【读书笔记】之怀特 -《夏洛的网》-完结-_派派后花园

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[Novel] 【读书笔记】之怀特 -《夏洛的网》-完结-

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等级: 内阁元老
配偶: 沅牧生。
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2012-08-13 0
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读书笔记】之怀特 -《夏洛的网》









E.B.怀特(1899-1985)生于纽约蒙特弗农,毕业于康奈尔大学。也许你对美国作家E.B. 怀特(E.B.White)感到陌生,也许你对《Charlotte's Web》(《夏洛的网》)不是很熟悉,但是一提起一部电影《精灵鼠小弟》,你马上就知道了,这部电影就是根据E.B. 怀特(E.B.White)的书改编拍摄的。他还有一部童话叫《吹小号的天鹅》。



Chapter 1. Before Breakfast


№.1 - It's very small and weak, and it will never amount to anything.




【短语笔记】amount to


【双语释义】 (1)To add up in number or quantity: 总共,合计:数字或数量加在一起:


【例】The purchases amounted to 50 dollars.(买东西总共花了50美元。)


(2)To add up in import or effect: 等同,接近:重要性或效果相当于:


【例】That plan will never amount to anything.(那个计划无关紧要。)


(3)To be equivalent or tantamount: 等于,如同:


【例】accusations that amount to an indictment(等同于是起诉的控告)


№.2 - "But it's unfair," cried Fern. "The pig couldn't help being born small, could it? If I had been very small at birth, would you have killed me?"




正是这句话触动了我们作为人类最敏感的神经,生命有其存在的权利——这样简单的道理,却是由一个小女孩讲给世界上的大人们。也不禁让人感叹:Why do people look at something and straight away make a judgement? We may have heard the phrase 'never judge a book by its cover' but it's not so easy to do!


【短语笔记】couldn't help doing - 禁不住…;不得不…


【例】I couldn't help wondering, can we be friends with ex? (我不禁纳闷,我们可以和旧情人做朋友吗?)


№.3 - Fern couldn't take her eyes off the tiny pig.


【短语笔记】not take one's eyes off - 始终注视着,目不转睛地注视着


读《夏洛的网》,最大的感触就在于其直抵内心的纯净,真实与透彻。这个故事不需繁复的逻辑评判或是心理分析,它感动我们往往只在一举一动,一颦一笑的瞬间。You can see, hear, smell, taste and touch.【例】I couldn't keep my eyes off her amazing hairdo.(我目不转睛地盯着她令人惊喜的发型。)


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等级: 内阁元老
配偶: 沅牧生。
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2012-08-13 0

【读书笔记】之怀特 -《夏洛的网》


Chapter 2.  Wilbur


№.1 - He would stand and gaze up at her with adoring eyes.




【重点词汇双语释义】adoring: liking and admiring someone very much


【短语笔记】gaze at - 凝视,  注视


【例】He sat a seat opposite me and gaze at me. (他坐在我对面的座位上,目不转睛地盯着我。)


№.2 - In a short time he had dug a tunnel in the straw. He crawled into the tunnel and disappeared from sight, completely covered with straw.






【短语笔记】in a short time - 不久,一会儿,少顷


【例】A new daily will appear in a short time in our town.(一份新的日报不久将在本市发行。)


№.3 - When he was five weeks old, Mr. Arable said he was now big enough to sell, and would have to be sold. Fern broke down and wept. But her father was firm about it. 






【短语笔记】break down - 彻底失败,崩溃,停止运转,坍塌,(数据、观点等)站不住脚


【例】Her health broke down under the pressure of work.(工作的压力把她的身体弄垮了。)




等级: 派派贵宾
配偶: 青梅暖酒
举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2012-08-13 0
Looking forward to your update.

Besides, I like the color of your table. It is clean and bright.


等级: 总版主
配偶: 貓夫人°
举报 只看该作者 地板   发表于: 2012-08-14 0
Good job! Liuli's table is so beautiful and I like it.



等级: 内阁元老
配偶: 沅牧生。
举报 只看该作者 4楼  发表于: 2012-08-14 0

【读书笔记】之怀特 -《夏洛的网》

Chapter 3(1).  Escape




- One afternoon in June, when Wilbur was almost two months old, he wandered out into his small yard outside the barn. Fern had not arrived for her usual visit. Wilbur stood in the sun feeling lonely and bored.





【短语笔记】wander out


【双语释义】漫步走;move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment


【举一反三】类似用法有:wander through/about/over - 漫步,徘徊;wander off - 走开,走失,离题。


【例】Please don't wander off the point. (请不要离题。)


№.2 - He didn't feel like going to sleep, he didn't feel like digging, he was tired of standing still, tired of lying down.




【短语笔记】feel like - 想要;be tired of - 对……感到厌烦,厌烦




I don't feel like a cup of tea.(我不想喝茶。)
I am tired of his constant complaints.(他经常性的抱怨令我厌烦。)
№.3 - In a minute he had squeezed through the fence and was standing in the long grass outside his yard. 




【短语笔记】squeeze through - 挤过去


【举一反三】squeeze的英英解释 - "the act of gripping and pressing firmly" 对应的用法有"squeeze up". 


【例】There'll be enough room if we all squeeze up a bit. (咱们大家挤一挤就够地方了。)


 №.4 - He felt very happy. He had plowed up quite a piece of ground before anyone noticed him. Mrs. Zuckerman was the first to see him. She saw him from the kitchen window, and she immediately shouted for the men.  





【短语笔记】shout for - 大叫,呼喊


【例】Today I can whine because I have to go to work or I can shout for joy because I have a job to do.(今天由于不得不上班,我可以抱怨哭诉;但最少我还有工作可以往做,所以我可以高声欢呼。)





等级: 内阁元老
配偶: 沅牧生。
举报 只看该作者 5楼  发表于: 2012-08-14 0

【读书笔记】之怀特 -《夏洛的网》


Chapter 3(2).  Escape

№.1 - Lurvy, the hired man, heard the noise and came up from the asparagus patch where he was pulling weeds.  【译文】在龙须菜地里拔草的雇工鲁维,听到喊声,也赶紧跑了出来。




strictly speaking(严格地说),generally considering(一般认为), judging from……(根据……判断)等;

frankly(坦率地说),obviously(显然),naturally(天然地),luckily (happily) for sb.(算某人幸运),fortunately(幸好),strangely(奇怪),briefly(简单地说)等;
3)介词短语作插入语,常用的有:in conclusion(总之),in a word(简而言之),in short(简而言之),in general(一般说来),in a sense(在某种意义上),in my view(在我看来),in his opinion(按照他的看法),in fact(事实上),at first(首先), in addition(此外),of course(当然),to my surprise(使我惊奇的),to her regret(使她遗憾的),for example(例如)等;

4)简短的句子结构作插入语,它们常置于句中或句末。这类简短的句子有:I am sure(我可以肯定地说),I believe(我相信),do you know(你知道吗),you see(你明白),I’m afraid(恐怕),it is said(据说),I suppose(我想),what’s more(而且),what’s worse(更糟糕的是),that is(也就是说),what is important(重要的是)等;

5)不定式短语作插入语,常用的有:to be sure(无疑地),to sum up(概括地说),to tell the truth(老实说)等;

needless to say(不用说),most important of all(最为重要),worse still(更糟糕的),even better(更好)等。
 №.2 - The news of Wilbur's escape spread rapidly among the animals on the place.


【短语笔记】spread among... - 蔓延,流传


【例】Users connect to the database and issue queries as usual without the need to know the database is spread among several partitions.



【举一反三】spread from ... to ... 从某处蔓延到……


№.3 - He didn't like being the center of all this fuss. 


【短语笔记】fuss - n.紧张不安,大惊小怪,忙乱


【例】James said he'd better be getting back or there'd be a fuss.(詹姆斯说他最好被人弄回来,不然一定出乱子。)


  №.4 - He's appealing to your stomach. 



这句的手法,要比我们平常所讲的fall into temptation有趣得多了。

【短语笔记】appeal to - 对...产生吸引力,对...有吸引力


【例】On balance, joint ventures appeal to me more than state-owned enterprises.(总的来说,合资企业比国有企业更吸引我



等级: 派派贵宾
配偶: 汐影洛洛
举报 只看该作者 6楼  发表于: 2012-08-15 0
I  am  glad to see your update


等级: 内阁元老
配偶: 沅牧生。
举报 只看该作者 7楼  发表于: 2012-08-15 0

【读书笔记】之怀特 -《夏洛的网》


Chapter 4.  Loneliness
- When the sheep tired of standing in the rain, they walked slowly up the lane and into the fold.
【短语笔记】be tired of - 厌烦,对……厌倦
【例】It never be tired of solving my puzzles.(它从不疲倦地解决我的问题。)
【举一反三】近义短语 - be tired with / get tired of
1) You may be tired with reading, but you should not be tired of it.(看书可能使你疲劳,但不应该对看书感到厌烦。)
2) But I suspect that a man who is not satisfied with one moon will also get tired of a dozen moons.(可是我相信 一个人如果对一个月亮感不到满足,对十二个月亮也会感到厌倦。)
№.2 - Talking with Templeton was not the most interesting occupation in the world but it was better than nothing.
【短语笔记】be better than nothing - 比没有……要好
【例】Something is better than nothing.(聊胜于无。)

1) 表示“某事”、“某东西”,主要用于否定句,疑问句及条件句中,用以代替 something (常译为:什么…);表示“任何事”、“任何东西”,主要用于肯定句 (有时也可用于其它句型):
Has anything interesting happened? 发生了什么有趣的事吗?
We can’t believe anything he says. 无论他说什么,我们都不能相信。
I asked if anything was the matter. 我问是不是出了什么问题。
I want something to eat, and anything will do. 我想弄点东西吃,什么都行。
I am tired of his constant complaints.(他经常性的抱怨令我厌烦。)
2) 用作主语,谓语用单数;用代词时也用单数 (it):
Anything is better than nothing, isn’t it? 有点总比什么都没有要好,不是吗?
3) 与否定词连用时,否定词应置于其前,而不是其后 (参见 any 的有关用法):
正:Nothing can prevent me from going.
误:Anything cannot prevent me from going.
4) 修饰anything的形容词应置于其后:
Did you hear anything interesting there? 你在那儿听到什么有趣的事了吗?
5) 用于 be anything but, 意为“根本不是”、“一点不是”,可用于人和物:
He’s anything but a hero. 他绝不是英雄。
John is anything but (=far from) a good loser. 约翰完全输不起。
Your answer is anything but perfect. 你的答复一点儿也不完美。
6) 用于 if anything, 意为“若有什么不同的话”:
If anything, this coat is more expensive than that one. 如果有什么不同的话,那就是这件衣服比那件更贵些。
He seems to have little, if anything, to do with this. 若要说他和这事有什么相关的话,那也似乎是很少的。
№.3 - He knew Templeton was getting soaked, out there in the pouring rain, but even that didn't comfort him. Friendless,
 dejected, and hungry, he threw himself down in the manure and sobbed.
【短语笔记】get soaked - 打湿
【例】A bicycle cape will protect you in wet weather.(自行车雨披可以使你在雨天骑车也不致淋湿。)
【举一反三】be soaked to the skin (=be soaked through) - 浑身湿透
№.4 - Darkness settled over everything.




【短语笔记】settle over - 笼罩
【例】An air of sadness settled over the group.(悲伤的气氛笼罩了整个团队。)
【举一反三】Darkness settled over the fields. Dust settled in the road. (黑暗笼罩田野。灰尘飘落在路上。)



等级: 内阁元老
配偶: 沅牧生。
举报 只看该作者 8楼  发表于: 2012-08-15 0

【读书笔记】之怀特 -《夏洛的网》


Chapter 5.  Charlotte
№.1 - And then, just as Wilbur was settling down for his morning nap, he heard again the thin voice that had addressed him the night before. 



just as Wilbur was settling down for his morning nap”作为插入语在本句中出现,清楚地交代了威尔伯听到声响的时间点。

【短语笔记】address sb. - 称呼某人

(speak or write to using a particular title of rank)


【例】I didn't know he was addressing me until he repeated my name.(直到他又重复了我的名字,我才知道他是和我说话。)


№.2 - She was about the size of a gumdrop. She had eight legs, and she was waving one of them at Wilbur in friendly greeting. 





【短语笔记】 be about the size of - 约摸……般大小


【例】The committee laid down rule about the size of tennis court.(委员会对于网球场面积的大小作出了规定。)


№.3 - Wilbur was merely suffering the doubts and fears that often go with finding a new friend. In good time he was to discover that he was mistaken about Charlotte. Underneath her rather bold and cruel exterior, she had a kind heart, and she was to prove loyal and true to the very end. 





“Appearances are often deceptive.”


“ Never judge a look by its cover.”



【短语笔记】in good time - 及时地, 迅速地




We sent the letter by air mail in order that it might reach them in good time .(这封信我们航空寄去以便他们能及时收到。)




等级: 内阁元老
配偶: 沅牧生。
举报 只看该作者 9楼  发表于: 2012-08-15 0

【读书笔记】之怀特 -《夏洛的网》


Chapter 6.  Summer Days

№.1  - She knew that they were in a desperately cramped position inside the shell and were most anxious to break through and get out.




【短语笔记】break through - (太阳或月亮从云层后面)露出,出现;出来,长出;穿过,透过;突破,冲破(障碍)


【英英释义】break through -


1. vi. [intr] to penetrate

2. vi. [intr, adverb] to achieve success, make a discovery, etc, esp after lengthy efforts

3. n. a significant development or discovery, esp in science

4. n. the penetration of an enemy's defensive position or line in depth and strength


【例】They broke through the skull by using a chisel.(他们用凿子凿穿头骨。)


№.2  - He glanced at Fern, then crept cautiously toward the goose, keeping close to the wall. Everyone watched him, for he was not well liked, not trusted.






【短语笔记】creep toward - 朝着……爬过去;glance at - v. + prep 朝……看一眼,匆匆一瞥




1. to creep up/down/into sth 蹑手蹑脚地走上/下/进某处


2. to creep in 不知不觉地到来


【词义辨析】creep, climb, crawl这些动词都有“爬”之意:


1. creep: 多指人或四足动物匍匐爬行,尤指偷偷地或不出声地缓慢向前爬行。也指植物的蔓延生长等。


2. climb: 通常指用手或足爬上或爬下,也指飞机、日、月的上升,还可用作比喻。


3. crawl: 指人或动物以身躯贴着地面缓慢地移动。




1. If you both creep down to the reeds and then keep still as statues, maybe the moorhen will come back with her chicks and you can see them close up.(如果你俩轻手轻脚地爬进芦苇丛,一动也不动地趴在那里,也许黑水鸡会带着她的小鸡回来的,这样,你们就可以在离得很近的地方观察这些小动物了。)


2. Something in his tone made Carole glance at him sharply.(他话中带话,使卡罗严厉地看着他。)


№.3 - "What are you going to do with it?" continued Templeton, his little round beady eyes fixed on the goose.




【短语笔记】fix on - 把……固定在……上;把……集中在……上




(phrasal verb) if you fix your eyes or your attention on someone or something, you look straight at them and at nothing else


【例】All our engineers carry spare parts to enable any faults to be fixed on the spot.(我们所有的工程师利用空闲时间发现错误。)


№.4 - That afternoon, when the wind had died down and the barnyard was quiet and warm, the grey goose led her seven goslings off the nest and out into the world.



【短语笔记】die down - 停止;熄灭;平息




(phrasal verb) if something dies down, it becomes much less noisy, powerful, or active


【例】He thought that the criticism that had followed his announcement would die down.(他以为他的声明招来的批评会慢慢地平息下来。)



等级: 派派贵宾
配偶: 汐影洛洛
举报 只看该作者 10楼  发表于: 2012-08-15 0
O I should say you are A shou


In fact, you are always thin



等级: 内阁元老
配偶: 沅牧生。
举报 只看该作者 11楼  发表于: 2012-08-16 0

【读书笔记】之怀特 -《夏洛的网》

Chapter 7. A Talk At Home




"Charlotte?" said Mrs. Arable. "Who's Charlotte?"


"She's Wi lbur's best friend. She's terribly clever."


"What does she look l ike?" asked Mrs. Arable.


"Wel l-l ," said Fern, thoughtfully, "she has eight legs. Al l spiders do,I guess."


"Charlotte is a spider?" asked Fern's mother.


Fern nodded. "A big grey one. She has a web across the top of Wi lbur's doorway. She catches flies and sucks their blood. Wilbur adores her."







№.1 - “The goose did what?” asked Mrs. Arable, gazing at her daughter with a queer, worried look.




【短语笔记】gaze at




1. vi. to look at someone or something for a long time, giving it all your attention, often without realizing you are doing so [= stare]


2. n. a long steady look




1. Dad didn't take her out of the garden, but he'd walk up and down with her, chatting all the time. She'd gaze up at him, entranced.


2. He did not dream how ardent and masculine his gaze was, nor that the warm flame of it was affecting the alchemy of her spirit.


【举一反三】表示看的动词还有哪些呢?look, stare, gaze, glance, glare, glower, watch, peep 这些词的区别你都知道么?


1. Look vi. to turn your eyes towards something, so that you can see it 这个就是我们最常见的看啦~


2. Stare vi. to look at something or someone for a long time without moving your eyes, for example because you are surprised, angry, or bored


3. Gaze vi. to look at someone or something for a long time, giving it all your attention, often without realizing you are doing so




4. Glance vi. to quickly look at someone or something 通常指速度很快地扫过目标


5. Glare vi. to look angrily at someone for a long time


6. Glower vi. to look at someone in an angry way




7. Watch vi. to look at someone or something for a period of time, paying attention to what is happening 这个词的意思略微复杂,它既可以表示比较正式的观看比赛或者演出,又可以表示一种监视监控。因此碰到这个词的时候大家可要留心一下哟~


8. Peep vi. to look at something quickly and secretly, especially through a hole or opening 这个词就是我们常说的偷看啦~词义要记住,偷看可别干啊!


№.2 - Mr. Arable grinned. “Maybe our ears aren’t as sharp as Fern’s,” he said.




【短语笔记】as sharp as (as + adj. + as )


【举一反三】as … as的词组我们经常使用,比如as soon as possible(ASAP),as fast as I can等等,不过英语中经常有用这个形式进行的比喻哟,我们一起来看一看。


1. as black as a raven 像乌鸦一般黑


2. as stupid as an ass 蠢极了,跟驴一样


3. as hard as iron 坚如磐石


4. as old as Adam 极其古老(Adam 圣经中人类的始祖)


5. as hard as nether millstone 铁石心肠




1. as cool as a cucumber 泰然自若,极其镇静


2. as strong as a horse 健壮如牛(健壮如马?中国的牛比较健壮啦~)


3. as timid as a hare 胆小如鼠(不是兔子哟)



等级: 内阁元老
配偶: 沅牧生。
举报 只看该作者 12楼  发表于: 2012-08-16 0

【读书笔记】之怀特 -《夏洛的网》


Chapter 8. Wilbur’s Boast




Wilbur hesitated a moment, then jumped out into the air. He glanced hastily behind to see if a piece of rope was following him to check his fall, but nothing seemed to be happening in his rear, and the next thing he knew he landed with a thump.”Ooomp!” he grunted.




№.1 - He crept down into his hole, pushed the goose egg out of the way, and returned with an old piece of dirty white string.




【短语笔记】creep down



1. to move in a quiet, careful way, especially to avoid attracting attention

2. if something such as an insect, small animal, or car creeps, it moves slowly and quietly

3. to gradually enter something and change it

4. if a plant creeps, it grows or climbs up or along a particular place

5. if mist, clouds etc creep, they gradually fill or cover a place



1. Johann would creep into the gallery to listen to the singers.

2. Fog was creeping into the valley.

3. The feeling she had for Malcolm had crept up on her and taken her by surprise.


【举一反三】creep down和fall down

Creep down和fall down都有滑落的意思,那它们的区别在哪里呢?


№.2 – And summoning all his strength, he threw himself into the air, headfirst.







1. to order someone to come to a place

2. to officially order someone to come to a court of law

3. to arrange for a meeting to take place and order people to come to it



1. Robert summoned the waiter for the bill.

2. Hugh was summoned to appear before the magistrate.

3. He had to summon the energy to finish the race.


【词义辨析】call,summon,send for

call,summon,send for




send for作“召唤”解时,语气较随便,暗示委派一件工作。


№.3 - My goodness, I would have starved to death waiting that long. I can make a web in a single evening.


【词组笔记】starve to death



1. to suffer or die because you do not have enough to

2. to prevent someone from having enough food to live



1. They'll either die from the cold or starve to death.

2. The poor dog looked like it had been starved.



等级: 内阁元老
配偶: 沅牧生。
举报 只看该作者 13楼  发表于: 2012-08-17 0

【读书笔记】之怀特 -《夏洛的网》

Chapter 9. Wilbur’s Boast




It was arranged so that you could swing without being pushed. You climbed a ladder to the hayloft. Then, holding the rope, you stood at the edge and looked down, and were scared and dizzy. Then you straddled the knot, so that it acted as a seat. Then you got up all your nerve, took a deep breath, and jumped. For a second you seemed to be falling to the barn floor far below, but then suddenly the rope would begin to cathch you, and you would sail through the barn door going a mile a minute, with the wind whistling in your eyes and ears and hair. Then you would zoom upward into the sky, and look up at the clouds, and the rope would twist and you would twist and ture with the rope. Then you would drop down, down, down out of the sky and come sailing back into the barn almost into the hayloft, then sail out again (not quite so far this time), then in again (not quite so high), then out again, then in again, then out, then in; and then you’d jump off and fall down and let somebody else try it.


№.1 - "That's a mercy,"replied Wilbur, and he lay down in the shade of his fence and went fast asleep. The spider, however, stayed wide awake, gazing affectionately at hime and making plans for his future. 








1. if someone shows mercy, they choose to forgive or to be kind to someone who they have the power to hurt or punish


2. unable to do anything to protect yourself from someone or something:


3. a journey taken to bring help to people


4. to let someone be dealt with by another person, who may treat them very badly or strictly - used humorously


5. to ask someone to help you or forgive you when you are in a very bad situation


6. used to say that it is lucky that a worse situation was avoided




1. He showed no mercy to his enemies.


2. After the boat's motor failed, they were at the mercy of the weather.


3. It's a mercy the accident happened so near the hospital.




1. at the mercy of somebody/something


这个词组通常表示听任什么的摆布,无能为力。这里我们要注意到,很多抽象性名词都有这种用法:at /in + the + n. + of


如: at the expense of / in the mood of 等




2. mercy flight/mission 救援航班/救援团


还在执着于rescue team的同学们可以换着用了。


3. The barge of mercy ferries all the miserable people to the world of bliss.—salvation through charity to others.




№.2 - "Come on, frog!" cried Avery. He scooped up his frog.




【词组笔记】scoop up




1. to pick something up or remove it using a scoop or a spoon, or your curved hand


2. to be the first newspaper to print an important news report:


3. to win a prize or award




1. She bent down and scooped up the little dog.


2. Time and again we have scooped our rivals.


3. Britain scooped the top prize in the over 50s category.




scoop up 用铲子铲起;hoe 锄地;needle 做针线;bat 用拍子拍打


№.3 - "Good night!" screamed Avery. "Good night! What a stink!"








1. to have a strong and very unpleasant smell


2. used to say that something is bad, unfair, dishonest etc




1. The toilets stank to high heaven.


2. Don't eat there - the food stinks!




每次想到不好的事,很多同学都第一反应就是complain。这个词固然没有错,但是用得太多,是不是也让人略微感到厌烦了呢?Complain about the word "complain"? 其实英语中也有很多,其他的词,虽然并不是抱怨的意思,但是本身带有的厌恶的情感色彩或许比complain更有张力哦。Stink就是这样一个词,原意是发出恶臭的气味。延伸开来,不就是让人反感讨厌的意思了么。




等级: 内阁元老
配偶: 沅牧生。
举报 只看该作者 14楼  发表于: 2012-08-17 0

【读书笔记】之怀特 -《夏洛的网》

Chapter 10.




On foggy mornings, Charlotte's web was truly a thing of beauty. This morning each thin strand was decorated with dozens of tiny beads of water. The web alistened in the light and made a pattern of loveliness and mystery, like a delicate veil. Even lurvy, who wasn't particularly interested in beauty, noticed the web when he came with the pig's breakfast. He noted how clearly it showed up and he noted how big and carefully built it was. And then he took another look and he took another look and he saw something that made him set his pail down. There, in the center of the web, nearly woven in block letters, was a message. It said:SOME PIG!


№.1 - A look of complete bewilderment came over Mrs. Zuckerman's face.






a feeling of being very confused [= confusion]




She looked at him in bewilderment.






№.2 - Just the same, I intend to have a look at that spider.


【词组笔记】intend to do sth.




1. to have something in your mind as a plan or purpose


2. to be provided or designed for a particular purpose or person


3. the person, thing, result etc that an action is intended to affect or reach




1. I intend to spend the night there.


2. It is intended that these meetings will become a regular event.


3. The book is intended for children aged 5-7.


【举一反三】intend to do / be likely to do


这两个词都是表示可能,倾向于做某事,用法也很像。一定要说有什么区别的话,intend和intention是意向倾向的意思,因此可能做的某事是源自于本身的意愿,而likely只是客观上的可能性啦。举例子的话,我 intend / be likely to 逛街,前者是我自己想去,后者可能要是做什么别的事,然后顺便逛个街啦!


№.3 - All in all, the Zuckermans' pigpen was the center of attraction.


【词组笔记】all in all




with everything considered (and neglecting details)




altogether, on the whole, tout ensemble




All in all, I 'm sorry it happened.



还在执着于finally,eventually或者是Take in consideration what is mentioned的同志们,快把all in all 收入囊中吧。这个词组又简单,字母又少,可正式可平民,乃总结陈词之上选。中文翻译就是总而言之,言而总之,是不是很对称呢?对了,就是听力碰到这个词要当心,后面的in all连读恐怕是很多人心中的痛吧...



[ 此帖被逸清远在2012-08-20 13:20重新编辑 ]


等级: 内阁元老
配偶: 沅牧生。
举报 只看该作者 15楼  发表于: 2012-08-18 0

【读书笔记】之怀特 -《夏洛的网》

Chapter 11.




Then the oldest sheep spoke up. “I agree that there should be something new written in the web if Wilbur’s life is to be saved. And if Charlotte needs help in finding words, I think she can get it from our friend Templeton. The rat visits the dump regularly and has access to old magazines. He can tear out bits of advertisements and bring them up here to the barn cellar, so that Charlotte can have something to copy.”


“Good idea,” said Charlotte. “But I’m not sure Templeton will be willing to help. You know how he is – always looking out for himself, never thinking of the other fellow.”





№.1 “I shall begin by calling the roll. Wilbur








1. to telephone someone


2. to use a word or name to describe someone or something in a particular way


3. to have a particular name or title, or use a particular name or title for someone or something


4. to arrange for something to happen at a particular time


5. to say or shout something loudly so that someone can hear you


6. to tell someone that they must come to a law court or official committee


7. call round British English to stop at a house or other place for a short time to see someone or do something




1. She calls her father every couple of days.


2. You may call it harmless fun, but I call it pornography.


3. The arrow that appears on the screen is called a cursor.


4. What are you going to call the new puppy?


5. Peter called the waitress over and ordered a large brandy.


6. According to the law, the election must be called within the next two months.


7. I heard someone calling in the distance.


8. How could Julian call himself a friend and then let me down so badly?


9. They were called to give evidence at the trial.


10. She called round for a chat.


11. I regularly called in at his office for news.




1. call at 打给某人,访问,停靠


2. call box 公共电话亭


3. call down 气球,引起,招惹,责骂,斥责


4. call for 呼吁,需要,接某人,取某物


5. call in 来访,打电话来(工作单位)


6. call it a day 今天就到此为止


7. call loan 通知放款


8. call off —sb 把某人叫走/ —sth 把某事停止








send for作“召唤”解时,语气较随便,暗示委派一件工作。








№.2 - I dare say my trick will work and Wilbur's life can be saved.








1. to be brave enough to do something that is risky or that you are afraid to do - used especially in questions or negative sentences


2. to show that you are very angry and shocked about what someone has done or said


3. to warn someone not to do something because it makes you angry


4. to try to persuade someone to do something dangerous or embarrassing as a way of proving that they are brave


5. used when saying something that you think people may not accept or believe


6. used when saying or agreeing that something may be true




1.He wanted to ask her, but he didn't dare.


2.How dare you accuse me of lying!


3.Don't you dare talk to me like that!


4.They dared Ed to steal a bottle of his father's whiskey.


5.I thought the play was, dare I say it, boring.


6.I dare say things will improve.

[ 此帖被逸清远在2012-08-20 13:25重新编辑 ]


等级: 内阁元老
配偶: 沅牧生。
举报 只看该作者 16楼  发表于: 2012-08-18 0

【读书笔记】之怀特 -《夏洛的网》

Chapter 12.




Lurvy picked up a pitchfork and walked away to get some clean straw. Having such an important pig was going to mean plenty of extra work, he could see that.


Below the apple orchard, at the end of a path, was the dump where Mr. Zuckerman threw all sorts of trash and stuff that nobody wanted anymore. Here, in a small clearing hidden by young alders and wild raspberry bushes, was an astonishing pile of old bottles and empty tin, cans and dirty rags and bits of metal and broken bottles and broken hinges and broken springs and dead batteries and last month's magazines and old discarded dishmops and tattered overalls and rusty spikes and leaky pails and forgotten stoppers and useless junk of all kinds, including a wrong-size crank for a broken ice-cream freezer.


№.1 -Next morning, Wilbur arose and stood beneath the web.








1. in or to a lower position than something, or directly under something[= underneath]:


2. covered by something:


3. used to say that someone's real character or feelings are not shown because their appearance or behaviour is different[= underneath]:


4. not good enough or suitable for someone:


5. in a lower, less important rank or job than someone else[= below]




1. The dolphins disappeared beneath the waves.


2. Shiona shivered beneath the bedclothes.


3. Dave sensed that something more sinister lay beneath the woman's cheerful exterior.


4. She acts as if even speaking to us is beneath her.




under, underneath, below, beneath


Under is the usual way to say that one thing is at a lower level than another, or is covered by it


1. Your shoes are under the table.


2. He lay under a blanket.




Underneath has a similar meaning to under, and is used especially when something is hidden or covered


1. a box underneath the floorboards.




1. She lifted the cover and peeped underneath.


Below is used when one thing is at a much lower level than another, and can be a preposition or an adverb


1. the apartment below ours


2. Mist lay in the valley below.


Beneath can be used in the same ways as underand below, but is a more literary or formal word1、beneath the silvery moon


3. the cliff, and the ocean beneath


№.2 - The rat looked disgusted.









1. to make someone feel very annoyed or upset about something that is not acceptable:


2. to be so unpleasant that it makes you feel almost sick:






very annoyed or upset by something that is not acceptable




1. disgusted at/by/with


Most locals are disgusted by the anti-foreigner violence.


2. disgusted that


Animal welfare workers were disgusted that anyone could do this to a puppy.


3. be disgusted to find/hear/see etc


Dear Sir, I was disgusted to see the picture on page one of Sunday's feature section.




Disgusted, fed up, sick of, tired of

[ 此帖被逸清远在2012-08-20 13:27重新编辑 ]


等级: 内阁元老
配偶: 沅牧生。
举报 只看该作者 17楼  发表于: 2012-08-19 0

【读书笔记】之怀特 -《夏洛的网》

Chapter 13.




"Oh, it happened all right," replied Fern. "Charlotte never fibs. This cousin of hers built a web across a stream. One day she was hanging around on the web and a tiny fish leaped into the air and got tangled in the web. The fish was caught by one fin, Mother; its tail was wildly dangerously under the weight of the fish? Charlotte's cousin kept slipping in, dodging out, and she was beaten mercilessly over the head by the wildly thrashing fish, dancing in , dancing out, throwing..."


№.1 -But I can crochet a doily and I can knit a sock.




【单词笔记】crochet & knit






to make clothes etc from wool or cotton, using a special needle with a hook at one end




to make clothing out of wool, using two knitting needles




My grandmother taught me how to knit.




crochet a doily and knit a sock










№.2 - "Do you think she'll ever start thinking about something besides pigs and sheep and geese and spiders?"




【单词笔记】pig & sheep & goose & spider








rabbit兔 hare 棕色的兔子(田野)


elephant象 cat猫


mouse小老鼠 rat大灰鼠


bull公牛 cow母牛 cattle小牛


tiger虎 lion狮 leopard豹


dophin海豚 whale鲸


donkey驴 horse马 zebra斑马


bear熊 monkey猴


sheep绵羊 goat山羊


deer鹿 boar野猪 pig猪




rooster公鸡 hen母鸡 turkey 火鸡




duck鸭子 goose鹅 swan天鹅


crane鹤 eagle通指鹰 hawk猎鹰




shark鲨鱼 carp鲤鱼 bass鲈鱼


eel鳗鱼 salmon 鲑鱼 tuna金熗鱼




fly苍蝇 cockroach蟑螂 mosquito蚊子


dragonfly蜻蜓 butterfly蝴蝶 ant蚂蚁


beetle甲虫 bee蜜蜂 wasp黄蜂




frog蛙 toad蟾蜍 crocodile鳄鱼


snake蛇 lizard蜥蜴


tortoise陆龟 turtle水(海)龟


python 蟒蛇 dinosaur恐龙

[ 此帖被逸清远在2012-08-20 13:29重新编辑 ]


等级: 内阁元老
配偶: 沅牧生。
举报 只看该作者 18楼  发表于: 2012-08-19 0

【读书笔记】之怀特 -《夏洛的网》

Chapter 14.




Everybody heard the song of the crickets. Avery and Fern Arable heard it as the walked the dusty road. They knew that school would soon begin again. The young geese heard it and knew that they would never be little goslings again. Charlotte heard it and knew that she hadn't much time left. Mrs. Zuckerman, at work in the kitchen, heard the crickets, and a sadness came over her, too. "Another summer gone," she sighed. Lurvy, at work building a crate for Wilbur, heard the song and knew it was time to dig potatoes.


№.1 - One day more than a hundred people came to stand at his yard and admire him.




【词组笔记】more than




A. “More than+名词”表示“不仅仅是”


1) Modern science is more than a large amount of information.


2) Jason is more than a lecturer; he is a writer, too.


We need more than material wealth to build our country.建设我们国家,不仅仅需要物质财富。


B. “More than+数词”含“以上”或“不止”之意


3) I have known David for more than 20 years.


4) Let's carry out the test with more than the sample copy.


More than one person has made this suggestion. 不止一人提过这个建议.


C. “More than+形容词”等于“很”或“非常”的意思


5) In doing scientific experiments, one must be more than careful with the instruments.


6) I assure you I am more than glad to help you.


D. more than + (that)从句,其基本意义是“超过(=over)”,但可译成“简直不”“远非”. 难以,完全不能(其后通常连用情态动词can)


That is more than I can understand . 那非我所能懂的.


That is more than I can tell. 那事我实在不明白。


The heat there was more than he could stand. 那儿的炎热程度是他所不能忍受的


此外,“more than”也在一些惯用语中出现,如:


More often than not (经常),people tend to pay attention to what they can take rather than what they can give.


All of us are more than a little concerned about(非常关心)the current economic problems




more...than 的用法


1. 比……多,比……更


He has more books than me. 他的书比我多。


He is more careful than the others. 他比其他人更仔细。


2. 与其……不如


He is more lucky than clever. 与其说他聪明,不如说他幸运。


He is more (a)scholar than (a)teacher. 与其说他是位教师,不如说他是位学者。


注:该句型主要用于同一个人或物在两个不同性质或特征等方面的比较,其中的比较级必须用加more 的形式,不能用加词尾-er 的形式。


no/not more than


1. no more than 的意思是“仅仅”“只有”“最多不超过”,强调少。如:


This test takes no more than thirty minutes. 这个测验只要30分钟。


The pub was no more than half full. 该酒吧的上座率最多不超过五成。


For thirty years,he had done no more than he (had)needed to. 30年来,他只干了他需要干的工作。


2. not more than 为more than (多于)的否定式,其意为“不多于”“不超过”。如:


Not more than 10 guests came to her birthday party. 来参加她的生日宴会的客人不超过十人。




She has no more than three hats. 她只有3顶帽子。(太少了)


She has not more than three hats. 她至多有3顶帽子。(也许不到3顶帽子)


I have no more than five yuan in my pocket. 我口袋里的钱最多不过5元。(言其少)


I have not more than five yuan in my pocket. 我口袋里的钱不多于5元。(也许不到5元)


no/not more...than


1. no more...than 表示对两者都否定,意为“同……一样不”(=neither...nor...)。如:


He is no more a writer than a painter. 他既不是画家,也不是作家。(=He is neither a painter nor a writer.)


He’s no more able to read Spanish than I am. 他和我都读不懂西班牙语。(=Neither he nor I am able to read Spanish.)


I know no more Spanish than I know Greek. 我对西班牙语和希腊语同样都不懂。(=I know neither Spanish nor Greek.)


2. not more...than 指两者都具有某种特征,但是程度不同,意为“不如”“不及”(=not so... as)。如:(less…than…)


She is not more clever than he is. 她不如他聪明。(=She is not so clever as he is.)


This book is not more difficult than that one. 这本书不及那本书难。(This book is not so difficult as that one.)




1)no other...than... ;;除...之外,不再...


如:I have no other relative in Binzhou than my aunt. 在滨州除了姑妈之外我再无其它亲戚了。


2)would rather ...than...;宁愿...也不...


如:The soldier would rather die than give in. 那位士兵宁可死也不投降。


3)、no/none other than...;不是别的,正好是...


如:The man with a book in his hand is no/none other than our Engljsh teacher.




4)nothing else than...;完全是...


如:What he said just now was nothing else than a joke. 他刚才说的简直是笑话。


less than 的用法


1. (指数量)不到,不足


It’s less than half an hour’s drive from here. 开车到那里不到半个钟头。


In less than an hour he finished the work. 没要上一个小时,他就完成了工作。


2. 比……(小)少


She eats less than she should. 她吃得比她应该吃的少。


Half the group felt they spent less than average. 半数人觉得他们的花费低于平均水平。


3. 不太,一点也不


The boys were less than happy about having a party. 开晚会男孩子们并不很高兴。


We were less than delighted to have company that day. 那天有客人我们并不太高兴。


He was less than helpful when we arrived. 我们到达时他一点也不帮忙。


less...than 的用法


1. 不像(如)


He is less honest than his brother. 他不如他哥哥诚实。


2. 比……少,不如……多


We drink less coffee than tea. 我们喝咖啡不如喝茶多。


I got less money than the others did. 我比别人得到的钱少。


3. 与其……不如……


I regard him less as my teacher than as my friend. 与其说我把他当作老师,不如说我是把他当作朋友。


注:表示此义时可与more...than 结构替换(但要注意词序的变化)。如:


He is less a teacher than an expert./He is more an expert than a teacher. 与其说他是老师,不如说他是专家。 


[ 此帖被逸清远在2012-08-20 13:33重新编辑 ]


等级: 内阁元老
配偶: 沅牧生。
举报 只看该作者 19楼  发表于: 2012-08-20 0

【读书笔记】之怀特 -《夏洛的网》

Chapter 15.




Lurvy was in bed by eight-thirty. He lay dreaming that he was throwing baseballs at a cloth cat and winning a genuine Navajo blanket. Mr. and Mrs. Zuckerman were in bed by nine. Mrs.  Zuckerman lay dreaming about a deep freeze unit.  Mr. Zuckerman lay dreaming about Wilbur.  He dreamt that Wilbur had grown until he was one hundred and sixteen feet long and ninetytwo feet high and that he had won all the prizes at the Fair and was covered with blue ribbons and even had a blue ribbon tied to the end of his tail.


When morning came, everybody got up at daylight. The day was hot. Up the road at the Arables' house, Fern lugged a pail of hot water to her room and took a sponge bath.  Then she put on her prettiest dress because she knew she would see boys at the Fair.  Mrs. Arable scrubbed the back of Avery's neck, and wet his hair, and parted it, and brushed it down hard till it stuck to the top of his head - all but about six hairs that stood straight up.  Avery put on clean underwear, clean blue jeans, and a clean shirt. Mr. Arable dressed, ate breakfast, and then went out and polished his truck. He had offered to drive everybody to the Fair, including Wilbur.


№.1 "That's some pig!" said Mrs. Arable.








1、 number of people or things, or an amount of something, when the exact number or amount is not stated


2、 a number of people or things or an amount of something, but not all


3、 a fairly large number of people or things or a fairly large amount of something


4、 used to mean a person or thing, when you do not know or say exactly which


5、 used when you are talking about a person or thing that you do not know, remember, or understand, or when you think it does not matter


6、 used, especially when you are annoyed, to mean someone or something has disappointed you by not behaving in the way you think they should




1、I need some apples for this recipe.


2、Some people believe in life after death.


3、It was some time before they managed to turn the alarm off.


4、Can you give me some idea of the cost? 


5、Some guy called for you while you were gone. 


6、You won't lend me the money? Some friend you are! 




1.and then some 而且还不止如此;至少


2.for some reason由于某种原因,不知怎么回事


3.in some respects在某些方面
















№.2 -The heat is too much for him.




【词组笔记】too much




too much 


在这个短语中,中心词是much, too修饰much,用来加强语气。 


(1)much作形容词时,too much可用在不可数名词前,表示太多。如: 


I drank too much wine last night. 






You have given me too much. 




You gave me too much of the paper. 




(3)作为副词短语,修饰动词性很强的过去分词。在正式的文体中用too much比用too好。如: 


I’m not too much bothered by his criticism. 






He talked too much. 






不能说:This one is too much big. 




不能说:The noise was too much. 


应改为:There was too much noise. 


much too




This one is much too big. 




You are going much too fast. 




(2)much一般不能放在too many或too few前。如, 


不能说:We’ve got much too many eggs and much too few eggcups. 


应改为:We’ve got far too many eggs and far too few eggcups


[ 此帖被逸清远在2012-08-20 13:39重新编辑 ]
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