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[Free Talk] 用中式思维组织的英语不都是中式英语

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等级: 热心会员
配偶: 芜楼
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2012-08-13 0
现在大家都知道”long time no see”是标准的中式英语,并已在英语世界中通用。但这种由中国人发明并获得认可与流行的中式英语毕竟是少数,大多数情况下我们还是要按英语的规矩来说英语。但是,这并不代表在英语中就没有与汉语的思维模式相同的表达习惯。请看以下耳熟能详的汉语表达:

  Protection money
  Get in by the back door
  Heaven knows
  Seven-year itch
  Grab the chance
  Move with times
  He’s my people
  Wouldn’t harm a hair
  老手 old hand
  开火 open fire
  夜校 night school
  冰冷 ice-cold
  肌肉男 muscleman
  午餐肉 lunch meat
  中间人 middle man
  问题儿童 problem children
  近乎完美 near perfect
  卷铺盖走人 pack one’s bags
  例句:Tell him if she doesn’t shake up, he can pack his bags. 告诉他要是还不振作起来的话,他可以卷铺盖走人了
  有个鸟用For the birds
  例句:Staying up late doing this kind of scheduling stuff is for the birds! 熬夜搞什么日程表有个鸟用!
  动某人一指头 lay a finger on someone
  例句:If you lay a finger on her, I’ll kill you! 你要是敢动她一指头,我就杀了你!
  隔墙有耳The walls have ears.
  趁热打铁Strike while the iron is hot.
  往伤口上撒盐Rub salt into a wound

  这种现象并不是偶然的,我相信即使是在其它不同语种之间,也存在着许多相同的表达方式,如果是同一语系,这种情况就会更加明显。我想其中的原因不外乎两个,一是任何一种语言对基本事物的定义一般没有差别,如山就是山,水就是水,放在哪种语言都一样,另外一个就是在概念的延伸过程中,也就是抽象概念的形成过程中,一般都需要借用比喻的方式,如果两种语言恰好是用同一种事物来进行比喻,那么在被比喻的事物上两种语言表达相似的可能性就很大。如上面的例句,英语中用”rub salt into a wound”来形容一个人接连遭遇不幸,中文中也恰好有类似的比喻,这样两者就统了一起来。但更多时候两种语言采取的是不同事物来进行比喻,如clam在英语中的基本词义是“蛤蜊”,因为蛤蜊的两个贝壳经常紧紧关闭,所以做动词的时候又被用来形容一个人“拒不开口”,但在汉语中就没有类似的用法,所以对中国的学生来说理解起来就比较困难。
  一、 更容易理解 因为两者意思相同,不用担心会产生歧义。
  二、 容易引起学习者的兴趣 学外语兴趣很重要,许多人学着学着就失去了兴趣是因为感觉太难。从中英文的相同之处入手,难度小,有利于培养兴趣。
  三、 可以进一步扩展词汇的用法 如play dead这个短语的意思是“装死”,从中我们可以理解play除了“玩耍”的意思之外,还有假装的意思,进而学会play dumb(装聋作哑),play the fool(装傻)等等新的表达方式。再比如,“责任感”在英语中表达为sense of responsibility, 我们了解到“sense of sth”这个结构可以用来表达汉语中的“…感”这个意思,进而学会sense of humor(幽默感), sense of direction(方向感)等等新的表达方式。
  四、 有助于进一步掌握英语的思维方式及一些语法知识。英语中有些表达方式虽然与对应的汉语在意思上基本相同,但在用词以及结构上多多少少还会有些差别,通过与与汉语进行对比,就有助于我们了解英语区别于汉语的思维及组织方式。比如下面这个句子:
  Well, go and ask him if he can help you-he won’t bite!
  句子中的he won’t bite 相当于汉语中的“他不咬人”或“他吃不了你”,在汉语中是需要加一个“人”字或“你”字做宾语的,而在英语中则不需要,注意到这个差别后,你就可以把它作为英语中一个特有的现象来理解,如: The pen doesn’t write(这支笔不出水),Those glasses break easily(那些玻璃很容易打碎), This travel guides read well(这些旅游指南很容易看懂)。

  No one is above the law in America.
  这个句子中的above the law可以翻译成中文的“凌驾于法律之上”,汉语中需要用“凌驾”这个动词+介词结构,而在英语中则没有用动词,只用了一个介词结构,这也反映了英语的另一个特点,就是可以用介词代替一些汉语中的动词,由此我们就可以理解下面的表达方式在英语中不需要加动词:
  1、 I’m on a diet. 我在节食。
  2、 Who is the lady in white? 穿白衣服的那位小姐是谁?
  3、 I was in the shower. 我在冲凉
  4、 I’m behind you. 我支持你
  Kids are being brainwashed by the people who make these toy commercials.
  吹泡泡Blow bubble
  有个鸟用For the birds
  Staying up late doing this kind of scheduling stuff is for the birds! 熬夜搞什么日程表有个鸟用!
  他不咬人He won’t bite
  Well, go and ask him if he can help you-he won’t bite! 去问问他是否可以帮忙,他不咬人!
  男孩就是男孩Boys will be boys
  凌驾于法律之上Above the law
  No one is above the law in America. 在美国没有人能凌驾于法律之上
  接受现实Accept the fact
  It’s hard to accept the fact that she’s left me. 她离我而去,我很难接受这个现实
  火上浇油Add fuel to the fire
  Threats will only add fuel to the fire. 威胁只会火上浇油

  承认失败Admit defeat
  He refused to admit defeat. 他拒绝承认失败
  从不同角度From a different angle
  Try approaching the problem from a different angle 试着从不同角度解决这个问题
  走后门Get in by the back door
  Failing to pass the examinations for admission to college, he had to get in by the back door. 没考上大学,他不得不走后门
  生我养我 born and raised
  I was born and raised in Alabama. Alabama是生我养我的地方
  天生富贵 born into wealth
  He was born into wealth 他天生富贵
  Born leader 天生的领袖

  囊中之物 in the bag
  He was 6-2 ahead in the eighth frame, and figured the game was in the bag. 打到第八局的时候他6-2领先,心想胜利已是囊中之物
  卷铺盖走人 pack one’s bags
  Tell him if she doesn’t shake up, he can pack his bags. 告诉他要是还不振作起来的话,他可以卷铺盖走人了
  眼袋bag of eyes
  赤手空拳 bare hands
  They’ll fight with their bare hands to protect their homeland. 他们要赤手空拳保家卫国
  青一块紫一块 black and blue
  He was beaten black and blue. 他被打得青一块紫一块
  不敢相信自己的耳朵 can’t believe one’s ears
  I couldn’t believe my ears when she told me the cheapest flight was $1000! 她告诉最便宜的航班是1000元的时候,我简直不敢相信自己的耳朵

  打破纪录 break the record
  Collins retired after she broke the world record. 打破世界纪录后Collins就退役了
  做梦去吧 in your dreams
  -I can beat you.
  –Yeah, In your dreams -我能击败你。-做梦去吧!
  面对面 face to face
  I’ve never met her face to face. 我从来没有面对面碰到过她
  Lose face 丢面子
  当面说 say to one’s face
  I’d never say it to her face, but her hair looks terrible. 我不会当她面说,但她的头发实在太糟糕了
  面对现实 face facts
  We have to face facts. 我们必须面对现实
  Face value 面值
  决定因素 deciding factor
  We liked both cars, but in the end the deciding factor was the price. 两辆车我们都喜欢,但最后决定因素是价格
  落入手中 fall into one’s hands
  Somehow, the plans fell into the hands of an enemy spy. 不知怎么,计划落入了敌方间谍手中
  Open fire! 开火
  冻结财产 freeze assets
  The court issued an order freezing the company’s assets temporarily. 法庭签署命令,暂时冻结这家公司的财产
  冻得要死It freezes to death.
  新鲜出炉 fresh out of the oven
  The cookies are fresh out of the oven. 这批曲奇新鲜出炉
  新鲜血液fresh blood
  吓得要死frightened to death
  劳动成果 fruits of labors
  Bruce is holding a CD release party to celebrate the fruits of his labors. Bruce要搞个发片会来庆祝他的劳动成果
  自满 full of oneself
  Tom is just so full of himself. Tom这人很自满
  Grab the chance 抓住机会
  开绿灯 give the green light
  The board just gave us the green light to begin research 董事会开了绿灯,让我们展开调查
  不会动一根毫毛wouldn’t harm a hair
  Our dog wouldn’t harm a hair on little Ron’s head. 我们的狗不会劝小瑞恩一根毫毛的
  汗毛直竖 hair stand on end
  The thought of a lawsuit was enough to make his hair stand on end. 一想到要打官司他就吓得汗毛直竖
  Half-asleep 半梦半醒
  Half-hearted 半心半意
  需要人手 need hands
  We need more hands. 我们需要更多人手
  一手牌A hand of cards
  绑住了手脚 tie one’s hand and foot
  We’re tied hand and foot by all these safety regulations. 我们被这些安全措施绑住了手脚
  老手 old hand
  She is an old hand at bluffing people. 她是忽悠人的老手
  头儿 head
  He is our head 他是我们的头儿
  从头到脚 from head to foot
  The kids were covered head to foot in mud. 孩子们从到脚都沾满了泥
  The wine went straight to my head. 酒直冲头
  金子般的心 a heart of gold
  Walter is a tough guy with a heart of gold. Walter是个硬汉,但有一颗金子般的心
  天知道 heaven knows
  Heaven knows what the true unemployment rate is. 天知道失业率有多高!
  达到新的高度 reach new heights
  Jones has reached new heights in the world of music. 在音乐领域Jones达到了新的高度
  没什么可隐瞒的 have nothing to hide
  He denied the charges against him and said he had nothing to hide.他否认了对他指控说他没什么可隐瞒的
  创造了历史 make history
  Lindbergh made history when he flew across the Atlantic in 1927. 1927飞跃大西洋的时候,Lindbergh创造了历史
  要是我是你 if I were you
  If I were you, I’d sell that car. 要是我是你,我就把那辆车卖了
  损害形象 hurt one’s image
  This latest scandal has severely hurt his image as a leader. 新近发生的丑闻严重损害了他作为一个领导人的形象
  提升形象 improve one’s image
  The company needs to improve its image among young people. 公司需要提升在年轻人心目中的形象
  得寸进尺Give sb an inch and they’ll take a mile
  伤自尊Injure sb’s pride
  苦笑不得 laugh or cry
  When the whole cake fell off the table, I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. 蛋糕掉到桌子下面,我是苦笑不得
  当某人面笑话 laugh at one’s face
  I confronted my daughter, but she just laughed at my face. 我去找女儿谈,她却当面笑我。
  背后笑话某人 laugh behind one’s back
  He’s the kind of person who laughs at people behind their backs. 他是那种会背后嘲笑别人的人
  你要是敢动某人一指头 if you lay a finger on someone
  If you lay a finger on her, I’ll kill you! 你要是敢动她一指头,我就杀了你!
  提高嗓门lift one’s voice.
  最薄弱的环节 weak link
  The 26-year-old forward has been criticized as the team’s weak link. 这个26岁的前锋被批评为队里最薄弱的环节
  小人物 little people
  The real victims of the bank failure will be the little people. 银行倒毙真正的受害者应该是那些小人物
  看谁来了!Look who’s here !
  你看你! look at you!
  看看都干了些什么! look what’ve done!
  上下打量 look sb up and down
  跑马拉松Run the marathon
  这不是开玩笑的事It’s no laughing matter.
  只是时间问题It’s just a matter of time.
  运气问题A matter of luck
  越多越热闹the more the merrier
  与时俱进move with times.
  拉伤肌肉 pull a muscle
  I think I’ve just pulled a muscle. 我想我刚才拉伤了肌肉
  我不得不承认I must admit.

  近乎完美Near perfect
  钢铁般的神经 nerves of steel
  You need nerves of steel to be a race-car driver. 要成为一个赛车手,你得有钢铁般的神经
  看在过去的情分上for old time’s sake
  开火 0pen fire
  敞开心扉open your heart
  我欠你个人情 I owe you a favor.
  历史新的一页a new page in history
  在某人的手掌心里 in the palm of one’s hand
  She’s got the whole committee in the palm of her hand. 她把整个委员会都掌控在手掌心里
  为…铺平道路pave the way for
  付出代价pay the price
  他是我的人He’s my people
  装死Play dead
  装聋作哑Play dumb
  装傻Play the fool
  玩火Play with fire
  玩文字游戏Play with words
  保持低调keep a low profile
  证明你自己Prove yourself
  证实你是清白的Prove yourself innocent
  与时间赛跑A race against time
  我无法抵挡诱惑I can’t resist the temptation.
  恢复听力Restore one’s hearing
  He underwent an operation to restore his hearing. 他动了个手术以恢复听力
  时机成熟了The time is ripe.
  问题的根本The root of the problem
  往伤口上撒盐Rub salt into a wound
  平安归来 safe return
  他们乞讨父亲平安归来They prayed for their father’s safe return.
  满足好奇心Satisfy one’s curiosity
  Magazines like this satisfy people’s curiosity about celebrities’ lives. 这样的杂志就是用来满足人们对名人生活的好奇心
  满足欲望Satisfy desire
  留座Save seat
  We’ll save you a seat. 我们会给你留个座
  留下永久的伤疤 leave permanent scars
  Divorce can leave permanent scars on a child. 离婚会给孩子留下永久的伤痕
  庭外和解 Settle out of court
  也许他们希望庭外和解Maybe they’ll be willing to settle out of court.
  羞愧地低下了头Bow your head in shame
  厚颜无耻Have no shame
  在脑海里成型 take shape in his mind
  An idea was beginning to take shape in his mind. 一个主意开始在他的脑海里成型
  眼尖Have sharp eyes
  推卸责任Shift responsibility
  转移注意力 shift one’s attention away from
  The white house hopes this success will shift the media’s attention away from foreign policy issues 白宫希望这次胜利能够将媒体的注意力外交政府上转移开来
  投篮Shoot baskets
  从何时开始Since when
  Since when are you in charge around here? 从何时开始这儿你说了算了?
  擦不出火花There is no spark
  He is a really nice guy, but there’s just no spark. 他确实是个好人,但就是擦不出火花
  Generally speaking 一般来说
  Speak with one voice 一个声音说话
  眼冒金星 see stars
  I had bumped my head so hard and I began to see stars. 我的头被狠狠撞了一下,开始眼冒金星
  留下来吃饭Stay for dinner
  我们让他留下来吃饭We asked him to stay for dinner.
  留下来过夜 stay the night
  要是你愿意的话可以留下来过夜You can stay the night if you want
  偷看一眼Steal a look
  吻一下Steal a kiss 偷
  抢了风头Steal his thunder
  偷走了她的心Steal her heart
  空腹 on an empty stomach
  You shouldn’t take the pills on an empty stomach. 你不应该空腹吃药
  反胃 turn one’s tomach
  The pictures of the starving people were enough to turn my stomach. 照片上的人饿得瘦骨嶙峋,让我反胃
  长话短说To make a long story short
  他连…的力气都没有了 barely have the strength to
  He barely had the strength to lift the fork. 他连举起叉子的力气都没有
  趁热打铁Strike while the iron is hot.
  发动空袭 launch air strike
  The country is threatening to launch air strike against its neighbors. 这个国家威胁说要对它的邻国发动空袭
  那不是某人的风格 it’s not one’s style
  She would never lie like that- it’s not her style. 她不会撒这样的谎,那不是她的风格
  转移话题Change the subject
  Chris quickly changed the subject when I asked him about his grades. 我一问到他的成绩,他就赶快转移话题
  采取拖延战术 use delaying tactics
  Republican accuses Democrats of using delaying tactics to prevent a final vote on the bill. 共和党指责民主党在投票表决议案这个问题上采取了拖延战术
  夹尾巴With your tail between your legs.
  泼冷水Throw cold water on something
  浪费时间 waste time
  Stop wasting time- we need to get this finished. 别浪费时间了,我们得把活干完
  持久和平 lasting peace
  Only time will tell if this agreement will bring a lasting peace. 只有时间才能告诉我们这份协议是否能带来持久的和平
  时间就是金钱Time is money.
  时光飞逝Time flies.
  步入正轨 on the right track
  Over half the country thinks the economy is on the right track 超过一半的人认为经济已步入正确的轨道
  脱离轨道 get off track
  Sixty percent of those polled said the country has gone off track. 60%的人投票认为这个国家已脱离了轨道
  移情别恋transfer one’s affection
  权力交接Transfer of power
  落入陷阱 fall into one’s trap
  Hopefully, the thief will fall right into our trap. 希望这个盗贼正好掉入我们的陷阱
  你是自找麻烦You’re asking for trouble.
  不麻烦It’s no trouble
  走调 Out of tune
  双仞剑 Two-edged sword
  The policy is a two-edged sword-it saves money but angers staff. 这个政策是个双刃剑,虽然省了钱,但却得罪了员工
  扮演重要的角色play an important role
  我等不及了I can’t wait
  等着看 wait and see
  I don’t know what his decision will be- we’ll have to wait and see 不知道他会做出什么决定,等着看吧!
  值得期待 be worth waiting for
  Tuesday night’s Boston-Chicago game was worth waiting for. 周二晚上的比赛值得期待
  还等什么? What are you waiting for?
  What are you waiting for? Ask her out on a date. 你还等什么?约她出去啊!
  你就等着吧! Just you wait
  It’ll be a huge success. Just you wait. 肯定会大获成功,你就等着瞧吧!
  Walk the dog 溜狗
  隔墙有耳The walls have ears.
  Biological clock 生物钟
  Blackhead 黑头
  Blacklist 黑名单
  Black hole黑洞
  Black humor黑色幽默
  Black market黑市
  Birth father/mother 生父/母
  Blood pressure 血压
  Blood type 血型
  Body search 搜身
  Box lunch 盒饭
  Bullfight 斗牛
  Bullfrog 牛蛙
  Bull market 牛市
  Bubble bath 泡泡浴
  Personality clash 个性冲突
  Clearance sale 清仓甩卖
  Pure coincidence 纯属巧合
  Living conditions 生活条件
  Living standard 生活水准
  Conflict of interest 利益冲突
  Convenience store 便利店
  Language Barrier 语言障碍
  Basic salary 基本工资
  Front desk 前台
  Flea market 跳蚤市场
  Forbidden fruit禁果
  Generation gap 代沟
  Green card 绿卡
  Jump rope 跳绳
  Legal age 法定年龄
  Light year 光年
  Lunch meat 午餐肉
  Mad cow disease 疯牛病
  Mainstream 主流
  Labor market 劳动力市场
  Measuring cup 量杯
  Muscleman 肌肉男
  pace of life 生活节奏
  Paper tiger 纸老虎
  Positive attitude 积极的态度
  Poverty line. 贫困线
  Sexual prejudice 性别歧视
  Protection money 保护费
  Push cart 推车
  Roadblock 路障
  Blood sample 血样
  Sanitary napkin卫生巾
  Secret weapon 秘密武器
  seven-year itch 七年之痒
  Sister city 姐妹城市
  Sky blue 天蓝色
  Sleeping bag 睡袋
  Smoke bomb 烟幕弹
  Snow man 雪人
  Snow-white 雪白
  Soap opera 肥皂剧
  Sound card 声卡
  Sound effects 音效
  Special effect 特效
  State of emergency 紧急状态
  Fish tank 鱼缸
  Turning point 转折点
  Street vendor 街头小贩
  Wedding ring 结婚戒指
  Tip of the iceberg 冰山一角
  Handbook 手册
  Handbrake 手刹
  Handcart 手推车
  Handgun 手熗
  Handmade 手工制造
  Shower head. 淋浴头
  Head hunter 猎头
  A heart of stone 铁石心肠
  High speed 高速
  High quality 高质量
  High blood pressure 高血压
  High jump 跳高
  Ice-cold 冰冷
  Ice cube 冰块
  Iced tea 冰茶
  Ice water 冰水
  Middle man 中间人
  Big mouth 大嘴巴
  negotiating table 谈判桌
  Night life 夜生活
  Night school 夜校
  Night shift 夜班
  Open secret 公开的秘密
  Open your heart 敞开心扉
  Open letter 公开信
  Pen name 笔名
  Pen pal 笔友
  problem child 问题儿童
  Public figure 公众人物
  Public holiday 公共假期
  Public servant 公务员
  Sense of responsibility 责任感
  Sense of humor 幽默感
  Sense of direction方向感
  Self-confident 自信
  Self-control 自控
  Self-discipline 自律
  Self-help 自助
  Self-taught 自学
  Sensitive subject 敏感话题
  Service charge 服务费
  Day/night shift 白/夜班
  Shopping bag 购物袋
  Shopping cart 购物车
  Shopping center 购物中心
  Shoulder bag 肩包
  Sick bed 病床
  Slow song 慢歌
  Slow lane 慢车道
  Slow motion 慢动作
  Team spirit 团队精神
  Fighting spirit 斗志
  Split personality 分裂的人格
  Summer camp 夏令营
  Swimming cap 泳帽
  Swimming pool 泳池
  Time bomb 定时炸弹
  trail of blood 血迹
  Ugly duckling 丑小鸭
  Wall flower 壁花
  Wall paper 壁纸


本帖最近评分记录: 1 条评分 派派币 +10
  • 朝舞.。

    派派币 +10 2015-03-19




等级: 派派贵宾
配偶: 青梅暖酒
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2012-08-13 0
I like this topic.

I believe English and Chinese are connected with each other to some extent.


jifen  goule

qiutuijian   qiuxunzhang!!!



等级: 内阁元老
配偶: 竹伊哝哝
举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2012-08-13 0
Lou zhu is a big shou.


ni  qu  shi

wode  jifen  goule

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