven and hell show with mortuary candles and they tears silver which occur every night. Perfectly shocking terrific of religion's things mockery seen in universal world. All chic womans which arrive full of modesty then disrobe and squeal loud to see vampire man debauch nun very fresh young with dessous troublants. (He clocks his tongue loudly.) Ho, la la! Ce pif qu'il a!
LYNCH Vive le vampire!
THE WHORES Bravo! Parleyvoo!
STEPHEN (Grimacing with head back, laughs loudly, clapping himself) Great success of laughing. Angels much prostitutes like and holy apostles big damn ruffians. Demimondaines nicely handsome sparkling of diamonds very amiable cos turned. Or do you are fond better what belongs they moderns pleasure turpitude of old mans? (He points about him with grotesque gestures which Lynch and the whores reply to.) Caoutchouc statue woman reversible or lifesize tompeeptoms virgins nudities very lesbic the kiss five ten times. Enter gentlemen to see in mirrors every positions trapezes all that machine there besides also if desire act awfully bestial butcher's boy pollutes in warm veal liver or omelette on the belly pièce de Shakespeare.
BELLA (Clapping her belly, sinks back on the sofa with a shout of laughter.) An omelette on the... Ho! ho! ho! ho!... Omelette on the...
STEPHEN (Mincingly.) I love you, Sir darling. Speak you englishman tongue for double entente cordiale. O yes, mon loup. How much cost? Waterloo. Watercloset. (He ceases suddenly and holds up a forefinger.)
BELLA (Laughing.) Omelette...
THE WHORES (Laughing.) Encore! Encore!
STEPHEN Mark me. I dreamt of a watermelon.
ZOE Go abroad and love a foreign lady.
LYNCH Across the world for a wife.
FLORRY Dreams go by contraries.
STEPHEN (Extending his arms.) It was here. Street of harlots. In Serpentine Avenue Beelzebub showed me her, a fubsy widow. Where's the red carpet spread?
BLOOM (Approaching Stephen.) Look.
STEPHEN No, I flew. My foes beneath me. And ever shall be. World without end. (He cries.) Pater! Free!
BLOOM I say, look...
STEPHEN Break my spirit, will he? O merde alors! (He cries, his vulture talons sharpened.) Hola! Hillyho!
(Simon Dedalus' voice hilloes in answer, somewhat sleepy but ready.)
SIMON That's all right. (He swoops uncertainly through the air, wheeling, uttering cries of heartening, on strong ponderous buzzard wings.) Ho, boy! Are you going to win? Hoop! Pschatt! Stable with those halfcastes. Wouldn't let them within the bawl of an ass. Head up! Keep our flag flying! An eagle gules volant in a field argent displayed. Ulster king at arms! hai hoop! (He makes the beagle's call giving tongue.) Bulbul! Burblblbrurblbl! Hai, boy!
(The fronds and spaces of the wallpaper file rapidly across country. A stout fox drawn from covert, brush pointed, having buried his grandmother, runs swift for the open, bright-eyed, seeking badger earth, under the leaves. The pack of staghounds follows, nose to the ground, sniffing their quarry, beaglebaying, burblbrblng to be blooded. Ward Union huntsmen and huntswomen live with them, hot for a kill. From Six Mile Point, Flathouse, Nine Mile Stone follow the footpeople with knotty sticks, salmongaffs, lassos, flockmasters with stockwhips, bearbaiters with tomtoms, toreadors with bullswords, grey negroes waving torches. The crowd bowls of dicers, crown and anchor players, thimbleriggers, broadsmen. Crows and touts, hoarse bookies in high wizard hats clamour deafeningly.)
Card of the races. Racing card!
Ten to one the field!
Tommy on the clay here!
Tommy on the clay!
Ten to one bar one.
Ten to one bar one.
Try your luck on spinning Jenny!
Ten to one bar one!
Sell the monkey, boys!
Sell the monkey!
I'll give ten to one!
Ten to one bar one!
(A dark horse, riderless, bolts like a phantom past the winningpost, his mane moonfoaming, his eyeballs stars. The field follows, a bunch of bucking mounts. Skeleton horses: Sceptre, Maximum the Second, Zinfandel, the Duke of Westminsters Shotover, Repulse, the Duke of Beauforts' Ceylon, prix de Paris. Dwarfs ride them, rusty armoured, leaping, leaping in their saddles. Last in a drizzle of rain, on a broken-winded isabelle nag, Cock of the North, the favourite, honey cap, green jacket, orange sleeves, Garrett Deasy up, gripping the reins, a hockey stick at the ready. His nag, stumbling on whitegaitered feet, jogs along the rocky road.)
THE ORANGE LODGES (Jeering.) Get down and push, mister. Last lap! You'll be home the night!
GARRETT DEASY (Bolt upright, his nailscraped face plastered with postage stamps, brandishes his hockeystick, his blue eyes flashing in the prism of the chandelier as his mount lopes by at a schooling gallop.) Per vias rectas!
(A yoke of buckets leopards all over him and his rearing nag, a torrent of mutton broth with dancing coins of carrots, barley, onions, turnips, potatoes.)
THE GREEN LODGES Soft day, sir John! Soft day, your honour!
(Private Carr, Private Compton and Cissy Caffrey pass beneath the windows, singing in discord.)
STEPHEN Hark! Our friend, noise in the street!
ZOE (Holds up her hand.) Stop!
Yet I've a sort a
Yorkshire relish for...
ZOE That's me. (She claps her hands.) Dance! Dance! (She runs to the pianola.) Who has twopence?
BLOOM Who'll.
LYNCH (Handing her coins.) Here.
STEPHEN (Cracking his fingers impatiently.) Quick! Quick! Where's my augur's rod? (He runs to the piano and takes his ashplant, beating his foot in tripudium.)
ZOE (Turns the drumhandle.) There.
(She drops two pennies in the slot. Glow pink and violet lights start forth. The drum turns purring in low hesitation waltz. Professor Goodwin, in a bowknotted periwig, in court dress, wearing a stained inverness cape, bent in two from incredible age, totters across the room, his hands fluttering. He sits tinily on the piano stool and lifts and beats handless sticks of arms on the keyboard, nodding with damsels grace, his bowknot bobbing.)
ZOE (Twirls around herself heeltapping.) Dance. Anybody here for there? Who'll dance?
(The pianola, with changing lights, plays in waltz time the prelude to My Girl's a Yorkshire Girl. Stephen throws his ashplant on the table and seizes Zoe around the waist. Florry and Bella push the table towards the fireplace. Stephen, aiming Zoe with exaggerated grace, begins to waltz her around the room. Her sleeve, falling from gracing arms, reveals a white fleshflower of vaccination. Bloom stands aside. Between the curtains, Professor Maginni inserts a leg on the toepoint of which spins a silk hat. With a deft kick, he sends it spinning to his crown and jauntyhatted skates in. He wears a slate frockcoat with claret silk lapels, a go-et of cream tulle, a green lowcut waistcoat, stock collar with white kerchief tight lavender trousers, patent pumps and canary gloves. In his buttonhole is a dahlia. He twirls in reversed directions a clouded cane, then wedges it tight in his oxter. He places a hand limply on his breastbone, bows and fondles his flower and buttons.)
MAGINNI The poetry of motion, art of callisthenics. No connection with Madam Legget Byrne's or Levinstone's. Fancy dress balls arranged. Deportment. The Katty Lanner steps. So. Watch me! My terpsichorean abilities. (He minuets forward three paces on tripping bee's feet.) Tout le monde an avant! Révérence! Tout le monde en place!
(The prelude ceases. Professor Goodwin, beating vague arms,shrivels, shrinks, his live cape falling about the stool. The air, in firmer waltz time, pounds. Stephen and Zoe circle freely. The lights change, glow, fade, gold, rose, violet.)
THE PIANOLA Two young fellows were talking about their girls, girls, girls, Sweethearts they'd left behind.
(From a corner the morning hours run out, goldhaired, slim, in girlish blue, waspwaisted, with innocent hands. Nimbly they dance, twirling their skipping ropes. The hours of noon follow in amber gold. Laughing linked, high haircombs flashing, they catch the sun in mocking mirrors, lifting their arms.)
MAGINNI (Clipclaps glovesilent hands.) Carré! Avant deux! Breathe evenly! Balance!
(The morning and noon hours waltz in their places, turning, advancing to each other, shaping their curves, bowing vis a vis. Cavaliers behind them arch and suspend their arms, with hands descending to, touching, rising from their shoulders.)
HOURS You may touch my.
CAVALIERS May I touch your?
HOURS O, but lightly!
CAVALIERS O, so lightly!
THE PIANOLA My little shy little lass has a waist.
(Zoe and Stephen turn boldly with looser swing. The twilight hours advance, from long landshadows, dispersed, lagging, languideyed, their cheeks delicate with cipria and false faint bloom. They are in grey gauze with dark bat sleeves that flutter in the land breeze.)
MAGINNI Avant! huit! Traversé! Salut! Cours de mains! Croisé!
(The eight hours steal to the last place. Morning, noon and twilight hours retreat before them. They are masked, with daggered hair and bracelets of dull bells. Weary, they curchycurchy under veils.)
THE BRACELETS Heigho! Heigho!
ZOE (Twisting, her hand to her brow.) O!
MAGINNI Los tiroirs! Cha?ne de dames! La corbeille! Dos à dos!
(Arabesquing wearily, they weave a pattern on the floor, weaving, unweaving, curtseying, twisting, simply swirling.)
ZOE I'm giddy.
(She frees herself droops on a chair, Stephen seizes Florry and turns with her.)
MAGINNI Boulangère! Los ronds! Los ponts! Chevaux de bois! Escargots!
(Twining, receding, with interchanging hands, the night hours link, each with arching arms, in a mosaic of movements. Stephen and Florry turn cumbrously.)
MAGINNI Dansez avec vos dames! Changes de dames! Donnes le petit bouquet a votre dame! Remerciez!
Best, best of all,
KITTY (Jumps up.) O, they played that on the hobbyhorses at the Mirus bazaar!
(She runs to Stephen. He leaves Florry brusquely and seizes Kitty. A screaming bit tern's harsh high whistle shrieks. Groangrousegurgling Toft's cumbersome whirligig turns slowly the room right roundabout the room.)
THE PIANOLA My girl's a Yorkshire girl.
ZOE Yorkshire through and through. Come on all!
(She seizes Florry and waltzes her.)
STEPHEN Pas seul!
(He wheels Kitty into Lynch's arm's, snatches up his ashplant from the table and takes the floor. All wheel, whirl, waltz, twirl. Bloombella, Kittylynch, Florryzoe, jujuby women. Stephen with hat ashplant frogsplits in middle highkicks with skykicking mouth shut hand clasp part under thigh, with clang tinkle boomhammer tallyho horn blower blue green yellow flashes. Toft's cumbersome turns with hobbyhorse riders from gilded snakes dangled, bowels fandango leaping spurn soil foot and fall again.)
Though she's a factory lass
And wears no fancy clothes.
(Closeclutched swift swifter with glareblareflare scudding they scotlootshoot lumbering by. Baraabum!)
TUTTI Encore! Bis! Bravo! Encore!
SIMON Think of your mother's people!
STEPHEN Dance of death.
(Bang fresh barang bang of lacquey's bell, horse, nag, steer piglings, Conmee on Christass lame crutch and leg sailor in cockboat armfolded ropepulling hitching stamp hornpipe' through and through, Baraabum! On nags, hogs, bellhorses, Gadarene swine, Corny in coffin. Steel shark stone one handled Nelson, two trickies Frauenzimmer plumstained from pram falling bawling. Gum, he's a champion. Fuseblue peer from barrel rev. evensong love on hackney jaunt Blazes blind coddoubled bicyclers Dilly with snowcake no fancy clothes. Then in last wiswitchback lumbering up and down bump mash tub sort of viceroy and reine relish for tublumber bumpshire rose. Baraabum!)
(The couples fall aside. Stephen whirls giddily. Room whirls back. Eyes closed, he totters. Red rails fly spacewards. Stars all around suns turn roundabout. Bright midges dance on wall. He stops dead.)
(Stephen's mother, emaciated, rises stark through the floor in leper grey with a wreath of faded orange blossoms and a torn bridal veil, her face worn and noseless, green with grave mould. Her hair is scant and lank. She fixes her bluecircled hollow eyesockets on Stephen and opens her toothless mouth uttering a silent word. A choir of virgins and confessors sing voicelessly.)
Liliata rutilantium te confessorum...
Iubilantium te virginum...
(From the top of a tower Buck Mulligan, in particoloured jester's dress of puce and yellow and clown's cap with curling bell, stands gaping at her, a smoking buttered split scone in his hand.)
BUCK MULLIGAN She's beastly dead. The pity of it! Mulligan meets the afflicted mother. (He upturns his eyes.) Mercurial Malachi.
THE MOTHER (With the subtle smile of death's madness.) I was once the beautiful May Goulding. I am dead.
STEPHEN (Horrorstruck.) Lemur, who are you? What bogey man's trick is this?
BUCK MULLIGAN (Shakes his curling capbell.) The mockery of it! Kinch killed her dogsbody bitchbody. She kicked the bucket. (Tears of molten butter fall from his eyes into the scone.) Our great sweet mother! Epi oinopa ponton.
THE MOTHER (Comes nearer, breathing upon him softly her breath of wetted ashes.) All must go through it, Stephen. More women than men in the world. You too. Time will come.
STEPHEN (Choking with fright, remorse and horror.) They said I killed you, mother. He offended your memory. Cancer did it, not I. Destiny.
THE MOTHER (A green rill of bile trickling from a side of her mouth.) You sang that song to me. Love's bitter mystery.
STEPHEN (Eagerly.) Tell me the word, mother, if you know now. The word known to all men.
THE MOTHER Who saved you the night you jumped into the train at Dalkey with Paddy Lee? Who had pity for you when you were sad among the strangers? Prayer is all powerful. Prayer for the suffering souls in the Ursuline manual, and forty days' indulgence. Repent, Stephen.
STEPHEN The ghoul! Hyena!
THE MOTHER I pray for you in my other world. Get Dilly to make you that boiled rice every night after your brain work. Years and years I loved you, O my son, my firstborn, when you lay in my womb.
ZOE (Fanning herself with the grate fan.) I'm melting!
FLORRY (Points to Stephen) Look! He's white.
BLOOM (Goes to the window to open it more.) Giddy.
THE MOTHER (With smouldering eyes.) Repent! O, the fire of hell!
STEPHEN (Panting.) The corpsechewer! Raw head and bloody bones!
THE MOTHER (Her face drawing near and nearer, sending out an ashen breath.) Beware! (She raises her blackened, withered right arm slowly towards Stephen's breast with outstretched fingers.) Beware! God's hand! (A green crab with malignant red eyes sticks deep its grinning claws in Stephen's heart.)
STEPHEN (Strangled with rage.) Shite! (His features grow drawn and grey and old.)
BLOOM (At the window.) What?
STEPHEN Ah non, par exemple! The intellectual imagination! With me all or not at all. Non serviam!
FLORRY Give him some cold water. Wait. (She rushes out.)
THE MOTHER (Wrings her hands slowly, moaning desperately.) O Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on him! Save him from hell, O divine Sacred Heart!
STEPHEN No! No! No! Break my spirit all of you if you can! I'll bring you all to heel!
THE MOTHER (In the agony of her deathrattle.) Have mercy on Stephen, Lord, for my sake! Inexpressible was my anguish when expiring with love, grief and agony on Mount Calvary.
STEPHEN Nothung!
(He hits his ashplant high with both hands and smashes the chandelier. Time's livid final flame leaps and, in the following darkness, ruin of all space, shattered glass and toppling masonry.)
LYNCH (Rushes forward and seizes Stephen's hand.) Here! Hold on! Don't run amok!
BELLA Police!
(Stephen, abandoning his ashplant, his head and arms thrown back stark, beats the ground and flees from the room past the whores at the door.)
BELLA (Screams.) After him!
(The two whores rush to the halldoors. Lynch and Kitty and Zoe stampede from the room. They talk excitedly. Bloom follows, returns.)
THE WHORES (Jammed in the doorway, pointing.) Down there.
ZOE (Pointing.) There. There's something up.
BELLA Who pays for the lamp? (She seizes Bloom's coattail.) There. You were with him. The lamp's broken.
BLOOM (Rushes to the hall, rushes back.) What lamp, woman?
A WHORE He tore his coat.
BELLA (Her eyes hard with anger and cupidity, points.) Who's to pay for that? Ten Shillings. You're a witness.
BLOOM (Snatches up Stephen's ashplant.) Me? Ten shillings? Haven't you lifted enough off him? Didn't he...
BELLA (Loudly.) Here, none of your tall talk. This isn't a brothel. A ten shilling house.
BLOOM (His hand under the lamp, pulls the chain. Pulling, the gasjet lights up a crushed mauve purple shade. He raises the ashplant.) Only the chimney's broken. Here is all he...
BELLA (Shrinks back and screams.) Jesus! Don't!
BLOOM (Warding off a blow.) To show you how he hit the paper. There's not a sixpenceworth of damage done. Ten shillings!
FLORRY (With a glass of water enters.) Where is he?
BELLA Do you want me to call the police?
BLOOM O, I know. Bulldog on the premises. But he's a Trinity student. Patrons of your establishment. Gentlemen that pay the rent. (He makes a masonic sign.) Know what I mean? Nephew of the vice-chancellor. You don't want a scandal.
BELLA (Angrily.) Trinity! Coming down here ragging after the boat races and paying nothing. Are you my commander here? Where is he? I'll charge him. Disgrace him, I will. (She shouts.) Zoe! Zoe!
BLOOM (Urgently.) And if it were your own son in Oxford! (Warningly.) I know.
BELLA (Almost speechless.) Who are you incog?
ZOE (In the doorway.) There's a row on.
BLOOM What? Where? (He throws a shilling on the table and shouts.) That's for the chimney. Where? I need mountain air. (He hurries out through the hall. The whores point. Florry follows, spilling water from her tilted tumbler. On the doorstep all the whores clustered talk volubly, pointing to the right where the fog has cleared off From the left arrives a jingling hackney car. It slows to in front of the house. Bloom at the halldoor perceives Corny Kelleher who is about to dismount from the car with two silent lechers. He averts his face. Bella from within the hall uses on her whores. They blow ickylickysticky yumyum kisses. Corny Kelleher replies with a ghostly lewd smile. The silent lechers turn to pay the jarvey. Zoe and Kitty still point right. Bloom, parting them swiftly, draws his caliph's hood and poncho and hurries down the steps with sideways face. Incog Haroun al Baschid, he flits behind the silent lechers and hastens on by the railings with fleet step of a pard strewing the drag behind him, torn envelopes drenched in aniseed. The ashplant marks his stride. A pack of bloodhounds, led by Hornblower of Trinity brandishing a dogwhip in tallyho cap and an old pair of grey trousers, follows from far, picking up the scent, nearer, baying, panting, at fault, breaking away, throwing their tongues, biting his heels, leaping at his tail. He walks, runs, zigzags, gallops, lugs laid back. He is pelted with gravel, cabbagestumps, biscuitboxes, eggs, potatoes, dead codfish, womans slipperslappers. After him, freshfound, the hue and cry zigzag gallops in hot pursuit of follow my leader: 65 C 66 C night watch, John Henry Menton, Wisdom Hely, V.B. Dillon, Councillor Nannetti, Alexander Keyes, Larry O'Rourke, Joe Cuffe, Mrs O'Dowd Pisser Burke, The Nameless One, Mrs Riordan, The Citizen, Garryowen, Whatdoyoucallhim, Strangeface, Fellowthatslike, Sawhimbefore, Chapwith, Chris Callinan, sir Charles Cameron, Benjamin Dollard, Lenehan, Bartell d'Arcy, Joe Hynes, red Murray, editor Brayden, T.M. Healy, Mr Justice Fitzgibbon, John Howard Parnell, the reverend Tinned Salmon, Professor Joly, Mrs Breen, Denis Breen, Theodore Purefoy, Mina Purefoy, the Westland Row postmistress, C.P. M'Coy, friend of Lyons, Hoppy Holohan, man in the street, other man in the street, Footballboots, pugnosed driver rich protestant lady, Davy Byrne, Mrs Ellen M'Guinness, Mrs Joe Gallaher George Lidwell, Jimmy Henry on corns, Superintendent Laracy, Father Cowley, Crofton out of the Collector Generals, Dan Dawson, dental surgeon Bloom with tweezers, Mrs Bob Doran, Mrs Kennefick, Mrs Wyse Nolan, John Wyse Nolan, handsomemamedwomanrubbed againstwidebehindinClonskeatram, the bookseller of Sweets of Sin, Miss Dubedatandshedidbedad, Mesdames Gerald and Stanislaus Moran of Roebuck, the managing clerk of Drimmies colonel Hayes, Mastiansky, Citron, Penrose, Aaron Figatner, Moses Herzog, Michael E. Geraghty, Inspector Troy, Mrs Galbraith, the constable off Eccles Street corner old doctor Brady with stethoscope, the mystery man on the beach, a retriever Mrs Miriam Dandrade and all her lovers.
THE HUE AND CRY (Helterskelterelterwelter) He's Bloom! Stop Bloom! Stopabloom! Stopperrobber! Hi! Hi! Stop him on the corner!
(At the corner of Beaver Street beneath the scaffolding Bloom panting stops on the fringe of the noisy quarrelling knot, a lot not knowing a jot what hi! hi! row and wrangle round the whowhat brawlaltogether.)
STEPHEN (With elaborate gestures, breathing deeply and slowly.) You are my guests. The uninvited. By virtue of the fifth of George and seventh of Edward. History to blame. Fabled by mothers of memory.
PRIVATE CARR (To Cissy Caffrey.) Was he insulting you?
STEPHEN Addressed her in vocative feminine. Probably neuter. Ungenitive.
VOICES No, he didn't. The girl's telling lies. He was in Mrs Cohen's. What's up? Soldiers and civilians.
CISSY CAFFREY I was in company with the soldiers and they left me to do - you know and the young man ran up behind me. But I'm faithful to the man that's treating me though I'm only a shilling whore.
STEPHEN (Catches sight of Kitty's and Lynch's heads.) Hail, Sisyphus. (He points to himself and the others.) Poetic. Neopoetic.
VOICES She's faithfultheman.
CISSY CAFFREY Yes, to go with him. And me with a soldier friend.
PRIVATE COMPTON He doesn't half want a thick ear, the blighter. Biff him one, Harry.
PRIVATE CARR (To Cissy.) Was he insulting you while me and him was having a piss?
LORD TENNYSON (In Union Jack blazer and cricket flannels, bareheaded, flowingbearded.) Their's not to reason why.
PRIVATE COMPTON Biff him, Harry.
STEPHEN (To Private Compton. ) I don't know your name but you are quite right. Doctor Swift says one man in armour will beat ten men in their shirts. Shirt is synechdoche. Part for the whole.
CISSY CAFFREY (To the crowd.) No, I was with the private.
STEPHEN (Amiably.) Why not? The bold soldier boy. In my opinion every lady for example...
PRIVATE CARR (His cap awry, advancing to Stephen.) Say, how would it be, governor, if I was to bash in your jaw?
STEPHEN (Looks up in the sky.) How? Very unpleasant. Noble art of self-pretence. Personally, I detest action. (He waves his hand) Hand hurts me slightly. Enfin, ce sont vos oignons.
(To Cissy Caffrey.) Some trouble is on here. What is it, precisely?
DOLLY GRAY (From her balcony waves her handkerchief giving the sign of the heroine of Jericho.) Rahab. Cook's son, goodbye. Safe home to Dolly. Dream of the girl you left behind and she will dream of you.
(The soldiers turn their swimming eyes.)
BLOOM (Elbowing through the crowd plucks Stephen's sleeve vigorously.) Come now, professor, that carman is waiting.
STEPHEN (Turns.) Eh? (He disengages himself) Why should I not speak to him or to any human being who walks upright upon this oblate orange? (He points his finger.) I'm not afraid of what I can talk to if I see his eye. Retaining the perpendicular.
(He staggers a pace back.)
BLOOM (Propping him.) Retain your own.
STEPHEN (Laughs emptily.) My centre of gravity is displaced. I have forgotten the trick. Let us sit down somewhere and discuss. Struggle for life is the law of existence but modern philirenists, notably the tsar and the king of England, have invented arbitration. (He taps his brow.) But in here it is I must kill the priest and the king.
BIDDY THE CLAP Did you hear what the professor said? He's a professor out of the college.
CUNTY KATE I did. I heard that.
BIDDY THE CLAP He expresses himself with much marked refinement of phraseology.
CUNTY KATE Indeed, yes. And at the same time with such apposite trenchancy.
PRIVATE CARR (Pulls himself free and comes forward.) What's that you're saying about my king?
(Edward the Seventh appears in an archway. He wears a white jersey on which an image of the Sacred Heart is stitched, with the insignia of Garter and Thistle, Golden Fleece, Elephant of Denmark, Skinners' and Probyns' horse, Lincoln's Inn bencher and ancient and honourable artillery company of Massachusetts. He sucks a red jujube. He is robed as a grand elect perfect and sublime mason with trowel and apron, marked made in Germany. In his left hand he holds a plasterers bucket on which is printed: Défense d'uriner. A roar of welcome greets him.)
EDWARD THE SEVENTH (Slowly, solemnly but indistinctly.) Peace, perfect peace. For identification bucket in my hand. Cheerio, boys. (He turns to his subjects.) We have come here to witness a clean straight fight and we heartily wish both men the best of good luck. Mahak makar a back.
(He shakes hands with Private Carr, Private Compton, Stephen, Bloom and Lynch. General applause. Edward the Seventh lifts the bucket graciously in acknowledgement.)
PRIVATE CARR (To Stephen.) Say it again.
STEPHEN (Nervous, friendly, pulls himself up.) I understand your point of view, though I have no king myself for the moment. This is the age of patent medicine. A discussion is difficult down here. But this is the point. You die for your country, suppose. (He places his arm on Private Carr's sleeve.) Not that I wish it for you. But I say: Let my country die for me. Up to the present it has done so. I don't want it to die. Damn death. Long live life!
EDWARD THE SEVENTH (Levitates over heaps of slain in the garb and with the halo of Joking Jesus, a white jujube in his phosphorescent face.)
My methods are new and are causing surprise.
To make the blind see I throw dust in their eyes.
STEPHEN Kings and unicorns! (He falls back a pace.) Come somewhere and we'll... What was that girl saying?...
PRIVATE COMPTON Eh, Harry, give him a kick in the knackers. Stick one into Jerry.
BLOOM (To the privates, softly.) He doesn't know what he's saying. Taking a little more than is good for him. Absinthe, the greeneyed monster. I know him. He's a gentleman, a poet. It's all right.
STEPHEN (Nods, smiling and laughing.) Gentleman, patriot, scholar and judge of impostors.
PRIVATE CARR I don't give a bugger who he is. PRIVATE COMPTON We don't give a bugger who he is.
STEPHEN I seem to annoy them. Green rag to a bull.
(Kevin Egan of Paris in black Spanish tasselled shirt and peep-o'-day boys hat signs to Stephen.)
KEVIN EGAN H'lo. Bonjour! The vieille ogresse with the dents jaunes.
(Patrice Egan peeps from behind, his rabbit face nibbling a quince leaf.)
PATRICE Socialiste!
DON EMILE PATRIZIO FRANZ RUPERT POPE HENNESSY (In medieval hauberk, two wild geese volant on his helm, with noble indignation points a mailed hand against the privates.) Were those eykes to footboden, big grand porcos of johnyellows todos covered of gravy!
BLOOM (To Stephen.) Come home. You'll get into trouble.
STEPHEN (Swaying.) I don't avoid it. He provokes my intelligence.
BIDDY THE CLAP One immediately observes that he is of patrician lineage.
THE VIRAGO Green above the red, says he. Wolfe Tone.
THE BAWD The red's as good as the green, and better. Up the soldiers! Up King Edward!
A ROUGH (Laughs.) Ay! Hands up to De Wet.
THE CITIZEN (With a huge emerald muffler and shillelagh, calls.)
May the God above
Send down a cove
With teeth as sharp as razors
To slit the throat
Of the English dogs
That hanged our Irish leaders.
THE CROPPY BOY (The rope noose round his neck, gripes in his issuing bowels with both hands.)
I bear no hate to a living thing,
But love my country beyond the king.
RUMBOLD, DEMON BARBER (Accompanied by two blackmasked assistants, advances with a gladstone bag which he opens.) Ladies and gents, cleaver purchased by Mrs Pearcy to slay Mogg. Knife with which Voisin dismembered the wife of a compatriot and hid remains in a sheet in the cellar, the unfortunate female's throat being cut from ear to ear. Phial containing arsenic retrieved from the body of Miss Barrow which sent Seddon to the gallows.
(He jerks the rope, the assistants leap at the victims legs and drag him downward, grunting: the croppy boys tongue protrudes violently.)
THE CROPPY BOY Horhot ho hray ho rhother's hest.
(He gives up the ghost. A violent erection of the hanged sends gouts of sperm spouting through his death clothes on to the cobblestones. Mrs Bellingham, Mrs Yelverton Barry and the Honourable Mrs Mervyn Talboys rush forward with their handkerchiefs to sop it up.)
RUMBOLD I'm near it myself. (He undoes the noose.) Rope which hanged the awful rebel. Ten shillings a time as applied to His Royal Highness. (He plunges his head into the gaping belly of the hanged and draws out his head again clotted with coiled and smoking entrails.) My painful duty has now been done. God save the king!
EDWARD THE SEVENTH (Dances slowly, solemnly, rattling his bucket and sings with soft contentment.)
On coronation day, on coronation day,
O, Won't We have a merry time,
Drinking whisky, beer and wine!
PRIVATE CARR Here. What are you saying about my king?
STEPHEN (Throws up his hands.) O, this is too monotonous! Nothing. He wants my money and my life, though want must be his master, for some brutish empire of his. Money I haven't. (He searches his pockets vaguely.) Gave it to someone.
PRIVATE CARR Who wants your bleeding money?
STEPHEN (Tries to move off.) Will some one tell me where I am least likely to meet these necessary evils? ?a se voit aussi à Paris. Not that I... But by Saint Patrick!...
(The women's heads coalesce. Old Gummy Granny in sugarloaf hat appears seated on a toadstool, the deathflower of the potato blight on her breast.)
STEPHEN Aha! I know you, grammer! Hamlet, revenge! The old sow that eats her farrow!
OLD GUMMY GRANNY (Rocking to and fro.) Ireland's sweetheart, the king of Spain's daughter, alanna. Strangers in my house, bad manners to them! (She keens with banshee woe.) Ochone! Ochone! Silk of the kine! (She wails.) You met with poor old Ireland and how does she stand?
STEPHEN How do I stand you? The hat trick! Where's the third person of the Blessed Trinity? Soggarth Aroon? The reverend Carrion Crow.
CISSY CAFFREY (Shrill.) Stop them from fighting!
A ROUGH Our men retreated.
PRIVATE CARR (Tugging at his belt.) I'll wring the neck of any bugger says a word against my fucking king.
BLOOM (Terrified.) He said nothing. Not a word. A pure misunderstanding.
THE CITIZEN Erin go bragh!
(Major Tweedy and the Citizen exhibit to each other medals, decorations, trophies of war wounds. Both salute with fierce hostility.)
PRIVATE COMPTON Go it, Harry. Do him one in the eye. He's a proboer.
STEPHEN Did I? When?
BLOOM (To the redcoats.) We fought for you in South Africa, Irish missile troops. Isn't that history? Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Honoured by our monarch.
THE NAVVY (Staggering past.) O, yes. O, God, yes! O, make the kwawr a krowawr! O! Bo!
(Casqued halberdiers in armour thrust forward a pentice of gutted spear points. Major Tweedy, moustached like Turko the terrible, in bearskin cap with hackle plume and accoutrements, with epaulette, gilt chevrons and sabretache, his breast bright with medals, toes the line. He gives the pilgrim warrior's sign of the knights templars.)
MAJOR TWEEDY (Growls gruffly.) Rorke's Drift! Up, guards, and at them! Mahal shalal hashbaz.
PRIVATE CARR I'll do him in.
PRIVATE COMPTON (Waves the crowd back.) Fair play, here. Make a bleeding butcher's shop of the bugger.
(Massed bands blare Garryowen and God save the king.)
CISSY CAFFREY They're going to fight. For me!
CUNTY KATE The brave and the fair.
BIDDY THE CLAP Methinks yon sable knight will joust it with the best.
CUNTY KATE (Blushing deeply.) Nay, Madam. The gules doublet and merry Saint George for me!
STEPHEN The harlot's cry from street to street Shall weave old Ireland's windingsheet.
PRIVATE CARR (Loosening his belt, shouts.) I'll wring the neck of any fucking bastard says a word against my bleeding fucking king.
BLOOM (Shakes Cissy Caffrey's shoulders.) Speak, you! Are you struck dumb? You are the link between nations and generations. Speak, woman, sacred lifegiver.
CISSY CAFFREY (Alarmed seizes Private Carr's sleeve.) Amn't I with you? Amn't I your girl? Cissy's your girl. (She cries.) Police!
STEPHEN (Ecstatically, to Cissy Caffrey.)
White thy fambles, red thy gan
And thy quarrons dainty is.
VOICES Police!
DISTANT VOICES Dublin's burning! Dublin's burning! On fire, on fire!
(Brimstone fires spring up. Dense clouds roll past. Heavy Gatling guns boom. Pandemonium. Troops deploy. Gallop of hoofs. Artillery. Hoarse commands. Bells clang. Backers shout. Drunkards bawl. Whores screech. Foghorns hoot. Cries of valour. Shrieks of dying. Pikes clash on cuirasses. Thieves rob the slain. Birds of prey, winging from the sea, rising from marsh lands, swooping from eyries, hover screaming, gannets, connorants, vultures, goshawks, climbing woodcocks, peregrines, merlin, blackgrouse, sea eagles, gulls, albatrosses, barnacle geese. The midnight sun is darkened. The earth trembles. The dead of Dublin from Prospect and Mount Jerome in white sheepskin overcoats and black goat-fell cloaks arise and appear to many. A chasm opens with a noiseless yawn. Tom Rochford, winner in athletes singlet and breeches, arrives at the head of the national hurdle handicap and leaps into the void. He is followed by a race of runners and leapers. In wild attitudes they spring from the brink. Their bodies plunge. Factory lasses with fancy clothes toss redhot Yorkshire baraabombs. Society ladies lift their skirts above their heads to protect themselves. laughing witches in red cutty sarks ride through the air on broomsticks. Quakerlyster plasters blisters. It rains dragon's teeth. Armed heroes spring up from furrows. They exchange in amity the pass of knights of the red cross and fight duels with cavalry sabres: Wolfe Tone against Henry Grattan, Smith O'Brien against Daniel O'Connell, Michael Davitt against Isaac Butt, Justin M'Carthy against Parnell, Arthur Griffith against John Redmond John O'Leary against liar O'Johnny, lord Edward Fitzgerald against lord Gerald Fitzedward, The O'Donoghue of the Glens against The Glens of The Donoghue. On an eminence, the centre of the earth, rises the field altar of Saint Barbara. Black candles rise from its gospel and epistle horns. From the high barbicans of the tower two shafts of light fall on the smokepalled altarstone. On the altarstone Mrs Mina Purefoy, goddess of unreason, lies naked, fettered, a chalice resting on her swollen belly. Father Malachi O'Flynn, in a long petticoat and reversed chasuble, his two left feet back to the front, celebrates camp mash. The Reverend Mr Hugh C. Haines love MA. in a plain cassock and mortar board, his head and collar back to the front, holds over the celebrants head an open umbrella.)
FATHER MALACHI O'FLYNN Introibo ad altare diaboli.
THE REVEREND MR HAINES LOVE To the devil which hath made glad my young days.
FATHER MALACHI O'FLYNN (Takes from the chalice and elevates a blooddripping host.) Corpus Meum.
THE REVEREND MR HAINES LOVE (Raises high behind the celebrant's petticoats, revealing his grey bare hairy buttocks between which a carrot is stuck.) My body.
THE VOICE OF ALL THE DAMNED Htengier Tnetopinmo Dog Drol eht rot, Aiulella!
(From on high the voice of Adonai calls.)
ADONAI Dooooooooooog!
THE VOICE OF ALL THE BLESSED Alleluia, for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth!
(From on high the voice of Adonai calls.)
ADONAI Goooooooooood!
(In strident discord peasants and townsmen of mange and Green factions sing Kick the Pope and Daily, daily sing to Mary.)
PRIVATE CARR (With ferocious articulation.) I'll do him in, so help me fucking Christ! I'll wring the bastard fucker's bleeding blasted fucking windpipe!
OLD GUMMY GRANNY (Thrusts a dagger towards Stephen's hand.) Remove him, acushla. At 8.35 a.m. you will be in heaven and Ireland will be free. (She prays.) O good God, take him!
BLOOM (Runs to Lynch.) Can't you get him away?
LYNCH He likes dialectic, the universal language. Kitty! (To Bloom.) Get him away, you. He won't listen to me. (He drags Kitty away.)
STEPHEN (Points.) Exit Judas. Et laqueo se suspendit.
BLOOM (Runs to Stephen.) Come along with me now before worse happens. Here's your stick.
STEPHEN Stick, no. Reason. This feast of pure reason.
CISSY CAFFREY (Pulling Private Carr.) Come on, you're boosed. He insulted me but I forgive him. (Shouting in his ear.) I forgive him for insulting me.
BLOOM (Over Stephen's shoulder.) Yes, go. You see he's incapable.
PRIVATE CARR (Breaks loose.) I'll insult him.
(He rushes towards Stephen, fists outstretched, and strikes him in the face. Stephen totters, collapses, falls stunned. He lies prone, his face to the sky, his hat rolling to the wall. Bloom follows and picks it up.)
MAJOR TWEEDY (Loudly.) Carbine in bucket! cease fire! Salute!
THE RETRIEVER (Barking furiously.) Ute ute ute ute ute ute uteute.
THE CROWD Let him up! Don't strike him when he's down! Air! Who? The soldier hit him. He's a professor. Is he hurted? Don't manhandle him! He's fainted!
(The retriever, nosing on the fringe of the crowd, barks noisily.)
What call had the redcoat to strike the gentleman and he under the influence? Let them go and fight the Boers!
THE BAWD Listen to who's talking! Hasn't the soldier a right to go with his girl? He gave him the coward's blow.
(They grab at each other's hair, claw at each other and spit.)
THE RETRIEVER (Barking.) Wow wow wow.
BLOOM (Shoves them back, loudly.) Get back, stand back!
PRIVATE COMPTON (Tugging his comrade.) Here bugger off, Harry. There's the cops!
(Two raincaped watch, tall, stand in the group)
FIRST WATCH What's wrong here?
PRIVATE COMPTON We were with this lady and he insulted us and assaulted my chum. (The retriever barks.) Who owns the bleeding tyke?
CISSY CAFFREY (With expectation.) Is he bleeding?
A MAN (Rising from his knees.) No. Gone off. He'll come to all right.
BLOOM (Glances sharply at the man.) Leave him to me. I can easily...
SECOND WATCH Who are you? Do you know him?
PRIVATE CARR (Lurches towards the watch.) He insulted my lady friend.
BLOOM (Angrily.) You hit him without provocation. I'm a witness. Constable, take his regimental number.
SECOND WATCH I don't want your instructions in the discharge of my duty. PRIVATE COMPTON (Pulling his comrade.) Here, bugger off, Harry. Or Bennett'll have you in the lockup.
PRIVATE CARR (Staggering as he is pulled away.) God fuck old Bennett! He's a whitearsed bugger. I don't give a shit for him.
FIRST WATCH (Taking out his notebook.) What's his name?
BLOOM (Peering over the crowd.) I just see a car there. If you give me a hand a second, sergeant.
FIRST WATCH Name and address.
(Corny Kelleher weepers round his hat, a death wreath in his hand, appears among the bystanders.)
BLOOM (Quickly.) O, the very man! (He whispers.) Simon Dedalus' son. A bit sprung. Get those policemen to move those loafers back.
SECOND WATCH Night, Mr Kelleher.
CORNY KELLEHER (To the watch, with drawling eye.) That's all right. I know him. Won a bit on the races. Gold cup. Throwaway. (He laughs.) Twenty to one. Do you follow me?
FIRST WATCH (Turns to the crowd.) Here, what are you all gaping at? Move on out of that.
(The crowd disperses slowly, muttering, down the lane.)
CORNY KELLEHER Leave it to me, sergeant. That'll be all right. (He laughs, shaking his head.) We were often as bad ourselves, ay or worse. What? Eh, what?
FIRST WATCH (Laughs.) I suppose so.
CORNY KELLEHER (Nudges the second watch.) Come and wipe your name off the slate. (He lilts, wagging his head.) With my tooraloom tooraloom tooraloom tooraloom. What, eh, do you follow me?
SECOND WATCH (Genially.) Ah, sure we were too.
CORNY KELLEHER (Winking.) Boys will be boys. I've a car round there.
SECOND WATCH All right, Mr Kelleher. Good night.
CORNY KELLEHER I'll see to that.
BLOOM (Shakes hands with both of the watch in turn.) Thank you very much gentlemen, thank you. (He mumbles confidentially.) We don't want any scandal, you understand. Father is a well known, highly respected citizen. Just a little wild oats, you understand.
FIRST WATCH O, I understand, sir.
SECOND WATCH That's all right, Sir.
FIRST WATCH It was only in case of corporal injuries I'd have had to report it at the station.
BLOOM (Nods rapidly.) Naturally. Quite right. Only your bounden duty.
SECOND WATCH It's our duty.
CORNY KELLEHER Good night, men.
THE WATCH (Saluting together.) Night, gentlemen. (They move off with slow heavy tread.)
BLOOM (Blows.) Providential you came on the scene. You have a car?.
CORNY KELLEHER (Laughs, pointing his thumb over his right shoulder to the car brought up against the scaffolding.) Two commercials that were standing fizz in Jammet's. Like princes, faith. One of them lost two quid on the race. Drowning his grief and were on for a go with the jolly girls. So I landed them up on Behan's car and down to nighttown.
BLOOM I was just going home by Gardiner street when I happened to...
CORNY KELLEHER (Laughs.) Sure they wanted me to join in with the mots. No, by God, says I. Not for old stagers like myself and yourself. (He laughs again and leers with lacklustre eye.) Thanks be to God we have it in the house what, eh, do you follow me? Hah! hah! hah!
BLOOM (Tries to laugh.) He, he, he! Yes. Matter of fact I was just visiting an old friend of mine there, Virag, you don't know him (poor fellow he's laid up for the past week) and we had a liquor together and I was just making my way home...
(The horse neighs.)
THE HORSE Hohohohohohoh! Hohohohome!
CORNY KELLEHER Sure it was Behan, our jarvey there, that told me after we left the two commercials in Mrs Cohen's and I told him to pull up and got off to see. (He laughs.) Sober hearsedrivers a specialty. Will I give him a lift home? Where does he hang out? Somewhere in Cabra, what?
BLOOM No, in Sandycove, I believe, from what he let drop.
(Stephen, prone, breathes to the stars. Corny Kelleher asquint, drawls at the horse. Bloom in gloom, looms down.)
CORNY KELLEHER (Scratches his nape.) Sandycove! (He bends down and calls to Stephen.) Eh! (He calls again.) Eh! He's covered with shavings anyhow. Take care they didn't lift anything off him.
BLOOM No, no, no. I have his money and his hat here and stick.
CORNY KELLEHER Ah well, he'll get over it. No bones broken. Well, I'll shove along. (He laughs.) I've a rendezvous in the morning. Burying the dead. Safe home!
THE HORSE (Neighs.) Hohohohohome.
BLOOM Good night. I'll just wait and take him along in a few...
(Corny Kelleher returns to the outside car and mounts it. The horse harness jingles.)
CORNY KELLEHER (From the car, standing.) Night.
BLOOM Night.
(The jarvey chucks the reins and raises his whip encouragingly. The car and horse back slowly, awkwardly and turn. Corny Kelleher on the sideseat sways his head to and fro in sign of mirth at Blooms plight. The jarvey joins in the mute pantomimic merriment nodding from the farther seat. Bloom shakes his head in mute mirthful reply. With thumb and palm Corny Kelleher reassures that the two bobbies will allow the sleep to continue for what else is to be done. With a slow nod Bloom conveys his gratitude as that is exactly what Stephen needs. The car jingles tooraloom round the corner of the tooraloom lane. Corny Kelleher again reassuralooms with his hand. Bloom with his hand assuralooms Corny Kelleher that he is reassuraloomtay. The tinkling hoofs and jingling harness grow fainter with their tooralooloolooloo lay. Bloom, holding in his hand Stephens hat festooned with shavings and ashplant, stands irresolute. Then he bends to him and shakes him by the shoulder.)
BLOOM Eh! Ho! (There is no answer he bends again.) Mr Dedalus! (There is no answer.) The name if you call. Somnambulist. (He bends again and, hesitating, brings his mouth near the face of the prostrate form.) Stephen! (There is no answer. He calls again.) Stephen!
STEPHEN (Groans.) Who? Black panther vampire. (He sighs and stretches himself then murmurs thickly with prolonged vowels.) Who... drive... Fergus now. And pierce... wood's woven shade?...
(He turns on his left side, sighing, doubling himself together.)
BLOOM Poetry. Well educated. Pity. (He bends again and undoes the buttons of Stephen's waistcoat.) To breathe. (He brushes the wood shavings from Stephen's clothes with light hands and fingers.) One pound seven. Not hurt anyhow. (He listens.) What!
... shadows... the woods
... white breast... dim...
(He stretches out his arms, sighs again and curls his body. Bloom holding his hat and ashplant stands erect. A dog barks in the distance. Bloom tightens and loosens his grip on the ashplant. He looks down on Stephen's face and form.)
BLOOM (Communes with the night.) Face reminds me of his poor mother. In the shady wood. The deep white breast. Ferguson, I think I caught. A girl. Some girl. Best thing could happen him... (He murmurs.)... swear that I will always hail, ever conceal, never reveal, any part or parts, art or arts... (He murmurs.) in the rough sands of the sea. a cabletow's length from the shore... where the tide ebbs ... and flows...
(Silent, thoughtful, alert, he stands on guard, his fingers at his lips in the attitude of secret master. Against the dark wall a figure appears slowly, a fairy boy of eleven, a changeling, kidnapped, dressed in an Eton suit with glass shoes and a little bronze helmet, holding a book in his hand. He reads from right to left inaudibly, smiling, kissing the page.)
BLOOM (Wonderstruck, calls inaudibly.) Rudy!
RUDY (Gazes unseeing into Bloom's eyes and goes on reading, kissing, smiling. He has a delicate mauveface. On his suit he has diamond and ruby buttons. In his free left hand he holds a slim ivory cane with a violet howknot. A white lambkin peeps out of his waistcoat pocket.)


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(Mother Grogan throws her boot at Bloom. Several shopkeepers from upper and lower Dorset street throw objects of little or no commercial value, hambones, condensed milk tins, unsaleable cabbage, stale bread, sheeps' tails, odd pieces of fat.)
BLOOM (Excitedly.) This is midsummer madness, some ghastly joke again. By heaven, I am guiltless as the unsunned snow! It was my brother Henry. He is my double. He lives in number 2 Dolphin's Barn. Slander, the viper, has wrongfully accused me. Fellowcountrymen, sgenl inn ban bata coisde gan capall. I call on my old friend, Dr Malachi Mulligan, sex specialist to give medical testimony on my behalf.
DR MULLIGAN (In motor jerkin, green motoroggles on his brow.) Dr Bloom is bisexually abnormal. He has recently escaped from Dr Eustace's private asylum for demented gentlemen. Born out of bedlock hereditary epilepsy is present, the consequence of unbridled lust. Traces of elephantiasis have been discovered among his ascendants. There are marked symptoms of chronic exhibitionism. Ambidexterity is also latent. He is prematurely bald from selfabuse, perversely idealistic in consequence, a reformed rake, and has metal teeth. In consequence of a family complex he has temporarily lost his memory and I believe him to be more sinned against than sinning. I have made a pervaginal examination and, after application of the acid test to 5427 anal, axillary, pectoral and pubic hairs, I declare him to be virgo intacta.
(Bloom holds his high grade hat over his genital organs.)
DR MADDEN Hypsospadia is also marked. In the interest of coming generations I suggest that the parts affected should be preserved in spirits of wine in the national teratological museum.
DR CROTTHERS I have examined the patient's urine. It is albuminoid. Salivation is insufficient, the patellar reflex intermittent.
DR PUNCH COSTELLO The fetor judaicus is most perceptible.
DR DIXON (Reads a bill of health.) Professor Bloom is a finished example of the new womanly man. His moral nature is simple and lovable. Many have found him a dear man, a dear person. He is a rather quaint fellow on the whole, coy though not feeble-minded in the medical sense. He has written a really beautiful letter, a poem in itself, to the court missionary of the Reformed Priests' Protection Society which clears up everything. He is practically a total abstainer and I can affirm that he sleeps on a straw litter and eats the most Spartan food, cold dried grocer's peas. He wears a hairshirt winter and summer and scourges himself every Saturday. He was, I understand, at one time a firstclass misdemeanant in Glencree reformatory. Another report states that he was a very posthumous child. I appeal for clemency in the name of the most sacred word our vocal organs have ever been called upon to speak. He is about to have a baby.
(General commotion and compassion. Women faint. A wealthy American makes a street collection for Bloom. Gold and silver coins, bank cheques, banknotes, jewels, treasury bonds, maturing bills of exchange, I.O.U.s, wedding rings' watch-chains, lockets, necklaces and bracelets are rapidly collected.)
BLOOM O, I so want to be a mother.
MRS THORNTON (In nursetender's gown.) Embrace me tight, dear. You'll be soon over it. Tight, dear.
(Bloom embraces her tightly and bears eight male yellow and white children. They appear on a redcarpeted staircase adorned with expensive plants. All are handsome, with valuable metallic faces, wellmade, respectably dressed and wellconducted, speaking five modern languages fluently and interested in various arts and sciences. Each has his name printed in legible letters on his shirtfront: Nasodoro, Goldfinger, Chrysostomos, Maindorée, Silversmile, Silberselber Vifargent, Panargros. They are immediately appointed to positions of high public trust in several different countries as managing directors of banks, traffic managers of railways, chairmen of limited liability companies, vice chairmen of hotel syndicates.)
A VOICE Bloom, are you the Messiah ben Joseph or ben David?
BLOOM (Darkly.) You have said it.
BROTHER BUZZ Then perform a miracle.
BANTAM LYONS Prophesy who will win the Saint Leger.
(Bloom walks on a net, covers his left eye with his left ear, passes through several walls, climbs Nelson's Pillar, hangs from the the ledge by his eyelids, eats twelve dozen oysters (shells included), heals several sufferers from kings evil, contracts his face so as to resemble many historical personages, lord Beaconsfield, lord Byron, Wat Tyler, Moses of Egypt, Moses Maimonides, Moses Mendelssohn, Henry Irving, Rip van Winkle, Rossuth, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Baron Leopold Rothschild, Robinson Crusoe, Sherlock Holmes, Pasteur, turns each foot simultaneously in different directions, bids the tide turn back, eclipses the sun by extending his little finger.)
BRINI, PAPAL NUNCIO (In papal zouave's uniform, steel cuirasses as breastplate, armplates, thighplates, legplates, large profane moustaches and brown paper mitre.) Leopoldi autem generatio. Moses begat Noah and Noah begat Eunuch and Eunuch begat O'Halloran and O'Halloran begat Guggenheim and Guggenheim begat Agendath and Agendath begat Netaim and Netaim begat Le Hirsch and Le Hirsch begat Jesurum and Jesurum begat MacKay and MacKay begat Ostrolopsky and Ostrolopsky begat Smerdoz and Smerdoz begat Weiss and Weiss begat Schwarz and Schwarz begat Adrianopoli and Adrianopoli began Aranjuez and Aranjuez begat Lewy Lawson and Lewy Lawson begat Ichabudonosor and Ichabudonosor begat O'Donnell Magnus and O'Donnell Magnus begat Christbaum and Christbaum begat Ben Maimun and Ben Maimun begat Dusty Rhodes and Dusty Rhodes begat Benamor and Benamor begat Jones-Smith and Jones-Smith begat Savorgnanovich and Savorgnanovich begat Jasperstone and Jasperstone begat Vingtetunieme and Vingtetunieme begat Szombathely and Szombathely begat Virag and Virag begat Bloom et vocabitur nomen eius Emmanuel.
A DEADHAND (Writes on the wall.) Bloom is a cod. A CRAB (In bush ranger's kit.) What did you do in the cattlecreep behind Kilbarrack?
A FEMALE INFANT (Shakes a rattle.) And under Ballybough bridge?
A HOLLYBUSH And in the devil's glen?
BLOOM (Blushes furiously all over from front to nates, three tears falling from his left eye.) Spare my past.
THE IRISH EVICTED TENANTS (In bodycoats, kneebreeches, with Donnybrook fair shillelaghs.) Sjambok him!
(Bloom with asses' ears seats himself in the pillory with crossed arms, his feet protruding. He whistles Don Giovanni, a cenar teco. Artane orphans, joining hands, caper round him. Girls of the Prison Gate Mission, joining hands, caper round in the opposite direction.)
You big, you bog, you dirty dog!
You think the ladies love you!
If you see kay
Tell him he may
See you in tea
Tell him from me.
HORNBLOWER (In ephod and huntingcap, announces.) And he shall carry the sins of the people to Azazel, the spirit which is in the wilderness, and to Lilith, the nighthag. And they shall stone him and defile him, yea, all from Agendath Netaim and from Mizraim, the land of Ham.
(All the people cast soft pantomime stones at Bloom. Many bonafide travellers and ownerless dogs come near him and defile him. Mastiansky and Citron approach in gaberdines, wearing long earlocks. They wag their beards at Bloom.)
MASTIANSKY AND CITRON Belial! Laemlein of Istria! the false Messiah! Abulafia!
(George S. Mesias, Bloom's tailor, appears, a tailor's goose under his arm, presenting a bill.)
MESIAS To alteration one pair trousers eleven shillings.
BLOOM (Rubs his hands cheerfully.) Just like old times. Poor Bloom!
(Reuben J. Dodd, black bearded Iscariot, bad shepherd, bearing on his shoulders the drowned corpse of his son, approaches the pillory.)
REUBEN J. (Whispers hoarsely.) The squeak is out. A split is gone for the flatties. Nip the first rattler.
BROTHER BUZZ (Invests Bloom in a yellow habit with embroidery of painted flames and high pointed hat. He places a bag of gunpowder round his neck and hands him over to the civil power, saying.) Forgive him his trespasses.
(Lieutenant Myers of the Dublin Fire Brigade by general request sets fire to Bloom. Lamentations.)
THE CITIZEN Thank heaven!
BLOOM (In a seamless garment marked I. H. S. stands upright amid phoenix flames.) Weep not for me, O daughters of Erin.
(He exhibits to Dublin reporters traces of burning. The daughters of Erin, in black garments with lace prayerbooks and long lighted candles in their hands, kneel down and pray.)
THE DAUGHTERS OF ERIN Kidney of Bloom, pray for us. Flower of the Bath, pray for us. Mentor of Menton, pray for us. Canvasser for the Freeman, pray for us. Charitable Mason, pray for us. Wandering Soap, pray for us. Sweets of Sin, pray for us. Music without Words, pray for us. Reprover of the Citizen, pray for us. Friend of all Frillies, pray for us. Midwife Most Merciful, pray for us. Potato Preservative against Plague and Pestilence, pray for us.
(A choir of six hundred voices, conducted by Mr Vincent O'Brien, sings the Alleluia chorus, accompanied on the organ by Joseph Glynn. Bloom becomes mute, shrunken, carbonised.)
ZOE Talk away till you're black in the face.
BLOOM (In caubeen with clay pipe stuck in the band, dusty brogues, an emigrant's red handkerchief bundle in his hand, leading a black bogoak pig by a sugaun, with a smile in his eye.) Let me be going now, woman of the house, for by all the goats in Connemara I'm after having the father and mother of a bating. (With a tear in his eye.) All insanity. Patriotism, sorrow for the dead, music, future of the race. To be or not to be. Life's dream is o'er. End it peacefully. They can live on. (He gazes far away mournfully.) I am ruined. A few pastilles of aconite. The blinds drawn. A letter. Then lie back to rest. (He breathes softly.) No more. I have lived. Fare. Farewell.
ZOE (Stiffly, her finger in her neckfillet.) Honest? Till the next time. (She sneers.) Suppose you got up the wrong side of the bed or came too quick with your best girl. O, I can read your thoughts.
BLOOM (Bitterly.) Man and woman, love, what is it? A cork and bottle.
ZOE (In sudden sulks.) I hate a rotter that's insincere. Give a bleeding whore a chance.
BLOOM (Repentantly.) I am very disagreeable. You are a necessary evil. Where are you from? London?
ZOE (Glibly.) Hog's Norton where the pigs play the organs. I'm Yorkshire born. (She holds his hand which is feeling for her nipple.) I say, Tommy Tittlemouse. Stop that and begin worse. Have you cash for a short time? Ten shillings?
BLOOM (Smiles, nods slowly.) More, houri, more.
ZOE And more's mother? (She pats him offhandedly with velvet paws.) Are you coming into the musicroom to see our new pianola? Come and I'll peel off.
BLOOM (Feeling his occiput dubiously with the unparalleled embarrassment of a harassed pedlar gauging the symmetry of her peeled pears.) Somebody would be dreadfully jealous if she knew. The greeneyed monster. (Earnestly.) You know how difficult it is. I needn't tell you.
ZOE (Flattered.) What the eye can't see the heart can't grieve for. (She pats him.) Come.
BLOOM Laughing witch! The hand that rocks the cradle.
ZOE Babby!
BLOOM (In babylinen and pelisse, bigheaded, with a caul of dark hair, fixes big eyes on her fluid slip and counts its bronze buckles with a chubby finger, his moist tongue tolling and lisping.) One two tlee: tlee tlwo tlone.
THE BUCKLES Love me. Love me not. Love me.
ZOE Silent means consent. (With little parted talons she captures his hand, her forefinger giving to his palm the pass touch of secret monitor, luring him to doom.) Hot hands cold gizzard.
(He hesitates amid scents, music, temptations. She leads him towards the steps, drawing him by the odour of her armpits, the vice of her painted eyes, the rustle of her slip in whose sinuous folds lurks the lion reek of all the male brutes that have possessed her.)
THE MALE BRUTES (Exhaling sulphur of rut and dung and ramping in their loosebox, faintly roaring, their drugged heads swaying to and fro.) Good!
(Zoe and Bloom reach the doorway where two sister whores are seated. They examine him curiously from under their pencilled brows and smile to his hasty bow. He trips awkwardly.)
ZOE (Her lucky hand instantly saving him.) Hoopsa! Don't fall upstairs.
BLOOM The just man falls seven times. (He stands aside at the threshold.) After you is good manners.
ZOE Ladies first, gentlemen after.
(She crosses the threshold. He hesitates. She turns and, holding out her hands, draws him over. He hops. On the an tiered rack of the hall hang a man's hat and waterproof Bloom uncovers himself but, seeing them, frowns, then smiles, preoccupied. A door on the return landing is thrown open. A man in purple shirt and grey trousers, brownsocked, passes with an apes gait, his bald head and goatee beard upheld, hugging a full waterjugjar his twotailed black braces dangling at heels. Averting his face quickly Bloom bends to examine on the halltable the spaniel eyes of a running fox: then, his lifted head sniffing, follows Zoe into the musicroom. A shade of mauve tissuepaper dims the light of the chandelier. Round and round a moth flies, colliding, escaping. The floor is covered with an oilcloth mosaic of jade and azure and cinnabar rhomboids. Footmarks are stamped over it in all senses, heel to heel, heel to hollow, toe to toe, feet locked, a morris of shuffling feet without body phantoms, all in a scrimmage higgledypiggledy. The walls are tapes-tried with a paper of yewfronds and clear glades. In the grate is spread a screen of peacock feathers. Lynch squats crosslegged on the hearth rug of matted hair, his cap back to the front. With a wand he beats time slowly. Kitty Ricketts, a bony pallid whore in navy costume, doeskin gloves rolled back from a coral wristlet, a chain purse in her hand, sits perched on the edge of the table swinging her leg and glancing at herself in the gilt mirror over the mantelpiece. A tag of her corset lace hangs slightly below her jacket. Lynch indicates mockingly the couple at the piano.)
KITTY (Coughs behind her hand.) She's a bit imbecilic. (She signs with a waggling forefinger.) Blemblem. (Lynch lifts up her skirt and white petticoat with the wand. She settles them down quickly.) Respect yourself. (She hiccups, then bends quickly her sailor hat under which her hair glows, red with henna.) O, excuse!
ZOE More limelight, Charley. (She goes to the chandelier and turns the gas full cock.)
KITTY (Peers at the gasjet.) What ails it tonight?
LYNCH (Deeply.) Enter a ghost and hobgoblins.
ZOE Clap on the back for Zoe.
(The wand in Lynch's hand flashes: a brass poker. Stephen stands at the pianola on which sprawl his hat and ashplant. With two fingers he repeats once more the series of empty fifths. Florry Talbot, a blond feeble goosefat whore in a tatterdemalion gown of mildewed strawberry, lolls spreadeagle in the sofa corner, her limp forearm pendent over the bolster, listening. A heavy stye droops over her sleepy eyelid.)
KITTY (Hiccups again with a kick of her horsed foot.) O, excuse!
ZOE (Promptly.) Your boy's thinking of you. Tie a knot on your shift.
(Kitty Ricketts bends her head. Her boa uncoils, slides, glides over her shoulder, back, arm, chair to the ground. Lynch lifts the curled caterpillar on his wand. She snakes her neck, nestling. Stephen glances behind at the squatted figure with its cap back to the front.)
STEPHEN As a matter of fact it is of no importance whether Benedetto Marcello found it or made it. The rite is the poet's rest. It may be an old hymn to Demeter or also illustrate Cla enarrant gloriam Domini. It is susceptible of nodes or modes as far apart as hyperphrygian and mixolydian and of texts so divergent as priests haihooping round David's that is Circe's or what am I saying Ceres' altar and David's tip from the stable to his chief bassoonist about his almightiness. Mais, nom de nom, that is another pair of trousers. Jetez la gourme. Faut que jeunesse se passe. (He stops, points at Lynch's cap, smiles, laughs.) Which side is your knowledge bump?
THE CAP (With saturnine spleen.) Bah! It is because it is. Woman's reason. Jewgreek is greekjew. Extremes meet. Death is the highest form of life. Bah!
STEPHEN You remember fairly accurately all my errors, boasts, mistakes. How long shall I continue to close my eyes to disloyalty? Whetstone!
STEPHEN Here's another for you. (He frowns.) The reason is because the fundamental and the dominant are separated by the greatest possible interval which .
THE CAP Which? Finish. You can't.
STEPHEN (With on effort.) Interval which. Is the greatest possible ellipse. Consistent with. The ultimate return. The octave. Which.
THE CAP Which? (Outside the gramophone begins to blare The Holy City.)
STEPHEN (Abruptly.) What went forth to the ends of the world to traverse not itself. God, the sun, Shakespeare, a commercial traveller, having itself traversed in reality itself, becomes that self. Wait a moment. Wait a second. Damn that fellow's noise in the street. Self which it itself was ineluctably preconditioned to become. Ecco!
LYNCH (With a mocking whinny of laughter grins at Bloom and Zoe Higgins.) What a learned speech, eh?
ZOE (Briskly.) God help your head, he knows more than you have forgotten.
(With obese stupidity Florry Talbot regards Stephen.)
FLORRY They say the last day is coming this summer.
ZOE (Explodes in laughter.) Great unjust God!
FLORRY (Offended.) Well, it was in the papers about Anti christ. O, my foot's tickling.
(Ragged barefoot newsboys, jogging a wagtail kite, patterpast, yelling.)
THE NEWSBOYS Stop press edition. Result of the rockinghorse races. Sea serpent in the royal canal. Safe arrival of Antichrist.
(Stephen turns and sees Bloom.)
STEPHEN A time, times and half a time.
(Reuben J. Antichrist, wanderingjew, a clutching hand open on his spine, stumps forward. Across his loins is slung a pilgrims wallet from which protrude promissory notes and dishonoured bills. Aloft over his shoulder he bears a long boatpole from the hook of which the sodden huddled mass of his only son, saved from Liffey waters, hangs from the slack of its breeches. A hobgoblin in the image of Punch Costello, hipshot, crookbacked, hydrocephalic, prognathic with receding forehead and Ally Sloper nose, tumbles in somersaults through the gathering darkness.)
ALL What?
THE HOBGOBLIN (His jaws chattering, capers to and fro, goggling his eyes, squeaking, kangaroohopping, with outstretched clutching arms, then all at once thrusts his lipless face through the fork of his thighs.) Il vient! C'est moi! L'homme qui rit! L'homme primigene! (He whirls round and round with dervish howls.) Sieurs et dames, faites vos jeux! (He crouches juggling. Tiny roulette planets fly from his hands.) Les jeux son! faits! (The planets rush together, uttering crepitant cracks.) Rien n'va plus. (The planets, buoyant balloons, sail swollen up and away. He springs off into vacuum.)
FLORRY (Sinking into torpor, crosses herself secretly.) The end of the world!
(A female tepid effluvium leaks out from her. Nebulous obscurity occupies space. Through the drifting fog without the gramophone blares over coughs and feetshuffling.)
THE GRAMOPHONE Jerusalem! Open your gates and sing Hosanna...
(A rocket rushes up the sky and bursts. A white star falls from it, proclaiming the consummation of all things and second coming of Elijah. Along an infinite invisible tight-rope taut from zenith to nadir the End of the World, a two headed octopus in gillies kilts, busby and tartan filibegs, whirls through the murk, head over heels, in the fob of the Three Lugs of Man.)
THE END OF THE WORLD (With a Scotch accent.) Wha'll dance the keel row, the keel row, the keel row?
(Over the passing drift and choking breathcoughs, Elijah's voice, harsh as a corncrakes, jars on high. Perspiring in a loose lawn surplice with funnel sleeves he is seen, vergefaced above a rostrum about which the banner of old glory is draped. He thumps the parapet.)
ELIJAH No yapping, if you please, in this booth. Jake Crane, Creole Sue, Dave Campbell, Abe Kirschner, do your coughing with your mouths shut. Say, I am operating all this trunk line. Boys, do it now. God's time is 12.25. Tell mother you'll be there. Rush your order and you play a slick ace. Join on right here! Book through to eternity junction, the nonstop run. Just one word more. Are you a god or a doggone clod? If the second advent came to Coney Island are we ready? Florry Christ, Stephen Christ, Zoe Christ, Bloom Christ, Kitty Christ, Lynch Christ, it's up to you to sense that cosmic force. Have we cold feet about the cosmos? No. Be on the side of the angels. Be a prism. You have that something within, the higher self. You can rub shoulders with a Jesus, a Gautama, an Ingersoll. Are you all in this vibration? I say you are. You once nobble that, congregation, and a buck joyride to heaven becomes a back number. You got me? It's a lifebrightener, sure. The hottest stuff ever was. It's the whole pie with jam in. It's just the cutest snappiest line out. It is immense, supersumptuous. It restores. It vibrates. I know and I am some vibrator. Joking apart and getting down to bedrock, A. J. Christ Dowie and the harmonial philosophy, have you got that? O.K. Seventyseven west sixtyninth street. Got me? That's it. You call me up by sunphone any old time. Bumboosers, save your stamps. (He shouts.) Now then our glory song. All join heartily in the singing. Encore! (He sings.) Jeru...
THE GRAMOPHONE (Drowning his voice.) Whorusalaminyour highhohhhh.
(The disc rasps gratingly against the needle.)
THE THREE' WHORES (Covering their ears, squawk.) Ahhkkk!
ELIJAH (In rolledup shirtsleeves, black in the face, shouts at the top of his voice, his arms uplifted.) Big Brother up there, Mr President, you hear what I done just been saying to you. Certainly, I sort of believe strong in you, Mr President. I certainly am thinking now Miss Higgins and Miss Ricketts got religion way inside them. Certainly seems to me I don't never see no wusser scared female than the way you been, Miss Florry, just now as I done seed you. Mr President, you come long and help me save our sisters dear. (He winks at his audience.) Our Mr President, he twig the whole lot and he ain't saying nothing.
KITTY-KATE I forgot myself. In a weak moment I erred and did what I did on Constitution hill. I was confirmed by the bishop. My mother's sister married a Montmorency. It was a working plumber was my ruination when I was pure.
ZOE-FANNY I let him larrup it into me for the fun of it.
FLORRY-TERESA It was in consequence of a portwine beverage on top of Hennessy's three stars I was guilty with Whelan when he slipped into the bed.
STEPHEN In the beginning was the word, in the end the world without end. Blessed be the eight beatitudes.
(The beatitudes, Dixon, Madden, Crotthers, Costello, Lenehan, Bannon, Mulligan and Lynch in white surgical students' gowns, four abreast, goosestepping, tramp fast past in noisy marching.)
THE BEATITUDES (Incoherently.) Beer beef battledog buybull businum barnum buggerum bishop.
LYSTER (In quakergrey kneebreeches and broadbrimmed hat, says discreetly.) He is our friend. I need not mention names. Seek thou the light.
(He corantos by. Best enters in hairdresser attire, shinily laundered, his locks in curlpapers. He leads John Eglinton who wears a mandarin's kimono of Nankeen yellow, lizard-lettered, and a high pagoda hat.)
BEST (Smiling, lifts the hat and displays a shaven poll from the crown of which bristles a pigtail toupee tied with an orange topknot.) I was just beautifying him, don't you know. A thing of beauty, don't you know. Yeats says, or I mean, Keats says. (Produces a greencapped dark lantern and flashes it towards a corner; with carping accent.) Esthetics and cosmetics are for the boudoir. I am out for truth. Plain truth for a plain man. Tanderagee wants the facts and means to get them.
(In the cone of the search light behind the coalscuttle, ollave, holyeyed, the bearded figure of Mananaan MacLir broods, chin on knees. He rises slowly. A cold seawind blows from his druid mantle. About his head writhe eels and elvers. He is encrusted with weeds and shells. His right hand holds a bicycle pump. His left hand grasps a huge crayfish by its two talons.)
MANANAAN MACLIR (With a voice of waves.) Aum! Hek! Wal! Ak! Lub! Mor! Ma! White yoghin of the Gods. Occult pimander of Hermes Trismegistos. (With a voice of whistling seawind.) Punarjanam patsypunjaub! I won't have my leg pulled. It has been said by one: beware the left, the cult of Shakti. (With a cry of stormbirds.) Shakti, Shiva! Dark hidden Father! (He smites with his bicycle pump the crayfish in his left hand. On its co-operative dial glow the twelve signs of the zodiac. He wails with the vehemence of the ocean.) Aum! Baum! Pyjaum! I am the light of the homestead, I am the dreamery creamery butter.
(A skeleton judas hand strangles the light. The green light wanes to mauve. The gasjet wails whistling.)
THE GASJET Pooah! Pfuiiiiii!
(Zoe runs to the chandelier and, crooking her leg, adjusts the mantle.)
ZOE Who has a fag as I'm here?
LYNCH (Tossing a cigarette on to the table.) Here.
ZOE (Her head perched aside in mock pride.) Is that the way to hand the pot to a lady? (She stretches up to light the cigarette over the flame, twirling it slowly, showing the brown tufts of her armpits. Lynch with his poker lifts boldly a side of her slip. Bare from her garters up her flesh appears under the sapphire a nixie's green. She puffs calmly at her cigarette.) Can you see the beauty spot of my behind?
LYNCH I'm not looking.
ZOE (Makes sheep's eyes.) No? You wouldn't do a less thing. Would you suck a lemon?
(Squinting in mock shame she glances with sidelong meaning at Bloom, then twists round towards him, pulling her slip free of the poker. Blue fluid again flows over her flesh. Bloom stands, smiling desirously, twirling his thumbs. Kitty Ricketts licks her middle finger with her spittle and gazing in the mirror, smooths both eyebrows. Lipoti Virag, basilicogrammate, chutes rapidly down through the chimneyflue and struts two steps to the left on gawky pink stilts. He is sausaged into several overcoats and wears a brown macintosh under which he holds a roll of parchment. In his left eye flashes the monocle of Cashel Boyle O'Connor Fitzmaurice Tisdall Farrell. On his head is perched an Egyptian pshent. Two quills project over his ears.)
VIRAG (Heels together bows.) My name is Virag Lipoti, of Szombathely. (He coughs thoughtfully, drily.) Promiscuous nakedness is much in evidence hereabouts, eh? Inadvertently her backview revealed the fact that she is not wearing those rather intimate garments of which you are a particular devotee. The injection mark on the thigh I hope you perceived? Good.
BLOOM Granpapachi. But...
VIRAG Number two on the other hand, she of the cherry rouge and coiffeuse white, whose hair owes not a little to our tribal elixir of gopherwood, is in walking costume and tightly staysed by her sit, I should opine. Backbone in front, so to say. Correct me but I always understood that the act so performed by skittish humans with glimpses of lingerie appealed to you in virtue of its exhibitionististicicity. In a word. Hippogriff. Am I right?
BLOOM She is rather lean.
VIRAG (Not unpleasantly.) Absolutely! Well observed and those pannier pockets of the skirt and slightly pegtop effect are devised to suggest bunchiness of hip. A new purchase at some monster sale for which a gull has been mulcted. Meretricious finery to deceive the eye. Observe the attention to details of dustspecks. Never put on you tomorrow what you can wear today. Parallax! (With a nervous twitch of his head.) Did you hear my brain go snap? Pollysyllabax!
BLOOM (An elbow resting in a hand, a forefinger against his cheek.) She seems sad.
VIRAG (Cynically, his weasel teeth bared yellow, draws down his left eye with a finger and barks hoarsely.) Hoax! Beware of the flapper and bogus mournful. Lily of the alley. All possess bachelor's button discovered by Rualdus Colombus. Tumble her. Columble her. Chameleon. (More genially.) Well then, permit me to draw your attention to item number three. There is plenty of her visible to the naked eye. Observe the mass of oxygenated vegetable matter on her skull. What ho, she bumps! The ugly duckling of the party, longcasted and deep in keel.
BLOOM (Regretfully.) When you come out without your gun.
VIRAG We can do you all brands, mild, medium and strong. Pay your money, take your choice. How happy could you be with either...
BLOOM With?...
VIRAG (His tongue upcurling.) Lyum! Look. Her beam is broad. She is coated with quite a considerable layer of fat. Obviously mammal in weight of bosom you remark that she has in front well to the fore two protuberances of very respectable dimensions, inclined to fall in the noonday soupplate, while on her rere lower down are two additional protuberances, suggestive of potent rectum and tumescent for palpation which leave nothing to be desired save compactness. Such fleshy parts are the product of careful nurture. When coopfattened their livers reach an elephantine size. Pellets of new bread with fennygreek and gumbenjamin swamped down by potions of green tea endow them during their brief existence with natural pincushions of quite colossal blubber. That suits your book, eh? Fleshhotpots of Egypt to hanker after. Wallow in it. Lycopodium. (His throat twitches.) Slapbang! There he goes again.
BLOOM The stye I dislike.
VIRAG (Arches his eyebrows.) Contact with a goldring, they say. Argumentum ad feminam, as we said in old Rome and ancient Greece in the consulship of Diplodocus and Ichthyo saurus. For the rest Eve's sovereign remedy. Not for sale. Hire only. Huguenot. (He twitches.) It is a funny sound.
(He coughs encouragingly.) But possibly it is only a wart. I presume you shall have remembered what I will have taught you on that head? Wheatenmeal with honey and nutmeg.
BLOOM (Reflecting.) Wheatenmeal with lycopodium and syllabax. This searching ordeal. It has been an unusually fatiguing day, a chapter of accidents. Wait. I mean, wartsblood spreads warts, you said .
VIRAG (Severely, his nose hardhumped, his side eye winking.) Stop twirling your thumbs and have a good old thunk. See, you have forgotten. Exercise your mnemotechnic. La causa è santa. Tara. Tara. (Aside.) He will surely remember.
BLOOM Rosemary also did I understand you to say or will power over parasitic tissues. Then nay no I have an inkling. The touch of a deadhand cures. Mnemo?
VIRAG (Excitedly.) I say so. I say so. E'en so. Technic. (He taps his parchmentroll energetically.) This book tells you how to act with all descriptive particulars. Consult index for agitated fear of aconite, melancholy of muriatic, priapic pulsatilla. Virag is going to talk about amputation. Our old friend caustic. They must be starved. Snip off with horsehair under the denned neck. But, to change the venue to the Bulgar and the Basque, have you made up your mind whether you like or dislike women in male habiliments? (With a dry snigger.) You intended to devote an entire year to the study of the religious problem and the summer months of 1882 to square the circle and win that million. Pomegranate! From the sublime to the ridiculous is but a step. Pyjamas, let us say? Or stockingette gusseted knickers, closed? Or, put we the case, those complicated combinations, camiknickers? (He crows derisively.) Keekeereekee!
(Bloom surveys uncertainly the three whores, then gazes at the veiled mauve light, hearing the everflying moth.)
BLOOM I wanted then to have now concluded. Nightdress was never. Hence this. But tomorrow is a new day will be. Past was is today. What now is will then tomorrow as now was be past yester.
VIRAG (Prompts into his ear in a pig's whisper.) Insects of the day spend their brief existence in reiterated coition, lured by the smell of the inferiorly pulchritudinous female possessing extendified pudendal verve in dorsal region. Pretty Poll! (His yellow parrotbeak gabbles nasally.) They had a proverb in the Carpathians in or about the year five thousand five hundred and fifty of our era. One tablespoonful of honey will attract friend Bruin more than half a dozen barrels of first choice malt vinegar. Bear's buzz bothers bees. But of this apart. At another time we may resume. We were very pleased, we others. (He coughs and, bending his brow, rubs his nose thoughtfully with a scooping hand.) You shall find that these night insects follow the light. An illusion for remember their complex unadjustable eye. For all these knotty points see the seventeenth book of my Fundamentals of Sexology or the Love Passion which Doctor L. B. says is the book sensation of the year. Some, to example, there are again whose movements are automatic. Perceive. That is his appropriate sun. Nightbird nightsun nighttown. Chase me, Charley! Buzz!
BLOOM Bee or bluebottle too other day butting shadow on wall dazed self then me wandered dazed down shirt good job I...
VIRAG (His face impassive, laughs in a rich feminine key.) Splendid! Spanish fly in his fly or mustard plaster on his dibble. (He gobbles gluttonously with turkey wattles.) Bubbly jock! Bubbly jock! Where are we? Open Sesame! Cometh forth! (He unrolls his parchment rapidly and reads, his glowworm's nose running backwards over the letters which he claws.) Stay, good friend. I bring thee thy answer Redbank oysters will shortly be upon us. I'm the best o'cook. Those succulent bivalves may help us and the truffles of Perigord, tubers dislodged through mister omnivorous porker, were unsurpassed in cases of nervous debility or viragitis. Though they stink yet they sting. (He wags head with cackling raillery.) Jocular. With my eyeglass in my ocular.
BLOOM (Absently.) Ocularly woman's bivalve case is worse. Always open sesame. The cloven sex. Why they fear vermin, creeping things. Yet Eve and the serpent contradict. Not a historical fact. Obvious analogy to my idea. Serpents too are gluttons for woman's milk. Wind their way through miles of omnivorous forest to sucksucculent her breast dry. Like those bubblyjocular Roman matrons one reads of in Elephantuliasis.
VIRAG (His mouth projected in hard wrinkles, eyes stonily forlornly closed, psalms in outlandish monotone.) That the cows with their those distended udders that they have been the known...
BLOOM I am going to scream. I beg your pardon. Ah? So. (He repeats.) Spontaneously to seek out the saurian's lair in order to entrust their teats to his avid suction. Ant milks aphis. (Profoundly.) Instinct rules the world. In life. In death.
VIRAG (Head askew, arches his back and hunched wing- shoulders, peers at the moth out of blear bulged eyes, points a homing claw and cries.) Who's Ger Ger? Who's dear Gerald? O, I much fear he shall be most badly burned. Will some pleashe pershon not now impediment so catastrophics mit agitation of firstclass tablenumpkin? (He mews.) Luss puss puss puss! (He sighs, draws back and stares sideways down with dropping underjaw.) Well, well. He doth rest anon.
I'm a tiny tiny thing
Ever flying in the spring
Round and round a ringaring.
Long ago I was a king,
Now I do this kind of thing
On the wing, on the wing!
(He rushes against the mauve shade flapping noisily.) Pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty petticoats.
(From left upper entrance with two sliding steps Henry Flower comes forward to left front centre. He wears a dark mantle and drooping plumed sombrero. He carries a silverstringed inlaid dulcimer and a longstemmed bamboo Jacobs pipe, its clay bowl fashioned as a female head. He wears dark velvet hose and silverbuckled pumps. He has the romantic Saviour's face with flowing locks, thin beard and moustache. His spindlelegs and sparrow feet are those of the tenor Mario, prince of Candia. He settles down his goffered ruffs and moistens his lips with a passage of his amorous tongue.)
HENRY (In a low dulcet voice, touching the strings of his guitar.) There is a flower that bloometh.
(Virag truculent, his jowl set, stares at the lamp. Grave Bloom regards Zoe's neck. Henry gallant turns with pendent dewlap to the piano.)
STEPHEN (To himself.) Play with your eyes shut. Imitate pa. Filling my belly with husks of swine. Too much of this. I will arise and go to my. Expect this is the. Steve, thou art in a parlous way. Must visit old Deasy or telegraph. Our interview of this morning has left on me a deep impression. Though our ages. Will write fully tomorrow. I'm partially drunk, by the way. (He touches the keys again.) Minor chord comes now. Yes. Not much however.
(Almidano Artifoni holds out a batonroll of music with vigorous moustachework.)
ARTIFONI Ci rifletta. Lei rovina tutto.
FLORRY Sing us something. Love's old sweet song.
STEPHEN No voice. I am a most finished artist. Lynch, did I show you the letter about the lute?
FLORRY (Smirking.) The bird that can sing and won't sing.
(The Siamese twins, Philip Drunk and Philip Sober two Oxford dons with lawnmowers, appear in the window embrasure. Both are masked with Matthew Arnold's face.)
PHILIP SOBER Take a fool's advice. All is not well. Work it out with the buttend of a pencil, like a good young idiot. Three pounds twelve you got, two notes, one sovereign, two crowns, if youth but knew. Mooney's en ville, Mooney's sur mer, the Moira, Larchet's, Holles street hospital, Burke's. Eh? I am watching you.
PHILIP DRUNK (Impatiently.) Ah, bosh, man. Go to hell! I paid my way. If I could only find out about octaves. Reduplication of personality. Who was it told me his name?
(His lawnmower begins to purr.) Aha, yes. Zoe mou sas agapo. Have a notion I was here before. When was it not Atkinson his card I have somewhere? Mac somebody. Unmack I have it. He told me about, hold on, Swinburne, was it, no?
FLORRY And the song?
STEPHEN Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.
FLORRY Are you out of Maynooth? You're like someone I knew once.
STEPHEN Out of it now. (To himself.) Clever.
PHILIP DRUNK AND PHILIP SOBER (Their lawnmowers purring with a rigadoon of grasshalms.) Clever ever. Out of it. Out of it. By the by have you the book, the thing, the ashplant? Yes, there it, yes. Cleverever outofitnow. Keep in condition. Do like us.
ZOE There was a priest down here two nights ago to do his bit of business with his coat buttoned up. You needn't try to hide, I says to him. I know you've a Roman collar.
VIRAG Perfectly logical from his standpoint. Fall of man. (Harshly, his pupils waxing.) To hell with the pope! Nothing new under the sun. I am the Virag who disclosed the sex secrets of monks and maidens. Why I left the Church of Rome. Read the Priest, the Woman and the Confessional. Penrose. Flipperty Jippert. (He wriggles.) Woman, undoing with sweet pudor her belt of rushrope, offers her allmoist yoni to man's lingam. Short time after man presents woman with pieces of jungle meat. Woman shows joy and covers herself with featherskins. Man loves her yoni fiercely with big lingam, the stiff one. (He cries.) Coactus volui. Then giddy woman will run about. Strong man grasps woman's wrist. Woman squeals, bites, spucks. Man, now fierce angry, strikes woman's fat yadgana. (He chases his tail.) Piffpaff! Popo! (He stops, sneezes.) Pchp! (He worries his butt.) Prrrrrht!
LYNCH I hope you gave the good father a penance. Nine glorias for shooting a bishop.
ZOE (Spouts walrus smoke through her nostrils.) He couldn't get a connection. Only, you know, sensation. A dry rush.
BLOOM Poor man!
ZOE (Lightly.) Only for what happened him.
VIRAG (A diabolic rictus of black luminosity contracting his visage, cranes his scraggy neck forward. He lifts a mooncalf nozzle and howls.) Verfluchte Goim! He had a father, forty fathers. He never existed. Pig God! He had two left feet. He was Judas Iacchias, a Libyan eunuch, the pope's bastard. (He leans out on tortured forepaws, elbows bent rigid, his eye agonising in his flat skullneck and yelps over the mute world.) A son of a whore. Apocalypse.
KITTY And Mary Shortall that was in the lock with the pox she got from Jimmy Pidgeon in the blue caps had a child off him that couldn't swallow and was smothered with the convulsions in the mattress and we all subscribed for the funeral.
PHILIP DRUNK (Gravely.) Qui vous a mis dans cette fichue position, Philippe?
PHILIP SOBER (Gaily.) C'était le sacré pigeon, Philippe.
(Kitty unpins her hat and sets it down calmly, patting her henna hair. And a prettier, a daintier head of winsome curls was never seen on a whores shoulders. Lynch puts on her hat. She whips it off.)
LYNCH (Laughs.) And to such delights has Metchnikoff inoculated anthropoid apes.
FLORRY (Nods.) Locomotor ataxy.
ZOE (Gaily.) O, my dictionary.
LYNCH Three wise virgins.
VIRAG (Agueshaken, profuse yellow spawn foaming over his bony epileptic lips.) She sold lovephiltres, whitewax, orange flower. Panther, the Roman centurion, polluted her with his genitories. (He sticks out a flickering phosphorescent scorpion tongue, his hand on his fork.) Messiah! He burst her tympanum. (With gibbering baboon's cries he jerks his hips in the cynical spasm.) Hik! Hek! Hak! Hok! Huk! Kok! Kuk!
(Ben Jumbo Dollard, rubicund, musclebound, hairynostrilled, hugebearded, cabbageeared, shaggychested, shockmaned, fatpapped, stands forth, his loins and genitals tightened into a pair of black bathing bagslops.)
BEN POLLARD (Nakkering castanet bones in his huge padded paws, yodels jovially in base barreltone.) When love absorbs my ardent soul.
(The virgins, Nurse Callan and Nurse Quigley, burst through the ringkeepers and the ropes and mob him with open arms.)
THE VIRGINS (Gushingly.) Big Ben! Ben MacChree!
A VOICE Hold that fellow with the bad breeches.
BEN DOLLARD (Smites his thigh in abundant laughter.) Hold him now.
HENRY (Caressing on his breast a severed female head, murmurs.) Thine heart, mine love. (He plucks his lutestrings.) When first I saw.
VIRAG (Sloughing his skins, his multitudinous plumage moulting.) Rats! (He yawns; showing a coalblack throat and closes his jaws by an upward push of his parchment roll.) After having said which I took my departure. Farewell. Fare thee well. Dreck!
(Henry Flower combs his moustache and beard rapidly with a pocketcomb and gives a cows lick to his hair. Steered by his rapier, he glides to the door his wild had slung behind him. Virag reaches the door in two ungainly stilthops, his tail cocked, and deftly claps sideways on the wall a pusyellow flybill, butting it with his head.)
THE FLYBILL K. 11. post no bills. Strictly confidential. Dr Hy Franks.
HENRY All is lost now.
(Virag unscrews his head in a trice and holds it under his arm.)
(Exeunt severally.)
STEPHEN (Over his shoulder to Zoe.) You would have preferred the fighting parson who founded the protestant error. But beware Antisthenes, the dog sage, and the last end of Anus Heresiarchus. The agony in the closet.
LYNCH All one and the same God to her.
STEPHEN (Devoutly.) And Sovereign Lord of all things.
FLORRY (To Stephen.) I'm sure you are a spoiled priest. Or a monk.
LYNCH He is. A Cardinal's son.
STEPHEN Cardinal sin. Monks of the screw.
(His Eminence, Simon Stephen Cardinal Dedalus, Primate of all Ireland, appears in the doorway, dressed in red soutane, sandals and socks. Seven dwarf simian acolytes, also in red, cardinal sins, uphold his train, peeping under it. He wears a battered silk hat sideways on his head. His thumbs are stuck in his armpits and his palms outspread. Round his neck hangs a rosary of corks ending on his breast in a corkscrew cross. Releasing his thumbs, he invokes grace from on high with lace wave gestures and proclaims with bloated pomp.)
Conservio lies captured.
He lies in the lowest dungeon
With manacles and chains around his limbs
Weighing upwards of three tons.
(He looks at all for a moment, his right eye closed tight, his left cheek puffed out. Then, unable to repress his merriment, he rocks to and fro, ads akimbo, and sings with broad rollicking humour.) O, the poor little fellow Hi-hi-hi-hi-his legs they were yellow He was plump, fat and heavy and brisk as a snake But some bloody savage To graize his white cabbage He murdered Nell Flaherty's duckloving drake.
(A multitude of midges swarms over his robe. He scratches himself with crossed arms at his ribs, grimacing, and exclaims.) I'm suffering the agony of the damned. By the hoky fiddle, thanks be to Jesus those funny little chaps are not unanimous. If they were they'd walk me off the face of the bloody globe.
(His head aslant, he blesses curtly with fore and middle fingers, imparts the Easter kiss and doubleshuffles off comically, swaying his hat from side to side, shrinking quickly to the size of his train bearers. The dwarf acolytes, giggling, peeping, nudging, ogling, Easterkissing, zigzag behind him. His voice is heard mellow from afar, merciful, male, melodious.) Shall carry my heart to thee, Shall carry my heart to thee, And the breath of the balmy night Shall carry my heart to thee.
(The trick doorhandle turns.)
ZOE The devil is in that door.
(A male form passes down the creaking staircase and is heard taking the waterproof and hat from the rack. Bloom starts forward involuntarily and, half closing the door as he passes, takes the chocolate from his pocket and offers it nervously to Zoe.)
ZOE (Sniffs his hair briskly.) Hum. Thank your mother for the rabbits. I'm very fond of what I like.
BLOOM (Hearing a male voice in talk with the whores on the doorstep, pricks his ears.) If it were he? After? Or because not? Or the double event?
ZOE (Tears open the silverfoil.) Fingers was made before forks. (She breaks off and nibbles a piece, gives a piece to Kitty Ricketts and then turns kittenishly to Lynch.) No objection to French lozenges? (He nods. She taunts him.) Have it now or wait till you get it? (He opens his mouth, his head cocked. She whirls the prize in left circle. His head follows. She whirls it back in right circle. He eyes her.) Catch.
(She tosses a piece. With an adroit snap he catches it and bites it through with a crack.)
KITTY (Chewing.) The engineer I was with at the bazaar does have lovely ones. Full of the best liqueurs. And the viceroy was there with his lady. The gas we had on the Toft's hobbyhorses. I'm giddy still.
BLOOM (In Svengali's fur overcoat, with folded arms and Napoleonic forelock, frowns in ventriloquial exorcism with piercing eagle glance towards the door. Then, rigid, with left foot advanced, he makes a swift pass with impelling fingers and gives the sign of past master, drawing his right arm downwards from his left shoulder.) Go, go, go, I conjure you, whoever you are.
(A male cough and tread are heard passing through the mist outside. Blooms features relax. He places a hand in his waistcoat, posing calmly. Zoe offers him chocolate.)
BLOOM (Solemnly.) Thanks.
ZOE Do as you're bid. Here.
(A firm heelclacking is heard on the stairs.)
BLOOM (Takes the chocolate.) Aphrodisiac? But I thought it. Vanilla calms or? Mnemo. Confused light confuses memory. Red influences lupus. Colours affect women's characters, any they have. This black makes me sad. Eat and be merry for tomorrow. (He eats.) Influence taste too, mauve. But it is so long since I. Seems new. Aphro. That priest. Must come. Better late than never. Try truffles at Andrews.
(The door opens. Bella Cohen, a massive whoremistress enters. She is dressed in a threequarter ivory gown, fringed round the hem with tasselled selvedge, and cools herself flirting a black horn fan like Minnie Hauck in Carmen. On her left hand are wedding and keeper rings. Her eyes are deeply carboned. She has a sprouting moustache. Her olive face is heavy, slightly sweated and fullnosed, with orangetainted nostrils. She has lace pendant beryl eardrops.)
BELLA My word! I'm all of a mucksweat.
(She glances around her at the couples. Then her eyes rest on Bloom with hard insistence. Her lace fan winnows wind towards her heated face, neck and embonpoint. Her falcon eyes glitter.)
THE FAN (Flirting quickly, then slowly.) Married, I see.
BLOOM Yes... Partly, I have mislaid .
THE FAN (Half opening, then closing.) And the missus is master. Petticoat government.
BLOOM (Looks down with a sheepish grin.) That is so.
THE FAN (Folding together, rests against her eardrop.) Have you forgotten me?
BLOOM Yes. No.
THE FAN (Folded akimbo against her waist.) Is me her was you dreamed before? Was then she him you us since knew? Am all them and the same now we? (Bella approaches, gently tapping with the fan.)
BLOOM (Wincing.) Powerful being. In my eyes read that slumber which women love.
THE FAN (Tapping.) We have met. You are mine. It is fate.
BLOOM (Cowed.) Exuberant female. Enormously I desiderate your domination. I am exhausted, abandoned, no more young. I stand, so to speak, with an unposted letter bearing the extra regulation fee before the too late box of the general postoffice of human life. The door and window open at a right angle cause a draught of thirtytwo feet per second according to the law of falling bodies. I have felt this instant a twinge of sciatica in my left glutear muscle. It runs in our family. Poor dear papa, a widower, was a regular barometer from it. He believed in animal heat. A skin of tabby lined his winter waistcoat. Near the end, remembering king David and the Sunamite, he shared his bed with Athos, faithful after death. A dog's spittle, as you probably... (He winces.) Ah!
RICHIE GOULDING (Bagweighted, passes the door.) Mocking is catch. Best value in Dub. Fit for a prince's liver and kidney.
THE FAN (Tapping.) All things end. Be mine. Now.
BLOOM (Undecided.) All now? I should not have parted with my talisman. Rain, exposure at dewfall on the sea rocks, a peccadillo at my time of life. Every phenomenon has a natural cause.
THE FAN (Points downwards slowly.) You may.
BLOOM (Looks downwards and perceives her unfastened bootlace. ) We are observed.
THE FAN (Points downwards quickly.) You must.
BLOOM (With desire, with reluctance.) I can make a true black knot. Learned when I served my time and worked the mail order line for Kellet's. Experienced hand. Every knot says a lot. Let me. In courtesy. I knelt once before today. Ah!
(Bella raises her gown slightly and, steadying her pose, lifts to the edge of a chair a plump buskined hoof and a full pastern, silksocked. Bloom, stifflegged ageing, bends over her hoof and with gentle fingers draws out and in her laces.)
BLOOM (Murmurs lovingly.) To be a shoefitter in Mansfield's was my love's young dream, the darling joys of sweet buttonhooking, to lace up crisscrossed to kneelength the dressy kid footwear satinlined, so incredibly small, of Clyde Road ladies. Even their wax model Raymonde I visited daily to admire her cobweb hose and stick of rhubarb toe, as worn in Paris.
THE HOOF Smell my hot goathide. Feel my royal weight.
BLOOM (Crosslacing.) Too tight?
THE HOOF If you bungle, Handy Andy, I'll kick your football for you.
BLOOM Not to lace the wrong eyelet as I did the night of the bazaar dance. Bad luck. Nook in wrong tache of her... person you mentioned. That night she met... Now!
(He knots the lace. Bella places her foot on the floor. Bloom raises his head. Her heavy face, her eyes strike him in mid-brow. His eyes grow dull, darker and pouched, his nose thickens.)
BLOOM (Mumbles.) Awaiting your further orders, we remain, gentlemen.
BELLO (With a hard basilisk stare, in a baritone voice.) Hound of dishonour!
BLOOM (Infatuated.) Empress!
BELLO (His heavy cheekchops sagging.) Adorer of the adulterous rump!
BLOOM (Plaintively.) Hugeness!
BELLO Dungdevourer!
BLOOM (With sinews semiflexed.) Magnificence.
BELLO Down! (He taps her on the shoulder with his fan.) Incline feet forward! Slide left foot one pace back. You will fall. You are falling. On the hands down!
BLOOM (Her eyes upturned in the sign of admiration, closing.) Truffles!
(With a piercing epileptic cry she sinks on all fours, grunting, snuffling, rooting at his feet, then lies, shamming dead with eyes shut tight, trembling eyelids, bowed upon the ground in the attitude of most excellent master.)
BELLO (With bobbed hair purple gills, fat moustache rings round his shaven mouth, in mountaineer's puttees, green silverbuttoned coat, sport skirt and alpine hat with moor cock's feather, his hands stuck deep in his breeches pockets, places his heel on her neck and grinds it in.) Feel my entire weight. Bow, bondslave, before the throne of your despot's glorious heels, so glistening in their proud erectness.
BLOOM (Enthralled, bleats.) I promise never to disobey.
BELLO (Laughs loudly.) Holy smoke! You little know what's in store for you. I'm the tartar to settle your little lot and break you in! I'll bet Kentucky cocktails all round I shame it out of you, old son. Cheek me, I dare you. If you do tremble in anticipation of heel discipline to be inflicted in gym costume.
(Bloom creeps under the sofa and peers out through the fringe.
ZOE (Widening her slip to screen her.) She's not here.
BLOOM (Closing her eyes.) She's not here.
FLORRY (Hiding her with her gown.) She didn't mean it, Mr Bello. She'll be good, sir.
KITTY Don't be too hard on her, Mr Bello. Sure you won't, ma'amsir.
BELLO (Coaxingly.) Come, ducky dear. I want a word with you, darling, just to administer correction. Just a little heart to heart talk, sweety. (Bloom puts out her timid head.) There's a good girly now. (Bello grabs her hair violently and drags her forward.) I only want to correct you for your own good on a soft safe spot. How's that tender behind? O, ever so gently, pet. Begin to get ready.
BLOOM (Fainting.) Don't tear my.
BELLO (Savagely.) The nosering, the pliers, the bastinado, the hanging hook, the knout I'll make you kiss while the flutes play like the Nubian slave of old. You're in for it this time. I'll make you remember me for the balance of your natural life. (His forehead veins swollen, his face congested.) I shall sit on your ottoman saddleback every morning after my thumping good breakfast of Matterson's fat ham rashers and a bottle of Guinness's porter. (He belches.) And suck my thumping good Stock Exchange cigar while I read the Licensed Victualler's Gazette. Very possibly I shall have you slaughtered and skewered in my stables and enjoy a slice Of you with crisp crackling from the baking tin basted and baked like sucking pig with rice and lemon or currant sauce. It will hurt you.
(He twists her arm. Bloom squeaks, turning turtle.)
BLOOM Don't be cruel, nurse! Don't!
BELLO (Twisting.) Another!
BLOOM (Screams.) O, it's hell itself! Every nerve in my body aches like mad!
BELLO (Shouts.) Good, by the rumping jumping general! That's the best bit of news I heard these six weeks. Here, don't keep me waiting, damn you. (He slaps her face.)
BLOOM (Whimpers.) You're after hitting me. I'll tell...
BELLO Hold him down, girls, till I squat on him.
ZOE Yes. Walk on him! I will.
FLORRY I will. Don't be greedy.
KITTY No, me. Lend him to me.
(The brothel cook, Mrs Keogh, wrinkled, greybearded, in a greasy bib, men's grey and green socks and brogues, flour-smeared, a rollingpin stuck with raw pastry in her bare red arm and hand, appears at the door.)
MRS KEOCH (Ferociously.) Can I help? (They hold and pinion Bloom.)
BELLO (Squats, with a grunt, on Bloom's upturned face, puffing cigar-smoke, nursing a fat leg.) I see Keating Clay is elected chairman of the Richmond Asylum and bytheby Guinness's preference shares are at sixteen three quarters. Curse me for a fool that I didn't buy that lot Craig and Gardner told me about. Just my infernal luck, curse it. And that Goddamned outsider Throwaway at twenty to one. (He quenches his cigar angrily on Bloom's ear.) Where's that Goddamned cursed ashtray?
BLOOM (Goaded, buttocksmothered.) O! O! Monsters! Cruel one!
BELLO Ask for that every ten minutes. Beg, pray for it as you never prayed before. (He thrusts out a figged fist and foul cigar.) Here, kiss that. Both. Kiss. (He throws a leg astride and, pressing with horseman's knees, calls in a hard voice.) Gee up! A cockhorse to Banbury cross. I'll ride him for the Eclipse stakes. (He bends sideways and squeezes his mount's testicles roughly, shouting.) Ho! off we pop! I'll nurse you in proper fashion. (He horserides cockhorse, leaping in the saddle.) The lady goes a pace a pace and the coachman goes a trot a trot and the gentleman goes a gallop a gallop a gallop a gallop.
FLORRY (Pulls at Bello.) Let me on him now. You had enough. I asked before you.
ZOE (Pulling at Florry.) Me. Me. Are you not finished with him yet, suckeress?
BLOOM (Stifling.) Can't.
BELLO Well, I'm not. Wait. (He holds in his breath.) Curse it. Here. This bung's about burst. (He uncorks himself behind: then, contorting his features, farts loudly.) Take that! (He recorks himself) Yes, by Jingo, sixteen three quarters.
BLOOM (A sweat breaking out over him.) Not man. (He sniffs.) Woman.
BELLO (Stands up.) No more blow hot and cold. What you longed for has come to pass. Henceforth you are unmanned and mine in earnest, a thing under the yoke. Now for your punishment frock. You will shed your male garments, you understand, Ruby Cohen? and don the shot silk luxuriously rustling over head and shoulders and quickly too.
BLOOM (Shrinks.) Silk, mistress said! O crinkly! scrapy! Must I tip-touch it with my nails?
BELLO (Points to his whores.) As they are now, so will you be, wigged, singed, perfumesprayed, ricepowdered, with smoothshaven armpits. Tape measurements will be taken next your skin. You will be laced with cruel force into vicelike corsets of soft dove coutille, with whalebone busk, to the diamond trimmed pelvis, the absolute outside edge, while your figure, plumper than when at large, will be restrained in nettight frocks, pretty two ounce petticoats and fringes and things stamped, of course, with my houseflag, creations of lovely lingerie for Alice and nice scent for Alice. Alice will feel the pullpull. Martha and Mary will be a little chilly at first in such delicate thighcasing but the frilly flimsiness of lace round your bare knees will remind you...
BLOOM (A chafing soubrette with dauby cheeks, mustard hair and lace male hands and nose, leering mouth.) I tried her things on only once, a small prank, in Holles street. When we were hardup I washed them to save the laundry bill. My own shirts I turned. It was the purest thrift.
BELLO (Jeers.) Little jobs that make mother pleased, eh! and showed off coquettishly in your domino at the mirror behind close-drawn blinds your unskirted thighs and hegoat's udders, in various poses of surrender, eh? Ho! Ho! I have to laugh! That secondhand black operatop shift and short trunk leg naughties all split up the stitches at her last rape that Mrs Miriam Dandrade sold you from the Shelbourne Hotel, eh?
BLOOM Miriam, Black. Demimondaine.
BELLO (Guffaws.) Christ Almighty, it's too tickling, this! You were a nicelooking Miriam when you clipped off your backgate hairs and lay swooning in the thing across the bed as Mrs Dandrade, about to be violated by Lieutenant Smythe Smythe, Mr Philip Augustus Blockwell, M.P., Signor Laci Daremo, the robust tenor, blueeyed Bert, the liftboy, Henry Fleury of Gordon Bennett fame, Sheridan, the quadroon Cr&Aelig;sus, the varsity wetbob eight from old Trinity, Ponto, her splendid Newfoundland and Bobs, dowager duchess of Manorhamilton. (He guffaws again.) Christ, wouldn't it make a Siamese cat laugh?
BLOOM (Her hands and features working.) It was Gerald converted me to be a true corsetlover when I was female impersonator in the High School play Vice Versa. It was dear Gerald. He got that kink, fascinated by sister's stays. Now dearest Gerald uses pinky greasepaint and gilds his eyelids. Cult of the beautiful.
BELLO (With wicked glee.) Beautiful! Give us a breather! When you took your seat with womanish care, lifting your billowy flounces, on the smoothworn throne.
BLOOM Science. To compare the various joys we each enjoy. (Earnestly.) And really it's better the position... because often I used to wet.
BELLO (Sternly.) No insubordination. The sawdust is there in the corner for you. I gave you strict instructions, didn't I? Do it standing, sir! I'll teach you to behave like a jinkleman! If I catch a trace on your swaddles. Aha! By the ass of the Dorans you'll find I'm a martinet. The sins of your past are rising against you. Many. Hundreds.
THE SINS OF THE PAST (In a medley of voices.) He went through a form of clandestine marriage with at least one woman in the shadow of the Black Church. Unspeakable messages he telephoned mentally to Miss Dunn at an address in d'Olier Street while he presented himself indecently to the instrument in the callbox. By word and deed he encouraged a nocturnal strumpet to deposit fecal and other matter in an unsanitary outhouse attached to empty premises. In five public conveniences he wrote pencilled messages offering his nuptial partner to all strongmembered males. And by the offensively smelling vitriol works did he not pass night after night by loving courting couples to see if and what and how much he could see? Did he not lie in bed, the gross boar, gloating over a nauseous fragment of wellused toilet paper presented to him by a nasty harlot, stimulated by gingerbread and a postal order?
BELLO (Whistles loudly.) Say! What was the most revolting piece of obscenity in all your career of crime? Go the whole hog. Puke it out. Be candid for once.
(Mute inhuman faces throng forward, leering, vanishing, gibbering, Eooloohoom. Poldy Hock, Bootlaces a penny, cassidy's hag, blind stripling, Larry Rhinoceros, the girl, the woman, the whore, the other the... )
BLOOM Don't ask me. Our mutual faith. Pleasants street. I only thought the half of the... I swear on my sacred oath...
BELLO (Peremptorily.) Answer. Repugnant wretch! I insist on knowing. Tell me something to amuse me, smut or a bloody good-ghoststory or a line of poetry, quick, quick, quick! Where? How? What time? With how many? I give you just three seconds. One! Two! Thr... !
BLOOM (Docile, gurgles.) I rererepugnosed in rerererepugnant...
BELLO (Imperiously.) O get out, you skunk! Hold your tongue! Speak when you're spoken to.
BLOOM (Bows.) Master! Mistress! Mantamer!
(He lifts his arms. His bangle bracelets fall.)
BELLO (Satirically.) By day you will souse and bat our smelling underclothes, also when we ladies are unwell, and swab out our latrines with dress pinned up and a dishclout tied to your tail. Won't that be nice? (He places a ruby ring on her finger.) And there now! With this ring I thee own. Say, thank you, mistress.
BLOOM Thank you, mistress.
BELLO You will make the beds, get my tub ready, empty the pisspots in the different rooms, including old Mrs Keogh's the cook's, a sandy one. Ay, and rinse the seven of them well, mind, or lap it up like champagne. Drink me piping hot. Hop! you will dance attendance or I'll lecture you on your misdeeds, Miss Ruby, and spank your bare bot right well, miss, with the hairbrush. You'll be taught the error of your ways. At night your wellcreamed braceleted hands will wear fortythreebutton gloves newpowdered with talc and having delicately scented fingertips. For such favours knights of old laid down their lives. (He chuckles.) My boys will be no end charmed to see you so ladylike, the colonel, above all. When they come here the night before the wedding to fondle my new attraction in gilded heels. First, I'll have a go at you myself. A man I know on the turf named Charles Alberta Marsh (I was in bed with him just now and another gentleman out of the Hanaper and Petty Bag office) is on the lookout for a maid of all work at a short knock. Swell the bust. Smile. Droop shoulders. What offers? (He points.) For that lot trained by owner to fetch and carry, basket in mouth. (He bares his arm and plunges it elbowdeep in Bloom's vulva.) There's fine depth for you! What, boys? That give you a hardon? (He shoves his arm in a bidder's face.) Here, wet the deck and wipe it round!
A BIDDER A florin!
(Dillon's lacquey rings his handbell.)
A VOICE One and eightpence too much.
CHARLES ALBERTA MARSH Must be virgin. Good breath. Clean.
BELLO (Gives a rap with his gavel.) Two bar. Rockbottom figure and cheap at the price. Fourteen hands high. Touch and examine his points. Handle him. This downy skin, these soft muscles, this tender flesh. If I had only my gold piercer here! And quite easy to milk. Three newlaid gallons a day. A pure stock getter, due to lay within the hour. His sire's milk record was a thousand gallons of whole milk in forty weeks. Whoa, my jewel! Beg up! Whoa! (He brands his initial Con Bloom's croup.) So! Warranted Cohen! What advance on two bob, gentlemen?
A DARKVISAGED MAN (In disguised accent.) Hoondert punt sterlink.
VOICES (Subdued.) For the Caliph Haroun Al Raschid.
BELLO (Gaily.) Right. Let them all come. The scanty, daringly short skirt, riding up at the knee to show a peep of white pantalette, is a potent weapon and transparent stockings, emeraldgartered, with the long straight seam trailing up beyond the knee, appeal to the better instincts of the blasé man about town. Learn the smooth mincing walk on four inch Louis XV heels, the Grecian bend with provoking croup, the thighs fluescent, knees modestly kissing. Bring all your power of fascination to bear on them. Pander to their Gomorrahan vices.
BLOOM (Bends his blushing face into his armpit and simpers with forefinger in mouth.) O, I know what you're hinting at now.
BELLO What else are you good for, an impotent thing like you? (He stoops and, peering, pokes with his fan rudely under the fat suetfolds of Bloom's haunches.) Up! Up! Manx cat! What have we here? Where's your curly teapot gone to or who docked it on you, cockyolly? Sing, birdy, sing. It's as limp as a boy of six's doing his pooly behind a cart. Buy a bucket or sell your pump. (Loudly.) Can you do a man's job?
BLOOM Eccles Street.
BELLO (Sarcastically.) I wouldn't hurt your feelings for the world but there's a man of brawn in possession there. The tables are turned, my gay young fellow! He is something like a fullgrown outdoor man. Well for you, you muff, if you had that weapon with knobs and lumps and warts all over it. He shot his bolt, I can tell you! Foot to foot, knee to knee, belly to belly, bubs to breast! He's no eunuch. A shock of red hair he has sticking out of him behind like a furzebush! Wait for nine months, my lad! Holy ginger, it's kicking and coughing up and down in her guts already! That makes you wild, don't it? Touches the spot? (He spits in contempt.) Spittoon!
BLOOM I was indecently treated, I... inform the police. Hundred pounds. Unmentionable. I.
BELLO Would if you could, lame duck. A downpour we want, not your drizzle.
BLOOM To drive me mad! Moll! I forgot! Forgive! Moll!... We... Still...
BELLO (Ruthlessly.) No, Leopold Bloom, all is changed by woman's will since you slept horizontal in Sleepy Hollow your night of twenty years. Return and see.
(Old Sleepy Hollow calls over the wold.)
SLEEPY HOLLOW Rip Van Winkle! Rip Van Winkle!
BLOOM (In tattered moccasins with a rusty fowlingpiece, tip toeing, fingertipping, his haggard bony bearded face peering through the diamond panes, cries out.) I see her! It's she! The first night at Mat Dillon's! But that dress, the green! And her hair is dyed gold and he.
BELLO (Laughs mockingly.) That's your daughter, you owl, with a Mullingar student.
(Milly Bloom, fairhaired, greenvested, slimsandalled, her bluescab in the seawind simply swirling, breaks from the arms of her lover and calls, her young eyes wonderwide.)
MILLY My! It's Papli! But. O Papli, how old you've grown!
BELLO Changed, eh? Our whatnot, our writing table where we never wrote, Aunt Hegarty's armchair, our classic reprints of old masters. A man and his men friends are living there in clover. The Cuckoos' Rest! Why not? How many women had you, say? Following them up dark streets, flatfoot, exciting them by your smothered grunts. What, you male prostitute? Blameless dames with parcels of groceries. Turn about. Sauce for the goose, my gander, O.
BLOOM They... I
BELLO (Cuttingly.) Their heelmarks will stamp the Brusselette carpet you bought at Wren's auction. In their horseplay with Moll the romp to find the buck flea in her breeches they will deface the little statue you carried home in the rain for art for art's sake. They will violate the secrets of your bottom drawer. Pages will be torn from your handbook of astronomy to make them pipespills. And they will spit in your ten shilling brass fender from Hampton Leedom's.
BLOOM Ten and six. The act of low scoundrels. Let me go. I will return. I will prove...
A VOICE Swear!
(Bloom clenches his fists and crawls forward, a bowie knife between his teeth.)
BELLO As a paying guest or a kept man? Too late. You have made your secondbest bed and others must lie in it. Your epitaph is written. You are down and out and don't you forget it, old bean.
BLOOM Justice! All Ireland versus one! Has nobody... ?
(He bites his thumb.)
BELLO Die and be damned to you if you have any sense of decency or grace about you. I can give you a rare old wine that'll send you skipping to hell and back. Sign a will and leave us any coin you have. If you have none see you damn well get it, steal it, rob it! We'll bury you in our shrubbery jakes where you'll be dead and dirty with old Cuck Cohen, my stepnephew I married, the bloody old gouty procurator and sodomite with a crick in his neck, and my other ten or eleven husbands, what ever the buggers' names were, suffocated in the one cess pool. (He explodes in a loud phlegmy laugh.) We'll manure you, Mr Flower! (He pipes scoffingly.) Byby, Poldy! Byby, Papli!
BLOOM (Clasps his head.) My will power! Memory! I have sinned! I have suff... (He weeps tearlessly.)
BELLO (Sneers.) Crybabby! Crocodile tears!
(Bloom, broken, closely veiled for the sacrifice, sobs, his face to the earth. The passing bell is heard. Darkshawled figures of the circumcised, in sackcloth and ashes, stand by the wailing wall. M. Shulomowitz, Joseph Goldwater Moses Herzog, Harris Rosenberg, M. Moisel, J. Citron, Minnie Watchman, 0. Mastiansky, the Reverend Leopold Abramovitz, Chazen. With swaying arms they wail in pneuma over the recreant Bloom.)
THE CIRCUMCISED (In a dark guttural chant as they cast dead sea fruit upon him, no flowers.) Shema Israel Adonai Elohenu Adonai Echad.
VOICES (Sighing.) So he's gone. Ah, yes. Yes, indeed. Bloom? Never heard of him. No? Queer kind of chap. There's the widow. That so? Ah, yes.
(From the suttee pyre the flame of gum camphire ascends. The pall of incense smoke screens and disperses. Out of her oak frame a nymph with hair unbound, lightly clad in teabrown art colours, descends from her grotto and passing under interlacing yews, stands over Bloom.)
THE YEWS (Their leaves whispering.) Sister. Our sister. Ssh.
THE NYMPH (Softly.) Mortal! (Kindly.) Nay, dost not weepest!
BLOOM (Crawls jellily forward under the boughs, streaked by sunlight, with dignity.) This position. I felt it was expected of me. Force of habit.
THE NYMPH Mortal! You found me in evil company, high kickers, coster picnic makers, pugilists, popular generals, immoral panto boys in flesh tights and the nifty shimmy dancers, La Aurora and Karini, musical act, the hit of the century. I was hidden in cheap pink paper that smelt of rock oil. I was surrounded by the stale smut of clubmen, stories to disturb callow youth, ads for transparencies, truedup dice and bustpads, proprietary articles and why wear a truss with testimonial from ruptured gentleman. Useful hints to the married.
BLOOM (Lifts a turtle head towards her lap.) We have met before. On another star.
THE NYMPH (Sadly.) Rubber goods. Neverrip. Brand as sup plied to the aristocracy. Corsets for men. I cure fits or money refunded. Unsolicited testimonials for Professor Waldmann's wonderful chest exuber. My bust developed four inches in three weeks, reports Mrs Gus Rublin with photo.
BLOOM You mean Photo Bits?
THE NYMPH I do. You bore me away, framed me in oak and tinsel, set me above your marriage couch. Unseen, one summer eve, you kissed me in four places. And with loving pencil you shaded my eyes, my bosom and my shame.
BLOOM (Humbly kisses her long hair.) Your classic curves, beautiful immortal. I was glad to look on you, to praise you, a thing of beauty, almost to pray.
THE NYMPH During dark nights I heard your praise.
BLOOM (Quickly.) Yes, yes. You mean that I... Sleep reveals the worst side of everyone, children perhaps excepted. I know I fell out of my bed or rather was pushed. Steel wine is said to cure snoring. For the rest there is that English invention, pamphlet of which I received some days ago, incorrectly addressed. It claims to afford a noiseless inoffensive vent. (He sighs.) 'Twas ever thus. Frailty, thy name is marriage.
THE NYMPH (Her fingers in her ears.) And words. They are not in my dictionary.
BLOOM You understood them?
THE NYMPH (Covers her face with her hand.) What have I not seen in that chamber? What must my eyes look down on?
BLOOM (Apologetically.) I know. Soiled personal linen, wrong side up with care. The quoits are loose. From Gibraltar by long sea, long ago.
THE NYMPH (Bends her head.) Worse! Worse!
BLOOM (Reflects precautiously.) That antiquated commode. It wasn't her weight. She scaled just eleven stone nine. She put on nine pounds after weaning. It was a crack and want of glue. Eh? And that absurd orangekeyed utensil which has only one handle.
(The sound of a waterfall is heard in bright cascade.)
Poulaphouca Poulaphouca
Poulaphouca Poulaphouca.
THE YEWS (Mingling their boughs.) Listen. Whisper. She is right, our sister. We grew by Poulaphouca waterfall. We gave shade on languorous summer days.
JOHN WYSE NOLAN (In the background, in Irish National For ester's uniform, doffs his plumed hat.) Prosper! Give shade on languorous days, trees of Ireland!
THE YEWS (Murmuring.) Who came to Poulaphouca with the high school excursion? Who left his nutquesting classmates to seek our shade?
BLOOM (Pigeonbreasted, bottleshouldered, padded, in nondescript juvenile grey and black striped suit, too small for him, white tennis shoes, bordered stockings with turnover tops, and a red school cap with badge.) I was in my teens, a growing boy. A little then sufficed, a jolting car, the mingling odours of the ladies' cloakroom and lavatory, the throng penned tight on the old Royal stairs, for they love crushes, instincts of the herd, and the dark sexsmelling theatre unbridles vice. Even a pricelist of their hosiery. And then the heat. There were sunspots that summer. End of school. And tipsycake. Halcyon days.
(Halcyon Days, high school boys in blue and white football jerseys and shorts, Master Donald Turnbull, Master Abraham Chatterton, Master Owen Goldberg, Master Jack Meredith, Master Percy Apjohn, stand in a clearing of the trees and shout to Master Leopold Bloom.)
THE HALCYON DAYS Mackerel! Live us again. Hurray!
(They cheer.)
BLOOM (Hobbledehoy, warmgloved, mammamufflered, stunned with spent snowballs, struggles to rise.) Again! I feel sixteen! What a lark! Let's ring all the bells in Montague Street. (He cheers feebly.) Hurray for the High School!
THE YEWS (Rustling.) She is right, our sister. Whisper. (Whispered kisses are heard in all the wood. Faces of hamadryads peep out from the boles and among the leaves and break blossoming into bloom.) Who profaned our silent shade?
THE NYMPH (Coyly through parting fingers.) There! In the open air?
THE YEWS (Sweeping downward.) Sister, yes. And on our virgin sward.
Poulaphouca Poulaphouca
Phoucaphouca Phoucaphouca.
THE NYMPH (With wide fingers.) O! Infamy!
BLOOM I was precocious. Youth. The fauns. I sacrificed to the god of the forest. The flowers that bloom in the spring. It was pairing time. Capillary attraction is a natural phenomenon. Lotty Clarke, flaxenhaired, I saw at her night toilette through ill-closed curtains, with poor papa's operaglasses. The wanton ate grass wildly. She rolled downhill at Rialto Bridge to tempt me with her flow of animal spirits. She climbed their crooked tree and I... A saint couldn't resist it. The demon possessed me. Besides, who saw?
(Staggering Bob, a whitepolled calf thrusts a ruminating head with humid nostrils through the foliage.)
BLOOM Simply satisfying a need. (With pathos.) No girl would when I went girling. Too ugly. They wouldn't play.
(High on Ben Howth through rhododendrons a nannygoat passes, plumpuddered, buttytailed, dropping curvants.)
THE NANNYGOAT (Bleats.) Megegaggegg! Nannannanny!
BLOOM (Hatless, flushed, covered with burn of thistledown and gotrepine.) Regularly engaged. Circumstances alter cases. (He gazes intently downwards on the water.) Thirtytwo head over heels per second. Press nightmare. Giddy Elijah. Fall from cliff. Sad end of government printer's clerk. (Through silversilent summer air the dummy of Bloom, rolled in a mummy, rolls rotatingly from the Lion's Head cliff into the purple Waiting waters.)
THE DUMMYMUMMY Bbbbblllllbbblblodschbg?
(Far out in the bay between Bailey and Kish lights the Erin's King sails, sending a broadening plume of coalsmoke from her funnel towards the land.)
COUNCILLOR NANNETI (Alone on deck, in dark alpaca, yellow kitefaced, his hand in his waistcoat opening, declaims.) When my country takes her place among the nations of the earth, then, and not till then let my epitaph be written. I have...
BLOOM Done. Prff.
THE NYMPH (Loftily.) We immortals, as you saw today, have not such a place and no hair there either. We are stonecold and pure. We eat electric light. (She arches her body in lascivious crispation, placing her forefinger in her mouth.) Spoke to me. Heard from behind. How then could you... ?
BLOOM (Pacing the heather abjectly.) O, I have been a perfect pig. Enemas too I have administered. One third of a pint of quassia, to which add a tablespoonful of rocksalt. Up the fundament. With Hamilton Long's syringe, the ladies' friend.
THE NYMPH In my presence. The powderpuff. (She blushes and makes a knee.) And the rest.
BLOOM (Dejected.) Yes. Peccavi! I have paid homage on that living altar where the back changes name. (With sudden fervour.) For why should the dainty scented jewelled hand, the hand that rules... ?
(Figures wind serpenting in slow woodland pattern around the treestems, cooeeing.)
THE VOICE OF KITTY (In the thicket.) Show us one of them cushions.
(A grouse wings clumsily through the underwood.)
THE VOICE OF LYNCH (In the thicket.) Whew! Piping hot!
THE VOICE OF ZOE (From the thicket.) Came from a hot place.
THE VOICE OF VIRAG (A birdchief bluestreaked and feathered in war panoply with his assegai, striding through a crackling canebrake over beechmast and acorns.) Hot! Hot! Ware Sitting Bull!
BLOOM It overpowers me. The warm impress of her warm form. Even to sit where a woman has sat, especially with divaricated thighs, as though to grant the last favours, most especially with previously well uplifted white sateen coatpans. So womanly full. It fills me full.
Phillaphulla Poulaphouca
Poulaphouca Poulaphouca.
THE YEWS Ssh! Sister, speak!
THE NYMPH (Eyeless, in nun's white habit, coif and huge winged wimple, softly, with remote eyes.) Tranquilia convent. Sister Agatha. Mount Carmel, the apparitions of Knock and Lourdes. No more desire. (She reclines her head, sighing.) Only the ethereal. Where dreamy creamy gull waves o'er the waters dull.
(Bloom half rises. His back trousers button snaps.)
(Two sluts of the Coombe dance rainily by, shawled, yelling flatly.)
O Leopold lost the pin of his drawers
He didn't know what to do,
To keep it up,
To keep it up.
BLOOM (Coldly.) You have broken the spell. The last straw. If there were only ethereal where would you all be, postulants and novices? Shy but willing, like an ass pissing.
THE YEWS (Their silverfoil of leaves precipitating, their skinny arms ageing and swaying.) Deciduously!
THE NYMPH Sacrilege! To attempt my virtue! (A large moist stain appears on her robe.) Sully my innocence! You are not fit to touch the garment of a pure woman. (She clutches in her robe.) Wait, Satan. You'll sing no more lovesongs. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. (She draws a poniard and, clad in the sheathmail of an elected knight of nine, strikes at his loins.) Nekum!
BLOOM (Starts up, seizes her hand.) Hoy! Nebrakada! Cat of nine lives! Fair play, madam. No pruning knife. The fox and the grapes, is it? What do we lack with your barbed wire? Crucifix not thick enough? (He clutches her veil.) A holy abbot you want or Brophy, the lame gardener, or the spoutless statue of the watercarrier or good Mother Alphonsus, eh Reynard?
THE NYMPH (With a cry, flees from him unveiled, her plaster cast cracking, a cloud of stench escaping from the cracks.) Poli... !
BLOOM (Calls after her.) As if you didn't get it on the double yourselves. No jerks and multiple mucosities all over you. I tried it. Your strength our weakness. What's our stud fee? What will you pay on the nail? You fee men dancers on the Riviera, I read. (The fleeing nymph raises a keen.) Eh! I have sixteen years of black slave labour behind me. And would a jury give me five shillings alimony tomorrow, eh? Fool someone else, not me. (He sniffs.) But. Onions. Stale. Sulphur. Grease.
(The figure of Bella Cohen stands before him.)
BELLA You'll know me the next time.
BLOOM (Composed, regards her.) Passée. Mutton dressed as lamb. Lone in the tooth and superfluous hairs. A raw onion the last thing at night would benefit your complexion. And take some double chin drill. Your eyes are as vapid as the glass eyes of your stuffed fox. They have the dimensions of your other features, that's all. I'm not a triple screw propeller.
BELLA (Contemptuously.) You're not game, in fact. (Her sowcunt barks.) Fohracht!
BLOOM (Contemptuously.) Clean your nailless middle finger first, the cold spunk of your bully is dripping from your cockscomb. Take a handful of hay and wipe yourself.
BELLA I know you, canvasser! Dead cod!
BLOOM I saw him, kipkeeper! Pox and gleet vendor!
BELLA (Turns to the piano.) Which of you was playing the dead march from Saul?
ZOE Me. Mind your cornflowers. (She darts to the piano and bangs chords on it with crossed arms.) The cat's ramble through the slag. (She glances back.) Eh? Who's making love to my sweeties? (She darts back to the table.) What's yours is mine and what's mine is my own.
(Kitty disconcerted coats her teeth with the silver paper. Bloom approaches Zoe.)
BLOOM (Gently.) Give me back that potato, will you? Zoe Forfeits, a fine thing and a superfine thing.
BLOOM (With feeling.) It is nothing, but still a relic of poor mamma.
Give a thing and take it back
God'll ask you where is that
You'll say you don't know
God'll send you down below.
BLOOM There is a memory attached to it. I should like to have it.
STEPHEN To have or not to have, that is the question.
ZOE Here. (She hauls up a reef of her slip, revealing her bare thigh and unrolls the potato from the top of her stocking.) Those that hides knows where to find.
BELLA (Frowns.) Here. This isn't a musical peepshow. And don't you smash that piano. Who's paying here?
(She goes to the pianola. Stephen fumbles in his pocket and, taking out a banknote by its corner, hands it to her.)
STEPHEN (With exaggerated politeness.) This silken purse I made out of the sow's ear of the public. Madam, excuse me. If you allow me. (He indicates vaguely Lynch and Bloom.) We are all in the same sweepstake, Kinch and Lynch. Dans ce bordel où tenons nostre état.
LYNCH (Calls from the hearth.) Dedalus! Give her your blessing for me.
STEPHEN (Hands Bella a coin.) Gold. She has it.
BELLA (Looks at the money, then at Zoe, Florry and Kitty.) Do you want three girls? It's ten shillings here.
STEPHEN (Delightedly.) A hundred thousand apologies. (He fumbles again and takes out and hands her two crowns.) Permit, brevi manu, my sight is somewhat troubled.
(Bella goes to the table to count the money while Stephen talks to himself in monosyllables. Zoe bounds over to the table. Kitty leans over Zoe's neck. Lynch gets up, rights his cap and, clasping Kitty's waist, adds his head to the group.)
FLORRY (Strives heavily to rise.) Ow! My foot's asleep. (She limps over to the table. Bloom approaches.)
BELLA, ZOE. KITTY, LYNCH, BLOOM (Chattering and squabbling.) The gentleman... ten shillings... paying for the three allow me a moment... this gentleman pays separate who's touching it?... ow... mind who you're pinching... are you staying the night or a short time? who did?... you're a liar, excuse me... the gentle man paid down like a gentleman... drink... it's long after eleven.
STEPHEN (At the pianola, making a gesture of abhorrence.) No bottles! What, eleven? A riddle.
ZOE (Lifting up her pettigown and folding a half sovereign into the top of her stocking.) Hard earned on the flat of my back.
LYNCH (Lifting Kitty from the table.) Come!
KITTY Wait. (She clutches the two crowns.)
FLORRY And me?
LYNCH Hoopla! (He lifts her carries her and bumps her down on the sofa.)
STEPHEN The fox crew, the cocks flew, The bells in heaven Were striking eleven. 'Tis time for her poor soul To get out of heaven.
BLOOM (Quietly lays a half sovereign on the table between Bella and Florry.) So. Allow me. (He takes up the pound note.) Three times ten. We're square.
BELLA (Admiringly.) You're such a slyboots, old cocky. I could kiss you.
ZOE (Points.) Hum? Deep as a drawwell. (Lynch bends Kitty back over the sofa and kisses her. Bloom goes with the poundnote to Stephen.)
BLOOM This is yours.
STEPHEN How is that? Le distrait or absentminded beggar. (He fumbles again in his pocket and draws out a handful of coins. An object falls.) That fell.
BLOOM (Stooping, picks up and hands a box of matches.) This.
STEPHEN Lucifer. Thanks.
BLOOM (Quietly.) You had better hand over that cash to me to take care of. Why pay more?
STEPHEN (Hands him all his coins.) Be just before you are generous.
BLOOM I will but is it wise? (He counts.) One, seven, eleven, and five. Six. Eleven. I don't answer for what you may have lost.
STEPHEN Why striking eleven? Proparoxyton. Moment before the next Lessing says. Thirsty fox. (He laughs loudly.) Burying his grandmother. Probably he killed her.
BLOOM That is one pound six and eleven. One pound seven, say.
STEPHEN Doesn't matter a rambling damn.
BLOOM No, but...


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15、Chapter 15 Circe

The Mabbot street entrance of nighttown, before which stretches an uncobbled transiding set with skeleton tracks, red and green will-o'-the-wisps and danger signals. Rows of flimsy houses with gaping doors. Rare lamps with faint rainbow fans. Round Rabaiotti's halted ice gondola stunted men and women squabble. They grab wafers between which are wedged lumps of coal and copper snow. Sucking, they scatter slowly. Children. The swancomb of the gondola, highreared, forges on through the murk, white and blue under a lighthouse. Whistles call and answer.
THE CALLS Wait, my love, and I'll be with you.
THE ANSWERS Round behind the stable.
(A deaf mute idiot with goggle eyes, his shapeless mouth dribbling, jerks past, shaken in Saint Vitus' dance. A chain of children's hands imprisons him.)
THE CHILDREN Kithoguel Salute.
THE IDIOT (Lifts a palsied left arm and gurgles.) Grhahute!
THE CHILDREN Where's the great light?
THE IDIOT (Gobbing.) Ghaghahest.
(They release him. He jerks on. A pygmy woman swings on a rope slung between the railings, counting. A form sprawled against a dustbin and muffled by its arm and hat moves, groans, grinding growling teeth, and snores again. On a step a gnome totting among a rubbish tip crouches to shoulder a sack of rags and bones. A crone standing by with a smoky oil lamp rams the last bottle in the maw of his sack. He heaves his booty, tugs askew his peaked cap and hobbles off mutely. The crone makes back for her lair swaying her lamp. A bandy child, asquat on the doorstep with a papershuttlecock, crawls sidling after her in spurts, clutches her skirt, scrambles up. A drunken navvy ups with both hands the railings of an area, lurching heavily. At a corner two night watch in shoulder capes, their hands upon their staffholsters, loom tall. A plate crashes; a woman screams; a child wails. Oaths of a man roar, mutter, cease. Figures wander, lurk, peer from warrens. In a room lit by a candle stuck in a bottleneck a slut combs out the tatts from the hair of a scrofulous child. Cissy Caffrey's voice, still young, sings shrill from a lane.)
I gave it to Molly
Because she was jolly,
The leg of the duck
The leg of the duck.
(Private Cart and Private Compton, swaggersticks tight in their oxters, as they march unsteadily rightaboutface and burst together from their mouths a volleyed fart. Laughter of men from the lane. A hoarse virago retorts.)
THE VIRAGO Signs on you, hairy arse. More power the Cavan girl.
CISSY CAFFREY More luck to me. Cavan, Cootehill and Belturbet.
(She sings.)
I gave it to Nelly
To stick in her belly
The leg of the duck
The leg of the duck.
(Private Cart and Private Compton turn and counterretort, their tunics bloodbright in a lampglow, black sockets of caps on their blond copper polls. Stephen Dedalus and Lynch pass through the crowd close to the redcoats.)
PRIVATE COMPTON (Jerks his finger.) Way for the parson.
PRIVATE CARR (Turns and calls.) What ho, parson!
CISSY CAFFREY (Her voice soaring higher.)
She has it, she got it,
Wherever she put it
The leg of the duck.
(Stephen, flourishing the ashplant in his left hand, chants with joy the introit for paschal time. Lynch, his jockey cap low on his brow, attends him, a sneer of discontent wrinkling his face.)
STEPHEN Vidi aquam egredientem de templo a latere dextro. Alleluia.
(The famished snaggletusks of an elderly bawd protrude from a doorway.)
THE BAWD (Her voice whispering huskily.) Sst! Come here till I tell you. Maidenhead inside. Sst.
STEPHEN (Altius aliqantulum) Et omnes ad quos pervenit acqua ista.
THE BAWD (Spits in their trail her jet of venom.) Trinity medicals. Fallopian tube. All prick and no pence.
(Edy Boardman, sniffling, crouched with Bertha Supple, draws her shawl across her nostrils.)
EDY BOARDMAN (Bickering.) And say the one: I seen you up Faithful place with your squarepusher, the greaser off the railway, in his cometobed hat. Did you, says I. That's not for you to say, says I. You never seen me in the mantrap with a married highlander, says I. The likes of her! Stag that one is. Stubborn as a mule! And her walking with two fellows the one time, Kildbride the enginedriver and lancecorporal Oliphant.
STEPHEN (Triumphaliter.) Salvi facti i sunt.
(He flourishes his ashplant shivering the lamp image, shattering light over the world. A liver and white spaniel on the prowl slinks after him, growling. Lynch scar's it with a kick.)
LYNCH So that?
STEPHEN (Looks behind.) So that gesture, not music, not odours, would be a universal language, the gift of tongues rendering visible not the lay sense but the first entelechy, the structural rhythm.
LYNCH Pornosophical philotheology. Metaphysics in Mecklenburg street!
STEPHEN We have shrewridden Shakespeare and henpecked Socrates. Even the allwisest stagyrite was bitted, bridled and mounted by a light of love.
STEPHEN Anyway, who wants two gestures to illustrate a loaf and a jug? This movement illustrates the loaf and jug of bread and wine in Omar. Hold my stick.
LYNCH Damn your yellow stick. Where are we going?
STEPHEN Lecherous lynx, to la belle dame sans merci, Georgina Johnson, ad deam qui laetificat juventutem meam.
(Stephen thrusts the ashplant on him and slowly holds out his hands, his head going back till both hands are a span from his breast, down turned in planes intersecting, the fingers about to part, the left being higher.)
LYNCH Which is the jug of bread? It skills not. That or the customhouse. Illustrate thou. Here take your crutch and walk.
(They pass. Tommy Caffrey scrambles to a gaslamp and, clasping, climbs in spasms. From the top spur he slides down. Jacky Caffrey clasps to climb. The navvy lurches against the lamp. The twins scuttle off in the dark. The navvy, swaying, presses a forefinger against a wing of his nose and ejects from the farther nostril a long liquid jet of snot. Shouldering the lamp he staggers away through the crowd with his flaring cresset.
Snakes of river fog creep slowly. From drains, clefts, cesspools, middens arise on all sides stagnant fumes. A glow leaps in the south beyond the seaward reaches of the river. The navvy staggering forward cleaves the crowd and lurches towards the tramsiding. On the farther side under the railway bridge Bloom appears flushed, panting, cramming bread and chocolate into a side pocket. From Gillens hairdressers window a composite portrait shows him gallant Nelson's image. A concave mirror at the side presents to him lovelorn longlost lugubru Booloohoom. Grave Gladstone sees him level Bloom for Bloom. He passes, struck by the stare of truculent Wellington but in the con vex mirror grin unstruck the bonham eyes and fatchuck cheekchops of Jollypoldy the rixdix doldy.
At Antonio Babaiotti's door Bloom halts, sweated under the bright arclamps. He disappears. In a moment he reappears and hurries on.)
BLOOM Fish and taters. N. g. Ah!
(He disappears into Olhousen's, the pork butcher's, under the downcoming rollshutter. A few moments later he emerges from under the shutter puffing Poldy, blowing Bloohoom. In each hand he holds a parcel, one containing a lukewarm pig's crubeen, the other a cold sheep's trotter sprinkled with wholepepper He gasps, standing upright. Then bending to one side he presses a parcel against his rib and groans.)
BLOOM Stitch in my side. Why did I run?
(He takes breath with care and goes forward slowly towards the lampset siding. The glow leaps again.)
BLOOM What is that? A flasher? Searchlight.
(He stands at Cormack's corner watching.)
BLOOM Aurora borealis or a steel foundry? Ah, the brigade, of course. South side anyhow. Big blaze. Might be his house. Beggar's bush. We're safe. (He hums cheerfully.) London's burning, London's burning! On fire, on fire! (He catches sight of the navvy lurching through the crowd at the farther side of Talbot street.) I'll miss him. Run. Quick. Better cross here.
(He darts to cross the road. Urchins shout.)
THE URCHINS Mind out, mister! (Two cyclists, with lighted paper lanterns aswing, swim by him, grazing him, their bells rattling.)
THE BELLS Haltyaltyaltyall.
BLOOM (Halts erect stung by a spasm.) Ow.
(He looks round, darts forward suddenly. Through rising fog a dragon sandstrewer, travelling at caution, slews heavily down upon him, its huge red headlight winking, its trolley hissing on the wire. The motorman bangs his footgong.)
THE GONG Bang Bang Bla Bak Blud Bugg Bloo.
(The brake cracks violently. Bloom, raising a policeman's whitegloved hand, blunders stifflegged, out of the track. The motorman thrown forward, pugnosed, on the guidewheel, yells as he slides past over chains and keys.)
THE MOTORMAN Hey, shitbreeches, are you doing the hattrick?
BLOOM (Bloom trickleaps to the curbstone and halts again. He brushes a mudflake from his cheek with a parcelled hand.) No thoroughfare. Close shave that but cured the stitch. Must take up Sandow's exercises again. On the hands down. Insure against street accident too. The Providential. (He feels his trouser pocket.) Poor mamma's panacea. Heel easily catch in tracks or bootlace in a cog. Day the wheel of the black Maria peeled off my shoe at Leonard's corner. Third time is the charm. Shoe trick. Insolent driver. I ought to report him. Tension makes them nervous. Might be the fellow balked me this morning with that horsey woman. Same style of beauty. Quick of him all the same. The stiff walk. True word spoken in jest. That awful cramp in Lad lane. Something poisonous I ate. Emblem of luck. Why? Probably lost cattle. Mark of the beast. (He closes his eyes an instant.) Bit light in the head. Monthly or effect of the other. Brainfogfag. That tired feeling. Too much for me now. Ow!
(A sinister figure leans on plaited legs against O'Beirnes wall, a visage unknown, injected with dark mercury. From under a wideleaved sombrero the figure regards him with evil eye.)
BLOOM Buenos noches, se?orita Blanca, que calle es esta?
THE FIGURE (Impassive, raises a signal arm.) Password. Sraid Mabbot.
BLOOM Haha. Merci. Esperanto. Slan leath. (He mutters.) Gaelic league spy, sent by that fireeater.
(He steps forward. A sackshouldered ragman bars his path. He steps left, ragsackman left.)
BLOOM I beg. (He swerves, sidles, stepsaside, slips past and on.)
BLOOM Keep to the right, right, right. If there is a fingerpost planted by the Touring Club at Stepaside who procured that public boon? I who lost my way and contributed to the columns of the Irish Cyclist the letter headed, In darkest Stepaside. Keep, keep, keep to the right. Rags and bones, at midnight. A fence more likely. First place murderer makes for. Wash off his sins of the world.
(Jacky Caffrey, hunted by Tommy Caffrey, runs full tilt against Bloom.)
(Shocked, on weak hams, he halts. Tommy and Jacky vanish there, there. Bloom pats with parcelled hands watch, fobpocket, bookpocket, pursepocket, sweets of sin, potato soap.)
BLOOM Beware of pickpockets. Old thieves' dodge. Collide. Then snatch your purse.
(The retriever approaches sniffling, nose to the ground. A sprawled form sneezes. A stooped bearded figure appears garbed in the long caftan of an elder in Zion and a smoking cap with magenta tassels. Horned spectacles hang down at the wings of the nose. Yellow poison streaks are on the drawn face.)
RUDOLPH Second halfcrown waste money today. I told you not go with drunken goy ever. So. You catch no money.
BLOOM (Hides the crubeen and trotter behind his back and, crestfallen, feels warm and cold feetmeat) Ja, ich weiss, papachi.
RUDOLPH What you making down this place? Have you no soul? (With feeble vulture talons he feels the silent face of Bloom) Are you not my son Leopold, the grandson of Leopold? Are you not my dear son Leopold who left the house of his father and left the god of his fathers Abraham and Jacob?
BLOOM (With precaution.) I suppose so, father. Mosenthal. All that's left of him.
RUDOLPH (Severely.) One night they bring you home drunk as dog after spend your good money. What you call them running chaps?
BLOOM (In youth's smart blue Oxford suit with white vestslips, narrowshouldered, in brown Alpine hat, wearing gent's sterling silver waterbury keyless watch and double curb Albert with seal attached, one side of him coated with stiffening mud.) Harriers, father. Only that once.
RUDOLPH Once! Mud head to foot. Cut your hand open. Lockjaw. They make you kaput, Leopoldleben. You watch them chaps.
BLOOM (Weakly.) They challenged me to a sprint. It was muddy. I slipped.
RUDOLPH (With contempt) Ooim nachez. Nice spectacles for your poor mother!
BLOOM Mamma!
ELLEN BLOOM (In pantomime dame's stringed mobcap, crinoline and bustle, widow Twankey's blouse with muttonleg sleeves buttoned behind, grey mittens and cameo brooch, her hairplaited in a crisping net, appears over the staircase banisters, a slanted candlestick in her hand and cries out in shrill alarm.) O blessed Redeemer, what have they done to him! My smelling salts! (She hauls up a reef of skirt and ransacks the pouch of her striped blay petticoat. A phial, an Agnus Dei, a shrivelled potato and a celluloid doll fall out.) Sacred Heart of Mary, where were you at all, at all?
(Bloom, mumbling, his eyes downcast, begins to bestow his parcels in his filled pockets but desists, muttering.)
A VOICE (Sharply.) Poldy!
BLOOM Who? (He ducks and wards off a blow clumsily.) At your service.
(He looks up. Beside her mirage of datepalms a handsome woman in Turkish costume stands before him. Opulent curves fill out her scarlet trousers and jacket slashed with gold. A wide yells cummerbund girdles her. A white yashmak violet in the night, covers her face, leaving free only her lace dark eyes and raven hair.)
BLOOM Molly!
MARION Welly? Mrs Marion from this out, my dear man, when you speak to me. (Satirically.) Has poor little hubby cold feet waiting so long?
BLOOM (Shifts from foot to foot.) No, no. Not the least little bit.
(He breathes in deep agitation, swallowing gulps of air questions, hopes, crubeens for her supper things to tell her excuses, desire, spellbound. A coin gleams on her forehead. On her feet are jewelled toerings. Her ankles are linked by a slender fetterchain. Beside her a camel, hooded with a turreting turban, waits. A silk ladder of innumerable rungs climbs to his bobbing howdah. He ambles near with disgruntled hindquarters. Fiercely she slaps his haunch, her goldcurb wristbangles angriling, scolding him in Moorish.)
MARION Nebrakada! Feminimum.
(The camel, lifting a foreleg, plucks from a tree a lace mango fruit, offers it to his mistress, blinking, in his cloven hoof then droops his head and, grunting, with uplifted neck, fumbles to kneel. Bloom stoops his back for leapfrog.)
BLOOM I can give you... I mean as your business menagerer Mrs Marion... if you...
MARION So you notice some change? (Her hands passing slowly over her trinketed stomacher. A slow friendly mockery in her eyes.) O Poldy, Poldy, you are a poor old stick in the mud! Go and see life. See the wide world.
BLOOM I was just going back for that lotion whitewax, orangeflower water. Shop closes early on Thursday. But the first thing in the morning. (He pats divers pockets.) This moving kidney. Ah!
(He points to the south, then to the east. A cake of new clean lemon soap arises, diffusing light and perfume.)
We're a capital couple are Bloom and I;
He brightens the earth, I polish the sky.
(The freckled face of Sweny, the druggist, appeals in the disc of the soapsun.)
SWENY Three and a penny, please.
BLOOM Yes. For my wife, Mrs Marion. Special recipe.
MARION (Softly.) Poldy!
BLOOM Yes, ma'am?
MARION Ti trema un poco il cuore?
(In disdain she saunters away, plump as a pampered pouter pigeon, humming the duet from Don Giovanni)
BLOOM Are you sure about that Voglio? I mean the pronunciati...
(He follows, followed by the sniffing terrier. The elderly bawd seizes his sleeve, the bristles of her chinmole glittering.)
THE BAWD Ten shillings a maidenhead. Fresh thing was never touched. Fifteen. There's no-one in it only her old father that's dead drunk.
(She points. In the gap of her dark den furtive, rainbedraggled Bridie Kelly stands.)
BRIDIE Hatch street. Any good in your mind?
(With a squeak she flaps her bat shawl and runs. A burly rough pursues with booted strides. He stumbles on the steps, recovers, plunges into gloom. Weak squeaks of laughter are heard, weaker.)
THE BAWD (Her wolfeyes shining.) He's getting his pleasure. You won't get a virgin in the flash houses. Ten shillings. Don't be all night before the polis in plain clothes sees us. Sixtyseven is a bitch.
(Leering Gerty MacDowell limps forward. She draws from behind ogling, and shows coyly her bloodied clout.)
GERTY With all my worldly goods I thee and thou. (She murmurs.) You did that. I hate you.
BLOOM I? When? You're dreaming. I never saw you.
THE BAWD Leave the gentleman alone, you cheat. Writing the gentleman false letters. Streetwalking and soliciting. Better for your mother take the strap to you at the bedpost, hussy like you.
GERTY (To Bloom.) When you saw all the secrets of my bottom drawer. (She paws his sleeve, slobbering.) Dirty married man! I love you for doing that to me.
(She slides away crookedly. Mrs Breen in man's frieze overcoat with loose bellows pockets, stands in the causeway, her roguish eyes wideopen, smiling in all her herbivorous buckteeth.)
BLOOM (Coughs gravely.) Madam, when we last had this pleasure by letter dated the sixteenth instant .
MRS BREEN Mr Bloom! You down here in the haunts of sin! I caught you nicely! Scamp!
BLOOM (Hurriedly.) Not so loud my name. Whatever do you think me? Don't give me away. Walls have hears. How do you do? It's ages since I. You're looking splendid. Absolutely it. Seasonable weather we are having this time of year. Black refracts heat. Short cut home here. Interesting quarter. Rescue of fallen women Magdalen asylum. I am the secretary...
MRS BREEN (Holds up a finger.) Now don't tell a big fib! I know somebody won't like that. O just wait till I see Molly! (Slily.) Account for yourself this very minute or woe betide you!
BLOOM (Looks behind.) She often said she'd like to visit. Slumming. The exotic, you see. Negro servants too in livery if she had money. Othello black brute. Eugene Stratton. Even the bones and cornerman at the Livermore christies. Bohee brothers. Sweep for that matter.
(Tom and Sam Bohee, coloured coons in white duck suits, scarlet socks, upstarched Sambo chokers and lace scarlet asters in their buttonholes leap out. Each has his banjo slung. Their paler smaller negroid hands jingle the twingtwang wires. Flashing white Kaffir eyes and tusks they rattle through a breakdown in clumsy clogs, twinging, singing, back to back, toe heel, heel toe, with smackfatclacking nigger lips.)
There's someone in the house with Dina
There's someone in the house, I know,
There's someone in the house with Dina
Playing on the old banjo.
(They whisk black masks from raw babby faces: then, chuckling, chortling, trumming, twanging they diddle diddle cakewalk dance away.)
BLOOM (With a sour tenderish smile.) A little frivol, shall we, if you are so inclined? Would you like me perhaps to embrace you just for a fraction of a second?
MRS BREEN (Screams gaily.) O, you ruck! You ought to see yourself!
BLOOM For old sake'sake. I only meant a square party, a mixed marriage mingling of our different little conjugials. You know I had a soft corner for you. (Gloomily.) 'Twas I sent you that valentine of the dear gazelle.
MRS BREEN Glory Alice, you do look a holy show! Killing simply. (She puts out her hand inquisitively.) What are you hiding behind your back? Tell us, there's a dear.
BLOOM (Seizes her wrist with his free hand.) Josie Powell that was, prettiest deb in Dublin. How time flies by! Do you remember, harking back in a retrospective arrangement, Old Christmas night Georgina Simpson's housewarming while they were playing the Irving Bishop game, finding the pin blindfold and thoughtreading? Subject, what is in this snuff box?
MRS BREEN You were the lion of the night with your seriocomic recitation and you looked the part. You were always a favourite with the ladies.
BLOOM (Squire of dames, in dinner jacket, with watered-silk facings, blue masonic badge in his buttonhole, black bow and mother-of-pearl studs, a prismatic champagne glass tilted in his hand.) Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Ireland, home and beauty.
MRS BREEN The dear dead days beyond recall. Love's old sweet song.
BLOOM (Meaningfully dropping his voice.) I confess I'm teapot with curiosity to find out whether some person's something is a little teapot at present.
MRS BREEN (Gushingly.) Tremendously teapot! London's tea pot and I'm simply teapot all over me. (She rubs sides with him.) After the parlour mystery games and the crackers from the tree we sat on the staircase ottoman. Under the mistletoe. Two is company.
BLOOM (Wearing a purple Napoleon hat with an amber halfmoon, his fingers and thumbs passing slowly down to her soft moist meaty palm which she surrenders gently.) The witching hour of night. I took the splinter out of this hand, carefully, slowly. (Tenderly, as he slips on her finger a ruby ring.) Là ci darem la mano.
MRS BREEN (In a onepiece eveningfrock executed in moonlight blue, a tinsel sylph's diadem on her brow with her dancecard fallen beside her moonblue satin slipper curves her palm softly, breathing quickly.) Voglio e non. You're hot! You're scalding! The left hand nearest the heart.
BLOOM When you made your present choice they said it was beauty and the beast. I can never forgive you for that. (His clenched fist at his brow.) Think what it means. All you meant to me then. (Hoarsely.) Woman, it's breaking me! (Dennis Breen, whitetallhatted, with Wisdom Hely's sandwich board, shuffles past them in cadet slippers, his dull beard thrust out, muttering to right and left. Little Alf Bergan, cloaked in the pall of the ace of spaces, dogs him to left and right, doubled in laughter.)
ALF BERGAN (Points jeering at the sandwich boards.) U.p.: Up.
MRS BREEN (To Bloom.) High jinks below stairs. (She gives him the glad eye.) Why didn't you kiss the spot to make it well? You wanted to.
BLOOM (Shocked.) Molly's best friend! Could you?
MRS BREEN (Her pulpy tongue between her lips, offers a pigeon kiss.) Hnhn. The answer is a lemon. Have you a little present for me there?
BLOOM (Off handedly.) Kosher. A snack for supper. The home without potted meat is incomplete. I was at Leah. Mrs Bandman Palmer. Trenchant exponent of Shakespeare. Unfortunately threw away the programme. Rattling good place round there for pig's feet. Feel.
(Richie Goulding, three ladies' hats pinned on his head, appears weighted to one side by the black legal bag of Collis and Ward on which a skull and crossbones are painted in white limewash. He ins it and shows it full of polonies, kippered, herrings, Findon haddies and tightpacked pills.)
RICHIE Best value in Dub.
(Bald Pat, bothered beetle, stands on the curbstone, folding his napkin, waiting to wait.)
PAT (Advances with a tilted dish of spillspilling gravy.) Steak and kidney. Bottle of lager. Hee hee hee. Wait till I wait.
RICHIE Goodgod. Inev erate inall...
(With hanging head he marches doggedly forward. The navvy, lurching by, gores him with his flaming pronghorn.)
RICHIE (With a cry of pain, his hand to his back) Ah! Bright's! Lights!
BLOOM (Points to the navvy.) A spy. Don't attract attention. I hate stupid crowds. I am not on pleasure bent. I am in a grave predicament.
MRS BREEN Humbugging and delutbering as per usual with your cock and bull story.
BLOOM I want to tell you a little secret about how I came to be here. But you must never tell. Not even Molly. I have a most particular reason.
MRS BREEN (All agog.) O, not for worlds.
BLOOM Let's walk on. Shall us?
(The bawd makes an unheeded sign. Bloom walks on with Mrs Breen. The terrier follows, whining piteously, wagging his tail.)
THE BAWD Jewman's melt!
BLOOM (In an oatmeal sporting suit, a sprig of woodbine in the lapel, tony buff shirt, shepherd's plaid Saint Andrew's cross scarftie, white spats, fawn dustcoat on his arm, tawny red brogues, fieldglasses in bandolier and a grey billycock hat.) Do you remember a long long time, years and years ago, just after Milly, Marionette we called her, was weaned when we all went together to Fairyhouse races, was it?
MRS BREEN (In smart Saxe tailormade, white velours hat and spider veil.) Leopardstown.
BLOOM I mean, Leopardstown. And Molly won seven shillings on a three year old named Nevertell and coming home along by Foxrock in that old fiveseater shanderadan of a waggonette you were in your heyday then and you had on that new hat of white velours with a surround of molefur that Mrs Hayes advised you to buy because it was marked down to nineteen and eleven, a bit of wire and an old rag of velveteen, and I'll lay you what you like she did it on purpose...
MRS BREEN She did, of course, the cat! Don't tell me! Nice adviser!
BLOOM Because it didn't suit you one quarter as well as the other ducky little tammy toque with the bird of paradise wing in it that I admired on you and you honestly looked just too fetching in it though it was a pity to kill it, you cruel creature, little mite of a thing with a heart the size of a fullstop.
MRS BREEN (Squeezes his arm, simpers.) Naughty cruel I was.
BLOOM (Low, secretly, ever more rapidly.) And Molly was eating a sandwich of spiced beef out of Mrs Joe Gallaher's lunch basket. Frankly, though she had her advisers or admirers, I never cared much for her style. She was .
BLOOM Yes. And Molly was laughing because Rogers and Maggot O'Reilly were mimicking a cock as we passed a farmhouse and Marcus Tertius Moses, the tea merchant, drove past us in a gig with his daughter, Dancer Moses was her name, and the poodle in her lap bridled up and you asked me if I ever heard or read or knew or came across .
MRS BREEN (Eagerly.) Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
(She fades from his side. Followed by the whining dog he walks on towards hellsgates. In an archway a standing woman, bent forward, her feet apart, pisses cowily. Outside a shuttered pub a bunch of loiterers listen to a tale which their broken snouted gaffer rasps out with raucous humour. An armless pair of them flop wrestling, growling, in maimed sodden playfight.)
THE GAFFER (Crouches, his voice twisted in his snout.) And when Cairns came down from the scaffolding in Beaver Street what was he after doing it into only into the bucket of porter that was there waiting on the shavings for Derwan's plasterers.
THE LOITERERS (Guffaw with cleft palates.) O jays!
(Their paintspeckled hats wag. Spattered with size and lime of their lodges they frisk limblessly about him.)
BLOOM Coincidence too. They think it funny. Anything but that. Broad daylight. Trying to walk. Lucky no woman.
THE LOITERERS Jays, that's a good one. Glauber salts. O jays, into the men's porter.
(Bloom passes. Cheap whores, singly, coupled, shawled, dishevelled, call from lanes, doors, corners.)
THE WHORES Are you going far, queer fellow? How's your middle leg? Got a match on you? Eh, come here till I stiffen it for you.
(He plodges through their sump towards the lighted street beyond. From a bulge of window curtains a gramophone rears a battered brazen trunk. In the shadow a shebeenkeeper haggles with the navvy and the two redcoats.)
THE NAVVY (Belching.) Where's the bloody house?
THE SHEBEENKEEPER Purdon street. Shilling a bottle of stout. Respectable woman.
THE NAVVY (Gripping the two redcoats, staggers forward with them.) Come on, you British army!
PRIVATE CARR (Behind his back.) He aint half balmy.
PRIVATE COMPTON (LAughs.) What ho!
PRIVATE CARR (To the navvy.) Portobello barracks canteen. You ask for Carr. Just Carr.
THE NAVVY (Shouts.)
We are the boys. Of Wexford.
PRIVATE COMPTON Say! What price the sergeantmajor?
PRIVATE CARR Bennett? He's my pal. I love old Bennett.
THENAVVY (Shouts.)
The galling chain.
And free our native land.
(He staggers forward, dragging them with him. Bloom stops, at fault. The dog approaches, his tongue outlolling, panting.)
BLOOM Wildgoose chase this. Disorderly houses. Lord knows where they are gone. Drunks cover distance double quick. Nice mixup. Scene at Westland row. Then jump in first class with third ticket. Then too far. Train with engine behind. Might have taken me to Malahide or a siding for the night or collision. Second drink does it. Once is a dose. What am I following him for? Still, he's the best of that lot. If I hadn't heard about Mrs Beaufoy Purefoy I wouldn't have gone and wouldn't have met. Kismet. He'll lose that cash. Relieving office here. Good biz for cheapjacks, organs. What do ye lack? Soon got, soon gone. Might have lost my life too with that mangongwheeltracktrolleyglarejuggernaut only for presence of mind. Can't always save you, though. If I had passed Truelock's window that day two minutes later would have been shot. Absence of body. Still if bullet only went through my coat get damages for shock, five hundred pounds. What was he? Kildare street club toff. God help his gamekeeper.
(He gazes ahead reading on the wall a scrawled chalk legend Wet Dream and a phallic design.)
Odd! Molly drawing on the frosted carriagepane at Kingstown. What's that like? (Gaudy dollwomen loll in the lighted doorways, in window embrasures, smoking birdseye cigarettes. The odour of the sicksweet weed floats towards him in slow round ovalling wreaths.)
THE WREATHS Sweet are the sweets. Sweets of sin.
BLOOM My spine's a bit limp. Go or turn? And this food? Eat it and get all pigsticky. Absurd I am. Waste of money. One and eightpence too much. (The retriever drives a cold snivelling muzzle against his hand, wagging his tail.) Strange how they take to me. Even that brute today. Better speak to him first. Like women they like rencontres. Stinks like a polecat. Chacun son go?t. He might be mad. Fido. Uncertain in his movements. Good fellow! Garryowen! (The wolfdog sprawls on his back, wriggling obscenely with begging paws, his long black tongue lolling out.) Influence of his surroundings. Give and have done with it. Provided nobody. (Calling encouraging words he shambles back with a furtive poacher's tread, dogged by the setter into a dark stalestunk corner. He unrolls one parcel and goes to dump the crubeen softly but holds back and feels the trotter.) Sizeable for threepence. But then I have it in my left hand. Calls for more effort. Why? Smaller from want of use. O, let it slide. Two and six.
(With regret he lets unrolled crubeen and trotter slide. The mastiff mauls the bundle clumsily and gluts himself with growling greed, crunching the bones. Two raincaped watch approach, silent, vigilant. They murmur together.)
THE WATCH Bloom. Of Bloom. For Bloom. Bloom.
(Each lays a hand on Blooms shoulder.)
FIRST WATCH Caught in the act. Commit no nuisance.
BLOOM (Stammers.) I am doing good to others.
(A covey of gulls, storm petrels, rises hungrily from Liffey slime with Banbury cakes in their beaks.)
THE GULLS Kaw kave kankury kake.
BLOOM The friend of man. Trained by kindness.
(He points. Bob Doran, toppling from a high bars tool, sways over the munching spaniel.)
BOB DORAN Towser. Give us the paw. Give the paw.
(The bulldog growls, his scruff standing, a gobbet of pigs knuckle between his molars through which rabid scrumspittle dribbles. Bob Doran falls silently into an area.)
SECOND WATCH Prevention of cruelty to animals.
BLOOM (Enthusiastically.) A noble work! I scolded that tramdriver on Harold's cross bridge for illusing the poor horse with his harness scab. Bad French I got for my pains. Of course it was frosty and the last tram. All tales of circus life are highly demoralising.
(Signor Maffei, passion pale, in liontamer's costume with diamond studs in his shirtfront, steps forward, holding a circus paper hoop, a curling carriagewhip and a revolver with which he covers the going boarhound.)
SIGNOR MAFFEI (With a sinister smile.) Ladies and gentlemen, my educated greyhound. It was I broke in the bucking broncho Ajax with my patent spiked saddle for carnivores. Lash under the belly with a knotted thong. Block tackle and a strangling pully will bring your lion to heel, no matter how fractious, even Leo ferox there, the Libyan maneater. A redhot crowbar and some liniment rubbing on the burning part produced Fritz of Amsterdam, the thinking hyena. (He glares.) I possess the Indian sign. The glint of my eye does it with these breastsparklers. (With a bewitching smile.) I now introduce Mademoiselle Ruby, the pride of the ring.
FIRST WATCH Come. Name and address.
BLOOM I have forgotten for the moment. Ah, yes! (He takes off his high grade hat, saluting.) Dr Bloom, Leopold, dental surgeon. You have heard of von Bloom Pasha. Umpteen mil lions. Donnerwetter! Owns half Austria. Egypt. Cousin.
(A card falls from inside the leather headband of Bloom's hat.)
BLOOM (In red fez, cadi's dress coat with broad green sash, wearing a false badge of the Legion of Honour, picks up the card hastily and offers it.) Allow me. My club is the Junior Army and Navy. Solicitors: Messrs John Henry Menton, 27 Bachelor's Walk.
FIRST WATCH (Reads.) Henry Flower. No fixed abode. Un lawfully watching and besetting.
SECOND WATCH An alibi. You are cautioned.
BLOOM (Produces from his heartpocket a crumpled yellow flower.) This is the flower in question. It was given me by a man I don't know his name. (Plausibly.) You know that old joke, rose of Castille. Bloom. The change of name Virag. (He murmurs privately and confidentially.) We are engaged you see, sergeant. Lady in the case. Love entanglement. (He shoulders the second watch gently.) Dash it all. It's a way we gallants have in the navy. Uniform that does it. (He turns gravely to the first watch.) Still, of course, you do get your Waterloo sometimes. Drop in some evening and have a glass of old Burgundy. (To the second watch gaily.) I'll introduce you, inspector. She's game. Do it in shake of a lamb's tail.
(A dark mercurialised face appears, leading a veiled figure.)
THE DARK MERCURY The Castle is looking for him. He was drummed out of the army.
MARTHA (Thickveiled, a crimson halter round her neck, a copy of the Irish Times in her hand, in tone of reproach, pointing.) Henry! Leopold! Leopold! Lionel, thou lost one! Clear my name.
FIRST WATCH (Sternly.) Come to the station.
BLOOM (Scared, hats himself steps back, then, plucking at his heart and lifting his right forearm on the square, he gives the sign and dueguard of fellowcraft.) No, no, worshipful master, light of love. Mistaken identity. The Lyons mail. Lesurques and Dubosc. You remember the Childs fratricide case. We medical men. By striking him dead with a hatchet. I am wrongfully accused. Better one guilty escape than ninetynine wrongfully condemned.
MARTHA (Sobbing behind her veil.) Breach of promise. My real name is Peggy Griffin. He wrote to me that he was miserable. I'll tell my brother, the Bective rugger fullback, on you, heartless flirt.
BLOOM (Behind his hand.) She's drunk. The woman is inebriated. (He murmurs vaguely the past of Ephraim.) Shitbroleeth.
SECOND WATCH (Tears in his eyes, to Bloom.) You ought to be thoroughly well ashamed of yourself.
BLOOM Gentleman of the jury, let me explain. A pure mare's nest. I am a man misunderstood. I am being made a scapegoat of. I am a respectable married man, without a stain on my character. I live in Eccles street. My wife, I am the daughter of a most distinguished commander, a gallant upstanding gentleman, who do you call him, Majorgeneral Brian Tweedy, one of Britain's fighting men who helped to win our battles. Got his majority for the heroic defence of Rorke's Drift.
BLOOM (Turns to the gallery.) The royal Dublins, boys, the salt of the earth, known the world over. I think I see some old comrades in arms up there among you. The R. D. F. With our own Metropolitan police, guardians of our homes, the pluckiest lads and the finest body of men, as physique, in the service of our sovereign.
A VOICE Turncoat! Up the Boers! Who booed Joe Chamberlain?
BLOOM (His hand on the shoulder of the first watch.) My old dad too was a J.P. I'm as staunch a Britisher as you are, sir. I fought with the colours for king and country in the absentminded war under General Gough in the park and was disabled at Spion Kop and Bloemfontein, was mentioned in dispatches. I did all a white man could. (With quiet feeling.) Jim Bludso. Hold her nozzle again the bank.
FIRST WATCH Profession or trade.
BLOOM Well, I follow a literary occupation. Author-journalist. In fact we are just bringing out a collection of prize stories of which I am the inventor, something that is an entirely new departure. I am connected with the British and Irish press. If you ring up...
(Myles Crawford strides out jerkily, a quill between his teeth. His scarlet beak blazes within the aureole of his straw hat. He dangles a hank of Spanish onions in one hand and holds with the other hand a telephone receiver nozzle to his ear.)
MYLES CRAWFORD (His cock's wattles wagging.) Hello, seventyseven eightfour. Hello. Freeman's Urinal and Weekly Arse wiper here. Paralyse Europe. You which? Bluebags? Who writes? Is it Bloom?
(Mr Philip Beaufoy, palefaced, stands in the witnessbox, in accurate morning dress, outbreast pocket with peak of handkerchief showing, creased lavender trousers and patent boots. He cames a lace portfolio labelled Matcham's Masterstrokes.)
BEAUFOY (Drawls.) No, you aren't, not by a long shot if I know it. I don't see it, that's all. No born gentleman, no one with the most rudimentary promptings of a gentleman would stoop to such particularly loathsome conduct. One of those, my lord. A plagiarist. A soapy sneak masquerading as a literateur. It's perfectly obvious that with the most inherent baseness he has cribbed some of my bestselling books, really gorgeous stuff, a perfect gem, the love passages in which are beneath suspicion. The Beaufoy books of love and great possessions with which your lordship is doubtless familiar, are a household word throughout the kingdom.
BLOOM (Murmurs with hangdog meekness.) That bit about the laughing witch hand in hand I take exception to, if I may... ?
BEAUFOY (His lip upcurled, smiles superciliously on the court.) You funny ass, you! You're too beastly awfully weird for words! I don't think you need over excessively disincommodate yourself in that regard. My literary agent Mr J. B. Pinker is in attendance. I presume, my lord, we shall receive the usual witnesses' fees, shan't we? We are considerably out of pocket over this bally pressman johnny, this jackdaw of Rheims, who has not even been to a university.
BLOOM (Indistinctly.) University of life. Bad art.
BEAUFOY (Shouts.) It's a damnably foul lie showing the moral rottenness of the man! (He extends his portfolio.) We have here damning evidence, the corpus delicti, my lord, a specimen of my maturer work disfigured by the hallmark of the beast.
Moses, Moses, king of the jews,
Wiped his arse in the Daily News.
BLOOM (Bravely.) Overdrawn.
BEAUFOY You low cad! You ought to be ducked in the horsepond, you rotter! (To the court.) Why, look at the man's private life! Leading a quadruple existence! Street angel and house devil. Not fit to be mentioned in mixed society. The arch conspirator of the age.
BLOOM (To the court.) And he, a bachelor, how.
FIRST WATCH The King versus Bloom. Call the woman Driscoll.
THE CRIER Mary Driscoll, scullerymaid!
(Mary Driscoll, a slipshod servant girl, approaches. She has a bucket on the crook of her arm and a scouringbrush in her hand.)
SECOND WATCH Another! Are you of the unfortunate class?
MARY DRISCOLL (Indignantly.) I'm not a bad one. I bear a respectable character and was four months in my last place. I was in a situation, six pounds a year and my chances with Fridays out, and I had to leave owing to his carryings on.
FIRST WATCH What do you tax him with?
MARY DRISCOLL He made a certain suggestion but I thought more of myself as poor as I am.
BLOOM (In housejacket of ripplecloth, flannel trousers, heelless slippers, unshaven, his hair rumpled softly.) I treated you white. I gave you mementoes, smart emerald garters far above your station. Incautiously I took your part when you were accused of pilfering. There's a medium in all things. Play cricket.
MARY DRISCOLL (Excitedly.) As God is looking down on me this night if ever I laid a hand to them oysters!
FIRST WATCH The offence complained of? Did something happen?
MARY DRISCOLL He surprised me in the rere of the premises, your honour, when the missus was out shopping one morning with a request for a safety pin. He held me and I was discoloured in four places as a result. And he interfered twice with my clothing.
BLOOM She counterassaulted.
MARY DRISCOLL (Scornfully.) I had more respect for the scouringbrush, so I had. I remonstrated with him, your lord, and he remarked: Keep it quiet!
(General laughter.)
GEORGES FOTTRELL (Clerk of the crown and peace, resonantly.) Order in court! The accused will now make a bogus statement.
(Bloom, pleading not guilty and holding a fullblown waterlily, begins a long unintelligible speech. They would hear what counsel had to say in his stirring address to the grand-jury. He was down and out but, though branded as a black sheep, if he might say so, he meant to reform, to retrieve the memory of the past in a purely sisterly way and return to nature as a purely domestic animal. A seven months' child, he had been carefully brought up and nurtured by an aged bedridden parent. There might have been lapses of an erring father but he wanted to turn over a new leaf and now, when at long last in sight of the whipping post, to lead a homely life in the evening of his days, permeated by the affectionate surroundings of the heaving bosom of the family. An acclimatised Britisher he had seen that summer eve from the footplate of an engine cab of the Loop line railway company while the rain refrained from falling glimpses, as it were, through the windows of loveful households in Dublin city and urban district of scenes truly rural of happiness of the better land with Dockrell's wallpaper at one and ninepence a dozen, innocent British born bairns lisping prayers to the Sacred Infant, youthful scholars grappling with their pensums, model young ladies playing on the pianoforte or anon all with fervour reciting the family rosary round the crackling Yulelog while in the boreens and green lanes the colleens with their swains strolled what times the strains of the organtoned melodeon Britannia metalbound with four acting stops and twelvefold bellows, a sacrifice, greatest bargain ever... )
(Renewed laughter. He mumbles incoherently. Reporters complain that they cannot hear.)
LONGHAND AND SHORTHAND (Without looking up from their notebooks.) Loosen his boots.
PROFESSOR MACHUGH (From the presstable, coughs and calls.) Cough it up, man. Get it out in bits.
(The crossexamination proceeds re Bloom and the bucket. A lace bucket. Bloom himself Bowel trouble. In Beaver street. Gripe, yes. Quite bad. A plasterers bucket. By walking stifflegged. Suffered untold misery. Deadly agony. About noon. Love or burgundy. Yes, some spinach. Crucial moment. He did not look in the bucket. Nobody. Rather a mess. Not completely. A Titbits back number.)
(Uproar and catcalls. Bloom, in a torn frockcoat stained with whitewash, dinged silk hat sideways on his head, a strip of sticking-plaster across his nose, talks inaudibly.)
J. J. O'MOLLOY (In barrister's grey wig and stuffgown, speaking with a voice of pained protest.) This is no place for indecent levity at the expense of an erring mortal disguised in liquor. We are not in a beargarden nor at an Oxford rag nor is this a travesty of justice. My client is an infant, a poor foreign immigrant who started scratch as a stowaway and is now trying to turn an honest penny. The trumped up misdemeanour was due to a momentary aberration of heredity, brought on by hallucination, such familiarities as the alleged guilty occurrence being quite permitted in my client's native place, the land of the Pharaoh. Prima facie, I put it to you that there was no attempt at carnally knowing. Intimacy did not occur and the offence complained of by Driscoll, that her virtue was solicited, was not repeated. I would deal inespecial with atavism. There have been cases of shipwreck and somnambulism in my client's family. If the accused could speak he could a tale unfold one of the strangest that have ever been narrated between the covers of a book. He himself, my lord, is a physical wreck from cobbler's weak chest. His submission is that he is of Mongolian extraction and irresponsible for his actions. Not all there, in fact.
BLOOM (Barefoot, pigeonbreasted, in lascar's vest and trousers, apologetic toes turned in, opens his tiny mole's eyes and looks about him dazedly, passing a slow hand across his forehead. Then he hitches his belt sailor fashion and with a shrug of oriental obeisance salutes the court, pointing one thumb heavenward.) Him makee velly muchee fine night. (He begins to lilt simply.)
Li li poo lil chile,
Blingee pigfoot evly night.
Payee two shilly...
(He is howled down.)
J. J. O'MOLLOY (Hotly to the populace.) This is a lonehand fight. By Hades, I will not have any client of mine gagged and badgered in this fashion by a pack of curs and laughing hyenas. The Mosaic code has superseded the law of the jungle. I say it and I say it emphatically without wishing for one moment to defeat the ends of justice, accused was not accessory before the act and prosecutrix has not been tampered with. The young person was treated by defendant as if she were his very own daughter. (Bloom takes J. J. O'Molloy's hand and raises it to his lips.) I shall call rebutting evidence to prove up to the hilt that the hidden hand is again at its old game. When in doubt persecute Bloom. My client, an innately bashful man, would be the last man in the world to do anything ungentlemanly which injured modesty could object to or cast a stone at a girl who took the wrong turning when some dastard, responsible for her condition, had worked his own sweet will on her. He wants to go straight. I regard him as the whitest man I know. He is down on his luck at present owing to the mortgaging of his extensive property at Agendath Netaim in faraway Asia Minor, slides of which will now be shown. (To Bloom.) I suggest that you will do the handsome thing.
BLOOM A penny in the pound.
(The mirage of the lake of Kinnereth with blurred cattle cropping in silver haze is projected on the wall. Moses Dlugacz, ferreteyed albino, in blue dungarees, stands up in the gallery, holding in each hand an orange citron and a pork kidney.)
DLUGACZ (Hoarsely.) Bleibtreustrasse, Berlin, W. 13.
(J. J. O'Molloy steps on to a low plinth and holds the lapel of his coat with solemnity. His face lengthens, grows pale and bearded, with sunken eyes, the blotches of phthisis and hectic cheekbones of John F. Taylor. He applies his handkerchief to his mouth and scrutinises the galloping tide of rosepink blood.)
J. J. O'MOLLOY (Almost voicelessly.) Excuse me, I am suffering from a severe chill, have recently come from a sickbed. A few wellchosen words. (He assumes the avine head, foxy moustache and proboscidal eloquence of Seymour Bushe.) When the angel's book comes to be opened if aught that the pensive bosom has inaugurated of soultransfigured and of soultransfiguring deserves to live I say accord the prisoner at the bar the sacred benefit of the doubt. (A paper with something written on it is handed into court.)
BLOOM (In court dress.) Can give best references. Messrs Callan, Coleman. Mr Wisdom Hely J. P. My old chief Joe Cuffe. Mr V. B. Dillon, ex-lord mayor of Dublin. I have moved in the charmed circle of the highest . Queens of Dublin Society. (Carelessly.) I was just chatting this afternoon at the viceregal lodge to my old pals, sir Robert and lady Ball, astronomer royal, at the levee. Sir Bob, I said...
MRS YELVERTON BARRY (In lowcorsaged opal balldress and elbowlength ivory gloves, wearing a sabletrimmed brick quilted dolman, a comb of brilliants and panache of osprey in her hair.) Arrest him constable. He wrote me an anonymous letter in prentice backhand when my husband was in the North Riding of Tipperary on the Munster circuit, signed James Lovebirch. He said that he had seen from the gods my peerless globes as I sat in a box of the Theatre Royal at a command performance of La Cigale. I deeply inflamed him, he said. He made improper overtures to me to misconduct myself at half past four p.m. on the following Thursday, Dunsink time. He offered to send me through the post a work of fiction by Monsieur Paul de Kock, entitled The Girl with the Three Pairs of Stays.
MRS BELLINGHAM (In cap and seal coneymantle, wrapped up to the nose, steps out of her brougham and scans through tortoiseshell quizzingglasses which she takes from inside her huge opossum muff.) Also to me. Yes, I believe it is the same objectionable person. Because he closed my carriage door outside sir Thornley Stoker's one sleety day during the cold snap of February ninetythree when even the grid of the wastepipe and ballstop in my bath cistern were frozen. Subsequently he enclosed a bloom of edelweiss culled on the heights, as he said, in my honour. I had it examined by a botanical expert and elicited the information that it was a blossom of the homegrown potato plant purloined from a forcingcase of the model farm.
(A crowd of sluts and ragamuffins sues forward.)
THE SLUTS AND RAGAMUFFINS (Screaming.) Stop thief! Hurrah there, Bluebeard! Three cheers for Ikey Mo!
SECOND WATCH (Produces handcuffs.) Here are the darbies.
MRS BELLINGHAM He addressed me in several handwritings with fulsome compliments as a Venus in furs and alleged profound pity for my frostbound coachman Balmer while in the same breath he expressed himself as envious of his earflaps and fleecy sheepskins and of his fortunate proximity to my person, when standing behind my chair wearing my livery and the armorial bearings of the Bellingham escutcheon garnished sable, a buck's head couped or. He lauded almost extravagantly my nether extremities, my swelling calves in silk hose drawn up to the limit, and eulogised glowingly my other hidden treasures in priceless lace which, he said, he could conjure up. He urged me, stating that he felt it his mission in life to urge me, to defile the marriage bed, to commit adultery at the earliest possible opportunity.
THE HONOURABLE MRS MERVYN TALBOYS (In amazon costume, hard hat, jackboots cockspurred, vermilion waistcoat, fawn musketeer gauntlets with bra idea drums, long train held up and hunting crop with which she strikes her welt constantly.) Also me. Because he saw me on the polo ground of the Phnix park at the match All Ireland versus the Rest of Ireland. My eyes, I know, shone divinely as I watched Captain Slogger Dennehy of the Inniskillings win the final chukkar on his darling cob Centaur. This plebeian Don Juan observed me from behind a hackney car and sent me in double envelopes an obscene photograph, such as are sold after dark on Paris boulevards, insulting to any lady. I have it still. It represents a partially nude senorita, frail and lovely (his wife as he solemnly assured me, taken by him from nature), practising illicit intercourse with a muscular torero, evidently a blackguard. He urged me to do likewise, to misbehave, to sin with officers of the garrison. He implored me to soil his letter in an unspeakable manner, to chastise him as he richly deserves, to bestride and ride him, to give him a most vicious horsewhipping.
(Several highly respectable Dublin ladies hold up improper letters received from Bloom.)
THE HONOURABLE MRS MERVYN TALBOYS (Stamps her jingling spurs in a sudden paroxysm of sudden fury.) I will, by the God above me. I'll scourge the pigeonlivered cur as long as I can stand over him. I'll flay him alive.
BLOOM (His eyes closing, quails expectantly.) Here? (He squirms.) Again! (He pants cringing.) I love the danger.
THE HONOURABLE MRS MERVYN TALBOYS Very much so! I'll make it hot for you. I'll make you dance Jack Latten for that.
MRS BELLINGHAM Tan his breech well, the upstart! Write the stars and stripes on it!
MRS YELVERTON BARRY Disgraceful! There's no excuse for him! A married man!
BLOOM All these people. I meant only the spanking idea. A warm tingling glow without effusion. Refined birching to stimulate the circulation.
THE HONOURABLE MRS MERVYN TALBOYS (Laughs derisively.) O, did you, my fine fellow? Well, by the living God, you'll get the surprise of your life now, believe me, the most unmerciful hiding a man ever bargained for. You have lashed the dormant tigress in my nature into fury.
MRS BELLINGHAM (Shakes her muff and quizzing-glasses vindictively.) Make him smart, Hanna dear. Give him ginger. Thrash the mongrel within an inch of his life. The cat-o' nine-tails. Geld him. Vivisect him.
BLOOM (Shuddering, shrinking, joins his hands with hangdog mien.) O cold! O shivery! It was your ambrosial beauty. Forget, forgive. Kismet. Let me off this once. (He offers the other cheek.)
MRS YELVERTON BARRY (Severely.) Don't do so on any account, Mrs Talboys! He should be soundly trounced!
THE HONOURABLE MRS MERVYN TALBOYS (Unbuttoning her gauntlet violently.) I'll do no such thing. Pig dog and always was ever since he was pupped! To dare address me! I'll flog him black and blue in the public streets. I'll dig my spurs in him up to the rowel. He is a wellknown cuckold. (She swishes her hunting crop savagely in the air.) Take down his trousers without loss of time. Come here, sir! Quick! Ready?
BLOOM (Trembling, beginning to obey.) The weather has been so warm.
(Davy Stephens, ringleted, passes with a bevy of barefoot newsboys.)
DAVY STEPHENS Messenger of the Sacred Heart and Evening Telegraph with Saint Patrick's Day Supplement. Containing the new addresses of all the cuckolds in Dublin.
(The very reverend Canon O'Hanlon in cloth of gold cope elevates and exposes a marble timepiece. Before him Father Conroy and the reverend John Hughes S.J. bend low.)
THE TIMEPIECE (Unportalling.)
(The brass quoits of a bed are heard to jingle.)
THE QUOITS Jigjag, Jigajiga. Jigjag.
(A panel of fog rolls back rapidly, revealing rapidly in the jurybox the faces of Martin Cunningham, foreman silkhatted, Jack Power Simon Dedalus, Tom Kernan, Ned Lambert, John Henry Menton, Myles Crawford, Lenehan, Paddy Leonard Nosey Flynn, M'Coy and the featureless face of a Nameless One.)
THE NAMELESS ONE Bareback riding. Weight for age. Gob, he organised her.
THE JURORS (All their heads turned to his voice.) Really?
THE NAMELESS ONE (Snarls.) Arse over tip. Hundred shillings to five.
THE JURORS (All their heads lowered in assent.) Most of us thought as much.
FIRST WATCH He is a marked man. Another girl's plait cut. Wanted: Jack the Ripper. A thousand pounds reward.
SECOND WATCH (Awed, whispers.) And in black. A mormon. Anarchist.
THE CRIER (Loudly.) Whereas Leopold Bloom of no fixed abode is a well-known dynamitard, forger, bigamist, bawd and cuckold ad a public nuisance to the citizens of Dublin and whereas at this commission of assizes the most honourable.
(His Honour sir Frederick Falkiner recorder of Dublin, in judicial garb of grey stone rises from the bench, stonebearded. He bears in his arms an umbrella sceptre. From his forehead arise starkly the Mosaic ramshorns.)
THE RECORDER I will put an end to this white slave traffic and rid Dublin of this odious pest. Scandalous! (He dons the black cap.) Let him be taken, Mr Subsheriff, from the dock where he now stands and detained in custody in Mountjoy prison during His Majesty's pleasure and there be hanged by the neck until he is dead and therein fail not at your peril or may the Lord have-mercy on your soul. Remove him. (A black skullcap descends upon his head.)
(The subsheriff long John Fanning appears, smoking a pungent Henry Clay.)
LONG JOHN FANNING (Scowls and calls with rich rolling utterance.) Who'll hang Judas Iscariot?
(H. Rumbold, master barber in a bloodcoloured jerk in and tanner's apron, a rope coiled over his shoulder mounts the block. A life preserver and a nailstudded bludgeon are stuck in his belt. He rubs grimly his grapping hands, knobbed with knuckledusters.)
RUMBOLD (To the recorder with sinister familiarity.) Hanging Harry, your Majesty, the Mersey terror. Five guineas a jugular. Neck or nothing.
(The bells of George's church toll slowly, loud dark iron.)
THE BELLS Heigho! Heigho!
BLOOM (Desperately.) Wait. Stop. Gulls. Good heart. I saw. Innocence. Girl in the monkeyhouse. Zoo. Lewd chimpanzees. (Breathlessly.) Pelvic basin. Her artless blush unmanned me. (Overcome with emotion.) I left the precincts. (He turns to a figure in the crowd, appealing.) Hynes, may I speak to you? You know me. That three shillings you can keep. If you want a little more .
HYNES (Coldly.) You are a perfect stranger.
SECOND WATCH (Points to the corner.) The bomb is here. FIRST WATCH Infernal machine with a time fuse. BLOOM No, no. Pig's feet. I was at a funeral. FIRST WATCH (Draws his truncheon.) Liar!
(The beagle lifts his snout, showing the grey scorbutic face of Paddy Dignam. He has gnawed all. He exhales a putrid carcasefed breath. He grows to human size and shape. His dachshund coat becomes a brown mortuary habit. His green eyeflashes bloodshot. Half of one ear all the nose and both thumbs are ghouleaten.)
PADDY DIGNAM (In a hollow voice.) It is true. It was my funeral. Doctor Finucane pronounced life extinct when I succumbed to the disease from natural causes.
(He lifts his mutilated ashen face moonwards and bays lugubriously.)
BLOOM (In triumph.) You hear?
PADDY DIGNAM Bloom, I am Paddy Dignam's spirit. List, list, O list!
BLOOM The voice is the voice of Esau.
SECOND WATCH (Blesses himself.) How is that possible?
FIRST WATCH It is not in the penny catechism.
PADDY DIGNAM By metempsychosis. Spooks.
A VOICE O rocks.
PADDY DIGNAM (Earnestly.) Once I was in the employ of Mr J. H. Menton, solicitor, commissioner for oaths and affidavits, of 27 Bachelor's Walk. Now I am defunct, the wall of the heart hypertrophied. Hard lines. The poor wife was awfully cut up. Dow is she bearing it? Keep her off that bottle of sherry. (He looks round him.) A lamp. I must satisfy an animal need. That buttermilk didn't agree with me.
(The portly figure of John O'Connell, caretaker stands forth, holding a bunch of keys tied with crape. Beside him stands Father Coffey, chaplain, toad bellied, wrynecked, in a surplice and bandanna nightcap, holding sleepily a staff of twisted poppies.)
FATHER COFFEY (Yawns, then chants with a hoarse croak.) Namine. Jacobs Vobiscuits. Amen.
(Foghorns stormily through his megaphone.) Dignam, Patrick T., deceased.
PADDY DIGNAM (With pricked up ears, winces.) Overtones.
(He wriggles forward, places an ear to the ground.) My masters' voice!
JOHN O'CONNELL Burial docket letter number U. P. Eightyfive thousand. Field seventeen. House of Keys. Plot, one hundred and one.
(Paddy Dignam listens with visible effort, thinking, his tailstiffpointed, his ears cocked.)
PADDY DIGNAM Pray for the repose of his soul.
(He worms down through a coal hole, his brown habit trailing its tether over rattling pebbles. After him toddles an obese grandfather rat on fungus turtle paws under a grey carapace. Dignam's voice, muffled, is heard baying under ground: Dignam's dead and gone below. Tom Rochford, robinredbreasted, in cap and breeches, jumps from his two-columned machine.)
TOM ROCHFORD (A hand to his breastbone, bows.) Reuben J. A florin I find him. (He fixes the manhole with a resolute stare.) My turn now on. Follow me up to Carlow.
(He executes a daredevil salmon leap in the air and is engulfed in the coalhole. Two discs on the columns wobble eyes of nought. All recedes. Bloom plodges forward again. He stands before a lighted house, listening. The kisses, winging from their bowers, fly about him, twittering, warbling, cooing.)
THE KISSES (Warbling.) Leo! (Twittering.) Icky licky micky sticky for Leo! (Cooing.) Coo coocoo! Yummyumm Wom worn! (Warbling.) Big comebig! Pirouette! Leopopold! (Twittering.) Leeolee! (Warbling.) O Leo!
(They rustle, flutter upon his garments, alight, bright giddyflecks, silvery sequins.)
BLOOM A man's touch. Sad music. Church music. Perhaps here.
(Zoe Higgins, a young whore in a sapphire slip, closed with three bronze buckles, a slim black velvet fillet round her throat, nods, trips down the steps and accosts him.)
ZOE Are you looking for someone? He's inside with his friend.
BLOOM Is this Mrs Mack's?
ZOE No, eightyone. Mrs Cohen's. You might go farther and fare worse. Mother Slipperslapper. (Familiarly.) She's on the job herself tonight with the vet, her tipster, that gives her all the winners and pays for her son in Oxford. Working overtime but her luck's turned today. (Suspiciously.) You're not his father, are you?
ZOE You both in black. Has little mousey any tickles tonight?
(His skin, alert, feels her fingertips approach. A hand slides over his left thigh.)
ZOE How's the nuts?
BLOOM Off side. Curiously they are on the right. Heavier I suppose. One in a million my tailor, Mesias, says.
ZOE (In sudden alarm.) You've a hard chancre.
BLOOM Not likely.
ZOE I feel it.
(Her hand slides into his left trouser pocket and brings out a hard black shrivelled potato. She regards it and Bloom with dumb moist lips.)
BLOOM A talisman. Heirloom.
ZOE For Zoe? For keeps? For being so nice, eh?
(She puts the potato greedily into a pocket, then links his arm, cuddling him with supple warmth. He smiles uneasily. Slowly, note by note, oriental music is played. He gazes in the tawny crystal of her eyes, ringed with kohol. His smile softens.)
ZOE You'll know me the next time.
BLOOM (Forlornly.) I never loved a dear gazelle but it was sure to.
(Gazelles are leaping, feeding on the mountains. Near are lakes. Round their shores file shadows black of cedargroves. Aroma rises, a strong hairgrowth of resin. It burns, the orient, a sky of sapphire, cleft by the bronze flight of eagles. Under it lies the womancity, nude, white, still, cool, in luxury. A fountain murmurs among damask roses. Mammoth roses murmur of scarlet winegrapes. A wine of shame, lust, blood exudes, strangely murmuring.)
ZOE (Murmuring singsong with the music, her odalisk lips lusciously smeared with salve of swinefat and rosewater.) Schorach ani wenowach, benoith Hierushaloim.
BLOOM (Fascinated.) I thought you were of good stock by your accent.
ZOE And you know what thought did?
(She bites his ear gently with little goldstopped teeth sending on him a cloying breath of stale garlic. The roses draw apart, disclose a sepulchre of the gold of kings and their mouldering bones.)
BLOOM (Draws back, mechanically caressing her right bub with a flat awkward hand.) Are you a Dublin girl?
ZOE (Catches a stray hair deftly and twists it to her coil.) No bloody fear. I'm English. Have you a swaggerroot?
BLOOM (As before.) Rarely smoke, dear. Cigar now and then. Childish device. (Lewdly.) The mouth can be better engaged than with a cylinder of rank weed.
ZOE Go on. Make a stump speech out of it.
BLOOM (In workman's corduroy overalls, black gansy with red floating tie and apache cap.) Mankind is incorrigible. Sir Walter Raleigh brought from the new world that potato and that weed, the one a killer of pestilence by absorption, the other a poisoner of the ear, eye, heart, memory, will, understanding, all. That is to say, he brought the poison a hundred years before another person whose name I forget brought the food. Suicide. Lies. All our habits. Why, look at our public life!
(Midnight chimes from distant steeples.)
THE CHIMES Turn again, Leopold! Lord Mayor of Dublin!
BLOOM (In alderman's gown and chain.) Electors of Arran Quay, Inns Quay, Rotunda, Mountjoy and North Dock, better run a tramline, I say, from the cattlemarket to the river. That's the music of the future. That's my programme. Cui Bono? But our buccaneering Vanderdeckens in their phantom ship of finance...
AN ELECTOR Three times three for our future chief magistrate!
(The aurora borealis of the torchlight procession leaps.)
(Several wellknown burgesses, city magnates and freemen of the city shake hands with Bloom and congratulate him. Timothy Harrington, late thrice Lord Mayor of Dublin, imposing in mayoral scarlet, gold chain and white silk tie, confers with councillor Lorcan Sherlock, locum tenens. They nod vigorously in agreement.)
LATE LORD MAYOR HARRINGTON (In scarlet robe with mace, gold mayoral chain and lace white silk scarf) That alder man sir Leo Bloom's speech be printed at the expense of the ratepayers. That the house in which he was born be ornamented with a commemorative tablet and that the thoroughfare hitherto known as Cow Parlour off Cork street be henceforth designated Boulevard Bloom.
BLOOM (Impassionedly.) These flying Dutchmen or lying Dutchmen as they recline in their upholstered poop, casting dice, what reck they? Machines is their cry, their chimera, their panacea. Laboursaving apparatuses, supplanters, bug-bears, manufactured monsters for mutual murder, hideous hobgoblins produced by a horde of capitalistic lusts upon our prostituted labour. The poor man starves while they are grassing their royal mountain stags or shooting peasants and phartridges in their purblind pomp of pelf and power. But their reign is rover for rever and ever and ev...
(Prolonged applause. Venetian masts, maypoles and festal arches spring up. A streamer bearing the legends Cead Mille Failte and Mah Ttob Melek Israel spans the street. All the windows are thronged with sightseers, chiefly ladies. Along the route the regiments of the royal Dublin Fusiliers, the Kings Own Scottish Boraerers, the Cameron Highlanders and the Welsh Fusiliers, standing to attention, keep back the crowd. Boys from High school are perched on the lampposts, telegraph poles, windowsills, cornices, gutters, chimneypots, railings, rainspouts, whistling and cheering. The pillar of the cloud appears. A fife and drum band is heard in the distance playing the Kol Nidre. The beaters approach with imperial eagles hoisted, trailing banners and waving oriental palms. The chryselephantine papal standard rises high, surrounded by pennons of the civic flag. The van of the procession appears headed by John Howard Parnell, city marshal, in a chessboard tabard, the Athlone Poursuivant and Ulster King of Arms. They are followed by the Right Honourable Joseph Hutchinson, lord mayor of Dublin, the lord mayor of Cork, their worships the mayors of Limerick, Galway, Sligo and Watedord, twentyeight Irish representative peers, sirdars, grandees and maharajahs bearing the cloth of estate, the Dublin Metropolitan Fire Brigade, the chapter of the saints of finance in their plutocratic order of precedence, the bishop of Down and Connor His Eminence Michael cardinal Logue archbishop of Armagh, primate of all Ireland, His Grace, the most reverend Dr William Alexander archbishop of Armagh, primate of all Ireland, the chief rabbi, the presbyterian moderator, the heads of the baptist, anabaptist, methodist and Moravian chapels and the honorary secretary of the society of friends. her them march the guilds and trades and trainbands with flying colours: coopen, bird fanciers, millwrights, newspaper canvassers, law scriveners, masseurs, vintners, trussmakers, chimney sweeps, lard refiners, tabinet and poplin weavers, farriers, Italian warehousemen, church decorators, bootjack manufacturers, undertaken, silk mercers, lapidaries, salesmasters, corkcutters, assessors of fire losses, dyers and cleaners, export bottlers, fellmongers, ticketwriters, heraldic seal engravers, horse repository hands, bullion broken, cricket and archery outfitters, riddlemakers, egg and potato factors, hosiers and glovers, plumbing contractors. After them march gentlemen of the bed chamber Black Rod, Deputy Garter Gold Stick, the master of hone, the lord great chamberlain, the earl marshal, the high constable carrying the sword of state, saint Stephen's iron crown, the chalice and bible. Four buglers on foot blow a sennet. Beefeaten reply, winding clarions of welcome. Under an arch of triumph Bloom appears bareheaded, in a crimson velvet mantle trimmed with ermine, bearing Saint Edward's staff the orb and sceptre with the dove, the curtana. He is seated on a milkwhite hone with long flowing crimson tail, richly caparisoned, with golden heads tall. Wild excitement. The ladies from their balconies throw down rosepetals. The air is perfumed with essences. The men cheer. Bloom's boys run amid the bystanders with branches of hawthorn and wrenbushes.)
The wren, the wren,
The king of all birds,
Saint Stephen's his day,
Was caught in the furze.
A BLACKSMITH (Murmurs.) For the Honour of God! And is that Bloom? He scarcely looks thirtyone.
A PAVIOR AND FLAGGER That's the famous Bloom now, the world's greatest reformer. Hats off!
(All uncover their heads. Women whisper eagerly.)
A MILLIONAIRESS (Richly.) Isn't he simply wonderful?
A NOBLEWOMAN (Nobly.) All that man has seen!
A FEMINIST (Masculinely.) And done!
A BELLHANGER A classic face! He has the forehead of a thinker.
(Bloom's weather. A sunburst appears in the northwest.)
THE BISHOP OF DOWN AND CONNOR I here present your un doubted emperor president and king chairman, the most serene and potent and very puissant ruler of this realm. God save Leopold the First!
ALL God save Leopold the First!
BLOOM (In dalmatic and purple mantle, to the bishop of Down and Connor with dignity.) Thanks, somewhat eminent sir.
WILLIAM, ARCHBISHOP OF ARMAGH (In purple stock and shovel hat.) Will you to your power cause law and mercy to be executed in all your judgments in Ireland and territories thereunto belonging?
BLOOM (Placing his right hand on his testicles, swears.) So may the Creator deal with me. All this I promise to do.
MICHAEL, ARCHBISHOP OF ARMAGH (Pours a cruse of hair oil over Bloom's head.) Gaudium magnum annuntio vobis. Habemus carneficem. Leopold, Patrick, Andrew, David, George, be thou anointed!
(Bloom assumes a mantle of cloth of gold and puts on a ruby ring. He ascends and stands on the stone of destiny. The representative peers put on at the same time their twentyeight crowns. Joybells ring in Christ church, Saint Patrick's, George's and gay Malahide. Mirus bazaar fireworks go up from all sides with symbolical phallopyrotechnic designs. The peers do homage, one by one, approaching and genuflecting.)
THE PEERS I do become your liege man of life and limb to earthly worship.
(Bloom holds up his right hand on which sparkles the Koh-i-Noor diamond. His palfrey neighs. Immediate silence. Wireless intercontinental and interplanetary transmitters are set for reception of message.)
BLOOM My subjects! We hereby nominate our faithful charger Copula Felix hereditary Grand Vizier and announce that we have this day repudiated our former spouse and have bestowed our royal hand upon the princess Selene, the splendour of night.
(The former morganatic spouse of Bloom is hastily removed in the Black Maria. The princess Selene, in moon blue robes, a silver crescent on her head, descends from a Sedan chair borne by two giants. An outburst of cheering.)
JOHN HOWARD PARNELL (Raises the royal standard.) Illustrious Bloom! Successor to my famous brother!
BLOOM (Embraces John Howard Parnell.) We thank you from our heart, John, for this right royal welcome to green Erin, the promised land of our common ancestors.
(The freedom of the city is presented to him embodied in a charter. The keys of Dublin, crossed on a crimson cushion, are given to him. He shows all that he is wearing green socks.)
TOM KERNAN You deserve it, your honour.
BLOOM On this day twenty years ago we overcame the hereditary enemy at Ladysmith. Our howitzers and camel swivel guns played on his lines with telling effect. Half a league onward! They charge! All is lost now! Do we yield? No! We drive them headlong! Lo! We charge! Deploying to the left our light horse swept across the heights of Plevna and, uttering their warcry, Bonafide Sabaoth, sabred the Saracen gunners to a man.
JOHN WYSE NOLAN There's the man that got away James Stephens.
AN OLD RESIDENT You're a credit to your country, sir, that's what you are.
AN APPLEWOMAN He's a man like Ireland wants.
BLOOM My beloved subjects, a new era is about to dawn. I, Bloom, tell you verily it is even now at hand. Yea, on the word of a Bloom, ye shall ere long enter into the golden city which is to be, the new Bloomusalem in the Nova Hibernia of the future.
(Thirtytwo workmen wearing rosettes, from all the counties of Ireland, under the guidance of Derwan the builder construct the new Bloomusalem. It is a colossal edifice, with crystal roof built in the shape of a huge pork kidney, containing forty thousand rooms. In the course of its extension several buildings and monuments are demolished. Government offices are temporarily transferred to railway sheds. Numerous houses are razed to the ground. The inhabitants are lodged in barrels and boxes, all marked in red with the letters: L. B. Several paupers fall from a ladder. A part of the walls of Dublin, crowded with loyal sightseers, collapses.)
THE SIGHTSEERS (Dying) Morituri te salutant. (They die.)
(A man in a brown macintosh springs up through a trap-door. He points an elongated finger at Bloom.)
THE MAN IN THE MACINTOSH Don't you believe a word he Says. That man is Leopold M'Intosh, the notorious fireraiser. His real name is Higgins.
BLOOM Shoot him! Dog of a christian! So much for M'Intosh!
(A cannonshot. The man in the macintosh disappears. Bloom with his sceptre strikes down poppies. The instantaneous deaths of many powerful enemies, graziers, members of parliament, members of standing committees, are reported. Bloom's bodyguard distribute Maundy money, commemoration medals, loaves and fishes, temperance badges, expensive Henry Clay cigars, free cowbones for soup, rubber preservatives, in sealed envelopes tied with gold thread, butter scotch, pineapple rock, billets doux in the form of cocked hats, readymade suits, porringers of toad in the hole, bottles of Jeyes' Fluid, purchase stamps, 40 days' indulgences, spurious coins, dairyfed pork sausages, theatre passes, season tickets available for all tram lines, coupons of the royal and privileged Hungarian lottery, penny dinner counters, cheap reprints of the World's Twelve Worst Books: Froggy and Fritz (politic), Care of the Baby (infantilic), So Meals for 7/6 (culinic), Was Jesus a Sun Myth? (historic), Expel that Pain (medic), Infant's Compendium of the Universe (cosmic), Let's All Chortle (hilaric), Canvasser's Vade Mecum (journalic), love-letters of Mother Assistant (erotic), Who's Who in Space (astric), Songs that Reached Our Heart (melodic), Pennywise's Way to Wealth (parsimonic). A general rush and scramble. Women press forward to touch the hem of Bloom's robe. The lady Gwendolen Dubedat bursts through the throng, leaps on his horse and kisses him on both cheeks amid great acclamation. A magnesium flashlight photograph is taken. Babes and sucklings are held up.)
THE WOMEN Little father! Little father!
Clap clap hands till Poldy comes home,
Cakes in his pocket for Leo alone.
(Bloom, bending down, pokes Baby Boardman gently in the stomach.)
BABY BOARDMAN (Hiccups, curdled milk flowing from his mouth.) Hajajaja.
BLOOM (Shaking hands with a blind stripling.) My more than Brother! (Placing his arms round the shoulders of an old couple.) Dear old friends! (He plays pussy fourcorners with ragged boys and girls.) Peep! Bopeep! (He wheels twins in a perambulator.) Ticktacktwo wouldyousetashoe? (He performs juggler's tricks, draws red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet silk handkerchiefs from his mouth.) Roygbiv. 32 feet per second. (He consoles a widow.) Absence makes the heart grow younger. (He dances the Highland fling with grotesque antics.) Leg it, ye devils! (He kisses the bedsores of a palsied veteran.) Honourable wounds! (He trips up a fat policeman.) U.p.: up. U.p.: up. (He whispers in the ear of a blushing waitress and laughs kindly.) Ah, naughty, naughty! (He eats a raw turnip offered him by Maurice Butterly, farmer.) Fine! Splendid! (He refuses to accept three shillings offered him by Joseph Hynes, journalist.) My dear fellow, not at all! (He gives his coat to a beggar.) Please accept. (He takes part in a stomach race with elderly male and female cripples.) Come on, boys! Wriggle it, girls!
THE CITIZEN (Choked with emotion, brushes aside a tear in his emerald muffler.) May the good God bless him!
(The rams' horns sound for silence. The standard of Zion is hoisted.)
BLOOM (Uncloaks impressively, revealing obesity, unrolls a paper and reads solemnly.) Aleph Beth Ghimel Daleth Hagadah Tephilim Kosher Yom Kippur Hanukah Ros chaschana Beni Brith Bar Mitzvah Mazzoth Askenazim Meshuggah Talith.
(An official translation is read by Jimmy Henry, assistant town clerk.)
JIMMY HENRY The Court of Conscience is now open. His Most Catholic Majesty will now administer open air justice. Free medical and legal advice, solution of doubles and other problems. All cordially invited. Given at this our loyal city of Dublin in the year I of the Paradisiacal Era.
PADDY LEONARD What am I to do about my rates and taxes?
BLOOM Pay them, my friend.
NOSEY FLYNN Can I raise a mortgage on my fire insurance?
BLOOM (Obdurately.) Sirs, take notice that by the law of torts you are bound over in your own recognisances for six months in the sum of five pounds.
J.J. O'MOLLY A Daniel did I say? Nay! A Peter O'Brien!
NOSEY FLYNN Where do I draw the five pounds?
PISSER BURKE For bladder trouble?
Acid. nit. hydrochlor dil., 20 minims,
Tinct. mix. vom., 4 minims.
Extr. taraxel. lig., 30 minims.
Aq. dis. ter in die.
CHRIS CALLINAN What is the parallax of the subsolar ecliptic of Aldebaran?
BLOOM Pleased to hear from you, Chris. K. II.
JOE HYNES Why aren't you in uniform?
BLOOM When my progenitor of sainted memory wore the uniform of the Austrian despot in a dank prison where was yours?
BLOOM Embellish (beautify) suburban gardens.
BEN DOLLARD When twins arrive?
BLOOM Father (pater, dad) starts thinking.
LARRY O'ROURKE An eight day licence for my new premises. You remember me, sir Leo, when you were in number seven. I'm sending around a dozen of stout for the missus.
BLOOM (Coldly.) You have the advantage of me. Lady Bloom accepts no presents.
CROFTON This is indeed a festivity.
BLOOM (Solemnly.) You call it a festivity. I call it a sacrament.
ALEXANDER KEYES When will we have our own house of keys?
BLOOM I stand for the reform of municipal morals and the plain ten commandments. New worlds for old. Union of all, jew, moslem and gentile. Three acres and a cow for all children of nature. Saloon motor hearses. Compulsory manual labour for all. All parks open to the public day and night. Electric dishscrubbers. Tuberculosis, lunacy, war and mendicancy must now cease. General amnesty, weekly carnival, with masked licence, bonuses for all, esperanto the universal brotherhood. No more patriotism of barspongers and dropsical impostors. Free money, free love and a free lay church in a free lay state.
O'MADDEN BURKE Free fox in a free henroost.
DAVY BYRNE (Yawning.) Iiiiiiiiiaaaaaaach!
BLOOM Mixed races and mixed marriage.
LENEHAN What about mixed bathing?
(Bloom explains to those near him his schemes for social regeneration. All agree with him. The keeper of the Kildare Street Museum appears, dragging a lorry on which are the shaking statues of several naked goddesses, Venus Callipyge, Venus Pandemos Venus Metempsychosis, and plaster figures, also naked, representing the new nine muses, Commerce, Operatic Music, Amor Publicity, Manufacture, liberty of Speech, Plural Voting, Gastronomy, Private Hygiene, Seaside Concert Entertainments, Painless Obstetrics and Astronomy for the People.)
FATHER FARLEY He is an episcopalian, an agnostic, an any thingarian seeking to overthrow our holy faith.
MRS RIORDAN (Tears up her will.) I'm disappointed in you! You bad man!
MOTHER GROGAN (Removes her boot to throw it at Bloom.) You beast! You abominable person!
NOSEY FLYNN Give us a tune, Bloom. One of the old sweet songs.
BLOOM (With rollicking humour.)
I vowed that I never would leave her,
She turned out a cruel deceiver.
With my tooraloom tooraloom tooralcom tooraloom.
HOPPY HOLOHAN Good old Bloom! There's nobody like him after all.
PADDY LEONARD Stage Irishman!
BLOOM What railway opera is like a tramline in Gibraltar? The Rows of Casteele. (Laughter.)
LENEHAN Plagiarist! Down with Bloom!
THE VEILED SIBYL (Enthusiastically.) I'm a Bloomite and I glory in it. I believe in him in spite of all. I'd give my life for him, the funniest man on earth.
BLOOM (Winks at the bystanders.) I bet she's a bonny lassie.
THEODORE PUREFOY (In fishing cap and oilskin jacket.) He employs a mechanical device to frustrate the sacred ends of nature.
THE VEILED SIBYL (Stabs herself.) My hero god! (She dies.)
(Many most attractive and enthusiastic women also commit suicide by stabbing, drowning, drinking prussic acid, aconite, arsenic, opening their veins, refusing food, casting themselves under steamrollers, from the top of Nelson's Pillar, into the great vat of Guinness's brewery, asphyxiating themselves by placing their heads in gas ovens, hanging themselves in stylish garters, leaping from windows of different storeys.)
ALEXANDER J. DOWIE (Violently.) Fellowchristians and antiBloomites, the man called Bloom is from the roots of hell, a disgrace to christian men. A fiendish libertine from his earliest years this stinking goat of Mendes gave precocious signs of infantile debauchery recalling the cities of the plain, with a dissolute granddam. This vile hypocrite, bronzed with infamy, is the white bull mentioned in the Apocalypse. A worshipper of the Scarlet Woman, intrigue is the very breath of his nostrils. The stake faggots and the caldron of boiling oil are for him. Caliban!
THE MOB Lynch him! Roast him! He's as bad as Parnell was. Mr Fox!



等级: 内阁元老
举报 只看该作者 35楼  发表于: 2012-12-24 0


朝右走向霍利斯街[1] 。朝右走向霍利斯街。朝右走向霍利斯街。
光神啊;日神啊,霍霍恩[2] 啊,将那经过胎动期,孕育于子宫之果实赐与我等。光神啊,日神啊,霍霍恩啊,将那经过胎动期、孕育于子宫之果实赐与我等。光神啊,日神啊,霍霍恩啊,将那经过胎动期、孕育于子宫之果实赐与我等。
呼啦,男娃啊男娃,呼啦![3] 呼啦,男娃啊男娃,呼啦!呼啦,男娃啊男娃,呼啦!
因此,据杰出之史家所云,在本质上毫无值得珍视之物,亦从未珍视过何物之凯尔特人中,唯医术受到极高推崇,亦不足为奇。[5] 举凡医院、麻疯病人收容所、蒸汽浴室、瘟疫患者埋葬所自不待言,彼等之名医奥希尔家族、奥希基家族、奥利家族[6] ,亦均孜孜不倦制定了能够使病人及旧病复发者康复之种种疗法——不论彼等所患为乳毒病、痨病抑或痢疾。凡属有意义之社会保健事业,咸须慎重进行筹备。彼等遂采取一项方案[7] (不知为深思熟虑之结果,抑或出自积年累月之经验,尚难断言。因后世研究者意见纷纭,迄今尚无定论):分娩乃女性所面临之最大苦难。当此之际,只需交纳微不足道之费用,不论其家道殷实,抑或仅能勉强糊口,乃至一贫如洗,产院律施以必要之医疗,俾使孕妇免遭任何可能发生之意外。
安·霍恩乃本院院主。彼在此院设有床位七十张,孕妇卧于床上,强忍阵痛,生下健壮婴儿,即如天主派遣之天使对玛利亚所言者。[8] 两白衣护士彻夜不眠,在产房中巡视,为产妇止痛治病,每年达三百次。二人兢兢业业为霍恩看守病房,确属无限忠诚之护士。正当护士恪尽职守之际,一名护士忽闻一心地温良者至。伊遂裹上头巾,趋前将门启开。俄尔但见一道令人眩目之闪电,蹿遍爱尔兰西部上空。护士不禁畏惧,疑为怒神降临,欲以倾盆之雨将人类毁灭殆尽,以惩其所犯罪愆。护士忙在胸前划十字,并邀来者速进陋室。男子接受其盛情,遂步入霍恩产院。
此时护士乃将目光转向来者身着之黑色丧服,并满怀忧戚,讯及彼有何伤心之事。后又消除疑虑。彼问及奥黑尔大夫可曾从遥远之彼岸捎信来?护士不胜悲伤,乃叹曰:奥黑尔大夫已升天堂矣。男子闻讫,哀痛万分,肠断魂销。此刻护士方倾诉全部情况,对英年早逝之友深表哀悼,然又谓此乃出于天主正当之旨意,不敢妄加评议。护士云:蒙上主恩宠,彼临终已向主持弥撒之神父忏悔,并领圣体。病体被涂以圣油,获得清清白白之善终。男子诚心诚意讯问护士,死者因患何疾而终?护士答曰,彼在莫纳岛[ 9] 死于肠癌。不日到来之圣婴孩殉教节[10]为其三周年忌辰。护士向大慈大悲之天主祷告,裨使彼亲爱之灵魂获得永生。该男子闻护士所陈可悲之经过,持帽瞠目凄然而视。二人伫立片刻,均沉浸于阴郁哀思之中。
城堡中央设芬兰桦木桌一座,系由该国四名侏儒所支撑。彼等被妖术蛊惑,动弹不得。桌上摆有大小刀剑若干,寒气逼人;此刀剑均于冶炼魔王之巨大洞穴中,以白色火焰铸成,再套以群栖于当地的水牛与牡鹿之角。此外还有凭着玛罕德[14]之魔法以海沙与空气制成,并由魔术师以丹田之气吹制的许多容器。桌上珍膳佳馔样样俱全,无人能做出如此丰盛美味之菜肴。尚有银缸一只,其盖须用特殊技巧方能开启。内横卧无头怪鱼。[ 15] 此情此景,心存疑窦者非亲眼所见绝难相信。诸鱼浸于运自葡萄牙的油液中;此液脂肪甚丰,酷似榨自橄榄之油。堡内,凭借魔术从迦勒底[16] 所产丰腴的小麦胚胎中制成之混合物,又以烈性醑剂使之奇妙膨胀为状如大山之物。[17]彼等并还将长竿插于地中,令蛇缠于竿上,并在蛇鳞中酿出蜂蜜酒般之饮料。
此刻,善良之护士伫立门口,恳请众人出于对我等祭坛主耶稣之敬畏,中止欢宴,因楼上一位有身孕之贵妇即将分娩。利奥波德爵士闻楼上尖叫声,正疑此声发自何人:子欤?母欤?“怪哉,”爵士曰,“迄未生而今方生乎?何其太久!”惟见桌子对面坐一年长乡绅,名利内翰,二人同为享有崇高荣誉之骑士。利奥波德稍长几岁,遂文雅恳切地启口云:“承蒙天主恩宠,伊即将安产,喜得婴孩,伊已等候甚久矣。”酩酊大醉之乡绅乃曰:“此子便是时刻所盼企者。”[19]不待人请或劝,彼即举起眼前之杯,曰:“曷不痛饮!”乃畅饮一通,祝母子健康。 盖彼素以擅长寻欢作乐著称。利奥波德爵士为曾莅临学生食堂之最佳宾客,彼乃将手伸到母鸡[20]下腹之最温顺和蔼的丈夫,亦为世上最忠实地向贵族小姐奉献爱情之骑士,遂殷勤地干了杯。彼思忖妇女之苦难,不胜惊奇。
话题转至众人肆饮大醉上。桌子两侧就坐者为:仁慈圣母玛利亚医院二年级学生迪克森,其伙伴医科学生林奇和马登[ 21] ,乡绅利内翰、阿尔巴·隆加出身之克罗瑟斯[ 22] ,以及青年斯蒂芬。斯蒂芬面庞酷似修士,坐于上座,另有不久前因表现出豪饮之勇而获得“潘趣[23]·科斯特洛”之雅号的科斯特洛(座中除了青年斯蒂芬而外,彼乃最烂醉如泥者,越醉越讨蜂蜜酒喝),再有即是谦和的利奥波德爵士。此刻众人在等候青年玛拉基,彼曾允诺前来。心感不悦者责彼何以爽约。利奥波德爵士留于席间,盖彼与西蒙爵士及其公子、青年斯蒂芬亲密无间。彼长途跋涉后,备受殷勤款待,倦意渐消。恋情驱使彼到处飘泊,此刻却满怀友情,不忍遽然离去。
彼等均为聪颖学生,乃就分娩与正义展开辩论。青年马登强调,在此种情况[24]下,听任产妇死去未免过于残忍(数载前,如今已谢世的一名艾布拉那[25]妇女即于霍恩产院面临此问题。伊逝世前,全体医师及药剂师曾为伊会诊)。众人又云,创世之初,曾谓妇女须经历“生产的阵痛”[26],因而应让伊活下去。持同样见解者断言,青年马登所云听任产妇死去有昧良心之语,乃是真话。尽管心术不良者并不相信,但不少人,其中包括青年林奇在内,均认为现世正被空前的邪恶所支配,而法律及法官均矫正乏术。乃祷告曰:“天主啊,乞予匡正。”话音甫落,众口齐声叫道:“不,童贞圣母玛利亚在上,妻子应活下去,让婴儿死掉。”争论与饮酒,使彼等面泛红晕,乡绅利内翰惟恐席间缺乏欢乐,频频为众人斟上浓啤酒。青年马登遂原原本本告以实情,并云产妇如何一命呜呼,其夫凭借虔诚之信仰,遵从托钵修士与祈祷僧的劝诫,并根据彼对阿尔布拉坎的圣乌尔但[27]所发之誓,曾如何祈愿勿让伊死去。众人听罢,哀痛不已。青年斯蒂芬曰:“诸君,俗众间亦频频窃窃私议。而今,婴孩及其母,一在混混沌沌的地狱外缘[28],一在炼狱火焰中,偕崇敬造物主。然而,按照天主之旨意,本应生存之灵魂,我等则逐夜消灭之,岂非对圣神,天主本身,上主以及生命之赐与者[29]犯下罪孽?因为诸君,”彼又云:“我等之情欲犹如过眼浮云。对我等内部之小生命而言,我等仅一媒介而已。大自然冥冥之中另有用意。”青年迪克森旋即对潘趣·科斯特洛云:“汝解其目的乎?”然而彼烂醉如泥,仅曰:“为了发泄郁积之情欲,只要有机会,则不拘他人之妻、处女,抑或情妇,一概奸污之。”此刻,阿尔巴·隆加的克罗瑟斯吟咏了青年玛拉基为每千年长一次角的独角兽[30]所作之赞歌。众人竖耳聆听,皆笑且讥之,曰:“以圣福蒂努斯[31]之名发誓,众所周知,凡是男子所能做到者,其[32]器官均能做到。”在座者嘻嘻哈哈大笑一通,惟有青年斯蒂芬与利奥波德爵士则毫无笑意。奥波德虽不言,想法却与众不同。不论是谁,在何处分娩,彼均抱有恻隐之心。青年斯蒂芬傲然谈及母亲教会[33]欲将彼推出其怀抱,谈及教规以及堕胎之守护神夜妖利利斯。并谈及妊娠之种种原因:或由风播下光辉的种子[34],或通过吸血鬼之魔力嘴对嘴地[35]怀上了孕;或如维吉尔所云,借西风之力[36],或借月光花之腥臭,或与一名刚跟丈夫睡过觉的女人刻不容缓地[37]去睡觉。据阿威罗伊与摩西·迈蒙尼德之见解,或入浴时亦能怀孕。[38]彼又云:“次月底,胎儿被注入一具人类的灵魂,我等神圣之母[39]为了天主更大之光荣,永远庇护所有灵魂。而地上之母仅只是一头下仔的母兽而已,依照教规理应死去。掌握渔夫印玺之圣彼得亦如是说。神圣的教会永远建立在磐石彼得之上。[40]”众单身汉问利奥波德爵士曰:“在类似情况下,汝为拯救一条命,不惜让产妇冒丧命之危险乎?”彼为人谨慎,为了做出迎合众人心意之答复,手托下颚,乃按习惯诡称:“吾虽外行,却挚爱医术;目睹如此罕见之事件,吾以为母亲教会如能同时拿到诞生与死亡之献金[ 41] ,确为一举两得之好事。”遂用此言岔开彼等之质疑。“此话确实不假,”迪克森曰,“倘使吾未听错,亦堪称意义深长之语。”青年斯蒂芬闻讫,喜出望外,并断言:“偷自贫穷的,就是借给耶和华。”[42]每当酒醉,彼即狂态毕露,今又故态复萌矣。
此刻青年斯蒂芬将空杯斟满,倘非较彼谨慎者出面拦阻,则所余即无几矣。斯蒂芬继续忙于劝酒,既祈愿获得教皇之祝福,又提出为基督之代理干杯,并曰,教皇堪称布雷教区代理主教[44]。斯蒂芬曰:“干杯,诸君,且饮蜂蜜酒。虽非属吾肉身,此亦吾魂魄之象征。对仅靠面包而生存者,[ 45] 赐之以面包。勿愁酒将匮乏。面包使人沮丧,酒则带来慰藉。且看!”言罢,遂亮出贡品:闪闪发光之硬币及金饰师所制钞票[46],共计二镑十九先令。谓此乃彼所作歌曲之报酬。在座者均知彼素来拮据,故见此巨款,均惊异不止。此时,彼陈辞如下:“诸君,且听吾言,于时间之废墟上筑造永恒之宫殿。此话何解?情欲之风摧残荆棘丛,随后荆棘丛在时间之小园中萌芽,绽开玫瑰。聆听吾言:在女子的子宫内,道成了肉身[47],然而在造物主心中,所有必将消亡之肉身,一概变成不会消亡之道。此乃第二创造也。凡有血气者,均来归顺。我等强有力的母亲,可敬之母[48],孕育了为凡人赎罪者(即救世主、牧人)之贵体,其名何其有力。伯尔纳[49]此言不谬矣!圣母玛利亚拥有向天主恳求的全能之术[50]。吾辈凭借连绵不绝之脐带与之保持血缘的远祖[51],为了一只便宜苹果竟将我等子孙、种族,祖祖辈辈悉数出卖,而玛利亚作为第二个夏娃,正如奥古斯丁[52]所云,拯救了芸芸众生。问题在于:第二个夏娃知晓基督乃是神之子,伊身为童贞之母,汝子之女,[53]仅只是造物主所造之物;抑或不知基督乃神之子,与住在杰克所盖之房[54]中之渔夫彼得以及木匠约瑟(彼乃使一切不幸婚姻获得圆满之主保圣人)一道不认耶稣或对耶稣不予理睬。[55]因利奥·塔克西尔告诸吾曹,使伊沦至此步尴尬田地者,圣鸽也。天主可怜我等![56]非变体论即同体论,然而绝非实体下。[57]”众人闻讫,大叫曰:“此言可鄙矣。”“受孕无愉悦,”彼曰,“分娩无阵痛,肉身无疤痕,腹部未鼓起。好色之徒自可虔诚、热烈礼赞之。吾曹断然予以抵制,抗拒。”
长话短说。随后,埃克尔斯街仁慈圣母玛利亚医院之迪克森君乃会心一笑,问青年斯蒂芬曰:“汝为何未立誓出家当修士?”彼答曰:“在胎中必顺从,入墓后自贞节。余毕生受穷,实非出自本意也。”利内翰君立即驳斥曰:“吾风闻汝之恶行。”遂将所闻一一道来:谓彼曾玷污信任彼之女子那百合般之贞操,此乃未成年者之堕落行为也。举座咸证明确属事实,乃欢声大作,为彼做人之父而干杯。然而斯蒂芬曰:“与汝等所想大相径庭。吾乃永恒之子,至今仍为童贞。”闻讫,众人愈益欢呼,对彼曰:“汝之婚礼犹如祭司于马达加斯加岛上所举行之稀奇仪式[ 59] :剥掉新娘衣裳,使其失去贞操。新娘身裹素白与桔黄嫁衣, 新郎着洁白与胭脂色衣,点燃甘松油脂及小蜡烛,双双躺在新婚床上。众教士齐唱。‘主啊’[60]及赞歌‘为了通晓性交之全部奥秘’[61],直至新娘当场被破瓜为止。”斯蒂芬遂将敏感之诗人约翰·弗莱彻君与弗朗西斯·博蒙特君所作《处女之悲剧》中旨在开导情侣之精彩结婚小调教给众人。在维金纳琴[62]和谐伴奏下,反复唱叠句:“上床!上床!”[63]此首绝妙而优美动听之喜歌,给予年轻情侣莫大慰藉及信念。彼等在男女傧相所持馥郁华丽之花烛照耀下,来到颠鸾倒凤所用之四脚舞台跟前。“彼等二人幸得相会矣,”迪克森君喜曰,“然而,年轻的先生,且听吾言,彼等毋宁改称博·蒙特与莱彻。[64]这一结合,成果必甚丰。”青年斯蒂芬曰,彼记得一清二楚,彼等二人共享有一名情妇,伊实为娼妇是也。[65]彼时生活中充满了欣喜欢乐[66],伊周旋于二人之间。家乡风俗[67 ] 对此甚为宽容。“一个人让妻子与友同寝,”彼曰,“人间之爱莫此为甚。[68]‘汝去,照样为之!’[69]此言,或其他有类似含意之言语,系出自曾在牛尾大学开‘法国文学’钦定讲座之查拉图斯特拉[70] 教授。此人赐与人类之恩惠,无人企及。带陌生人入汝之圆形炮塔,汝必睡次好之床[71],否则大难必然临头。弟兄们,为吾本人祈祷。[ 72] 众人遂曰:‘啊们。’让爱琳记住历代之年,上古之日。[72]汝何以不尊重吾人及吾言,擅将陌生人引进吾门,于吾眼前行邪淫[ 74] ,如耶书仑,渐渐肥胖,踢踢踹踹[75]。因此,汝背叛光犯下罪行;致使汝主沦为众仆之奴。[76]归来兮,归来兮,米利族, 勿忘吾,噫,米列西亚族。[77]汝为何在余眼前作恶,为一名药喇叭商贾踢开余?[78]汝女为何不认余,并与罗马人及不通语言之印度人共寝于豪华床榻?[79]看哪,吾民,自何列布、尼波与比斯迦[80]以及哈顿角峰[ 81] ,俯瞰那流淌奶与钱之地方[82]。然而,汝供余饮者,苦奶也。余之太阴与太阳,则被汝永远消灭之。汝将余永远撇在苦难黑暗之路途上。汝吻吾唇时,有股湿灰气味[83]。此乃内心之黑暗也。”彼续曰:“以《七十子希腊文本圣经》[84]之睿智,亦未能使其豁然开朗,甚至只字未提。来自苍穹之黎明已破地狱之门,并造访极偏远之黑暗[85]。对暴虐习以为常,遂麻木不仁矣(正如塔尔[86]关于亲爱的斯多葛派所云)。哈姆莱特之父即不曾将燎浆泡之疤痕[87]出示王子。出现于人生白昼之不透明,犹如埃及之灾害,惟有生前与死后之黑暗,方为最适当之场所与途径[88]。然而万物之目的及终局多少均与发端及起源相一致:即诞生后逐渐发育成长,随后则依自然法则,朝终局缩小、退步,以后退之变化告终。吾曹在天日下之生存,亦同于上述众多相对关系。三名老姊妹[89]为吾曹接生:吾曹涕哭、长胖、嬉戏、接吻、拥抱、别离、衰老、死亡。伊等则屈身俯视我等遗容。初卧于老尼罗河之畔芦苇丛中用枝条所编之床上,得到拯救。[90]最后,伴以山猫与鹗鸟之齐声哀鸣,埋葬于隐蔽之墓中。该墓之所在无人知晓[91],吾曹将受何判决:赴陀斐特[92]抑或伊甸城[93],亦全然不知。回顾后方,欲知吾曹存在之意义,起源于何等遥远地域,亦不可得矣。”
在杰克约翰露营的漂亮马戏场。[ 97]。
呜呼!阴沉沉之器物破碎声响彻街头,发出回音。托尔[ 98] 在左边轰鸣。掷锤者之愤怒可畏。暴风雨袭来,使科斯特洛之心得以沉静。林奇君瞩彼曰,力戒对人出口不逊,肆意谩骂,盖其应下地狱之饶舌与亵读神明之言词,使神震怒也。彼原先肆意寻衅,而今则面色倏地发白,引人注目,并缩成一团。其始气势汹汹,俄而闻言丧胆,雷声隆隆之时,心在胸膛内狂跳不已。有人挖苦,有人嘲笑。潘趣·科斯特洛复狂饮啤酒,利内翰君发誓曰:“吾亦效之。”此言既轻浮且具挑衅性,不值得理睬。然彼吹牛大王则叫嚣曰:“即便神老爹[99]藏于吾杯中,与吾何干?吾决不落人后。”然彼乃蜷缩于霍恩大厅之内而出此言,愈益显示其懦弱之至也。为鼓起勇气,彼遂将杯中物一饮而尽。此时雷声经久不息,遍及苍穹。马登君耳闻世界末日之霹雳信号,一时满腔敬畏,捶胸不已。布卢姆君则趋近吹牛者,以缓和其巨大恐惧,并安慰曰:“吾仅略闻噪音。看,雷神头部降雨矣,此皆正常之自然现象耳。”
然而青年吹牛大王所怀恐惧,因“安抚者”之语而消失欤?否。盖彼胸中插有尖钉,名曰苦恼,非语言所能消除者也。彼能安详若布卢姆,虔诚若马登乎?彼虽愿如此,却未能如愿。但彼能否努力重新觅到少年时代赖以为生之“纯洁”瓶欤?诚然,彼缺“圣恩”,无从寻觅该瓶,奈何。彼是否在轰鸣中闻得“生育”神之声,或“安抚者”所云“现象”之噪音乎?闻欤?若非塞住“理解”之管(彼并未塞),彼必闻之。通过该管,彼始领悟自己位于“现象”之国,迟早必死。盖彼一如他人,在进行一场即将消逝之演出也。彼肯于接受死亡,如他人一般消逝乎?彼绝不欲接受。“现象”根据《法则》一书,命令彼从事男人与妻子所行之举,彼亦断然拒绝。盖彼不欲从事更多之演出也。然彼对被称作“信吾者”[100] 之另一国土,“欢喜”王之福地,无死、无生、不娶不嫁[101] 、无母性、凡信仰者悉能进入之永恒之地,一无所知乎?然。“虔诚”告彼以该国之事,“节操”指示彼以通往该国之路。但途中,彼遇一形貌艳丽之妓,自称“一鸟在手”,曰:“呔,汝美男子,跟吾来,带汝赴一极佳之所。”一片甜言蜜语,将彼从正路诱人歧途!凭借甜嘴蜜舌,将彼引入名“双鸟在林”之洞穴,学者或称之为“肉欲”。
于是,六月十六日(星期四)帕特里克·迪格纳穆卒于脑溢血。葬于地下。久旱之后,天降喜雨。一名运泥炭约航行五十英里水路之船夫曰:“种子无从萌芽,田野涸竭,色极暗淡,恶臭冲天,沼地与小丘亦如是矣。”无人记得旱越为虐始自何时,嫩芽尽皆枯萎,呼吸亦复艰难。玫瑰花蕾均化为褐色,锈迹斑斑,丘陵上惟有干涸之葛蒲与枝条而已。星星之火,即可燎原。举世皆云,与此旱情相比,去岁二月间风暴之灾亦小巫见大巫矣。如前所述,日暮时,风起西空,夜幕降临后,出现大朵乌云,翻滚膨胀。喜观天象者咸望之:惟见一道道闪电,十时许,一声巨雷,伴以悠长轰鸣,骤雨若烟雾,众人仓皇遁往家中。暴雨乍下,男子即以布片或手帕遮草帽,女子则撩起裙裾,跳蹿而去。自伊利广场、巴戈特街与杜克草坪,穿过梅里翁草地,直至霍尔街。当初干涸龟裂,而今猛水奔流,轿子、公共马车、出租小马车,一概不见踪影。然而最初之霹雳后,即不再闻雷声。在法官菲茨吉本[102] 阁下(彼乃于大学境内与律师希利[103]“平起平坐之人物)住宅之对门,绅士中之绅士玛拉基·穆利根适从作家穆尔[104]先生(原为教皇派, 人谓而今乃虔诚之威廉派[105])家中步出,路遇亚历克·班农([106]。班农留短发(身着肯达尔绿色粗呢舞衣者近来时兴此种发式),正乘驿马车从穆林加尔进城来。彼曰,彼堂弟与玛拉基·穆利根之弟在该处逗留一月,直至圣斯维辛节[107] 。相互讯问欲往何处?班农曰:“返家途中。”穆利根曰:“吾应邀赴安德烈·霍恩产院,饮上一盅。”并要班农告以身高超过同龄人、胖到脚后跟之轻佻妞儿[108] 事,因大雨滂沦,二人同赴霍恩产院。《克劳福德日报》之利奥波德·布卢姆与一帮喜诙谐、看似好争论之徒于此宽坐。计有:仁慈圣母医院三年级学生迪克森、文·林奇、一苏格兰人、威尔·马登、为亲自下赌注之马伤心不已之托·利内翰和斯蒂芬·迪。利奥波·布卢姆原为解乏而来,现已略恢复元气。今晚彼曾做一奇梦:其妻摩莉足登红拖鞋,身着土耳其式紧身裤,博闻多识者谓此乃进入一个新阶段之征兆。普里福伊太太系住院待产妇[109] ,惜预产期已过二日,仍卧于产褥上,助产士焦急万分,不见分娩。灌以可充作上好收敛剂之米汤一碗,亦呕吐之,且呼吸无比困难。众人云:据胎动,必得一顽皮小子,企盼天主使其平安产下。吾闻此胎儿乃第九名生存者。报喜节日[110] ,普里福伊太太曾为满周岁之小八剪指甲。然该儿已尾随其三个曾哺以母乳之兄姊夭折,仅在君王《圣经》[ 111]上用秀丽字迹留下芳名而已。夫君普里福伊业已五十开外,虽系遁道公会教徒,仍照领圣体[112] 不误。每逢主日,倘天气晴朗,彼即携二儿至阉牛港[113] 外,以装有牢固鱼轮之竿垂钓,或乘自备方头平底船,用拖网捕比目鱼与绿鳕,满载而归。如是我闻。简言之,大雨无尽, 万物复苏,丰收在望。然而见多识广者云: 据玛拉基[114]之历书,风雨之后预测将有火灾(吾闻拉塞尔先生本着源于印度的同一要旨,为其“农民报”[115] 撰写预见性咒文),三者不可缺一)此乃无稽之谈,仅能迷惑老妪小儿而已 ,但偶尔立论亦能恰当中肯,实为奇妙。
此刻利内翰趋至桌边,曰:“当日晚报上刊一函[116],”遂浑身翻找(彼赌咒云,该函使彼心如刀绞)。经斯蒂芬劝解,彼方作罢,并嘱迅速在近旁落座。彼放荡成性,自谓生性滑稽诙谐、调皮而不怀恶意。平素玩弄女人、赛马、传播淫秽艳闻为其拿手好戏。实言之,彼身无长物,与人贩子、马夫、赌注经纪人、二流子、走私者、徒弟、暗娼、妓女以及其他无赖为伍,多在咖啡店及小酒馆中盘桓。或经常与萍水相逢之法警及巡警狂饮蛋糖白葡萄酒[117] ,自午夜至天明,探听众多黄色丑闻。彼通常就餐于简易食堂,只凭囊中仅有之一枚六便士银币,即可吃上一碗残羹剩饭或一盘下水。随即鼓起舌簧,满口皆更自娼妓之流的淫乱秽语,致使每个母胎所生之子莫不捧腹。另一男子科斯特洛闻言,问该函文系诗乎?或故事乎?利内翰曰:“皆非也,弗兰克(此乃科斯特洛之名),该函涉及因瘟疫而即将悉数被屠杀之凯里母牛。让其连同罐头牛肉一道见鬼去!(彼眨眼云)遭瘟的!锡器中盛有无比美味之鱼,请品尝之。”遂殷勤劝弗兰克进食旁边所置腌西鲱鱼。其间,利内翰贪婪注视之,终于得手。彼饿矣,食鱼实乃此行之主要目的。弗兰克遂用法语云:“让母牛死光。”彼曾受雇于一名在波尔多[118] 拥有酒窖之白兰地出口商,操上流人士之文雅法语。弗兰克生性怠情,其父(一小警官)煞费苦心,送彼学习文理并掌握地球仪;注册升入大学,专攻机械学。然而彼任性放肆若未驯之野驹,对法官与教区差役比对书本更亲。彼一度志愿做演员,继而欲当随军酒食小贩,时赖赌账,时又耽于斗熊[119]与斗鸡。忽而立志乘船远航,忽而又与吉卜赛人结伙,浪迹天涯;借月光绑架乡出之嗣子,或偷女佣之内衣,或藏身于柴垣之后,勒死雏鸡。彼离家出走之次数与猫儿转生不相上下。每逢囊空如洗,彼即返回家中。其父任小警官,每次见彼即洒下一品脱泪水。利奥波德先生诚心欲知晓缘由,乃抱臂曰:“彼等欲将牛屠杀殆尽乎?今朝吾确曾见到牛群,将用船载往利物浦[120] 。吾不相信事情竟至如此糟糕。”数载前,彼曾在约瑟夫·卡夫[121] 先生手下任雇员。卡夫乃一可敬之生意人,在普鲁西亚街加文·洛先生的牧场附近从事畜牧业,在草地上拍卖牲畜。因此,布卢姆对传种牲畜、产前之母牛、满两岁之肥公猪以及阉羊,均十分熟悉。“吾对汝言持有疑问,”彼曰,“牛所患之疾病听来更似支气管炎或牛舌炎。”斯蒂芬先生略为动容,但仍文质彬彬地答曰:“并非如此。奥地利皇帝[ 122]之御马主事已发来快函表示谢意。彼将派遣全莫斯科维[ 123] 首屈一指之名兽医[124] ——牛瘟博士,凭藉一两粒大药丸,即能抓住公牛角[ 125] 。”“呔,吹,”文森特先生曰,“坦率言之,倘该博士对爱尔兰公牛动手,必将被牛角勾住,进退维谷。”“名称与产地均为爱尔兰,”斯蒂芬先生曰,并依次为众人斟浓啤酒,一如闯入英国瓷器店中之一头爱尔兰公牛。[126] “吾理解汝意,”迪克森先生曰,“此即农场主尼古拉斯送往本岛之同一公牛[127] 耳。彼为最优秀之家畜饲养员,鼻孔上穿着一枚绿宝石[128] 环。”“诚然诚然,”文森特先生隔桌曰,“一语道破,如此膘肥体壮之公牛,从未在三叶苜蓿[129]上拉过屎。彼生有巨角,毛色金黄,鼻孔散发芳香,若袅袅轻烟。本岛妇女遂撇下生面团与擀面杖,与公牛殿下戴上串串雏菊花环,随彼而去。”“何以至此?”迪克森先生曰,公牛动身之前,宦官兼农场主尼古拉斯嘱一帮同为阉人之医生,将其彻底阉割之。尼古拉斯云:‘去!吾表弟哈利陛下之命令,汝必言听计从。现接受农场主之祝福!’话音未落,啪地击其臀部。”“表示祝福之一击,稗益良多。”文森特先生曰:“作为补偿,彼将力量相当于两头公牛之秘诀传授下来。处女、妻子、女修道院院长与寡妇至今断言,伊等与其跟爱尔兰四片绿野[130] 上最英俊、强壮、专门勾引女人之年轻小伙子睡觉, 不如随时都于幽暗牛棚中,对着牛耳嗫嚅[131] ,并希望彼用神圣的长舌舔自己的脖颈。” 此刻另一男子曰:“伊等给彼穿上刺绣花边衣裙,配以坎肩及腰带,袖口缀以褶边,将额发剪短,浑身涂以鲸脑油[132] 。于每一街角为其筑一座黄金牛槽[133],装满市上最上等干草,供其尽情伏卧拉屎。此时教友们之神父(彼等对公牛之别称)因过于肥胖,难以步行至牧场。为了不使其受累,工于心计之妇人及姑娘乃将饲料兜在围裙中为彼送去。饱餐后,彼用后腿立起,供太大小姐一窥奥秘,并以公牛之语既吼且叫,伊等齐声效之。”“哎,”另一人曰,“彼益愈纵容自己,除了供自己食用之绿草(彼头脑中惟有绿色)不容国土上生长任何植物。岛屿中央之小山丘,竖有一牌,上云:“奉哈利王[134] 御旨,地上生绿草。”“因此,”迪克森先生曰,“只要风闻罗斯康芒或康尼马拉原野上有盗牲畜者,抑或斯莱戈[135] 农夫播种一把芥籽或一袋菜籽,彼即奉哈利王御旨,跑遍半壁乡村,用犄角将所种之物连根掘起。”“起初二人之间发生争执,”文森特先生曰,“哈利王称农场主尼古拉斯为‘天下老尼克[136] 之大杂烩’,家中蓄七名私娼之老鸨[ 137] 。吾欲惩戒之。尼古拉斯曰:‘用先父遗下之牛阴茎快鞭,使此畜生一尝地狱味道’。”“然某日傍晚,”迪克森先生曰,“哈利王于划船比赛中获得冠军(彼使用鍬型桨子,惟依比赛规章第一条, 其他选手均用草耙划船),为了赴晚宴,彼正修整高贵之皮肤[138] 时, 发现自己酷似公牛。遂翻阅藏于餐具室、手垢斑斑之小册子[139] ,查明自己确系罗马人通称为 “牛中之牛”[140] 那头著名斗牛[141] 旁系之后裔。其名字确为蹩脚拉丁语,意即:“展览主持者。”“此后,”文森特先生曰,“哈利于当众廷臣之面, 将头扎进牛之饮水槽,及至从水中伸出头后,告以自己之新名[142] 。彼听任水哗哗流淌, 身着祖母所遗旧罩衫及裙子,并购一册公牛语[143] 语法书习之。然而只学会人称代名词,遂用大字抄录,默记之,每当外出散步,衣袋中辄装满粉笔,在岩石边沿、茶馆桌子、棉花包或软木浮子上胡乱涂写。简言之。彼与爱尔兰牛[144] 旋即成为莫逆,犹如臀部与衬衫然。”“此语不差”,斯蒂芬先生曰,“其结果,本岛男子发现负情女子异口同声,无可救药。遂建造舟筏,携家财登船,桅杆尽皆竖起,举行登舷礼,转船首向风,顶风停泊,扬起三面帆,在风与水之间挺起船首,起锚,转舵向左,海盗旗迎风飘扬,三呼万岁,每次三遍,开动舱底污水泵,离开兜售杂物之小舟,驶至海面上,航往美洲大陆。”“彼时,”文森特先生曰,“一水手长谱一首滑稽歌曲:
学生们之寓言行将结束时,吾等畏友玛拉基·穆利根先生偕初邂逅之友出现于门口,系一青年绅士,名亚历克·班农[146] 也。彼新近进城,报名参军,欲在国防军中购一旗手或骑兵旗手之位置[147]。适才谈论之治病方案,与穆利根先生之方针不谋而合,因此彼欣然表示兴趣。乃递予众人各一组名片,系当日出自昆内尔先生之印刷厂承印者。上以秀丽之斜体字印着“兰贝岛”[148]“受精媒介业 人工授精业 玛拉基·穆利根先生”。彼阐述曰:在城里,福普林·波平杰伊[149]爵士与米尔克索普·奎德南克[150] 爵士游手好闲,专事寻欢作乐。彼拟远离此圈子,献身于赋予吾曹肉体机能之最高尚事业。“好友请道来,吾等当洗耳恭听,”迪克森先生曰,“个中想必有猥亵气味。二位且移身坐下。坐与站都一样便宜。[151] ”穆利根先生遂接受邀请,对听众详述其计划。此计划系根据对不妊之原因进行考察而得,原因包括抑制与禁欲。抑制乃夫妇不和或互不协调所致,禁欲则由于天生缺陷或后天之习癖。彼曰:目睹新婚燕尔之床最宝贵之担保[152]被剥夺,痛何如哉。众多可人之富孀被恶贯满盈之僧侣所霸占,禁锢于格格不入之女修道院中,使光艳藏诸木斗之下[153];另有如花似玉之女子,在市井粗鄙之徒怀中凋零,而伊等本应倍享幸福。如上诸多冰清玉洁之女性成为牺牲品,而附近本有百名英俊男子欲爱之不能。穆利根云,每念及此,心如刀割。为了免除祸患(彼已下结论,认为此乃潜热受到压抑之故),彼与有识之士共商谈对策,决心向兰贝岛主塔尔博待·德马拉海德爵士[ 154]购买该岛土地之绝对所有权及自由保有权。此爵士系著名之托利党成员,对蒸蒸日上之吾党颇加赞许。乃提议在此建造国立受精场[155] ,取名“中心”,并竖一方尖碑[156] ,乃据埃及式样凿成。不论何等身分之女子,凡欲满足其天然官能者一旦来此,彼必为之忠心效劳,俾使之受孕。彼曰,吾所图并非金钱,劳务费不取分文。最穷之厨娘乃至社交界阔夫人,只要渴望在身心方面得到尽情满足,均能在彼处找到理想之男性。彼曰,为了取得营养,食谱限于馥郁之球根、鱼及野兔——尤其后者乃多产啮齿动物,极适宜达到彼之目的。不论烤或炖,只需添上一片肉豆寇叶,一二颗辣椒即可。热切而坚定地发表完此冗长演说之后,穆利根先生立即取下遮帽手帕。二人似均受雨淋。虽已加快步伐,通身仍均湿透,见于彼所着灰色手织灰呢短裤上之斑纹。众人闻其计划,莫不欣喜,并衷心颂扬之。惟独玛利亚医院之迪克森先生则故意责难。谓:彼欲运煤至纽卡斯尔[157]乎?穆利根先生则对该学者报以脑中所记一段恰如其分之古典引文,根据既充分,又能雍容大方地支持其论点:噫,诸市民,当代道义之颓废,江河日下。吾辈家中妇女,偏爱被温柔男予以手指作淫荡之搔痒,而弃罗马百人队长之沉重辜丸及异常勃起于不顾。[158] 彼并为不够机智者举出更合乎彼等胃口之动物界实例——诸如树林间空地上之公鹿母鹿,农家场院中之公鸭母鸭等,以此类推,阐述要点。
彼饶舌家着实仪表堂堂,并素以风度翩翩自豪。现将话题转至本人服装上,对天气之乍变,愤然予以谴责。众人则大赞此公所提方案。其友, 一年轻绅士,对新近之艳遇[159] 喜不自胜,不禁告知邻座。此刻,穆利根先生扫视桌面, 问饼与鱼[160]系供何人食用?及至瞥见异邦人,乃彬彬有礼地深打一躬,问曰:“敢问足下需要吾曹在专业方面提供协助欤?”异邦人闻言,衷心表示谢意, 却依然保持适当之距离。答曰:彼乃为霍恩产院一名女病友而来。 不幸伊属难产(言至此,深叹一声),欲知是否已安然分娩。 迪克森先生嘲笑穆利根先生之初期腹部肥大症以转换气氛,曰: “此乃前列腺囊内部或男性子宫内部卵子怀胎之征兆乎?抑或如名医奥斯汀·梅尔顿[ 161] 先生所云,乃胃中之狼[162] 所致乎?”穆利根先生从腰部发出一阵哄笑作答,毅然拍打横隔膜下部,并很精采且滑稽地模仿葛罗甘老婆婆[163](惜伊系一妓女[164],但仍不失为最杰出之女性),同时扬言:“妾腹从未养过私孩子也。”彼演技高超奇巧,哄笑屡屡爆发,使满室无不振奋喜悦。 倘非前厅发出警报声,此场轻快喧嚣之摹拟闹剧仍将续演。
闻者非他人,乃一苏格兰学生也。此公性易激动,金发宛如亚麻,以无比热烈之语气向该年轻绅士[165]深表祝贺。绅士谈兴正浓时,彼予以打断, 以谦恭之神态向对面所坐人士招手,恳请递与一瓶甘露酒。同时,将头一歪,似有所迟疑(即使整整一世纪之良好教养,亦未必能训练出如此优雅之举止)。然后将瓶子朝相反方向倾之,以清楚之口齿询问该讲述者:“饮一杯如何,”“拜受,[166] 贵客,”彼欣然曰,“万谢,[167] 。此举正合时宜。有此杯酒,吾之幸福方能完满。然而,上天保佑,即使吾行囊中仅有些许饼屑,以及一杯井水,吾亦深感满足,并甘愿跪于地下,为万宝之赐与者所确保之幸福,向上苍之神力致谢。”言讫,彼将杯凑至唇边,以心满意足之神态,饮甘露酒少许,抚发袒胸,拽出丝带所系之小匣。匣内嵌有女友亲笔题字之相片。彼接后,甚为珍爱。彼含情脉脉审视该面影,并曰:“噫,先生,倘汝若吾然,于激动人心之刹那间,目睹伊人身着雅致披肩,头戴俏丽新软帽[ 168] (伊以悦耳声调,告以此乃生日礼物也),淳朴洒脱, 温存妖冶;足下必慨然向之五体投地,或永远逃离战场。吾断言,此生从未如此动心。 主啊,感谢尔为吾创造日日夜夜。备受该倩女青睐者,诚为三生有幸。”无限温存之叹息愈益使此番话语感人至深。彼将小匣揣入怀中,并再度拭泪叹息。“大慈大悲之天主,尔所创造之物,普获尔之祝福。尔之治下最美妙者乃人之恋情也。恋情如此深广伟大,足以使自由人与奴隶,蠢乡巴佬与文雅纨袴子弟,风华正茂、热情奔放之情人与中年丈夫,均顿然堕入五里雾中。然而先生,吾走题矣。吾曹现世之欢乐是何等杂以悲哀,何等不完美。命运不济!”彼痛苦呼叫曰,“倘若主上赋吾以先见之明,提醒吾携带雨衣,当不至此!”遂不禁落泪。“纵下七场骤雨,对吾曹亦毫无害处。吾过于大意矣!”彼手击前额,大声曰,“明日将迎来新的一天,雷鸣千遍。吾识一‘外衣’商人[169] 波因茨先生,可售与法式舒适‘外衣’,每件一里弗尔[170] ,确保不致湿及女方。”“呔呔!”授精业者[171] 大声插嘴曰,“吾友穆尔[172] 先生乃一非凡之旅人(适才吾与彼[173] 曾共饮酒半瓶,座中有市内博学之士),彼据可靠消息告知,霍恩岬角,雨势猛烈[174] ,致使所有‘外衣’(无论何等结实),均已湿透。彼曰,诚然[175] ,大雨倾盆,罹难者无一不当即匆匆告别人世。”“呸!一里弗尔[176] !”林奇先生大声曰,“货色粗陋至此,不值一苏[177]”耳。‘伞’[178]之大小纵然仅及仙女蘑菇[179] ,然亦顶得过十件如此‘搪孔之物’。任何稍有机智之女子,决不会用此等‘外衣’。 吾之情妇基蒂今日相告,伊情愿舞于洪水中,亦不愿在救命方舟中挨饿。何耶?伊对予倾诉云(此时,尽管除翩翩起舞之蝴蝶,绝无偷听者,伊依然脸色红涨,附耳低语):‘吾曹生就无垢之肌肤,换个情况必将导致破坏礼仪,然而在二种场合下[180] ,会成为唯一之可身衣裳。蒙自然女神赐与神圣祝福后,吾曹心中铭刻该语之意, 而今已家喻户晓。吾搀扶该姣好哲学家坐上双轮马车后,伊用舌尖轻触吾外耳廓以引起吾之注意,告曰:‘头一种场合,乃是入浴……,”彼时, 前厅铃响,今番足以丰富吾曹知识宝库之议论遂被打断矣。
正当举座说笑寻欢作乐之际,铃声大作,众人遂纷纷猜测。须臾,卡伦小姐步入,对青年迪克森先生蹑嚅数言讫,向与座者深打一躬,然后退去。一贤淑端庄、容貌标致之淑女一时出现于荡子群中,彼等淫荡之徒便即刻收敛其轻佻猥亵。然而俟伊退出后,秽言秽语刹那间重新爆发。“吾甚觉荒唐矣,”酩酊大醉之痞子科斯特洛曰,“极美味之母牛肉!伊想必邀汝幽会。狗杂种作如何想?汝精于此道矣。”“确然如此,”林奇先生曰,“圣母济贫院同人擅长床上技巧。孽种奥加格大夫不曾搔诸护士下颚欤?七个月以来,吾基蒂在该院病房任护士,此系伊所告,当属确凿。”“大夫,祈天主可怜奴家!”身着淡黄色背心之后生[181] 仿妇人腔调狂呼傻笑,并扭动身躯作淫荡态曰:“汝勿戏弄奴家!讨厌鬼!呜呼,妾浑身颤悠发晕矣。汝之轻薄,确与可爱之小神父坎特基塞姆[182] 不相上下!”“倘若伊未身怀六甲,”卡斯特洛大叫曰,“吾将被此啤酒呛得半死矣!大凡由于有喜而膨胀之妇女,吾只消瞟一眼即可看出。”此时青年外科医生[183] 起身,乞求众人准其退席,盖护士顷通知彼需立即赶赴病房也。彼曰:“该怀孕妇女曾以可钦之刚毅忍受阵痛,而上苍大发慈悲,已结束其苦难,使之生下一名强壮男婴。吾无法容忍某些人士。彼等既无足以使人开心之机智又乏指导他人之学识,竟对护士这一高贵天职肆意辱骂,而除却应予以敬畏之神明外,护士乃最造福人间者。伊所从事之高尚职业,非但不应成为笑柄,且可激励人心,使之向上。吾敢断言,倘有必要,吾能推出多如云彩之证人[184],以阐述该项职业如何不比寻常。吾实难宽恕彼等。何以竟中伤和蔼可亲之卡伦小姐这等人!伊乃女性之光辉,实令男性叹服不已。护士所接生者乃用尘土造出之[185] 小娃,当此最关键之时刻加以诽谤,该念头实属可恶至极!竟播下如此邪恶之种籽,以致产妇与接生婆在霍恩产院得不到应有之尊重。每念及民族之未来,辄不寒而栗。”谴责完毕,彼乃向与座众人点头示意,走向门外。举座发出一片赞同之低语声,有人扬言应立即将该下流醉汉逐之门外。此计划几近付诸实践,将给彼以应有之惩罚。然而彼可鄙地赌咒发誓(而且发得八面玲珑),谓彼乃天下最善良之人子也,从而减轻其罪责。“谨以吾之生命发誓,”彼曰,“诚实的弗兰克·科斯特洛自幼被教以格外孝敬父母[186]。 家母擅长做果酱布丁卷与麦片糊,吾一向对她怀有敬爱之心。”
却说布卢姆先生乍一进来,留意到那片肆无忌惮之冷嘲热讽,认为此系年少通常不懂怜悯所致,故容忍之。彼等荡儿实似狂妄自大之顽童,喜议论喧嚣,用语费解,且口出不逊。每闻其暴躁与寡廉鲜耻之话语[187] ,顿感愤慨。虽能以血气方刚勉强为之开脱,但如此无礼实难以忍受。尤使人不快者为科斯特洛先生言词之粗野。据观察,此令人作呕之流氓乃私生子耳。彼呱呱坠地即畸形缺耳,身躯伛偻,满口生牙。分娩时属逆产,足先露,且驼背[ 188]。外科医用钳子在彼头盖上留下了明显痕迹。布卢姆遂联想到,彼即已故富于独创性之达尔文先生毕生探求不已之进化论中所谈之过渡生物[189] 也。布卢姆已过人生之半途[190] ,历尽沧桑,系一谨慎民族之后裔,生就稀有的先见之明,遂抑制心中所冒怒气,最迅速慎重地克制住感情,告诫自己胸中要怀一“忍”字。心地卑鄙者对此加以嘲笑,性急之判断者藐视之,然而众人咸认为此乃稳妥之举。妙语连珠以损害女性之优雅,乃精神上一大恶习,彼坚不赞成;彼不认为此种人堪称才子,更弗言继承良好教养之传统。布卢姆对彼等实忍无可忍,根据往日经验,只得采取激烈之手段,以迫使此傲慢之徒丢尽颜面,及时退却。盖年轻气盛之徒,向来无视年老昏愦者之皱眉与道学家之抱怨,一味欲食(据圣书著者凭借纯洁想象所写)树上禁果;布卢姆与彼等未尝不抱有同感。惟当一淑女分娩产子之际,无论如何亦不得对人性等闲视之。最后,据护士所云,布卢姆曾预料产妇迅将分娩,经此长时间之阵痛后,果然瓜熟蒂落,此事再度证明天主之恩惠与慈悲,使布卢姆顿感释然。
布卢姆遂与领座坦诚相见,曰:“吾对此事之看法(不妨将己见发表)为:彼妇并非由于本人之过错而受尽痛苦,闻其安产而不知喜悦者,想必生性淡漠或心肠冷酷也。”该衣着入时之浮华青年[191] 曰:“使伊陷入如此困境者,其夫也;理应是其夫,除非伊乃另一名以弗所女子[192] 。”此时,克罗瑟斯击桌以使众人倾听其嗓音洪亮之话语:“吾有话告汝等。蓄邓德利尔里式胡子[193] 之老叟——年迈之格洛里·阿列路朱拉姆[194] 今日又来矣。彼用鼻音央告曰:‘吾欲对吾之生命(此即彼对伊之称呼)威廉明娜进一言。’吾嘱彼心中宜有数,盖婴儿即将呱呱坠地矣。见鬼!容吾坦率道来。吾不禁叹服该老汉之生殖力,竟足以令伊再生一胎。”众人异口同声赞誉老叟,惟独该风流后生[195]坚持己见曰:“否。把关者[196]’非其夫也,乃修道院之教士、夜间向导(有勇气者)或家庭用品之行商。”客人闻讫,暗自思量:“彼等具有之神奇的轮回力实无与伦比,不同凡响。产院与解剖室均已变为轻佻话语之操练厅。然而一旦获得学位,彼等轻浮荡子摇身一变即成为被杰出人士誉为最高尚技艺之典范实践者。然而,”彼继续思索,“或许彼等平时个个心中郁愤,欲寻解脱。因吾曾屡次目睹同一色羽毛之鸟齐声大笑[197]也。”
彼异邦人系承蒙仁慈之陛下核准而取得市民权,然而吾曹欲询问彼之保护者总督阁下,彼凭何资格而取得我国内政之最高权力欤?[198] 发自满腔忠诚之感激,如今安在哉?在近日之战争[199] 中,只要敌人凭借手榴弹暂时取得优势,该叛徒即一面惟恐其四分利公债暴跌而浑身颤抖,一面则抓紧机会向根据其本人意愿而臣服之帝国开火!彼是否已忘却此事,一如忘却其所承受之一切恩泽?倘传闻无谬,彼则为只顾个人享乐之利己主义者,诚属欺世盗名。闯入贞节妇女(一名勇敢少校之女)之寝室,或对其妇德妄加谴责,此决非君子所为。若彼欲引人注意(其实,此举对彼甚为不利),亦无可奈何也。该妇命途多舛,其合法特权屡遭践踏,时间既久,对方态度复顽强,致使伊每闻彼之斥责,辄报以由绝望而导致之嘲笑。彼身为社会风纪监察官,虔诚严若鹈鹕[220],竟将自然之羁绊抛诸脑后,肆无忌惮,试图与出身于社会最下层之女仆发生暖味关系!倘非该女仆以擦地所用之毛刷为护守天神,进行自卫,则必身遭不幸,有如埃及女夏甲[201]然!关于牧场问题,彼之乖戾粗暴已臭名远扬。某次,当着卡夫先生之面,触怒一牧场主,以致遭到该乡人以刻薄言词之反击。彼不适宜宣扬福音。家旁岂不有片耕地,只因无人播种,遂闲置下来。青春期之恶习,人届中年遂成为第二天性,带来耻辱。倘若彼一定要将基列香油[ 202] 这一效验可疑之秘方与“金科玉律”,分发给一代乳臭未干之荡子,以促使彼等康复,则应使彼之行为与正全力奉行之教义相一致。身为丈夫,彼之内心乃诸多秘密之贮藏库。为了体面,而轻易不肯泄露,色衰之美女或以淫言猥语挑逗之,代替因被冷遇以致堕落之妻,给彼以慰藉。然而人伦之新倡导者以及恶行之矫正者,充腴量仅为异邦之树。其扎根于东方本上时,则茁壮繁茂,香脂丰腴,造移植于他处暖土,根即失去原有之勃勃生气,香脂亦变为混浊发酸,失去灵效。
嗣子诞生消息之通告极其慎重,令人联想及土耳其朝廷仪式之惯例:由第二女护士转告值勤之下级医务官,彼再向代表团传达。彼遂赴产室,以便在内务大臣与枢密顾问官(彼等由于争先称赞已精疲力竭,沉默不语)亲临下,协助完成规定之产后仪式。漫长肃穆之值勤使代表团焦躁不安。彼等认为既逢喜事,放纵一番亦应获得宽容。于是,护士与医务官走后,立即展开舌战。只闻兜揽员布卢姆先生竭力劝解之,平息之,抑制之,均属徒然。此乃最适宜高谈阔论之良机,亦为将彼等性格迥异者联结起来之唯一纽带。分娩问题依次从各个方面加以剖析:异父兄弟之间先天的敌对,剖腹产,遗腹子,以及稀有的例子:产妇死后之分娩。蔡尔兹谋杀胞兄案,由于律师布希先生之激烈辩护,被诬告者已被宣判无罪。此事至今仍被人们广为铭记在心;长子继承权,国王赐予双胞胎与三胞胎赏金;流产及溺婴,加以伪装或掩饰;缺乏心脏的胎儿内胎儿[203]以及充血导致的缺脸。某缺下巴中国佬[204](候补者穆利根先生语) 之男系亲属,先天性缺颚乃系沿中线颚骨突起接合不全之结果,(据彼曰)一只耳朵能听见另一只所云。麻醉或昏睡分娩法[205]之长处。高年妊娠的情况下,因受血管压迫,阵痛延长。早期破水(眼下即一实例)导致的子宫败血症之危险。用注射器进行人工受精。闭经后之子宫收缩。因被强奸而妊娠的情况下,人种之延续问题。勃兰登堡[206]人称之为坠生[207] 的可怕分娩。医学记载中之月经期间怀孕或近亲结婚导致之一产多胎、阴阳儿、畸形儿等。一言以蔽之,亚理斯多德在其《杰作》[208] 中附上彩色石印插图加以分类的人类出生之各种情形。对产科学与法医学上至关重要之问题,以及关于妊娠最普遍的信念(诸如惟恐母体之活动将导致脐带勒死胎儿,遂禁止孕妇迈田舍栅栏;或强烈情欲得不到有效满足时,辄将手放诸身上由于经年使用而作为惩戒场所[209] 被神圣化之部位),均予以热烈研讨。有人断言,兔唇、胸痣、冗指、黑痣、赤痣、紫痣等畸形,均足以对时而诞生之猪头儿(人们并没有淡忘格莉塞尔·斯蒂文斯夫人[210] 的例子)或狗毛婴儿做出确凿[211] 而自然之说明。喀里多尼亚[ 212] 使节所提出之原生质记忆假定,无愧于彼所代表的具有形而上学传统[213] 之国土。预见到此等例子乃胎儿发育达到人类这一阶段前被抑制之表征。某异国使节则驳斥上述意见,以热切而坚信不疑之口吻曰:“此乃女子与雄兽交媾所生者。”其根据则为优雅拉丁诗人凭其才华在《变形记》中所传至今之弥诺陶洛斯之类神话。[214 ]彼之话语立即引起轰动,然而为时短暂。因候补者穆利根先生比任何人均了解开玩笑所能引起之效果,乃面谕曰;“如要发泄淫欲,宜寻一干净可爱之老臾。”遂使方才那番感动顿然消失。同时,使节马登先生与候补者林奇先生之间就连体双胞胎[215] 中之一名先逝世之际,在法学及神学上之矛盾,展开激烈争论。经双方同意,将此难题委托兜揽员布卢姆先生立即交由副主祭助手迪达勒斯先生处理。不知彼是否欲以超自然之庄重,显示其衣着之奇妙威严,抑或服从內心之声音,迄今保持缄默。此刻亦仅简短地(有人认为敷衍塞责地)陈述《福音书》之教导曰:“天主所配合的,人不可拆开。”[216]
然而玛拉基之故事则使彼等不寒而栗。彼一念咒,如下情景即出现在彼等面前:壁炉旁的暗门吱呀一声开启,海恩斯从中出现!我等无不毛骨惊然!彼一手持装满凯尔特文学之公事包,另一只手则持写有“毒品”字样之小瓶。当彼面泛鬼笑扫视众人时,个个脸上露出惊讶、恐怖、厌恶之神色。“如此之接待原在吾预料之中,”彼遂发出阴森之笑声并谓:“看来这要怪历史。[ 217] 吾乃杀害塞缨尔·蔡尔兹之凶手,千真万确。吾已遭到何等惩罚!吾对地狱毫无畏惧。可惧者幽灵附体也。耶稣之眼泪伤口[218]!究竟如何吾方能得到安息乎?”彼嗓音模糊,“吾携自己所整理之民谣,在都柏林长期流浪,而幽灵宛如淫梦魔[219] 或牛魔般跟踪不止。吾之地狱以及爱尔兰之地狱,皆在现世。为了忘却所犯罪恶,吾曾多方设法:消愁解闷,射击白嘴鸦,学习埃尔斯语[220] (遂诵数句),服鸦片酊(彼将小瓶举至唇边),扎营露宿。一切均归徒然!彼之亡灵与吾形影不离。吞服鸦片乃吾唯一希望……呜呼!毁灭矣!黑豹![221]”彼大叫一声,须臾间消失矣,暗门滑动着,闭紧。少顷,彼在对面门口露头,曰:“十一时十分,到韦斯特兰横街车站[222] 与吾碰头。”彼去矣。众放荡之徒涕泅滂沱。占卜者[223] 举手向天,嗫懦曰:“马南南之报复[ 224] !”哲人反复曰:“同态复仇法。伤感主义者乃只顾享受而对所做之事不深觉歉疚之人。[225] ”玛拉基激动之至,闭口不言。谜底遂揭开矣。海恩斯为三弟[226] ,真名蔡尔兹,黑豹为彼父之鬼魂也。彼吞服鸦片,以忘却此事,使予得到解脱,不胜感谢。[227] 坟场旁之房屋无人居住。谁都不肯居于彼处。蜘蛛在孤寂中张网。夜鼠自洞穴中窥伺。该屋受咒诅。闹鬼。为一座凶宅。[ 228]
人之灵魂,寿命有多长?灵魂禀有变色龙之特性,每接近一样新物即改变颜色,与欢乐者接近即愉快,与悲哀者相处则沮丧,年龄亦随情绪而改变。利奥波德坐在那里,反刍并咀嚼往事之回忆时,彼已不再是沉着踏实之广告经纪人,亦非一小笔公债之所有者。念载光阴顿然消失,彼已成为少年利奥波德矣。仿佛是通过回顾性之安排,镜中镜(刹那间)照出本人。彼目睹自家当年之英姿,早熟而老气横秋,于刺骨寒晨,将书包(内装有母亲精心制作之美味大面包)当作子弹带般挎着,从克兰布拉西尔街之老宅踱向高中。一两年后,同一身姿初戴硬毡帽(啊,何等神气!)已开始跑外勤。彼乃家族公司之正式推销员,备有订货簿,洒了香水的手帕(不仅是为了充当样品),皮箱里装满锃亮之小装饰品。(噫!可惜均属于往昔岁月!)彼到处对犹豫不决而用指尖掐算之主妇或妙龄女郎,满脸掬以殷勤温顺之笑容。后者对彼佯装出之礼仪[ 229] ,亦羞涩地点头会意。(然而其内心如何,则天晓得矣!)香水气息,微笑,尤其乌黑眸子及圆滑周到之谈吐应对,使彼于傍晚为公司老板[230]携回大量订货单。老板做完同样工作,口衔雅各烟斗[231] ,坐在祖传的炉边(上面必煮着面条),透过角质圆框眼镜,阅读一个月前之欧洲大陆报纸。然而,刹那间镜面模糊了,少年游侠骑士后退,干瘪,缩成雾中极细微之一点。而今自己做了父亲,周围兴许是儿辈。谁知晓欤!聪明的父亲方知自己之子。[232] 彼思及哈奇街关栈附近蒙蒙细雨之夜。彼与伊在一道(可怜,伊无家可归,系私生女,只付一先令与一便士吉利钱,便属于汝,属于吾,属于众人),当两名夜警头戴雨帽之阴影路过新修建的皇家大学时,彼等一道倾听其沉重脚步声。布赖迪!布赖迪·凯利![233] 彼决不会忘记此名,将永远铭记该夜:初夜,新婚之夜。彼等(求者与被求者)于黑暗之底层缠扭在一起。转瞬之间。(要有!)光就浴满世界。 心与心可曾悸动在一起!否,敬爱的读者,一霎时事即毕,然而——“且慢,撒开!不许如此!”可怜的姑娘摸着黑,逃之夭夭。伊乃黑暗之新娘,夜之新娘。伊不敢生下白昼那金太阳之子。不,利奥波德。名字与记忆无从给汝慰藉。青年时期汝对精力所抱幻想,已被剥夺——一切归于徒然。汝之腰力已生不出子嗣,无能为力矣。鲁道夫[234]生利奥波德,而今利奥波德却不再能有子嗣矣。
众声纷杂,融人阴暗之寂静中。寂静乃无限之空间也。灵魂迅疾而沉默地飘浮于世世代代生息不已之空间。灰色薄暮弥漫于此,却从不落到暗绿色之辽阔牧场上。仅降下苍茫暮色,抛撒星宿的永恒之露。伊步履蹒跚,跟随乃母,犹如由母马带引之小母马驹。伊等乃一片朦胧中之幻影,然而婀娜多姿,腰肢纤细优美,脖颈柔和矫健,面容温顺,头脑聪慧。阴郁之幻象逐渐模糊,以至消失殆尽。阿根达斯乃荒原也,向为仑枭与半盲戴胜鸟栖息之所。鼎盛之内泰穆[235] 已不复存在。彼等群兽亡灵发出反叛之雷鸣,沿着云彩大道拥来。呼!哈喀!呼![236]视差[ 237] 从背后阔步逼向彼等,用刺棒戳之,射自其眉眼之光锐利如蝎。大角鹿与牦牛,巴珊[238]与巴比伦之公牛,猛犸象与柱牙象,均成群结队涌向下陷之海——死海[239] 。那一大群黄道十二宫不祥而伺机报复之兽类!彼等呻吟,越云而来,犄角或长或短,有长鼻者,撩牙者,或鬃毛若狮,或有多叉巨角,用鼻拱者,爬行者,啮齿动物,反刍动物,厚皮动物,彼等大群地移动,吼叫。太阳之屠杀者。[ 240]
彼等踏着大地朝死海挺进,以便贪婪而不知餍足地狂饮那沉滞呆倦、永不枯涸之咸湖水。此刻,马状怪物于寂寥之空中复长大矣,大得犹如天空本身,漫无边际,朦朦胧胧出现于室女座[24]之上端。看哪,轮回之奇迹,伊乃永恒之新娘,晨星之信使,新娘——永恒之处女。伊乃玛尔塔,“失去了的你”[242],年轻,可爱、光艳照人之米莉森特[243] 。稍早于黎明前之最后时刻,伊足登灿烂之金色凉鞋,[244] 身披汝所称之薄纱巾。伊乃昂星团[245]女王,此刻正冉冉升起,何等安详。面纱在伊那星宿所生之肌肤周围飘扬,融为鲜绿、天蓝、紫红与淡紫色,任凭穿过星际刮来之阵阵冷风摆布,翻腾、卷曲,回旋,在天空中婉蜒移动,写出神秘字迹。其表象经过轮回之千变万化,成为金牛座额上之一颗红宝石,三角形标记阿尔法[246],熠熠发光。
弗朗西朗斯正在提醒斯蒂芬,多年前康米神父任校长时,他们二人曾同过学的事。他问起格劳康、亚西比德[247]和皮西斯特拉图斯[248] 。“他们如今在哪儿?”两个人都不晓得。“你所谈的是过去和它的幽灵,”斯蒂芬说,“何必去想那些呢?要是我隔着忘川[249]把它们唤回到现世来,那些可怜的幽灵会不会应声而至呢?有谁知道呢?我,斯蒂芬的公牛精神[250],阉牛之友派‘大诗人’[251]乃是它们的主人,又是赋与它们生命的人。”他把葡萄叶编成的冠戴在蓬乱的头发上,并朝文森特微笑着。“当你能够凭着远比两三首轻飘飘的诗更为伟大的作品向你天才的父亲[252]呼唤时,”文森特对他说,“这句答复和那些叶子就能成为更适合于你的装饰了。凡是为你着想的人,都盼望这样。大家都已不得你完成你所构思的这部作品,并称赞你是戴花冠者[253] 。我衷心祝愿你不要让他们失望。”“哦,不,文森特,”利内翰把一只手放在挨近他的文森特的肩膀上说,“不用担心。他才不会让他母亲做孤儿[254]呢。”那个年轻人的脸色阴郁了。大家都看得出,在他来说,被人提醒对前途的指望和新近丧母一事是何等难以忍受。倘非喧嚣声减轻了痛苦,他会退出宴席的。马登只因为一时看上了骑手的名字,便心血来潮地把赌注下在“权杖”[255] 身上,结果输了五德拉克马[256] 。利内翰的损失也那么大。他对大家讲述赛马情况。旗子往下一挥,唿啦!母马驮着奥马登,一个箭步蹿出去,精神饱满地奔跑起来,它领先。每一颗心都怦怦悸动。连菲莉斯[257] 都克制不住自己了。她挥舞头巾喊着:“好哇!‘权杖’赢啦!”然而在快要到终点的直线跑道上,“丢掉”[258]迫近、拉平并超过了它。全都完啦[259]。菲莉斯一声不响:她的两眼像是悲哀的银莲花。“朱诺,”她大声说,“我输定啦。”然而她的情侣安慰她,给她带来一只闪亮的小金匣,里面装着几块椭圆形小糖果。她吃了。她落了泪,仅只一滴。“W. 莱恩可是个顶出色的骑手,”利内翰说,“昨天赢了四场,今天三场。哪里有比得上他的骑手呢?骆驼也罢,狂暴的野牛也罢,他都骑得稳稳当当。可是咱们也像古人那样忍耐吧。对不走运者发发慈悲吧!可怜的‘权杖’!”说到这里,他轻轻叹了口气,“它再也不是从前那匹精神抖擞的小母马啦。我敢发誓,咱们永远再也看不到那样一匹马了。老兄,我对天主发誓,它是马中女王,你还记得它吗,文森特?”“我倒是巴不得你今天能见到我的女王哩,”文森特说,“她有多么年轻,容光焕发(拉拉吉[260] 跟她站在一起也会黯然失色),穿着淡黄色的鞋和好像是平纹细布做的连衣裙。遮蔽我们的栗子树花儿正盛开。诱人的花香与飘浮在我们周围的花粉使空气浓郁得往下垂。在浴满阳光的小块儿地面的石头上,似乎毫不费力地就能烤出一炉科林斯水果馅小圆面包——就是佩利普里波米涅斯[ 261 ] 在桥头摆摊卖的那种。然而,除了我那只搂住她的胳膊,她没得可咬的。于是,每逢我搂紧了,她就顽皮地咬我一口。一星期前她卧病四天,然而今天她神态自在,快快活活,还拿病危开着玩笑。这当儿,她就更富于魅力了。还有她那花束!她可真是个疯疯颠颠的野丫头。我们相互偎倚着的时候,她采够了花。这话只能悄悄地告诉你,我的朋友。我们离开田野的时候,你简直想不到我们竟碰见了谁。不是别人,正是康米呀![262] 他沿着篱笆踱来,正在读着什么,好像是《圣教日课》。我相信他当作书签夹在里面的准是葛莉色拉或奇洛伊[263] 写来的一封俏皮的信。我那甜姐儿狼狈得飞红了脸,假装整理稍微弄乱了的衣裳。矮树丛的一截小树枝巴在上面了,因为连树棵子都爱慕她。当康米走过去后,她就用随身携带的小镜子照自己的芳容。然而他挺慈祥,走过去的时候,还祝福了我们呢。”“神明也从来都是仁慈的,”利内翰说,“虽然我在已思那匹母马身上吃了亏,也许他这酒[264] 倒更合胃口哩。”他把手放在酒瓶上。玛拉基瞅见了,就制止他这一动作,并指了指那个异邦人和鲜红色商标[265]。“小心点儿,”玛拉基悄悄他说,“像德鲁伊特[266] 那样保持沉默吧。他的灵魂飘到远处去了。从幻梦中醒过来,也许跟出生同样痛苦。任何东西,只要认真逼视,兴许都可以进入诸神不朽的永恒世界之门。你不这么认为吗,斯蒂芬?”“西奥索弗斯[267] 对我这么说过,”斯蒂芬说,“在前世,埃及司祭曾向他传授过因果报应法则的奥秘。西奥索弗斯对我说,月亮上的君主乃是太阳系游星阿尔法用船送来的桔黄色火焰。不凭灵气来再现自己,以第二星座之红玉色的自我为化身。”
然而,说实在的,关于他[268] 处于某种郁闷状态或被施行了催眠术之类的荒谬臆测,纯属最浅薄之误解,有悖于事实。正在发生这些事的当儿,此公两眼开始显露勃勃生机。即使不比别人更敏锐,至少也跟他同样敏锐。任何曾经做过相反推测的人,都会立即发现自己搞错了。他朝特伦特河畔伯顿的巴思公司所产瓶装一级啤酒凝望了足足四分钟。它夹在好多瓶酒当中,刚好摆在他对面,其鲜红色商标,无疑是为了引起所有人的注意。在方才那番关于少年时代和赛马的谈话后,由于只有他自己才知道得最透彻的理由(这一点,后来才弄清楚),周围发生的事被涂上了迥异的色彩。于是,他就沉浸在两三档子私事的回忆里。对此,另两个人犹如尚未出生的婴儿一般,丝毫也不了解。不过,他们二人的视线终于相遇。他一旦明白对方迫不及待地想要喝上一盅,便不由自主地决定为他斟上。因此,他攥着那装有对方所渴求的液体之中型玻璃容器颈部,足倒一气,以致它都快空了,然而又相当小心翼翼地,不让一滴啤酒溅到外面。
随后进行的辩论,其范围与进度均是人生旅途的缩影。会场也罢,讨论也罢,都气派十足。论头脑之敏锐,参加辩论者乃属海内第一流的,所论的主题则无比崇高重要。霍恩产院那高顶棚的大厅,从未见过如此有代表性而且富于变化的集会。这座建筑的古老椽子,也从未听到过如此博大精深的言词。那确实是一派雄伟景象。克罗瑟斯身穿醒目的高地服装,坐在末席上。加洛韦岬角[269] 那含有潮水气味的风;使他容光焕发。坐在对面的是林奇,少年时代行为放荡以及早慧,都已在他脸上留下烙印。挨着苏格兰人的座位是留给怪人科斯特洛的;马登蹲坐在科斯特洛旁边,呆头呆脑地纹丝不动。壁炉前的主席那把椅子是空着的,两边分别为身穿探险家派头的花呢短裤、脚蹬生牛皮翻毛靴子的班农,还有与他形成鲜明对照的玛拉基·罗兰·圣约翰·穆利根那淡黄色的优美服装和一派城市的举止教养。最后,桌子上首坐着位年轻诗人,他逃脱了教师这个行当和形而上学的审问,在苏格拉底式讨论的快活氛围中找到了避难所。右边是刚从赛马场来的油嘴滑舌的预言家,左边是那位谨慎的流浪者。他被旅途与厮打扬起的尘埃弄脏,又沾上了难以洗刷的不名誉的污点。然而他那坚定不移、忠贞不渝的心中却怀着妖娆的倩女面影,那是拉斐特[270]在灵感触发下用那支画笔描绘下来的传世之作。任何诱惑、危险、威胁、屈辱,都无法消除。
开头最好先说明一下:斯·迪达勒斯先生(神性怀疑论者[271] )的议论似乎证明他所沉溺并被歪曲的先验论,与一般人所接受的科学方法是截然相反的。重复多少遍也不为过分的是:科学乃处理有实质的现象的。科学家正如一般人一样,必须面对硬邦邦的现实,不容躲闪,并须做出详尽的说明。目前确实可能还有一些科学所不能解答的问题,例如利·布卢姆先生(广告经纪人)所提的头一个问题:即将诞生者的性别是如何决定的。我们究竟应该接受特利纳克利亚的恩培多克勒的说法,即认为男子的诞生决定于右卵巢[272](另外一些人则主张是在月经后的时期),还是应该认为被放置过久的精子或精虫乃是决定性别的重要因素?抑或像众多胚胎学家(卡尔佩珀、斯帕兰札尼[273] 、布鲁门巴赫、勒斯克、赫特维希[274] 、利奥波德和瓦伦丁[275] )所设想的那样,是二者的混合物呢?这个论点也许意味着:一方面是精虫的生殖本能[276] ,另一方面是被动因素那巧妙地选择的体位——即卧在下面受胎[277] 之间的协力(大自然喜用的方法之一)。同一位问讯者所提出的另一问题,其重要性不亚于此:婴儿死亡率。这个问题很有意思,因为他中肯恰当地提出:尽管我们诞生的方式相同,死法却各异。玛·穆利根先生(卫生学兼优生学博士)谴责本地的卫生状态道,我们这些肺部发灰的市民吸进了飘浮在尘埃中的细菌,以致患上腺样增殖症和肺结核等症。他声称,民族素质的衰退应统统归咎于这些因素以及我们街头上那些令人厌恶的景象:触目惊心的海报,各种支派的教士,陆海军的残废军人,风里雨里赶马车的坏血症患者,悬吊着的兽骸,患偏执狂的单身汉以及不能生育的护理妇。他预言审美学[278] 将普遍地为人们所接受,生活中所有的优美事物,纯正的好音乐,令人赏心悦目的文学,轻松愉快的哲学,饶有教育意义的绘画,维纳斯与阿波罗等古典雕刻的石膏复制像,优良婴儿的艺术彩照——只要在这些方面略加注意,就能使孕妇在无比愉快中度过分娩前的那几个月。J.克罗瑟斯先生(议论学学士) 将婴儿夭折的一部分原因归咎于女工在工厂内从事重劳动引起的腹腔部外伤,以及婚后夫妻生活中的节制问题,但绝大多数还是由于在公私两方面的疏忽。这种疏忽达到极点,便会造成遗弃新生婴儿、堕胎犯罪或残忍的杀婴罪。尽管前者(我们指的是疏忽)毫无疑问是确凿的,但他所举的那个关于护士忘记点清填入腹腔的海绵数目之事例,太不经见了,不足为训。其实,当我们仔细调查这个问题时就会发现,尽管有上述种种人为的缺陷,往往妨碍大自然的意图,但是妊娠与分娩却依然在大量地顺利地进行着,诚然令人惊奇。文·林奇先生(算术学士)提出了富于独创性的建议:出生与死亡,与所有其他进化现象(潮汐的涨落、月亮的盈亏、体温的高低、一般疾病)一样。总而言之,大自然之巨大作坊中的万物,远方一颗恒星之消失乃至点缀公园的无数鲜花之绽开,均应受计数法则的支配,而这一法则迄今尚未确定下来。但是这里也有个简单而直截了当的问题:为什么一对正常、健康的父母所生下的看上去健康并得到适当照顾的娃娃,竟会莫名其妙地夭折,而同一婚姻中所生的其他孩子并不这样呢?用诗人的话来说,这确实不能不使我们踌躇顾虑。[279] 我们确信,大自然不论做什么,都自有充分而中肯的理由。这样的死亡很可能是某种预测的法则所导致的。据此法则,病原菌所栖息的生物(现代科学毫无争论余地地显示:只有原生质的实体可以是不朽的)越是在发育初期,死亡率越高。这种安排纵然给我们的某种感情(尤其是母性)以痛苦,然而有些人认为从长远来看是有益于一般人类的,因为它保证了适者生存。斯·迪达勒斯先生(神学怀疑论者)发表意见(或者应该说是插话)道,患黄疽症的政治家和害萎黄病的尼姑自不用说,由于分娩而衰弱的女癌症患者和从事专门职业的胖绅士总是咀嚼形形色色的食品,下咽,消化,并以绝对的沉着使其经过通常的导管。当这些杂食动物吃小牛息肉这样好消化的食品时,大概会减轻肠胃的负担吧。这番话从极其不利的角度无比透彻地揭示了上述倾向。这位有着病态精神的审美学兼胚胎哲学家,尽管连酸与碱都分不清,在科学知识上却摆出一副傲慢自负的架子。为了启发那些对市立屠宰场的细节没他那么熟悉的人们,也许应该在此说明一下:我们那些拥有卖酒执照的低级饮食店的俚语小牛崽肉,指的就是打着趔趄的牛崽子[280]那可供烹调食用的肉。在霍利斯街第二十九、三十、三十一号国立妇产医院的公共食堂里,能干而有名望的院长安·霍恩博士(领有产科医生执照、曾为爱尔兰女王医学院成员)最近与利·布卢姆先生(广告经纪人)之间举行了一场公开辩论。据目击者说,该院长曾指出,一个女人一旦把猫放进口袋里(这大概是对大自然之最复杂而奇妙的作用——交媾的雅喻),她就非把它再送出去不可;或赐与它生命(用他的话来说),以便保全自己的命。他的论敌富于说服力地驳斥说:这可是冒着自己丧失生命的危险!尽管说话的语调温和而有分寸,仍然击中了要害。
这当儿,医生的本领与耐心导致了一次可喜的分娩[281] 。不论对产妇还是医生来说,那都是令人厌倦、疲劳的一段时间。凡是外科技术所能做的,都做到了。这位产妇也极为勇敢,她用坚韧不拔的精神加以配合。她确实这么做了。打了一场漂亮仗[282] ,而今她非常、非常快乐。那些过来人,比她先经历过这一过程的,也高高兴兴地面带微笑俯视着这一动人情景。她们虔诚地望着她。她目含母性之光,横卧在那里,对全人类的丈夫——天主,默诵感谢经。新的母性之花初放,殷切地渴望摸到婴儿的指头(多么可爱的情景)。当她用那双无限柔情的眼睛望着婴儿时,她只盼望着再有一种福气:让她亲爱的大肥[283] 在她身边分享她的快乐,把天主的这一小片尘土[ 284] ——他们的合法拥抱之果实,放在他怀抱里。而今他上了些岁数(这是你我之间的悄悄话),双肩稍见弯屈。但是随着岁月的流逝,厄尔斯特银行学院草地分行的这位认真负责的副会计师已具有了一种庄重的威严。“哦,大肥,往昔的恋人,如今的忠实生活伴侣,遥远的过去那玫瑰花一般的岁月再也不会回来了!”她像从前那样摇摇俊美的头,回顾着那些日子。天哪!而今透过岁月之雾望去,那是何等美丽呀!在她的想像中,他们——他和她——的孩子们聚拢在床畔:查理、玛丽·艾丽斯、弗雷德里克·艾伯特(倘若他不曾夭折)、玛米、布吉(维多利亚·弗朗西丝)、汤姆、维奥莱特·康斯但斯·路易莎、亲爱的小鲍勃西(是根据南非战争中我们的著名英雄——沃特福德与坎大哈的鲍勃斯勋爵[285] 而命名的)。现在又生下了他们二人结合的最后的象征,一个地地道道的普里福伊,长着真正的普里福伊家的鼻子。这个前途无量的婴儿,将以普里福伊先生那个在都柏林堡财务厅工作的有声望的远房堂弟莫蒂默·爱德华而命名。光阴茬苒。然而时间老爹轻而易举地就把事情了结啦。不,亲爱的、温柔的米娜,不要从你胸中叹气。还有大肥,把你烟斗里的灰磕打掉吧。通知熄灯的晚钟已敲(但愿那是遥远的未来的事!),你却还在摆弄着使惯了的这只欧石南根烟斗。用以读《圣经》的灯也给熄灭了吧,因为油已剩得不多了,所以还是心情平稳地上床休息吧。天主无所不知,到时候就会来召唤你。你曾打了一场漂亮仗,忠实地履行了男人的职责。先生,请握住我的手。干得出色,你这善良而忠实的仆人![286]
异邦人继续望着自己眼前这个人脸上那故意做出的冷静神情慢慢地消失。出于习惯或乖巧心计的这种不自然的冷静似乎也包含在他的辛辣话语之中,好像在谴责说话人对人生粗野方面的不健康的偏爱[287] 。听者的记忆里,宛若被一句朴实自然的话所唤醒了一般,浮现出一副光景。仿佛是往昔的岁月伴随着当前的种种喜悦真地存在于现实中似的(就像某些人所想的那样)。平静的五月傍晚那修剪过的草坪。他们对朗德镇[ 288] 或紫或白的丁香花丛记忆犹新。小球缓缓地沿着草地向前滚去,要么就相互碰撞,短暂机警地震颤一下,挨在一起停了下来。香气袭人的苗条淑女们兴致勃勃地观看着。那边,每逢灰色水池里的灌溉用水徐徐流淌,水面便起涟漪。水池周围,你可以瞥见同样香气袭人的姐妹们:弗洛伊、阿蒂、蒂尼[289]以及她们那位身姿不知怎地分外引人注目的肤色稍黑的朋友——樱桃王后[290] 。她一只耳朵上佩带着玲珑的樱桃耳坠子:冰凉火红的果实衬着异国情调的温暖肌肤,相得益彰。(正是开花时节。及至将滚球聚拢起来收进箱子,大家就围坐在温暖的炉边,其乐融融。)一名身穿亚麻羊毛混纺衣服的四五岁幼童正站在池边,姑娘们用爱怜的手围成一圈,保护着他。现在男童略微皱起眉来。也许他像这个青年似的过于意识到自身处境危险的快感,但是又只得不时地朝他母亲瞥上一眼。她正从面对花坛的游廊[291] 守望着,喜悦之中却又含着一抹漠然或嗔怪之色(凡事都是无常的[ 292] )。
注意下述事件并且铭记在心头吧,结局来得很突然。走进学生们聚集的产房外面的前厅,留意他们的神色吧。那里仿佛丝毫也没有鲁莽或强暴的痕迹。一片守护者的宁静,这倒很合乎他们在产院中的地位。恰似昔日在犹大的伯利恒,牧羊人和天使曾通宵达旦守护在马槽周围一样。[293] 然而闪电之前,密集的雨云因含湿气过多变得沉甸甸的,膨胀起来。大团大团地蔓延,围住天与地,使其处于深沉的酣睡状态;并低垂在干涸的原野、困倦的牛和枯萎的灌木丛与新绿的嫩叶上。接着,刹那间闪光将它们一劈两半,随着雷声轰鸣,大雨倾盆而下。话音刚落,立即发生了急剧的变化。
“到伯克[294] 去!”爵爷斯蒂芬喊罢,一个箭步向前蹿去。那群帮腔的也一起跟在后面:有血气方刚的,顽劣的,赖债的,庸医,还有一本正经的布卢姆。大家分别攥着帽子、梣木手杖、比尔博剑[295] 、巴拿马帽和剑鞘、采尔马特登山杖[296] 等等。这儿有各式各样的壮小伙子,一个个气宇轩昂的学生。卡伦护士在门厅里给吓了一跳,她拦也拦不住。正笑嘻嘻地走下楼梯的外科医生也阻止不了——他是来告诉大家胎盘已处置完毕,”足足有一磅重。他们催促着他。大门!敞着吗?好极啦!他们喧嚣地冲出去,雄赳赳地参加一分钟的赛跑,最终目的地乃是登齐尔和霍利斯这两条街交叉处的伯克。迪克森对他们说了些尖酸话语,并咒诅了一句,也跟了来。布卢姆想托护士给楼上那位欣喜的母亲和她的宝宝捎句问候,所以就在她身边停下脚步。最好的治疗就是营养和静养。她的脸色不是正表露出这一点吗?憔悴苍白,说明霍恩产院里那些日以继夜的护理多么辛苦。大家既然都已走光,他就仗着天生的智慧,临告辞时凑近她,悄悄他说:“太太,鹳鸟啥时候来找你呢?”[ 297]
户外的空气饱含着雨露的润湿,来自天上的生命之精髓,在星光闪烁的苍穹下,在都柏林之石上闪闪发光。天主的大气,全能的天父之大气,光芒四射的柔和的大气,深深地吸进去吧。老天在上,西奥多·普里福伊,你漂漂亮亮地做出一桩壮举!我敢起誓,在包罗万象最为庞杂的烦冗记录中,你是无比出众的繁殖者。真令人吃惊啊!她身上有着天主所赐予的、按照天主形象而造人的可能性[298], 你作为男子汉,不费吹灰之力便使她结了果实。跟她紧密结合吧!侍奉吧!操劳吧!完全像一只看门狗那样忠于职守,把学者和所有的马尔萨斯人口论者统统绞死吧。西奥多,你是他们所有人的老爹。在家里,你为肉铺的帐单;在帐房里,则为金锭银块(都不是你的!)辛辛苦苦操持,莫非不堪重负而意气消沉了吗?昂起头来!每新生一个娃娃,你便会收获一侯马[299] 熟小麦。瞧,你的毛都湿透了。你羡慕达比·达尔曼和他的琼[300] 吗?他们的子孙只是些鸣声凄惋的松鸡和烂眼儿的杂种狗。呸!告诉你。巴!他是一头骡子,一个死了的软体动物:既无精力,又无体力,连一枚有裂纹的克娄泽[301]都不值。没有生殖的性交!不,我说!婴儿屠杀者希律[302]才是他更真实的名字。真的,光吃蔬菜,夫妇同床可不怀孕!给她吃牛排吧:红殷殷,生的,带着血的!她是各种疾病盘踞的自发魔窟:瘰疬、流行性腮腺炎、扁桃体周脓肿、拇趾囊肿胀、枯草热、褥疮、金钱癣、浮游肾、甲状腺肿、瘊子、胆汁病、胆结石、冷血症和静脉瘤。诵悼歌,连续举行三十天的弥撒,《那利米哀歌》[303],以及所有这类哀悼的歌。一概谢绝吧!不要后悔那二十年的婚姻生活。你不同于许许多多曾经企盼、愿望、等待过而一直也不曾实现的。你瞧见了你的美国[304] ,你毕生的事业,像大洋彼岸的野牛那样,为了交配而猛冲过。琐罗亚斯德[305]是怎么说的呢?你从悲哀这头母牛身上挤奶。现在你喝着它的乳房里那甜美的奶。[30 6]瞧!它为了你而充裕地流淌。喝吧,老兄,满满一乳房!母亲的乳汁,普里福伊,人类的乳汁[307] ,也是在上空化为稀薄的水蒸气,灼灼生辉,扩展开来的银河的乳汁,放荡者在酒店里咕嘟咕嘟狂饮的潘趣[308] 奶,疯狂的乳汁,迦南乐土的奶与蜜[309] ,母牛的奶头挺坚硬,是吗?对,然而她的奶水又浓又甜,最能滋补。那是不会发硬、然而黏稠浓厚的酸凝乳。老族长,到她那儿去吧!奶头!凭着女神帕图拉和泊滕达,让我们干杯![310]
为了纵酒豪饮,大家相互挽着臂,沿街大喊大叫地冲去。真正的。[ 311] 昨晚你是在哪儿睡的?打扁了的碎嘴子蒂莫西[312] 那儿。加油儿,快点儿。家里有雨伞或长统胶靴吗?给亨利·内维尔[313] 瞧过病的穿旧衣的外科医生在哪儿?对不起,谁都不知道。喂,迪克斯!往前走到缎带柜台那儿。潘趣在哪儿?百事顺利。天哪,瞧瞧那个从产院走出来的醉醺醺的牧师![314] 伏惟全能至仁天主圣父,及圣子……降福保全我众。[315] 一个冤大头[316] ,先生。登齐尔巷的小伙子们[ 317] 。见鬼,活该!快去。对,以撒[318] ,把他们从明亮的地方赶走。亲爱的先生,你要跟我们一道去吗?一点儿也不碍事。你是个好人,咱们彼此不必见外。去吧,我的孩子们![319] 第一炮手,开火。到伯克去!到伯克去!他们从那里挺进了五帕拉桑[320]。 斯莱特里那骑马的步兵[ 321] 。该死的丑东西在哪儿?背弃教义的[322] 斯蒂夫牧师!不,不,是穆利根!在后面哪!朝前推进。要盯着钟。打烊的时间。[ 323] 穆丽!你怎么啦?我妈叫我出嫁啦。[324] 英国人的至福[325]!擂鼓吧,咚咚,嘭嘭,[ 326] 赞成者占多数。由德鲁伊特德鲁姆印刷厂叫你喝啥?来杯超人[333] 喝的世代相传的蜂蜜酒。我也照样。来五杯一号的。[334] 你呢,先生?姜汁甜露酒。嘿,是车把式喝的蛋酒汁。刺激得浑身热腾腾的。给钟[335] 上弦。突然停摆,再也不走了。当老……[336] 我要苦艾酒,知道了吗?哎呀![337] 要一份蛋酒或加了调料的生蛋。几点钟啦?我的表进当铺啦。差十分。费心啦。不用客气。是胸部外伤吗,呃,迪克斯?千真万确。只要睡在他那小院儿里,随时都会挨蜜蜂螫的。家就住在圣母医院附近。这位仁兄有妻室。认识他太太吗?嗯,当然认识喽。她身材可丰腴哩。瞧瞧她脱掉衣服时的样子吧,那裸体真能饱人眼福。漂亮的母牛可跟你们那瘦母牛[338]不一样,一点儿也不。拉下百叶窗,宝宝。[339] 两杯阿迪劳恩[340] 。我也一样。麻利点儿,要是倒下,就马上爬起来:五,七,九。好极啦!她有着一双顶好看的眼睛,一点不含糊。还有她那奶头和丰满的臀部。只有亲眼看了才能相信。你那双饥饿的眼睛和石膏的脖颈, 把我的心偷去了。噢,排精的气味。先生,土豆?又是风湿病吗?[341] 真是荒唐,请原谅我这么说。大家都这么认为。我看你可能是个大傻瓜。 呃,大夫?刚从拉普兰[ 342] 回来吗?您还是这么富态,贵体安康吧?老婆娃娃都好吗?尊夫人快生养了吧?站住,交出来。[343] 口令。瞧那头发。[344] 苍白的死亡和殷红的诞生。[345]嘿!唾沫溅到你眼睛里去啦,老板!打给戏子的电报。从梅瑞狄斯那儿剽窃来的。[346] 以耶稣自居的那个患了睪丸炎、满是臭虫跳蚤的耶稣会会士!我姨妈给金赤他爹去了信,说坏透了的斯蒂芬把好极了的玛拉基带上邪路啦。
晦,小伙子,抓住球[ 347] !把那啤酒递过来。为了勇敢的苏格兰长久沸腾。[ 349] 我的烈酒。谢谢。[350]祝咱们大家健康。怎么样?犯了规。别把我这条新裤子弄脏了。喂,给我撤上点儿那边的胡椒粉。喏,接着。带上芷茴香籽儿[351] 。你明白吗?沉默的喊叫。每个汉子都去找自己的漂亮姑娘。[352] 肉欲维纳斯[353] 。小妇人们。[354] 来自穆林加尔镇的厚脸皮的坏姑娘[355] 。告诉她,我打听她来着。搂着萨拉的腰肢[356]。通往马拉海德[357] 的路上。我吗?勾引我的那个女人,哪怕留下名字也好。[358]你花九便士要买什么?我的心,我的小坛子[359] 。跟放荡的窑姐儿搞一通。一块儿摇桨。退场[360] !
你在等着吗,头儿?就那么一回,可不是嘛。瞧你那副发愣的神儿,好像亮闪闪的金钱不见了似的。明白了吗?他身上有的是钱。刚才我瞅见他差不多有三镑哩,说是他自己的。我们都是你请来的客人,晓得吧?你掏腰包,老弟。拿出钱来呀。才两先令一便士呀。这手法你是从法国骗子那儿学来的吧?你那一套在这儿可行不通。小伙子,对不起。这一带就数我的脑袋瓜子灵。千真万确。你呀,我们没喝醉,我们一点儿也没醉[361] 。再见,先生。[362]谢谢你。
对,可不是嘛。你说啥?这是在非法的秘密酒店。完全喝醉啦。老弟。班塔姆,你已经有两天滴酒未沾了。除了红葡萄酒,啥也不喝。[ 363] 。给我滚!瞧一眼吧,务必瞧瞧。天哪,不会吧!他刚去过理发馆。[ 364] 喝得太多,连话都说不出来啦。跟车站上的一个家伙在一块儿。你怎么知道的?他爱听歌剧吗?《卡斯蒂利亚的玫瑰》。并排的铸[365] 。叫警察来呀!给这位晕过去的先生拿点儿水来。瞧瞧班塔姆有多么年轻。哎呀,他哼起来啦。金发少女。我的金发少女[366] 。喂,停下吧!用手使劲捂住他那肮脏的嘴巴。本来他是蛮有把握的, 只因为我跟他暗通消息,告诉了他“绝对可靠的事”,这才砸了锅。就欠让魔鬼掰掉脑袋[367 ]的斯蒂芬·汉德这个家伙塞给了我一匹劣马。 他遇见一个从练马场替巴思老板往仓库送电报的人。他给了那人四便士,借着蒸气私拆了那封电报。“母马竞技状态良好。”[ 368] 好比是花金币买醋栗。这是一种骗局。《福音书》中的真理。莫非是恶劣的消遣吗?我想是这样的。没错儿。要是被警察当作猎物逮住了,就得去坐牢。 马登把赌注下在马登骑的那匹马上了,发疯地下赌注。[369]啊,肉欲,我们的避难所和力量。[370] 开溜啦。你非走不可吗?回到妈妈那儿去。付账。 可别让人瞧出我的脸盘儿发红。要是给他发现了,就完蛋啦。回家去吧,班塔姆。再见,老伙计。别忘记给老婆捎立金花[371]去。老老实实告诉我,是谁把小公马的事儿透露给你的?这只是你我之间的悄悄话。不瞒你说,凭着圣托马斯[372]发誓,是她的丈夫。不骗你,是利奥[373]那个老家伙。我发誓,真格的。要是我撒了谎,就让我粉身碎骨。我对着神圣的大托钵修士发誓。你为啥没有告诉我?哼, 倘若不是那个犹太人的奷计,就让我暴死。凭着上主阴茎发誓,啊们。你要提议吗?斯蒂夫老弟,你再破费点儿也成吧?他妈的,还喝得下去吧?你这个出手无比大方的东道主,肯让这开始得如此豪华的酒宴散席吗?要知道,你请来的客人个个都是极度贫困、 渴得厉害的啊。总得喘口气。老板,老板,你有好酒吗,斯塔布[374]?喂,老板,让咱们开开斋。请大家尽情地喝吧。好的,老板!给每人斟杯苦艾酒。咱们个个喝绿毒,谁来迟了就倒楣。[375]打烊了,先生们,呃?给那神气活现的布卢姆来杯朗姆酒, 我听你说过葱头[376] ?布卢?那个兜揽广告的?那个照相姑娘的爹[377],这可让我吃了一惊。小声点儿,伙计。悄悄地溜掉吧。各位,晚安[378]卫我于梅毒魔鬼。[379]那个花花公子和女模女样[380]的家伙哪儿去啦?上当了吧?逃走了。啊,好的,你们爱到哪儿就到哪儿去吧。将军。王移到象的位置。善良的基督徒,请你帮助这个被朋友夺走住处钥匙的小伙子[381]找个今晚睡觉的地方。唷,我快要酩酊大醉啦。妈的,我敢说这是最好的、最开心的假日。喂。伙计,给这孩子几块点心。扯蛋,我才不吃那白兰地夹心糖呢!那是哄女人孩子的,我才不吃呢!把海毒丢到地狱里去吧。连同那领了执照的烈性酒。[382]时间到了,先生们!祝大家健康!祝你![383]
天哪;!那边穿胶布雨衣的家伙究竟是谁呀?达斯蒂·罗兹[384],瞧他那身打扮。可真神气。他在吃啥?六十周年纪念羊肉[385] 。对着詹姆斯发誓, 像是喝牛肉汁。真想吃上点儿。你认识那个穿旧短袜的吗?里奇蒙[386] 那个下流讨厌的怪家伙吗?痛苦得很哪!他认定自己的阴茎里有颗子弹。胡言乱语的疯子。我们称他作“面包巴特尔”[387] 。先生,他曾经是个家道兴旺的市民。穿破衣服的男人娶了个孤女[388] 。可是姑娘逃之夭夭。瞧,就是那个被遗弃的男人。穿着件胶布雨衣在寂寞的峡谷里徜徉。[389] 喝完酒就去睡吧,规定的时间到了,盯着点儿警察。对不起,你今天在葬礼上瞧见他了吗?是你那个翘了辫子的伙伴吗?天主啊,对他发发慈悲吧!可怜的孩子们!波德老兄,千万别说下去啦!莫非因为朋友帕德尼[390] 被装在黑口袋里运走了,你们就泪如雨下吗?在所有的黑人当中,帕特是最好的一个。我平生没见过这么好的一个人。别说了,别说了,[391] 然而这是个非常可悲的故事,千真万确。唉呀,滚!在九分之一坡度的地方翻了车。活动车轴碎得一塌糊涂。杰纳齐准定会彻底打败他的。[392] 日本佬吗?朝高角度开炮,是吗?据战时号外,给击沉了。他说,形势对俄国有利,而不是日本。[393] 到时间了。十一点啦,走吧。前进, 醉得脚步蹒跚的人们!晚安。晚安。但愿至尊的真主今晚大力保护你的灵魂。喂,留点神!我们一点儿也没醉。[394] 是利斯的警察把我们撵走的。[ 395] 一点儿也不宽容。小心,那家伙要呕吐啦。他觉得恶心。哇!晚安。蒙娜,我真诚的宝贝。哇!蒙娜,我的心肝儿宝贝。[396] 噢!
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