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[English Note] 江苏教材七年级英语全程跟踪测试(连载)

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等级: 派派新人
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2011-10-29 0
扫描仪不给力,有错误各位亲别怪偶啊!偶很认真的出卷子的!(先从Unit 2发起,Unit 1有些技术上的小问题,稍后补上)
                                                    牛津 7A Unit 2 My day 全程跟踪阶段测试
I. 词汇。(每小题1分,共20分)
1. T________ is the third day of the week.
2. Do you read n________ after supper?
3. They make m________ ships at weekends.
4. When do you go to s________ every night?
5. I don't have much h________ to do at my school.
1. How many ________ (图书馆) are there in the city?
2. Do you often ________ (聊天)with your parents?
3. They spend about an hour________ (读) English every day.
4. We play football after school on ________ (星期五).
5. I the morning,we do morning ________ (锻炼) first.
1. I like ________ (swim), but I'm not a good ________.
2. Is it time for us ________ (have) breakfast?
3. Amy often spends half an hour ________ (watch) TV.
4. Some of us don't know how ________ (study).
5. There are many nice ________ (people) in my new class.
each other, more than, chat with, have fun, twice a day
1. We do eye exercises at school _________.
2. He _________ his fiends on the Internet every Saturday.
3. We must learn from _________.
4. The students often _________ with their PE teacher.
5. My grandmother is seventy years old.
II. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共10分)
Jack想挑战下面的单项选择题. 你也来试试吧。
1. There are _____ after-school activities at my school.
A. more than                B. lots of            C. a lot                    D. much
2. Do you have _____ every day?
A. many homework        B. much homework    C. some homework        D. a homework
3. -What do you often do at home? -I often _____ comic books and _____ model planes.
A. look at, do            B. see, play with        C. read, make            D. watch, do
4. Simon is sleeping. Don't _____.
A. wake up him            B. wake him up        C. to wake up him        D. to wake him up
5. What _____ people _____ every day?
A. does, do                B. are, do            C. do, do                    D. is, does
6. Millie and Amy get up _____6: 00 _____the morning.
A. at, in                    B. in, in                C. at, on                    D. in, at
7. -_____ do you watch? -I watch TV in the evening.
A. How                    B. What                C. How long                D. When
8. Millie sometimes plays games _____.
A. at lunch                B. at the lunch        C. at the lunchtime        D. at lunchtime
9. I want _____ now, Eddie.
A. play volleyball            B. to play volleyball    C. play the volleyball        D. to play the volleyball
10. Helen, with her friends, _____ shopping every afternoon.
A. go                    B. goes                C. is go                    D. are going
III. 句型转换。(每小题2分,共20分)
Kitty 在做一些句型转换的综习题,她做得非常好。你也来试吧。
1. My brother likes music. (改为一般疑问句)
_______ your brother _______ music?
2. The school day starts at 8.00 in the morning. (改为否定句)
The school day _______   _______ at 8.00 in the morning.
3. Millie’s lessons begin at 8:30 every morning. (对划线部分提问)
_______  _______  _______Millie's lessons _______ every morning?
4. My cousin likes reading books. (对划线部分提问)
_______  _______ your cousin like _______?
5. Do you have a good time at the party? (作肯定回答)
_______, _______  _______.
1. My new classmates are all nice to me
All my new classmates are ________ to me.
2. It's time for supper.
It's time ________  ________  ________.
3. My favourite lesson is English.
I ________ English ________ of all the lessons.
4. We always have a good time at school.
We always have ________ at school.
5. My father also likes football.
My father likes ________football, ________.
IV 完成句子。(每小题1分,共5分)
1. 丹尼尔喜欢听收音机。
Daniel ________  ________ to the radio.
2. 我不知道如何发电子邮件。
I don't know how ________  ________ e-mails.
3 艾米经常打羽毛球吗?
________ Amy often ________ badminton?
4. 我们不应该看太多的电视。
We shouldn't watch ________  ________ TV.
5 吉姆是游泳俱乐部的一名成员。
Jim is a ________  ________ the Swimming Club.
V. 情景对话。 (每小题1分,共5分)
A. Good idea.
B. Yes, it is.
C. Is Mr Wang your English teacher?
D. Who's your headmaster?
E. Yes, I do.

A: Our new school is very big, isn't it?
B: 1
A: Our headmaster is Mr Wang. 2
B: It's Miss Zhao. She's also our English teacher. 3
A: No, he is our Maths teacher. Look! There is a swimming pool over there. Do you like swimming?
B: 4  I'm a member of the Swimming Club in our school.
A: What about going swimming together tomorrow afternoon?
B: 5
VI. 完形填空。(每小题1分,共 10分)
I am an American girl. My name is Alice Brown. I am thirteen. I go to school 1 Monday to Friday. We 2 have classes on Saturday and Sunday. My parents 3 teachers. They 4 China is great.
I like 5. My favourite lesson is Chinese. My favourite teacher is Miss Zhao. She teaches 6 Chinese. I like football best. I like Monday 7. We have two Chinese classes on Monday. I always read books 8 the school library.
Lin Tao and I 9 good friends. He is a Chinese boy. We are in the same class. We always 10 together, and we learn from each other.
1. A. to                    B. on                C. in                        D. from.
2. A. doesn't                B. don't                C. isn’t                    D. aren't
3. A. is                    B. am                C. are                    D. do
4. A. say                    B. says                C. saying                D. to say
5. A. read                B. reads                C. reading                D. to read
6. A. we                    B. our                C. ours                    D. us
7. A. and                B. because            C. but                    D. so
8. A. at                    B. on                C. to                    D. for
9. A. am                    B. is                    C. are                    D. be
10. A. studies            B. study                C. to study                D. studying
VII. 阅读理解。 (每小题2分,共20分)
Kitty is an American girl. She lives in a tall building in New York. There are 16 floors in the building. She lives on the eleventh floor. So she uses a lift (电梯) to go up and down.
Kitty studies in a middle school near her house. She studies very hard. She goes to school early. Every day she leaves her home at 6.30 a.m. There is a bus stop near her home. Usually she takes the No. 16 bus to her school, but sometimes she goes to school on foot. She gets to school at about 7.30 a.m. Classes begin at 8.00 a.m. She gets home at 5.15 p.m. She begins to do her homework at 8.00 Fm. and finishes it at 9.30 p.m.
1. Kitty lives on the _____ floor in the building.
A. 11th                        B. l2th                C. 10th                D. l6th
2. She goes up and down the building _____.
A. on foot                    B. in lift                C. by bike            D. with a ladder
3. She goes to school _____.
A. by bus                    B. by bike            C. on foot            D. A and C
4. She leaves _____ at six thirty.
A. the building                B. her home            C. the lift            D. the bus stop
5. It takes her _____ to do her homework.
A. about an hour                                    B. about two hours and a half
C. one hour and a half                            D. eight minutes
Liu Ying is a school girl. She's twelve this year. She lives in Shanghai. She studies at No. 2 Middle School. She gets up at half past five every day. She has her breakfast at seven. After that, she goes to school with her good friends. They have four lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon. In the evening she does her homework at home, but she often watches TV on Saturday evening. She likes drawing. She also likes reading story books. Now she is reading an English book in the reading room. The name of the book is On Computer.
Liu Ying is a student. She lives in Shanghai and_____ at No. 2 Middle School. Every day she gets up very _____. _____ breakfast, she _____ to school. She _____ to school every day. She often does her homework at home. She_____ very much, and she can draw very well. She also likes ______. Now she is reading in the reading room. There is a book _____ her hands. Its _____ is On Computer.
I'm Jessica. I'm 13. I'm a middle school student. Every day I have a lot of things to do. On Monday I have school assembly in the Assembly Hall. On Tuesday I play tennis with my best friend, Mary. On Wednesday I, with all the boys play football together in the afternoon. On Thursday I watch cartoons(卡通片)on TV in the evening. On Friday, I go to the museum after school I'm very busy, but I love my school and friends.
Day    Activities
Monday    1.
Tuesday    2.
Wednesday    3.
Thursday    4.
Friday    5.
1. 在南京一中上学;
2. 6:00起床,7:00上学;
3. 上午上四节课,下午上两节课。在学校吃午饭,饭后喜欢散步;
4. 下午4:30后与同学打篮球,然后回家;
5. 每晚花一个小时做作业;
6. 9:30左右睡觉。
Dear Simon,
Thank you for writing to me. I want to tell you something about my school life.
Zhu Fei

I. 词汇。(每小题1分,共 15分)
1. My f_______ lessons are English and Maths.
2. We can borrow books from the l_______.
3. The p_______ of that MP4 is too high. I don't have enough money.
4. My brother s_______ lots of time on sports every day.
5 After school, the teachers often give us some h_______ to do.
1. Maybe he needs _______ (read) English more.
2. My sister practises _______ (dance) in her free time.
3. He often spends much time _______ (make) kites.
4. After class, we often learn _______ English. (speak)
5. Some students don't know how _______ that in English. (say)
is, fun, each other, get up, would like, not tall
1. I _______ to go to the shop with you.
2. Does Li Kai usually _______at 6.20 in the morning?
3. We often help _______.
4. Do you think it _______ to play badminton?
5. He is _______ to get the apples on the tree.
II. 单项选择。(每小题1分;共15分)
1. Thank you _____ me so much.
A. help                    B. for helping            C. to help            D. helping
2. My parents spend two hours _____ TV every day.
A. to watch                B. watching                C. watch                D. watches
3. I can't _____ my sweater. Can you help me?
A. look                    B. look for                C. find                D. find out
4. The twins often _____ snacks _____the shop after school.
A. borrow, for            B. buy, from                C. buy, to            D. give, to
5. After school, I _____ Lin Tao and go home together.
A. meet up                B, meet up with            C. meet on with        D. meet on
6. Lucy is always helpful, and all _____ friends like her.
A. she                    B. her                    C. hers                D. his
7. Do you know the answer _____ the question?
A. to                    B. in                        C. at                D. of
8. I have _____ things to do at school.
A. lot                    B. a lot                    C. many                D. much
9. _____ students in the Assembly Hall are having an Art lesson.
A. Others                B. The others            C. Other            D. Another
10. Excuse me. _____do you say that in English?
A. How                    B. Who                    C. What                D. Where
11. I'm sorry. I forget _____ my homework here.
A. to bring                B. bring                    C. taking            D. to take
12. Tom says _____ to his parents before he goes to bed.
A. Good night            B. Goodbye                C. Good evening        D. Good morning
13. -_____ I open the window, Mum? -No, you _____. It's cold outside.
A. Can; can't                B. Can; don't                C. Don't; can't        D. Can't; can
14. -_____ the boys _____ the party? -Yes, they _____.
A. Do, enjoying; do        B. Does, enjoy; does        C. Do, enjoy; do        D. Do, enjoy; does
15. -I like talking on the phone with my classmates. -______
A. So do I                B. You are right            C. Yes, I do            D. So, I do
III. 句型转换。(每小题2分,共20分)
1. It's time for lunch now.
It's time _______  _______ lunch now.
2. How do you like this kind of MP4?
_______  _______ you _______  _______ this kind of MP4?
3. His birthday is 3rd October.
He _______  _______ on 3rd October.
4. I do my homework for about an hour every day.
I _______ about an hour every day _______ my homework.
5. My mother often takes her dog for a walk.
My mother often _______  _______  _______.
1. Li Kai likes swimming. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)
_______ Li Kai _______ swimming?
Yes, he _______.
2. They don’t go to school on Sunday.(改为单数句)
He _______  _______ to school on Sunday.
3. There are some flowers on the teacher's desk. (改为否定句)
There _______  _______ flowers on the teacher's desk.
4. Gao Kun often reads newspapers in the evening. (对划线部分提问)
_______  _______ Gao Kun often _______ in the evening.
5. My friend Amy goes to the Reading Club twice a week. (对划线部分提问)
_______  _______ does your friend Amy go to the Reading Club?
IV. 翻译句子。(每小题3分,共15分)
1. 请叫醒他,该起床了。
Please _______  _______  _______. It's time _______  _______  _______.
2. 学生们都在期盼着下星期去动物园看动物。
The students are all _______  _______  _______  _______ the animals in the zoo next week.
3. 他不够强壮,搬不动那个箱子。
He isn't _______  _______  _______ carry that box.
4. 我不喜欢弹钢琴和做家庭作业,因为它们花太长的时间。
I dislike ______  ______ piano and ______ homework, because they take ______  ______.
5 有些人不知道如何获得乐趣。
Some people don't know _______  _______  _______  _______.
V. 改错。 (每小题1分,共10分)
1. Do you often late for school?
2. Do you like watching too many TV?
3. At Mondays and Thursdays, I play football with my friends.
4. It isn't good of you to play computer games.
5. The children are interested in the interested stories.
6. Lucy spends lots of money to buy books.
7. Miss Gao is reading now. We must listen her.
8. Let me helps you with your English.
9. Her father is good at 6sh.
10. My cousin enjoys play computer games.
VI. 完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)
Dear Rose,
I'm so happy to read your letter. In your letter you say that your school is very 1 and you like it. That's great! I like my school, 2, 3 it is very quiet and clean.
My best friend is Tom. He is a 4 boy and we always have a good time together. I like playing tennis, and he 5 playing basketball. We 6 like playing baseball, so we always play baseball together 7 school.
In your letter you say that Chinese is your favourite lesson, 8 I don't know any Chinese words. I go to the Computer Club every Friday evening. I think it helps me 9 my study.
I hope I can 10 you soon.
Best wishes
1. A. kind                B. big                C. dirty                    D. happy
2. A. also                B. too                C. either                D. to
3. A. so                    B. however            C. because                D. for
4. A. bad                B. funny                C. better                D. more
5. A. likes                B. like                C. love                    D. enjoy
6. A. both                B. either            C. not                    D. or
7. A. on                    B. to                C. after                    D. of
8. A. but                B. so                C. and                    D. or
9. A. for                    B. to                C. with                    D. behind
10. A. see                B. look after            C. look at                D. watch
VII. 阅读理解。(每小题2分,共20分)
Han Mei is a middle school student. She likes English very much and she is good at it. She often tells her parents about her English study. Now she is talking with her father about it again. Han Mei says, 'Look, Dad! This is our English book. There are a lot of interesting stories in it.' 'Mum, not bad. Do you speak English only in class? Does your teacher explain (解释) everything to you in Chinese?
'Oh no! We speak English most of the time after class, too! Our teacher speaks to us mostly(大都) in English. Sometimes it's not easy for us to understand her. But she says listening and speaking can help us a lot.
'I think she is right. Does she speak English very slowly? ''Sometimes if we don't understand her, she has to say it again.' 'It's interesting to study English, isn't it?' 'Yes, it is. And I'm going to work hard at it in the new school year. I'm going to do my best. '
1. Han Mei _____ in a secondary school.
A. study                    B. is studying        C. studying                D. to study
2. Han Mei is studying English, and she _____ English very much.
A. loves                    B. dislikes            C. hates                    D. isn't good at
3. There are _____ interesting stories in the English book.
A. two                    B. no                C. many                    D. few
4. Han Mei is talking about her _____ study with her father.
A. Maths                B. English            C. Chinese                D. music
5. Han Mei's English teacher is
A. a man                    B. good                C. lazy                    D. ill
Some people say they never dream(做梦). But that is not true (真的). Everybody has dreams, but some people just have a better memory than others. Every one and a half hours in the whole night we enjoy our free time in our dreams-we can forget the behaviour (行为) of the day and we are free to act in almost any way we like. Things from our past and things from now come together. But as soon as we wake up, the dream is gone, and the more we try to remember(记住) the things in the dream, the more we forget.
'I had a dream last night. I must tell you about it. I was in my old school, but it wasn't a school. It was a kind of a …err… I really don't know what it was. I forget it.'
So, why do we dream? Are dreams important? The experts (专家) tell us that they are important, because they can help us get ready for the problems (问题) of everyday life. The things in our dreams have meanings. They can help us to understand ourselves.
1. Why do some people say that they never dream?
A. Because they wouldn't like to tell the truth (事实).    B. Because they forget all their dreams.
C. Because they cannot enjoy their free time.            D. Because they don't like dreaming.
2. Which is true according to the passage?
A. We are free to do what we like in our dreams.        B. We forget little when we wake up.
C. We enjoy-our dreams all the time.                    D. We can remember every dream.
3. What is the function (作用) of the second paragraph (段落)?
A. To give an example (例子) that everybody dreams.
B. To show (表明) that the passage is interesting.
C. To show that we can forget our dreams easily.
D. To show dreams are important.
4. What does the underlined (划线的) word 'they' mean?
A. Problems.                B. Experts.                    C. Dreams.        D. Bebaviour.
5. According to the experts, dreams ______
A. may be bad or everyone                            B. will have meanings for money
C. can help us get ready for the problems                D. will help us work
VIII. 书面表达。(15分)
请根据下列要点提示,写一篇短文,介绍你的朋友苏杭一天的活动情况。50 词左右。
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本帖最近评分记录: 4 条评分 派派币 +35


等级: 派派贵宾
配偶: 青梅暖酒
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2011-10-29 0
Thanks for your sharing.

BTW, Do you have the answer? If we know the correct answer, I think it would be more useful.


等级: 派派新人
举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2011-10-29 0
牛津 7A Unit 3 Let's celebrate阶段测试卷
I. 词汇。(每小题1分,共20分)
1. On June 1, children all wear new clothes to _______ (庆祝) their own day.
2. In that restaurant, we can eat some _______ (特别的) Chinese food.
3 Some people also make _______  (灯笼) out of big pumpkins.
4 Every country has some important _______ (节日).
5. The film is very _______ (精彩的). Everyone likes it.
6. On New Year's Eve, children can get lots of red packets with _______ (钱)in them.
7 What time doe Anna _______ (完成)her homework every day?
8. Let's _______ (叫) the cat Mimi, OK?
9. At Halloween children knock on their _______ (邻居的) doors and shout ‘trick or treat'.
10. Chinese New Year usually comes in _______ (一月)or February.
1. Sandy was born _______ December20th, 1999.
2. Is it time _______ breakfast?
3. His father is coming back _______ afternoon of October 2nd.
4. Uncle Bob visits his family _______ Easter  (复活节).
5. We have PE classes _______ Monday and Thursday.
6. She came to China _______ the age of five.
7. We have 4 classes _______ the morning.
8. Someone is knocking _______ the door.
9. The next Olympic Games will be held in Beijing _______ 2008.
10. We often go to school _______ 6.45.
II 单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分)
1. The children live _____305 Xinhua Road and they play volleyball _____ every Sunday afternoon.
A. on, on                    B. at, in                    C. on, /                    D. at, /
2. - _____ he work hard at his lessons? -_____, he _____ very hard.
A. Does; Yes, works        B. Doesn't; No, works.    C. Does; No, works        D. Do; Yes, works
3. Look at _____ sun! It's _____ fine day for walk.
A. the; the, the            B. the; a, a                C. a; the, the            D. a; a, a
4. -_____ are your shoes? -The black and white ones.
A. Where                B. What colour            C. What                    D. Which
5. His uncle usually _____to work _____ the red car.
A. goes, in                B. goes, with                C. go, by                    D. go, on
6. They had a party _____ the evening _____ October 1.
A. in, on                    B. on, in                    C. on, of                    D. on, in
7. Thank you _____.
A. for you help            B. fur helping me            C. Helping me            D. to help
8. -Where s your homework? -I'm sorry. I forget _____ my homework to school
A. to bring                B. bringing                C. to take                D. taking
9. It is time to _____ badminton..
A. play                    B. plays                    C. playing                D. played
10. -Could you _____ me _____ ? I’m very thirsty.-Certainly.
A. take, any water        B. take, some water        C. bring, some water        D. bring, any water
11 -Where is Kate? -She _____ in her room.
A. read                    B. reads                    C. is read                D. is reading
12. _____ Miss Green and her brother _____ e-mails to each other?
A. Are, write            B. Is, writes                C. Does, write            D. Do, write
13. I have a friend_____ Tom.
A. is called                B. is calling                C. called                    D. to call
14. -_____ do you spend on your homework every day?- Two hours.
A. How often            B. How long                C. When                    D. What time
15. Would you like _____ a film with me this afternoon?
A. seeing                B. to see                C. to look                D. looking at
皿. 句型转换。(每小题1分,共 5分)
1. She goes to school on foot. (对划线部分提问)
________  ________ she go to school?
2. The girl in red can answer the question. (对划线部分提问)
________  ________can answer the question?
3. They usually give the children a treat of 'some candies’ (改为同义句)
The children can ________ some candies ________ a treat.
4. There are some pumpkins in the shop. (改为否定句)
________  ________  ________ pumpkins in the shop?
5. This big kite is Simon’s. (对划线部分提问)
________  ________  ________ is this?
IV. 完成句子。(每小题1分,共13分)
what, which, who, whose, when, where, how
1. ________ blouse is Wendy's, the red one or the green one?
2. Oh, it's a big cake. ________ birthday is coming?
3. ________ do the children go to the park on Sunday or Saturday?
4. ________do people celebrate Mid-Autumn Day in China?
5. ________ is the girl crying under the tree?
6. ________ is singing in the classroom?
7. ________ is my pencil box? I can't find it.
8. ________ do the twins often have fir lunch?
1. 我想要打扮成一个猴子。
I want to ________  ________  ________ a monkey,
2. 感谢你告诉我关于这个节日
Thank you ________  ________  ________  ________ the festival.
3. 不要捉弄他们。
Don't ________  ________  ________  ________  ________.
4. 你可以带他去散步。
You can ________  ________  ________ a ________.
5. 这是我第一次看到舞狮表演。
This is ________  ________  ________  ________  ________ a lion dance.
V. 改错。(每小题1分,共5分)
1. I real like playing basketball.
2. He likes to play a trick at his classmate.
3. Thank you for make our English classes so interesting.
4. Who give you the present?
5. The students can go to the park in the morning of June 1st
A. Black.
B. It's On Deeember3lst.
C. By bike.
D. I can see ten.
E. America.
F. The red one.
G. Because I get up late.
H. A banana.
I. Eleven.
J. They're Lucy and Lil.

( ) 1. How many apples can you see in the bag?
( ) 2. Who are they?
( ) 3. What colour is his bike?
( ) 4. How old is your friend?
( ) 5. Which box is yours?
( ) 6. When is Halloween?
( ) 7. Why are you late for school?
( ) 8. How does your father go to work9
( ) 9. Where do they come from?
( ) 10. What do you want?
VII. 完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)
Bill wants 1 football after school today. So he must finish 2 homework first. He opens his pencil box and wants to 3 his pen out. But his pen isn't there! Bill begins to look 4 it everywhere 5 his classroom, but he can't find 6 .
At that time his classmate, Peter, 7 into the classroom. Bill asks him, 'Do you 8 my pen?' peter answers, 'No.' Then he looks at Bill and says, 'But what's 9 your hand? Isn't it a pen?' Bill looks at his left hand and 10 'Oh, yes. I find it.' And he begins to do his homework.
1. A. to play                B. plays                C. playing                D. play
2. A. he                    B. him                C. his                    D. he's
3. A. put                    B. bring                C. carry                    D. take
4. A. at                    B. for                C. after                    D. out
5. A. on                    B. at                C. in                        D. for
6. A. it                    B. them                C. one                    D. its
7. A. come                B. coming            C. to come                D. comes
8. A. look                B. see                C. watch                    D. look at
9. A. on                    B. in                    C. at                    D. into
10 A talks                B. talk                C. says                    D. say
VIII. 阅读理解。(每小题1分,共10分)
Every year people celebrate the Spring Festival in China. Usually it is in January or February. It is the most important festival in China. So before it comes, everyone buys many things. And they often make a special kind of food called dumplings. It means 'come together'. Parents always buy new clothes for their children and children also buy presents fur their parents. On the Spring Festival Eve (除夕), all the family members come back home. They sing, dance and play cards. When they enjoy the meal, they give each other the best wishes for the coming new year. They all have a good time.
根据短文内容,判断句子正 (T)、误 (F)。
1. The Mid-Autumn Festival is the most important festival in China.
2. The Chinese usually have their Spring Festival in December or January.
3. The dumplings mean 'come together'.
4. Fruit is the special kind of food for the Spring Festival in China.
5. When Chinese people are having dinner on the Spring Festival Eve, they sing, dance and play cards.
1. Where does Fred meet Ann?
A. At Brown's house.        B. In the hospital.    C. At the station.        D. At Kay's house.
2. For how many hours a week does Fred do his part-time job?
A. 5 hours.                B. 6 hours.            C. 10 hours.                D. 11 hours.
3. ____ is ill in hospital.
A. Brown                B. Joy                C. Tom                    D. Kay
4. Kay's birthday is on ____
A. Tuesday                B. Friday            C. Sunday                D. Thursday
5. What does Fred do Saturday afternoon?
A. Play football.            B. Study with Tom.    C. Have a class.             D. Do a part-time job.
IX. 书面表达。(12 分)
1. 中秋节通常在9月或10月;
2. 商店里有很多种月饼,很多人喜欢吃;
3. 在那天,家人在一起吃晚饭,然后边吃月饼边赏月,每个人都很开心。

牛津 7A Unit 3 Let's celebrate综合测试卷
I. 词汇。(每小题1分,共15分)
1. Do you give your mother some ________(特殊的) presents on Mother's Day?
2. How do you ________ (庆祝) Children's Day in your school?
3. At Halloween we play a game called ________ (不招待就使坏).
4. Can you make a ________ (a case with a candle or a light inside that you can carry) with the colourful paper?
5. At the party most of them wear beautiful ________ (a set of clothes worn by actors or someone to make them look like something such as an animal, a famous person, etc.) in the play.
1. The children make their own unusual ________ for Halloween. They cut out the eyes, the nose and the sharp teeth.
2. There are many old things on show in the ________.
3. October 1st is our ________. We always have a celebration on that day.
4 -Who is ________ the door? -Let me go to open it.
5. At Halloween, people often give the children ________ as a treat.
give as a treat, look like, turn on, paint one face, get ready for
1. The night is coming. Please _________ the lights.
2. Now all the children are _________ Halloween.
3. When my friends come to my home, my mother always _________ them some candy _________
4. Lily is a beautiful girl. She _________ her mother.
5. All the students at the party _________.
II. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分)
1. There is ____ ‘h’ and ____ ‘u’ in the word 'hurry'.
A. an, an                    B. an, a                    C. a, a                    D. a, an
2. The members of my family all like ____ science books.
A. watching                B. seeing                C. looking                D. reading
3. Do you know that dog ----- David?
A. calling                B. calls                    C. call                    D. called
4. Hobo is going to wear a ghost costume with ____.
A. a mask                B. one mask                C. masks                    D. much masks
5. Where are you going ____ the holiday?
A. to                    B. at                    C. of                    D. during
6. I will go to the theatre ____ the evening ____ October 3rd.
A. on, in                    B. on, of                    C. in, of                    D. in, on
7. When I saw my uncle, I felt ____.
A. exciting                B. excitedly                C. excited                D. to excite
8. The children dress up themselves and don't want others to know ____.
A. who are they            B. who they are            C. whom are they            D. whom thy are
9. Are you hungry? Would you like ____ to eat?
A. something nice        B. nothing nice            C. nice something        D. nice anything
10. Annie ____ lots of time ____ pumpkin lanterns.
A. spend, making            B. spends, to make        C. spend, to make        D. spends, making
11.-Are there ____ teachers ____ in the office? -Yes, there are ____ teachers in it.
A. some; some            B. some; any                C. any; any                D. any; some
12. My parents often take ____ to the park on Sundays.
A. I and my brother        B. my brother and I        C. me and my brother        D. my brother and me
13. Our teachers usually ask John ____ English harder.
A. to study                B. studying                C. study                    D. studies
14. The colour of the trousers is very nice. May I ____?
A. try on it                B. try it on                C. try them on            D. try on them
15. Christmas is a very important festival in the west. What do people usually do ____ Christmas?
A. /                        B. in                        C. at                    D. on
III. 句型转换。(每小题2分,共10分)
1. My favourite festival is the Spring Festival. (改为同义句)
I _______ he Spring Festival _______.
2. My father dries his car to work every morning. (改为同义句)
My father _______ to work _______  _______ every morning.
3. There is a football match every Sunday afternoon. (用tomorrow改写句子)
There _______  _______  _______  _______ a foot ball match tomorrow.
4. Tom likes eating vegetables because it's good for his health. (对划线部分提问)
_______  _______Tom _______ eating vegetables?
5. There are some pears on the tree? (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)
-_______  _______  _______ pears on the tree?
-Yes, _______  _______
IV. 完成句子。(每小题2分,共 10分)
Don't _______  _______  _______  _______ the pet dog.
My father can _______ some toys _______  _______ carrots.
We can help the poor students _______  _______  _______.
It will be _______  _______  _______ to watch Hawaiian dance. I'll be very _______.
I _______  _______  _______ Harry Potter in the English Evening.
V. 改错。(每小题2分,共10分)
1. He put on a pair of sunglasses all day.
2. We won’t play some games during the holidays.
3. My family often watch TV in the Chinese New Year’s Day.
4. Halloween is coming. Let’s buy some boxes of chocolate for celebrating it.
5. It is a good idea to go hiking in the morning of May 16th.
VI. 完形填空。(10分)
January 1st is New Year's Day. People all over the world celebrate it. 1 New Year's Day there is a one-day holiday in most countries. The real celebrations 2 New Year always happen on the night 3 New Year's Eve. There are a lot of interesting customs in the west, and there are a lot of differences 4 country to country.
In China, the Spring Festival is a family get together. And so is 5 in many western countries. But New Year for some 6 is a time to get together with their friends, too. Many people have parties 7 New Year. At these parties, there are all kinds of food and drinks, and people often sing and dance for the 8 of New Year.
On New Year's Eve when midnight comes, people often 9 'Happy New Year!' to each other. Champagne (香槟酒) is a favourite drink for New Year. In many western countries, fireworks are set off (燃放) at midnight to 10 the New Year.
1. A. In                    B. On                    C. For                    D. At
2. A. with                B. on                    C. for                    D. at
3. A. before                B. ago                    C. after                    D. until
4. A. with                B. from                    C. off                    D. out
5. A. New Year            B. Mid-Autumn Festival    C. Dragon Boat Festival    D. Christmas
6 A. family                B. families                C. class                    D. classes
7. A. welcoming            B. welcome                C. to welcome            D. welcome
8. A. coming                B. come                    C. good                    D. comes
9. A. tell                B. speak                    C. talk                    D. say
10. A. happy                B. celebrate                C. glad                    D. nice
VIII. 完成短文。(每小题1分,共10分)
We call the Chinese New Year the Spring Festival. There is a name f_______ each Chinese year.
We may call it the year of the horse, the year of the monkey or the year of the dog. And this year is the year of the pig.
B_______ New Year's Day, people are busy s_______ and cleaning their houses. On the New Year's Eve, there is a big d_______. After it, all the family members stay up late to w_______ the New Year. On the first day of the New Year, people p_______ on their new clothes and go to v_______ their friends and relatives. They say 'Good luck!' and some other g_______ to each other. People u_______ have a good time d_______ the festival.
IX. 阅读理解。(每小题2分,共20分)
The Dragon Boat Festival is a wonderful holiday in China. It is on the 5th day of the fifth lunar month, It is said that more than two thousand years ago Qu Yuan,a great poet (诗人) in China,jumped into the Miluo River. People rushed out in their boats to try to save him when they heard the bad news, but it was too late. Also, they were so sad that they threw rice into the water to feed Qu Yuan's spirit (灵魂). So now we can see the Dragon Boat races and have a kind of Chinese food named 'zongzi '. Qu Yuan was born over 2,200 years ago. He wrote the famous poem (诗歌)‘Li Sao'. The poem was about his own life and full of his deep love for his country.
The important event at .the festival is the Dragon Boat race in memory of (纪念) Qu Yuan. People row their boats in the shape of dragons. The Chinese now throw rice dumplings into the water, so the fish could eat them. Later on it turns into the custom (风俗)一 eating rice dumplings.
1. The Dragon Boat Festival is an important festival in China.
2. Qu Yuan was a very famous poet in China.
3. People celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival by having boat races in different shapes of animals.
4. Qu Yuan has been dead for more than two thousand years.
5. Eating rice dumplings is one of the customs during the festival.
Both people in Britain and the USA celebrate Mother's Day. On that day, cards, give, and, flowers, mothers, to, children, their. They often make presents for their mothers. Father and children cook breakfast, and children give it to their mothers. Mother's Day was first celebrated in1908 in the USA. A woman named Anna Jarvis wanted people td,花一天时间为他们的母亲庆祝. Many other women tried to stop the special day for mothers. Bui Anna Jarvis made Mother's Day famous. However, Anna didn't like the way people chose to celebrate it. She wanted people to spend less money on buying things but more time showing their mothers that they love them.
1. What do the children do on Mother's Day?
2 Put the underlined words into a correct sentence.
3. Translate(翻译)the Chinese into English.
4. What's the meaning of the word 'however' in Chinese?
5. How did Ann want people to celebrate Mother's Day?
IX. 书面表达。(20分)
the name of the    1.
the food you eat, the clothes you wear    2.
the presents you get    3.
the activities (活动)take part in    4.
your feeling (感受)    5.


等级: 派派新人
举报 只看该作者 地板   发表于: 2011-10-29 0
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等级: 派派新人
举报 只看该作者 4楼  发表于: 2011-10-30 0
牛津 7A Unit 1 This is me阶段测试卷
[    sell=10,money]I. 词汇。 (每小题1分,共15分)
1. We are now studying Chinese, English and M_________.
2. We get up at six o'clock e_________ day.
3. We don't have any lessons at w_________.
4. In summer (夏季), we like s_________ in the river.
5. I often f_________ a kite with my friends on the playground.
1. We are _________ (主人) of our country (国家).
2. You can find Betty in the _________ (阅读) room.
3. We often have _________ (正餐) at noon.
4. I _________ (有时) listen to music in the evening.
5. What do you usually do _________ (在••••••之后) school?
6. Li Ling wears a pair of dark _________. (眼镜)
7. M friend Peter likes playing _________. (足球)
8. Daniel and Simon like _________ in the river after school. (游泳)
9. Frank is good at _________. (绘画)
10. The children often play basketball on the basketball _________. (球场)
II. 单项选择。 (每小题1分,共15分)
1. Peter is playing ____ football.
A. the                                        B. an                                        C. /                                        D. a
2. I usually go to school ____ my fiend.
A. with                                        B. and                                        C. to                                D. at
3. ____ you good at ____ ?
A. Are, runing                        B. Be, running                        C. Are, running                D. Is, running
4. -Hi, I'm Sandy. - ____
A. Hi, Tom                                B. Hi, he is Simon                C. Hi, I'm Kitty                D. Hi, Kitty
5. I want a house with a big ____. I like swimming.
A. football field                        B. Tennis court                        C. playground                D. swimming pool
6. -Are you a student? - ____
A. Yes, I'm                                B. Yes, we are                        C. No, I'm not                D. No, we aren’t.
7. We often go fishing ____ the weekend.
A. in                                        B. at                                        C. on                                D. with
8. Do you often ____ music?
A. listen                                        B. listen in                                C. listen on                        D. listen to
9. Peter enjoys ____ basketball games.
A. watch                                B. watching                                C. to watch                        D. to watching
10. The little girl ____the USA.
A. comes from                        B. is come from                        C. are born                        D. come from
11. Tom likes ____. He is a good ____.
A. singing; sing                        B. sing; singer                        C. singing; singer                D. singer; singing
12. Our teacher always ____ us, so he is very ____.
A. helps, helpful                        B. help, helpful                        C. helps, help                D. help, helps
13. At the weekend Jack often ____after school.
A. walks to home                        B. walk to home                        C. walks home                D. walks the home
14. -____do you go to school? -By bus.
A. What                                        B. How                                        C. Where                        D. When
15. -What is your father? -_____
A. He is very young                B. He is not very old                C. He is tall                        D. He is a doctor
1. Kitty loves dancing very much. (改为否定句)
Kitty ________  ________  ________very much.
2. Kate comes from the USA. (改为一般疑问句)
________ Kate ________ from the USA?
3. Mary is 12 years old.(对划线部分提问)
________  ________is Mary?
4. Does Lily have supper at home? (作肯定回答)
________, ________  ________.
5. We enjoy playing tennis. (用he改写句子)
1. Our new English teacher is from Canada.
Our new Eng1ish teacher ________  ________Canada.
2. Does she go to school by bus
Does she ________  ________  ________ to school?
3. Li Hua is a good football player.
Li Hua is ________  ________  ________ football.
4. She likes her dog Eddie a lot.
She likes her dog Eddie ________  ________
5. Amy has short hair.
Amy ________ have ________ hair.
IV. 完成句子(每小题1分,共5分)
1. -你每天早晨听BBC吗?-是的。
________ you ________  ________ BBC________ morning?
Yes, I ________.
2. 我们的教学老师戴着眼镜,很乐于助人。
Our Maths teacher ________  ________. He is ________  ________.
3. 艾米担长英语。
Amy ________  ________  ________ English.
4. 周末我通常去读书俱乐部。
I usually go to the ________  ________  ________  ________  ________.
5. 汤姆每天带着他的小狗散步。
Tom ________ his dog ________  ________  ________ every day.
V. 改错(每小题2分,共10分)
1. I has lunch at school from Monday to Friday.
2. My sister is good at speak English.
3. There is a swim pool in our school.
4. Bob likes listen to music very much.
5. Does Alice gets up early every morning?
VI. 情景对话。(每小题1分,共10分)
Kitty: Hi, my name is Kitty. Can you tell your n________ (1)?
Millie: I'm Millie. Where do you come f________ (2)?
Kitty: I am from E________ (3). W________ (4) do you do?
Millie: I'm a s________ (5) in Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. What about you?
Kitty: I s________ (6) in Beijing Sunshine Secondary School, too.
Millie: Oh, really?
Kitty: Yes, I'm a member of the Football C________ (7). I love p________ (8) football. Are you g________ (9) at playing football?
Millie: No, I am not. I e________ (10) playing computer games.
VII. 完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)
Who is Hao Haidong,  1  you know? Hao Haidong  2  a very good football player in China. He  3  born  4  Qingdao in May(五月), 1970. He is 38  5  now. He is very tall. He is 1.8 metres  6 . He likes football very much. And he is very good at  7  football. He  8  hard and he is one of the best (最好的) football players in China. He once played  9  Dalian Football Club. He was also a  10  of the Chinese National Football Team (国家队). Many of us know him and love him very much.
1. A. do                                        B. Do                                C. are                                D. Are
2. A. was                                B. are                                C. am                                D. is
3. A. is                                        B. was                                C. were                                D. be.
4. A. on                                        B. at                                C. in                                        D. of
5. A. years                                B. year old                        C. years old                        D. year-old
6. A. tall                                        B. fat                                C. high                                D. short
7. A. play                                B. playing                        C. plays                                D. to play
8. A. works                                B. work                                C. learn                                D. study
9. A. in                                        B. at                                C. for                                D. of
10. A. teacher                        B. student                        C. member                        D. worker
VIII. 阅读理解(每小题1分,共15分)
Harry likes sports very much. On Monday he goes running with some fiends for about an hour after school. On Tuesday he goes swimming in the Swimming Club. On Wednesday "he plays football with his classmates at school. On Thursday afternoon he plays table tennis with his friends. When Friday comes, he enjoys playing basketball in the school playground. He goes skating on Saturday. When Sunday comes, he calls it 'Holiday', he does his favourite ‘sport’-sleeping.
    根据短文内容,在表格中填上 Harry 所从事的活动。
Sunday        Monday        Tuesday        Wednesday
________ (1)        Go running        ________ (2)        ________ (3)
Thursday        Friday        Saturday
________ (4)        Play basketball        ________ (5)
Simon is six years old. He is old enough (足够的) to go to school. On the first day, his teacher teaches him three words, 'I, you, he'. Then the teacher says, 'I am your teacher. You are my student. He is your classmate.' When school is over, Simon goes home. His mother asks him, 'What does your teacher teach you today?' Simon says with a smile, ‘Listen, Mum and Dad. I am your teacher. You are my student. He is your classmate.' His mother says, 'No, dear, You're wrong,' Then she says, 'I am your mother. You're my son. He's your father.' The next day, Simon's teacher asks Simon to make sentences with 'I, you, he'. Simon stands up and says, 'I'm your mother. You're my son. He is your father.' All the students laugh(笑).
1. Who teaches Simon new words?
A. Simon's friends.                B. Simon's teacher.                C. Simon's father.                D. Simon's mother.
2. How many words does the teacher teach Simon?
A. Three.                                B. Two.                                        C. Four.                                        D. Five.
3. Does Simon understand what his teacher teaches?
A. Yes, he does.                                                                        B. No, he doesn't.
C. No, but he understands what his mother says.        D. I don't know.
4. What do you think of(认为) the boy?
A. He is kind.                        B. He is helpful.                        C. He is quick.                        D. He is foolish.
5. Who laughs in the class?
A. Simon's mother.                B. Simon's teacher.                C. Simon's classmates.        D. Simon's father.
Bob Pearson is an old man. He has two big houses and a new car. He has no wife. But he is a father of four children(孩子) . He has two sons and two daughters. One son is from England. His name is Bill. The other son is from America. His name is Mike. One of his daughters is from China. Her name is Lanlan. The other one is from Japan. Her name is Mikou. Bob Pearson is not the children's(真正的)real father, but he loves them very much. The children love their father, too. Bob Pearson has many toys for the children. He gives different (不同的) toys to different children. The boys play with toy cars. The girls play with dolls and toy animals. Bob Pearson is the children's father, and he is their good friend, too.
1. How many people are there in Bob's family?
2. Are these children Bob's own children?
3. Where are Bill and Mikou from?
4. What does Bob always buy for his sons?
5. Is Lanlan a Chinese girl?
IX. 书面表达(10分)
Name: Wu Ping        Age: 14
Clas8: Class 3, Grade 7        Family: father, mother and sister
Birthplace: Xinghua, Jiangsu        Appearance: slim and pretty
Like: English stories and listen to music
Favourite subject: English and Maths
Favourite job: An English teacher

牛津7A Unit 1 This is me 综合测试卷
I. 词汇。(每小题1分,共15分)
1. -Do you know who is the m________ of the cat? -Mr Zhang.
2. Where are my g________? -Oh, on your nose.
3. My family doesn't like eating in the r________. We like to cook at home.
4. We should be p________ to the people around us.
5 -How many p________ does a football match have? -22.
1. Look! She is in the ________ (游泳) pool.
2. What do you usually do at________ (周末)?
3.-Can I ________ (借)your dictionary? -0K, but you can't ________ (借) it to others.
4. -Does this song ________ (听起来) wonderful? -Yes, it's quite nice.
5. Millie is ________ (苗条的) and beautiful.
1. -Who is good at ________ (run) in your class2
2. Li Lei, and he is the best ________ (run) in my class.
3. His father ________ (watch) TV every evening.
4. ________ he ________ (walk) to school every day?
5. He enjoy ________ (read) very much, and he usually ________ (read) late at night.
6. I ________ (be) born in Anhui, but now I ________ (live) in Jiangsu.
II. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分)
1. Mike enjoys playing _____ his friend _____ the basketball court.
A. for, in                                        B. with, in                        C. for, at                        D. with, on
2. She has ________cousin here.
A. any                                                B. not                                C. no                                D. not a
3. -_____ your sister have a CD player?-I don't think she has _____.
A. Do; it                                                B. Does; one                        C. Do; one                        D. Does; it
4. He _____ glasses today.
A. wear                                                B. wears                                C. puts on                        D. have
5. The news _____ very important.
A. /                                                        B. are                                C. is                                        D. does
6. He wants _____ in the hospital.
A. work                                                B. works                                C. to work                        D. working
7. His little brother is _____.
A. five years old                                B. five-years-old.        C. five-year-old                D. five year old.
8. My grandfather takes his dog _____ a walk every day.
A. out                                                B. to                                C. for                                D. with
9. Simon play very _____ in the football match.
A. well                                                B. good                                C. wonderful                        D. happy
10. If you do not know the answer to something, you say _____.
A. Excuse me, I don't 'know.                                                B. I'm sorry. I don't now.
C. Do you know the answer?                                                D. I don't understand.
11. Millie has _____ fiends at school.
A. much                                                B. a lot                                C. a lots of                        D. some
12. There _____ some bread on the table.
A. is                                                B. is a                                C. are                                D. has
13. Don't speak _____ him. He's talking _____ his friends.
A. with; with                                        B. to; with                        C. with; to                        D. with; at
14. My father _____ in a shop, but he _____ there these days.
A. works, isn't working                B. is working, works        C. works, not work        D. work, not work
15. -Where is Mary from? She's from _____
A. American                                        B. French                        C. Australia                        D. Japanese
III.句型转换。(每小题2分, 共20分)
1. Is he from Beijing? (改为同义句).
________ he ________ from Beijing?
2. He does his homework every evening. (改为否定句)
He ________  ________ his homework every evening.
3. I'm in the Reading Club. (改为同义句)
I'm ________  ________  ________ the Reading Club.
4. My mother often flies a kite with me in the park. (对划线部分提间)
5. Amy walks home after school. (改为同义句)
Amy ________ home ________  ________ after school.
6. Daniel takes a bus to school when it rains. (对划线部分提问)
7. Kitty learns Chinese in China. (改为一般疑问句)
________ Kitty ________Chinese in China?
8. I usually go running for half an hour. (对划线部分提问)
9. There are some balls under the desk. (改为否定句)
There ________  ________ balls under the desk.
10. Lucy has long black hair. (改为一般疑问句)
IV. 翻译句子。(每小题2分,共10分)
1. 我很喜欢运动,放学后我经常打排球。
2. 他是我最喜欢的足球运动员。
3. 午餐时间,我喜欢和同学聊天。
4. 请问,那个用英语怎么说?
5. 他很乐于助人,老师和同学们都很喜欢他。
V. 改错。(每小题2分,共 10分)
1. We works at school from Monday to Friday.
2. My father are good at drawing pictures.
3. His brother is born on 1st October, 1985.
4. Mary like listening to music very much.
5. She has lot of work to do today.
VI. 情景对话。(每小题2分,共10分)
A. Then who is you favourite star?
B. Do you like playing computer games?
C. And you?
D. How old are you?
E. It's time for class.

A: Hello, my name is Amy, 1
B: I'm Kitty. I'm 13. 2
A: Me, too. I am a member of the Computer Club. 3
B: No, I don't. I like swimming. I'm a member of the Swimming Club.
A: Oh, really? 4
B: Zhuang Yong is my favourite. I think she is one of the best swimmers in the world.
A: Yes. 5 I have to go. Goodbye.
B: Bye.

VII. 完形填空。 (每小题1分,共10分)
粗心的Kitty一边写一边擦,竟擦出 10个破洞,请你帮她把擦掉的单词找出来吧。
My brother is a sports  (体育迷). He likes 1 every kind of games. He likes basketball, football, tennis, badminton 2 swimming. And he is good at 3 football. Yang Chen is his favourite football player. My brother is 4 the Football Club.
When he goes shopping, he always 5 newspapers about sports and he often watches sports news. His school is very big and beautiful. There is a football, a tennis court and a swimming pool in his school 6 . He usually plays football 7 his friends after school, and he wants to 8 a football player when he grows up. My brother often goes to the stadium(体育馆) to watch the football matches 9 the weekend. He 10 want to miss any match.
1. A. watching                        B. to watching                C. watch                                D. watches
2. A. or                                        B. but                                C. and                                D. so
3. A. play                                B. to play                        C. plays                                D. playing
4. A. of                                        B. in                                        C. on                                D. at
5. A. buys                                B. to buy                        C. buy                                D. buying
6. A. playground                        B. court                                C. field                                D. place
7. A. of                                        B. about                                C. with                                D. and
8. A. being                                B. /                                        C. becoming                        D. be
9. A. at                                        B. to                                C. of                                D. about
10. A. does                                B. doesn't                        C. don't                                D. do
Yao Ming is a famous basketball player in NBA. He was born in Shanghai, his favourite city on September 12th, 1980. But now he lives in Houston, the USA, because he plays for Houston Rockets. Yao Ming likes to play basketball. He's good at basketball, and he plays it almost every day. He also likes playing computer games and surfing (浏览)the Internet. Yao Ming is more than two metres tall. Yao Ming's favourite colour is blue, but he wears a red or white skirt when he has basketball matches, and his favourite animal is dog. 2007 is Yao Ming's fifth year in NBA. We hope Yao Ming will be the best player in NBA.
1. Which city is Yao Ming's favourite?
2. What does he like doing?
3 When is his birthday?
4. How long does Yao Ming play in NBA?
5. Which team does Yao Ming play for?
B)李老师班上准备演出《蜘蛛侠》的话剧. 他们正在讨论谁最适合演蜘蛛侠。 请根据对话内容,完成后面的句子你知道谁最适合演蜘蛛侠吗?
Mrs Li: Boys and girls, let's put on a play about Spiderman.
Students: OK!
Mrs Li: Who do you think can be Spiderman?
Tim: Well, Nancy is good at dancing. I think she can be Spiderman.
Karen: Yes, but Nancy is not very tall. John is quite tall. I think John can be Spiderman.
Mrs Li: David likes reading. He's very clever. He often helps others. Maybe he can be Spiderman.
David: I think Tim can be Spiderman. He is very good at sports. He's tall and very strong.
Lisa: Yes, but Karen is a member of the Swimming Club. Can she be Spiderman?
Mrs Li: Karen wears glasses. Spiderman doesn't wear glasses.
Tim: Can Lisa be Spiderman?
Karen: Lisa is small and she's not very good at sports.
Mrs Li: Tim, are you good at climbing?
Tim: Yes, I am very good at it.
Mrs Li: Are you good at jumping?
Tim: Yes, I am.
Mrs Li: I think Tim can be Spiderman.
Students: Yes!
1. Nancy is ________, but she is ________.
2. Karen is ________, but ________.
3. Lisa is ________, so she can't be Spiderman.
4. Tim is good at ________ and he is ________, so he can be Spiderman.
5. Tim thinks ________ can be Spiderman.
Mary is an American school girl. She is now in Beijing with her parents. She doesn't know Chinese, but she is trying to(试图) study it. She often tries to speak Chinese to her Chinese friends. Sometimes they don't understand her, because she can't speak Chinese well.
It's Saturday morning. Mary goes out. She is on her way to the park. She is going there to see a flower show. But she doesn't know the way. She asks a Chinese boy. The boy can't understand her. Then she takes out a pen and some paper. She draws flowers on it, gives the picture to the boy and says something about it. The boy smiles and then shows Mary the way to the park.
1. Mary lives in _____ now.
A. America                                B. England                                C. China                                D. Canada
2. She can't speak _____ Chinese.
A. much                                        B. a lot                                        C. little                                D. no
3. She likes _____ Chinese with her Chinese _____.
A. speak, parents                B. speaking, friends                C. speaks, girlfriends        D. speaking, teachers
4. Where is she going?
A. To a new school.                B. To see her friend.                C. To a hospital.                D. To see a flower show.
5. How does she ask the way?
A. She asks the way in Chinese.                                        B. She asks the way with a sign.
C. She draws pictures to ask the way.                                D. She doesn't ask any people.
IX. 书面表达。(15分)
姓名        周翔
年龄        13岁
出生地        江苏南京
学校        南京阳光中学
扭级        七年级二班
外貌        1.52 米,短黑头发,戴眼镜
爱好        听音乐,打篮球、读书、玩电脑游戏
志向        想做像格林先生一样的英语:老师
其他        有一条黑白相间的狗 Eddie,经常晚饭后带着它散步,对人有礼貌,乐于帮助别人[/sell]
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