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[Novel] 【读书笔记】阿兰•德波顿《旅行的艺术》

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等级: 内阁元老
配偶: 沅牧生。
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2012-08-22 0
— 本帖被 逸清远 从 品书工作室 移动到本区(2012-08-22) —





开篇:On Anticipation 对旅行的期待


It was hard to say when exactly winter arrived.The decline was gradual,like that of a person into old age,inconspicuous from day to day until the season became an established relentless reality.



day to day:天天,从一天到另一天(常表示逐渐转变、不固定)

inconspicuous:adj.不显著的;不显眼的,不引人注目的    在这里译为难以察觉




First came a dip in evening temperatures,then days of continuous rain,confused gusts of Atlantic wind,dampness,the fall of leaves and the changing of the clocks-though there were still occasional moments of reprieve,mornings when one could leave the house without a coat and the sky was cloudless and bright.But they were like false signs of recovery in a patient upon whom death has passed its sentence.




a dip in:(很实用滴小短语)下降、下沉、倾斜、偏斜  eg:a dip in price:价格下降

gust:n.阵风 (雨、雹、烟、火、声音等)突然一阵、(还可形容感情的)迸发

sky was cloudless and bright:万里无云,天气晴朗(相信大家写作文时一定这样描述过天气,现在一起把英文的写法记住吧~~)

false signs :错误的征兆、迹象即假象


By December,the new season was entrenched and the city was covered almost every day by an ominous steely-grey sky,like one in a painting by Mantegna or Veronese, the perfect backdrop to the crucifixion of Christ or to a day beneath the bedclothes .





beneath the bedclothes:赖床


本帖最近评分记录: 2 条评分 派派币 +15
  • evana

    派派币 +1 2015-04-06

    苏是一定的 恩受基本没啥戏 尤其是前期 文里面好多蛇精病 偏执狂啥的



等级: 内阁元老
配偶: 沅牧生。
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2012-08-22 0





开篇:On Anticipation 对旅行的期待


But now the park was foreign once more, the grass a forbidding arena in the incessant rain. Any sadness I might have felt, any suspicion that happiness or understanding was unattainable, seemed to find ready encouragement in the sodden dark-red brick buildings and low skies tinged orange by city's street-lights.



forbidding:adj. 可怕的, 令人难亲近的, 令人生畏的(这可不是动词forbid的ing形式哦~)

incessant:adj. 不停的, 不断的  incessant rain:连绵阴雨

encouragement:n. 在这里引申译为佐证,证明

sodden:adj. 浸透的, 浸润的, 浸湿的

tinge:v. (较淡地)着色于, 染

Nothing was as I had imagined - surprising only if one considers what I had imagined. In the preceding weeks, the thought of the island had circled exclusively around three immobile mental images, assembled during the reading of a brochure and an airline timetable. The first was of a beach with a palm tree against the setting sun. The second was of a hotel bungalow with a view through French doors into a room decorated with wooden floors and white bedlinen. And the third was of an azure sky.



immobile:adj. 不动的, 不变的, 静止的

against:perp. 以...为背景, 与...对比, 与...对照

setting sun:夕阳, 残阳(千万不要从字面意思理解,那可就错了...)

French doors :(法式)玻璃落地门,也就是落地窗(French window)的意思

azure:adj. 天蓝色的, 蔚蓝的, 无云的, 晴空的

The present might be compared to a long-winded film from which memory and anticipation select photographic highlights. Of my nine-and-a-half-hour flight to the island, active memory retained only six or seven static images. Just one survives today: the in-flight tray. Of my experience at the airport, only an image of the passport line remained accessible. My layers of experience settled into a compact and well-defined narrative: I became a man who had flown in from London and checked into his hotel.


long-winded:adj. 冗长的

film:n. 胶卷, 胶片(这里可不是电影滴意思哦~)

highlight:n. 最好(或最精彩、最激动人心)的部份

static:adj. 静止的, 静态的, 停滞的

narrative:n. 叙述, 讲述




等级: 内阁元老
配偶: 沅牧生。
举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2012-08-22 0





开篇:On Anticipation 对旅行的期待


Awakening early on that first morning, I slipped on a dressing gown provided by the hotel and went out on to the veranda. In the dawn light the sky was a pale grey-blue and, after the rustlings of the night before, all the creatures and even the wind seemed in deep sleep. It was as quiet as a library. Beyond the hotel room stretched a wide beach which was covered at first with coconut trees and then sloped unhindered towards the sea. I climbed over the veranda's low railing and walked across the sand. Nature was at her most benevolent. It was as if, in creating this small horseshoe bay, she had chosen to atone for her ill-temper in other regions and decided for once to display only her munificence.


dawn:n. 黎明, 曙光, 开端, 破晓 

rustling:adj. 发沙沙声的(文章中译作喧嚣)

stretch:n. 延亘,  连绵

slop:v.  (液体等)晃荡, 溢出, 溅出

unhindered:adj. 无阻的, 不受阴碍的

climb over:越过,  翻过,  爬过

benevolent:adj. 仁慈的, 乐善好施的(ps:慈善机构/基:benevolent institution/fund)

horseshoe:adj. 马蹄形的 n.  马蹄铁, U形物  horseshoe bay:马蹄形海湾

atone:v. 补偿,  赎罪 atone for:补偿...

munificence:n.   宽宏大量, 慷慨

I found a deck chair at the edge of the sea. I could hear small lapping sounds beside me, as if a kindly monster was taking discreet sips of water from a large goblet. A few birds were waking up and beginning to career through the air in matinal excitement. Behind me, the raffia roofs of the hotel bungalows were visible through gaps in the trees. Before me was a view that I recognized from the brochure: the beach stretched away in a gentle curve towards the tip of the bay, behind it were jungle covered hills, and the first row of coconut trees inclined irregularly towards the turquoise sea, as though some of them were craning their necks to catch a better angle of the sun.




deck:n.  甲板, 层面  deck chair:(甲板上用的)躺椅,  折叠式躺椅

discreet:adj.  谨慎的

matinal:(=matin)adj.  adj.  黎明的, 早晨的

bungalow:n.  (有凉台的)平房, 小屋

the tip of:...的末端/尖端

jungle:n.  (热带的)丛林, 密林, 莽丛

inclined:adj.  斜坡式的, 与...斜交的

turquoise:adj.  青绿色的, 蓝绿色的

crane:v.  引颈, 伸长(脖子)






等级: 内阁元老
配偶: 沅牧生。
举报 只看该作者 地板   发表于: 2012-08-22 0





开篇:On Anticipation 对旅行的期待


The intractability of the mental knots points to the austere, wry wisdom of certain ancient philosophers who walked away from prosperity and sophistication and argued, from within a barrel or mud hut, that the key ingredients of happiness could not be material or aesthetic, but must always be stubbornly psychological.




intractability:n.  难驾驭, 棘手

point to:表明, 暗示

austere:adj.  简朴的, 严厉的, 苦行的, 紧缩的

walk away from:从...离开, 从...旁边走开

sophistication:n.  复杂, 世故, 精明

from within:这里可不是从里面滴意思,在这里from表示情况、状态的改变,联系上文可知,就是从抛却繁华到小泥屋,表达转变之意

ingredient:n.  因素, 成分

aesthetic:adj.  美学的, 审美的, 有美感的

stubbornly:adj.  顽强的, 坚持的

"the imagination could provide a more-than-adequate substitute for the vulgar reality of actual experience". Actual experience where what we have come to see is always diluted in what we could see anywhere, where we are drawn away from the present by an anxious future and where our appreciation of aesthetic elements remains at the mercy of perplexing physical and psychological demands.






adequate:adj.  适当的, 足够的, 充分的

substitute:v.  代替, 用 ... 代替, 代以

vulgar:adj.  通俗的, 粗俗的, 乡土的

diluted:adj.  冲淡的,  稀释的,  无力的

draw away from:拉开, 离开, 远离

at the mercy of:在...支配中, 任凭...摆布(这里滴mercy可没有怜悯滴意思哦~)

perplexing:adj.  使人困惑的,  麻烦复杂的







等级: 牙牙学语
举报 只看该作者 4楼  发表于: 2012-11-01 0
any more?


等级: *
举报 只看该作者 5楼  发表于: 2013-06-16 0
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