Fate And Love_派派后花园

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[Novel] Fate And Love

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等级: 博览群书
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2011-09-05 0

The Maiden In The Garden

   One day Wu Fang, a handsome and rich young man ,climbed up a tall tree to look for bird's nests. As he looked down over the high wall of a nearby house, he saw a beautiful young girl under a tree. She was sewing and singing to herself. He found her voice as beautiful and sweet as  the nightinagle's. Wu Fang was immediately attracted to her. When he went back to the house, he asked his parents who she was. They told    him her name was Chen Lian and that her father was a rich merchant. Wu fang then asked his parents to arrange for him to marry Chen Lian.
       A matchmaker was sent for and all things were done as they should be. Finally the wedding day came but Chen lian was worried and sad. Much as she was beautiful, there was an ugly scar on her left eyebrow. She was afraid that Wu Fang would be unhappy over that scar.

  Before long many guests arrived with lost of lovely gifts. Through her heavy veil, Chen Lian saw her husband smiling and laughing among the guests. Finally the ceremonies and feasting were over and the last guest had gone hom. The time came for the bridgroom to lift the veil from      the face of his bride. As he did so, the ugly scar on Chen Lian's left eyebrow came into view. There was a look of unhappiness on Wu Fang's     face and Chen Lian began to cry.

     Chen Lian dared not look straight into her husband's face. She spoke softly, still with tears in her eyes.

     "Didn't the matchmaker tell you about the ugly scar on my left eyebrow?"

      Wu  Fang shook his head.

      "It's all right," he said, "After all,it's only a small scar. But do tell me ,my wife, how you came to have it."

    She looked up and said," It happened many years ago when I was only a little girl.My parents took me to visit some relatives in GuangZhou. While they were talking,I went into the garden to play. A little boy from across the road threw a big stone over the wall and it hit me just above     the  left eye. It left a deep cut on my left eyebrow. After some days the cut healed but the ugly scar remained. We never did find out the little boy's   name for he was also a vistor there."

At this Wu Fang's face turned pale for a minute. "Oh, my poor wife," he said. "I am so sorry. Will you ever forgive me ?"

Chen Lian was very surprised. But before she could speak Wu Fang had given her the answer.

      "It was I who threw the stone that hit you.I was the little boy across the road.After hitting you with the stone I was afraid and quickly ran away to hide myself. All these years I have been ashamed of myself and have tried to find the little girl. Now I realise it is you, my good wife, to whom  I have done such a great wrong."

   Wu Fang want to fall down on his knees before her but she would not allow it. The he called for the best artist in the land and had him paint a new eyebrow over the scar. It was done so well that no one could say it was not real.

          Although the tale is not very romantic,but it's a happy and fatal stroy.



等级: 博览群书
举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2011-09-06 0
回 1楼(左。微希) 的帖子
heihei, This is a Chinese ancient story,in my opinion the  author also is a chinese  man.


等级: 派派贵宾
配偶: 青梅暖酒
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2011-09-05 0
From the names of the leading roles, it looks like a Chinese story. Is this written by a Chinese guy?
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